Finally~ Exams are over!

This is the fic that I thought about while studying for exams hahaha

I hope you enjoy~

My Imaginations Turns Into Reality! (Chapter 1)‘
Urghh! When will school end!?’ though Matsui Jurina as she looked at her watch. It showed 3:31pm. School is supposed to end at 3.30pm.
The package of Rena-chan’s first photobook is waiting at home!’ Taking another look at the school’s clock this time.
What!? 3.28pm!? Are you kidding me!? What sorcery is this?!’ Jurina stomped her feet in frustration.
O.M.G I hope mom won’t touch it! The last thing I want to see is the photobook being folded- or worst! TORN!’ She put her head on her desk and covered her face with her arms on defeat while stomping her feet.
“Matsui Jurina!!” A shout came from the front. Jurina immediately sat up straight and look at her teacher in shock.
“Stay back for detention for sleeping in class! Now pay attention! Class isn’t over ye- ” “RINGGGGG!”
Her teacher pressed his lips together after being interrupted by the school bell and he looked like the poker face 9gag meme which made some of her classmates laugh at their teacher while the other are packing their stuff.
“Sigh.. Class dismissed. Matsui! Don’t forget to stay back and clean the classroom!” Her teacher said then nod to the class representative to signal the class to greet him.
“Stand!” the class representative commanded. Jurina and her classmates stood up.
“Thank you, sensei~” the class bowed to the teacher. The teacher left the classrooms and some of her classmates started to leave too while some decided to stay back.
Jurina packed her books and pencil case to her bag immediately then ran out of the classroom.
“Matsui Jurina!!!!” her teacher shouted at her as she passed by the teacher but she ignored his shout and continued running.
“Ahh! Jurina! Why are you running?” Yagami Kumi, her classmate, who went to the toilet before class ended along with Kimoto Kanon. Kuumin, that’s how they call her, tried to block Jurina’s path by opening her arms wide.
“You shall not pass!”
Jurina tried to escape by moving slightly to the right but Kuumin was faster than her. Jurina then tried moving to the left but Kuumin was still faster. Both girls did the same thing for a while and they look like they’re doing some kind of a dance when looked from afar.
“Move it, Kuumin! Rena-chan is waiting for me at home!” Jurina cried frustratedly as she pushed Kuumin away slightly and ran home.
This is the daily life of Matsui Jurina. Jurina will always go home as early as she can to keep track of her fandom. Her favourite idol, Matsui Rena, an idol from the idol group AKB48 just released her first photobook, Kingyo. Jurina ordered Rena’s photobook a few days ago and it just arrived. It’s because of the photobook that made her excited to go home and scroll through the pages of Rena’s photobook. (
CheesyBits: I know Rena is from SKE. But for this fic, Rena is in AKB since SKE does not exist
YET in this fic.)
KumiNon scene-
“She’s on her imaginary world again..” Kuumin sighed.
“AHH! Jurina’s going home?” Kanon covered her mouth in shock.
“Ehh? School’s over? I didn’t hear the bell!” Kuumin widened her eyes.
“Ahh! Everyone’s leaving!” Kanon cried as students passed by them.
“Everyone’s skipping class!” Kuumin assumed.
“Baka.. School is over.” A passerby who heard their conversation corrected them.
End of KumiNon scene-
Jurina finally reached her room. She calls her room ‘My Paradise’ since Rena’s posters filled every inch of her wall. Even her study tables and her personal laptop has Matsui Rena on it. Jurina jumped on her bed and smiled to a bolster nearby.
“Rena-chan~ Tadaima~” Jurina hugged her bolster and kissed it.
Okaeri, Jurina-chan!” Imaginary Rena kissed her back.
“I can’t wait to scroll through your photobook, Rena-chan~” Jurina kissed her bolster again.
Mouu~ You hentai!” Imaginary Rena pouted.
Jurina stood up while hugging her bolster with her left hand. She went to a nearby shelf where she stores new AKB48 stuff that she just bought and there she found Rena’s photobook. Jurina took it and there’s a note stuck on the cover page.
‘Don’t spend too much on AKB48 stuff, my dear daughter!’
Jurina took off the note slowly and carefully as she doesn’t want to damage the cover page of the photobook then crumbled the note and threw it to a dustbin.
“Ja~ Rena-chan! Are you ready?” Jurina smiled to her bolster.
Mouu~! How embarrassing!” Imaginary Rena blushed.
“Hahaha~ You’re soo cute!” Jurina giggled. She walked back to her bed and carefully put her bolster there then lied down.
Jurina looked through every inch of each pages and she gets adrenaline rush every scroll of pages she makes. Her smile is could even reach her ears now.
“Rena-chan, You’re sooo beautiful!”
End of My Imaginations Turns Into Reality! (Chapter 1)-
Profiles:Matsui Jurina: Ordinary girl. Loves AKB48. Her kami-oshi is Matsui Rena.
Matsui Rena: An idol from AKB48.
Kimoto Kanon: Jurina's classmate.
Yagami Kumi: Jurina's classmate.