New update..almost a month from my last update...

Anyway..yeah...I only give a link like I've been my ownself again...sleepyhead...

..i've a bit

HOPE U ENJOY IT!!! felt superduper happy as i'm finish this chapter properly as I'm doing it while i'm sleepy n just came back from my work..

YOSH!!! another update in this thread...LOL..sorry for being lazy...thanks for someone that reading it...I actually will try to update all the fanfic that I only give link...><... hihihi...

thanks for supporting me..that quite lazy nowadays because of many reason..
HOPE U ENJOY It!!!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Part 4
5 month after the incident…At small advertisement company, there is a commotion that happened because of one of the worker that doesn’t doing her work properly.
“Shinoda-san..u should getting better by time..”
“Gomenasai!!!” Mariko bowing about 90 degree to the person that totally lost his temper because of mariko mistake.
“I can’t accept this kind of s**t work anymore. U’re fired!!”
“BUT..” Mariko look at her boss while wearing a confused face. She really want to explain the real situation how it end up like that as it’s not her fault.
“I said..u’re fired..get out from my office..NOW!!!”
“hai..I understand..thanks for everything..” Mariko just give up as that one boss doesn’t suit her taste after all. She bow a bit and walk out while wearing a smile on her face. She just felt relieved that she doesn’t work under that one boss anymore.
-outside of big boss room-
Minami aka takamina just come back from her on-site work…
“Huh..Mariko-chan?? Where u want to go??” minami ask curiously while watching Mariko put her things into the small box.
“hmm..Back home..” Mariko bluntly say while wearing an emotionless face.
“’s still working hours..” Minami look at her wrist watch and turn to look at Mariko again.
“Ano..just been fired right now..” Mariko answered while finish packing everything and ready to go.
“Owh..” Minami quite shock at that one fact PLUS the face that Mariko show surely doesn’t have any sign that she’s not happy with that decision.
“So..ja ne..” Mariko said while smiling happily and leaving her alone dumbfounded by Mariko calm act.
At the same the popular shop that popular among the rich people…
2 sales girl there doesn’t even care about a person that kept looking and seems interested in their product. They actually bad mouthing her while kept glancing at that one person.
“What with that girl, always coming to our shop and acting like she’s rich enough to buy all this..”
“ quiet..she’s a customer..”
“Customer?? Look at her’s all fake…”
“Really..I don’t think so..”
“Look properly..huh..u’re really stupid are u??”
“EHEM” a sudden reminding sound from their supervisor make them startled.
“…both of u do ur works or u will be fired…” the supervisor give them a warning as if there is no more chance for them.
“HAI!!” both of them pretending to go back to their own job BUT still ignoring that person.
After a while, that supervisor came near to that one customer.
“Hello miss Kojima…may I help u??” the supervisor bow a bit respecting the customer that already well known in lot of branded fashion shop.
“No..not really..I’m just wonderin if the dress that I ordered before is already arrive or not..” Haruna smile widely as if she doesn’t heard any of the conversation of those 2 worker.
“Owh..I’m sorry..but..still..” the supervisor stuttered while answering as she doesn’t know what reason that she should give to Haruna.
“Not arrived?? It’s already beyond the date that u’re promised…” Haruna show the receipt that she received before.
“Are u gonna compensate of my loss if anything happen??” Haruna stared at the person in front of her that kept her silent while listening to her.
“Gomenasai!! I’ll try to contact them again and make it arrived as soon as possible..” the supervisor bow lower than she usually do.
“Gomen..” she said again hoping that Haruna can understand her situation.
“Huh..and do teach ur worker about manner before they start working..” Haruna let out a small sigh and say it bluntly while wearing a smile on her face. Actually, she’s not really angry and care about it. The only thing that she think and care is about her time for other things that become less n less especially her play time.
“I believe u know what I mean..” Haruna doesn’t really pointing out the 2 worker that bad mouthing her before as she knew that it’s already been known by that supervisor.
“Hai..I understand it…” the supervisor glanced and glared at the 2 worker that watching intently the scene in front of them.
“Then..I’m gonna come again this weekend..” Haruna said bluntly while wearing a blank face like nothing happened.
“Yeah..any problem??” Haruna stared blankly at the manager that seems uncertain about it. She look at her wrist watch before take a few step to the entrance aka exit of the shop.
“K, then..” Haruna walk out while taking out a small note book which she always bring along with her. She actually writing in details her schedule and things she would like to do there.
After writing some note about the meeting for tomorrow, she walk happily to a certain place where she want to eat her lunch.
“Both of u..huh..take note about this..I’m not gonna tolerate any mistake from both of u again. That’s truly my first and last warning…n she’s…she’s our VVIP customer..u..u really stupid to talk like that…” the manager said to the 2 worker while wearing frustrated face.
At the same time…Mariko currently stop by for lunch at a restaurant after walking without destination.
“Hmm..losing my job again…why I’m working in the first place??” Mariko said unconsciously while stretching a bit before sitting comfortably. She just ordered the food that she want to eat.
“Huh..too hungry to think that stupid reason…” Mariko sigh as she realize she can’t think of anything as she’s too hungry.
“Curry for today..” Mariko smile widely as she think about the food that she just ordered while looking at the menu that have the picture of it.
Must be delicious… Mariko lick a bit her lips while imagining the taste of it.
Mariko POVIt’s been a while I can actually doing this kind of things. Why am I too stupid to work and living like a normal person even though I’m not. It might be heaven for me if I just stay and doing all my favourite things without worried BUT it might be strange to other people that knew me. I hate to living in different place BUT every time I think that.. I might be crazy because of all the lies I just done.“Miss..ur food..” the waiter come and giving out the food that mariko ordered before.
“Arigatou..” Mariko thanks the waiter before take a picture of her food carefully to get a very quality picture. She did that so that it can be treasured later and that moment will be carved on her mind properly.
“Itadakimasu…” Mariko excitedly eating after say those words.
I like this time. The time that I can freely waste without worried. It sounds great. I always can waste it BUT then, I’ve become abnormal…I think. Why I’m too complicated.
A few minute later..“Thanks for coming..may I take ur order??” a waiter greet a new customer that just come in and sit quite near from Mariko seat.
“ usual..” that person said while nod weakly to the waiter. She’s wearing a bright smile while saying it.
“Ah..alright then..” the waiter just walk away without written anything as if she knew what that customer want.
As usual..thus, she’s a frequent for this restaurant right…a regular I guess.. Mariko guess while watching that one girl.
She’s look familiar… Mariko scratch her head that doesn’t itchy while pretend that she’s looking somewhere else as that customer caught her watching intently at her for a second before.
“May I borrow those magazine..” that girl said while pointing at the magazine at the corner of the shop.
“Yeah..douzo..” the waiter take it for her and give it. That girl doesn’t really reading the magazine that she request before as her attention is fully to the games that she bring with her.
Games addict…interesting…a smirk can be seen clearly on Mariko face. She kept glancing at that one girl while eating slowly.
She’s a model..I guess..she’s very beautiful.. Mariko taught as she watch that one girl that captured her interest from head to toe. of a kind..I like it…Mariko nod a few times as she’s agree with the things that she think. She’s grin like crazy as she found it interesting.
“Games really make my day after all…” Haruna grin n giggling by herself ignoring the magazine that she ask before. She’s not open it at all.
Is someone watching me…Haruna felt uneasy as she can felt the strong gaze from someone.
Ah..I guess… Haruna eyes meet the eyes of the person that watch her intently.
Hmm..she’s look..perfect… Haruna taught as she look at that person for a few second.
Totally my type… Haruna smile widely as she taught about the person that seems become part of her imagination n dream. The person that help her while she staying at the hospital before.
Should I ask her..To be continue…