My first encounter with the Final Fantasy series (FF) was when my parents bought FFIV for the Super Famicon (SNES, or Super Nintendo Entertainment System for everyone else

). While my father was engrossed in playing it, I begged him to let me play it too, but since I was still young then, he didn't allow me to touch it. But after that, I was able to make my FF debut with the Playstation version of FFVI! Even after entering Morning Musume and having to work hard, I still kept on playing it. I have cleared each and every game in the series at least twice I think.
So I was waiting and hoping for the day a new FF game would be released. When I learned about "Dissidia Final Fantasy", I went immediately to the nearest store on the day of release and bought it on the spot. *laughs*
The charm of this game, simply put, is that the characters from FFI all the way to FFXII appear in it. My favorites like VI's Tina, IX's Zidane, and X's Tidus etc appearing in the same game, that makes it quite difficult for me. *laughs* Even the originally pixelated characters were beautifully animated in the opening CG animation scene, and they even talk in the game! My tension went up from level 1 to 100 from that! After calming down from the initial excitement, I started on the story mode. After picking the picking the 2-starred difficulty level FFX's episode to begin with, I cleared that "Destiny Odyssey" twice in one go. Right now, I'm currently challenging Shade Impulse's Chapter 3. When I beat an enemy, my tension goes all the way up, and I'll tell my manager "I won!". When my manager came to take a look, I guess he/she (gender not mentioned) didn't understand what was going on.
Basically, I like the command battle system. It's easy to move around, but there are characters with movesets that I'm not used to, and so at those times, I'll be in for some tough battles. Personally, I am best at using Butz since I win really easily with him.
I play this game the most while I'm in the bath. Of course, I also play while I'm waiting inside the dressing room, but the people who play this around me are very few, so I can't enter Online Play mode nor have any experience with the Friend Card transmission system... Eh!? You'll play me in online battle? Yay~!!
...In the end I shall shortly play against Nojima (who is also interested in this game) in a vs battle.
Kya~! I won! And I got it! "Growing Egg" and "Manekineko" (game items

). With this I'll be able to win and advance some more. Thank you!! Ah. But, I'll have to stay in the bath for long periods of time now~ But since it's fun it's ok!
Ai in Weekly Famitsu.

Such a cute otaku! I want to challenge her in Dissidia now.

Win or lose, I'll probably die happy. Haha.
And I wonder just how long she stays in the bath. o_o It takes me an hour to clear one Destiny Odyssey if I'm taking my time. 45 minutes if I'm being faster. o_O Won't her skin get wrinkled from being in the water for so long?