Another TakaYuu, this one is a little sad T T

I almost cried while writing it cause THE FEELINGS. Well, hope you enjoyed.
#2 - Don't leave me behind[TakaYuu]
Step could be heard on the halls of the Tokyo Dome backstage. A short girl with curly hair was walking a little fast, almost skipping, with a worried expression. She was looking for something, or more specifically, for someone.
She passed over other members without noticing their salutes, their cheering shouts, their emotion about the finished concert. She couldn't pay attention to them, when the only thing in her mind was certain new general manager.
She passed over Mariko, who was trying to cheer up Miichan and Haruna, each of them under her arms protective arms.
-Oi, Yuko! - she shouted at her. That was when Yuko noticed she was actually running and a cold breeze made her wipe the sweat on her face. She stopped and looked to where the taller girl was. The new Team A Captain understood her without a word, and shook her head to a room's direction, two doors afar from where she was. She nodded, silently thanking her, and walked until she was in front of said door.
She took a deep breath, and when she was about to open it, the doorknob moved and found the person she was expecting to see, although that didn't mean she wasn't less sadder. The other girl was crying really hard, fighting to all her emotions. Yuko just stayed still and looked at the broken Atsuko in front of her.
The younger girl was surprised to find Yuko there. She opened her eyes a little stunned, but then she lowered her face, like she was ashamed of something. She passed by Yuko and stop just to murmured something on the shorter girl's ear. Yuko's eyes started burning because of the upcoming tears.
The door closed again in her face. she couldn't move, she didn't know if it was because of the tiredness of her muscles,or because the words that keep echoing inside her head. Everything started spinning and she had to hold the door frame to stand still.
A hand squeezed her shoulder. She turned around and find her old captain, Sayaka, smiling knowingly at her.
-Go. Don't back off now. You were never a coward before Yuko. Don't start now. She needs you. She needs someone that'd stand with her and keep her up, now more than ever. At first, you'll feel like you are a second option, a replacement.- Yuko listened to her wise words, although she knew Sayaka wasn't talking to her alone, she was talking to herself too. She notice it when her fellow team K member, gazed to her left, where Sae and Yuki where talking really closed to each other, laughing at some stupid joke from Sae. - But then, you'll understand it. You understand that people can't be replaced in their heart, but you can occupy another part of it, a different place. Go and take the place that you want in her heart,Yuko. Let her know you are there for her, that you'll wait and help her recover.
With that last words, Sayaka left her alone and went to where the SaeYuki couple was talking. They greeted her with huge smiles and continue chatting. Yuko smiled slightly and let out a sigh. She straightened herself and faced the door. She opened it slowly, the sound of sobbing was the only noise inside. She swallowed the sudden lump in her throat and entered, only to be welcome by the shaking back of certain midget.
-Minami....- Yuko whispered, walking to where her beloved friend was. The girl reacted to the voice and tried to calm herself. It was obvious for Yuko that she was trying really hard to stop her sobbing, tought the tears kept on flowing on ther beautiful features.
-Ah, Yuu-chan! What a s-surprise - Minami tried to smile, but instead, a painful grimaced came out. Yuko couldn't take it any more. She knelt down in front of her. -W-what the matt... - suddenly, Takamina was pulled into a rough and strong hug.
-It's okay... I know how you are feeling... Feel free to cry on my shoulder whenever you need it. You are not alone... - Yuko started stroking the younger girl's hair. Takamina couldn't hold it any more. She returned the hug and snuggle onto Yuko's shoulder, crying harder as she has ever seeing her.- Let it all out...
-I-I d-do-don't know what to...*sobs* any more Yuuko...*more sobs* I feel...s-so lost... - Takamina said between whimpers, cries and sobs, holding Yuko so tight that the girl could feel her nails trespassing her clothes. But she didn't care at all about that, she just wanted Minami to feel safer. Safer with her, and not just with the now ex-AKB face.
-You don't have to try doing everything on your own... - she took strange and parted from the hugs, cupping the crying face of her friend and started wiping her tears with her thumbs. She smile showing her cute dimples, trying to cheer her up- I'm a captain now! So I'm gonna help you deal with all the things that I can... Trust me...
Takamina, for the first time, saw a glint in Yuko's eyes that made her heart beat faster. Something in the way she looked at her make her feel in ease, supported. Maybe...loved? She shocked her head, taking those thoughts out of her mind, and a genuine smile appeared on her face.
Yuko blushed slightly at Minami's cute expression, and coughed a little, getting up and offered her hand to the midget GM. - Come on. Everyone is waiting for us. They're waiting for the new General Manager to said some words.- she stuck her tongue out, mocking the other girl.
-Mou, Yuko, stop with the teasing! You know I'm not that happy about this new shuffle thing... - Yuko laughed at her. She felt Minami taking her hand tightly, and the two shared a laugh. The funny moment somehow dissipated the tension og the room a bit. But suddenly, Yuko remembered the words Atsuko said to her before. She became a little more serious and looked at the ground.
"Please take care of her. She's all yours now. Don't leave her behind like I did..."-Ne, Takamina... - Yuko called, and the other girl looked at her, tilting her head in a cute way. That made Yuko smile a bit,but then her expression became more serious. - Let walk to the future together... For AKB's sake...and for our own... Shall we?
Minami held her tears again and nodded. She started walking to the door, still holding Yuko's hand, but when the taller girl didn't move, she had to stop and looked at her.- Nani, Yuko?
-Ah...yeah! Just one last thing... Don't ever dare to leave me behind, General Manager- She smile brightly at her, althought her eyes showed doubts, fears and uncertainty. Takamina understood all of them, took their intertwined hands to her chest, and nodded.