Here's a BLACK x Gekikara fanfiction~! Wrote this a while ago but hey... Majisuka 2 is coming out... CAN'T WAIT~! GEKI IS BACKKK~!

LOL okay okay enough! Well here is the fanfic~ enjoy~!!
You are my Darkness. You are my Insanity. Chapter 1

BLACK stood in the shadows of the dimly lit room, watching the group of girls sit around a fire and chat about useless things. Her phone suddenly gave off a small vibration signally she has a text message. She flashed out of the room quickly and checked it outside behind a tree.
"Get back to the club room. President wants to call it a day. –Geki"
"Understood. Be back soon. –BLACK"
She quickly walked back to the clubroom where she found the rest of Rapappa and their new president waiting. She walked into the room and closed the door, then took her seat next to Gekikara who giggled her hello.
"Thank you, BLACK-san, for watching them."
"You're welcome."
They all sat in silence for a few minutes until a sound filled the whole room and they all turned to the hot headed pink queen who was blushing as dark as Torigoya's jacket. There was silence again until Gekikara giggled and Sado smirked. Atsuko only smiled and got up.
"Well… how about we go eat? My treat."
Everyone looked at Atsuko before Torigoya got up and looped her arm around Atsuko's. She smiled a big smile and nodded her head enthusiastically. Sado also got up and put her Kendama into her pocket.
"Sure. I don't see why not… but only if you let me split half of the payment."
BLACK got up and pulled Gekikara up with her. BLACK gave a silent nod and Gekikara only giggles louder. Shibuya only glared at Atsuko for a bit before pulling out her phone.
"Fine. But I'm calling Dance."
Atsuko only looked at her indifferently before nodding her head. They all walked out and stood beside the gate waiting for Shibuya's underling to come. Once arrived, they set off for a ramen shop that Shibuya wanted. As they walked, Shibuya and Dance took the lead and Dance was sharing her headphones with Shibuya and they idly chatted. Sado, Atsuko, and Torigoya all walked together and talked about what they would do about Yabakune and how Yuko was doing in the hospital. Only BLACK and Gekikara lagged behind, both silent as they walked. When they arrived at the ramen shop, they all piled into a large booth and looked at the menus. As they looked, BLACK felt a nudge and looked over to see Gekikara pointing at one of the options. BLACK raised an eyebrow, giving her a questioning look. Gekikara continued to point and then pouted and BLACK understood what she wanted. BLACK gave a slight smile and nodded her head. Shibuya, Dance, and Atsuko ordered miso ramen while Sado ordered Shoyu for both her and Torigoya. When it was BLACK and Gekikara's turn, everyone watched to see who would speak. And they were not surprised at who did.
"Can I have two miso ramens please."
After ordering, BLACK turned back to Gekikara who offered her a smile as a thank you. As everyone finished ordering and got their drinks, they sat around talking while BLACK sipped on her Calpico while Gekikara fiddled with her phone.
"I haven't asked any of you guys since I became club president… but what are your real names? I'm sure they're not Sado and Torigoya and such…"
"Oh? And why do you think that Atsuko-san?"
"Well… I don't know… just thinking is all."
"Yes I understand… my name is Mariko. Shinoda Mariko."
"Mmm my name is Haruna. Kojima Haruno but Yuko-chan calls me Nyan Nyan."
"My name is Itano Tomomi."
"I'm Yagami Kumi. Nice to meet you."
Everyone looked over to the two silent queens and they stared back. Sado then gave them a look and they looked back at her with a blank expression.
"C'mon girl. I don't have all day. And I doubt Atsuko-san does either."
BLACK smirked and leaned back in her seat. She crossed her arms and looked at Gekikara, asking her silently to go first. Gekikara only stared at BLACK before poking her and returning to her phone.
"Fine… my name is Yuki. Kashiwagi Yuki."
Everyone left it at that as they didn't expect the last queen to speak but they were mistaken. A giggle erupted from the girl who was now fiddling with BLACK's phone and she looked up and gave the group one of her insane looking smiles.
"Names Rena. Matsui Rena. Nice~ to~ meet~ you~! Hehehe"
The whole group watched her amused as she returned to BLACK's phone. BLACK acted as if nothing just happened and continued on with sipping her drink. Once the food came, it seems as if a hurricane came through and everything was wiped out in less than 20 minutes. Afterwards, Sado and Atsuko fought over the tab and suddenly, it was out of their hands. They looked around and found that BLACK was already at the counter paying for everything.
"Ehhh? BLACK-san! What are you doing?"
"Oi! BLACK! Come back here!"
BLACK only turned around and smiled before handing over the money to the cashier and accepting the change. She then calmly walked back to the table and sat down next to Gekikara.
"My treat."
Was all she said. As they walked out, Atsuko and Sado turned to glare at BLACK. BLACK only stared back with an "I dunno what's wrong" look.
"Next time, we're paying!"
BLACK only shrugged, waved and walked off into the direction of the train station. Gekikara watched her walk before saying a quite bye and running after her. Everyone watched the two queens walk away before saying their own goodnights and leaving. Dance leaving with Shibuya and Sado walking Torigoya home. Atsuko watched them walk away before taking the short trek home. As BLACK walked toward the train station, she heard fast footsteps approach from behind her but continued walking. Shortly after, she felt thin arms encircle her waist and a chin placed onto her shoulder. She continued walking but knew immediately who it was.
"Coming home with me tonight? Are you sleeping over?"
All she got was a nod and that was enough for her. She stood on the platform and waited for the train. Soon, it arrived and not long after they got on, they were back at BLACK's house. BLACK took out a key and unlocked the front door. She then took off her boots and made a beeline for her bedroom, Gekikara right at her heels. Once inside, she flopped down onto her bed and heard Gekikara close the door.
"The clothes are where they usually are… go take a shower. It's been a long day."
As she said that, her eyes were closed but she knew that Gekikara knew her way around this house as if it was her own. Suddenly however, she felt her bed shift and when she opened her eyes, she found two mismatched brown eyes looking back at her. One a lighter shade of brown than the other. She then noticed they were mere inches apart and her face turned slightly red. It wasn't that this was their first time being this close… but Gekikara was sitting on her stomach and it happens to be VERY warm.
"Ne… Yuki-chan. Come take one with me."
Gekikara got off BLACK and tugged on her hand. BLACK relented and got up following Gekikara to the bathroom.
How was it?

LOL sorry the header is fail... xD