I'm happy people like it

About Mayuki ... I'll try to write some, later ... I'll give my number 1 priority to Jurina-sama

Actually I made a long fic and it was the flashback story with some modification. But then, I don’t know how to continue the story. So, I just wanna share this flashback as a one-shot story.

It’s lame as usual. But I hope you’ll manage not to puke while reading it.

I *hopelessly* hope you'll enjoy it.

Another Story
Every after school, Iriyama Anna always go home alone by walking to the nearest bus stop and waited patiently there until the bus which would take her home arrived. It was after the rain. Annin walked slowly to avoid any contact of the sirt water which might splashed her if –
*SPLASH*The thing on Annin’s head thought would happened, really happened. A motorcycle splashed her and made her uniform wet.
“Hey ! You crazy rider! You dirt my uniform!” Annin yelled at the top of her lungs. She really pissed off. And then the rider stopped and came approaching Annin.
The rider opened the helmet that caused Annin to got shocked because the rider was a girl, but somehow Annin thought that the girl was very handsome with her dimples showed everytime she talked.
“Are you okay, miss? I’m sorry, really sorry. Um, where’s your house? I’ll ride you home,” She said
Annin was dumbfounded looking at the girl’s face,”We’re just met in an unpleasant situation, I don’t know who you are and I don’t know if you’re a bad person,” Annin glared at the girl irritatingly.
“Wow, that was harsh, young lady. You know, it’s rude to treat someone who were going to help you like that,” the girl smiled but got pissed off too, she put both her hands in her own waist. “Well, I’m Matsui Jurina, just call me Jurina. Now you know who I am and honestly I’m not a bad person,” the girl called Jurina offering a handshake but got ignored by Annin, but she shook it anyway. “Now, please let me ride you home to pay my fault. Um, what’s your name by the way ?”
“Iriyama Anna,” she said coldly. “Okay, you can ride me home, but don’t think I already forgive you,”
Jurina then asked Annin to ride her motorcycle and use the helmet Jurina gave her.
“Hold on tight,” Jurina said. Then Annin hold Jurina’s shoulder. Jurina let out a chuckle. “You know, it’s better to put your hands here,” Jurina said as she led Annin’s hand to her waist.
“Too much asking! I won’t! Just ride!” Annin yelled.
“I’m starting to like you,” Jurina said. Without her knowing, Annin slightly smile at her sentence. Jurina ride her motorcycle with Annin who led the way to her home.
“Nice house, Iriyama-san. Well, I guess we’ll meet again someday and I’ll ride you home again someday,” Jurina winked to Annin.
“We’re just met yet you said those kind of things? You’re over confident,” she said irritatingly. Actually Annin was shocked and somehow she felt happy at this newbie’s sentence. “Thanks for the ride, anyway,” Annin didn’t bother to mention Jurina’s name.
“It’s okay, my princess,” Jurina said as she ride her motorcycle Annin didn’t know.
Annin was slightly faint by the way Jurina called her. Annin thought that she liked Jurina and wished to be able to meet her again someday. But she shook her head. She couldn’t let her mind thought about this stupid and nonsense thing. Moreover, Jurina already made her uniform wet and dirty.
Next week...Annin just got out from her class because the lesson was over that day. She ready to go home that day. She passed the headmaster office. The door opened and someone walk outside the room.
“You?!” Annin never thought it would be a yell and made the certain someone turned towards her direction. “What are you doing here? You stalker!”
“Hi, princess, you still act rude towards me. Give me a smile first then I’ll answer,” she said dreamily. But Annin’s face didn’t change even a bit, her eyebrows twitched and it creep her out. “Wow, okay, I’ll tell you even you’re bothered to smile. Well, I’m a new student here. And for your information, I’m not a stalker. I guess we talked about fate,” She grinned widely.
“Fate?” Annin thought. Her heart were overwhelming but she refuse to smile, she won’t let her pride away. But she couldn’t hide it forever from Jurina, her face blushed.
“But in two weeks more, because I have to clear things at my former school,” Jurina smirked realizing that Annin’s face got redden. “Let’s go home!” without waiting any answer from Annin, Jurina dragged Annin by her wrist. Many other students were looking at Annin walking hand in hand with someone who wore different uniform and those charming aura.
They reached the park area where Jurina’s motorcycle were. Annin sat behind Jurina and this time, she put her hands around Jurina’s waist.
“Nice movement, princess,” Jurina said.
“Just shut up and ride,” Annin who never let her pride down said.
“Here we are,” Jurina announced as Annin got down from it. “Iriyama-san, I’m new here, so I’ll pick you up at 7 tonight. I need accompany to show me many places here. I won’t take no for answer. So, see you tonight, please wear something nice,” with just a wink, Jurina left Annin behind.
“What a nice way to asking someone’s company,” she snapped out. Wanting it or not, she had no choice other than accompany Jurina that night.
When the time came, Annin showed many important places in the town just like hospital, stores, restaurant and many others. Feeling enough of it, both of them went home.
In front of Annin’s house...“Thank’s for today, My princess,” Jurina said smilingly which made Annin slightly blushed.
“Umm, no problem. By the way, pleas stop calling me Princess, I’m not a princess,” Annin answered while facing the ground. She has not enough braveness to see those sparkling eyes of Jurina. She afraid that she would be too atracted to it. She did her best to hide her blushed cheeks from Jurina. But then Jurina hold up her chin. Annin bot busted. Her red cheeks was kissed by Jurina.
“I won’t, because you’re as beautiful as a Princess. So, would you like to be mine, my Princess?” Jurina’s confession was so flawless as Annin thought it was childish. However, Annin felt her knees got weak and her face really hot due to the confession. But she didn’t give any response. She couldn’t move her tongue.
“Hmm, it seems you still hate me. Maybe I should go now,” Jurina frowned. After saying it she was about to use her helmet before Annin’s hand stopped her and gave Jurina a kiss on her cheek instead. Jurina’s eyes grew wider. She never thought it would happened. Annin too, never know exactly why she accept Jurina’s feeling. Jurina was just like a magnet to Annin, she kept atracting to her even she said she didn’t like her before. Even it’s kinda weird to accept someone she just knew in a short time, anyway she did it.
“We’ll go out again tomorrow at the same time, my Princess,” Jurina said then kissed the girl’s forehead,”Good night, have a nice rest,” Jurina almost started her engine before Annin called her again.
“Hey, wait!”
“What else, my Princess?” Jurina asked without dropping her smile.
“At least you can leave me your phone number or your mail address. Ju...just in case if...” Annin’s word was cut by Jurina.
“If you miss me in the middle of the night so badly after I go home, no problem,” Jurina said proudly. Annin was still being all shy just to asked her ‘freshly’ girlfriend’s number and mail address.
“I thought you won’t asked my number. You’re really cute! I can’t handle it,” Jurina said while she pinched Annin’s cheek lovingly.
“M..mou, stop it, just go home, my ....” Annin said whisperly. Jurina almost didn’t catched it.
“What did you say? I can’t hear you,” Jurina teased her girlfriend with her sarcastic look.
“I said just go home!”
“Not that part, the last part,”
“My ...nce”
“My Prince!” she said loudly which made Jurina laughed at her cute girlfriend.
“Okay then, my Princess,” one last wink sent Annin to the cloud.
Annin who used to be cold towards Jurina had changed. Now, she became really warm and spoiled towards Jurina. She always felt this kind of heavy feeling in her stomach whenever Jurina called her name or called her ‘Princess’. Everytime she saw Jurina’s smile, she felt like a mindless person, she only thought how lucky she was to have Jurina by her side.
Jurina really spoiling Annin. They looked like a magnet. Everytime they went through the school’s area, the other students would envy towards the two.
Until ...
“Okay students, today we have a new student, please get along with her,”
A beautiful girl walked inside the class. All the students were stunned by the beauty. Her flawless face, her twin-tailed hair and those cute expression were totally stunning.
“Good morning, everyone, my name is Watanabe Mayu, nice to meet you” the new student introducing herself in front of the class. She averted her gaze towards all the student and locked her gaze to Jurina’s direction. She smiled mischievously. Annin then grabbed Jurina by her shoulder. Jurina just smiling back to Annin, reassuring that everything was okay. Annin was just worrying about this new girl. Somehow she felt intimidated by her existence.
“Well then Watanabe-san, you can sit beside Iriyama-san,”
“Thank you, sensei,”
Then she walked to the seat beside Annin, she felt more uncomfortable. She tightened her fist when she saw that the new girl looking at Jurina almost seductively.
“You won’t cheating on me, will you?” Annin said sadly. She didn’t know what got into her, but she had a bad feeling since the new student appeared.
“Why would I ? Of course, I won’t,” Jurina said, cupped Annin’s face with both of her hands. “Annin, listen here, if you have your trust in me, I will be really honest to you that at this time I only see you, I only love you, my Princess,” Then she kissed Annin’s cheek.
Annin who felt really weak then pulled Jurina closer into her tight hug. “I’m sorry for doubting you, it’s just, I’m afraid of loosing you Jurina, I love you too much,” she said between her sob.
Jurina loosen the hug and face Annin,”Trust me, I love you too,” Jurina leaned in closer to Annin’s face and kissed her lips softly.
“I trust in you, Jurina,”
Jurina and Annin were chatting happily inside the class. They didn’t go to the cafetaria to eat since Annin brought extra bento so then both of them could eat it on lunch break. Jurina told many joke to Annin. Well, actually it was not a really funny joke, but Annin still laugh respecting her girlfriend and her lame joke. But Annin really love how Jurina giving her best to make Annin smile everyday.
“Ahem...” a fake cough could be heard behind them. Both of them turned their head and found a smiling devil. “Ano, Jurina-san, I have a trouble on my English subject, Sensei said that you’re good at English. So, would you like to help me study this Sunday in my appartment?” She said cutely.
“Of course Mayu-san,” Jurina said easily with a bright smile on her face. Jurina and her over-kind-hearted character this time made Annin glared at her with the deadly fire burning in her eyes. Jurina realized it and continued her sentence,”But I’ll only come if you invite my girlfriend here too,” The fire on Annin’s eyes suddenly gone.
“Err, umm, y..yeaa...yeah of course, why not ? Hehee...” an unpleasant laugh escaped from her lips then she went outside the class.
“Why do you asked me to join ?” Annin asked with full of curiousity.
“I knew what you were thinking when I said yes, my Princess. Moreover, trust me, just come with me. I have a bad feeling about it,” Jurina said holding Annin’s hand with hers. She was really sure that there was something suspicious about this ‘study together’ thing.
Annin just nodding as her respon. She too, won’t let this fresh monster messing up with her girlfriend when she wasn’t around.
Sunday came sooner than usual. Finally, it was the day Jurina would come to Mayu’s appartment to study together. Jurina already in front of her motorcycle when Annin mailed her.
“Prince, I’m sorry I can’t come with you, my mother needs my help to cook, because my siblings will come tonight
“It’s okay Princess, then I’m not going too since you’re not coming,
“No, it’s okay, you can still help her. I trust you. Sorry, I’m in a rush. See you tomorrow, Prince. I love you
“Well, if you say so. Thank you, Princess. I love you too
”Jurina closed her phone.
I’m going to her appartment alone, I hope there will nothing bad happen.Jurina really had a bad feeling.
“Ah, finally you came,” Mayu said inviting Jurina to came inside her appartment.
It was a quite expensive appartment in town. Mayu lived there alone because her parents were working outside Japan and just visited her rarely once a month. At least, that’s the information Jurina got when she was asking about Mayu’s reason of living alone in the appartment.
“Why are you alone? Didn’t you say that your girlfriend will come along?” Mayu asked while serving soda and some cookies on the table.
“She has something to do, so she asked me to come alone here,”
A smirk appeared on her face,”Shall we start now ?”
And the lesson start. Jurina helped Mayu with her English problem. And actually it wasn’t hard as she thought before. Or should she say, she’s actually no need any help. She’s smart after all.
Why she needs my help if she can learn this fast. Was it just her excuse to study with me ?“Ano, Mayu-san, you seems not having serious trouble in English. Why do you need my help?” Jurina asked as her curiousity eat her brain.
“Uh? Really? Hahaha ... well,” Mayu rose up from her seat and walked behind Jurina. “You got me, huh? Actually, I just need you, Jurina,” she said as she hug Jurina on her neck from behind. She smell Jurina’s perfume,”You smell good,” she licked Jurina’s earlobe and whispered,”You taste good, too,”
Yabai... END ?!
Haaah, it stopped there. I told you I lost words on how to continue this story.

Anyway, if you want to create your own continuation, I would be happy.