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Author Topic: Faith [MariHaru] [P5-7] [Updated]  (Read 7552 times)

Offline Ando

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Faith [MariHaru] [P5-7] [Updated]
« on: May 25, 2013, 07:43:44 PM »
Yeah..I admit..I update it first in my blog.. :P ..still..yeah...sharing is caring.. :D




Mariko POV

Today is special day because it is the day that I was born ..and ..the day of my death… n also the day I’m being alive again. Is everything is planning by me?? I also asking myself once BUT it’s not something that I can denied. It just about this cruel world and their own rules. Making me go through this hell. Who are they to deciding my fate. I should ask this to them BUT I can’t. I can’t actually go near them. I can’t even see them. I only can listening to them from far. Honestly say, I also doesn’t knew who is ‘them’.

This hell make me hurts a lot. This pain is absolutely make me crazy BUT I’m still normal. I’m here..alive..and living around the normal people that think this world is their dream world. The peacefulness that they get, they really enjoying it like there are no tomorrow. Some of them are wasting their time like their life is long enough to be wasted.

How much I actually admired their life. It’s beyond everyone expectation. I prefer to living those normal life compared to this hell.

Why I’m alive???..why I’m here???..why?..why? …


Haruna POV

This ‘things’ are just something I considered as normal. Am I not normal to think like that. I also felt there are people out there that think I’m crazy just by looking at my appearance and how I live. I live a luxury life BUT it’s not something that I get in a short time and with the easy way. I’m not that kind of person. I hate to be look down by them. I hate to see them whispering to each other as if I’m actually someone that they knew very well to talk about.

How many times that I go through the pain that eventually make me immune to it. I truly doesn’t knew it. Everytime I died, there is always someone that also have the same faith as me. I believe it, deep in my heart. I knew it and I really want to know who is that one person that sharing this kind of faith with me.

I overheard it at the time where I’ve been alive again. I don’t really remember the exact date BUT I’m happy and excited to heard about that one news. It’s someone that might understand my feeling after all.

My only one…


Don't expect anything as I'm quite a boring person after all.. :nervous I write whatever i think..and it might be bored or interesting to u..  :lol:

Anyway.. :sweatdrop: sorry or any mistake in writing, error here n there..

~thanks for reading it...  XD

n this poster!!! poster BELOW!!!

CREDIT TO :- yanouchi for this...I LIKE IT!!!  :cathappy: :deco: :deco: :cathappy:

I dun care about what other people say..BUT I love it..hihi..thanks for ur hardwork n etc..  :twothumbs :twothumbs ...I appreciate it..

 :D :D :heart: :heart:
« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 08:28:28 AM by Ando »
~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

Offline yanouchi

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Re: Faith [MariHaru] prologue
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2013, 07:36:38 AM »
Yeah, another MariHaru...this probably an emo, angsty theme?

can't wait to the next chapter....thanks Ando-san XD

Offline Yuki88

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Re: Faith [MariHaru] prologue
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2013, 10:55:09 AM »
More MariKoji fic is good for my health  :drool:
Even better when it's angsty one  :drool:
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

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Offline Ando

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Re: Faith [MariHaru] C-1
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2013, 04:39:03 PM »
@yanouchi -yeah..I'm not sure... :lol:

@Yuki88 - I'm sorry if it's not interesting... n doesn't make any good for ur health..  :bow: :P

 :lol: I dunno why..BUT this fanfic surely are totally not in order...means in mess.. :sweatdrop:..totally...messed that document.. :nervous microsoft words.. might bored and not I actually write this awkwardly..LOL..doesn't know how to describe this..cause it's not the real idea..I write a new one..hmm..n push the real one below.. :doh: I said..totally not in ordered yet..

Sorry for any mistake here n there.. :banghead: :banghead: need to arrange it in mess up..  :panic: :panic:



Chapter 1


Again…Mariko taught as she see a white ceiling as soon as she open her eyes. She turn her head to the right. No one there. She turn her head to the left. Still there is no one. She rub her eyes a few times as she want to make sure she’s not dreaming.

As expected… Mariko rubbing her head and caress her body that been wrapped properly to hide all the wound that she get. She still remembered clearly the bloody night before she’s end up at this white room.


*knock* ~ door open~

A nurse take a look to check on Mariko.

“U’re awake?? I call the doctor..” the nurse that just come in reassured Mariko with a wide smile on her face and leaving Mariko alone.

Like usual..BUT where am I?? this time.. Mariko doesn’t want to lay down anymore. She sit and try to stand. Then, she walk to the window near her bed.

Beautiful.. Mariko taught as she see a beautiful scenery in front of her. A long sigh came replacing an awkward smile that she wear before.

Mariko turn to the other side and look at the group of people that laughing in the small garden outside of the hospital. She can see that there are lot of people that happy to survive and live in this world just by looking at their face. There are also a patient that received such a warm welcome by male patient and staff there.

She’s a hot girl..I guess..Mariko taught as she see a female patient receiving a few flower and gift from a group of male patient.

Mariko turn to see a small calendar just beside her. Her eyes become a pool of tears as she stared it.


Mariko POV

Today is special day because it is the day that I was born ..and ..the day of my death… n also the day I’m being alive again. Is everything is planning by me?? I also asking myself once BUT it’s not something that I can denied. It just about this cruel world and their own rules. Making me go through this hell. Who are they to deciding my fate. I should ask this to them BUT I can’t. I can’t actually go near them. I can’t even see them. I only can listening to them from far. Honestly say, I also doesn’t knew who is ‘them’.

This hell make me hurts a lot. This pain is absolutely make me crazy BUT I’m still normal. I’m here..alive..and living around the normal people that think this world is their dream world. The peacefulness that they get, they really enjoying it like there are no tomorrow. Some of them are wasting their time like their life is long enough to be wasted.

How much I actually admired their life. It’s beyond everyone expectation. I prefer to living those normal life compared to this hell.


“My birthday…” Mariko sigh as she think about everything she going through the night before. It’s really make herself suffocating and shivering just by thinking of it.

“Are you OK??” a unfamiliar but comfortable voice ask from Mariko back.

“Yeah..” Mariko turn back and see a same nurse and a doctor stand and look at her with concern.

“…….rest more..u need more rest..” that doctor showing a sign to Mariko to lay down on the bed as she want to make some check up.

“Ah..hai..”  Mariko walk towards her bed and lay down properly.


“Do you felt anything strange with your body??” the doctor ask me while checking the wounds on Mariko body.

“No..i’m fine..” Mariko nod and said it confidently.

“Really..” the doctor said while looking directly at Mariko. He still felt there is something wrong with Mariko body. The wounds still not healing properly.

“Can I knew where am I actually??” Mariko avoided the gaze from that one doctor and changing the subject of the conversation by asking as she also curious about it.

“’s XXXXX hospital..” that doctor answered shortly.

“Ooo…n how I end up here??” Mariko ask again. She did knew that she’s fainted or maybe died at that certain place BUT this place is far from there for sure.

“Hmm..someone found u unconscious at some road..I’m not sure about the detail..” the doctor answered reluctantly as he also unsured about the details.

“..BUT u can  meet her..the person that bring u here..” that doctor smiled as he said it. Then, he write something on the medical record that he bring along.

“Owh..ok..” Mariko nod weakly. She’s trying to find the answer of the question in her mind.

I’m sure I dead there..that’s quite rare for him to bring me this far… Mariko scratching her head that not itchy as she think.

“Then..I go first..” the doctor bow a bit and take a leave.

“Hai..” Mariko bow a bit as she’s very grateful that the doctor that not ask how she end up like this.

Nice..not like the doctor before..sure problematic doctor..Mariko wearing a smile on her face as she satisfied with everything.



“I’m already calling police..” the doctor stuttered as she say it.

“What??” Mariko look very unpleased when she heard it.

“Police..hope u can cooperate..” the doctor take a step back and avoiding Mariko gaze.

“What do u meant by that??” Mariko ask as she want to confirm what she heard.

“BUT you’ve been shot..not once..a few times…” the doctor nervously make up an excuse for her action.

“I don’t want to meet’s my personal problems..” Mariko said bluntly what she think.


“U!! I taught that you’re a doctor..” Mariko suddenly get out from her bed and press that doctor to the wall. She really can’t stand it anymore.

“………act like one..don’t meddling if u doesn’t knew anything..” Mariko whispered beside that doctor ears and release her. She actually worried as it’s very dangerous to be involve on her things.

“AH..HAI!!! GOMEN!!” that doctor bow and directly walking out in panic.

Gomen..I doesn’t mean it..


Mariko grin and giggling by herself as she think about it. It sure one of an experience that she felt funny as she doesn’t act like herself BUT a sudden taught came to her mind.

“Who’s that person??” Mariko quite worried when she taught about the person that found her.

Is that person is someone that related to my ‘death’ Mariko sit and try to think more calmly and positive. innocent person that might worried like crazy when seeing my condition before..

To be continue… 


I think I make it better later..dunno when.. :smhid

yeah..n it's short.. :P

sorry for any error here n there.. :sweatdrop:

n like I said before..dun expect anything..yeah..for this fanfic..cause i'm in troubled here.. :doh:..I don't really know how to write this kind of theme... :rofl:

 :banghead: :banghead: wake up AnDo!!!   :panic: :panic:
~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

Offline Yuki88

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Re: Faith [MariHaru] C-1
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2013, 08:13:39 PM »
Lol I get what you meant with messy there.  It was indeed... messy. XD

But it makes me even more curious on how the story will progress. :D
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Re: Faith [MariHaru] C-1
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2013, 09:03:03 PM »
There is a mystery behind Mariko being shot and this mystery needs to be solved :nervous
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline yanouchi

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Re: Faith [MariHaru] C-1
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2013, 01:27:37 AM »
Yeah update!...

aah first i thought the problematic female doctor - Haruna...but its not XD

don't worry Ando-san just keep it up nice and steady writing it... :on GJ:

Offline Dieyg48

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Re: Faith [MariHaru] C-1
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2013, 08:44:26 AM »
Ehhhh~Mariko is being shot several time huh?..then she died...uhuhu what am i saying..
 :sweatdrop: :doh: XD

~same as Yanouchi here..i thought the doctor is Haruna!!~
 XD :lol: :)

~Well, i wonder if the person that rescue or the one that found Mariko is Haruna?? Don't know..
 :D :? :lol:

~I want to know what happen after this!!! pls update it!!!
 8) :w00t: :roll:

~Thanks for the update and i'm looking forward for the next one..~
 :yep: :twothumbs :bow:
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Offline Ando

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Re: Faith [MariHaru] C-2
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2013, 03:39:19 PM »
Alrite...after a few days gloomy day for me.. is the day I felt a bit OK..yeah..just a bit..BUT enough to made and update this fanfic.. :yep: :yep:

Still.. :smhid can't understand about this world well..  :doh:...

Anyway..thanks to all the person that view and read this.. :bow:

I did appreciate it.. :cathappy: :deco:





At the same time…

In the small garden beside the hospital..

A group of patient and staff that mostly males are gathered around to see a girl that volunteering herself to massaging one person that can’t move her feet.

“Are u always this kind??” that patient smiling happily as Haruna kept massage his feet.

“I want to married u…” there is some whispered from the crowd.

“I don’t have any regret even though I died today..” that patient said as if he’s giving up already about her life.

“Don’t talk like that…” Haruna said weakly to lift up that patient spirit.

“This is heaven..” he said again while wearing a wide smile on his face.

Heaven…Haruna taught quietly while kept messaging one of the patient. She doesn’t really understand what is heaven as it is some place that she can’t go despite her current situation.

“Haruna-chan…u need more rest…please go back to ur room…” a nurse come and tap Haruna shoulder from back.

“Ah..Hai..thanks everyone…I’ll treasured all this things..” Haruna take a few gift that she got from the other patient.

“Waa..haruna-san sure is popular..” the nurse said with playful tone.

“Iie..” Haruna shook her head to denied it. After all, she’s not interested to any of them.

“U rich..pretty…I’m sure there are lot of man confessing to u..” the nurse add while wearing a wide smile on her face. She quite sure about it based on what she see today.

“Not really…” Haruna shook her head again while walking in a slow pace with the help of the nurse to her room.


At her room aka Haruna room…

“They sure have lot of things to talk about me..” Haruna muttered alone and sigh while staring at the wall. Last night sure is another nightmare that she doesn’t want to remember. Her body shivered just at the taught of that incident.


Haruna POV

This ‘things’ are just something I considered as normal. Am I not normal to think like that. I also felt there are people out there that think I’m crazy just by looking at my appearance and how I live. I live a luxury life BUT it’s not something that I get in a short time. I’m not that kind of person. I hate to be looked down by them. I hate to see them whispering to each other as if I’m actually someone that they knew very well to talk about.

How many times that I go through the pain that eventually make me immune to it. I truly doesn’t knew it. Every time I died, there is always someone that also have the same fate as me. I believe it, deep in my heart. I knew it and I really want to know who is that one person that sharing this kind of fate with me.

I overheard it at the time where I’ve been alive again today. I don’t really remember the exact detail BUT I’m happy and excited to heard about that one news. It’s someone that might understand my feeling after all.

My only one…


“Why today??” Haruna scratching her head that doesn’t itchy while wondering about the reason why that incident happened.’s the day that I died after all.. Haruna nod as she quite sure about it. she just remembered that today is D-DAY and she only remembered when she’s been hunt.


After a while…

Haruna take a deep breath before let out a long sigh. She try to stand again by herself to walk around. She’s felt bored without her favorite game and other things. She can’t sleep well after all. Every day is like a long day if she doesn’t do anything. She always sleeping only about 2 to 3 hour as it’s her habit in her normal life before.

She walk towards the door of her room and walk along the corridor outside. She want to walk normally like before and she believe her ability as a ‘doctor’ before. So, she walk around about a few minutes to work out as therapy BUT it’s too much for her body.

She desperately stop and sit in front the other patient room, panting and trying to breath in normal pace. The wound in her chest still hurt a lot.

“Are u ok??” a stranger that come and stand in front of her ask as she curious. Haruna can’t really look up and looking properly the owner of that voice as she’s too tired and still sit and curl herself.

“Ah..Un..” Haruna nod and said weakly.

“Where is your room??” that person ask gently while trying to look at Haruna leg that sprained and hurt. She also quite worried as she look at Haruna that look pale.

“There..the last one..” Haruna pointing out straightly to the end of the corridor. She bit her lips as she try to endure the pain that she felt.

“Let me help u..” that person wrapped her arm around haruna shoulder while Haruna totally landing all her weight to that one person to move and grab tightly on that person hand.

“A..riga..tou.. and gomen..” Haruna said weakly while they were walking together slowly side by side to Haruna room.

“Iie..” that person answered shortly.

After walking and passing a few room in silent. Haruna nurse that leaving before came and help them. She’s searching around as she can’t find Haruna in her room.

“Arigatou..and u should going back to ur room..u need more rest..” the nurse bow a bit before changing her position with that person carefully.

“Hai..” that person nod and bow before she gone back to her room.


At Haruna room…

I..doesn’t thank her.. Haruna taught as soon as she felt a bit well than before. She sit and stared at the nurse wondering if she should ask the question that disturbing her mind.

“Nurse..who is she??” Haruna stutter while she asking that one question.

“I also doesn’t knew..BUT her injury is no joke..much worse than yours..” the nurse said bluntly while wearing a smile. She also doesn’t believe that the patient that help Haruna before is hurt badly.

“Really..BUT she sounds fine..” Haruna quite confuse as she felt that one person is totally fine just by hearing her voice and the way she walk.

“Ah..u doesn’t look at her u actually grab at one of her wound bleed again for sure..” the nurse answered after thinking for a while. She did remembered that the place where Haruna grab leaving some red trace.

“Really??” Haruna felt guilty all of sudden.

“, right now u should rest first..n I need to check on her..” the nurse said while she wrap up a few thing.

“ she’s look like??” Haruna ask as she’s very curious.

“Why??” the nurse raise her eyebrows as she surprise that Haruna care about that person.

“I want to thank her no matter what..” Haruna said while avoiding that nurse gaze.

“Hmm..ikemen?? if she was a man I sure lot of girls will fall in love with her…” that nurse said with playful tone. It’s amusing or her seeing Haruna asking about someone as she doesn’t see that Haruna interested about anyone since the time she awake.

“Ikemen??” Haruna blankly stared at the nurse that just laugh as she see Haruna reaction.

“Un..ja ne..and please rest properly..u’re not ready to walk around too much yet..” that nurse nod and leaving Haruna

“hai..” Haruna shortly replied. Her mind still kept thinking about that one person. She knew about ikemen as there also a few ikemen that working as model together with her.


She’s..very..hmm..gentle and kind…


Wondering how she look like..


To be continue…
~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

Offline kuro808

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Re: Faith [MariHaru] C-2 [Updated]
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2013, 07:09:53 PM »
Haruna meets a mysterious ikemen and gleams over its existence
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Yuki88

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Re: Faith [MariHaru] C-2 [Updated]
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2013, 07:14:14 PM »
Hmm, I'm confused. Really confused. Maybe I should re-read it from the beginning again XD
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

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Offline Dieyg48

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Re: Faith [MariHaru] C-2 [Updated]
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2013, 08:19:16 AM »
Hnnnn...Ikemen..ikemen..ikemen...Is that Mariko-sama?? Or someone else~~
 :? :oops: :D

~Bwahhh....NyanNyan sure is popular even in the hospital...huhuhh~~
 :twothumbs XD :P

~Oi..Oi..Oi...I really want to know who is this can be Mariko-sama or someone else..Guhh!!
 :P :banghead: :panic:

~Mann...Ando-san~~Pls update it soon~~Can't wait for the next one~~
 :twothumbs :thumbsup :bow:
Takamina forever in my heart!!!
AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
In FanFic...Anything is possible!!!
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[Note: I'm on HIATUS right now...For a very long time!! T__T''']

Offline Ando

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Re: Faith [MariHaru] C-2 [Updated]
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2013, 04:02:44 AM »
Hmm, I'm confused. Really confused. Maybe I should re-read it from the beginning again XD

 :sweatdrop: sry to make u confuse...  :P

Hnnnn...Ikemen..ikemen..ikemen...Is that Mariko-sama?? Or someone else~~
 :? :oops: :D

~Bwahhh....NyanNyan sure is popular even in the hospital...huhuhh~~
 :twothumbs XD :P

~Oi..Oi..Oi...I really want to know who is this can be Mariko-sama or someone else..Guhh!!
 :P :banghead: :panic:

~Mann...Ando-san~~Pls update it soon~~Can't wait for the next one~~
 :twothumbs :thumbsup :bow:

  :cathappy: make me want to update it late.... :roll: :D XD
~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

Offline Dieyg48

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Re: Faith [MariHaru] C-2 [Updated]
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2013, 09:05:30 AM »
Hnnnn...Ikemen..ikemen..ikemen...Is that Mariko-sama?? Or someone else~~
 :? :oops: :D

~Bwahhh....NyanNyan sure is popular even in the hospital...huhuhh~~
 :twothumbs XD :P

~Oi..Oi..Oi...I really want to know who is this can be Mariko-sama or someone else..Guhh!!
 :P :banghead: :panic:

~Mann...Ando-san~~Pls update it soon~~Can't wait for the next one~~
 :twothumbs :thumbsup :bow:

  :cathappy: make me want to update it late.... :roll: :D XD

Aghh!! I don't know are you teasing me or something but....
 :cry: :banghead: 8)

~Just...PLS UPDATE SOON~~I CAN"T WAIT FOR IT!~!~No forcing Ando-san~!~!~
 :lol: XD :P

~Well, just continue on your other fics but just update it~~Onegaishimasu~~Ehehhe..
 :twothumbs :bow: :thumbsup
Takamina forever in my heart!!!
AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
In FanFic...Anything is possible!!!
Love and Peace!!!
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[Note: I'm on HIATUS right now...For a very long time!! T__T''']

Offline Ando

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Faith [MariHaru] C-3 [Updated]
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2013, 05:10:21 AM » what I always done nowadays...cause of my laziness to copy and paste... :sweatdrop:

hihi.. :lol:


 :peace: :peace: :cathappy: :deco:

I glad that I finish this chapter..huhu..


LOL..yeah..I become more lazy but at the same time...huhuhu..thanks for reading it..><... :D ..even it might be not as expected...n become more bored o anything my writing skill is very lacking..still..I appreciate ur support...

 :P :D

THUS!! before I going to sleep..let me update this chapter in here by copy n paste from my wordpress.. XD ...even I give the link before...



Part 3

At the hospital…

Mariko just came back from the bathroom that quite far from her room. She doesn’t want to sit and stared at the ceiling at her room without doing anything. It’s very boring. Thus, she walking out and walk around a bit. On her way back, she met a patient that seems in pain. There is something that make her want to help that one girl by her own even though there are nurse nearby. She can ask for help BUT she just can’t ignore her worried and her heart that beating fast when she see that girl.

She give a hand to that girl. Helping her means giving her own self a chance to realize what kind of feeling that she have. It’s been a while her heart pounding this fast. The last time it’s in that condition is when she see her younger sister smiling inside her car.

After helping that girl walk and arrived safely to her own room, Mariko walk back to her own room that not too far from there.

At her room..

As soon as she’s arrived at her room , Mariko look at her arms, the wound is open again n did make the bandage become wet with her own blood BUT it seems her blood already stop flowing out for a while and clotting properly.

She stared blankly at her other wounds and sigh.


Mariko POV

Hmm…hope all of this healing fast… *sigh*

That she really ok??

I’m worried to death before…

N why I can’t recognize that feeling before..

Is it because I’m too worried or else..



the goddess…



-knock sound from outside-

The door slowly open and Mariko just waiting patiently to see the person that visiting her.

“Is she’s alright..” a stranger mumbling by herself while walking into Mariko room.

“AH!!! U!!! U!! U’RE BLEEDING!!! IT’S RED!! ALL RED!!” the stranger that Mariko doesn’t even know her name screaming out loud while pointing at her and actually make the nurse and the doctor that heard it from outside in panic state.

“Where?? Where??” one of the nurse outside came in while looking at the person that been pointing out by that stranger. Mariko just blankly look at the situation while shook her head. She’s not that serious that people should be panic.

“There!!” that stranger insisting that Mariko is the one.

“Ah..doctor2…Mariko-san room XX..have emergency…emergency..” that nurse calling the doctor in charge of Mariko.

“Mariko..are u OK??” that nurse ask with concern.

“Yeah..i’m fine…” Mariko answered shortly without any expression while kept her eyes on that stranger.


At the same time..

Haruna can heard all the chaos from her room,,

Ah.. Did something happen??


After some time…

The doctor and nurse in charge of Mariko leaving Mariko room.

The stranger before that was a girl just stand still and watch blankly mariko that lay down on her bed.

“Who are u??” Mariko that lay down before, sit comfortably and stared at that one girl.

“I…I..I was the one that..f..f..found…u..” the girl seems afraid of mariko as she’s trembling after remembering the moment when she found Mariko.

The scene of that night also playing in Mariko’s mind…



It’s a peaceful night where lot of people actually going out as there are some festival going on at the town. BUT there is the place that become too quiet as nobody are there and it’s become a hunting place for a certain person. A man..

“Why should I run??” Mariko stop after a while. She’s too tired. It’s a year. A year already pass and it’s been a while she doesn’t go through this event that for her is quite a pain.

“Ah…this is not fun Mariko-chan..” a smirk can be seen on his face.

Mariko glared at the person that looked down on her. She’s already met that man a few times before.

“U’re not afraid??” that man felt disturb with Mariko way of looking at him.

“I’m not..” Mariko shook her head without showing any sign that she’s afraid of that man.

“Then..” that main pull out a knife and aiming Mariko head.

“Are u sure??” that main asking again with a playful tone. He’s grin and giggling by herself as he can see Mariko take a few step back.

“Huh..” Mariko start running again BUT a few hard and short things stab herself from her back.


“I taught that u’re more invincible..I guess u’re not..” that man kick Mariko body that already weak and lay down there on the road.

“Time to say goodbye..” that man give a last blow that make Mariko world dark.


While minami..




Minami currently walk alone in a quiet road at..xxxx

“Huh..why acchan always leave me alone like that..” Minami whining and mumbling by herself after Acchan suddenly leaving her after receive a call from her workplace.

While walking..

“hmm..what’s that..” Minami slowly walk towards the suspicious thing that she see from far before.


“BLOOD!!! IS SHE’S ALREADY DEAD!!” Minami nearly have a heart attack after seeing the body that full of blood in front of her. She’s become anxious and the first person that came into her mind at that time is…

“Acchan…Acchan!!!” Minami took her phone and dial up the no 1 in her phone.

-calling acchan-

“Achan!!! There’s a body!!! With BLOOD!!!” Minami shout as soon as her calls been pick up by someone on the other side of the phone.

“Our body have blood minami..what are u talking about??..calm down a bit..I can’t understand any of it..” Acchan quite shock with a sudden loud shout from Minami that she actually put her phone far a bit from her ears before she answered Minami.

“Fuuhhhhh…Acchan…I’m serious here…” Minami let out a long sigh and said it with a firm and serious voice.

“So??” Acchan quite unsure why Minami calling her in the first place if the situation that minami said is that serious.

“SO!! What should I do???” Minami ask. Her trembling voice did make Acchan worried and wonder if minami can go through that situation or not.

“U should call ambulance to come fetch that person to hospital..not me..” Acchan calmly said so that Minami can understand her points.

“AH..THEN!! JA NE!!” Minami immediately cut the line after Acchan words. Acchan just blankly stared at her phone while thinking..

She can be too panic sometimes..


Minami let out a long sigh to calm herself down. She’s shivering even she just thinking about that incident.

“’s u..” Mariko just become calm as she’s positive that person doesn’t related at all with the assassin that ‘kill’ her.

“..what’s ur name??” Mariko ask shortly as she’s curious.

“Me..hmm..u can call me minami..”

“A midget..” Mariko grin n a smirk can clearly been seen on her face. That’s the first impression that she can taught after she see her savior.


“Naahh…forget it..anyway..thanks a lot..” Mariko said while smiling widely to Minami. She’s then grin by herself thinking about something that just came into her mind.

“..Can u be my friend??” Mariko ask straight forward without hiding anything.

“Un!! Of course!!” Minami excitedly answer as she doesn’t have any reason to reject it.

To be continue..

« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 02:16:44 AM by Ando »
~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

Offline Ando

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Faith [MariHaru] C-4 [Updated]
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2013, 07:07:35 AM »
New update..almost a month from my last update... XD

Anyway..yeah...I only give a link like I've been my ownself again...sleepyhead...  :sweatdrop: ..i've a bit :smhid ..nowadays..maybe..


I felt superduper happy as i'm finish this chapter properly as I'm doing it while i'm sleepy n just came back from my work..

 :cathappy: :deco: :deco:


YOSH!!! another update in this thread...LOL..sorry for being lazy...thanks for someone that reading it...I actually will try to update all the fanfic that I only give link...><... hihihi... :nervous

thanks for supporting me..that quite lazy nowadays because of many reason.. :D



Part 4


5 month after the incident…

At small advertisement company, there is a commotion that happened because of one of the worker that doesn’t doing her work properly.

“Shinoda-san..u should getting better by time..”

“Gomenasai!!!” Mariko bowing about 90 degree to the person that totally lost his temper because of mariko mistake.

“I can’t accept this kind of s**t work anymore. U’re fired!!”

“BUT..” Mariko look at her boss while wearing a confused face. She really want to explain the real situation how it end up like that as it’s not her fault.

“I said..u’re fired..get out from my office..NOW!!!”

“hai..I understand..thanks for everything..” Mariko just give up as that one boss doesn’t suit her taste after all. She bow a bit and walk out while wearing a smile on her face. She just felt relieved that she doesn’t work under that one boss anymore.


-outside of big boss room-

Minami aka takamina just come back from her on-site work…

“Huh..Mariko-chan?? Where u want to go??” minami ask curiously while watching Mariko put her things into the small box.

“hmm..Back home..” Mariko bluntly say while wearing an emotionless face.

“’s still working hours..” Minami look at her wrist watch and turn to look at Mariko again.

“Ano..just been fired right now..” Mariko answered while finish packing everything and ready to go.

“Owh..” Minami quite shock at that one fact PLUS the face that Mariko show surely doesn’t have any sign that she’s not happy with that decision.

“So..ja ne..” Mariko said while smiling happily and leaving her alone dumbfounded by Mariko calm act.



At the same the popular shop that popular among the rich people…

2 sales girl there doesn’t even care about a person that kept looking and seems interested in their product. They actually bad mouthing her while kept glancing at that one person.

“What with that girl, always coming to our shop and acting like she’s rich enough to buy all this..”

“ quiet..she’s a customer..”

“Customer?? Look at her’s all fake…”

“Really..I don’t think so..”

“Look properly..huh..u’re really stupid are u??”

“EHEM” a sudden reminding sound from their supervisor make them startled.

“…both of u do ur works or u will be fired…” the supervisor give them a warning as if there is no more chance for them.

“HAI!!” both of them pretending to go back to their own job BUT still ignoring that person.


After a while, that supervisor came near to that one customer.

“Hello miss Kojima…may I help u??” the supervisor bow a bit respecting the customer that already well known in lot of branded fashion shop.

“No..not really..I’m just wonderin if the dress that I ordered before is already arrive or not..” Haruna smile widely as if she doesn’t heard any of the conversation of those 2 worker.

“Owh..I’m sorry..but..still..” the supervisor stuttered while answering as she doesn’t know what reason that she should give to Haruna.

“Not arrived?? It’s already beyond the date that u’re promised…” Haruna show the receipt that she received before.

“Are u gonna compensate of my loss if anything happen??” Haruna stared at the person in front of her that kept her silent while listening to her.

“Gomenasai!! I’ll try to contact them again and make it arrived as soon as possible..” the supervisor bow lower than she usually do.

“Gomen..” she said again hoping that Haruna can understand her situation.

“Huh..and do teach ur worker about manner before they start working..” Haruna let out a small sigh and say it bluntly while wearing a smile on her face. Actually, she’s not really angry and care about it.  The only thing that she think and care is about her time for other things that become less n less especially her play time.


“I believe u know what I mean..” Haruna doesn’t really pointing out the 2 worker that bad mouthing her before as she knew that it’s already been known by that supervisor.

“Hai..I understand it…” the supervisor glanced and glared at the 2 worker that watching intently the scene in front of them.

“Then..I’m gonna come again this weekend..” Haruna said bluntly while wearing a blank face like nothing happened.


“Yeah..any problem??” Haruna stared blankly at the manager that seems uncertain about it. She look at her wrist watch before take a few step to the entrance aka exit of the shop.


“K, then..” Haruna walk out while taking out a small note book which she always bring along with her. She actually writing in details her schedule and things she would like to do there.

After writing some note about the meeting for tomorrow, she walk happily to a certain place where she want to eat her lunch.


“Both of u..huh..take note about this..I’m not gonna tolerate any mistake from both of u again. That’s truly my first and last warning…n she’s…she’s our VVIP customer..u..u really stupid to talk like that…” the manager said to the 2 worker while wearing frustrated face.


At the same time…

Mariko currently stop by for lunch at a restaurant after walking without destination.

“Hmm..losing my job again…why I’m working in the first place??” Mariko said unconsciously while stretching a bit before sitting comfortably. She just ordered the food that she want to eat.

“Huh..too hungry to think that stupid reason…” Mariko sigh as she realize she can’t think of anything as she’s too hungry.

“Curry for today..” Mariko smile widely as she think about the food that she just ordered while looking at the menu that have the picture of it.

Must be delicious… Mariko lick a bit her lips while imagining the taste of it.

Mariko POV

It’s been a while I can actually doing this kind of things. Why am I too stupid to work and living like a normal person even though I’m not. It might be heaven for me if I just stay and doing all my favourite things without worried BUT it might be strange to other people that knew me. I hate to living in different place BUT every time I think that.. I might be crazy because of all the lies I just done.

“Miss..ur food..” the waiter come and giving out the food that mariko ordered before.

“Arigatou..” Mariko thanks the waiter before take a picture of her food carefully to get a very quality picture. She did that so that it can be treasured later and that moment will be carved on her mind properly.

“Itadakimasu…” Mariko excitedly eating after say those words.

I like this time. The time that I can freely waste without worried. It sounds great. I always can waste it BUT then, I’ve become abnormal…I think. Why I’m too complicated.


A few minute later..

“Thanks for coming..may I take ur order??” a waiter greet a new customer that just come in and sit quite near from Mariko seat.

“ usual..” that person said while nod weakly to the waiter. She’s wearing a bright smile while saying it.

“Ah..alright then..” the waiter just walk away without written anything as if she knew what that customer want.

As usual..thus, she’s a frequent for this restaurant right…a regular I guess.. Mariko guess while watching that one girl.

She’s look familiar… Mariko scratch her head that doesn’t itchy while pretend that she’s looking somewhere else as that customer caught her watching intently at her for a second before.

“May I  borrow those magazine..” that girl said while pointing at the magazine at the corner of the shop.

“Yeah..douzo..” the waiter take it for her and give it. That girl doesn’t really reading the magazine that she request before as her attention is fully to the games that she bring with her.

Games addict…interesting…a smirk can be seen clearly on Mariko face. She kept glancing at that one girl while eating slowly.

She’s a model..I guess..she’s very beautiful.. Mariko taught as she watch that one girl that captured her interest from head to toe. of a kind..

I like it…

Mariko nod a few times as she’s agree with the things that she think. She’s grin like crazy as she found it interesting.


“Games really make my day after all…” Haruna grin n giggling by herself ignoring the magazine that she ask before. She’s not open it at all.

Is someone watching me…Haruna felt uneasy as she can felt the strong gaze from someone.

Ah..I guess… Haruna eyes meet the eyes of the person that watch her intently.

Hmm..she’s look..perfect… Haruna taught as she look at that person for a few second.

Totally my type… Haruna smile widely as she taught about the person that seems become part of her imagination n dream. The person that help her while she staying at the hospital before.

Should I ask her..

To  be continue…

« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 02:25:17 AM by Ando »
~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

Offline Ando

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Faith [MariHaru] C-5 [Updated]
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2013, 07:30:53 AM »
Waaa...long time not update things here...anyway...i actually done this till chapter 7... :nervous ...BUT yeah..not update it here..

Gomen ne... :sweatdrop:...

the original link :-



Part 5


Mariko actually finish her lunch quite slow than usual and coincidently at the same time with Haruna that surely take her time. Haruna just trying her best to be calm by being like her usual self even though she felt quite tense under Mariko gaze.

At the counter…

An unknown man that sitting quite near to Mariko table currently paying for her lunch.

“How much??” that man ask while take out his wallet.

“This..” the waiter showing the receipt of his table.

“Owh..for that table too..” that man pointing at the Haruna table.

“” the waiter showing the total of the bills n that man pay without having  a second taught while glancing at Haruna that just done eating.

“Thanks for coming..” the waiter said politely while bow a bit when that man leaving.

“Iie..” Mariko said weakly while shook her head weakly trying to denied the taught that coming inside her mind.

Is he paying for her?? Are they acquaintance in the first place?? O they’re a lover.


“My  usual??” Haruna said while giving enough money with tip to the waiter at the counter.

“I’m sorry..but the customer before already pay for u..”

“owh..really..thanks..” Haruna nod n leaving without asking anything.

“Iie..” Mariko felt a bit confuse with the scene that she just see.

Mariko POV

Is she pretending to not heard it before…I’m sure that person said it out loud that he pay it…

I should just focus on my life instead of her..

BUT she..

My heart sure.. Mariko put her hands on her chest as she look at thegirls that disappeared from her sight.

Loving her presence..


Haruna POV

She still… Haruna can feel that she still under that one girl gaze.

Ah..My lucky day again… Haruna smiling by herself as she doesn’t need to pay for her lunch.

But why she.. Haruna felt a bit uneasy n disturb when she see a change in that girl expression.

I guess I should just forget about it..

She seems.. Haruna shook her head and going out without looking back at that one girl.


After eating her lunch, Mariko spent her time in shopping complex. She’s just window shopping as she doesn’t bring her credit card at that time. She spent quite a lot of her time there as she just realized it already past 7 when she satisfied with her day and felt tired.

Hmm..should I go home..but it still early.. Mariko walk slowly towards her undecided destination while bring the small box that contain her things along. She left it behind before n almost forgot about it when she window shopping.

~Ringing tone~

“Hai..Mariko desu..”

“Where are u??” a voice asking with worried tone.

“On the way home..”

“Ah..I see u!!!” a small girl jumping excitedly and waving her hands towards Mariko BUT Mariko can’t see her.

“Owh..calm down..where are u??” Mariko look around her.

“HERE!!!” that small girl wave her hands furiously when Mariko look at her way.

“Yeah..I see u..” Mariko said while wearing a smile on her face.


“Why not..” mariko nod and give an ‘OK’ sign to that girl. That girl run towards Mariko after received the answer that she want. That girl is Minami. Her friend..or maybe best friend..


Wait..that’s her.. Mariko caught a one figure that attracting her. She look a few times to confirming what she see while Minami dragging her away.

“Slow down takamina..that restaurant not going anywhere..” Mariko said while pull herself a bit resulting to Minami sudden break.

“BUT if it’s full.. how??” Minami ask while wearing a very sad face.

“Go to the other place..” Mariko said bluntly. Her eyes still fix on that one girl. Lot of question running through her minds forming a very difficult puzzle that make her confuse.

What job that she done?? That car surely can’t be buy by someone that work as a model only..

“Run…run..” Minami used all her energy to pull Mariko again after seeing that Mariko actually ignoring her.

“Hai..Hai…” After a while of being pulled by Minami, Mariko just give in n following Minami.


-At the restaurant-

“Mariko-chan…” Minami make a smiling face and then try to put a smile on Mariko face using her hands.

“What with being a pushover here..” Mariko push Minami hands and seek for a good reason.

“Hmm..BUT u’re so cold..” Minami felt sad when her good intention being rejected by Mariko.

“Minami-chan..I always like this..” Mariko said while wearing a calm face.

“Huh..then..u’re OK??” Minami make an ‘OK’ sign.

“Absolutely need to confirm it..” Mariko said straightly what she felt.

“Fuuuh..I’m glad that u’re more than well..that boss surely cruel..”

“I don’t think’s my fault after all..” Mariko look intently at Minami that act very unusual. She can sense something but she’s not confirm about it yet.

“So..I can go back..” Minami said happily.

“Don’t tell me that u come here just to check on me..” Mariko at last can guess what Minami did. She knew that Minami have another agenda other than herself.

“YUP!!! U’re right!!” Minami said excitedly as she remember about her date.

“Ja ne…”Minami wave her hand and going away..towards her date place.

“Ja..” Mariko just glad that Minami care about her. She appreciate it very much as Minami one n only person that did it.


Mariko arrived at her home…

A long sigh is the only thing that Mariko did every time she come back to her home.

Mariko POV

It’s empty. This house is too empty. It really empty that make my heart suffocated. My memory, they take it. They take it BUT why they let this one girl left and make my mind in mess. All of their picture including this girl picture is being burn by them. In front of me. Who are they to do that??. It’s mine. I hate them, I’m absolutely hate them BUT they are no one. How should I know who is this ‘person or maybe group’ that make me live like this.

Again..I’m all alone..I hate this feeling..why I’m the only one..that kid..huh..Jurina-chan..I miss u..


At Kojima residence…

There a big chaos in front of the residence that make the neighbor actually come out to watch that scene.

“Not again..” Haruna lazily stand and walk towards the screen near the door. She can see that a middle aged woman scream and kick her door.

“OPEN THIS DOOR!!! UR B***ch!!”

“Huh..” Haruna let out a small sigh before opening the door.

-open the door-



Alright, I got it BUT why they actually blame me. Haruna cup her redden cheek that quite sore. She already expect that action.   

Her husband is the one that make the move first. Haruna close her eyes and already can assume the reason for that hit. 

Wait.. who’s this guy?? Her husband?? Who is him?? What’s this nonsense that doesn’t make sense at all.  Haruna look at the man beside that woman and quite surprise to see an unknown person that she doesn’t even see o meet before.

Should I or shouldn’t I?? Haruna felt reluctant to make a move.

“DO U HEAR ME OR NOT?? U’RE B***h” another scream right in front of her face make Haruna at last decide what she should do.

Ok..that’s enough. Let put this to the end. Everyone are so curious that they’re going out of their house. Nice. Let me show what I got again. They really doesn’t get it after all.

1..2…3… Haruna just make a countdown inside her mind. she felt excited to see the reaction from all the people there.

There are 2 black van arrived in front of Haruna house and a group of people in black suit came out from it. They actually drag out a woman and man that disturbing Haruna peaceful day without any mercy at all.

They really can’t stop that habit are they??. It’s strange. Everywhere I go. Every time, it always the same. People are sure like to be a busybody. It’s a nuisance. Wait..I’m also one of them. Am i?? Haruna questioning her ownself. She get back to her house and sit comfortably on the sofa.


“What I got here..”

“What’s the use of money..if I still can’t find who’s  ‘that’ person..” Haruna look at her surrounding while sighing heavily.

Is that person have similarity as me. Is that person is she or he. Is that person near me or far from me. I’m..absolutely  gonna be hopeless if the things go on like this. Haruna thought repeatedly inside her minds only to found nothing at the end.


To be continue..
~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

Offline Ando

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Faith [MariHaru] C-6 [Updated]
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2013, 07:48:10 AM » apologize for my mistake here n there... absolutely me...  :P

Anyway...another chapter...means...yeah...I update till the latest one...

Chapter 7...

coming n welcome to my wordpress..below.. :welcome ... :peace: no war...haha... :cathappy: :deco:

original link :-


Part 6


Next day…

Mariko POV

Another day of do nothing aka meaningless thing. I’m sure I just fine even though I’m not working BUT what she gonna said about it. It’s not normal to not working in this society. I guess I’m out to find work then. Mariko thought of Mimami that might find it strange that she doesn’t do anything to live

“This company..” Mariko look up to the tall building in front of her.

Should I stop this seek job things for a few days?? Mariko take a deep breath n something come across her mind.

Behind this building is a bank and today there is a big sales at the shopping complex that I go yesterday. No doubt. My memory is quite strong and I always right after all. Shopping?? A smirk can be seen clearly on her face. That one idea enough to make her felt excited n happy for a while.


At the bank…

Mariko checking her bank account balance.

“Huh..too much..” Mariko mumbling by herself. She scratching her head that doesn’t itchy while thinking about how to spent without making anyone suspecting something. As she turn her back and want to go out, a sudden scream came from the front door of the bank.

“Ah..she’s pregnant…hmm, black suit…” Mariko whispered by herself.

That sure bring back my bad memory. I hate to admit this. I’ve become traumatized after looking at them. This black suit guy with a mask, it’s like that person. A person that run after me all day just to kill me. Mariko bit her lower lips thinking about all possibilities that she might face.

“Huh..” Mariko sigh and looking at the situation around her.

Why this bank?? There’s lot more bank out there. Mariko sigh. She look at the pregnant woman who quite near with the black suit man.

That woman. Should I help her??…I need to think positive. I’m not normal after all. I will be OK..

“Ano…can u give that woman a break..” Mariko take a few step towards the pregnant woman to help her.

“U!! Stand still and don’t move..” a black suit guy give a warning while pointing a gun to Mariko.

“I..want to I hate to stand still..” Mariko said calmly while continue walking towards the pregnant woman. She’s absolutely ignoring whatever threatening words that been said to her.

“U!!” that black suit man sudden shout make others startled.

“I just want to change our position..BUT let her seat please..” Mariko said while wink at the woman who pregnant. She help that woman move to the other side where the other people are sitting while trembling as they afraid something bad might happened.




Mariko stand and calmly walk towards the window to look at the situation outside of the bank. Then, she walk around to check all the hostage

“Don’t move or I shoot!!” a guy that have been provoke by Mariko before start to panic as Mariko calmly walk around as if they’re not there.

“U..baka??” Mariko ignoring the warning n just bluntly say those words with teasing tone.

“WHAT??” the black suited guy surely  taken a back with Mariko words. It totally hurt his pride.

“I said u surely is a BAKA”

“U want me to shot u??” that guy ask while his gun that been hold tightly before aiming at Mariko.

“Kind of…” Mariko bluntly say it. A smirk can be seen clearly on her face.

“Wait..don’t do anything stupid…” the pregnant woman say while shivering n wearing a very worried face.

“HUH!!” that guy glared at the pregnant woman that make her retreat n sit quietly with the others.

“U sure that u want me to shot u??” that guy added while the gun still pointing n aiming at Mariko.

“YES..” Mariko doesn’t show any sign that she’s afraid of that warning at all.

“Let’s go…we’re done..” another black suit guy that just finish doing something tap the back of the mad guy and pointing at the other exit.

“Wait..I take this girl..” the mad black suit guy drag mariko with him.

“BUT why??” another guy ask in confusion after seeing his friend action.

“I want her to taste what she want before..” that mad guy glared at Mariko. A smirk can be seen clearly on his face. Mariko just smiling n wave a goodbye to another hostage that look surprised at Mariko calm action.


After a certain time pass…

Mariko that had a blindfold on her eyes wonderin by herself while being drag again to another destination.

I don’t like this feeling. It’s like that time. I must run away when it’s a right time to run but they surely not stupid enough to actually give me chance to run away. What they gonna do to me?? Hope it interesting. It’s been a while to get hunt. A year sure is long BUT it’s totally terrifying when it’s the time for that. Mariko thought quietly inside her mind.

“Alright..let’s play games girl..” Mariko at last freed from the blindfold that kept her blind before BUT nothing change. Her surroundings.. it’s like she’s still wearing that blindfold. Very dark

“RUN as fast as u can..i’ll count to 10 before I run after u..” a voice echoing from far.

Seems this guy is totally insane. This kind of game is like one I see in the television before. He act as a hunter and I’m the one being hunted. What a joke. I’m surely crush your dream B.A.K.A. Mariko grin by herself and calmly walk until she found out the truth about that place.

Huh…I’m in a big cage!! Mariko let out a small sigh while walking all around that one cage.

“What’s this??? U’re a LIAR!!” Mariko shout out loud as the limit of her patience reach its end.

“I’m not..this is my games..n it’s my own rules..” the same voice echoes again.

“I think u just a cowards that are afraid of girls like me..” Mariko said while her mind kept trying the possible solution for this.

“Don’t be so BRAVE… LITTLE GIRL..”  that voice say and suddenly a light ON n Mariko can see clearly the guy that she provoked before.

“I am..n I sure about u be a BAKA and COWARD..” Mariko smiling after she see that one figure.

That guy losing her temper as Mariko keep provoking and testing himself. He pulled the trigger of the pistol that’s he been holding for a while and pointing it accurately at Mariko leg.

“How that taste??” that guy ask while grin by herself.

“Hmm..not that bad..” Mariko said while caressing her leg that been shot.

“So..u did approved what I said before..” Mariko added while chuckle by herself.

Without any warning, another shot goes toward Mariko shoulder. Mariko still standing still while bit her lips. The blood is flowing boldly and can be seen through clearly as it drenching Mariko cloth that is all white.  After a few second, Mariko collapsed to the floor.

“What’s this..I taught that u strong??” that guy say and laughing out loud after he finish her words.

“ is really our lucky day…” Another guy came in while yawning as he’s too tired. He look at the cage that always empty and expecting nothing but there is a girl laying down there with a blood kept flowing like crazy from her body.

“EEEE!!! ARE U CRAZY???” that guy push the crazy guy and snatch the key from him. He open the cage in rush and trying his best to stop the bleeding using everything that he can use that is his shirt.

The other guy aka crazy guy came in blankly. He look at the girls that he shot and laughing out loud.

I guess he’s not normal after all. Surely a BAKA and COWARD to do that from far. Should I take this chance… I will.. Mariko thought quietly while pretending that she’s already weak.

Mariko grab the neck of the guy that currently trying to save her and give a moderate hit on his back enough to make him faint. She stand and look at the guy in front of her that quite shock with a sudden wake up incident. That guy really thought that Mariko already dead. Mariko breath in deeply before grin and growing a smirk on her face.

“ U taught I already dead…u surely like a little kid than me. No one died with that kind of shot…” Mariko kept grin while she said it. This shot can’t kill her. It only make herself a bit weak than normal.

The crazy guy pointing his gun and try to shot Mariko again BUT Mariko avoid it easily. She give a few punch at the face and kick to that crazy guy before start searching and running out of that place. BUT before she’s a few step to the exit door, she’s been shot again at the back. She kept running without turning her back as she knew she can’t win against that crazy guy.

I taught it easy. I make the way out for myself BUT it’s hard than I think. I sure not think this carefully. My body. I make u suffer again. This wound will not disappear even by time. I should be more careful.

Mariko kept running with her full speed. She still have enough energy for that. Her breathing become more and more short as time pass by. She’s panting and rest for a while. Losing blood from all the three wound doesn’t stop her. She kept walking until she found a right place that she think safe. She’s sit and stared blankly at her surroundings. Everything not goes as she plan. She touch her wound.

“Let use my last energy to slow this thing..” Mariko take a deep breath and focusing herself to make herself able to use one of her ability. The blood become thicken n concentrated and at last stop flowing out from all wounds.

“Huh..” Mariko sigh before fall asleep as she’s too tired after using her leftover energy after everything that happened.

To be continue..
~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

Offline Ando

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Faith [MariHaru] [P-7] [Updated]
« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2013, 08:27:23 AM »
I'm happy that a certain person actually link this to her tumblr... :cathappy: i'm not sure if it's a good decision or not...cause my story... :sweatdrop: just my own fic...with lot of grammar mistake here n there...i admit it...n i'm ok with

Hope that u also OK with my way of writing... :nervous ...i know some not.. :lol: ..

Still... :P ...i'm doing by best to finish each of my want to make 23 vs 23 at my birthday before...BUT doesn't u following my blog...u know what i mean by 23 vs 23..haha..

anyway..thanks for reading it to the latest chapter...yeah..this is the latest!!! huhu...

 :cathappy: :deco:

the next chapter...i'm not sure yet...cause currently my mood at other fanfic right now..haha...ah..just say..JUST U SP also will have MariHaru done yet..but each pair o 2 pair in one chapter...for sure..ah..u might not know what is just ignore it again.. :nervous

the original link for this :-

ah..full list at my tumblr.. :welcome to there if u going :rock: :peace:...

additional info..cause i said about "just u" before...just u is my old long fanfic...majisuka gakuen + majisuka prison...vary pairing..hihi...n it's SP is after mission of saving nobunaga success...means their normal life..hihi...

anyway...enjoy this latest chapter...even i dunno what I write actually..haha.. :nervous


 :cow: :cow:


Chapter 7


At a certain high class shop that exclusive for rich customer ONLY.

“Thanks a lot…please come again…”

“I will..thank you for make it on time..”

“Iie..have  a nice day..”

“Un..” Haruna nod a bit n walk out from that one shop. She slowly take her time towards her car. Her step felt very heavy that day. Her minds seem busy thinking about something. Her heart felt uneasy.


Haruna POV

Why I felt uneasy as soon as I wake up this morning.. Haruna staring blankly at each o the things that pass through her while sighing non-stop.

Is it because of yesterday…Haruna caress her cheek that became a victim of a stranger that blaming her for the situation that she going through.

It’s strange to say that I’m quite popular.


Maybe because lot of guys kept offering me something even though I doesn’t knew them make they think like that.

At this age, it should be my freedom age BUT I doesn’t have a friend or a lover to share my times with. Friends and lover. Huh..kind of sad to think it again. Haruna let out a long sigh. She still hoping for that one person that share the same fate as her appeared. 

Ah..I guess I go there… Haruna snap her finger as she think about that one place that can make her felt safe n very secure plus not worried about anything.

Haruna get into her car and drive it towards that one place. The place that she miss that is her old house. A house that she once living in with her family.


After an hour..

Haruna arrived at her destination n walk straight towards the pipe in front of her house to wash her face. She’s felt very sleepy.

“Glad that I arrived on time..huh…very sleepy..” Haruna mumbling by herself while rub her eyes a bit n yawning. After stretching a bit, she’s turning the head of the water pipe but no water flowing out from it.

“I taught that I pay the bills..” Haruna scratching her head that doesn’t itchy n blankly look at her surrounding. She walks toward the main gate while playing with the key that she have BUT suddenly, a unfamiliar but very common odour tickling her nose.

This scent…

Haruna run towards the back of her old house. She is sure about the scent that she’s smell just now.

It’s blood…

The small garage that are empty and been locked before is open a bit. Haruna walk with cautious as she doesn’t want to be caught coming there. Uneasy feeling slowly creep inside her heart. She open the door slowly and step into the garage slow and steady .

“Wait..this is my house right..” Haruna straighten herself n look carefully every inch of that garage. She felt a bit safe as she can’t hear any strange sounds coming from there.

There is no one here…maybe.. Haruna thought quietly and let out a small sigh of relieved. She kept searching out of curiosity. The light from outside did help her to search the source of that bloody scent.

After a while..

Haruna found something..

“Alrite…” Haruna take a deep breath and going near to a person that sit still and not moving in a corner depth inside that dark garage.

Is this person dead??

“Ano..” Haruna stared blankly at the person in front of her. She can’t see anything. She slap weakly that person cheek to see if that person awake or not and caress it after wards.

Huh.. Haruna move that one body by dragging it to the place that not very dark like in that corner.


It’s that girl..

Her face..I can’t said that she’s pretty. I can’t said that she’s cool. I don’t know what I think right know. Haruna knock her head with her own hand to wake her from nonsense thought as she try to get the idea what she should do next.

This person is totally my responsibility right now. She’s..this is my house..

Am I guilty to leave her alone in here and let her die.

I’m not the one that make her like this. What’s make her bleeding in the first place. I need to bring her out from here and put it in the better place before I check it out.

“Hmm..there is a secret door somewhere here right…” Haruna say it weakly after think deeply. She still remember about it as this garage is like her playground.  She’s trying to reassure herself that everything gonna be fine.

Haruna start to search that secret door thoroughly. It’s a door that connecting the garage to the house. It’s always been used before especially if she’s in hurry.

“Found it!!..” Haruna shout excitedly BUT only for a few second.

Huh..dirty..but it’s clean before.. Haruna look inside it with disbelief face. She let out a small sigh.

“Who are u??” a unfamiliar voice asking from her back but quite far.

“…” Haruna kept silent. She doesn’t want to show that she’s panic or else she might be in trouble.

“I ask u again..who are u??” that voice asking again but it sound more weak than before.

“ME??” Haruna say while turning her body to face that person n pointing herself.

“Yeah..u..” that person just nod weakly. She didn’t move from her original place n not even open her eyes to see the person in front of her.

“I’m Kojima Haruna..hmm, the owner of this house??” Haruna reluctantly answer it.


“Are u OK?? U’re bleeding right??” Haruna absolutely full of worried as that person look more weak n pale than before.

“Un..” Mariko nod weakly.

“Let me treat it..I’m a doctor…” Haruna said while helping Mariko standing.

“Really..” Mariko say as if she’s whispering n doubting that fact.

“Yup..can u walk?? If u can, we can use another way..not this..” Haruna asking with concern plus she  doesn’t want to going through the secret door that she just found.

“Yeah..I can..” Mariko say weakly n try to walk without Haruna help BUT she failed and Haruna grab her tightly by her side.

“Huh..u’re not..let me..” Haruna said worriedly. Mariko still can’t open her eyes  as she doesn’t have energy left.


-Inside the house-     

Mariko POV

This scent..I knew this scent..Mariko taught as soon she get out from the garage and walk into the house. She lay down on a bed. Her eyes can’t be open as the result of the super duper tiredness that she felt.  right now.

“I’ll take some medical tool box in my car..” that one familiar voice saying in rush.

I got this a few times before BUT lot more and all at once. I taught it’s not gonna be this pain BUT it is.

I guess I can survive BUT this tiredness can kill me.

Still.. I’m still alive.

The scent before is very familiar. Where did I smell this sweet scent.


“Ah..she’s sleeping..” Haruna put her tools and checking out all the wound on the body of the person that she just met.

“Huh..she’s been shot..BUT her blood sure clotting fast…thank god..” a sincere smile of happiness shown clearly on her face. Haruna start humming her favorite song as she clean her hands n holding a suitable tools.

“3..2…1..” Haruna start counting while she taking out the bullet from that person body carefully so that it doesn’t give more pain than it already did.

Is this girl playing or what?? What’s with humming song while operating me… Mariko bit her lips every time Haruna take out the bullet from her body.

“Alright..done..all 3..” Haruna say excitedly.


After about 15 minute.

Haruna successfully clean the wounds and stitch it properly.

It’s been a long time that I felt this excitement. Using this medical tools again. Hmm.. wondering if I can be back to my own life back. My original life… I miss it. Haruna sigh quietly.

“Are u that happy to operate me like that??” Mariko ask as if she’s felt irritated by Haruna action before.

“Huh..sorry..just..are u ok??” Haruna panicked at a sudden voice that questioning her. She taught that person is sleeping or rather fainted.

“Hmm..yeah…fine..thanks for taking that out..” Mariko say while while pretending that she’s ok n very tired by closing her eyes.

“Un..” Haruna nod while kept her eyes on that stranger that she doesn’t know name yet. She stand n walk towards a chair near there n just watch that one person that caught her attention.


…. [quite long silent]

Mariko try her best to move a bit n sitting comfortably. She rub her eyes a bit n slowly open it to see that one person out of curiosity.

Is that person still here or not?? Mariko thought quietly as she can’t hear anything. BUT as soon as she open it…


To be continue…

« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 08:33:30 AM by Ando »
~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

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