So yeah, after listening to this song for few times I got an idea for a fanfic
I suggest you to listen to this song as well because this story really related to the lyric)
And here comes the result

I’m sorry for the crappy story. I even cringe while writing this LOL
So, without any further, here and hope you enjoy

(Oh, and I’m sorry for the grammar errors and misspelling m(_ _)m)
Am I deserve a second chance?
“I think we need a break,”
“Sayaka-chan~,” Miyuki called cutely
Sayaka just replied with a “hmm” and continue typing something on her phone.
Miyuki who felt ignored snatched the phone away from Sayaka which earned a growl from the latter. Miyuki tried to run away from Sayaka’s grip and giggling.
“Seriously Miyuki, I’m not in mood to play around, just give my phone back and sit down,” Sayaka command sternly
Miyuki pouted and walk like a obdient puppy to sat again beside Sayaka.
“Why are you so into your phone? Are you love your phone more than me?” Miyuki asked, demanding
She let out a heavy sigh before turned her attention to Miyuki and threw her a what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about glare. And that ended their argument with a sulky Miyuki who kept on pouting beside her.
“Are you cheating on me?” Miyuki asked out of blue when she and Sayaka were sitting on a couch in front of the tv in Sayaka’s apartment
“What the hell with all those unrational questions? You really should stop pissing me off,” Sayaka replied while massaging her forehead, felt a sudden headache by all Miyuki’s demanding question
“Well, you were so lovey-dovey with those artists. I also saw some girls kissed you. And don’t you try to deny that!” Miyuki said quietly but you can tell that she’s angry by the tone she talked
Sayaka left speechless. ‘Really this girl??’
“Seriously Watanabe Miyuki, you know who I am, you know the risk of dating an idol and yet you still act like I’m a cheater. That’s my job you know!” Sayaka snapped and got up angrily
“Well, I’m sorry for asking too many things from you! I just want for once to expreience a normal date,” Miyuki got up as well and shouted
Sayaka scoffed. “Then you should have date a normal people!”
Sayaka who just realized what she has said pursed her lips, felt regret. But her pride was too high to say sorry or anything.
Miyuki’s eyes widen at the last sentence. Her eyes become teary and her vision become blurry.
“I...I’m sorry,” Miyuki apologized before grabbed her bag and ran to the front door left a depressed Sayaka who threw her body to the couch
‘What did I just say?’
Sayaka grumbled and kicked the table in front of her.
2 days after that incident, Miyuki tried to act normal, tried to act like nothing happened and Sayaka just followed her.
Today, Sayaka is so busy that she couldn’t even called or left a message to Miyuki until 9 PM where she opened her phone and saw so many message and missed calls. She ran to her car, get in and drove fast to Miyuki’s apartment because she just remembered that today was their 2nd anniversary. Sayaka felt like to knocked her head thousand times becasue how could she forgot such an important day for them.
After a few minutes of driving finally she arrived. She locked her car and jogged to Miyuki’s door.
Once she arrived she straighten her clothes which kinda mess and took a deep breath before lifted her hand to knock the door. But before she could knock it, someone suddenly opened the door which startled her. But it didn’t take long before a smile appear on her face to only dropped right after because of the next words.“I think we need a break,”
Sayaka’s eyes widen at the realization of what those words mean.
“Wh-what ar-are you....,” Sayaka said, stuttering
Miyuki lifted her hand and caressed Sayaka’s cheek and smile gently which brought sadness to Sayaka.
“You’re right. I’ve been selfish for asking you so many things,” Miyuki started
“No, you’re not. No, you’re not,” Sayaka mumbling and shaking her head like she’s already expecting what the next
Miyuki giggled and held Sayaka’s head with both of her hands to stop it from moving before continued. “Yes, I am. I always asked you to walk outside while holding hand although I know that’s impossible. I always asked you to go watch a movie although I know that’s impossible. And I also demanded you to take me for a dinner althought I knew that’s really impossible. I kept on asking you all those things althought I knew that’s impossible,” Miyuki stopped and tried to calm herself
Sayaka’s eyes became teary while listening to Miyuki’s words, same with Miyuki.
“I’m so selfish for never think about you. What if one of your fans catch you while we’re going to cinema or while we’re wlaking in the sidewalk. I never consider the damages to your carreer. All I think of is my own happiness while I never think about yours. That’s why now I want to set you free. I don’t want to hurt you anymore,” Miyuki whispered the last sentence and wiped Sayaka’s tears, didn’t mind her own
“No, please don’t,” Sayaka mumbled incorrectly and grip Miyuki’s wrist
Miyuki smiled sadly at the sight of weak Sayaka. The Sayaka that she knew was always strong. The Sayaka that she knew was never cry no matter how hard the problem was. That’s why it’s hurting her to saw her in this state. But, she thought that it’s the best for them.
“I think it’s the best for us. We already hurt each other enough. I love you that’s why I don’t want to hurt you more than I already did. I don’t want to be a burden. I don’t want to be the one who hold you from reaching your dream. I want to be the one who see you become a great artist,” Miyuki smiled tried to cheer Sayaka
”No. Please don’t leave me,” Sayaka mumbled, crying while clutching into Miyuki’s sleeves
She tried to held Miyuki’s hand on her cheek.
“I love you, I always love you but we have to let go of each other,” Miyuki tried to release Sayaka’s grip before leaned forward and kissed Sayaka. They poured their love for each other into this last kiss.
When the air became a need for them, Miyuki pulled back. She brought her lips to Sayaka’s left ear and whispering. “I believe in you,” and pulled back once again before peck Sayaka’s lips and moved backward.
She threw one last smile to Sayaka before close the door very slowly and leaving a crying Sayaka on the floor in front of her door kept on pleading to her.
One and a half years later....Miyuki who was lazily sitting on her couch with a popcorn in her lap grabbed a remote and turned on the tv. She kept on muching the popcorn before her mouth stop moving and her jaw almost dropped at the headline in the bottom of the tv screen. It’s written. “The no.1 idol, Yamamoto Sayaka, revealed that she’s dating someone right now”. Miyuki couldn’t close her mouth. Suddenly her vision blurry. Truthfully, she never dared to turned on her tv after their “broke up” until today. She always tried to distract herself from tv. She just couldn’t bear to see Sayaka’s face. She even barely went out of her house except if her friends pleding to her like a lost puupy and she just couldn’t stand that so she agreed.
Oh well, what should she expected. She should have known this. She already let Sayaka go. She’s the one who let her go. And also she is a nobody, she is just nothing so why would Sayaka kept holding onto her. She’s stupid for hoping for something like that. She couldn’t stand it anymore. But when she’s about the turned the tv off, something caught her attention or more like the words that Sayaka said caught her attention.
“I know it takes me this long to gain my courage. I’m sorry for making you waiting for so long. And I’m not sure if you’re still waiting for me. But, I want to apologize for all my stupidity. I’m sorry for being so insensitive. I’m sorry for even forget our anniversary twice in a row and the worse that I even forgot about your birthday. I’m sorry for everything. I’m truly sorry. I hope you still want to forgive this idiot,” Sayaka stopped her speech while Miyuki let out her breath that she didn’t realize had been hold by her
“But, I want to ask you a question. A queation of life and death for me. Watanabe Miyuki, am I, Yamamoto Sayaka, deserve a second chance?”
With that her tears flowed. It’s flowing like a river. “Yes. Yes Yes,” she kept mumbling while crying. But now, it’s a tears of happiness. No more sorrow. No more sadness for her.
“I realize being an idol is awesome. Being an idol is what I really want, but I just realized something. Being an idol it means nothing when you aren’t beside me,”
After those words she gave her microphone to her manager and she walked down the stage and stormed out the exit door.
Half an hour later Miyuki heard knock on her door. Hesitatingly she walked to the front door with her still puffy eyes and opened the door slowly. To her surprise, the person that she just saw half an hour ago on the tv was standing right in front of her. Before she could digest it all, suddenly she was pulled into a tight hug. And there when she let all out. All her sadness and everything. Sayaka also didn’t mind her shoulder getting wet by Miyuki’s tears. When she heard that Miyuki had calm a little, she broke the hug and grabbed Miyuki’s shoulder. She brought their forehead together before whisper so softly. “Am I desever a second chance?”
“Yes!” Miyuki replied without a second thought
And with that Sayaka pulled her for another warm tight hug and cried on Miyuki’s shoulder. Now it’s her time to let everythings out. To let all the burden out of her chest.
“Now matter how many times you hurt me, or how many times you’ll leave me, my heart will always scream “Yes, she deserves a second chance”,” Miyuki smiled warmly when they broke the hug
Sayaka brought Miyuki’s face to her and kissed her forehead softly. Poured all her love int the simple yet sweet kiss.
“Thank you and I love you. I always love you,”
The End