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Author Topic: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)  (Read 5502 times)

Offline 7sam14

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Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« on: August 10, 2013, 12:29:33 PM »
Hey Guys!!!

This is practically my 2nd Attempt in making a fic and the 1st one was sigh~... I couldn't continue :fap
Anyway I'm really sorry if it's not that interesting....  :nervous

anyway,  this is based on a recent movie I saw and yeah...

Unknown Pov

Love is like a game... I thought ,
Some people win, some people lose, some people even cheat or... you could just keep trying and trying no matter how hard and painful it can be...Though some people-

In a Restaurant

  As soon as I arrived, I saw him sitting with his head on the table.

"Hey babe, Happy Anniversary" I said as I hugged him from behind, but all he does is push me away, like always.

As I sat down on the chair in front of him, I brought out the gift I worked hard and payed for. I would gift him everything, cause I love him so much. "Um, this is my gift to you babe, although I have another one for later..." I said as I gave him a brand new iPad.

"do you like it?, I downloaded everything you like, from music to Movies, even our pictures, look." I pressed the unlock button, which showed my face, thick eye brows, wearing thick eye glasses and curly black hair with a white ribbon hanging at the side. Though I can see in his face that he looks disgust, I know i'm not one of the most pretties women, but at least right?

"Oh, Umm...yeah,, I-" before I can even finish my sentence his phone rang.

"Hello?" he answered ignoring me.

"Um, Babe, about the 2nd gift-"

"will you wait, I'm speaking to the phone!" he shouted

 I nodded and stood up."um. I'm going to the bathroom." but he ignored me as I started walking towards the bathroom.

As soon as I arrived at the bathroom, I stared at the mirror.

"Um, Takeru... about the 2nd gift, you'll have to wait till' we get home-" but before I could finish, my phone rang. It says it's a call from him.

"Hello? Takeru?"

"Um. Acchan... I already left, I know your kind and all but, I think we need some space okay?"

"What?! Takeru?". I ran out and went to the table where we we're sitting, and I found nothing left, except the box of the iPad, I shook the box, but the nothing was in it. I ran out, trying to catch up to the Taxi Takeru took, but when I got out, nothing was there, just an empty street.

"Um, miss.. your bill" The Waiter said as he chased me outside.

As I payed for the bill, I walked out of the restaurant, I then saw a street saying Entakeru Street. I threw the box of the iPad and started throwing rocks at the street sign."How dare you do that to me, even if I did everything! Shame on You!!" and I wouldn't stop until the Taxi driver I called stopped me.

"Where would you like to go miss?"The Taxi driver asked

"Anywhere that could make me forget"

And the next thing I know, I found my self in the office where I work.

                                                                                           End of Proluge
Well... that's about it... please do leave a comment if I should still continue this...
I'm still quite hesitant about this so yeah...  :nervous

anyway  :byebye:
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Offline cisda83

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2013, 12:39:31 PM »
Oh.. Atsuko had a bad relationship with Takeru

When Kai is going to be there?

What's really going on with Atsuko and Takeru?

Can't wait to see the next chapter

Thank you for the interesting new story

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Sydney W

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2013, 01:01:18 PM »
Ohh that a bad move from Takeru.
I wonder what going on with Acchan later on will she meet Kai or Minami or as in disguise form.

Offline blakwhite

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2013, 01:56:08 PM »
intresting :3
i hope acchan will meet takamina/kai soon  :D

pls continue and update this fic hehehe

Offline dark48

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2013, 02:31:23 PM »
Is it just me or this is Bakit Hindi ka Crush ng Crush Mo?

Oh well nice fic
Pls. Continue

Offline Kochiki

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2013, 03:17:31 PM »
Ah...A new fic!!~ And it was really interesting!!~
-Oh...Takeru, i'm sooo mad of you right now...
-The hell you leave Atsuko just like that?! Tch.
-Anyway...AtsuMina? KaiAcchan?? Hm. There's many possibilities...
-Just looking forward to see Takamina/Kai appear in this fic!!~
-And how will this 'game' start...Who will win it, who will lose it...

>Plz update soon, 7sam14-san!!~ Can't wait to see the next one!!~

Offline 7sam14

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2013, 04:58:43 PM »
Hey guys!!
yeah, sorry about the late post but, I guess I can only post once a week which might only be on Saturday or Friday. :nervous

cisda83 & Sydney W: You'll see  :twisted: blakwhite: Thanks! Don't worry they will... sooner than you think
dark48:....Is it just me or you must be Filipino.. and... you'll see, though I'll be adding some Twists and Turns of my own  :twisted:
Kochiki: Thanks!.. you'll see anyway as the story progresses...
Though, I do hope the "Interesting"-ness of the story remains :nervous

                                                                          Chapter Numero Uno
*Note: This happened before the events in the Restaurant

"***uko, *ake-*p; Atsu*o,**ke-Up!  Atsuko, Wake-Up!" when Acchan opened her eyes, she saw a short girl with long honey colored hair, with such beautiful eyes.
"Morning, Minami" Minami, Acchan's very annoying Best friend
"Morning, Sleepy head, now get up, or else we're gonna be late for school." Minami said taking out Acchan's school uniform
"What are you doing? I can do that by myself , Now get out!" as she got her uniform from the smirking minami.
"But why~?, I mean I was jus-"
" Just Get Out!" Acchan said as she pushed minami out and locked the door
"Fine~, I'll just be downstairs okay?, but hurry up, I don't wanna be late" Minami said as she finally left

After Acchan took a bath and changed into her uniform, she saw minami downstairs talking to Haruna, her older sister.

"Oi, Acchan, where do you work again? Takamina won't believe me that you have a job."
"Oh,me? I have a part-time job at job at 'Takai Corp.'" Acchan said as she started eating her breakfast.

When Acchan said she 'had a part-time job at 'Takai Corp.''minami started choking on the food she was eating.
"Minami, here" Acchan gave minami a glass of water and started rubbing her back.

"What was that all about?" Haruna questioned not minding the fact that minami just chocked on her food
"Nothing, I was just shocked that Acchan actually did have a part-time job"
"Told you so"
"anyway Haruna, what time is it?"
"huh?, oh it's just 7:20, why?"
"Bye Haruna, bye Okaa-san!" Acchan said as she was dragged out by minami
"Come on slowpoke, we're gonna be late!" Minami said as she was outside of the door "Thanks for the food Maeda-mama! Bye!"

"Alright, alright, now stop dragging me, I can walk by myself you know."Acchan said as minami let her go.
"I know, just messing with yah" With that said, Acchan ran ahead of minami
"Oi, Wait up! You do know I have short legs right!" Minami said as she tried catching up to Acchan
"Hahaha, Who's the slowpoke now?" Acchan said as she was still far ahead of minami
"your just lucky i'm short, I would've been first here if I were a bit taller." minami said as they finally reached the gates of the school.
"Yeah, right" Acchan said, still laughing at the pouting minami,
"Why I Outta-" Before minami could even finish her sentence the school bell rang
"Ah, great, now we Really are late, come on!" minami said as she started walking towards their classroom.
"this is all your fault anyway" Acchan said, smirking at minami

Luckily, when they reached their classroom, their teacher wasn't there yet, considering them not late. Though the moment they sat down, the teacher wen in the classroom seeing them running a while ago in the hallway, considered them late anyway. Minami just had a blank expression, while Acchan was smirking at her, knowing full well that she really was the reason why they were late.

After a few classes, the bell rang, signaling the time for lunch.
"Acchan, are we going to the usual place?'' minami asked preparing to leave.
"yeah, the roof top."
"Alrighty then, let's go"
"wait, how about... the first to reach the roof get's bough dessert by the last one..."
"What? Wai-"
"Ready, Set, Go!" Acchan said as she ran out of the room leaving minami behind.
"Oi! That's Unfair!!" minami started running, trying to reach acchan, but to no avail.
"Hahaha, that was such an easy win!" Acchan grinned as she look back at minami, who was still meters away from where acchan was, the roof top.
"" minami said trying to catch her breath
"Nah, it's just because your so slow." Acchan chuckled
"Yeah well, I ain't buying you dessert, now let's eat" minami said finally sitting down in the middle of the roof.
"anyway what did you say about having a part-time job agian?"
"Well it's exactly as I said a while ago 'I have a part-time job at Takai Corp.'"
"Oh, ok, but what do you do there exactly, in Takai Corp. I mean"
"well I arrange the papers, bring coffee, etc."
'I can't believe they just order her around like that' Minami thought
"anyway speaking of jobs, I, Uh...have to transfer to America bec-"
"What?! Why?!"
"make me finish first, well remember my dad's business?, yeah well it's because of that"
"Wah-...when....when are you leaving?" at this point acchan was already crying.
"after graduation"

after a few seconds the bell rang

"come on, acchan, let's go back to all those boring classes of ours" minami said as she stood up and held out her hand to acchan, which she took.

'After a few weeks, i've always been with minami, every time I see her smile, I can't help but smile back. What is this feeling?, this feeling of always of always wanting to be beside minami, to never let her go. Is this what thye call love?... but she's my best friend, like a sister to me...maybe...maybe I just feel like this because she's leaving to a far away place.'Acchan Thought.

But that was a thought Atsuko regret at the day minami left.

The day minami left for America, Acchan received a letter from minami.

"Hey Acchan, Sorry if I couldn't see you today, even though i'm leaving for U.S, my father didn't allow me to see anyone before I leave, Promise me though, Please don't cry. I'll be back, though I'm not sure when....I'll Miss You"

Acchan started crying,"Minami...wait..." Acchan got up, and started running to the airport. By the time she reached the airport, the plane has already left.

"Minami! no....Don't leave least let me tell you that.... I Love You..."

"Acc***, **ke-up,Acchan-w*ke-*p, Oi!, Acchan Wake-Up"
"Minami?" Acchan slowly opened her eyes.
"hmmmm?....Minami? no, it's me Haruna, your sister... now wake up will you... remember, you have a date, isn't today your anniversary?"

'Hmmm... why did I have that dream?... It's been 2 years ever since minami left.' Acchan thought

'I Miss You Minami'

                                                                            End Of Chapter One

Hope You Like It!!!!
 :byebye: [/font][/size]
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Offline cisda83

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2013, 08:13:10 PM »
Ah... Atsuko has another lover now huh?

Well who is this person...?

Poor Atsuko... Minami left before she could confess...

Would Minami be back after 2years?

Can't wait to find out the next chapter

Thank you

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline abcari

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2013, 09:24:31 PM »
D: Minami!!! why?...

This would be a gender bender?

idk xD well whatever xDDD waiting for the next~

Offline dark48

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2013, 11:29:18 PM »
Yeah Proud Pinoy here ^^

Wow wala un sa movie ah
Nc seems like this will be interesting to read

Pls. Update Soon ^^

Offline Sydney W

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2013, 01:40:17 AM »
I guess Minami din't leave to America. Just she becoming Kai for some reason. Am I right, author-san ?
Anyway, please update the next. I want to know what happened to them.

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2013, 04:04:57 AM »
Awww Minami need to back..

Offline Kochiki

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2013, 07:29:51 AM »
Yeah...I think like that too...GenderBender and Minami as Kai...
-But, just what reason would suit it if Minami cover herself as Kai??
-Don't tell me she has plastic's a joke..sorry..
-Anyway, all of that is just a dream then? I see...It's been 2 year already...
-But...Did she get any news from Minami?? Or not..Hm..I'm thinking too much here~
-Idk but what'll happen next after this?? Minami as Kai?? America??

>I shall wait for now~ (^^) Plz update soon!!~ I can't wait for the next one!!~

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2014, 08:22:12 PM »
Updated author san ...
Onegaishimassu. . :bow:

Offline Archer1992

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2014, 07:04:03 PM »

Atsumina is my OTP....

but something is weird here (Atsumina/Kaixacchan)

WTF with that


and continue!!

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Re: Love is Like a Game... (Atsumina/KaiXAcchan)
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2014, 09:25:56 AM »
It's been a while since your last update Author-San :(

I want to know what happened to Minami, and what will happen to Atsumina/KaiAtsuko. . .

Please update soon  :bow:

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