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Author Topic: ChrNo...missing you 11 years.  (Read 5838 times)

Offline daigong

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ChrNo...missing you 11 years.
« on: April 26, 2022, 08:52:27 AM »
Doesn't feel like 11 years but fuck it has been...time flies and I can still see her smiling from ear to ear on the streets of PARIS!! On this day, we lost our friend, the ultimate Fan Girl Funny and Vibrant, ChrNo. Here's where I cut and paste her story and tell you to go visit her posts and blog (her profile:;u=4513 blog: and that she will forever live on in our hearts. This moment back at New York New Jersey Anime Expo where our crew from :hipheart: interviewed Berryz!! LMFAO. And I shopped it real good

Remember the time we gave Berryz our memory book of ART and got em all to sign it in Seattle!!! REMEMBER CHRNO. :hip cry:

I want you all to know this special person because well, I considered a great friend. Bringing people together. Skyping before all this Zoom bullshit! Fanfics, funny comics people call memes nowadays! Hilarious Posts. Random IRC chats before all this Whatsapp!! Get off MY LAWN!! ChrNO MY HOMEGIRL!! LOL

The past few years during these 'Rona Times, the stigma has been lessening and mental health is spoken more openly than ever before. I'm still learning and just remember, you're not alone. The "It's OK to be not OK" has never rung truer. We at JPH!P are accepting of all (within legal goodness) and just being yourself is good enough man. If we could all live as carefree and happy like ChrNo, they world would be a better place. It is up to us to educate ourselves and learn more and reach out to those in need. A simple "How you doing" goes a long way. Fuck. I should really practice what I preach lol I miss my jphip folk but I'm in hermit mode but jphip is LYFE baby. That smiling ass knows well.  :hip smile:

Pour A Little Liquor. But Def. I'm gonna PLAY DAT ANTHEM !!! Sing it ChrNO!!!!

Warms my heart every time I hear that ghetto quality sound. Oh man she'd record shit off the phone for us, whip up art NO FUCKS GIVEN** that ending is the Radio splitter she made where in Cantonese she goes "Hello? What are you saying? Say it then BYE BYE!!" Fuckin so versatile, a true artist and fuck I wish I met her in real life.

Here is a collection of all her art and music at

ROCK DA SHIRT to represent and benefit mental health awareness. Read about it.

Yo did you vote for Macron? XD Britney got her rights back! I miss her enthusiasm and joy, the way she brought us all together. Well...her select crew  :hip bleh: thanks for the JPH!P Guy illustration. I wish I was a better artist and do more hi-res versions. I got her to do a cover drawing of the crack staff for jphip magazine. Too good. What are you memories? Chat logs, where could they be.

Let's crank up the tunes!!! SING LOUD AND PROUD CHRNO!!  :jphip:

JPHiP Radio (21/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Cowpers - Shayou