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Author Topic: From Girls to Boys - chap 13 (MaYuki & WMatsui) 4/08/2012  (Read 62370 times)

Offline Sok

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From Girls to Boys - chap 13 (MaYuki & WMatsui) 4/08/2012
« on: November 24, 2011, 04:07:12 PM »
Hey guys. Hope you like this. :thumbsup

Friends with Benefits: right blow

From girls to Boys Index
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 Part 1
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Friends with Benefits

Will she always think of me as her best friend? You don’t have time for me anymore since we debuted as Idols. It’s been 3 years since we last actually spend time with each other. It’s so hard to meet with you even though we’re both models, actresses, and singers, I think you have less time cuz you’re a solo artist while I’m in a group.
*beep**beep* “Nooo, I wanna sleep some more.”
 “Tomomi~ Isn’t your friend suppose to pick you up in 15 minutes to go on a date?” Tomomi’s mom yells form down stairs. “Mom! It’s not a date! We’re just hanging out since we haven’t see each other in a long time!” She yelled back. Oh Shit! I totally forgot we had a date, well for me  it’s a date. Gotta get ready. Tomomi runs into the bathroom to take a quick bath. She gets out 5 minutes later and is rampaging through her closet. What should I wear. It’s been 3 years since we spend a whole day with each other. Maybe today we be me lucky day, so I should wear something sexy and exotic. In the end she wore simple cute and sexy undergarments under a cute light pink summer dress. And run down stairs where her best friend waited for her.
“Hey Chiyuu, you look good in that summer dress.”
“Thanks Tomochin. You look great, too.” Wow she looks like a badass in her dark blue jeans, white tank top and black leather jack. Chiyuu thought to herself.
“So, are you ready?”
“Ah! Yes! Let’s go. Bye mom.”
“Bye Mrs. Kasai, I’ll bring her home by 10 p.m.”
“Oh, that can’t do.”
“Why? Do you want her home at an earlier time?”
“No, it’s not that it’s just that we’ll be having dinner with your parents so if you would please have her stay with you tonight.”
“Oh, I understand. I’ll bring her back tomorrow moring.”
“Thank you Tomochin. Now take care.”
“Okay. Bye.” Both Tomomis say in unison.
They are to Disney Sea, watched the latest movies and were now having a picnic in their favorite spot in the park under the sakura tree. After cleaning up they were now heading to Tomochin’s car. Chiyuu stopped and turned to face Tomochin.
“Hey Tomochin how’s your relationship with Karen.”
“Oh that. I broke up with her a few months back. I’m now single. And you?” Chiyuu didn’t answer her and took her keys from her and started running away. Tomochin caught up to Chiyuu and gently tackled her to the ground, she’s now on top of Chiyuu and staring that her. To passerby it looked like lover’s playing. “Tomochin, I’m not satisfied. Would you Satisfy me?” Chiyuu asked. I wonder if she understands what I mean.
“ Sure.” Tomochin shrugged. “That’s what best friends are for right?” It seems she just sees me as and only as her best friend.
Tomochin has just parked her car in her house’s garage. Chiyuu cooed as she climbed over to Tomochin's side. Sitting on her lap, the two girls stared at each other straight in the eyes. Tomochin wrapped her hands around Chiyuu's waist, her mouth grazing Chiyuu's clothed breast. Chiyuu whimpered softly but snapped back into reality soon after she remembered why she was doing this. She stopped Tomochin from kissing her and took the keys out of the ignition. And slipped out of Tomochins arms and walked into her house with Tomochin a few steps behind. Once they were I side Tomochin’s room they wasted no time in taking off their clothes as they fell onto the bed together, moaning and sighing in delight to feel each other's body. As if they were not best friends but lovers instead. “Tomochin, I love you.” Tomochin smiled to Chiyuu “I know. Why do you thing I would do this if I didn’t love you back.” Kissing her roughly…

Well you can imagine the rest…

« Last Edit: October 26, 2017, 05:17:05 PM by sophcaro »

Offline Sydney W

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Re: One-shots Nov. 24
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2011, 12:50:10 AM »
Please update the next chapter. Thanks

Offline kahem

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Re: One-shots Nov. 24
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2011, 06:58:54 PM »
Yay!!!! Tomotomo is hot!!!!!!

Offline Sok

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From Girls to Boys
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2011, 05:56:25 AM »
Hey everyone is series will be a continuation of my tomo os. Hope you like it.

Ch. 1

It’s been two months since we starting dating. It would be great to spend all day with her, but since we’re both idols and have our own schedules to keep. It’s hard to even have the same day and time off. *Sigh* “I wanna see her!” “See who?” My manager asks me. “Someone important to me. We haven’t seen each other since my last day off two months ago.” I lied it’s only been two weeks since we went on one of our secret dates. “Oh, you mean Tomomi~. Don’t worry she’s probably busy with her boyfriend.” “What do you mean boyfriend?” “Oh, you haven’t heard?” “What do you mean?” “It’s seems that she has been dating a cute stylish guy for the past two months.” “What?” They couldn’t have mistaken me for a guy? Right? “Yeah. And apparently she’ll be starring in a drama with him. You didn’t know?” “No, I didn’t.” What the hell! Is she cheating on me?
After I had finished my schedule I went home and did some search on what my manager had informed me. I found that Tomomi is rumored to be dating a mysterious man (just turned out it Tomochin in guy clothes nothing mysterious about that). Chiyuu’s casted to star as one of the main roles for a Comedy/ Romanic J-drama.  It shows that Maeda Atsuko, Kojima Haruna, Minami Minegishi and Watanabe Mayu will be other the female main roles. The only thing is that it does not show or say who the main Male roles are. “Huh, seems there will be an audition for the roles next week. Hope whoever is paired with my Chiyuu is ugly. If not I’ll make him.”
“Open up! I know you’re in turn!” Loud yelling was coming from the other side of the door. *Biiinnnnggggg* “Yuko! Chill. We just got here. Plus you just rang once. You can’t except her to answer you before you even knock.” What the hell? “Alright!! Yuko.” I open the door, Yuko runs in and makes herself at home while Marichan, Yuki and Takamina greet me. “Hey, hope we’re not interrupting anything?” Takamina said. “No, it’s okay. I was just researching something. Btw why are you all here? Is there something wrong?” I asked. “Yeah! My Nyan-Nyan is going to be paired off with some guy!” Yuko screamed. Why should I care about your girlfriend? I’m more worried about mine.
“Yuko, like I said before it can’t be helped they are actresses. They’re suppose to act.” Marichan said to Yuko while the others nodded in agreement. “What?! You can’t be serious! What if my Harunyan, Miichan, Mayu, Atsuko or even Chiyuu fall in love with their male co-stars?” “Yuko’s right I don’t want my Mayuyu to fall in love with anyone other than me.” Yukirin said giving off her Black aura. “I understand what you guys are saying. But shouldn’t you trust your girlfriends in not cheating on you? Like I do with Atsuko.” Takamina said. “Yeah. Takaboy’s right we should trust them not to break our hearts.” Marichan added. “I know and I do trust her. The one I don’t trust is the guys working with her. You don’t know what’s on their mind and what their planning on doing to her.” Yuko argued back. “I’d hate to agree with the pervert of our group but she’s right. We know our girlfriends and trust them, but we have no idea about the guys.” Takamina agreed and everyone else nodded.
 “Hey, guys do you know who the male cast is?” Yuki asked. “No, I was looking them up but what came up was the auditions for the roles. So we’ll have to wait until the auditions to know.” Tomochin informed. “They haven’t gotten the male cast members yet?” Asked Takamina. “Yup, they’re having auditions for the parts.” Yuko’s crazy ideas light bulb clicked. “Tomochin when are the auditions.” Yuko asked. “Yuko why do you want to know?” Asked Yuki worried Yuko’d hurt anyone who came close to her Nyan-nyan, especially man. “Yuko you’re not going to hurt them or hospitalize them for auditing for the art?” Marichan asked aware of what Yuko can do when it came to her Nyan-nyan. “No! Of coruse not cuz we’ll be auditing for the parts.” “Oh that’s Gre.. Wait! What?!” They all yell in unison.

« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 06:16:41 PM by Sok »

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: From Girls to Boys Nov. 25
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2011, 07:19:58 AM »
Wow! It seems really interesting!!! :w00t:
What an idea Yuko!!! :thumbup
So they will cross-dress as guys and go for the audition!!!! :wub:
I can't wait to read about the audition XD

Please Update Soon :bow:
And Thanks for the Update :peace:

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: From Girls to Boys Nov. 25
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2011, 07:44:07 AM »
Yay! An update! :gmon flowers: Yuko's ideas always crazy like usual! Haha :lol:
They're gonna be great! Can't wait to read next chapter! :mon lovelaff:
Update soon!  :bow: :bow: :bow: Ooppss,almost forgot. Thx for the update! :mon innocent:

Offline Haruko

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Re: From Girls to Boys Nov. 25
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2011, 08:11:27 AM »
of course our yuko sama always have the best ideas :D, como takaboy yuu-kun fight four your wifeys :D

Offline skytsuna

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Re: From Girls to Boys Nov. 25
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2011, 09:28:52 AM »
What a Good Idea Yuko!!! :thumbup
I can't wait to see them Danso for the audition :wub: :inlove:

Please Update Soon and Thank you for the Update :thumbsup

Offline RenaChii

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Re: From Girls to Boys Nov. 25
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2011, 10:29:10 AM »

Please update soon~


Offline cocos_milos

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Re: From Girls to Boys Nov. 25
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2011, 11:04:04 AM »
WOw!!! :inlove: that really nice start...  :heart:keep it up!! :wub:

update soon!! :twothumbs

Offline Sok

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From Girls to Boys Ch.2 Nov. 26
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2011, 08:11:08 PM »
Thank you all for reading. And a thank you for those who write comments and/or fics. I hope you like it.

Chapter 2
“What do you mean we will be auditing for the parts?” Asked Tomochin not sure if she heard right. “Just like I said we’ll be auditing and getting the parts in order to prevent our girlfriends from doing any lovey-dovey scenes with some guy.” Yuko said proud of herself for thinking of it. “Are you insane we’re girls and idols with heavy packed schedules. And it’s hard enough to even get a free day.” Tomochin reminded Yuko. “Yeah! We would be recognized due to us being IDOLS.” Yuki added. “Yuko have you forgotten the fact that we’re…” Marichan was cut off by Yuki, Takamina, and Tomochin. “GIRLS!” “Yeah, yeah. I know that fact. Anyways Tomochin when is the audition?” Yuko continued. *Sigh* “It’s next week.” Tomochin gave up and everyone heaved a sigh. They all know once Yuko sets her mind on something she won’t change or back down.
“Besides I know someone can help us.” But she’s really weird and out there but you don’t need to know that hehe. Yuko thought to herself. “So we’ll all meet here two days before the audition, okay? And arrange everything so that you are MIA for a year or so.” With at Yuko left Tomochin’s home. “Well, *sigh*, I guess we have no choice but to go with her idea?” Yuki asked to make sure they will be going with Yuko’s crazy idea. “I guess and it also sounds interesting.” Tomochin added. “I wonder if they’ll recognize us?” Takamina asked the girls. “I think Acchan would recognize you right away.” Marichan deadpanned making everyone laugh. They said their good byes and went to their own homes. They all arranged for themselves to be absent from all their idol activities for a year. They’re agencies explained to the puplic/ fans that their idols would be taking a year to relax, get better, and to rethink about their idol lives. Which surprised many, all their fans. Some writing on their facebook, me2day, fansites, etc. that they’d be back soon and that they will miss them. “Ahhh. My fans will miss me.” They all thought.
The day Yuko told them to meet. “So everyone’s here. Great!” Yuko said excitedly. “So Yuko what’s your genius plan?” Tomomchin asked while the others nodded. Yuko brought her hand to her chin and began to stroke her invisible beard then another crazy idea came to her. “We’ll have a sex change op…..!” “NO!” They all said cutting her off. “Okay, okay. I was just joking.” Yuko jokingly said. Yuki turned to Takamina and whispered. “Is she really joking or does she really really mean it?” “I have no clue. But let’s hope she’s joking.” Takamina whispered back. “Hey you two! Pay attention to me!” Yuko yelled at Yuki and Takamina who automatically turned to face her. “Okay. Yuko now that you have everyone’s attention. What’s your plan?” Marichan asked with it-better-be-legal tone. “Oh! That’s easy will be cross-dressing.”
“Okay. That’d be great if they weren’t a big production drama.” Tomochin said stooting down Yuko’s idea. “What do you mean?” Yuki and Takamina asked. “Well that’s true. When it’s a big production drama you have to be signed with an Agency as well as have a physical then and there to proof that you are indeed that gender.” “Oh, wait what?!” Yuki and Takamina yelled in unison. “Yeah, so the whole auditing for the parts are out of the question since we are not men and aren’t signed with any agency right now.” Tomochin said looking at Yuko with a what-can-we-do-let’s-just-accept-it look. “No! I have a back-up. Reminder the person I said can help us?” Yuko asked. “Yes. Why?” They asked worriedly as if already know her next crazy plan.

Offline Sok

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From Girls to Boys ch.3 Nov. 27
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2011, 01:35:04 AM »
Chapter 3
“Okay. I’ll be right back.” With Yuko ran out Tomochin’s house like she does when she senses Nyan-nyan around.
Somewhere 20 miles away from Tomochin’s home was the Mask Entertainment Agency.  “Saeko!!!” Yelled a out of breath woman. “Yuko! What’s wrong? Did your Nyan-nyan cheat on you or something?” Saeko said. “No! Never!” Yuko yelled back after cashing her breath. “Then what?” “Remember my idea about me and my friends auditioning for the upcoming drama which our girlfriend are starring?” Yuko asked sitting on the chair opposite of Saeko. “Yes, I do. I also promised that I would help you. So, my dear I may I help you?” Saeko with an innocent voice. “Well we need to be signed with an agency and be actually men. So can you help us auntie?” “Of course, my dear. Marilyn!” Her assistant comes in. “Yes? Saeko-sama?” “This is my niece Yuko.” “Hello Yuko, I’m Marilyn.” “Hello.” “Well enough with the introductions. Yuko here needs 5 contracts with our agency as well as being men.” Marilyn turned to Saeko and seductively bit her bottom lip while bending her knees a little with her hands traveling up and down her body. “Hey! I don’t need to see this!” Yuko yelled. “Okay, fine. You can leave, I’ll call you when the contracts and being an actually man thing is done. Okay?” Saeko said while putting Marilyn on her lap and began doing things. “Okay!” Yuko ran out before her aunt started doing things with her assistant. She liked that stuff but when it came to watching her aunt doing that there’s no way she’d risk her sanity and eye sight to watch her do ‘it’.
 Meanwhile at Tomochin’s house
 “So what do you think Yuko is planning?” Takamina asked worried. “Don’t know.” Tomochin answer with a tired voice. “I just hope it’s not that sex change idea.” Yuki said with her Black aura licking out. “Whoa. Come on guys let’s just have some faith in her.” Marichan told them hoping to not let them know she was also worried about Yuko’s idea. Just then the house phone rang. “Hello? Itano residents.” “Hey! Tell everyone to go home and meet at my house tomorrow at 9:30 p.m. Bye!” “Who was that?” Yuki asked. “Oh it was Yuko. She said to go home and meet at her place tomorrow at 9:30 p.m.” “Oh, well in that case I’ll be leaving. Bye.” Takamina said and left. “Yeah, I’ll be going too.” “Me too.”

That night after hearing the news of their girlfriends suddenly going MIA from their Idol activities they called their girlfriends.

*ring* *ring* “Hello?” A short female answered. “WHAT THE HELL?!” Yelled another female over the phone. “A-ac-acchan?” “WTH?! MINAMI!” Acchan yelled at Takamina. “Wh-what is it Acchan? Why are you mad?” Minami asked afraid. “Why?! You’re asking me, Why?!” Acchan asked in an angry voice. “Y-yes?” Minami answer now in fear for her life. “You’re leaving for a year! And you didn’t even tell me?!” “Y-yes, about that something important came up and I have to leave immediately. Sorry, Acchan.” “Wait! So! You need to ask for my permission before leaving! Or have you forgotten what happened last time?” Acchan said in a scary and intimidating voice. *Gulp* “No, it’s just that I couldn’t contact you cuz of your busy schedule. I’m sorry but I have to go. Bye.” “Okay. But you have to text or call me. Every hour.” Acchan said in a commanding voice. “Okay. Bye.” Hangs up.
Oh god I’m dead if she finds out I lied to her.
At the same time
*ring* *ring* “Hello? Mariko speak..” She was cut off by. “Hey! What’s this about you taking a leave from your activities? And why didn’t you tell me.” A female spoke on the other side with an angry voice. “Ah, Sorry Miichan. It’s just that something important came up and I have to leave.” Mariko answered in a calm voice. Hope she believes it. “What? You’re lying to me! If it was important you would have told me.” Miichan argued. “Sorry, but like I said it was short notice. Besides you were busy with your work.” “Okay fine.” Mariko sighed in relief. She believed it. “So when are you leaving?” “Why?” “So I can go with you. Of course.” “What?! Why?!” Mariko asked calming trying to cover her freak out. “So I can be with you!” “No! I mean you can’t it’s personal. And I don’t think you would comfortable, beside you have a drama to film, Right?” “Oh! Yes I totally forgot. Thanks. Okay you can go but call or text me twice a day.” “Okay. Bye. And sweet dreams Miichan.” “Bye.” 

At the same time
“Hello?” “Yuki! How could you?” “Mayuyu? What’s wrong?” Yuki asked worried. “Yuki! IHATE YOU!!” dial tone. “Wait! What?!” Why she hang up. Wait! She hates me? What the hell! She’s such a tsundere.

At the same time
“Hello? Tomomi? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Tomochin asked worried to why her girlfriend is crying. “To *hic* Tomochin is it true that *hic* your leaving? *hic*” She asked will trying to hold her crying. “Yeah, but don’t worry I’ll always be with you. You know I love you, so don’t worry.” “Okay, have a safe trip. Call me or text me whenever you can. Chiyuu~” “Thanks, Chiyuu~ I’m so happy I have such an understanding girlfriend like you.” “Stop it Tomochin you’re embarrassing me. Chiyuu~” “What? But it’s true or have you not meet our friends?” “Okay. That’s true, but I feel sorry for Takamina.Chiyuu~” “Yeah. Acchan’s scary when it comes to Takaboy.” “Yeah well anyways, I hope you’re safe Byebye. Chiyuu~” “Bye my sexy cute girlfriend.” “Hehe stop it. You’re making want to take some pointers from Acchan. Chiyuu~” “NO! I’ll stop.” “Okay bye.”
Don’t want another Acchan. Ugh! Scary!
After their girlfriends call they meet up at Yuko’s place. “Hey. Why are all you here? And this late at night? Didn’t tell you to come tomorrow?” Yuko asked confused. “Yes you did but we’re afraid Our girlfriends would show up at our door step.” Marichan informed. “Oh. So they called after the announcement of our absence.” Yuko said. They all entered. “hey Yuko what’s up with that huge red hand on your face?” Takamina asked curious. “Oh. This? It seems that My Harunyan has been taking sime pointers from Acchan.” “whoa. Now that you mention it.” Yuki said turning to Takamina. “How did Acchan take the news?” Asked Yuki. “WHY DO YOU THINK I’M HERE! I wanna live!” Poor Minami. “So I take it you all lied to them.” Yuko said. “Yes!” “No!” “What?!” “You lied to Acchan, Miichan, and Haruna?” “You didn’t lie to Chiyuu or Mayuyu?” “No, I didn’t cuz she called said she hated me and hang-up before I could say anything.” “Ohhh” They all said. “Well what about you? Tomochin?” “Oh that’s simple. I have a very understanding girlfriend. I just hope she isn’t corrupted by your Acchan. Yuko with Haruna.” “That’s true” Everyone said. “Well anyways let’s go to sleep. You all know where the beds are.” They go to sleep.
*bezzzzz* “Hello? Auntie?” “Yes. We’re ready we’ll go to your house tomorrow afternoon. Bye.” “Ok, bye.”   

Hope it isn't boring  XD
Thank you to everyone for reading.

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.3 Nov. 27
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2011, 02:24:27 AM »

Offline RenaChii

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.3 Nov. 27
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2011, 08:32:02 AM »
Mayuyu so tsundere~!!

Offline kahem

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.3 Nov. 27
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2011, 09:03:43 AM »
Hahahaha Yuko's crazy idea, I like it!!!
Acchan is scary!!!!

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.3 Nov. 27
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2011, 01:02:01 PM »
It's interesting! Miichan wanna be with Mariko :hiakhiakhiak:
But Acchan is scaring me.    :mon curtain:
Can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon! :bow: :bow:
Oh,yeah.Thx for updating.

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.3 Nov. 27
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2011, 01:56:52 PM »
Yea!! Thanks for the Update!! I love it :thumbsup
Woah! Acchan so scary... :panic:
Haha.. Haruna is taking pointers from Acchan.. :lol: Poor Yuko XD
When Miichan says that she's going with Mariko I was like WOW!! XD
Haha.. Mayu didn't even let Yuki explain/lie :lol:

Thanks again for the Update :peace:
I want to know more!!! Please Update Soon!!

Offline skytsuna

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.3 Nov. 27
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2011, 02:06:01 PM »
OMG!!! :shocked Acchan is so scary....
and Mayu didn't even give Yuki time to explain :lol:
Tomochin is lucky that Chiyuu is understanding :)
Haha.. Mariko almost freaked out when Miichan says that she is going too XD
Haruna get some points from Acchan.. Poor Yuko LOL :lol:

Thanks a lot for the update :thumbsup It's really interesting XD
Please update soon :bow: I can't wait to read about their Danso and the audition!!! XD

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.3 Nov. 27
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2011, 10:09:16 AM »
 :lol: I'm so exited!

and Acchan forever tsundere  :D
LoL I wonder what Haruna said to Yuko...

 :twothumbs thank you for your update  :bow:
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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.3 Nov. 27
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2011, 12:00:52 AM »
LOL this is quite hilarious :w00t:
No it's not at all boring....
Update when u can...  :panic:

Can't wait ! :twothumbs

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