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Author Topic: Infinity (SaeYuki) [Completed~25/08]  (Read 54674 times)

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Re: Infinity - I
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2011, 11:22:32 AM »
saeyuki is growing on me. need happy fluffly moments D;

yesss! convert her! =D lol ><

Throughout the performance, my eye never left you, but you probably didn't notice as your mind wasn't there.
i still love this line the best =D
lovesick sae~ ... emo sae >.> lol equivalent to your emo self sigh =.="
great update, now for the next part! *pressure pressure* lol jk
oh oh i see you have a reader requesting for a yuki pov? what's your thoughts on that now?

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Re: Infinity - I
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2011, 12:14:50 PM »
Thx for the drink ;)
Sae is so cool!!!!!

Offline blughise

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Re: Infinity - I
« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2011, 02:14:30 PM »
That was really sad!!!
Are you reading the fanfic 'The God of Rock' too? That fic is awesome XD
Is this the same as the their musical stage play with the same title infinity?
I also want a Yuki POV and are you going to add more couples?
Thank you and  update soon XD

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Infinity - I
« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2011, 02:18:35 PM »
Sae Sae SAE~!!  :wub:

I like Sae's POV but still prefer normal POV~  :D

Please update soon~  :bow:

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Re: Infinity - I
« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2011, 04:58:36 PM »
anoni2: Yes a sad beginning, and no thank you  :shock: but there is a reason why this is only in Sae`s POV, think of it like how you will never know what other people around you are thinking about until you ask or they speak up. This is exactly what it is just purely Sae.  * for you my friend I have a `Crouching Tiger`shooter, a mix of soho lychee liquor with blue agave silver tequila, a sweet shooter that can become addicting. It goes well with your deserted island theme.*

apparently: I love how everyone automatically filled in the missing blank, did you notice not once did I mention the name of the girl. Sae sound so lovesick because she is lovesick :on hypto: *you little one, will only be served here, a cup of `XUXUBana`, an ideal summer drink with the strawberry liquor slowly poured over top of the banana juice so that they will melt into one another but not fully mixed for the perfect visual*

luckymmsg: Yes life is sad for Sae but given that she is immortal and been around for so long, its bound to happen. While life for us have a limit and eventually come to an end, hers does not. As for their past only time will reveal everything, gotta wait till I figure that out myself  :glasses: As for God of Rock, I love the moments in there.  :heart: *my emo buddy, for you I have a`Iceberg`a cocktail that can take 2 completely different flavors by switching between a mix of vodka with either pernod or perppermint schnapps, just like life we only see a tip of an iceberg in different flavors.*

WinterAir: Just tell her to read God of Rock, she will auto convert  :wahaha: My thoughts are still the same, and I`ll write according to my mood at the time inspiration appears, but since I`m in a good mood after listening to `Distant Worlds`music from FF by Vancouver`s Opera Orchestra, the next update might bring some light, as long as I get it done quickly, I have a stack of shifts coming up.... *buddy you get a `White Carnation` a mixture of vodka, peach schnapps, OJ and soda water.*

kahem: A bartender that knows flair with good looks even better! Bartender SAE :luvluv1:  *Had a bit of trouble deciding your drink but give you a glass of `French Connection`a simple yet stunning after dinner drink with cognac mixed nicely with amaretto*

blughise: No its not the same story as their musical, that story is about a vampire that searched 500yrs to find his love. *I believe a `Park Avenue`is the most fitting for you as this is where Kai mets Acchan and Nami, this is a mixture of gin with dry and sweet vermouth and unsweetened pineapple juice*

RenaChii: As mentioned above, I purposely put it in Sae`s POV so in a way we only know what she is thinking of and things that she remembers, might not even have to be in that particular order things happen but its what comes to mind for her. *for you I have a fabulous fruit cocktail the `Tangerine Margarita`, tequila mixed with orange liquor, lime juice, tangerine juice and a touch of salt on the rim, a nice mixture of different flavours from sweet, sour to salty*

What a long reply haha  :on woohoo: Wonder how long I can keep pairing the drinks until I run out of cocktails haha.

Offline anoni2

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Re: Infinity - I
« Reply #25 on: July 28, 2011, 05:03:50 PM »
weee thx for the treat!!   :pen_drunk:

uhm understood!!  :grin:

nonichan will read only and comment for the coming days, I think i won't be able to update. reason? game and distraction  :kneelbow:
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

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Offline blughise

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Re: Infinity - I
« Reply #26 on: July 28, 2011, 05:12:42 PM »
Thanks, for the drink XD

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Re: Infinity - I
« Reply #27 on: July 28, 2011, 07:19:59 PM »

hmm, then it's prolly sayaka or someone, and then yuki will come into sae's life and make it less emo lol.
thanks for the drink lol, i'll have to make a list of these drinks you're serving for when i turn 19 o:

Offline AAAice

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Re: Infinity - I
« Reply #28 on: July 29, 2011, 04:00:47 PM »
That was so deep (In a good way ofc.) I still do think it's Yuki.

>:]] This serving drinks you are giving us makes me want to play... I have this favorite cocktail and I wonder if you can serve that drink to me correctly. :]]] Take your time.  :pimp:
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Offline immortal_K

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Re: Infinity - I
« Reply #29 on: July 29, 2011, 06:25:15 PM »
anoni2: Don`t worry, I`ll can wait, just write when you have time. So to continue my trend of serving drinks you get a #26 Cocktail (Pernod Absinthe with a dash sweet vermouth, bit of lime and simple syrup mixed with orange juice)

blughise:  :twothumbs I`m actually having fun trying to serve everyone drinks without repeating yet, so for your 2nd drink you get a 4 Point Cocktail (bourbon + applejack with Solerno Blood Orange liqueur, maraschino liqueur and orange twist for garnish)

apparently: LOL I never said it wasn`t Yukirin, if you notice it was clearly decided since the prologue, so you only get ice water until I see that BlackGeki oneshot that you said you write for mehhhhhhh.

HashirePomeranian: Sayaka`s b-day is a little later in the month, but she isn`t the only other girl with b-day in July, there is also Rena, Myao and Komori. For sure won`t be Tomochin and Acchan since I mention their names  :thumbsup Thanks for writing your awesome fic, I pray for more Saeyuki moments, can`t wait till your next update. Yes we should convert everyone to Saeyuki!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHA For you I have a `Gibson` (gin + dry vermouth + cocktail onions for garnish) just because I reminds me of the guitar brand Gibson, they make some pretty awesome guitars  :heart: too bad I don`t have a Gibson.

AAAice: Hmmm your favorite cocktail... that will be so hard to guess, can I have some clues please? Like what is the main liquor and color etc. For now before I get any clues from you, I will continue to serve you a drinks according to my randomness ideas. You get a `Sex on the Beach`(vodka + peach schnapps + creme de cassis with orange and cranberry juice) This is for the Takamina scenes for your recent update  :peace:
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 12:41:36 PM by immortal_K »

Offline luckymmsg

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Re: Infinity - I
« Reply #30 on: July 29, 2011, 06:41:43 PM »
luckymmsg: Yes life is sad for Sae but given that she is immortal and been around for so long, its bound to happen. While life for us have a limit and eventually come to an end, hers does not. As for their past only time will reveal everything, gotta wait till I figure that out myself   As for God of Rock, I love the moments in there.  *my emo buddy, for you I have a`Iceberg`a cocktail that can take 2 completely different flavors by switching between a mix of vodka with either pernod or perppermint schnapps, just like life we only see a tip of an iceberg in different flavors.*

Waiting for their past to be reveal....
It sure going to be getting more and more realistic instead of reading fics.
You sure a good writer. :twothumbs

Yah, great moments in God of Rock. :twothumbs :wub:

Thanks for the drink, it's great to have drink with two flavors. :heart:

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Infinity - I
« Reply #31 on: August 02, 2011, 11:04:59 AM »
luckymmsg: Thanks for your comment, hope you enjoy this next part  :lol: (I wrote this part while I was on my days off after a nice day out so must less emo then the prevous XD)

So finally here is the next update, sorry it took longer then I thought to figure out what I want to do next, but here it is, it is a bit short but

Infinity - II

~ no matter how much you daydream
      there'll always be that same impatience from today
          'if' that is what you think about~

I didn't think we would meet again so fast but you quickly became a center point to my world. Day by day we went from strangers to friends, do you remember the first drink I mixed you at the bar counter?

"Excuse me?" I look up from behind the counter, once again captured by your eyes I failed to respond, I stood there staring.

"Emmm, Thank you for last night," you said as handed me my jacket from last night. Finally coming to my sense, I collected my jacket and motion for you to have a seat.

"Welcome to Infinity, I am Sae, I will be your bartender for tonight, what would you like for tonight?" I said as I do for every customer that is seated at the bar.

"I don't know, this is only my second time at a bar, what do you recommend?" you replied after thinking for a bit. Did anyone tell you, your thinking expression is absolutely gorgeous, the way you tapped your finger to your lips while slightly just slightly pouting those pink mesmerizing lips. Without a thought I already know what is the most suitable drink for you is.

The smooth and creamy chocolate flavored white creme de cacao, mixed with the sweet dried orange flavored blue curacao, a chocolate and orange martini that takes on a entirely different look with the same luscious flavours. The blue layered over the white, a perfect combination made into an eye-catching layered cocktail topped with an extra cream layer to add the finishing touch. I present you...

"For you my lady, I present you the Blue Carnation," I placed the glass in front of you and watched you admire the beautiful presentation.

If only you understand my reasons, your innocence, my curse. Blue carnations, a charming flower with elegance, it symbolizes tranquility, with a power that installs serenity into one's mind. It is a very clear response to the feelings I have, pure love, a reminder of my hearts devotion... but unlike any other carnations blue does not occur naturally.  The layered strips  in this blue carnation can only represent my wish, a wish to be with you.

Thinking back to all the time we spend together, here, in this place, you sitting on that chair, I standing behind this bar. We talked, we smiled, we laughed, we cried, we enjoyed each other's company.

"Did you know that spiders don't drown?"

"Really?" you asked me with a disbelieving look written all over your face.

"Really, they 'resurrect' after being drowned underwater," watching you follow my every word like a child waiting for the next page of a fairytale.

"I don't believe you," you said but clearly that smile of yours betray you.

"A scientist in France, did an experiment to see how long can spiders survive underwater, after immersing a few hundred spider underwater, he checked them every couple hours until he was sure they are all dead..." I paused to take a sip of water, as I watch you lean forward on the chair waiting for the rest of the story.

"After all of the spider has drowned to death, the researchers wanted to weigh the spiders to see if size would make a difference, they placed them out letting them dry, but that's when things started to get weird..." I accidently knocked one of the glasses on the counter over, causing you to jump from the sudden sound of glass against glass. I laughed, your reaction was the best ever, I couldn't help it, I think my stomach started to hurt from laughing so hard… that was the first time you playfully slapped my arm for laughing at you.

"So what happened?" you asked, wanting to know the results of this study.

"Hours later, these spiders began to twitch, and soon they were all back on their legs, fully functional as if they are immortal and only waited to recover from the initial shock and trauma. It is said that their trick to survival depends on a switch in their metabolic process, shutting down parts of the body that is not vital, leaving only the important organs functioning. So once they are dried, their body recovers"

"Seriously? So they never die like immortals?"

"Immortals can die and vampires can be killed, it's depends on the method, as for spiders, if you leave them in water long enough, they will eventually run out of energy to sustain their coma state. The real immortal are jellyfish, at least in the aging part..." I just love sharing stories with you, the way you hang onto every word I speak, never once have you complained, but sometimes I wish you weren't so perfect then maybe we would never come to these circumstances.

"Sae," you smiled and pointed over to one corner of infinity, "I want to try too, teach me," I looked over to see a few of the customers finishing up a game of darts. I smiled and nodded, your smile was too irresistible, I couldn't say no.

I lead you over to the dartboard, standing behind the 7ft line, I lifted the darts to demonstrate how to hold and throw them. With a flick of my wrist, one by one I sent the darts flying to the board, I heard claps from nearby audience as I went to pick up the darts.

"Why did they clap? You didn't hit the middle?" your confused look almost made me want to hug you and say ~kawaii~ but I had to refrain myself, I can't lose control.

"That little inner red bar under the 20 is the triple ring, so that is 60 points when the dart lands there, more than the 50 from a bull's eye. So the highest score possible with three darts is 180 when they all land in the triple 20." I slowly explained.

"Here you try,"

"But I don't know how to play,"

I place the darts in your hands, and had you stand there in front of the board, I demonstrated how to throw the dart for you again, but your first try was off target, you pouted, and tried again but it wasn't any better, I can start to see the frustration making its way to spoil your smile. My hand stopped you from throwing your last, I stepped up behind you, holding your hand in mine I allowed you to feel the motion of releasing the dart. My left hand made its way to your waist to correct your standing position, even though separated by a layer of cloth I can still feel your soft skin and slim waist, my hands start to feel hot, a burning sensation that slowly spreads into the rest of my body. I love the smell of your hair, the way your body fits into my embrace like a puzzle meant to be placed together. I almost forgot where we are, I thought I made it to heaven, the contact was short but it felt everlasting. Your next throw shot me in the heart, your lovely smile painted over your face, your eyes glittered with happiness, you kissed me on the cheeks.

If my life is meant for 'Infinity' then I wish this moment to be forever.


Sorry again for the long wait, unfortunately life is starting to catch up to me so I won't have much time to write. I have to start working on my neglected psych assignments before I fail them. :on cloudeye: So juggling between that and my full time job, I'll have to cut back on writing time, but I'll try to update at least once a week. Can't help that this is much more fun and interesting then a textbook and assignments  :on lol:

I'll still be lurking around here on my phone while I transit around, so feel free to leave comments.  :mon determined:
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 09:29:19 PM by immortal_K »

Offline AAAice

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Re: Infinity - II
« Reply #32 on: August 02, 2011, 11:54:21 AM »
It's so warm reading this chapter. The teaching her how to throw and all the dart, I really can see the moving image in my head.  :heart:

Eek, I'll just stomp on those spiders (they scare me) lol I even remember a spider webbed down in front of my face. :]]]]


By the way my first two clue 'Cherry Brandy and Dry Vermouth' is one of the main.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 12:48:43 PM by AAAice »
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Offline anoni2

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Re: Infinity - II
« Reply #33 on: August 02, 2011, 12:36:55 PM »
spiders are not scary at all   :lol:

gah that was heartwarming tho kinda sad   :)

thx for the drink and update  XD
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

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Offline luckymmsg

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Re: Infinity - II
« Reply #34 on: August 02, 2011, 02:05:39 PM »
It's definately less emo and filled with love :heart: .

The smooth and creamy chocolate flavored white creme de cacao, mixed with the sweet dried orange flavored blue curacao, a chocolate and orange martini that takes on a entirely different look with the same luscious flavours. The blue layered over the white, a perfect combination made into an eye-catching layered cocktail topped with an extra cream layer to add the finishing touch. I present you...

This sounded as if you are the bartender yourself. :lol:  (Can imagine how blue carnation look like)

The teaching is such loving moments, having that scene running in my head now.  :wub:

Take your time for the next update. :)

Offline blughise

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Re: Infinity - II
« Reply #35 on: August 02, 2011, 02:11:40 PM »
I hate the big hairy spiders(tarantula)....they gross me out!
things are progress nice and slow XD
UPdate soon

Offline kahem

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Re: Infinity - II
« Reply #36 on: August 02, 2011, 02:22:45 PM »
Oh Sae knows a lot of thing ^^ the teaching part is so great to read

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Infinity - II
« Reply #37 on: August 02, 2011, 02:52:06 PM »
Please update soon~  :wub:

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Re: Infinity - II
« Reply #38 on: August 02, 2011, 09:05:40 PM »
ngahhhhhhhhh kiraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

i'm always wondering about that immortal stuff you always say lol, interesting, about the spiders.
haha i could totally imagine a bartender sae teaching yukirin darts... SAEEE TEACH ME HOW TO PLAY TOO :luvluv2:

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Infinity - II
« Reply #39 on: August 04, 2011, 12:40:47 PM »
AAAice: I hate it when I get spider webs in my face, feels nasty. For my first guess, my lady I present you a 'French Rose' a mix of gin with dry vermouth and cherry brandy.

anoni2: Just kill them!!!!! LOL unfortunately I live in my dungeon... I mean basement so I get lots of spiders. For you I have a 'Lavender Martini' the sweet Lavender syrup paired with a balanced, fully aromatic sapphire gin mixed with dry vermouth.

luckymmsg: bartending sounds fun, I wish I can do that instead, so to satisfy my wish I pass out drinks here :lol: I have ready for you a 'Kiwi Martini' fresh skinned kiwi with citrus vodka and sugar syrup.

blughise: I only seen tarantula's caged, so hopefully I won't ever see one running around...... So I guess it is Martini night so I will serve you a Green Apple Martini' a simple mix of vodka with green-apple schnapps.

kahem: I randomly came across a study article on the spiders and jellyfish... and though it is interesting to share  :lol: Here is a 'Dafne Martini' for you a mix of gin
and pear vodka with blue curacao and dry vermouth.

RenaChii: I'll try to update soon, I have a lot of shifts coming up so hopefully if things go well I can do a bit of my assignments during down time and break times  XD. The best way to cool down in the hot summer is with a 'Orange Martini' vodka mixed with triple sec and dry vermouth.

apparently: Graaaaaaaaaaaace, immortal stuff is a secret bwahahahahahahaha, you can go dream bartender Sae teaching you darts  :P So you get a 'Purple Martini' vodka mixed with triple sec and a juice drink called "Purple" which includes blueberry, blackcurrant, pomegranate, cranberry, purple plum and black cherry juice mixed in one.

Thank you for reading and leaving me comments.
~your immortal bartender

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