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Author Topic: Priceless Love. Keichan ^_^ Production. TERMINATED (27/01/2012)  (Read 32711 times)

Offline Keichan ^_^

  • ecchi
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  • Takamina! Ichiban! ^_~
 :cathappy: Ohayo Gozaimasu!!!!!
So...I'm bringing in something new! (Because I've given up on updating A Bit Blind To Love due to the fact that I have no idea where I'm going with that!)
This on the other hand will be entirely based on your decisions... I'm currently thinking about ending as a Two-shot. However depending on your reviews I will decide how long I want to keep it going. I am no guaranteeing that I will make your wishes come true as I only update when I have time to type which is hardly ever.... hence it could be a two shot  :lol: Anyway I present to you another fanfic that got me out of boredom today.

Chapter One

Here I lay outside. Absorbing the moonlight as the soft breeze gently caresses my body. As I open my eyes I watch as the moon smiles back at me. The peaceful sound of Tokyo night life surrounds me, subtly entering my ears like an unspoken melody. It’s times like these that I savour. I feel as tiredness sweeps across my eyelids. I slowly begin to fall into a deep sleep.




I jolt awake.

Damn it! Fell asleep outside again…

I look towards the balcony door and watch as Kuu emerges from inside.

“There you are! Hurry up! The boys are waiting in the car!” He quickly runs out the door as I push myself off the sun bed. “And good morning!” I look up and see his head pop back in between the doors before it disappears again, a giant grin on his face.  Smirking I quickly run after him after getting changed and grabbing my necessities, my iphone4 and my wallet.


Upon entering the limousine I am greeted by the other four members.

“Morning Sunshine, did you remember your hang bag?” Turning I face a smirking Mar-kun-kun dressed in a casual pinstriped dress suit.

“Yes father, did you remember your lollies for your victims?” I smirk back towards him as he grins back at my devilishly.

“Of course!”

“At least he has victims! Unlike you Kai” Rolling my eyes I look over at Sae-Kun, casually dressed in a dark blue vest.

“I told you, I’m not wasting my time on some stupid girl who just likes me for my looks and my prestigious background.”

“Are you ever going to find a girl who actually loves you for being a shy yet grumpy midget?” I gently chuckle to myself before smiling over at a white-suited Riku.

“Well Riku are you ever going to tell your little “friends-with-benefits” girl that you actually love her and you’re not just using her for sex?”

I watch as he smiles at his chest, a giant grin on his face. Yet again, he is in denial of his true feelings.

“Kai, you know Riku doesn’t have a choice. She’s madly in love with him and doesn’t let any other girls near him. She must think sex keeps him interested!”

“Hmmph! Must be good sex then if he’s still letting her hang around him!” I smirk towards Riku who begins to laugh.

“Well there’s only one way to find out…” Riku grins towards me with daring eyes.

“Well maybe I may just go find out” I wink at Riku as I watch his smile slowly disintegrate.

“You can try but you won’t succeed” He says in a bland lifeless irritated tone. Seems like my speculations are true… The white-prince has fallen for the young girl. I chuckle lightly.

“Don’t worry Riku! I would never dare cut your grass. You should know me the best. I’m trying to find an ever-after not a one-nighter.” I watch as a smile spreads across his face again. The other boys in the car begin to laugh at my comment.

“Kai you are going to die a virgin with how picky you are!”

“Shut up Mar-kun at least I’m not a pedophile like you!”

“Excuse me but my lolitas are of legal age! At least I don’t go after old-hags like Kuu!”

“Hey don’t bring me into this! They aren’t old anyway! Just because I’m a junior and they are in your grade!”

“Are you implying I’m old?”

“Oh come on Mar-kun! Botox isn’t going to work forever!”

“Shut up Sae!”

I lie back against the soft leather of the seat and laugh as Mar-kun hits Kuu’s head! Looking out the window I stare as the clouds slowly drift in the blue sky. When will I find the one girl who will love me for me?


As the Limo stops outside the main gate of the University I hear the scream of the girls standing outside waiting to see us. It’s the same thing every school day… when will things change? The door is opened by Kuu’s driver and the screams increase dramatically. Cameras begin to flash nonstop. I watch as the other boys straighten themselves up. First to step into the spotlight, Mar-kun, Heir to Shinoda Enterprises, the most well known Model Agency in the whole of Japan. Secondly, Sae, Heir to Miyazawa Enterprises, owner of the best dance clubs in Japan. Thirdly, Kuu, Heir to Minegishi Enterprises, the most well-known chain of cake shops. Then there is Riku, Heir to Kojima Enterprises, the backbone of Japan’s Military. Then…there is me, Kai, Heir to Takahashi Enterprises, the most powerful family in the whole of Japan. I don’t want to talk about it that much. I’m not actually that keen about talking about my family. This is mainly due to the fact that I don’t talk to my father much after finding out about my arranged marriage… The boys know about my arranged marriage to Ray but we don’t talk about it as they don’t particularly like her and I never plan to marry her. She is the daughter of my father’s business partner and attends the same school as me. She’s short tempered and extremely cold-hearted towards any girls that come close to me. Although she’s head-over-heels in love with me I have no feelings towards her at all. She’s too perverted and self-centred. All I ever want is to find a simple, down-to-Earth, intelligent girl with a great personality. Not a girl who lives off her parents prestigious upbringing.

As I step out of the Limo I am blinded by the endless flashes of the camera. I watch as the boys soak up the love from the crowd. As I walk towards our private lodge within the school I watch as each of the individual boys walk towards their respective groups of fangirls, leaving myself and Riku to walk ahead. That is until a similar pair of arms wrap around Riku’s waist and pulls him back. I smirk and continue to walk ahead.


As I enter the private lodge I fall back onto the couch and look around the living room. I watch as the front door opens after a few minutes and Riku emerges through the doors whilst dragging a cute little dimpled face girl behind him.

“Morning Kai!”

I smile back at the bright smiling face before me.

“Morning Yuko.”

She quickly releases her grip on Riku and runs towards me.

“I got that thing for you!”

“Oo0o0o0o thanks”

Riku quickly strides across the room towards us, pretending not to care about how close Yuko was sitting next to me.

“What are you guys talking about?” He asks whilst stuffing his hands into his pant pockets.

“None of your business” Yuko quickly says before poking her tongue out at Riku and then turning her attention back towards me.

Taken aback by Yuko’s behaviour he quickly pouts and sits down on the couch across from us.

“Fine! Have your affair with Kai!”

I smirk at him whilst wrapping my arm around Yuko’s shoulder and pulling her close to whisper something into her ear.

“HEY! What are you whispering!”

“What’s wrong Riku? Are you jealous?” I grin at him.

“N-no!” He turns away in a huff and crosses his arms across his chest. Yuko and I continue to whisper quietly to each other. Giggling in between. Riku begins to become irritated and quickly pushes himself off the seat and walks into his room slamming the door behind him.

Yuko quickly looks up at me.

“He’s really angry this time!”

“Well then my plan worked!” I stretched my arms out before laying against the back of the couch. Pouting at me Yuko begins to feel guilty.

“But he’s angry and what if he goes off and flirts with some other girl?”

“Well if he was going to cheat on you and didn’t love you he wouldn’t have gotten angry!”


“No buts! If you are that worried go talk to him now.” She quickly gets up and begins to walk towards Riku’s room. “Oh wait!” She turns and faces me. “Keep the sex a bit quieter this time please! I have an exam tomorrow!” Gently blushing she pokes her tongue out and enters the room.

I sigh deeply and look out the window. Getting off the seat I walk towards my own room. Looking through my draws I quickly change into a hoodie and jeans before grabbing my new camera I asked Yuko to find for me. After all she is the heir to the biggest photography company in Japan. Walking out of the lodge I unlock my bicycle and begin riding out of the school via the back gates. A new day. A new moment to capture.


After riding around for half an hour I stop at small nature park. After locking my bike I grab hold of my camera and begin taking photos of the birds and flowers before walking to the vending machine and purchasing a bottle of water. Walking towards the small playground I watch as a blue ball bounces towards me.
Bending over I pick it up, only to look up and be faced by a cute little girl’s bright smile.

“Is this yours?” I smile at her whilst holding the ball up.

“Yes!” She smiles brightly as I place the ball in the hands and ruffles her hair.

“Hehehe with that cute smile of yours, you’re gonna melt a little boys heart.”

“If you think I’m cute you should see my sister! She’ll melt your heart!” She playfully replies whilst bouncing the ball.

“Ergh! Hehe well I hope I meet her then.” I gently chuckle as I pinch her cheek.

She suddenly grabs my hand and begins to pull me towards the playground.


“Hey kid, what are you doing?!?!?!” I stop walking immediately making the little girl turn and face me.

“I thought you wanted to meet my sister” She looked at quizzically.

“Haha I was just joking! Anyway I have to go back to my Uni now.” I said as I patted her head gently.


“Hehe yeah I snuck out, but Shhh don’t tell anyone!”

“Hehehe okie dokie I’ll keep your secret! Pinky swear!” Pulling out her pinky finger she waited for me to wrap mine around hers. Smiling brightly I wrap my pinky around the little one before me.

“Ok you help me keep this secret!”

“When will I get to introduce you to my sister! She’s really pretty and your handsome! You can be her boyfriend!” She says excitedly making me chuckle lightly.

“Do you always come to this park?”

“Yeah. I come here with her every week!”

“Where is she then?” I begin looking around.

“She’ll be over the other side sleeping or reading her book.”

“Well I’ll meet her next time! I’ll come back here next week and see you okay?”

“Okay!! Pinky promise!!” She again shows me her little finger. Automatically I cling mine around hers before smiling at her.


“Um…by the way…My name is Nami, but you can call me Namichan, what’s yours?”

“My name is Kai.” Scrunching her nose she scratches her head.

“Can I call you Kaikun?”

“Of course! Anyway I have to go now!”

“Okie Dokie! Bai Bai Kaikun!”

“Bye Namichan!”

I slowly walk away whilst waving at the small girl. Whilst getting onto my bike I watch as she runs off towards the playground with her blue ball.


The little girl quickly runs happily to the other side of the park. Seeing the figure on the bench she quickly climbs on top of it and bounces the ball on the victims head. The figure quickly jolts up and attacks the little girl. Tickling her nonstop.

“Hehehe ANECHAN!!! STOP!!!”

“Who bounced a ball on my head? Hehe!” the older girl asks as she continues to tickle the other girl.

“I-i-i-I’m sorry!!!”

Engulfing the smaller girl in a tight hug the older girl then gently lays a kiss on her little sister’s forehead.

“You better be! And why is your hair so messy. Have you been playing tag with the other kids again?”

“No!! Kaikun ruffled my hair!”

“o0o0o0o0o0o! Kaikun! You found yourself a boyfriend now?” The older girl teases as she begins to tickle the little girl. Giggling nonstop the little girl finally grabs hold of her sister’s hands.

“No no no! Kaikun is your boyfriend! He’s really nice and handsome!”

“Nami I told you not to talk to strangers!” She pouted at her little sister. “I told you to not talk to adults because they could be dangerous. Remember that weird girl called Alexiel who wouldn’t leave us alone!”

“But Kaikun is different! He said he’ll play with me next time he comes!!”

“Nami!! You can’t just make arrangements with strangers!”

“Kaikun isn’t a stranger!”

“You met him today!”

“Well you could’ve met him but you were asleep”

“Well you could wake me up!”

“Well Kaikun said he had to go back to Uni…um…Acchan….what’s Uni?” The little said with a confused face. “Is it where the unicorns live?”

All the anger in the older girl suddenly dissipated into laughter. Cuddling her little sister tightly she lifts her up and begins to walk towards their home.

“No Namichan, Uni is where all the people go to study.”

“Why don’t you go to Uni ane-chan?”

Stopping immediately the older girl sighs before looking back at the little girl in her arms.

“I really want to, but you know I can’t afford to, and even if I could I wouldn’t be able to leave a little monster like you with anyone!!!”

“Hey I’m not a monster!!!”

“Wah!! Look you’re turning into one now!!!” She begins to swing the little girl around in circles making the little girl scream.


As the young girl walks past the giant gates, she looks up at the prestigious university. Rich girls with designer handbags and handsome guys with expensive cars were walking past her. Some weren’t taking notice, whilst some girls looked at her with a disgusted snarl on her faces.

“When will I get the opportunity to go here…”

Sighing deeply she turns away with her little sister sleeping against her back as she continues to walk home to their little broken down apartment.

However, before she could take another step she hears the sound of screeching tyres and the loud beep of a horn. Taking a step back she regains her step as a car barely misses hitting her. Still shocked and motionless she watches as a figure steps out of the car.

“ARE YOU BL~” the sound of a male voice screeched at her before it suddenly stopped. Looking up she watches as a handsome boy walks towards her. “Are you alright princess?” His hand gently caressing her cheek.

“E-e-er…” Taking a step back she feels as her younger sister stretches awake.

“Ane-chan what’s happening?”

Turning to look over her shoulder she smiles.

“Nothing Nami.” She then turns to face the boy. “Watch where you are going, you nearly killed us.”

Grinning widely the boy quickly steps forward leaving mere inches between them.

“I’m sincerely sorry. My name is Sae. Could I drive you home as a way to apologise?”

Taken aback by the boy in front of her she quickly side steps the boy and walks past him.

“No, we’re fine thanks” As she walks away she listens as the girls and boys who had surrounded them begin to gossip about them.

Sae on the other hand was a bit taken aback by the blatant rejection. However quickly recovers as a smirk covers his face as he turns to face the beautiful girl who is walking away from him. Looking at her she notices as the child on her back pulls down her eye and pokes out her tongue at him. Chuckling gently he steps into his car.



As Acchan arrived home she laid down on the single bed she shared with Nami.

“What was that… Ergh rich kids, they all think everyone will fall in love with them… He was quite handsome though… but his personality was just pathetic… I wonder if there are any decent guys in this world…” Suddenly a head poked up beside her making her immediately move back, slamming against the wall. “Itai…”

“Kaikun is a decent guy!” Nami says as she grins widely.

Giggling softly Acchan pushes her sister’s head back down.

“Why don’t you date him though!”

“Because he likes you!”

“He’s never met me!”

“But you will and then you will love him!”

“Nami…Love doesn’t work that way!”

“Yes it does! Haven’t you watched Disney movies! The prince always falls in love with the princess immediately!”

“Nami!!!” She tackles her little sister down and tickles her. After a few minutes she finally leaves the little girl alone and begins to get changed.

“Acchan are you going to work?”

“Yes, so you better be a good girl at Auntie’s house ok?”

“Yes mam!” The little girl salutes at the older sister.


After dropping her sister off at her Auntie’s house she arrives at the Florists.

“Acchan! You’re early!”

“Hello Yuki!”

“We’ve got heaps of orders so I’m glad you came early.”

“Hehe no problem!”

Acchan quickly ties up her apron and proceeds to start work.



“So what?”

“Where did you go this morning?”

“Just went for a ride around the park.”


“Do you have a problem with that?”

“Well yeah I do!”

“And that would be?”

“Your fiancé came again…”

“Tsk…You know that I don’t care if she comes Mar-kun”

“Kai when are you going to accept that one day you will have to marry her.”

“Never, because it will never happen.”


“No! I have an exam to study for. I don’t want to think about my stupid father’s plans for my future.”

“Okay… I’ll leave you alone then.” Kai continued to study as the tall figure walks out of the room.


“Talked to Kai again?”

“Yeah” The tall figure took a seat on the lounge across from the feasting figure and watched as the latter continued to eat his cake.

“So let me guess, he went off somewhere alone and didn’t want to think about Ray and his father?”


“Always the same…”

“Mhmm, by the way where is Riku and Sae?”

“I think Sae finished his morning classes and went to the club, he’ll be back soon. Riku is still in there!” The boy turns and point towards the room Riku and Yuko entered earlier in the day.

“STILL?? Man the sex must be good…”

Suddenly the door they were referring to clicked open. A tall figure waltzed out.

“Shut up guys. Yuko left ages ago. I’m studying for the same test as Kai at the moment. I want to beat him at least once.”

“Well that’s near impossible, the midget is a genius.”

“I HEARD THAT!” Kai’s voice screamed through the door.

“A freak of nature by the looks of it as well.” The three boys began to chuckle gently. However, the sound of the door opening made the three boys cease immediately.

“Who’s a freak and midget?”

Riku immediately points at Kuu.

“Him of course, he’s short and a freak just look at him stuff all that cake into his mouth!”


“Hmmph!” The real midget scoffed and returned to his room.

“That was close…”

Suddenly the short figure reappeared, again donning a hoodie.

“You’re going out again?”


“Where to?”

“I haven’t decided yet.” The short figure smiled before exiting the building for the second time that day.

The three boys just looked at each other before Mar-kun stabbed a folk into Kuu’s cake began feasting on it as the latter screamed in displeasure.


With his music blaring Sae was speeding back to Uni however only to slam on the breaks upon seeing a familiar figure riding a bike towards the uni. Immediately stopping his car a few metres ahead of the figure he quickly jumps out and runs in front of the bike blocking its road. Thus, making the bike skid across the ground before stopping right before the him.

“Hey hey watch it there, if that wheel hit the baby maker we won’t be able to make heirs.”

He leaned forward and rested his hand on the bike handles surprising the latter. However, the latter regains her composure and begins to move past him.

“Hey you’ve gone past me once I won’t let it happen again, tell me your name or I won’t leave.”

“Get out of my way I have a delivery to make.”

“Oh… so… if I take these you can’t work” Sae quickly grabs the flowers out of the basket.

“Give them back” the girl immediately gets of the bike and grabs the flowers in frustration. Immediately settling them back into the basket and begins to push the bike around Sae.

“Oh come on don’t be mad!!”

“Just leave me alone before I contact the police for harassment.”

Sae immediately stops, however only after glancing at the name on the bike.

“Fine…I’ll court you some other time.”

“Ergh!” The girl immediately jumps on her bike and cycles away through the park.

“So her name is Yuki….” He smiles to himself before getting back into his car and speeding off back to uni.


“ERGH! I can’t believe I bumped into that idiot twice! Now I’m late!” She immediately begins to pedal faster however upon turning the corner she comes crashing face on into another bike.

Both riders falling onto the hard concrete. The latter immediately pushes himself up off the ground and runs over the help out the girl.

“A-are you okay?”

Moving the bikes away from girl he immediately runs back over to help the girl up. However, only earning a cry of pain as the girl attempts to stand up.

“ITAI!!” Falling over she immediately clings tightly onto him. Opening her eyes she notices dark brown orbs staring directly back into hers. Her face flushed she tries to move back however only to pull the other figure on top of her as they collapse onto the ground again. Sensing the close contact, Kai immediately scrambles off the girl. Holding out his hand Acchan looks up and grabs it, face flushed. Kai gently pulls her up and holds onto her waist to keep her stable.

“S-s-sorry I’m just holding your waist to help you stand” The cute stutter making the girls heart beat at the boys shyness.

“T-t-thanks” Hearing her own stutter she immediately mentally curses herself for being shy as well.

“I-i-I’ll help take you over to that bench.”

Walking over slowly he slowly helps her down onto the bench. However once seated the girl immediately attempts to stand up upon seeing her bike.


“Hey don’t rush you’ve hurt your ankle!”

“I have to deliver the flowers to the uni! I’m already late”

“Which building are you delivering them to?”

“The private lodge.”

“I know where that is I’ll do it for you, just wait here.”

Before Acchan could stop him Kai immediately runs off and pedals away on Yuki’s bike.

“H-hey!!...I guess I’ll just wait here…”

After a few minutes wait she hears the sound of a bike bells ringing. Looking up she notices the young boy riding towards her with a vibrant smile. She can feel her heart beat increasing as he gets closer. She feels her cheeks blushing furiously. Stopping next to her he parks the bike and pulls out a shopping bag from the basket before settling down next to her.

“Are you okay?”


“I’m sorry I should’ve watched where I was going.”

“No it wasn’t your fault I was going too fast and not concentrating.”

“Hehe this could last forever.” He gently scratched the back of her head making the girl giggle. “Anyway I bought a bandage for your leg.” He began to rummage through the shopping bag before pulling out a bandage. “I also got you some water and curry doughnut to eat whilst I help you bandage your ankle”. He then gave the shopping bag to the latter and he slowly began to help the girl bandage up her ankle.

“T-t-thanks” She gently smiled at the boy. Looking up from her foot Kai was immediately faced by the sweetest smile he had ever seen. One that as he said earlier, had the ability to ‘melt a boy’s heart’. Blushing furiously he immediately looked down to continue wrapping her ankle.

“N-n-n-no problem!” Acchan slowly smiled to herself upon seeing the cute actions displayed by the boy. She slowly began to feast on the curry doughnut, however her eyes never leaving the figure before her.

After wrapping up her ankle Kai swiftly got up.

“Wait here.” Acchan watched as Kai ran over and picked up his bike. Locking it to the park’s bike rack he immediately ran back to help Acchan stand up. “I’ll take you back to your home since you’re hurt.”

“I’m actually suppose to be at work…”

“I’ll take you to work then?”


Kai helped her onto the back of Yuki’s bike before jumping onto the seat.

“Hold me tight I don’t want you to fall off again”

Acchan slowly wrapped her arms around Kai waist tightly. Both of them immediately blushing from the gently contact and close proximity of their bodies. Slowly but swiftly Kai rode the bike back to Yuki’s Florist. Upon helping her back into the shop Yuki ran over to help them out.

“Acchan are you okay?”

“Y-yeah I just hurt my ankle.”

“Thank you so much for helping her, I can look after her from here.”

“No problem. I-I better go now. Um…take care.” Kai gently bowed to the two girls. “Oh and here’s the money for the flower delivery” He quickly fishes out more money than needed before walking away. He gently bumps into a flower pot on the way out as he dorkily waved at them. Stumbling out onto the footpath he mentally cursed himself.

The girls gently giggle before Acchan abruptly tries to stand up again. Only to hurt herself for the third time.


“Acchan why are you getting up!”

“I didn’t get his name…” she gently pouts.

“o0o0o0o0o0o! Someone’s in love!!!”

Acchan immediately blushes and hits Yuki’s arm.

“No I’m not! H-h-he’s just a nice guy…”

“Hehehe whatever you say! Anyway you can’t walk but you’ll still have to work! Now go I’ll bring some flowers and you just make up the bouquets okay?”

“Okie dokie!” The latter smiles as she begins to start work again.

“OH MY!”

“What’s wrong?”

“He must’ve charged way more than he should’ve!”


“He gave us $300! It was only $80. I have to get him to deliver flowers more often! Acchan go find your boyfriend again”

Throwing water at Yuki, Acchan gently laughed whilst her face blushed furiously.


Smiling like a dork the short boy jogs back to the park to recollect his bike.

“Acchan…what a nice name…” Smiling brightly he begins to ride back to the private lodge.


Anyway that's all I got for you! Now it's for you guys to decide what should be done with this piece of writing!

Anyway if you havent noticed i got the idea of Nami's Character from a mixture of Mendol and Acchan's Flower PV.
Anywho it's all up to you! Anyway Jaa!

Keichan ^_^
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 01:44:24 AM by sophcaro »

Offline nyaha00

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 :lol: that was funny xD  :rofl:

u even added Alexiel  :shocked i wonder what will she say l XD

seee now who's the.uhm..nvm

Offline dee1711

  • ecchi
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Continue continue continue pleasssseeeeee!!!!  :cow:  You make me like :panic: :panic:

Please updateeee!!  :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:


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Kai x Acchan!!!!!!  :luvluv2:

This is priceless~~  :on GJ:

Offline kahem

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I like the characters!!! Kai and Acchan's shyness is so cute!!!

Offline bou-j525

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Pff I guess this means you will never update your other fic  :smhid Like this one though ^^ Do whatever you want as long as you update and that Acchan and Kai end together. Awww little Nami is too cute <3 Gonna rewatch Flower PV now :P

You're looking for trouble by adding Alexiel in your story XD She's so gonna kill you XD

Offline blughise

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first of, thank you for this amazing story.  :inlove:  as i was reading , i thought it was so similar to meteor garden or boy over flower or hana yori dango, anyways i thought it was really same. Anyways you get what i mean right.  waiting patiently for the continuation.  :)

Offline Arakawa

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K a 2-shot would definately be too short!

Please make it into a series :D
Love the atsumina

Hope you write more kojiyuu haha

Offline Keichan ^_^

  • ecchi
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  • Takamina! Ichiban! ^_~
 :mon cry: Hello peeps!

So I had a shit day today and nearly necked myself from frustration, hunger, anger and boredom!
However was saved by Sukebechan for awhile and then died again and then brought myself to life.
Anyway I wrote this yesterday but due to the commotion of the shit events today have not had time to post this until now.
As for the possibility of another quick update....not likely!
Anyway quick replies~
@nyaha00: Happy you started a fic!!!! and yes being murdered by the jperv senbatsu winner yadong will be quite nasty but she hasnt read this that i know of which is lucky for me!
@dee1711: Here is your wish! lol I guess you really wanted an update xD!!! lol but i cannot guarantee another one in the near future for any of my fics i am sincerely sorry!
@Flean:  :mon thumb: you continue to update yours as well please! PLEASE!
@kahem: Hehehe Idk if you will continue to like the characters after this but let me know! ahahahahaha! -hides-
@Byunchan (Yes this is my name for you, it does not mean i think you are a perv): Yes, my death is near.... and about the other you actually enjoy it enough to read my random rambles in which there is not direct storyline? and what happens if your ending does not come as your wished?
@blughise:  hehehe kinda where i got the idea of the characters from! storyline is kinda...idk xD I'm trying to make one i swear! hope you enjoy chapter two!
@Arakawa: and how about....a 3shot? xD lol what is considered a series? lol and i knew you would ask for kojiyuu!! you always do!!!!
@Loyal fanfic readers of jpervs! Thanks for the thanks! I'll continue to work hard for you but slowly....since i found out all these people are mainly babies who mature minds!
Shout out to FoF: START A NEW FIC!!!!! Don't let time get in your way!!!
To other authors....keep writing because the likelihood of me updating is currently at....Hiatus level xD
Anyway I present to you Chapter 2 of Priceless Love ^_^

Chapter Two

“Acchan…” The small figure unconsciously whispered. He hasn’t been able to get her out of his mind the entire night. Every time he picked up a book to study, all
he could see was her face. Every time he listened to music on the radio, all he heard was her sweet voice. He could easily accept the fact that if one of the boys said he was in love and it was love at first sight that he would agree immediately. However, despite his mind being clouded by this girl he only met for a few minutes, he still continued to study for his exam. He knew knowledge was power and he knew as the heir of Takahashi Enterprises he had to maintain his ranking at the University. If not, the dire consequences of his father’s wrath. Being sent away from his friends to study abroad, and right now he knew he had to study harder because he had a new reason to stay in Tokyo. Acchan.

Flipping through study notes one last time. He then made his way to his bedroom. Walking out onto the balcony he smiled whilst looking into the clear night sky above…

“I wonder if she’s thinking about me…”


In the small apartment a young Nami was running around cooking up a storm in the kitchen. Whilst washing up the rice with her little hands she sang her own made up song.

“COOK! Cooooooook. COOK! Cooooooooook. GOTTA COOK! Cooooooook. FOR ANECHAN! o0oo0o0o0o0o!”

“Namichan what are you singing!” A soft giggling interrupts the young child from her intense cooking stance on the small stool in front of the sink. Turning around she watches as her sister hobbles into the kitchen with her bandaged ankle.



“Stop walking around!!” The girl whined whilst putting the bowl down and jumping off the stool. Walking over she forces her injured sister into the chair. “I said I’ll cook dinner!”

“Nami you’ve never cooked before so I have to watch to see if you’re doing it right! I don’t want to die from food poisoning!”

“Acchan~” The girl whines as she pouts making the latter giggle.

“Okay okay but you have to do what I tell you to! So show me how much water you have in the rice.”

“You need water in it? I thought you just wash it!”

The girl quickly puts water in then grabs the bowl to show her sister with a giant grin on her face. Looking down the older girl’s eyes widen.

“Nami….how many cups of rice did you put in here?”

“Cups? You use cups? I thought you just fill the bowl we eat with rice and…”

The girl was cut off as the latter stood up and hopped over to the sink to re-rinse the rice before putting more water into the bowl before settling it into the rice cooker and turning it on.


Giggling softly the older girl kisses her little sister’s forehead.

“Stop pouting or you’ll get wrinkles!”

The younger girl immediately covers her forehead with her hands and gasps loudly.

“So that’s how aunty got them!”

Laughing at the girl’s reaction the taller girl begins to cut up the ingredients.

“Acchan I want to cook for you! You’re injured!”

“You can help but I won’t let you cook! It’s too dangerous.”

“Okay but I want to do something!”

“Wash the vegetables for me then set the table. We’ve got enough rice for our meals tomorrow so I’ll make you a bento box for school tomorrow okay”

“Yummmmmmmmmm!!!” The girl quickly ran off to do her chores.

The taller girl continued to cook whilst smiling at her bandaged ankle.

I wonder what he’s doing now…


“Kai…you look like shit today!”

“Kuu don’t say that!”

“I’m just stating the obvious! He must’ve stayed up all night to prepare for this exam!”

“Despite the fact that it’s obvious you don’t have to say it!”

“It’s alright Mar-kun. I know I look like crap and we all know what Kuu is like.”

“How do you think you’ll do in the exam today?” Riku asked from the seat across from Kai.

“I think I’ll be fine. By the way, where’s Sae today?” Kai looked at the other’s sitting in the car.

“Oh he said he has to see his lover this morning so he’s driving to school.” Kuu answered.

“Haha which one?” Mar-kun answered before laughter filled the limo.

“I don’t know but supposedly she blew him off yesterday at the gates.”

“Someone blew off Sae?” Riku asked with a puzzled expression.

“That’s the rumour that’s going around school”

“Wait there’s his car!” Mar-kun immediately moved to the other side of the car making Riku and Kuu turn the same way. Kuu immediately pressed the voice button and told the driver to slow down. Although Kai wasn’t taking much notice at all he suddenly looked up from his study notes and over at the boys across from him. Hearing a familiar voice coming from outside the car he looked through the gaps towards the sound of the young girl’s voice.

“Wow she’s cute…”Kuu immediately said.

“Yeah… wonder what she’ll look like dressed in Lolita…”

“You’re a freak you know that?”

“Shut up at least I don’t get a high from feeding girl’s cake!”


“Shhh! Sae’s saying something!” Riku immediately elbowed Mar-kun in the ribs.

Moving forward Kai notices Sae with flowers in his hand and a small box of chocolates. To his dismay, he was presenting them to non-other than Acchan. Looking away from the scene he feels as a rush of jealousy and sadness streams through his veins. Settling back down he picks up his notes and continues to read.
Before the other boys to hear the conversation a truck beeps at the limo. Forcing the driver to continue driving to the university.

“OH LOOK THEY HUGGED!” Riku exclaimed.

“OH DAMN IT! WHAT IF THEY KISS!” Mar-kun added.


 The three boys fell back onto the seat in dismay.

“She’s cute though! No wonder Sae is dating her!” Kuu quickly adds, unaware of Kai’s sudden piercing glare towards them as the word dating was mentioned.


As they arrived at school the yet again walked through the giant crowd before separating to their own classes and exam rooms.

However, although Kai was suppose to be thinking about his exam, all that ran through his mind was three things, Acchan, Sae, and the unspoken rule “Never cut another mates grass”. Sighing defiantly Kai shook his head of the thoughts before starting his exam.


“Hey baby”

Looking up ahead Acchan noticed the idiot from yesterday standing in front of her. She then continued to walk past him.

“Hey wait” he slowly jogged up next to her holding onto her wrist. “I’m sorry about yesterday I’ll make it up to you”

She again tried to move past him, however only to stop as the pain in her foot erupted as she miscalculated her step.


“Are you okay?” He held her close against him.

“I’m fine” She gently pushed him away only to have her hand held by him again.

“I know we got off on the wrong foot but please let me try to set us on the right path again.”

“What do you want from me?”

Sae smiled immediately. This was his second chance and he knew it.

“A second chance. How about we start from the start?”

Acchan looked away contemplatively. Finally looking back up to face him.

“Will you leave me alone if I do?”


“Then what’s the point of this conversation?”

“Well, I’ll make it simple, I like you and I’ll do anything to court you” Sae smiled brightly as he handed over the flowers and chocolates. Acchan stared at the gifts in uncertainty. Noticing this Sae immediately added. “I won’t leave until you accept them.” 

Acchan slowly began to take the gifts. However upon receiving them the loud sound of a truck horn immediately made her drop them on the floor. Instinctively, she dropped down to pick them up, only to collide heads with Sae. Falling over she felt as the latter pulled her up into an embrace.

“Are you alright?” Looking up at the boy, she noticed the close proximity of the boy. Noticing the girl’s eyes staring into his, Saw immediately bent down to kiss the girl, only to be slapped in the face by the box of chocolates.

“Get away from me you pervert!”

“I didn’t do anything!”

“Just leave me alone!” Shoving Sae into wall she hobbles away, leaving the latter to be eyed by the group of bystanders shaking their heads.

“I won’t give up!” Sighing in defeat he makes his way back to his car and drives off back to uni.


Arriving at work the young girl immediately throws her back onto the table before sitting down on the seat. Huffing loudly in anger and exhaustion.

“What’s wrong Acchan? Someone get on your nerves this early in the morning?”

“The idiot from yesterday just attacked me this morning!”

“Idiot? Did you and your boyfriend have a fight?”

“He’s not my boyfriend!”

“Hehe I know that but he was nice enough to bring you back here yesterday!”

“Huh?” Acchan looked at Yuki confused until she realised that she was talking about the ‘him’. “O-o-oh no it wasn’t him.” She blushed just thinking about the other boy, for some reason every time she thinks about him her heart seems to beat an extra beat. Oh how I wish it was him…

“Who was it then?” Yuki asked she watched Acchan blush. “Stop dreaming about your prince charming!”

Snapping back to reality Acchan immediately apologises.

“Sorry! Um… this rich kid nearly ran me and Nami over at the university gates and then tried to steal my flowers during my delivery and now just attempted to declare his love for me this morning.”

“o0o0o0o0o got all the boys after you! And rich kid…hmm…”


“I’m joking! Calm down! Anyway it seems like you already know which one you want to date” The latter said whilst winking at the blushing girl.


After a full day of exams Riku and Kai walked back to the private lodge. Only to find Mar-kun and Kuu interrogating Sae about the mornings events.

“So did you and your girlfriend kiss and make up?”

Sae just sat there laughing whilst Kuu and Mar-kun tickled him.

“Did you kiss?”

“Did she fall head over heels in love with you?”

“Did you do it?”

As the commotion continued Kai walked into his private room and slammed the door behind him before lying down on the bed in frustration.

Outside the boys immediately stopped interrogating Sae upon hearing Kai’s door slam shut.

“What’s wrong with Kai?” Kuu asked Riku. Although the latter was with Kai the whole time, he was unaware as to why Kai was behaving in such a way. Therefore, he came up with the most logical explanation.

“Maybe he didn’t get enough sleep and the exam was quite hard so maybe he’s just annoyed at himself”

Taking that as a viable explanation the boys continued to interrogate Sae. However earning nothing more than laughter and shrugs from the latter as he was too egotistical to admit he had been rejected for the first time in his life.


Lying on the bed, Kai stared blankly at the ceiling.

“So they’re together…”

Pushing himself off the bed he quickly got changed into a white V-neck t-shirt and black jeans. Grabbing the keys for his motorbike he swiftly slings his leather jacket over his shoulder and proceeds to the garage. Walking past the group of boys who are still attacking Sae for answers he is stopped by Riku’s worried voice from behind.

“Hey Kai, where are you going?”

Turning around he smiled at his worried friend.

“I’m hungry so I’m just going out to find food”

“FOOD!” Kuu immediately pounces up off Sae. Mar-kun immediately slaps his forehead and glares at him. Kuu immediately back tracks and adds. “I’ve just had some…you go ahead Kai.”

Once Kai proceeds out the door all the boys turn back and glare at Kuu.

“What did I do? I was just hungry!!”

“You know when Kai rides his bike he needs time alone!”

“What’s so bad about me going with him!”

“Let’s just say the last thing I would want to see if I was in a bad mood would be a pig stuffing his face full of food!” Kuu immediately pouts and pushes Mar-kun. Taking this opportunity to get away Sae jumps over the seat. However only to be chased by the three boys as Riku notices him running away.


Speeding around on his motorbike to clear his head, Kai finally feels his stomach grumble. Slowing down he parks his bike before walking around the streets in search for some food. Looking around the area he notices a small street market selling random gifts, clothes, and food. Walking into the busy street he begins to follow the wave of people. Gently stepping to the side each time he saw a shop which intrigued him enough to make him push through to have a look at. The first stop was a bubble tea store. He ordered a large taro flavoured pearl tea with extra red bean. Rejoining the crowd he sailed through the market only to accidently bump into someone. Holding them tightly he moved them away from the wave of humans. Looking up he was yet again met with the soft eyes he stared into yesterday.


“H-hi” They both looked at each other as an awkward silence surrounded them before the piercing screams of a child brought them back to reality.

“ANECHAN I GOT THE BEANS!” Turning to the side, Acchan bent of over to pick up the small girl who ran into her arms. Smiling happily at the little girl she gently kissed the girl’s cheek.

“You’re so smart Namichan!” Grinning happily the small girl turned to the side.

“KAIKUN!!!” She began bouncing in her sister’s arms, ecstatic from seeing her self-proclaimed brother.

“What?” Acchan asked confused.

“He’s Kaikun!”

Kai immediately scratched the back of his head embarrassingly before grinning at the two girls.

“H-h-hi Namichan, s-s-sorry I haven’t introduced myself yet. Takahashi Kai, yoroshiku onegaishimasu.” Be bowed forward before smiling at the two girls.

“O-o-oh hi, I-I-I’m Maeda Atsuko” She mentally cursed herself for her stutter. However upon seeing his bright smiling she immediately looked down nervously.

“Kaikun!” Kai immediately took his eyes off Acchan and turned towards the little girl.

“Yes Namichan?”

“You can call my sister Acchan! And Acchan you have to call him Kaikun like me!”

“Oh really now?” Acchan began to tickle the girl.

“S-s-s-top!!” The little girl giggled in her sisters arms before suddenly pouncing through the air into Kai’s. “Kaikun save me from her evil fingers!”

“o-okay Namichan” Kai smiled at Namichan before diverting his eyes towards Acchan. “How’s your ankle?”

“It’s alright, still hurts a bit” Acchan gently blushed as Nami looked at both of them confused.

“Kaikun how do you know Anechan?”

“Oh we accidently bumped into each other yesterday. That’s how your anechan got hurt.”

“YOU HURT ACCHAN!” The little girl gasped before pointing at Kai. “You can’t hurt her! I won’t let you marry her anymore!”

“NAMI!!” Acchan immediately swatted Nami’s arm in embarrassment.

“Acchan why are you hurting me! Do you like Kaikun?” Embarrassed as all hell, Acchan turned away. Kai on the other hand was grinning happily before images from the morning flooded his mind.

‘Never cut a mates grass…’

Kai immediately snapped out of his thoughts. Looking at Acchan he knew he had no right to step into her and Sae’s relationship. To ease the situation he turned to Namichan.

“Stop teasing your sister, she likes someone else, not someone short like me”

“Really? But…”

“No but’s, come one let’s get some food, I’m hungry!”

“Food? Yay!” He then begins to walk away holding Nami, with Acchan standing on the spot watching as they slowly get further. She whispered to herself whilst staring at the back of Kai’s head.

“But I do like you… Is that your nice way of rejecting me… maybe he’s already got a girlfriend…”

Sighing deeply she slowly walks to catch up with them.



“Shut up!”

“MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” The three boys began to laugh nonstop.

“The great Sae got rejected for the first time ever!”

“Hey she’s just playing hard to get! I’ll capture her heart soon enough!”

“Are you sure?”

“I guarantee!” Sae said with pure confidence.

“Is this a bet?”


“What are we betting?”

“Well I’ve always liked your car!”

“o0o0o0o0o nice choice Mar-kun!”

“Ok fine my car! But if I capture her heart I get Kuu’s Limo!”




“How about something we can all put in for?” Riku interfered the small argument between Kuu and Mar-kun.

“Like what?” Sae asked.

“How about whoever loses the bet has to pay for the next ski trip?”

“But that means Sae pays more when he loses because he’s alone.”

“I’m not gonna lose!”

“Well with such confidence it’s settled then!”

“What about Kai?”

“You know Kai doesn’t waste his time on such trivial bets!”


“Okay then let the bet begin!”

Placing their hands in the middle they all smirk at each other.



BTW! please note that i don't really edit it before i post! Pretty much all i do is sit down when i have time and type for 30min and whatever is completed= whatever you read xD lol....imagine if i have a writers block....the fic will be like CHAPTER 2: Blank pages TBC! Anyway let us know your thoughts!
Until next time! COME TO JPHIPsterz on FACEBOOK and join our perverted (but not really) family!

Offline nyaha00

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Re: Priceless Love. Keichan ^_^ Production. Chapter Two Updated ^_^
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2011, 04:49:30 PM »
yay! update!!!

thinking about each other ehhh  XD

Sae got rejected  :shocked ehee

a bet a bet!! i wanna join also  :lol:



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Re: Priceless Love. Keichan ^_^ Production. Chapter Two Updated ^_^
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2011, 04:52:08 PM »
yeay update~~  :cow:

i feel sorry for kai~~  :cry:  he should just snatch Acchan away!!!  :ding:

Offline immo

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Re: Priceless Love. Keichan ^_^ Production. Chapter Two Updated ^_^
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2011, 10:19:15 PM »
when other people update their stuff, I'm pushed to work harder on mine lol sooooo update soon and you might get another one from me too!

Offline bou-j525

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@Byunchan (Yes this is my name for you, it does not mean i think you are a perv)


I'm not the only one waiting for an update of your other fic btw  :smhid And yeah... So that means you stop writing when you don't have any idea? Great, I can see where this story is heading to....... And btw, this is the reason why I want to end my fic too, coz I don't want to end like you XD


Offline virgo_shaka

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Re: Priceless Love. Keichan ^_^ Production. Chapter Two Updated ^_^
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2011, 03:57:55 AM »
Aaaah... What could be more hurt than a misunderstanding?  :ptam-hbk: :ptam-hbk:

Please update :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

Offline Arakawa

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Re: Priceless Love. Keichan ^_^ Production. Chapter Two Updated ^_^
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2011, 11:00:38 AM »
Jeez this fic is amazing. I can't believe you typed this in what, 30 minutes? Writers block my ass :P

Thanks for the update.

And yeah, I do always ask for more kojiyuu don't I? XD

Offline TakahashiJ

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Re: Priceless Love. Keichan ^_^ Production. Chapter Two Updated ^_^
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2011, 04:34:55 PM »
I like this fic . Amazing. Good Job!
I love kai x nami pairing XD

Offline kahem

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Re: Priceless Love. Keichan ^_^ Production. Chapter Two Updated ^_^
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2011, 04:59:20 PM »
A bet? And a mistunderstood ? Yeah!!! More drama!!!

Offline blughise

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Re: Priceless Love. Keichan ^_^ Production. Chapter Two Updated ^_^
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2011, 08:50:26 PM »
OWGGHHH Kai-kun why do you have to say that, you and Acchan are so destined to be together!!!!
Thank Keichan for this amazing story.
BTW, if I may ask what happened to your other fanfiction A Bit Blind to Love?
I just hope you didn't drop it, so it's ok to take your time, don't worry about it too much, Cuz even if We have to wait for the updation as long as you didn't stop/drop it then it's all good.
We will always wait for your AWESOME :twothumbs fanfics

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: Priceless Love. Keichan ^_^ Production. Chapter Two Updated ^_^
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2011, 03:03:15 PM »
 :on woohoo:
a new fic  :cow:
nice story... no... its a great story!
nami and acchan is so cute... (flower PV)
love triangle Kai X Acchan X Sae...

 :pleeease: No KAI!!!!! Acchan likes you!!!!
 :pleeease: No ACCHAN!!!! Kai doesn't have a girlfriend!!!!


please update soon!  :bow:

Offline bungal

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Re: Priceless Love. Keichan ^_^ Production. Chapter Two Updated ^_^
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2011, 03:23:57 AM »
I know I'm just parroting everyone else's comments, but this really is an amazing fic.  :)

It has loads of laugh out loud moments and the romantic parts are just squee worthy.  :twothumbs

My favorite part has to be the bond between the "boys".  :lol:

Nami-chan is just so ridiculously adorable I just want to adopt her. And since TakaKojiYuu is my favorite triangle I kinda ship KaiRikuYuko, their interaction in chapter one was so cute.  XD

Can't wait for the next update.  :yep:

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