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Author Topic: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 4] Dec. 1  (Read 31971 times)

Offline hott3stson3

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 1]
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2012, 06:08:29 PM »

oh...oops i'm a bit late huh?

oh well, i support the decision even if i am a Atsumina based fan, i still love takatomo 

AHAHAHAHA! I love the excuse Miichan gave  :lol:

That made my day  :)

looking forward to chapter 2!!

Offline kahem

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 1]
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2012, 02:15:02 AM »
Gender switch hum interesting hehe

Offline RJay

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 1]
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2012, 02:33:20 PM »
Wow! Takamina can switch her gender, that's awesome and sounds really interesting.
TakaTomo seems okay with me, a little change of the pairings wouldn't kill anyone... I hope...
Keep it as a TakaTomo fic.

Please update soon, I can't wait to see what's going to happen next.
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Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 1]
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2012, 07:05:13 PM »
Everyone~ Thanks for all the comments! ^^
Here's Chapter 2 although not so much progress in the story yet... hehe..

Chapter 2

To be honest, I didn’t expect to be accepted so smoothly like that and I’m really glad that I got the job. I skipped home happily while humming a song that I got addicted to recently, Manatsu no Sounds Good. It is really the perfect song for summer.

By the time I notice I’ve already reached the front door of my house. I really love the simple design of the gate and the scent of the roses beside the gate, it never failed to make me feel relaxed and comfortable.

The front gate is made from metal with simple strip design that most houses around here has. Beside was the name plate ‘Minegishi’ and the mail box where newspaper is delivered from the newspaper boy every morning. As you open the gate, you will see the small garden inside, planted with roses, orchids and many other flowers. Mom really loves gardening, she plants flowers in front and vegetables at the back of the house. She enjoys cooking with the vegetables she grows although I don’t really like vegetables, I must say that her vegetable cooking is really delicious. The garden is really neat and the flowers bloomed beautifully, you can really tell how much effort and love mom put inside them. Mom is the one who designed the whole house, the wall’s color is white-based because she likes how clean and neat it looks like. She gets really mad when I and Mii were drawing on the walls when we’re young.

At the side of the house you could see the laundries being hang there, I still remember how awkward it was when I was helping mom doing the laundries and I had to hang Mii’s ahem.. panties and I was in my male form… When Mii saw that she gave me a good slap, hard on my face and left with the word “Hentai!” After that I refused to help with the laundries… I would rather throw the trash or clean the house instead.

As you open the door, you will see shoes neatly placed on the sides. As I’ve said, mom is really a perfectionist! She’ll get mad when we don’t place our shoes properly. Sometimes I even doubt if she’s the reincarnation of some dai Maoh or something LOL! If she heard how I describe her… gulp* I’ll be dead… So do me a favor and keep this little secret between me and you okay? Wink*

Our house is not a very big house but at least big enough for the 4 of us to live in.
First floor, there are the corridor, living room, bathroom, kitchen and me and Miichan’s playroom when we’re small but now it’s our study room.
In the Second floor, there are Miichan’s bedroom, my bedroom, our parents’ bedroom and a guest room, plus our dad’s book room.

“Tadaima~~” I sung happily as I neatly remove and place my shoe in its place.
“Welcome back, how’s the interview?” mom asks from the kitchen and I could smell the nice fragrant of the dinner tonight.
Mmm~~ I’m starving now, I never stop craving mom’s food. It’s even better than those made by the 5-star chefs.
“What’s for dinner?” I asks but from the smell I can tell that there’s KATSUDON!!!!
“Haha~ I bet that nose of yours already tell you that there’s your favorite katsudon tonight” says mom
“This is so unfair! Mom is so unfair! Always making oniichan’s favorite katsudon… What about my SHRIMP?!” complains Miichan pouting while sitting on the sofa.
“Of course I didn’t forget that our Mii loves shrimp soooo much~ Who do you think your mom is? Of course I did make your favorite shrimp tempura.”
“Yeah!!! I LOVE SHRIMP” says Mii happily and we all laugh happily.

Usually dad arrives home exactly at 6:30 and we’ll have dinner immediately. I can’t wait to eat the katsudon now!!! Now it’s 6:29 and 50seconds. Me and Mii starts to count out excitedly 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! And 1!!!!!

Kaching! Oh~~ That’s the sound of the door opening!!!
“Welcome back home~~” the three of us welcomes happily.
“Haha~ Tadaima~ Guess our two piggies are already hungry huh??”
“Hey! Who are you calling pig!” Mii complains
“The one who replies and by the way I’m not counted in” I says happily
“Hahaha~ Let’s go wash our hands and have the dinner now, shall we?”
“Hai~~~~” says I and Mii as we rush into the bathroom to wash our hands.

After dinner, we’re all satisfied. Today, it’s I and Mii’s shift in washing the plates so we are washing the plates inside the kitchen while mom and dad are sitting inside the living room watching their favorite drama.

“Ne, Oniichan” Mii suddenly says while wiping the plates I handed to her after washing them.
“Er… Is that urm…”
“I have a favor to ask. Onegai!!!! It’s my one in a life time wish!!!”
“Hm? You always say that it’s your one in a life time wish… sigh* fine.. what is it?” sigh* I always ended up giving up when she show me her puppy eyes…
“Yatta!!! Oniichan daisuki!!!” Mii shouts happily while hugging me and jump up and down.

Offline RJay

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 2] Aug. 7 UPDATED!!!
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2012, 11:49:02 PM »
That was a fast update, but the chapter is too short :( *pouts*
Please update the next chapter soon.
I want to find out the upcoming events in this fic.
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Offline steftakami

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 2] Aug. 7 UPDATED!!!
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2012, 07:05:20 AM »
I'm waiting for your fic please continue with the next chapter will  :bow: :bow:

I like your fic! TakaTomo!!  XD

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 2] Aug. 7 UPDATED!!!
« Reply #26 on: November 30, 2012, 04:32:12 PM »
It's really been quite awhile since I last updated any of my fics...
I'm really sorry about that but I've gotten quite busy recently, so I don't think I'll be able to make long updates too much anymore...
I'll be updating short chapters from now on I guess, I hope it won't cause too much disappointment.. :sweatdrop:
Here's the Chapter 3 and I'll try to update some of my other fics or Chapter 4 of this.

Chapter 3

I waited for Mii to state her favor but for some reason she kept silence for awhile which is really rare of her since she is usually blunt when she’s asking for any favors.

Mii stopped my monologue as she finally tell me that she wants me to pretend to be her friend’s boyfriend to stop her parents from setting her on blind dates which she really despites.

I’m totally fine in lending a hand regarding to the favor but I’m a bit worried whether that yaiba girl or Itano Tomomi knew about my uniqueness…

To tell you the truth, I would rather have her not knowing about it since not everyone has that strong adaptability like the Minegishi family does.

What surprises me is that that Itano girl is the only daughter of the Itano Fashion Designing Company! This is truly a big surprise since there is no one in the world who would not know about the company.

Itano Fashion Designing Company is started around 60 years ago I guess. Itano Hyousuke, 1st president of the company has managed to bring a big innovation to the business of fashion. From then on, Itano Fashion Designing Company or ITDC has become the world’s no.1 fashion company. They have opened many branches all around the world and are of course the biggest multinational company. Although their business is really big, the quality of their work didn’t drop at least 1%! This is one of the biggest factors why this company’s products is loved by all generations and gained brand loyalty from their customers.

The 3rd president of ITDC, Itano Kenma, Itano girl’s father is one of the people I respect. He is the man who has expanded ITDC to the state it is now and is also a man who kept on making miracles when in the past ITDC is on the verge of bankruptcy he always managed to bring it back and even strengthen the company. If you go to the street and ask any businessman or woman of who their idol is, 9 out of 10 would answer you Itano Kenma.

It was always my dream to work in ITDC as I’m also interested in things like fashions and trends. But since as I’ve said earlier due to my age is still 17, my mom would not allow me to work yet which is why I was searching for a part time job earlier. No matter what, one day I’ll definitely send my job application to ITDC!

Aside from the identity of Mii’s friend which surprises me, another fact that Mii has told me has definitely caught me wordless…


God! This sucks! My image!!! But what’s done is done and there is no time machine for me to go back to the past and stop Mii from saying the nonsense. I have no choice but to act as one… sigh*

Anyway, helping the Itano girl would definitely help me if I want to get a job in ITDC so I’ll do my best to help her regarding to her problem.

Seems like I’ll meet her tomorrow already and I still haven’t search the information from Google of ‘how to act like a gay’…

I bet you’ll think that I’m crazy but to me it’s either you don’t do it or if you choose to do it then put 120% effort in it. So now that Mii has given me a gay setting, I’ll do my best to fit my role… Although I still didn’t really like to act like a gay.

Offline fael_c00l

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 3] Nov. 30 UPDATED!
« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2012, 04:45:00 PM »
Ah finally you update it,, but, it's too short,, yeah maybe the update will be short but i know u can make a crazy short update :D
TomoTomo is my OTP

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 3] Nov. 30 UPDATED!
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2012, 04:47:53 PM »
Finally, an update!! :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

I'm excited for TakaTomo action  :yep: I'm a big fan of Atsumina, but TakaTomo is such a cutie  :deco: :deco:

Will be waiting for the next update  :)

Offline KojiYuu44

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 3] Nov. 30 UPDATED!
« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2012, 08:18:29 PM »
I'm completely fascinated by this fic and i just started reading it :)
TakaTomo is rare so i like it
I will be waiting for the next update :)

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 4]
« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2012, 04:27:21 PM »
Chapter 4

Unusually I woke up at noon today as I always used to wake up at 6 and have mom’s delicious breakfast. I have been practicing on how to walk and pose like a gay until late night yesterday and this is the reason why I do look like a panda now.

After washing myself up, I went down just to see mom bringing out the lunch today which seems to be seafood paella! The scent coming out from it is so attractive especially to me who have missed my breakfast this morning.

I dash towards the dining table and without wasting any second I start to dig into the paella and fill in my stomach.

“It’s unusual for you to wake up this late today” mom says as she also starts to eat.
“Er, yea. I’ve been studying till late night” Well… I can’t tell her that I’m studying in how to pretend to be a gay, can’t I?

Just when I finished eating my lunch I look at the clock which strikes on 13:30. I think I have to hurry now since I do not want to be late on my first day.

Once I got into the Cafe I was handed a waiter uniform by Okita san and he also introduces me to my co-workers.

Kojima Haruna, female, age 24; she is the cook in the Cafe. She is responsible for all the food and cakes in the menu and her creative thoughts about new sweets is one of the attractive points for the Cafe. All the young female consumers love her sweets since it is delicious and low fat. She seems to be a bit of an air-head? Well, that’s what I heard from my other co-workers.

Shinoda Mariko, female, age 26; she is the coffee brewer in the Cafe. Although she is a coffee brewer but she is also responsible for making all those earl teas, etc. She is also the tallest female worker and has a queen-like aura and she also demands me to call her ‘Mariko sama’.

Lastly is Matsui Rena, female, age 21; she is the waitress in the Cafe. At first when I see her I thought she is an ojou sama or something. Her smile is really gentle and can gives energy to people who sees it.

As you can see, they are all female and this is the reason why Okita san wants to hire a male employee to avoid things becoming like a harem. According to Mariko sama, it seems like Okita san is a bit scared of his wife and doesn’t want her to misunderstood that he only wants to hire beautiful female employees which is why he was in a hurried in wanting to hire a male employee to avoid punishments like kneeling on the washing board… When Mariko sama mentioned about the punishment I thought I’ve see a devil-like tail growing from her back.

Matsui san told me that when Okita san’s wife come to the Cafe, Mariko sama and Kojima san would usually made some mistakes like accidently fall on Okita san which causes his wife to get jealous… Usually the next day, they will see a tired panda-like Okita san because you can see two big black spots on his eyes that are caused by his wife.

When Matsui san explained it to me, I suddenly found out the reason why Okita san always keep a 3 meter distance from Mariko sama… I just hope that Mariko sama’s prank wouldn’t fall upon me.

Anyway, it’s my first day on work so I’m going to give my best! Yosh!

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 4] Dec. 1
« Reply #31 on: December 01, 2012, 04:41:58 PM »
Another update!  :twothumbs

LOL I wonder how a gay act?  :P

Will be waiting for the next update! and some TakaTomo or Atsumina action XD

Offline steftakami

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 4] Dec. 1
« Reply #32 on: December 01, 2012, 06:47:08 PM »
please continue!!! :bow: :bow:

Offline KojiYuu44

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 4] Dec. 1
« Reply #33 on: December 01, 2012, 08:51:26 PM »
hahahahaha Mariko sama is such a troll :)
Nice Update!!

Offline cisda83

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 4] Dec. 1
« Reply #34 on: December 16, 2012, 11:08:17 PM »

Takamina as gay... Miichan is very naughty....

Yeah Mariko is like devil in reincarnation very very naughty

thank you for the fic...

can't wait for the next one

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline FNK23

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 4] Dec. 1
« Reply #35 on: December 24, 2012, 06:44:12 AM »
soo takamina learn how to be a gay, i wonder what kind of type takaboy would appear then  :hehehe:
please update soon, i choose takatomo, but it will be great if you put atsumina in this fic too, in case to make tomochin jealous because of acchan  :kekeke:

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 4] Dec. 1
« Reply #36 on: December 24, 2012, 12:04:00 PM »
hahaha  :lol:  :thumbup :cathappy: :deco:
I love Takamina!! and Mariko-sama!!! but MORE ATSUMINA!!!

Offline LukeMatsuda

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 4] Dec. 1
« Reply #37 on: February 16, 2013, 09:00:00 PM »
Good!!  :thumbsup

can't wait for the next, please continue.  :bow:

Offline hitomi hagiwara

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 4] Dec. 1
« Reply #38 on: February 17, 2013, 06:14:18 PM »
oh why your update so short? it not enough! hehehe

Offline minami_takachan

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Re: <<Switch>> TakaTomo [Chapter 4] Dec. 1
« Reply #39 on: March 06, 2013, 01:01:44 AM »
I wish you could update this fic soon, still hopes for my TakaTomo fics, please, make the next chapter u.u one one onegai. ^^

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