I'm finally done with midterms and the first semester of my school, so I'll make a comeback with my commenting with this post.

First of all, I want to thank you so much for updating this fiction. Patience does seem to pay off every single time you update on any of your fictions, haha.

So glad to see and be able to read this! And trust me, when I came back home from exams and performing a few minor tasks, reading this instantly cheered me up. You have no idea how much I've literally fangirled internally when I saw it. My heart was racing insanely fast while reading through it.

Alright, I'll try my best not to comment on an extremely long note.

So I see that Rena is forced to drive through hordes of vampires and obstacles in order to make it to the hospital for Atsuko. Yikes... Talk about a rough ride to the medical facility. Just when things were looking bad enough with a friend being injured gravely.

And even though they were able to fend and protect themselves from the creatures, it's not surprising that their strengths would be drained and fatigue catching up to them. Alas, they were forced to split up in order to bring Atsuko to safety. Which then left both Yuki and Rena alone in order to be baits for a bit and deal with the low vampires as they find shelter. It's dangerous, but it's the only option they are able to choose in order to keep Atsuko safe and tend to her wound. At least she really did get treated and is safe from anymore danger at the moment. Way to go Yuihan with your nursing skill!

But alas, there is both Yuki and Rena trying to get through the baddies.

While reading through, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw these two scenario:
“I’ll only stay here with one condition. Rena, if Yuki has a small scratch on her skin or one string of her hair was cut off, I’ll kill you.”
I was startled a bit at first by the thread of Mayu. Quickly turning to Yuki, I could see her flushed cheeks clearly.
And... Then this happened a bit further into the chapter:
“Are you OK, Yukirin?” I patted her shoulder.
“Yeah. Just have some scratches on my knees. I think my landing technique still needs to be trained.” She smiled weakly to me. I glanced down at her knees and saw them bleeding a little.
“Geez. Mayu is gonna kill me for sure. Can you walk?”
“A little sting but I guess I can.”
“Remind me to train your landing skill after this, Yukirin.”
OH BOY RENA, you're gonna have to deal with Mayuyu if she ever finds out.

Oi, Yukirin! You really should learn how to land properly without hurting yourself. Mayu won't be too thrilled to know that you're injured just because you didn't land with a good result.

Hm... So Rena had to drink Mayu's blood this time and thus became a half-vampire, half-human being again. I bet the transformation was painful to experience... And Yuki! You definitely should've mentioned the side-effects of using the blood!

Aiya... Rena surely isn't too happy to know that it was a bit more difficult to gain the powers in order to defend Yuki while she treats her wound. But at least she did get the job done by blasting away those vampires. All goes well in the end somewhat I suppose?

AND THEN DAT ENDING. Who did Rena see!? I'm guessing it possibly could be Matsui Jurina... Have a strong hunch about that. But it could possibly be someone else.

Guess I'll just wait for the next update in order to see who it is. Ahhhhhhh, the suspense!

I... don't think this really was a 'short note' that I had stated up above. Looks like I typed out my reaction a lot more than I had expected.

But anyway! Thank you so much for the nth time for posting and updating this fiction! You're an awesome writer that I will always follow, respect and admire. Looking forward to more of your work and do take your time with your fictions!

P.S.: Let's hope we finish 'that' fiction really soon considering the fact that I'm now on a two week break, LOL.