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Author Topic: From Girls to Boys - chap 13 (MaYuki & WMatsui) 4/08/2012  (Read 58638 times)

Offline Tanchan

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.3 Nov. 27
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2011, 03:52:14 AM »
Acchan is the go-to leader if any of the girls want some tips in guarding their lover XD. I'm looking forward on how they're gonna to transform into guys. Wait are they actually doing magical things or simply dressing up as guys?

Offline Sok

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From Girls to Boys ch.4 Nov. 30
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2011, 07:00:22 AM »
Thank you everyone for reading.  :D And thank you to all the writers cuz your fics inspire me to write.  XD

Chapter 4
“hey guys I had the strangest dream.” “it wasn’t a dream Takamina.” Everyone said. “What do you mean?” Takamina asked confused. “It wasn’t a dream. This is the only way for you guys to audition.” Marilyn said. “Well now that pikachu is awake I can continue. So from now on you will live in my agency’s dorm. So let’s go. I already have clothes and such for you to wear. And yes, it’s based on your personal tastes so it’s still your styles.”

9:50 a.m.

“Auntie!” “Yuko!” “Why are you so early? You said you’d be here this afternoon.” “I did but then I thought it would be better if I came early just in case.” Before Yuko could reply. “Who is it? Yuko!” Tomochin, Takamina, Mariko, and Yuki asked form the living room. “Oh, it’s my Aunt Saeko. She the person I told you about. And this assistant Marilyn.” “Hello I’m..” Before Takamina could introduce herself Saeko cut her off. “I already know who everyone is. You are idols after all.” “Oh, yeah.” Takamina sheepishly smiled. “Okay. So Auntie do you have it?” “Ah! Yes. It’s all ready I just need you all to sign.” “Sign what?” “Your contact with my Agency. Of course.” “What do you mean?” Yuki asked confused. “Oh, my aunt owns Mask Entertainment Agency. Didn’t I tell you?” “NO!” they all said. “Oh must’ve skipped my mind. Hehe” “Anyways back to business. Please read over and sign the contacts, but more importantly read them over.” They didn’t even bother to read the contacts and immediately signed. “Okay. Now drink this.” Saeko commanded giving each of her new workers a drink. “Wait, what’s this?” Mariko asked concerned by the color of the drink. “It looks like poison.” Yuki also worried about the color.  “It smells look death!” Tomochin yelled handling the drink away from herself. “Come on guys it doesn’t smell or look that bad.” Yuko said trying to convince the others. “Then why don’t you drink it first.” Takamina ordered Yuko. “Fine!” She drinks it. “See nothing bad happened.” “Okay.” They all said drinking it. “Good! Now it should be taking affect in any moment.” Marilyn clapped her hands excitedly. “Marilyn, What ar…” All five of them pass out and hit the floor hard. “Hope they don’t freak out when they wake up. Saeko-sama.” “It’s okay. They won’t freak out, I think. Well let’s just hope.” Saeko graded her assistant and took her out the house and back to their office/ dormitory. To do u know what…
9:46 p.m.
Saeko and Marilyn are back in Yuko’s house. “Seems they haven’t waken up yet.” Marilyn said poking Yuko’s cheeks. “Should I whip them?” Saeko said with a devilish smile on her face. “No! That’s only for me.” Marilyn said running to Saeko side and grading her arm. “Ugh. What just happened?” Takamina gets up from the floor. “Why are my clothes so tight?” She looks down and faints hitting the floor hard once more. “Ugh, what was that thump?” Mariko and Tomochin wake up at the same time holding their heads. “Did I drink too much?” “I don’t think so Tomochin cuz we just drink that weird drink. BTW do your clothes fit you tight?” “Yeah, you too?” “Yeah.” They turned and looked at each other. They stood frozen. Yuki and Yuko were the next to wake up. “Ugh, I feel like I have a hangover.” Yuko Said in a soft voice. “Yeah. This reminds me of when we got drunk at Acchan’s Birthday party.” Yuki agreed. “Hey, Mariko, Tomochin what’s wrong?” Yuki asked concerned why her friends were frozen as statues, but then realized the reason shortly after taking a really good look at them. “Why are you in danso outfit?” Yuki asked confused. “They’re not Dansoing Yuki. They’re, you’re actually male now.” Saeko said in a matter-of-fact tone. Mariko and Tomochin snapped out of their shock. “Okay. Now we understand why you said she’d fix it.” “But I didn’t actually believe this was possible.” Yuki asked. “Everything and anything is possible for Saeko-sama.” Marilyn said. “So, Takaboy is the only one that needs to wake up.” Yuko said poking Takamina’s cheeks. “No. It’s just that he needs to wake up again.” Saeko said. “What do you mean?” Yuki asked. “It’s possible she wake up and fainted the second she saw her new male body.” Yuko replied. “Exactly that!” Marilyn clapped her hands. Then Takamina wakes up and faints again after seeing Yuki, Yuko, Mariko, and Tomochin male forms. After that she faints six more times.
End of Flashback
“Wait! I did not sign up for a sex change!” Takamina yelled. “Oooh yes you did. Didn’t I tell you to read your contacts before signing?” “Yes.” They all said in unison now reading the said contact. “Okay. I’ll stop complaining. Since it’s written in the contact that this would happen.” “Okay now you all need new names.” Marilyn said excitedly. “Takamina, you’ll be Kai. Yuko you’ll be Yuu. Yuki you’ll be Yun. Mariko you’ll be Mario. And Tomochin will still be Tomo.” Saeko said giving each their new name. “Hey why does everyone except me have a similar name to their original name.” Kai asked. “well you do have a K and an A & I in her given name so what’s the problem? Besides your girlfriend is hella crazy and might recognize you if you say your names Minami or Takamina.” “Yup. Acchan’s crazy when it comes to Takaboy.” “Fine. Let’s just go.” With that they left Yuko’s house and went to the dorm to start their new lives as men. Saeko taught them how to act like a man and other male stuff. “Now you are men!” “Yosh!” “Remember the audition starts at 7:00 a.m. today. So better get a 4 hour nap before leaving.” “Okay.”

Hope you enjoyed it.

Offline RenaChii

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.4 Nov. 30
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2011, 07:46:37 AM »

Offline kahem

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.4 Nov. 30
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2011, 08:50:11 AM »
Hahaha Takamina fainted!!!
This chapter makes my morning ^^

Offline luckymmsg

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.4 Nov. 30
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2011, 09:56:28 AM »
The story is getting interesting .  :hehehe: :kekeke:
I was loling all the time, :ding: :wahaha:
Update soon.

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.4 Nov. 30
« Reply #25 on: December 01, 2011, 10:31:58 AM »
Interesting :mon lovelaff:
So now they're male,huh? Cool!!!! :tama-lotsaluv:
Update soon :mon innocent:
I like ur fic :gmon love2:

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.4 Nov. 30
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2011, 02:54:56 PM »
OMG!! Now they're boys!!!! :w00t:
Hahaha.. Takamina fainted so many times LOL :lol:
I can't wait to read what will happen during the audition XD
And how they will interact with their girlfriends :thumbup

Thanks for the Update :thumbsup
Please Update Soon :mon cute:

Offline skytsuna

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.4 Nov. 30
« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2011, 02:58:00 PM »
Better read the contract before signing it :smhid
Yea!! They are boys now!!! :wub: :w00t:
Haha.. Takamina fainted after seeing herself and another 6 more times :lol:
I want to know how they will interact with their 'girlfriends' :twothumbs
I wonder if Acchan will find out about it and if Acchan found out I wonder how she will react LOL XD

Can't wait to read more, It's ADDICTING and INTERESTING :thumbsup :twothumbs :thumbsup
 :thumbup :thumbup Please Update Soon :bow: :bow:

Offline Sok

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From Girls to Boys ch.5 Dec. 2
« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2011, 06:10:08 PM »
Hey everyone. Thank you.

I'll be writing the drama they will be in for Ch.6 Hope its not confusing. I'll try to update Ch. 6 somewhere by Dec. 4. Here's ch. 5. Enjoy!

Chapter 5
The Day of the audition
Marilyn wake them up after their 4 hour nap. “Guys, it time for you to get ready.” “Haiii.” They replied getting ready. They somehow found that being a man is easier than being a woman. It didn’t take long to get ready. They were out the door and at the audition in no time, they fill out all the necessary papers and are now in the waiting room waiting for their turn. There they find Acchan flirting with a group of guys auditioning for the roles. Seeing her...scratch that his girlfriend flirting with other guys pissed him off. “Kai! Chill. Remember you’re no longer Minami, but Kai.” Mario said in a calm voice holding Kai from killing the guys. “You’re right, I’m Kai which means I can trick her and flirt with her or other girls without being abused.” “That’s it! Wait, you flirt? Are you even capable of flirting? Or even cheating on Acchan?” Yuu asked confused. “Yes. Watch and learn, bros.” With that he left and ten minutes later came back with 15 different women’s numbers and his hair messed up. “Whoa. Never knew you had it in you.” Yuu said amazed by the amount of numbers he got. “Yep. I’m Free as a bird now that I don’t have to worry about Acchan punishing me.” “Hey guys, is it just me or is Acchan giving Kai the death glare she always gives Minami before punishing her.” Yun asked looking at Acchan who giving Kai her death glare. “Ah! You’re right.” Tomo said. “Hey! What ya looking at? Am I that irresistible? If you want some come get some! Sexy!” Kai yelled to Acchan then winked and bit his bottom lip in a seductive way. “Y-y-you w-wish! I’m already taken! BAKA!” Acchan yelled back at Kai, her face a bright pink and walked into the audition room to judge. “Did Acchan just stuttered?” Mario asked surprised at both Kai’s and Acchan behavior. “I think so.” Yuu and Yun said in unison.

“OK! The following participants please enter the audition room. Tomo Itano, Kai Takahashi, Mario Shinoda, Yuu Oshima, and Yuu Kashiwagi. Please enter the audition room.” Said a female assistant.
 “Okay! Anyways it’s already our turn. So focus.” Tomo said walking into the audition room while the others followed behind. Tomo’s thoughts: Seems becoming a man awaken Kai’s predator instincts instead of being the prey, he usually was to Acchan when he was a woman.
The female assistant’s thoughts: Wow! These five guys are so cute, cool, handsome, hot and sexy. They’re the best looking out of every man here.

In the audition room
The producers’ and director’s thoughts: Wow! They’re perfect for the roles they’re auditioning for. Wonder if the girls like them.
Acchan: Ah! It’s Pikachu! Wow, up-close he’s cute. Hope he gets the role of my partner. Sorry Minami but this is what happens when you leave me unattended. But for some weird reason he looks familiar.
Tomomi: Kyaaaa! The short dark brown haired with light brown strikes looks so cool. I want him! Chiyuu~ But for some weird reason he reminds me of someone. His baby face kinda resembles Tomochin.
Miichan: What the? Why is Pikachu here? Whoaaa. Who’s that tall and handsome man with dark brown hair with dark red high lights? He looks yummy. I won’t mind being partnered with him. Sorry Marichan but this isn’t cheating, it’s work. But for some weird reason he gives me the same feeling I get when I’m with Marichan. Strange, I wonder if they’re related.
 Mayu: Whoa the guy with black hair with dark blue high lights looks like an anime character. I want him as my partner. But for some weird reason he looks familiar maybe he was a model for an anime character.
Haruna: The other midget next to Pichu looks like my squirrel, well sort of. His a little taller and he has dark brown hair with dark green strikes. Well whatever I am single since Yuko left. So maybe I can have some fun, like Acchan told me to.

They weren’t paying attention to the Five young men when they introduced themselves and did their audition and left. All five actresses turned to the producers and director of the drama. “We want them.” All five said in unison. “That’s great! We do too. So it’s decided. They’re our guys.” The director said excitedly. “Ann please contact their agency and inform them they’ve got the roles.” “Yes, Sir!” Ann’s thoughts: Kyaaa! I’ll be working with hot guys!

Back at the dorm
“Guys! You got it!” Marilyn says jumping up and down. “What?” “You guys got the roles. I just received a call about when filming will being.” Saeko informed. “Yosh!” They all shouted and raised their fist.

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.5 Dec. 2
« Reply #29 on: December 02, 2011, 06:21:30 PM »
Yes!! Update!! XD
OMG!! Kai flirting with other girls and Acchan giving him death glare :twothumbs
I prefer Kai to be the hunting one :wub: :inlove:
Haha.. Acchan stuttered XD it's so cute :heart:

Thanks for the Update :thumbsup
I'll be waiting for December 4/5 to come XD

Offline Sydney W

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.5 Dec. 2
« Reply #30 on: December 02, 2011, 07:09:44 PM »
Kai and Acchan as usual are cute couples and tsundere. Post the next update please. Thanks

Offline kahem

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.5 Dec. 2
« Reply #31 on: December 02, 2011, 08:35:59 PM »
Hehe can't wait for your update. It would be really interesting ^^

Offline RenaChii

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.5 Dec. 2
« Reply #32 on: December 02, 2011, 09:07:37 PM »
First meeting~!! YAY~!!

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.5 Dec. 2
« Reply #33 on: December 03, 2011, 05:09:32 AM »
Woooooooooooo~ An update!  :otomerika:
Kai is so handsome that every girl want him.....   :mon lovelaff:

Offline smarty0821

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.5 Dec. 2
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2011, 06:29:20 AM »
Kai FLIRTING?!?! :mon pumped: Oyeah!!....  Like A Boss :pimp:
great story want to know more :cow: :cow:

Thanks for the Update  :deco:

Offline Haruko

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.5 Dec. 2
« Reply #35 on: December 03, 2011, 07:10:09 AM »
jajaj I love this story!!  kay filtring gorgeous.. maybe you can change they personality for example

minami is shy but kai likes filtring with girls

yuko is a perver but yuu-kun gonna be shy because haruna will try seduce him

jajaj sorry mi imagination is a lot

Offline Sok

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From Girls to Boys ch.6 Dec. 3
« Reply #36 on: December 04, 2011, 03:31:22 AM »
Hey everyone. This chapter has the drama they are acting in I hope it not to confusing.

In the Drama Yun plays Yunho. N Tomo plays Tai.

The drama Parts wil be in Bold.

Chapter 6

The first day of filming. “Hey, Chiyuu! What’s up with Acchan?” “Don’t know Miichan. She’s been like that since I came.” Chiyuu answered with worry. “It looks like she’s going to tease or punish Takamina.” Haruna said joining the two. “You’re right. It looks like she’s waiting for Takaboy to come so she can torture her.” Miichan said agreeing with Haruna. “Yeah, but she out of the country and so are ours.” Mayu leaves the group and approaches Acchan. “Hey Acchan. Who are you waiting for?” “Oh. Mayu I’m waiting for Pikachu.” “Pikachu? Oh you mean the short blonde guy from yesterday. But isn’t he more like a Pichu.” Haruna said joining them with Chiyuu and Miichan right behind. “Yeah and no he’s not that small. Well maybe to you cuz you’re tall. I wanna get him back for yesterday.” “What do you mean by yesterday?” Chiyuu asked.

“Everyone gather around! It’s time to discuss the scene we’ll be filming today!” The director’s assistant Ann shouted. “Okay!” everyone gathers around. “Okay people! We have finally found our guys.” The Director says informing the crew. “Okay guy! Please come and introduce yourselves.” Director shouts and the five young men come out. “Hello I’m Tomo Itano, Kai Takahashi, Mario Shinoda, Yuu Oshima, and Yuu Kashiwagi.” “Nice to meet you. Please treat us well.” They said in unison bowing towards the crew. “Thank you. The camera, make up, lighting, sound, and anyone who is not an actress, actor or producer may leave.” Ann said directing everyone to their work place. “Now I’ll inform you all what your roles are.” The director said to the boys. “Okay.” “Mario you’ll be playing Haruna’s partner. You don’t have to worry about your characters’ names it’s the same for most of your name except Yun’s and Tomo’s. Yun your character’s name is Yunho and Tomo yours is Tai because we don’t want you and Tomomi Kasai to have the same name.” “Okay.” They said. “Great! So here are the pairings: Mario and Haruna, Yuu and Miichan, Yun and Tomomi, Kai and Atsuko, Tomo and Mayu.”

Girls POV
Haruna:Wow. His hot and my height, I wonder how he looks in wet clothes. I think the kissing scenes are going to be fun.
Miichan:Nooooo! Why! Why did Haruna get him. I wanted him! Damn it! But on the other hand this guy isn’t bad. His has that cool and perverted feel to him. Maybe I should have some fun with him before going after Mario.
Tomomi: NOOOOO! Chiyuu~ I wanted Tomo! *pouts* My cute Tomochin baby face look alike is paired with Mayuyu. I really really miss you, Tomochin. Chiyuu~ I wanna be with you.
Atsuko: Yes! I got Pikachu. Now it’s payback time. You have no idea who you messed with shorty. *Evil smile*   
Mayu: Damn! Tomomi got Yun. Man I really wanted him to be my partner. But on the other hand Tomo is cute and kinda resembles an anime character from the anime I’m currently watching. I wonder what’s under those clothes. Well I’ll find out sooner or later.

Guys POV
Mario: WTH?! I thought we got the parts we audition for. Wait why is Haruna looking at me like a piece of meat?
Yun: Haa. At least I got partnered with Tomomi instead of the others. Tomomi’s relaxed and less complicated then Mayu and the others. I think my role is the easiest.
Yuu: Nooooo! Nyan-Nyan! WTH! Don’t look at Mario that way! He’s off limits. OFF LIMITS!!!!
Kai: Yes! I got Acchan. Well since Acchan doesn’t know it’s me, I think I’ll play with her and then make her feel guilty about cheating on me. Well my female form.
Tomo:Ah rats. I wasn’t paired up with Tomomi. Well at least I know she’ll be safe with Yun. I wonder why Mayuyu is looking at me like that? Do I have my fly open? Nope. Well I just hope she isn’t up to something.

The director continued to explain what the drama is about, gave them their scripts and began rehearsing.

Drama’s title – It’s complicated
Kai- Kai                Mario-Mario            Tomo-Tai          Yun- Yunho           Yuu- Yuu
Atsuko- Acchan    Haruna- Haruna     Mayu- Mayu     Tomomi- Tomomi      Miichan- Miichan

Mario is Haruna’s Fiancé but both don’t want to marrying one another, so they agree to pretend to love each other in front of their families and friends and have secret lovers. There are secretly seeing the ones they love, but don’t know who the other’s secret lover is, they don’t want to complicate things. Mario’s lover is Miichan while Haruna’s lover is Kai. Kai is dating Acchan at the same time. She does not know he is cheating on her because she trusts him. Meanwhile Miichan is a pretend relationship with Yuu who is in love with Acchan, he does this so he can be closer to Acchan. He does not know who her boyfriend is, Haruna or even who’s Miichan’s lover. Yunho is Tomomi’s bestfriend and is pretending to be her boyfriend so their parents don’t set them up in marriage meetings. They both are in love with someone else but the thing is that the ones they love are engaged to someone. Tai and Mayu are childhood friends and were engaged since birth. They have not seen each other in 10 years. And then everything gets complicated, but that’ll come after we shoot the first couple of episodes which will explain to viewers the relationship. (note: they will change allot of scenes.)

Drama filming Begins

A few weeks after rehearsals and going through the script, they are ready to start filming. The producer/ director Meetan said. “So the first shot we’re doing for the first episode that will be done today is the meeting between Tomo’s character Tai and Mayu’s. Now go to your places, everyone!” When everyone is in their places. “Action!” Cameras start rolling.

The setting is Top’s Café. “Hello, welcome to Top’s Café. How may I help you?” “Hello. I would like a Skinny Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel, please.” “Ok, one Skinny Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel. That will be $4.95.” hands over the money. “Your change is $15.05. May I have your name?” “Tai.” “Ok Tai your drink will be ready in a few minutes.” “Thank you.” Tai says leaving the cashier. The Café door opens and a costumer comes in. “Hello, how may I help you?” “I want Skinny Caramel Macchiato, please. Extra caramel.” “Ok, one Skinny Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel. That will be $4.95.” hands over the money. “Your change is $45.05. May I have your name?” “Mayu” “Ok Mayu your drink will be ready in a few minutes.” Leaves and sits down behind Tai which is closer to the counter. “Tai!” an employee yells. “one Skinny Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel!” another yells. Mayu gets up and gets it first but when she turns. “Um, excuse me Miss but that’s mine.” “Oh? Really?” “Yes, it has my name on it.” “Oh so it does.” She’s interrupted by an employee. “Mayu!” She grads her drink and stars to leave.” “Um, excuse me but you still haven’t given me my drink.”

Producer/ Director Meetan’s thoughts: What’s going on this isn’t a part of the script. Mayu what are you thinking? It better be interesting for viewers. “Meetan what’s going on this isn’t a part of the scene.” Tomomi asks worried. “It’s okay. Let’s continue to film."

“Oh, yeah I forgot, sorry about that.” “No, it’s o…” Mayu stepped closer to Tai and poured the drink all over him, making his shirt wet.

The girls playing as extras: Wow! He has nice abs. But I want to see him without anything. Thank you. Mayu.
Tomomi: You’re dead Mayu. But still thank you for the show. Chiyuu~

“WTH! You brat!” Tai yells upset and gets closer to Mayu who just smirks at him. “You ruined my shirt!” They’re now 3 ft away from each other. “Sorry. I’ll make it up to you.” Mayu says innocently with hint of seductiveness stepping closer to him. “And how do y…” Tai couldn’t finish due to Mayu’s lips sealing his. The kiss was slow at first and then became aggressive.

Tomo’s thoughts: Oh Shits! I’m kissing Mayu in front of Tomomi and Yun! I’m soooo dead when I get back to the dorm. His already give off his black aura.
Mayu’s: Wow!  He’s an amazing kisser. I wonder if his good somewhere else? Well we’ll find out later.

“Aaannd cut! Let’s do that kissing scene one more time. Shall we? And this time, Mayu wrap your arms around his neck And pull him closer to you to deepen the kiss.” Meetan shouted from her seat. “What?!” Tomo yells from his place. “I have to kiss her again! But that kiss wasn’t even a part of this scene!” “Now it is. I’ll add or cut parts to scenes that’s why I’m a producer and Director. OK!” Meetan shouted with her assistant producers nodding their heads in agreement. “Action!” Mayu yell. “OI! Mayu! I can only say that!” Meetan scolded Mayu. “Sorry.” “Good. Place people! And Action!”

They kiss once more this one was deeper and more aggressive and lustful. After their kissing they exited the Café.

“And cut! That’s it for this scene. We’ll continue with tomorrow since we’re ahead. Let’s go on to the next set!” Meetan shouted. Cast & crew changed locations.  The everyone:What?! We’re gonna continue? Can’t it wait until tomorrow since it was scheduled to be done tomorrow. We’re hungry!

While the crew set up the cameras and equipment.
“Okay my five actors and actresses you will have 1 hr and half to eat and do your business but be here on time. Or else. For the crew you’ll have 1hr to eat.” Meetan said leaving to eat. They all ate and still had 20 minutes. The crew had just finished setting up and began eating.
“Tomo may I speak with you?” A black force began to pull Tomo away where there was no one around. “Y-Yun! It’s not what you think!” “What I think is that I should do the same and kiss your Girlfriend.” “NO! She’s too pure, ya know that. Besides Mayu was the one who went off script not me.” The black aura around Yun started to disappear. Tomo heaved a sigh in relief. “I know but seeing you kiss her back pissed me off.” “Wait, I was kissing her back?” Tomo asked confused. “Tomo you don’t know this but it’s like one of your reflexes.” “What do you mean?” still confused. “When someone kisses you, you automatically kiss them back without realize you’re doing it. It’s like a reflex of yours.” “Oh. Sorry.” Tomo said looking down at the ground. “It’s ok. But please be careful around Mayu when you’re filming.” “Why?” “I have a feeling she wants to do more than just kiss you.” “Oh… OOOOOHHHH! That’s not good. I’ll defiantly be more protective over my body! My body only belongs to Tomomi.” “Good to hear. Now let’s get back. Before Meetan yells at us for not being ready.” “Yeah.” They went back to the set.
Somewhere at the same time
“Mayu can I talk to you?” “Sure Tomomi. What’s up?” “How can you kiss Tomo?” “Easy.” “But the kiss and wetting him weren’t a part of the scene, so why do it?” “I just wanted to have fun while filming. Besides I was surprised to see he has a nice body and great kisser.” “His a great kisser?” “Wow! Mayu if Yuki heard you she would kill him.” “No she wouldn’t Miichan. I’d tell her it was part of the scene.” “It’s true. It’s not like she knows what the scenes are.” “Haruna’s right. Besides I’ve been doing that in all my dramas just to get Takamina jealous so I can tease her afterwards.” Acchan devilish smiles remembering some of those moments. “Acchan you’re such a sadist.” Miichan playful smiled at Acchan. “I feel sorry for your girlfriends.” Tomomi murmured to herself. “You say something Chiyuu?” “No, nothing. I think we should go back. It’s my turn to film now.” “Yeah, we don’t want Meetan to have an excuse to sexually harass us.” “Yeah I agree with Miichan.” They all went back to the set.   

Sorry if it's confusing.  :kneelbow: :kneelbow: If it is I'll cut the drama part and continue without it.

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.6 Dec. 3
« Reply #37 on: December 04, 2011, 05:47:14 AM »
Why you do that?! Mayuyu?!

Remember your Yukirin~!! 

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.6 Dec. 3
« Reply #38 on: December 04, 2011, 06:14:56 AM »
Thanks for the Update it was so interesting :thumbup :thumbup

The relationship will be complicated but it sounds really interesting XD
I love the Drama part it's a great opportunity to get their partners jealous :lol:
I was like... :shocked Acchan usually went off the script in the drama just to get Takamina jealous and tease her.. :twisted:
I hope Takamina and Acchan's scene will come soon~ Can't wait to read it!! :thumbsup

Thanks for the Update :)
Please Update Soon :mon cute:

Offline Haruko

  • ecchi
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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.6 Dec. 3
« Reply #39 on: December 04, 2011, 06:21:17 AM »
yeah its a little confusing but so fun :D.... but the pairs are so different that i think.. except atsumina pair ajajja i wanna know the atsuko`s revenge :D

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