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Author Topic: The puppy that gave me my love - chapter 5 (SaeYuki) 17/03/2013  (Read 38390 times)

Offline CheesyBits

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The puppy that gave me my love - chapter 5 (SaeYuki) 17/03/2013
« on: September 18, 2012, 06:07:04 PM »
This is my first fanfic here so please be kind to me!   :deco:
This is a SaeYuki fic! I hope you like it!  :cow:



It was the beginning of the season of the hot summer when everything changed two person's life. In the busy streets a short brown haired girl that looks like a boy and dresses like a boy has been walking around the streets as she forgot to bring her house key along with her and she has to stay outdoors until her best friend, Sayaka, who lives with her, finishes her part-time job in the cake shop. The boyish girl stopped walking when she saw a box that has a puppy inside it in a distant. The boyish girl walked to the box but as she walked to the box, she saw a beautiful raven-haired girl walking to the box too.

Once both of the girls reached the box, they looked at each other then to the puppy. The puppy was brown in colour and its breed is a golden retriever and it is leashed.

"Do you want to take it?" the girls said at the same time and giggled at each other.

"Im fine if you take it." the boyish girl said.
"No thanks.. My mom don't allow me to bring pets home. I just wanted to look at it." replied the beautiful raven-haired girl and blushed.
"I guess I'll take it then.." the boyish girl replied.

*arienai.. aoi bara mitai na itsuka no yoru kiseki nara ichido dake yo Blue rose* The boyish girl's phone rang.
"Excuse me for a while" the boyish girl told the raven-haired girl and the raven-haired girl replied with a nod.
The boyish girl looked at her phone to check who the caller was.. It was Sayaka.
"Moshi Moshi? Sayaka?"
"Sae-chan, Im already at home.. You can go home now." Sayaka said through the phone.
"Arigatou Sayaka! By the way, Im bringing a pet dog home too!" the boyish girl told the caller.
"Alright! As long as you take care of it and it will be fine inside the house!" the caller said and hang up.

"Ano.. I have to go now.. see you again someday if we meet again!" the boyish girl told the raven-haired girl while putting her handphone to her pocket and take the leash of the puppy then walked home. The raven-haired girl only smiled and waved to the boyish girl and walked home too.


The raven-haired girl's POV:
"Ikemen.. Is he a she or he? He sounds like a girl but he made my heart beat fast.." she thought while she puts her right hand to her chest and feel her heart beating fast.

The raven-haired girl put her hand down and reached to her pocket to take her handphone while she still has her mind on the ikemen she just saw. Once she unlocked her handphone, she looked at the time.. It says 4:45pm..
"Kyaa! It's already 4:45pm! Okasan will kill me if I don't go home by 5pm! I better run!"


The boyish girl's POV:

"That girl.. She's beautiful.. Why didn't I ask her name!? ARGGHH! Stupid me! Wait! Why am I thinking like this? I'm a girl and she is a girl too!" she thought and remembered the raven-haired's face which made her blush and walk aimlessly on the way home with the puppy.

She finally gathered up some thoughts and found an answer.
"I want to meet her again soon if we meet again by chance. By then, I will ask her name."

She finally stopped walking aimlessly and guide the puppy to her house.. Hoping to meet the raven-haired girl again..


Both girl's reached home exactly at 5pm.. Little did they know that their destiny begins there.


So how is the prologue, minna? I did my best!  :D
Chapter 1 might be posted tomorrow or so.. since I have school and my exams is in this week! So please give me time to write chapter 1.  :bow:
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 02:53:23 AM by sophcaro »

Offline kahem

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (SaeYuki) [prologue]
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2012, 06:29:28 PM »
Cute first meeting~

Offline yuukimoko

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (SaeYuki) [prologue]
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2012, 06:37:36 PM »
this sounds interesting! even if iM NOT  a SaeYuki fan.   

but can I make a request...? can you put the puppys name Mayu..? please? preatty please?
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

Offline saeyukilover

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (SaeYuki) [prologue]
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2012, 01:36:54 AM »
I  want more SaeYuki !!!! Banzaii!!! SaeYuki on the go

Offline CheesyBits

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (SaeYuki) [prologue]
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2012, 03:22:05 PM »
@kahem: Thank you!  :deco:
@yuukimoko: Sorry! I'll make the dog anonymous as Mayuyu will be in this fanfic soon!  :cow:
@saeyukilover: Thank you!  :deco:

I will upload chapter 1 soon! Please standby~  :bow:


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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (SaeYuki) [prologue]
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2012, 09:54:06 PM »
thanx I love it can't wait for the next chapter  :twothumbs  :cow:

Offline lovelypeace

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (SaeYuki) [prologue]
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2012, 12:44:19 AM »
its cute! ill wait for the next chapter!

Offline CheesyBits

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The puppy that gave me my love (SaeYuki) [Chapter 1]
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2012, 06:05:49 PM »
@ILOVESAEYUKI-WMATSUI: Thank you! Here's the next chapter  :deco:
@lovelypeace: Thank you!  :deco:


Chapter 1

The raven-haired's POV:

"Tadaima!" the raven-haired said as she stepped inside the house.

"Okaeri, Yukirin-neechan~!" Her sister, Mayuyu who was sitting on the sofa and watching an anime on the television in the living room greeted her.

"Nee.. Mayuyu! Today I saw an Ikemen!" Yukirin said in an excited tone with a smile that you rarely get to see, as she stills remembers the Ikemen that adopted the puppy on the street.

"Hontoni? Sugoi! What does he look like?" A sudden smile came her sister as she is the type of person who always goes out with Ikemens. Sometimes her sister will confess to them but gets rejected or after being a couple for days, they will eventually break up. Sometimes Yukirin wonders why such a person like Mayuyu gets rejected..

"He has short hair and is totally an ikemen, I tell you! He is also a gentleman! He picked up an abandoned puppy that was abandoned in the streets! I wanted to adopt it but I know okasan will not allow since she hates animals.." Yukirin's eyes brightened and her smile widened when she described the ikemen.

"Demo.. He sounds like a girl.." Yukirin's voice dropped into a disappointed tone when she recalled the ikemen's voice..

Her sister kept quiet and Yukirin thought that Mayuyu lost interest to the topic already but as soon as the anime ended..

"Daijoubu.. nee-chan! Sometimes guys have a girl's voice too, ya know?" Mayuyu comforted her sister as she gets up from the sofa , switched off the television and went to her room..


The boyish girl's POV:

*Knock Knock Knock* "Sayaka!?" The boyish girl shouted as she knocked on the door of her house.

A woman in just her panties and bra opened the door.. "Okaeri, Sae-chan" Sayaka greeted her..

"Tadaima!" Sae entered the house with the puppy.. "Welcome to your new home pup!" Sae smiled and pet the puppy.. Sae unleashed the puppy and let it venture in the house. Then she turned to Sayaka.

Seeing Sayaka in just her panties and bra did not surprise her as she is used to see her best friend like that.. "Looking at your body again aren't you? Sayaka?" Sae asked..

"I just hate it.. Because of my abs, I can't go to onsens or open baths.. Sometimes my friends call "Gorilla" because of my body" Sayaka frowned as she complained about her body..

"I think you're amazing just the way you are.." Sae comforted her best friend..

"Oh whatever! You always say that but you keep on teasing me!" Sayaka says jokingly to Sae and giggled..

But Sae ignored her as she suddenly remembered the raven-haired girl she met on the street.. "Nee.. Sayaka. Today I saw a beautiful woman on the street.. Thanks to that puppy." Sae told Sayaka..

"Beautiful!? OMG SAE! Are you inlove!? It's the first time I heard you say that word to describe someone!" Sayaka couldn't believe that Sae said that but she was happy for her best friend..

"I guess so.. When I see her again someday, I will ask her for her name and her handphone number!" Sae said with a bright smile on her face with her fist pumped up.

"You go boy!" Sayaka teased and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Sae was about to tackle Sayaka for calling her a boy but then.. "Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!" The puppy barked at Sae after venturing the house.. Sae played with the puppy and was happy that because of this puppy, she met someone that she finally like for the first time.


The next day..

As Sae has no work today, she leashed the puppy and went out for a walk with the puppy..

"Yosh! I will go back to where I found this cute little puppy as I might see that beautiful girl again!" she thought as she led the puppy to the street where she found it.


When she reached the street, she saw a girl who seems to be emotionless and was sitting in the bench near where Sae found the puppy. Sae realised who it was.

"Mayuyu!!" Sae called the familiar girl and sat beside the emotionless girl.

"Ahh~! Sae-chan" Mayuyu suddenly brightened up and hugged Sae and Sae hugged back.



Yukirin: A raven-haired girl with pale like snow skin. She has not been inlove before nor did she have a boyfriend/girlfriend. She has a younger sister called Mayuyu.

Mayuyu: An emotionless girl who only smiles when she is with her sister and other ikemen. Her elder sister is Yukirin.

Sayaka: A muscly girl. She is often called "Gorilla". She does not like going to onsens and open baths. She often stares at her body. She lives with Sae and likes to tease Sae.

Sae: A boyish girl. She has not been inlove before nor did she have a boyfriend/girlfriend. She recently adopted a puppy (as said in the story). She lives with Sayaka.

Mayuki-mama: Hates animals.

Ok.. The chapter ends here.. Try to guess what relationship Sae and Mayuyu have here. Hehes~
I hope you like the story.

Offline Haruko

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (SaeYuki) [Chapter 1]
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2012, 05:20:35 AM »
eh?! they know each other :O.. yeah saeyuki!!!! :D

Offline ElleOranjii

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (SaeYuki) [Chapter 1]
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2012, 06:54:31 AM »
SAEYUKI ! :ptam-glow:

sayaka hates going to osens because her friends call her gorira because of her abs ? :shock:
i will be happy if i saw one of my friends abs  :wahaha:

mayu and sae are ..... friends ?  :mon star: or lovers ?  :mon lovelaff:
is a signature a biography ??
I like butter, Orange and Macros....:D
I like minecraft too.. :D I LOVE MATH <3
i have 2 oshimens in every group
it's rare for me to have an ace oshimen XD
but i have no friends :(

Offline kahem

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (SaeYuki) [Chapter 1]
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2012, 01:18:18 AM »
LOL! Sayaka in underwear and Sae is ok with that ^^ I can't stop lauching

Offline zeebulb

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (SaeYuki) [Chapter 1]
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2012, 08:00:26 AM »
Nice fics really like it,
Is this SaeMayuKi? because i love triangle between them lol  :D

Update soon,thank you
Shipping MariHaru = Kojiharu moved to team B
Shipping SaeYuki = Sae moved to Shang Hai
Shipping MayuAika = Rabutan moved to HKT
Acchan fans = Acchan graduated
 2012 is so funny :|

Offline yuukimoko

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (SaeYuki) [Chapter 1]
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2012, 10:31:46 AM »
eto..... so Mayu is Yuki's sister....

I was hoping she is the dog since I alredy know that Mayu will get hurt..... I dont want her to be hurt......

thanks for the update...
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

Offline saeyukilover

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (SaeYuki) [Chapter 1]
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2012, 12:54:25 PM »
More SaeYuki moments... :)

Thank you!!!

Offline flunicsnaz

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (SaeYuki) [Chapter 1]
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2012, 08:08:13 PM »
 :luvluv1: Sae x Yuki
 :kekeke: Sayaka x Mayu???? Why not...  :hehehe:
please continue....  :on woohoo:

Offline CheesyBits

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The puppy that gave me my love (MayuxSaexYuki?) [Chapter 2]
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2012, 02:06:12 PM »
@flunicsnaz: I already have plans for Sayaka and Mayu. Gomen. Thank you for reading though!  :deco:
@saeyukilover: SaeYuki moments coming up soon!  :D
@yuukimoko: Gomenne.. I wanted to make it more dramatic but don't worry  :) I have good plans for Mayuyu.  :deco:
@zeebulb: You'll know once you read chapter 2  :deco:
@Rukaeru: Thank you for reading my fic Rukaeru-san!  :deco:
@kahem: Thank you!   :cow:
@ElleOranjii: Thank you!  :cow: I would also love it when I see a friend with abs. I wrote it for the sake of comedy  XD
@Haruko: Thank you!  :cow:


Chapter 2

"Sae-chan~ It's been a long time!" Mayuyu says while she is hugging Sae tightly.

"Mayuyu! ..*cough*..*cough*.. I can't breathe! You're hugging me too tight!" Sae choked while she is hugging Mayuyu gently.

"Ahh! Gomen!" Mayuyu lets go of Sae.

Mayuyu noticed that Sae was holding a leash and saw a puppy sitting down on the floor. "Nani kore? Inu?" Mayuyu asked.

"Nope.. That's a cat." Sae replied sarcasticly and chuckled.

"Mou!! Sae-chan!" Mayuyu pouts. Which made Sae spazz at how cute Mayuyu was. It was like last time.

Mayuyu looks at Sae from head to toe then to her eyes. Sae was still chuckling then and keep spazzing on how cute Mayuyu was. Before Mayuyu knew it, she was gazing deep into Sae's dark eyes and was smiling and blushing like a lovesick woman. Sae noticed this.

"Mayuyu? Daijoubu? Are you sick?" Sae walked towards Mayuyu and touched her forehead to feel Mayuyu's temperature. "Hmm.. You don't seem sick."

Mayuyu regained her conciousness back and blushed deeply and face away from Sae when Sae touched her forehead. "Eto.. Ano.. Sae-chan.. Want to go to my house today?" Mayuyu unconciously said it. She bit her lips when she realised what she said but somehow she is hoping that Sae goes to her house for the first time.

"Sure.. Why not? But is it okay? Won't your parents be bothered?" Sae asked.

"It's okay.. My parent's aren't at home around this hour because of work, only Yukirin-neechan is at home. You should leave the puppy in a cage, which is only for guests who has pets, outside my house since my mom hates animals. Let's go!" Mayuyu replied back.

They stood up from the bench and went to Mayuyu's home with the puppy. Mayuyu is clinging on Sae's arms and was asking about the puppy and spazzing on how cute it is all the time while Sae was leading the puppy.



Mayuyu was in an all girls school when she met Sae for the first time. Mayuyu was going to a school trip with her batch when all of this happened.

"Mayu-chan~! Grab your bags and let's go! Our teachers and classmates are waiting! Plus, im totally excited for this school trip!" Jurina said in an excited tone and pulled Mayuyu along with her once Mayuyu grabbed her bag and headed to the bus where their classmates and teachers were waiting.

"Jurina-san.. Why are you so excited? Yesterday you were crying about why you didn't want to go to the school trip and how you'll miss YOUR Rena-chan." Mayuyu complained as both of the girls went inside the bus and sat on their sits. Everyone is now waiting for the tour leaders that will lead them in their school trip.

"Rena-chan told me that I won't be able to kiss, touch or cuddle with her if I don't go to the school trip. She also told me that I can call or sms her anytime in the school trip! She even kissed me on the lips last night to calm me down and then she put her tongue inside my-" Jurina explained to Mayuyu in a very excited and happy tone.

"I don't need to know that!" Mayuyu shouted and blushed in embarrassment.

"Well you asked me!" Jurina said. "Did not!!" Mayuyu rejected.


As they continued arguing, the all four of the tour leaders came.. One by one they stepped inside the bus.. "Kyaa!! Ikemen!" All the girls squealed in excitement including Mayuyu when a boyish short haired girl entered the bus except for Jurina.

"I look better than her! I bet she's single.. Unlike me, I have Rena-chan!" Jurina said in a proud way causing glares from the students around her sit.

"Ohayo gozaimasu! We are going to be your tour leaders for your school trip for four days and three nights!" They greeted at the same time.

"We are now introducing ourselves. I am Akimoto Sayaka. You can call me Sayaka and I am going to be the head leader for the school trip." Sayaka introduced  herself and bowed.

"Umeda Ayaka desu. You can call me Umechan." Umechan bowed as she greeted them.

"Masuda Yuka desu! You can call me Yuka. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!" Yuka bowed as she greeted the students too.

"Miyazawa Sae desu! You can call me Sae-chan! I will be the vice leader for the tour leaders for the school trip. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!" Sae greeted them in an energetic way and bowed. 

The students squealed when Sae greeted herself. "Kyaaa!! Ikemen!! Sae-chan, can I have your number!?" Of all the squeals of excitement, Mayuyu's voice was the loudest and was heard by Sae..

"Sure.. At the end of this day, those who want my number can have it. But, only if you behave, okay?" Sae said in a very ikemen and genking style. Earning facepalms from the other tour leaders and another squeal from the students except for Jurina who was totally against it and just rolled her eyes at her classmates, even Mayuyu.

The bus was now moving to the place where their school trip will be.

"Okay~! Quiet down now~! Or you won't be able to get Sae's number." Sayaka quieten the students and gave an excuse which actually worked.

"Now I will group all of you in 4 groups. Team D, Team I, Team V, Team A. I will be leading Team D, while Sae leads Team I, Umechan leads Team V and Yuka leads the last group, Team A." Sayaka announced

Everyone in the bus was hoping to get into Team I, and of course, except for Jurina who was fine on whatever team she gets into.

Sayaka announced who will go to what team and which student will be the leader and vice leader since 1 tour leader wasn't enough to guide them. Fortunately for Mayuyu, she was in Team I and was the leader with Jurina as the vice leader.

*Skiip* ( for the school trip, I'll write it in a more detailed way in the next chapter since it is gonna be long, sorry!)

Mayuyu eventually fell for Sae in the school trip that she went to even though Sae was 4 years older than her.

*End of Flashback*


Once Mayuyu and Sae got to Mayuyu's house it was already noon, both of the girls were already starving.

Sae tied the puppy to the cage which was fortunately, too big enough for the puppy to walk about.

"Gomenne.. You'll be staying there until it's time to go home ok? be a good puppy." Sae pets the puppy as she closed the gate of the cage.

"Let's go~! Sae-chan~!" Mayuyu said in a childish way as they headed to the front door.

"Tadaima, Yukirin-neechan~! We have guests today~!" Mayuyu greeted as she stepped inside the house with Sae.

"Sorry for disturbing~!" Sae said in a friendly, yet polite way.

"Okaeri! Mayuyu! Oh, we have guests? Come in, come in.. You're just in the right time. Lunch is ready to be served!" Yukirin shouted as she was in the kitchen.. She did not know who the guest was but she still greeted the guest in a polite yet friendly way too.

Mayuyu gave Sae a pair of slippers as she was taught by her parents that guests must be given a pair of slippers so that they will feel comfortable to walk around the house.

Sae wore the shoes and Mayuyu guide her to the living room and let her sit in the sofa.

"Please, feel at home." Mayuyu said to Sae and had a thanks as a reply.

Mayuyu and Sae chatted about what happened during the school trip and how Mayuyu enjoyed having Sae as her tour leader and how Sae was glad that Mayuyu was chosen as the leader along with Jurina.

Both of the women chatted for a minute or so until it was broken by Yukirin.

"Lunch is ready! You can come to the dining room now!" Yukirin called Mayu and her guest and prepared the dishes and drinks.

Mayu clung onto Sae and led her to the dining room. Once all the three of them were there, Yukirin was still preparing the dishes and Mayu and Sae was sitted in the dining table. Sae did not see Yukirin's face yet nor did Yukirin as they were both busy.

Once Yukirin was done, she sat on the dining table and looked at the guest.

"Have I seen her before? She looks familiar." Yukirin tought..

Sae had a feeling that someone was looking at her then she looked at Mayu's sister.

Both of the girl's eyes widened but Yukirin's eyes were wider and Sae's mouth formed an "o" shape when they recognised each other.

"YOU!?" Both of the girl's said at the same time leaving Mayuyu confused.

End of Chapter 2



Yukirin: A raven-haired girl with pale like snow skin. She has not been inlove before nor did she have a boyfriend/girlfriend. She has a younger sister called Mayuyu.

Mayuyu: An emotionless girl who only smiles when she is with her sister and other ikemen. Her elder sister is Yukirin.

Sayaka: A muscly girl. She is often called "Gorilla". She does not like going to onsens and open baths. She often stares at her body. She lives with Sae and likes to tease Sae.

Sae: A boyish girl. She has not been inlove before nor did she have a boyfriend/girlfriend. She recently adopted a puppy (as said in the story). She lives with Sayaka.

Mayuki-mama: Hates animals.

Matsui Jurina: Mayuyu's friend. Boyish person and has a lot of pride.

Matsui Rena: Jurina's girlfriend.


Sorry for the quite long update everyone! I will write about what happened in the school trip in the next chapter! and yes, WMatsui will be included  :) 
My exams has already started so the next chapter might take quite long to be updated. Sorry  :bow:

I hope you like Chapter 2!  :cow:
« Last Edit: October 20, 2012, 06:18:22 PM by CheesyBits »

Offline ElleOranjii

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (MayuxSaexYuki?) [Chapter 2]
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2012, 11:46:05 AM »
Poor Puppy left outside it must be cold out there  :cry:

Don't tell me...... SaeYu !!  :luvluv1:
is a signature a biography ??
I like butter, Orange and Macros....:D
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it's rare for me to have an ace oshimen XD
but i have no friends :(

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (MayuxSaexYuki?) [Chapter 2]
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2012, 04:14:58 PM »
glad you made mayuyu as yukirin sister :) so? sae chan is the main character eh? yeaaayy~!! please update soon~ i'm saeyuki shipper x) but please don't hurt mayu~ <3 thanks

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Re: The puppy that gave me my love (MayuxSaexYuki?) [Chapter 2]
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2012, 07:52:53 AM »
Hmmmm... and i thought i've seen your username somewhere...
Turned out you're the same author of the fic i've been reading on tumblr XD
Nice story! Please update it soon \o/ ♥
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Offline CheesyBits

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The puppy that gave me my love [about the upcoming Chapter 3A and replies]
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2012, 02:22:22 PM »
@Rukaeru: Thank you for reading, Rukaeru-san  :deco:
@ElleOranjii: Im sorry for being mean to the puppy  :bow:  :)
@Vicchan02: Thank you for reading, Vicchan02-san  :deco:
@fuu_kun: I will update soon. No worries.  :cow:
@ScarletWings: I will update soon  :) Thanks for following me on Tumblr, ScarletWings-san  :deco:

My exams just ended today  :onioncheer: I am now writing chapter 3 on a note pad. I will post it as soon as I finished it  :on study: So please standby  :kneelbow:

About Chapter 3A:

Chapter 3A will be about Mayuyu's days in her school trip and there will be some Wmatsui  :heart: There might be some SaeYaka too for the SaeYaka fans!   :on gay:

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