Everyone~ Thanks for all the comments! ^^
Here's Chapter 2 although not so much progress in the story yet... hehe..
Chapter 2
To be honest, I didn’t expect to be accepted so smoothly like that and I’m really glad that I got the job. I skipped home happily while humming a song that I got addicted to recently, Manatsu no Sounds Good. It is really the perfect song for summer.
By the time I notice I’ve already reached the front door of my house. I really love the simple design of the gate and the scent of the roses beside the gate, it never failed to make me feel relaxed and comfortable.
The front gate is made from metal with simple strip design that most houses around here has. Beside was the name plate ‘Minegishi’ and the mail box where newspaper is delivered from the newspaper boy every morning. As you open the gate, you will see the small garden inside, planted with roses, orchids and many other flowers. Mom really loves gardening, she plants flowers in front and vegetables at the back of the house. She enjoys cooking with the vegetables she grows although I don’t really like vegetables, I must say that her vegetable cooking is really delicious. The garden is really neat and the flowers bloomed beautifully, you can really tell how much effort and love mom put inside them. Mom is the one who designed the whole house, the wall’s color is white-based because she likes how clean and neat it looks like. She gets really mad when I and Mii were drawing on the walls when we’re young.
At the side of the house you could see the laundries being hang there, I still remember how awkward it was when I was helping mom doing the laundries and I had to hang Mii’s
ahem.. panties and I was in my male form… When Mii saw that she gave me a good slap, hard on my face and left with the word “Hentai!” After that I refused to help with the laundries… I would rather throw the trash or clean the house instead.
As you open the door, you will see shoes neatly placed on the sides. As I’ve said, mom is really a perfectionist! She’ll get mad when we don’t place our shoes properly. Sometimes I even doubt if she’s the reincarnation of some dai Maoh or something LOL! If she heard how I describe her…
gulp* I’ll be dead… So do me a favor and keep this little secret between me and you okay? Wink*
Our house is not a very big house but at least big enough for the 4 of us to live in.
First floor, there are the corridor, living room, bathroom, kitchen and me and Miichan’s playroom when we’re small but now it’s our study room.
In the Second floor, there are Miichan’s bedroom, my bedroom, our parents’ bedroom and a guest room, plus our dad’s book room.
“Tadaima~~” I sung happily as I neatly remove and place my shoe in its place.
“Welcome back, how’s the interview?” mom asks from the kitchen and I could smell the nice fragrant of the dinner tonight.
Mmm~~ I’m starving now, I never stop craving mom’s food. It’s even better than those made by the 5-star chefs.
“What’s for dinner?” I asks but from the smell I can tell that there’s KATSUDON!!!!
“Haha~ I bet that nose of yours already tell you that there’s your favorite katsudon tonight” says mom
“This is so unfair! Mom is so unfair! Always making oniichan’s favorite katsudon… What about my SHRIMP?!” complains Miichan pouting while sitting on the sofa.
“Of course I didn’t forget that our Mii loves shrimp soooo much~ Who do you think your mom is? Of course I did make your favorite shrimp tempura.”
“Yeah!!! I LOVE SHRIMP” says Mii happily and we all laugh happily.
Usually dad arrives home exactly at 6:30 and we’ll have dinner immediately. I can’t wait to eat the katsudon now!!! Now it’s 6:29 and 50seconds. Me and Mii starts to count out excitedly 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! And 1!!!!!
Kaching! Oh~~ That’s the sound of the door opening!!!
“Welcome back home~~” the three of us welcomes happily.
“Haha~ Tadaima~ Guess our two piggies are already hungry huh??”
“Hey! Who are you calling pig!” Mii complains
“The one who replies and by the way I’m not counted in” I says happily
“Hahaha~ Let’s go wash our hands and have the dinner now, shall we?”
“Hai~~~~” says I and Mii as we rush into the bathroom to wash our hands.
After dinner, we’re all satisfied. Today, it’s I and Mii’s shift in washing the plates so we are washing the plates inside the kitchen while mom and dad are sitting inside the living room watching their favorite drama.
“Ne, Oniichan” Mii suddenly says while wiping the plates I handed to her after washing them.
“Er… Is that urm…”
“I have a favor to ask. Onegai!!!! It’s my one in a life time wish!!!”
“Hm? You always say that it’s your one in a life time wish…
sigh* fine.. what is it?”
sigh* I always ended up giving up when she show me her puppy eyes…
“Yatta!!! Oniichan daisuki!!!” Mii shouts happily while hugging me and jump up and down.