Hello everyone, ScarletWings reporting in

it's been
way too long, really a while since the last update, no?

recently I've been overwhelmed with my life so things just kinda went downhill from there...
but apparently, things have been in a better shape now and somehow it inspires me to write again

so, without further ado, I present you chapter 9!

Chapter 9Takahashi Mansion – Takamina’s Chamber“W-what did you say? Yuuko?!” Sayaka stammered, her hands gripping tight on the sides of the chair she’s sitting on, Asuka even stopped her constant patting on Sayaka’s back due to shock. Takamina spun her chair facing Sayaka and Asuka, her face painted with worry.
“Of course she would want to pick up her werewolf companion, whom happened to be kept here…” Takamina stated, Sayaka could feel the atmosphere became tense.
“I could sense she is coming, her and her entire gang.” Atsuko added, Takamina sighed and Sayaka just sit there speechless.
“… What?”
“Tell DiVA, Miichan and Chiyu to report in. And please assemble at the dining room, in…” Takamina ordered as she take a look at the small pocket-watch on her desk then continued, “… thirty minutes from now.”
“But Sae’s out…”
“The rest will do, be on stand-by first while wait until she came back.”
“Understood.” Sayaka stood up and walked out the door with Asuka following her closely. Takamina buried her face on her palms and exhaled loudly.
“Takamina, the werewolf.”
“Yes, can you do something about that, Atsuko?”
“I’m sealing her room now.”
“… How long it could hold her there?”
“I don’t know…”
“Okay, let’s just do what we could.”
“Takamina…” Atsuko reached out and hugged the small girl, she could feel the latter start to tremble.
“… I’m scared…”
“Shush… I know, it’s okay.”
“… Atsuko…”
“I’ll protect you.”
Downtown“Where are they?”
“Getting nearer, master.”
Tomo and Whaitto are jumping roof to roof to seek the ghouls and exterminate them before they caused more panic and deaths. A few houses later, Whaitto stopped and squatted down.
“Master, the ghouls…”
“Yes… Disgusting…” Tomo squinted in annoyance, the view below them filled with torn limbs of dead bodies and bloods everywhere as well as wrecked cars on fire.
“Smells awful right…” Suddenly a familiar voice rang on their ears, turning their heads, they spotted Buraun sitting down on the roof.
“Where did you go?” Whaitto smacked Buraun’s shoulder, the latter just smiled.
“Warming up.”
“I spotted some of these ghouls earlier and I think I should exterminate them, so I did. But I don’t know there are still a lot of them around…”
“Yes, and we’re too late. This place is done for—” Tomo was about to jump to the other house before she heard a scream coming not too far from their spot.
“Someone’s still alive…” Whaitto raised her eyebrows and was about to jump down and check before Buraun beat her to do so and already gone sprinting toward the source of noise.
“Oi! Wait a—”
“Let her be, Whaitto.”
“She know what she’s doing… Anyway, did you smell that?”
“… Yes, master.”
“They’re coming back.”
Hunters’ Headquarters“Yuuko-san, Kojiharu-san is looking for you.” Airi tapped Yuuko’s shoulder, the latter turned around and Airi couldn’t help but shiver at her piercing gaze although it’s not directed toward her.
“Thanks, Airin. Please tell my hunter team to get prepared and gather in ten minutes.”
After the timid Airi scurried away to spread the command to her companions, Yuuko exhaled as she closed her eyes, concentrating hard. She bent slightly forward and grunted a bit as two scarlet-red wings started to grow from her back.
Haruna’s sudden appearance startled Yuuko, not able to fully transform yet, Yuuko turned to face the disturber.
“What is it, Nyan Nyan?”
“Don’t give me that kind of tone, I’m the one should be asking! What are you doing transforming into
that inside the house?!” Haruna scolded.
“You do know no matter how hard I try, I couldn’t fully transform…
Yet…” Yuuko sighed in defeat.
“Yuu-chan…” Haruna frowned as she walked closer to half-transformed Yuuko, her hand reached out stroking Yuuko’s wings. “You do know that you’re not alone in this. Right?”
Yuuko smiled.
“Thanks, Nyan Nyan”
“You can count on us too… And by the way, Mayuyu is ready for action. So… Shall we do a test drive?”
“My Nyan Nyan is definitely the best!” Yuuko squealed and trying to glomp on Haruna before the latter smacked her head.
“Your wings!”
“Ouch! I’m sorry…”
Dark Alley – Downtown“HELP ME!!” a squeal echoed throughout the dark, empty alley. A brunette runs with her all might trying to escape the ghouls chasing her not too far behind, she found out that turning her head back to peep is a bad idea as the ghouls seems to get closer and closer, her shaking legs finally gave up and she fell down the street, her knees scraped against the asphalt and she feel nausea washed over her as her mind blurred due to lacking of oxygen. Her body starts to tremble.
“H-help…” hot tears start to trickle down her cheeks, this is the worst kind of nightmare someone could experience, she thought. One of the ghoul jumped toward her and she squeezed her eyes shut, preparing herself for being feast of the night.
She felt a gust of wind coming from her back then heard a loud slam and a roar of pain. She timidly opened her eyes and goosebumps start to rise on her skin as she saw the figure stands before her, looking back at her, grinning.
“You okay, Akicha-san?”
“Y-yes… Wait, how could you know—”
“GROAAAARRR!!” The ghoul who apparently got punched away and turned into grey dust angered the other ghouls, they started to growl loudly while running toward both of them.
“Well, aren’t you guys loud as hell…” Buraun snorted. “But, first thing first, Akicha-san. Let’s get you away from them.”
“W-wait, but who are you? Why do you know my name? Where are you taking me—”
“I’m Buraun, and we’re going anywhere but here.” The short haired girl grinned again as she lifted the brunette to piggyback her. “Hold on tight!”
“Buraun? But I thought—
Akicha squeezed her eyes shut and hold on tight on Buraun’s jacket, the night breeze slapped her face and whipped her hair into a mess and she can’t help it.
‘Well, this is still definitely better than being ghouls’ dinner.’ She thought.
Buraun ran as fast as she could, but apparently her speed plus carrying Aki on her back can’t advantage her current position. The ghouls are still tailing them not too far behind.
“Well, damn. Am I getting fat or she’s
“Huh?” hearing Buraun spoke, Akicha managed a squeak.
“Ehh—no, nothing… I was just thinking outloud.” Turned her head, Buraun laughed nervously, but her smile fades as she caught a glimpse of a garbage can flying toward them.
“Shit!” Buraun jumped and maneuvered her body mid-air just in time to kick the garbage can to the air, while Akicha’s eyes widened and her jaws hung open as the scene unfolds before her sight. Landed perfectly on her feet, Buraun put Akicha down near the piles of cardboards and stood in front of her.
“Running away is futile, I guess…” Buraun hissed, Akicha keep on eyeing Buraun and realized her aura is slightly different.
“Wait, what are you going to do?”
“Just stay still, and I’ll be back. I’m doing some clean-up.” Buraun dashed back toward the coming ghouls and Akicha jaw-dropped as she hides behind the cardboards.
Yuki’s Apartment“Sae-chan… I’m scared… What is that thing on my kitchen…?”
Yuki’s palms clutching tight on the hem of Sae’s shirt. Sae, although keeping her focus on the mysterious creature glaring at her from the corner of the kitchen, managed to sneak her hand to hold Yuki’s trembling one. They backed away slowly as the creature followed them, until they are in front of the bedroom door, Sae opened it and the creature let out a low growl, slowly exposing itself in the moonlight.
‘what is this creature…? A mutated ghoul? Animal? Alien?’ Sae wondered, she could feel Yuki start to tremble again.
“Yukirin, calm down, I’m here. Now listen, okay… When I said ‘go’, get inside the bedroom and immediately lock it. Stay inside until I pick you up at the window, in five—no, three minutes. Got it?”
Yuki inhaled sharply as Sae’s grip on her hand is loosening, she is still on a staring contest with the weird beast.
“Go!” Sae let go of Yuki’s hand and the startled Yuki run inside the bedroom, slammed the door closed and locked it.
She tripped on her own feet and her hands are sweating, she hurriedly crawled to her empty bed. Few crashes and loud roars could be heard from the outside of the bedroom, she then heard Sae’s unusually low voice but she can’t quite get what Sae was saying and all of a sudden, the walls start to shook, slowly, then later, violently.
Terrified, Yuki pulled her bedcover to cover half of her face leaving only her teary eyes showing, and clutching on it until her palms turned white.
After a few soft quakes, the room went quiet, and she heard knocking on her window. She turned her head toward the source of noise and can’t feel more than relieved to see the blue-eyed vampire smiling warmly to her.
Yuki hurriedly opened the window thinking the vampire would come in, but instead, Sae pulled her arms and lifted her body then jumped out the window. Yuki’s eyes almost dropped to the floor the moment her feet lost touch with the ground. Sae landed perfectly on top of a roof of a house across the apartment, with the room’s owner in her arms.
“What—Why are we—What are you doing, Sae-chan??”
“We’re heading back to the mansion, Yukirin.”
“But, why?”
“This town is on ghouls rampage, I can’t just leave you here, can I?”
“Ghouls… Rampage?”
“We’re heading back, and that’s final.” Sae said to Yuki, eyes staring deep into her. And of course Yuki just can’t say no to those charming eyes.
Sae kissed Yuki’s forehead, who snuggled back against her embrace, and glanced toward Yuki’s apartment room then started to jump roof-to-roof, leaving the empty apartment crumbling into dust and ruins.
Dark Alley – DowntownAkicha is watching from behind the cardboards of how Buraun exterminate the ghouls empty-handed, with only punches and kicks but Buraun managed to do so much damage. And she immediately gets the idea that Buraun is not an ordinary human, or maybe she’s not even one.
She planned to just sit down and wait until Buraun come back, but then she caught a Ghoul is sneaking under a car, looking straight at her.
And she knows she can’t just sit down and watch anymore.
With a scream, Akicha ran away for the second time that night. Her scream caught Buraun’s, and of course, the ghouls’ attention. Buraun hurriedly run to get to Akicha before the ghouls did, but when Buraun was about to call Akicha’s name, she saw a shadow flew above her.
It’s a car.
It’s flying straight to Akicha.
It’s a dead-end in front of them.
Buraun called and as Akicha turned her head back, she saw Buraun and a car both flying toward her.
CRASHEverything is dark, but Akicha didn’t feel anything.
No pain from broken limbs, crushed bones, nothing.
Instead, she felt something warm dripped down onto her forehead, she slowly fluttered her eyes open only to see a shiny ring with blood trickling down from someone above her.
Shh… I’m trying to… Think…”
The blood rolled down and get into Akicha’s right eye. She winced and blinked twice, and as her vision start to focus, she realized that she is under a flipped wrecked car, on the corner walls of a dead-end alley, with Buraun shielding her from the impact. And it seems like the blood trickling down from her forehead is Buraun’s.
Akicha tried to move, but her body is trapped under Buraun, who’s sandwiched between her and the wrecked car. The ring is still dangling in front her eyes, hanging by the collar wrapped around Buraun’s neck, stirring something inside her. Akicha’s instinctively tempted to touch the ring.
Meanwhile, Buraun is trying to think of a way to escape the ghouls that gathered around them eyeing for any movement from the heavy car on her back. Her patience and energy is running thin, she really needs to do something.
Buraun glanced to the girl beneath her, only to find the latter looked so mesmerized gawking at the ring on her collar, then the idea hit her.
“Akicha…” Buraun whispered, Akicha snapped back into her senses and startled a bit, her straddled legs jolted and her right knee accidentally hit Buraun’s ribcage.
“Oof!—” Buraun coughed and wobbled a bit, the car started to weigh down again on Buraun’s back
“L-look… Nevermind about that, do you like the ring?”
“Try putting it on”
“But… How?”
“Touch it?”
“My hands… squeezed… under my back and… my butt…”
“……What the hell…”
Buraun wobbled again to move left leg a little to release Akicha’s trapped hand, Akicha wriggled a little, sticking her body to Buraun in progress. Realizing what she is doing is inappropriate, Akicha blushed hard. And Buraun, looking at blushing Akicha in close-up, blushed too.
“H-hurry up, the car is… heavy…” Buraun turned her face away and whispered. Akicha nodded awkwardly and when her now-free-hand accidentally brushed against the ring, it shines brightly, startled both Buraun and Akicha, and also the ghouls.
“Put it on! Hurry!”
“I-I can’t find the ring!”
“W-wait, I think it fell into my shirt…” Akicha start to wriggle again. Buraun, irritated, lowered her face to unbutton Akicha’s shirt button with her teeth and start licking on her chest.
“KYAAAA!!—” Akicha pushed Buraun’s face away from her chest to stop her from harassing her.
“Hut uph, ai hoh ih hau (shut up, I got it now)” Buraun grumbled with Akicha’s hand on her face, Akicha saw the ring between Buraun’s teeth and gasped.
Buraun moved her head around, guiding the ring between her teeth to get into Akicha’s ring finger, once it’s in, white light beamed around them and Akicha squeezed her eyes shut to protect her eyes from getting burned. She felt someone lifted her body and warmth start to crawl on her skin.
“Whew, took so many struggles only to put that ring on your finger, huh, master?”
Akicha opened her eyes and found both of them are now currently on top the roof of a tall house, she took a glance to her right hand where the ring wraps on her finger comfortably, the bright reddish-orange light beneath them caught Akicha’s attention and the moment she took a peek, she immediately shocked to see the terrifying scenery beneath them.
“A small pool of flame, with ghouls drowning in it. What could be better?”
“But how could—”
“Thank you for unleashing these kids’ ultimate power, Takajo-san.”
Turned her head to the source of voice, Akicha saw Tomo and Whaitto standing not too far from across the roof they are sitting at.
“Glad you still remember me, Takajo-san. Let me introduce you to these extraordinary inugami kids, Buraun and Whaitto.” Tomo smiled and her fang peeked out from her lips.
“I-Inugami? Oh my God! What—what is happening?” Akicha put her hands on her head, she’s totally lost.
“I will explain everything later, Takajo-san. Whaitto, could you do something about the flames? It’s too bright.”
“Yes, master.” Whaitto stepped forward and closed her eyes to concentrate, a small ball of ice start to emerge and getting bigger as Whaitto stretched the distance between her hands.
In a few seconds, a gigantic ball of ice flew straight to the flames from the roof of where Whaitto and Tomo stands on, and once it touched the flames, it explodes into huge water drop and the flame slowly dies leaving sea of smokes below them.
“I really hate cleaning up for your mess, Buraun.” Whaitto said nonchalantly, Buraun only grinned.
Su—sugoi…” Akicha blurted out in awe. Buraun squatted down to face the gawking Akicha, who turned to face her with her mouth still opened.
“Don’t worry, I will explain everything until you understand.” Buraun chuckled, pushing Akicha’s chin up to close her gaping mouth. “For now, let’s bring you to a safe place. It’s been a long night for you, master.” Buraun smiled and Akicha could only nod her response.
‘Yes, it’s been such a long night…’----------------------------------------------
and what will happen to the town?
like anyone would give a shit about thatanyway, the next chapter should be consisted of full-scale war
I think of the Vampires VS The Hunters VS The Ghouls

so, stay tuned, minna
because I could just randomly update something lol 
okay, for now, ScarletWings reporting out!

and have a nice day, everyone