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Author Topic: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! 12/09/18 CH 1  (Read 12694 times)

Offline TakaminaBG

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I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! 12/09/18 CH 1
« on: September 05, 2012, 08:24:17 PM »

I feel the sun lightening my face, I hear the birds outside singing and I feel the warm breath tickling my neck. I turn my gaze and see a figure sleeping quietly next to me. She is hugging me tightly like she is about to lose me. I glance down under the blanket and see our naked bodies. I glance back at her with an annoyed face remembering what happened last night. I’m discussed with me and I hate people like her. They see a handsome man with a great body and they immediately approach him. I really hate that type but it amuse me the fact that they are so easy to play with. I smirk as I remember what happened last night.


I walk into a club and sit on the bar. I smirk as I see all eyes are on me.

“Blue Moonshine cocktail, please.” I say to the bartender.

“Same for me, please.”

I turn around and see a beautiful lady standing right next to me. She has a small body and a long dark hair. Dark but not black. It suits her perfectly. Small body, but perfectly shaped! Looks like I found my prey for tonight.

“Hi.” I say smiling.

“Hi” she says blushing and looking down. Seems like she is a shy girl! They are not easy, so this is going to be hard for me to nail her.

“I… I’ve actually never drunk this cocktail.”

“Then why did you order that?” I asked curiously. I glance down at her breasts. Which are going to me in my hands after…  let’s see…. An hour!

 “Because you did.” She said shyly.

“That makes me happy. Really happy.” I smile and she looks at me then she smiles  too. Well that smile is captivating and that cute fang showing when she smiles. I want her even more.

“Who are you with?” I ask.


“Really, me too.”

“You are lying.” She said laughing.

“I’m serious. Why do you think I’m lying?”

“Because you are a handsome guy. And guys like you are never alone.”

“Well, it will sound cliché. But I came here to find the perfect girl for me. And I can’t believe it, but I just did.” I say smiling. When I smile you can see my dimples. That is quite attractive and girls cannot resist me. And with my blond hair they are all over me!

“I’m here for the same.”

“Did you find your prince?” I say playfully.

“Yes” she answers

We talked about a lot of things. This is the first time I talk to a girl for so long. It’s so annoying. I’m waiting for her to get drunk so I can nail her and forget about her. She had 4 cocktails and it seems like she is getting there.

She finishes her last cocktail. I glance at her lips and slowly lean down. I capture them in a gentle way. She response my kiss the same gentle way. Her lips are soft and sweet and I bet she is sweet down there too. I smile between the kisses.

“Wanna go?” I ask her a question to which I already know the answer to. “Yes” and here it is.

At the same time my phone rings. I answer “Hello” annoyed.

“Kai where are you?”

“Out!” I say quite irritated.

“Calm down, man. Let me guess, you are going to sleep with yet another girl, right?”

“Yeah and guess what, that is non of your damn business, Riku!!” I say as I hang up the phone. The girls looks at me with curiosity. I smile, take her hand and lead her outside.

We took a cab and now we are in front of her apartment. She takes out her keys and opens the door. I go inside while she closes the door and look around. She lives alone so no one will disturb us.

As I heard the sound of the door closing I look at her. I’m hungry. She smiles at me as I grab her and start kissing her, roughly. I rip off her white dress as she takes of my shirt and reveals my perfect body.


I slowly remove her grip of me and stand up. I quickly put my clothes on and walk away.

As I open the door she calls me.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“Home”  I say coldly.

She walk to me and hugs me.

“Stay for breakfast.”

“Look this was just sex, okay. I’ve no interest in you, Itano Tomomi!” I say as I roughly take her hands of me.

“Eh, Kai I thought…”

“You are really stupid to fall for me. This is your mistake not mine, so blame yourself!”

I start to walk away. I’m already down stares but I can still hear her crying. But I feel nothing. My heart is so cold. No actually I feel something…… AMUSED!

TBC??   :fainted:

Hope you like it!! Enjoy!!

Offline hazwani

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! Prologue!! 12/09/05
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2012, 08:33:27 PM » to..
please update soon..
already love this story line

Offline Crossing Crossroads

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! Prologue!! 12/09/05
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2012, 08:41:17 PM »
*GASP* :shock: KAI! You're going to pay for hurting Tomochin... :angry1: Acchan will come into the picture soon... and I predict she's gonna be one of Tomochin's best friends!  o;< :mon mad:

Interesting fic..~ :mon determined:


All of you can call me Cross! (Honorifics are nice, but I'd rather not with too much formality. o w ob!)

You can try to contact me at my blog on tumblr, andreabutts. I also have another blog that you can try to contact me with if andreabutts is not replied within two days, callmeawota.

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! Prologue!! 12/09/05
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2012, 09:22:26 PM »
MY ITANO-SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KAI I WILL KILL YOU YOU LITTLE *BEEP*BEEP*  :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Offline kahem

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! Prologue!! 12/09/05
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2012, 10:00:35 PM »
I want to beat Kai up!!!

Offline Tanchan

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! Prologue!! 12/09/05
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2012, 03:53:40 AM »
A lot of people want to kill Kai :lol:. I do too XD. It's not right to treat a girl like that.

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! Prologue!! 12/09/05
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2012, 12:28:21 PM »
Kai, you effing jerk -.-

I wonder when some girl comes and snatches his heart ~

Update soon  :deco:
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! Prologue!! 12/09/05
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2012, 01:09:58 PM »
BTW i really hope that it is KaiAcchan LOL
poor tomochin :(((((
please update  as soon as possible HEHEHE
Atsuyuu ♥ Takayuu ♥ Atsumina ♥ Mayuki

YOSH! I'M BACK! FINALLY!!! (notreally)
Been inactive these past few months. =__=

Offline Wmatsui22

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! Prologue!! 12/09/05
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2012, 04:07:04 AM »


..Please continue your fic!!

..thank you

..I'm a kaiAcchan and AtsuMina FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline Haruko

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! Prologue!! 12/09/05
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2012, 08:33:06 AM »
jajaj i think it gonna sound so cliche but i want that this gonna be atsumina BUT i know that you have you own toughts.. jejej sorry for us (atsumina shippers) jejej we never get tired form them :D .. and maybe can i request a kojiyuu also?

Offline TakaminaBG

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! Prologue!! 12/09/05
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2012, 04:43:24 PM »
                                                                                          Chapter One
I took a cab and go home. Normally I would go home with my car but since I drank last night I couldn’t. As I’m in the cab my phone rings. I open the phone and glance down at the number. I look away annoyed and close it. I look outside the car window and see a dozen of pretty girls.

All of them are dressed up nicely with make up on them. They are smiling. When I see them I can only think of having sex with them. I’ve never been in love. I can’t and I don’t want to. I’m not scared but I’m protecting myself. I don’t want to get hurt because of some stupid girl.

Why do people even fall in love. It’s stupid. They think that falling in love is the best thing that can happen to them but it’s not. In a relationship there are always sad things that can happen.

There is no guarantee that if you fall in love you will be with that person forever, right? So I don’t get them.

For me sex is all I want from a girl. All I need. I don’t need to be in a relationship.

If I am in a relationship I have to be good to the girl I’m with. Always be nice to her. Give her presents. I don’t think I can be with only one girl.

My name is Takahashi Kai. I’m 21 years old. I’ve never been in love. I’ve slept with many girls. I’m a good looking guy with blond hair and nice body. When a girl sees me she immediately falls for me. That fact is quite amusing. And on top of that I’m rich. My family owns a big company. We build cars. Our cars are quite famous. Well of course they are sports cars.

I’m the next successor. After my stupid father dies, the company will be all mine.

Now you wonder why I talk about my father like this? He is a strict person. When I was little I had zero friends. He never liked them. Maybe that’s why I never had a girlfriend. Maybe that’s why my heart is so cold. Cold as a stone.

We have a big estate. But I don’t live there. When I turned 21 he kicked me out.



“Yes, father.”

“You have one week to move out!”

“What?! NO!!” I scream closing my fists.

“You are 21 years old. It’s time for you to live on your own!”


With that sad I moved out. But I believe this is for the best. I hated my family anyway. My mother can’t go against my father. She is just too scared. Without him she is nothing.

I got out of the cab and walked to my apartment. I really don’t want go inside.

My stupid father told me to meet him at some restaurant. He said he has some important news regarding me and the company.

I arrive with my car in front of the restaurant. I walk in and see my father with some other guy I don’t know and a girl.

The girl in with long black hair and dressed in a long white dress.

“KAI, you are late!!” screams my father. That moment the girl turns around and looks at me.

I’m amazed. She is gorgeous. And I found my new prey for tonight.

As I walk to them I smile at the girl and she smiles back at me. I can see she is blushing. You can’t blame her. I mean look at me. I smirk as I imagine what can happen tonight with her in my embrace.

“Hello, father.” I say as I sit down and bow to the people in front of me.

“Kai, this is Takada Hiro – san. And next to him is his daughter Ray.”

“Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” I say as I bow again and smile at them.

“It’s nice to meet you handsome young man.”

The girl just bows and smiles. I look at her and smile back. She  blushes and looks down.

“Kai, I told you I have a big announcement regarding you, right?”


“Well one of them regards you the other regards the whole company.”

“Okay” I say as I glance back at them. DON’T TELL ME???!!

“Takada cor. And Takahashi cor. are joining.”

“Why? The company is going great!” I start to sound nervous. I have this strange feeling.

“Yes, but Takada is a great friend of mine and their company is not doing well right now.”

“Okay, what does that have to do with me?”

Okay this is NOT good. I know what is going to happen next and I AM NOT MARRYING THAT WOMAN. I want to sleep with her yeah, but not spend the rest of my life with her.

“Well I told him that I’ll join with him if his daughter marries….

OH MY GOD. My heart is beating so fast like it’s going to explode out of my chest any minute. I glance at the girl in front of me. She is looking down, blushing and smiling. I feel like I’m dying slowly.

“…you” and yeah I’m officially dead! How can he do this do me.

“NO!!” I say shouting. The whole restaurant turn and looks at our direction.

“Yeah, I knew you would say this, that’s why Ray has a proposition for you!”

I look at the girl. Why does she want to marry me? Their company must be pretty bad. What’s wrong with her? How can she marry a guy she doesn’t even know??

“You don’t have to love me. Just marry me and live with me. You can do whatever you want. I’m not asking for your heart or your body. I just want to help my father. Please!” she said while bowing in front of me.

I’m shocked. She is ready to be with someone she doesn’t love just to help her father. But even so I can’t marry her!!

“I’m sorry but I can’t marry you!!” I say shouting at her which shocked her. Great now she is scared of me….

“KAI!!” Okay now I’m scared!

“What!!” I shout back.

“So you don’t want to marry her even after what she said to you?”

“Of course!!” I glance at him with fear in my eyes. I hate when I’m around him. I become a weakling.

“Okay, let me put it this way. If you don’t marry her, the company will be never be yours!!”


“Yeah, you heard me, Kai!”

“FINE!!! I’ll marry her. HAPPY??” I shout as I walk out of there.


I open the door slowly. I hope she is not awake..


Well that’s my luck. This is Ray, my….. wife.

“What?” I ask coldly.

“Where were you all night?” she ask me full with sadness in her eyes.

“In a club!”

“Where did you sleep?” she said that in a low voice.

“I was with some girl. I forgot her name…”

I start to walk away from her but she grabs my hand.

“Why are you doing this?” she asks with tears falling from her eyes.

“Because, I want to!! “I scream as I walk away from her.

“Kai” I hear her sob while walking away from her…


Offline m00nchild

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! 12/09/18 CH 1
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2012, 06:32:23 PM »
Kai so heartless,
Ray & Itano was so pity,
Nice story anyway,
Looking forward for the update,
Please update more~!!

Offline Haruko

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! 12/09/18 CH 1
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2012, 03:51:56 AM »
-_- heartless kai.. i dont like..

Offline Trickster

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! 12/09/18 CH 1
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2012, 01:08:08 PM »
it's so rare to find a story like this XD
but Kai is truly heartless.. I wonder who would fix him up? Ray? Itano? or...? XD

will keep watching this thread :thumbsup

Offline hazwani

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! 12/09/18 CH 1
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2012, 06:21:36 PM »
please update soon..

lol please make kai change  ;)

Offline Crossing Crossroads

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! 12/09/18 CH 1
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2012, 08:14:07 AM »
I don't get why Team K's song UHO UHO HOHO(?) started playing in my head when I finished the chapter. LOL. Interesting though, Kai's married to Ray. Quite personally, I kind of don't like KaixRay, but that's fine, I can still read this...  :P


All of you can call me Cross! (Honorifics are nice, but I'd rather not with too much formality. o w ob!)

You can try to contact me at my blog on tumblr, andreabutts. I also have another blog that you can try to contact me with if andreabutts is not replied within two days, callmeawota.

Offline Wmatsui22

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Re: I Want To Love Someone, But I Don't Know How! 12/09/18 CH 1
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2012, 12:37:18 PM »

Finally updated..

please update more..

interesting story..


I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

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