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Author Topic: The ChrNo JPH!P Tribute Show (2011/05/28 & 29th)  (Read 23132 times)

Offline daigong

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The ChrNo JPH!P Tribute Show (2011/05/28 & 29th)
« on: May 21, 2011, 12:02:10 AM »
The ChrNo JPH!P Tribute Show will be on JPH!P Radio May 28 10:30 PM EST & repeat May 29th right after HiP HoP Hizzy. Hosted by daigong.

Now taking your song dedications and messages. Mostly I will be ranting in Cantonese, French, and English about ChrNo.

The thing I remember the most and admire about ChrNo is she is one of the HiPstaz that "gets it" - ready to contribute and take part to the best of her ability. Coming to me with ideas and always down with our HiPster schemes. I finally found her materials she submitted. A few sigs, that made me go 'GENIUS!'

and she whipped up the forum banner:

I hereby declare "Za Story of Noisy Hipstaz" the JPH!P National Anthem and to be sung at every drunk party to honour ChrNo's brilliant comic stylings.

here's the MP3 version:

Lyrics 100% written by her, in Cantonese, French, and English!

The Evil Super Villain : tamatron !

If you wanna meet tama just come to IRC
she is hiding and butt lurking, don't worry
if she comes and slaps you with a large trout
that means she likes you, no doubt !

your face is a mess

master of ass : Daigong !

If you knew a bit Chinese you would like his name
it's so pervy and so friendly, all his fame !
he makes Rika worship a real business
and brushing your teeth shameless

lei haimhai sexy daiga ?! hell yes Rika is sexy !

*chorus :
Wooooo pants
you'll have to drop them all
helicopters and your hands
are just waiting for your call

Write it wordsworth !

From Risa to Risako he just loves them all
even the eggs he puts them in pokeball
but with the younger ones he can't talk pervs
that always gets on his nervs

a cat is fine too !

stomp the bug : ziggurat !

Mysterious closet wota who really loves lurking
he got horny the first time he saw High-king
Captain or Dawa wota he can't decide
that's why he would come then hide

Captain, Take-chan !


Momowota nachdenki !

Géant du pays des bieres avec le tshirt Momo
vu dans la video d'Erina Mano
pour revoir Momo en concert il vendrait son corps
ya pas a dire il est hardcore
(Giant with the shirt Momo from the country of Beer
spotted in the video of Erina Mano
he would sell his body in order to meet Momo again
Hardcore that's for sure)

Gutentag !

shirenu pop !

Cette petite finlandaise haute comme 3 pommes
adore jouer aux sim's avant de faire un somme
mais ce qu'elle aime d'avantage ce sont les oeufs
Hello!ProjectEggs hummm fameux
(This little Finnish girl as tall as 3 apples
loves playing the Sim's before going to sleep
but what she loves even more are eggs
Hello!ProjectEggs hummm Yummy)

let's play poupéegirl !


Inglorious basterd : masa !

yatyat hei keu kan fang do maijuu yapounmouy !
keu vouy yan den tcho lei ton panyaw yampouy !
fei heu yapoun keen rika hai keu monseun
maan maan keu vouy ty keu cheung seun
in his room everyday completely absorbed by japanese girls
he would surely come out to have a drink with some friends
fly to japan to meet rika is his dream
every night he stares at her picture

this is jph!p babe !

Grant my wish sh15uya !

If you want some asian pop ask in the asshole
he will find it for you like it's his life goal
it just means you are lazy to try google
i know you would rather ogle

upload, uploading !

It's BatCat Stryfe !

alcoholic hairy face great kebab eater
genius master of the h!p bday counter
he would make another one for Miyabi
to count the days without PB

Do you Aibutt ?

Everyone do a verse. In French, In English, In Cantonese. Her native languages. Lyrics for ChrNo.

Then we'll keep adding verses for all HiPstaz who want to get involved and make it the biggest longest JKM Remix in history. I've already had Ongaku! Project on board to produce, then we'll debut it on The ChrNo Tribute Radio Show.

I hereby rename our official :hipheart: mascot as ChrNo.

she designed these back in 2007 - managed to dig these up.

how about official jph!p icons ? XD

tama xD

people on the chat want it to look like more a heart than a peach ahaha

well, just tell what i should do and if you like it

Told her I loved it, but to make it look more like an ass XD

:hip angel: :hip aww: :hip devil: :hip bleh: :hip blink: :hip drool2: :hip depress: :hip drool: :hip cry: :hip burp:

You can see the lil guy in her drawings too.

I dreamt of cartoon series and such. Hope we can make that a reality someday, for you ChrNo!! :rockon:

breaks my heart, i will never see you again.

I hereby declare April 26 as Remembrance Day. To remember and celebrate the life and impact Jennifer Tam has had on our lives here at JPH!P and beyond. To be forever enshrined as a JPH!P Legend at this page:

After The ChrNo Tribute Show, we will lock her memorial thread.

The Berryz Fandom @ JPH!P will forever be strong, make you so proud homegirl. Every "BERRYZ SAIKOU! OI! OI! OI!" will be dedicated to you, mon amie. :jphip:

One Love.


« Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 04:32:47 AM by daigong »

Offline daigong

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Re: The ChrNo JPH!P Tribute Show (2011/05/28 & 29th)
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2011, 10:36:00 PM »
Tribute is tonight. Gonna go the max time until HiP HoP Hizzy = 2.5 hours. TUNE IN! :jphip:

Thanks to all the contributions. it means a lot to me and the :hipheart:

Awesome, youtube finally got the thumb right, ChrNo :heart:

Offline kjpop

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Re: The ChrNo JPH!P Tribute Show (2011/05/28 & 29th)
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2011, 04:33:37 AM »
i never knew ChrNo =[ but ill be tuning in to support =D

Offline daigong

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Re: The ChrNo JPH!P Tribute Show (2011/05/28 & 29th)
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2011, 07:10:21 AM »
^ Thanks for tuning in kjpop :heart: hope u got a taste of what she was like.  :jphip:

and thanks everyone tuning in. The PLAYLIST! rerun in 2 hours after HHH. Archive below upping soon.

The ChrNo JPH!P Tribute Show 2011/05/28

 1. ChrNo - c'est la radio jphip! (0:01)
 2. ChrNo - Za Story of Noisy Hipstaz (3:32)
 3. Natsuyaki Miyabi - LOVE Namida Iro (4:15)
 4. Natsuyaki Miyabi - Masayume (2009/08/21-Buono-Rock Concert) (2:43)
 5. Suzuki Airi - Akai Nikicchou (5:00)
 6. Aa! - Yume to Genjitsu (2:48)
 7. Stephen Chow - Laing Laing (0:10)
 8. Natsuyaki Miyabi - Koi wo Shichaimashita! (4:46)
 9. ChrNo - JPH!P Radio (0:46)
 10. Buono - PIZZA LA CM (0:13)
 11. ChrNo - Knock On My Door (4:21)
 12. ChrNo - Soda Pops (0:53)
 13. ChrNo - Anata Nashi De Wa IkiteYukenai (3:10)
 14. Berryz Koubou - Anatanashidewa Ikiteyukenai (4:00)
 15. ChrNo - First kiss (2:30)
 16. Aa! - FIRST KISS (4:07)
 17. ChrNo - Kokuhaku Funsui Hiroba De (3:49)
 18. Berryz Koubou - Kokuhaku no Funsui Hiroba (3:59)
 19. ChrNo - Honto No Jibun (4:13)
 20. Buono! - Honto no Jibun (4:04)
 21. ChrNo - Sprinter! (2:49)
 22. Berryz Koubou (Saki, Miyabi) - Sprinter! (3:35)
 23. Britney Spears - Hit Me Baby One More Time (3:32)
 24. Britney Spears - Till The World Ends Ft. Nicki Minaj & Kesha (Official Remix) (4:44)
 25. Stephen Chow, Andy Lau, Man Dat - Happy Birthday Song (From Tricky Brains) (0:18)
 26. ChrNo - c'est la radio jphip! (0:01)
 27. Berryz Kobo - Natsu Remember you (4:06)
 28. Buono - Shoshitsuten -Vanishing Point (4:06)
 29. Buono! - Take It Easy! (4:25)
 30. Buono! - Renai Rider (3:58)
 31. Berryz Koubou - Semi (4:22)
 32. Berryz - Women's Council The Night (4:19)
 33. Berryz - Woman Pride (4:55)
 34. Berryz - That white cloud (4:51)
 35. ChrNo - Shabondama (3:33)
 36. Stephen Chow - Fight Back 2 School (0:25)
 37. Natsuyaki Miyabi - Furusato (5:13)
 38. ChrNo - the story of noisy hipsters (2:43)
 39. ChrNo - c'est la radio jphip! (0:01)


and did it on / ustream partially, it was so cold outside lol

« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 12:49:03 PM by daigong »

JPHiP Radio (23/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Namie Amuro - Wild