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Here's the chapter three
The young professor and fierce woman revealed here^^
Please enjoy reading^^
Black Cat
Chapter Three – Kiss From a Cat
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News on TV
Another victim found at the riverside by polices this evening. This is the 48th times happened within this month. One thing that polices assured is this serial killer aiming woman between 18 to 25 years old. Polices haven’t decide what is the motive of this serial killer and make an assumption that maybe the killer is a psychopath. All the victim’s body parts are being ripped apart by bare hands, according to the autopsy result. Warning for all residence, please enhance your alert to prevent this miserable matter happen to you, your family, your friends, or anyone you cherish.-------------------------------------------------
---------------TV switched off----------------
“Why did you let her out of control?!!” scolded the fierce, tall woman.
“Easy easy, Sayaka” said the young professor.
“Professor Mayu, how can I be calm? Don’t you know how far is No.44 have done? 48 lives in one month! I don’t want to get any attention from polices” complained Sayaka.
“Okay, I get it” Mayu walked away to the exit.
“Where are you going?” asked Sayaka.
“Get No.44 back~~”
At the same time in Atsuko’s house
Atsuko sighed in desperation. “Minami, this is fish, not Acchan”
They are sitting on the floor, face to face. Minami tilt her head slightly to the right, confused but her eyes keep looking at the fried fish in Atsuko’s hand. “Acchan??” she makes a cute expression which makes Atsuko closed her eyes to avoid any eyes contact with her. Taking this chance, Minami move quietly and opened her mouth to eat the fish.
Ding Dong ♫♪♫ (door’s bell)
Atsuko opened her eyes and saw Minami almost got the fish. She launched her feet at Minami’s stomach to block her from getting any closer, while Minami keeps leaning forward and her hands reaching randomly, still trying to get the fish.
Ding Dong ♫♪♫ (door’s bell)
Ding Dong ♫♪♫ (door’s bell)
Ding Dong ♫♪♫ (door’s bell)
Ding Dong ♫♪♫ (door’s bell)
Ding Dong ♫♪♫ (door’s bell)
“Coming~” Jurina went to open the door.
“Good evening~ my little angel, how are you doing?” a not so tall brunette with shoulder-length brown hair handed Jurina a pack of food and coming inside the house. “Where is your sister?”
“There” Jurina lead the brunette where Atsuko is.
BUUMPPPMinami managed to get away and jumped on top of Atsuko, grabbing the fish which landed beside Atsuko’s neck with her mouth. Atsuko is now trapped between her hands and Minami doesn’t hesitate in eating the fish in that position. Seeing this scene, the brunette immediately closed Jurina’s eyes with her hands.
“Yuko-chan, why you close my eyes!”Jurina complained.
Hearing Yuko’s name, Atsuko pushed Minami away with her full power. She gets up and fix her clothes, trying to explain what happened, “Yu-Yuuuko, it’s not what you think”
“Hmm? What am I thinking?” Yuko smirked at her and let go of Jurina. “Long time no see, Atsuko. It seems like you have changed a lot.” Yuko said as she keeps looking at Minami.
“What brings you here” Atsuko acts coldly toward her.
“Come on, let’s have a drink first” Yuko took out some beers from her bag and sat on the sofa. “Have you watch TV? News about a serial killer that killed 48 women within a month. That’s crazy, don’t you think?”
“That has nothing with me”
“I got a contract to bring that killer’s head as a gift for ¥ 1,000,000,000,000. Won’t you join?”
“Sorry, my current status is an ordinary teacher. If there’s no other thing, please leave” said Atsuko coldly.
“Nah~ Won’t you be warm and friendly to me? Just like what you did with that girl~” teased Yuko. She changed her attention toward Minami and Jurina. They are playing clay at the balcony. Minami is making many fish-shaped clay with different colors. “She looks innocent and cute, doesn’t she?”
// Yeah maybe she is…// Atsuko smiled a bit. Not long after, she frowned,
// But she also dangerous… I have to find out her identity //Watching Atsuko thinking the question she asked, Yuko form a smile on her face, “Wow, you’re smiling over that girl? Who is she?"
“She’s just someone I met on the street, seems like she lost her memories so I let her stay for a while”
“Hmm… it seems suspicious~ from what you did with here before, it’s hard to believe~” Yuko puts a suspicious face at her, “Is she related with Jurina? She is so close with her, I never see Jurina being so close with someone else”
“Whatever” Atsuko replied shortly, her face becomes gloomy.
She takes a sip of beer and continue, “Did you still feel guilty over Jurina?”
// After all, this is my own consequences… //“I am the one who killed her parents. I have to take the responsibility” Atsuko said in low volume.
“…” Yuko is shaking her head disagree. “Your secret lover is~ I’m still curious at who is the one that teach you to have feelings. For a member from the honor assassin family to have feelings, is hilarious”
“Whatever you say, I won’t do killing anymore. I won’t go back to my old self again… never…” Atsuko gets up from the sofa and gestured Yuko to leave, politely.
Yuko sighed and gets up from the sofa, “I understand~” She approached Jurina and carried her, “I’m going home now, bye Jurina”
“Bye, Yuko-chan.” Jurina placed a kiss on Yuko’s cheek.
Yuko put Jurina down and walk to the exit, escorted by Atsuko. Meanwhile at the balcony, Minami is pouting her lips and looking at Jurina. She is interested at the action Jurina did to Yuko. Jurina smiled and explaining it to her, “That is kiss, K-I-S-S”
“Kiisss~” Minami repeated.
“Kiss means you like someone. I like Yuko-chan, I kiss her. I like Acchan, I kiss her. I like Minami-chan, I kiss you~” Jurina leaned forward and place a peck on Minami’s cheek. “Muuaacch”
Minami’s face is brighten and forms a big smile. Minami placed a peck on Jurina’s cheek like what she did on her. She went into the kitchen and brought a fish out from the fridge and kisses it. “I like Acchan, I kiss Acchan~”
“Minami-chan, that is fish not Acchan. Put that back, Acchan will get mad”
Jurina starts chasing Minami to get the fish. They begin to running around again inside the house. While running, Minami open her mouth readily to take a bite at the fish. To her bad luck, Atsuko just come back from escorting Yuko. She snatched the fish away before Minami bite it, because the fish is still RAW... Minami pouted and launched her right hand to reach the fish, Atsuko switched to her right hand, then Minami launched the left hand to grab the fish. Atsuko faster her speed to swipe the fish from hand to hand, preventing Minami to get the fish. Jurina stands aside and amazed by the speed of their hands are moving.
PLAAKKAt the last movement, Atsuko accidentally slap Minami’s face with the fish. Minami shows her a sad expression with teary eyes, rubbing her red cheek. Atsuko ignores her and takes the fish back to the fridge. Minami grabbed Atsuko’s sleeve edge and follows her to the kitchen.
“Sourrieee” (Sorry)
Atsuko turned to face her, “When did you learn how to say sorry?”
Minami still pouting while playing the edge of Atsuko’s sleeve with her fingers. “Acchan…” she said while peeking at the fish in Atsuko’s hand.
“Okay, I’ll cook this fish for you. Get out and sit properly” Atsuko sighed in defeated.
“YEAY~Acchan~!” Minami grabs Atsuko’s shoulder and moved forward, giving a kiss on right cheek, left cheek, and the last… on her lips. Minami happily walked out from the kitchen and sat obediently on the sofa, waiting for her fish to be cooked by Atsuko.
// Did she just kissed me…? // Atsuko tighten her fist and trembling.
// She kissed me??!!! What do you think you’re doing!! // She gets out from the kitchen, her body surrounds by a killer’s aura. Without hold back, she throws a ladle and hit perfectly at Minami’s forehead.
“Minami-chan?!” Jurina went to check if Minami is okay.

Atsuko was a killer??
Yuko seems close to Atsuko, who is she??
No. 44 seems to be a dangerous criminal, who is she?? is she after No.36??
To be continue…