Thanks for silent readers and commenters

@kurosawa87: Haha, this is a product of staying up way too late

@bunny_rabbit: Hehe, it's not popular but it does exist!!


This is an old stuff (not that old, okay) I kept, inspired by these pictures and
this blog post.

This is yet to be proofread so I hope it's all fine on its accord

*is whacked*
Companion to Eternity"How long has it been since we gathered like this?"
"The theater's 7th anniversary, wasn't it? Ah, right, Nonti, you weren't there!" Said the squirrel-like girl.
"Yeah! We celebrated Meetan's marriage announcement at that time, you know." The girl with long dimple added.
"Well, Yuuko, Nattsumii, you guys didn't tell me that you were having after-party!" Nonti complained.
"We thought you were busy with your job," Nattsumii shrugged.
"Hey hey hey, ya girls so noisy, don't forget that Nacchi and Erena have made their way here, yo!" The girl with Osaka-accent reminded the other girls.
"Nah, it's okay, Yuka. Been a long time since we enjoyed this kind of meetings anyway." Nacchi laughed.
"Yeah, I kinda miss this. Almost 3 years since the last time I joined you girls." Erena added.
"So... Nacchi, how's life? We were really worried when you suddenly announced your graduation after.... you know," Yuuko hesitated for a short while.
"My scandal broke out, wasn't it. And my resignation." Yuka said while looking rather dejected.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you all worried. It's just... I realized that my future probably didn't lie there." Nacchi explained with sad look on her face.
Yuuko patted the younger girl's shoulder. "It was way too sudden, you know. Immediately effective graduation... It doesn't just affect us, but also your fans."
"I remembered some people who came to my line on my final handshake asking about you. They looked really sad, Natsuki." Yuka sighed.
"Anyway, shouldn't we be happier with our mini-gathering? Let's back to the question, how's life?" Nonti cut the gloomy conversation.
"You're right," Yuuko smiled faintly, showing her dimples, "How do you do?"
"Well, aside from working on those hellish uni projects? Yeah, I'm totally fine," Nacchi smirked, trying to lighten up the situation. "How 'bout you, Erena? You seem to be doing well with your solo career."
"Haha, you can say so but it's still just starting," the youngest girl smiled. "At least, compared to this Masuda-san beside me, I'm really nothing." Erena added while poking the girl's arm.
"Ehh, what do you mean, I haven't even had anything to do with music! I've only done variety shows so far..... and well, another musical play in few more months," Yuka sounded quieter than usual.
"That's great, isn't that. You gained enough acknowledgement with the WIZ, now you're getting another musical adaptation of a famous movie! I'm really glad for you huhu," said Yuuko while pretending to erase tears from eyes.
"Ugh, stop it, that's embarrassing, Yuukooo," Yuka pouted as she tried to whack the actress' head while everybody laughed at the squirrel's acting.
"As expected from Yuuko," Nattsumii grinned.
And the talk continued, they shared the time they've gone through together within tears and laughters.
"So... happy 7th anniversary of 2nd gen, eh?" Yuuko raised her glass for cheers.
"Happy anniversary," the others nodded in agreement and followed suits.
"If only others could join, too. I miss them so much," Nacchi sighed.
"Can't be helped. Jobs and.... well, I don't think Meetan's newly weds time should be disturbed," said Nonti with tongue in cheek.
"Haha, certainly." Nacchi laughed. "So... cheers!"
Comments and Critics are welcomed

ps. I know I'm an ori team K oshi hahaha