@CheesyBits: You're welcome!
@fuu_kun: I know, I know, I'm really late on ROtY and AMtR

But of course there is a Christmas OS, this the Christmas OS! It's late, but better late than never right?
@TTLuver497: Actually you're not very far off. I was actually thinking of making an After Story about that. Though, I never got motivated enough to actually do it. Maybe one day, maybe one day...
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Nappy New Year to my dear, darling readers! I know it's late but better late than never right? Anyway, After I posted Adaptation up, December got really wild and busy, because it was the holidays and all. So I couldn't get to writing the Christmas OS right away.
BUT nevertheless, I always deliver somehow, be it late or not up to expectation, or I bear nothing but bad news and/or cancellation. But I've never cancelled on you... have I? No, I don't think so, or remember...
ANYWAY I bring you all a late Christmas/New Years gift! I actually started this TWO DAYS before Christmas Eve because I was contemplating whether or not to do a Christmas OS this year, and when I did, I didn't have an idea or prompt (even though I asked numerous times on tumblr...). When I did, I was busy with festivities and parties with my family, so I couldn't get it done on time. Now it's done!
This Christmas, better yet last Christmas... NOW I bring you another... SAEYUKI. Unfortunately, for all those expecting it, it is not a lemon/lime work. Sae and Yuki are actually based on
Sumo0172's, artist and good tumblr friend of mine, idea for an AKB48 Tournament game he's been thinking of. With his permission, I've taken his version Sae and Yuki and made a Christmas OS for him! So thank you Sumo! You're awesome!
So without further adieu, on with the reading!
Sae X Yuki [Oneshot]: Chance MeetingThick crunching in the snow echoed as she ran down the dark alleyway, trying to put distance between her and her pursuers. Sae jumps over and dodges around obstacles that stood in her way with relative ease and quick reflexes, she dared not stop. With her a quick turn of her head, she cautiously checks behind her.
Some sort of humanoid-like creatures were hot on her tail, about six as a group. They had glowing red eyes, shadowed but lean bodies, clawed fingers, gleaming teeth that showed sharp fangs just for biting. And they moved with speed and agility as well as strong grace. The sounds they made were quiet as they move save for the crunching of the snow, but there was a low growl to that came from their throats. Vampires, but Sae didn’t know that, she’s never seen one before and now she will never want to with them after her.
“First day I get back and this happens.” She huffed, small clouds forming from her warm, tired breath, “Just my luck… My flight gets delayed, no cabs available, all the hotels are full, and now I’m getting chased by some weird creatures.” She groaned, hating her chances and luck at the moment. “Horrible way to spend Christmas…”
Out of the alley finally, she made it into an open area, it looked to be the city plaza. A large sparkling evergreen tree stood in the center, decorated with colourful bulbs and lights with tinsel and snow strewn around it. A Christmas tree, in all its beautiful glory and there was no one around to be amazed by it. And why would there be, with these bizarre beasts roaming the streets at night.
Once Sae was out there in the open, it gave her more room to breathe and think. She quickly took in her surroundings and adapt to the situation as she ran towards the tree. She notices that the beasts didn’t follow to the open area, keeping to the shadows like they were hiding. Sae wondered why. But it wasn’t long before one of them took the gall to expose itself to her, swiftly coming at her with claws drawn and fangs ready to bite.
“Fine, you want to dance,” Sae makes a skidding halt in the snow, spinning around to face her enemy. In a fluid movement, her travel bag slides off her shoulders and drops at the foot of the sparkling Christmas tree in the center of the plaza. With her fists raised, she smirks, “Let’s dance!” She prepares to strike as two vampires themselves and one pounces into the air.
Sae pulls her right fist in towards her side as the other was positioned in front of her. As the creature drew close, she dealt an underhand punch to its gut causing spit up and drapes itself over her hand. Immediately afterward, she quickly retracted her hand and threw a heavy left hook to the side of its head, making it fly into the snow in a helpless heap. But without a moment to take a breath, she sensed another incoming attack from the side. Sae took a side step as she twisted her waist to the right, and then took air as she unwound, both legs flying upward, to perform a perfect butterfly kick. Both legs connected with a beast’s head and neck, forcing it to fly in the opposite direction. She landed carefully on the slippery ground, watching out for more. She took a stance, she was ready for them. This wasn’t the first Christmas she spent fighting.
It seemed her resisting made the fanged beings more and more excited about capturing their prey. The rest had stepped out of their hiding spots, revealing themselves. The two she had beaten didn’t get up so that only left 4 for her to handle left. Sae kissed her teeth in frustration, hoping they wouldn’t call for backup.
Then, suddenly one of them let out a loud shriek and fell forward, a large stake embedded deeply into the center of its back.
“Now, now…” A voice, smooth and sweet, resounded. Sae turned to where she thinks the person it belongs to is, “I thought I made it very clear.” The source of the alluring voice was a woman and she stepped over the dead vampire’s body as she took out two stakes and threw them up into the air. She used the hammer in her right hand to hit each falling stake on its head, sending them dashing through the space and in the heart of one vampire and the head of another. Both dropped dead as their blood began to pool out. “Stay out of my city, and your kin won’t lose any more people.”
Sae’s eyes were so focused on the beauty that had come to her aid. Long black hair that went straight down her back and shoulders, round and dark eyes, and pale skin she had. Her body was slim and slender, long and had a clear complexion. She was wearing a babydoll dress that was shorter than the usual length. Her legs were snug in thigh-high stockings and her height was increased with open-toed heels. She wore a few accessories with a letter ‘B’ on it, and a thumb ring and bracelet on her left hand. Some sort of huntress, maybe? Whoever it was, it caused the last standing vampire to snarl and growl in a mixture of anger and fear and saunter off into the darkness again.
“What were those things?” the fighter asked with confusion as the huntress approached closer with elegant steps, each making a tapping noise of the heel.
“These? Just stupid vampires who aren’t supposed to be in my territory.” she crouched down to pull out her stakes from the dead bodies. She then took a small flask of a clear liquid (holy water) and poured it on her bloodied tool, “You’d think that after making a point in killing 26 of them in one night and scarring their kin leader would have some effect.” After wiping off the residue, she slipped them back onto her waist. The huntress stood up as she looked towards Sae’s direction, getting a good look of her visually. She smiled, “So, I take it you’re from China?”
“Assuming from my clothes, aren’t you?” It was a justified assumption though. Sae was also slim but also lightly toned in the right places, skin a bit darker that the other woman’s. She wearing was looked to be an altered qipao with no long front but a tailed backside (it was much like Chun-Li’s from Street Fighter), tight pants belted with a ‘K’ buckle and combat boots. Her hair was styled upward that looked like a cross between a pompadour and a faux hawk. Hands and wrists were wrapped up in bandages, worn but durable. “I was born here in Japan. But I spent a few years in China to train.”
“And you just got back. Vampires… always have to go chasing fresh blood whenever they smell it, especially blood that’s very tough and handsome. ”
“Yeah, and you? Someone as skilled and beautiful as you can’t be a regular girl that just happened to be walk by with giant nails for stabbing vampires with.”
“You’re funny, but right. Since you’ve already seen me in action…” Yuki chuckled softly, and walking passed her towards the Christmas tree. She picked up Sae’s now-wet travel bag and handed it to her, “I guess there’s no point in hiding, is there?”
“Let me guess, vampire slayer?”
“Tough, charming and smart, hm? What are the chances in finding such a dangerous combo?” Although it wasn’t confirmed per se, it was correct on Sae’s part. What gave it away for the most part were her knowledge on these creatures, the big metal hammer, and the silver stakes around her waist; surely those were meant for any railroad work judging how she used them on the vampires. “Is more to you than that hairstyle of yours?”
The fighter took her hands and slid the palms on either side of her head, the action brought attention to her attractive features of her face, “Heh… You don’t know the half of it. I’m Sae, Sae Miyazawa.” She put on one of her handsome smiles.
The vampire slayer smiled back, “Yuki Kashiwagi. I hope we can continue getting to know each other some more.” She winked at her with her left eye, capturing her concentration with her beautiful eyes.
And just for a moment, Sae felt that things were starting to look up for her after meeting this beautiful vampire slayer, despite how her arrival began. She hadn’t planned for this to happen, but perhaps things will work out. Her luck was terrible, but this time it seemed to work in her favour. An idea popped into Sae’s mind and she might only have this chance to take advantage of. Sae opened her mouth to speak again but she stopped herself upon hearing a hissing howl in the distance.
Soon, both women were encountered by a group of glowing red-eyed, sharp-fanged, claw-fingered vampires. And they were looking to pick a fight against the new-formed duo. Sae took a stand, hands fisted and at the ready position in front of her. Yuki stood back-to-back to her new partner, metal hammer in her right and three silver stakes in between the fingers of her left. It might be a bad time but considering her luck, it was now or never.
“Well, it is Christmas, so dinner?” With seeing it, Sae could almost hear the smile cross her new acquaintance’s lips.
“Sounds like a date.”
OMAKE~ Yuki: So thanks to our fan called Sumo0172-san, we get to be part of his new tournament-based game idea, “AKB48: Fight to Be Center”. Sae-chan gets to be a fist-fighter/martial artist and I’m a vampire slayer! He has also drawn us in those costumes too! Here is Sae-chan, and here is me *shows pictures* Arigatou, Sumo0172-san!
Sae: Uwaaaaah~ Yukirin, you’re so cool! You get to hunt down vampires!
Yuki: No way! Sae-chan is way cooler! You’re already cool alone as it is but now you fight with only your body and you know martial arts. That kind of automatically makes you really cool. Coupled with your handsome looks and charm, girls would be all over you. Not that they already aren’t…
Sae: I guess that’s an upside. But you’re a beautiful vampire slayer. A beauty of the night wielding a silver stake, tracking down and eliminating blood-sucking creatures, and protecting the people when no one is awake to know it. Fighting the supernatural is cool in itself.
Yuki: Also creepy. Besides, without my tools, I’m pretty much useless. I’m not that strong with my hands. You’re super strong already and you can fight with just your fists and legs. If you think about it, you’re even cooler and deadlier with weapons. Being a fighter is really awesome and it’s more versatile!
Sae: You have a point there. But vampires are physically superior to humans, faster, stronger, and deadlier. You fighting on par with them makes you more capable than the average person and therefore cooler than me. Hm… Maybe I should just turn into Ruka again from Infinity. He’s a vampire with psychic powers! Then our relationship would be so intense and epic!
Yuki: But then my duty as a vampire slayer I’d have to slay you, Sae-chan. I don’t want to kill you… *pouts*
Sae: Hehe… I can probably think of another way for you to…
slay me~ *smiles*
Yuki: Oh…? *looks at Sae’s smile and realizes* Oh! Oh! *blushes and smiles* Oh~
A/N: Thanks again Sumo! If you guys got a tumblr, or twitter, or deviantart, or anything, follow him! He's super cool and super talented! If you want to see the pictures Yuki is showing in the Omake, click here for Sae and click here for Yuki.