@Flean: You'll know in the next update! Or maybe this teaser will give you a hint?
@caghaunt: Yes. Yes . Yes. Yes. Yes and Yes! For Ray being the Family who wants them to be killed~ Hmm~

You'll just have to wait~

@Yagami.Rai: Takamina not dying? Hmm~ Let me think about it first!

And thank you ^^
@skytsuna: I wonder too~
@Kiri-el: Your welcome ^^ And thank you for your comment ^^
@Haruko: I don't know~

Read the teaser and you might get a clue (maybe?

@kahem: Thank you ^^ I'll try my best again for the next update!
@RenaChii: Hmm~ I don't know~?
@haruhi16: Yes Minami!!! hahaha. JK (maybe)
@Megumi: Thank you for saying that!
Hey guys! Anyway, since I'm having some kind of trouble for the update of Love's a Mission, I wrote another update for Akiba Family. And since I'm caught up in a storm of school work, I'll be posting a bit more late than I usually do. Anyway,this is just a teaser for the next update?“How is she doctor?” Yuko asked. The doctor sighed and looked at them. He looked away and spoke.
“A shot through the head is already deadly, adding to that, she has already lost liters of blood. The surgery we performed worked and has allowed her to continue living…for now.” The doctor sighed as he added, “but it’s more likely that she won’t live for long.”
Tomo~mi sobbed harder and Sae patted her shoulder as Tomochin hugged the sobbing girl. Tomo~mi may have a huge thirst for blood, but she’s weak when it comes to people dying.
“How are we going to tell her?” Yukirin asked her sister, Rena. Rena just looked at her and sighed as she shrugged her shoulders.
“Do you think she’ll take it well?” Sayaka asked. Sayaka has met known her for a short time, but she knew that those two held a deep bond and friendship with each other. And losing a close friend is a painful feeling. Something everyone in the Rappapa Family has experienced.
End of teaser