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Author Topic: Suicchin's little stories #7-I'll make you mine, again [AtsuMina][12-21-12]  (Read 35843 times)

Offline Suicchin

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I created this post to put some of my little stories/drabbles/one-shots/etc about our 48 girls.
There will be different ships, some love stories, some not-so-lovely stories, but I hope you enjoy all of them.
Again, I repeat what I always say: my English is not so good, cause we speak Spanish in my country and I studied English in an institute for some time. So please, excuse me if I make some big and awful mistakes ^^U
I'm doing this just for fun, so if anyone feels hurt or offended, please let me know, and understand that this is just fiction. It isn't done for mean purposes.

Enough with the talking. Here they're. Hope you like them!

My other fics:
The fantastic world of the Wonka Couple[On-going]
Who said you can win my heart so easily?[On-going]

One- Shots
#1 - Leather Clothing [TakaYuu - Slight MariHaru]
#2 - Don't leave me behind[TakaYuu]
#3 - Your hair looks better loose[TakaYuu]
#4 - One-shot[KojiYuu]
#5 - I'd die if something bad happens to you [Sado/ Torigoya]
#6- TakaYuu Christmas eve[12 fics of Christmas by Miayaka]
#7- I'll make you mine, again[AtsuMina]

Majisuka Gakuen
#1 - SadoTorigoya
#1 - CenNezu

#1 - #2

#1-Leather clothing [ TakaYuu/Slight MariHaru ]

-Oi... Oi! Yuuchan~ -certain cat-like girl whined, trying to catch the attention of certain squirrel -like girl.

-Mou~  Yuuchan is spacing out again... - she started poking Yuko's cheek, again in vain, cause the other girl was just to caught in her own world. - Then they said I'm air headed...

-You ARE air headed, Nyaro... - Mariko appeared from behind Haruna, grinning. The other girl just pouted cutely at her trolling.

-Stop it Mari-chan. Look at Yuuchan. She's acting weird again. - both girl turned their head to the squirrel direction, when said girl sighed.

- Probably she's thinking about certain midget general manager... - The older one shrugged her shoulders. - Maybe if we... - she kept silent a minute, a smile starting to creep on her face. -Look Nyaro! Takamina is here!

-Ah... Takamina? where? - said Yuko, with a confused expression, looking to her sides.

-See? - Haruna and Mariko started to laugh at Yuko's pouting face.

-You two! stop mocking me! - she blushed furiously cause she was discovered.

-So, are you going to tell us,your best friends in this universe and others, what is it in that strange and perverted mind of yours, that obviously involves Minami? - Mariko put an arm around the shortest shoulders, to prevent her scape. Yuko tried to shake her, but couldn't match Mariko's strange. The only thing she was able to do was sigh and hope the blush on her face to disappear.

-C'mon Yuuchan.  We promise we won't tell anybody. - Haruna asked tilting her head in a way she knows would make Yuko talk.

-Okay okay... I can't say no to you two right?... - both friends smiled innocently at her and sat in front of her, listening carefully. It wasn't everyday that their friend talks about what was in her mind. - I...I was just thinking -her voice became a murmur at the end of the sentence.

-Well... We know about that already, captain obvious... -Mariko rolled her eyes emphasizing her sarcasm. Haruna slapped her arm slightly.- Don't be mean, Mari-chan! Continue... - the older girl pouted while rubbing her arm.

-Thanks Nyan Nyan. - she gulped, and her eyes darted around the room nervously, - The thing -she covered her reddened face with her hands and started shaking,as if trying to contain something.

Mariko and Haruna looked at each other in confusion. When the last was about to touch Yuko's shoulder to make sure she was okay, Yuko stood up from her chair, pulling her hair in despair.

-CAN YOU TELL ME,FOR KAMI-SAMA'S SAKE, WHY SHE HAS TO USE THAT LEATHER CLOTHES ON OTEAGE LULLABY? -she screamed at the top of her lungs. Hopefully, the room was empty except for the three of them. Haruna and Mariko were dumbfounded. They watched as Yuko started walking from one side to the other of the room, rambling about Minami and her new PV for Team Surprise.-I mean! C'mon! She's just gorgeous as she is normally, now all the boys and girls in the planet will go drooling all over her!

-So you think Minami looks sexy in that outfit? - a voice said from the door, though Yuko didn't recognized in her senseless talking.

-Of course she does! You must be blind not to see that - the squirrel girl answered, still not facing the door.

The other couple covered their mouths trying to stifle their laughs, watching the funny scene in front of their eyes. The other presence started walking to where Yuko was, making a 'sh' sign with her finger to the other two and trying not to laugh herself.

-But isn't it better for her to use leather outfit that to use nothing at all? - the other voice asked, getting near Yuko from behind and tilting her head to the door direction. Mariko and Haruna understood what she ment, and walked out silently.

Yuko growled in frustration and stomped her foot.- I swear if Aki-p ever thinks of making Takamina film a PV with only her underwear I would... - she turned around and she shut her mouth forming a thin line. Her face couldn't become redder when the smirking face of Takamina appeared in front of her.

-So... You were saying... -the shorter girl started walking in Yuko's direction, standing just a few inches away from her. She started playing with the hem of Yuko's shirt in a flirting way- What will you do if Aki-p ever offer to me filing a PV in underwear? - with the hand that was in the squirrel neck, Takamina pushed Yuko to the nearer wall, cornering her there with a playful smile on her face. - So?

Yuko gulped and stuck to the wall the more she could. -I... I-I... OhKami-sama I'm dead... -

Meanwhile, outside the room, a couple was trying to eavesdrop.

-Who would think Takamina was that aggressive? - Mariko commented, while some moans and and squeals could be hear.

-Yuuchan deserves it for having perverted thoughts - Haruna answered.

-I have perverted thoughts about you all the time and you never became that aggressive... - that learned Mariko a smack on the head.- H-he-nnhgg... - Haruna slammed her to the wall and kissed her roughly.

-It's your time to get punished now, Ma-ri-ko-sa-ma... - Mariko was left stunned and gulped.

And so, Mariko was dragged by her offended girlfriend to another room.

Later that day, Mariko and Yuko were sittings side by side, with their head on the table.

-Oh my... I-I can't feel my legs... -Mariko whined...

- I can't feel anything from down my neck...Urgh... - Yuko groaned barely know? I think that was the best sex ever... - she lifted her head up a little and showed Mariko a totally perverted dimple smile.

Mariko returned the smile. -Totally...

« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 03:34:48 AM by Suicchin »
♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: Suicchin's little stories 1-Leather clothing(TakaYuu) [11-12-12]
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2012, 08:45:36 PM »
OMG, this was the best couple drabble I read in a while!!!  :wub: :wub:

I'd love to read more TakaYuu with Taka being aggressive!!!  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:


I'm jealous!!!! I want to touch Yuko-sama like that too!!!!!  :twisted: :twisted: :nervous
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: Suicchin's little stories 1-Leather clothing(TakaYuu) [11-12-12]
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2012, 09:15:59 PM »
hauhauahuahuahuahau great!

Anoooo..... Aren't they in underwear in Heavy Rotation PV?><

I can't feel my legs was the best!!! ahauhauhauhauahua (that have a stun momentaneun efect ahuahua

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

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Re: Suicchin's little stories 1-Leather clothing(TakaYuu) [11-12-12]
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2012, 09:23:16 PM »
Wow ! I really love ! *w* ( This is my first comment on a fic o / I leave the role of silent reader xD).

I love the TakaYuu couple ** and Takamina aggressive is fun and cool, I want to see her more often like that. XD.

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: Suicchin's little stories 1-Leather clothing(TakaYuu) [11-12-12]
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2012, 09:33:36 PM »
Wow ! I really love ! *w* ( This is my first comment on a fic o / I leave the role of silent reader xD).

I love the TakaYuu couple ** and Takamina aggressive is fun and cool, I want to see her more often like that. XD.

 :welcome to being status 'commentator' :nervous
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline Suicchin

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Re: Suicchin's little stories 1-Leather clothing(TakaYuu) [11-12-12]
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2012, 09:49:21 PM »
Wow ! I really love ! *w* ( This is my first comment on a fic o / I leave the role of silent reader xD).

I love the TakaYuu couple ** and Takamina aggressive is fun and cool, I want to see her more often like that. XD.

 :welcome to being status 'commentator' :nervous

Yay! Welcome welcome! I feel happy one of my fics has the pleasure to get your first comment! <3

Thank you all guys! I'm glad you like it! I'm starting to like TakaYuu a lot, so expect more fics of them

Next to come is a Majisuka Gakuen one!
♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

Offline Crossing Crossroads

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Re: Suicchin's little stories 1-Leather clothing(TakaYuu) [11-12-12]
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2012, 02:04:07 AM »

I was in need of some TakaYuu. ; - ; *no longer a lonely wMidget supporter* I will, as you say, expect more TakaYuu from you.

And here, I grant you a black heart, ♥. And a red one, :heart:.


All of you can call me Cross! (Honorifics are nice, but I'd rather not with too much formality. o w ob!)

You can try to contact me at my blog on tumblr, andreabutts. I also have another blog that you can try to contact me with if andreabutts is not replied within two days, callmeawota.

Offline Suicchin

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Re: Suicchin's little stories It's a chicken thing [11-12-12]
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2012, 02:57:51 AM »
Some short drabbles I wrote for @Sakura_drop_ -san post, just a little bit extended that the ones I put there.

It's a chicken thing.[SadoTorigoya]

-Sado~ - a girl whined inside Rappapa's room.

-.....- No reply, munching sounds

-Moou Sadoooo~ -the whine became louder.

-.....- sigh. Put her chopsticks down

-Sadooo~ Please~ - a tug on Sado's coat.

-...- the taller tried to eat her lunch for nth time that day but couldn't.

-Come on Sado! Do it for me! Or no more sexy massages for you!

Sado grunted and violently left the unfinished lunch box on a table.

-Okay okay! I will not eat chicken for lunch anymore. Happy now?...

-Hai! Thanks Sado - a happy Torigoya run to where Sado was sitting and kissed her cheek.

The other girl growled in annoyance, but a blush could be seeing on her face.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 09:34:17 PM by Suicchin »
♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

Offline sakura_drop_

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 :wub: MOAR!!! :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Where MariHaru fanfics exist.. Then I'll definitely be there to comment!! :D :D

OMGGGG.. The first one is cute.. Um.. Mariko always has perverted thought on Haruna? TROLOLOLOL.. XD XD

and.. the 2nd one.. is definitely.. can't be explained..
To be honest, it's so short, and at first I got no idea..
Then.. I realized.. Torigoya begged Sado not to eat chicken any longer cause Tori is chicken!! OMGGGGG..
So cute XD XD As usual, Mariko always gives up when it comes to Haruna's wishes XD

LOVEEEE.. Please continue MariHaru~ :heart:

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #2 - Don't leave me behind[TakaYuu] [11-13-12]
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2012, 09:30:26 PM »
Another TakaYuu, this one is a little sad T   T  :cry: I almost cried while writing it cause THE FEELINGS. Well, hope you enjoyed. :peace:

#2 - Don't leave me behind[TakaYuu]

Step could be heard on the halls of the Tokyo Dome backstage. A short girl with curly hair was walking a little fast, almost skipping, with a worried expression. She was looking for something, or more specifically, for someone.

She passed over other members without noticing their salutes, their cheering shouts, their emotion about the finished concert. She couldn't pay attention to them, when the only thing in her mind was certain new general manager.

She passed over Mariko, who was trying to cheer up Miichan and Haruna, each of them under her arms protective arms.

-Oi, Yuko! - she shouted at her. That was when Yuko noticed she was actually running and a cold breeze made her wipe the sweat on her face. She stopped and looked to where the taller girl was. The new Team A Captain understood her without a word, and shook her head to a room's direction, two doors afar from where she was. She nodded, silently thanking her, and walked until she was in front of said door.

She took a deep breath, and when she was about to open it, the doorknob moved and found the person she was expecting to see, although that didn't mean she wasn't less sadder. The other girl was crying really hard, fighting to all her emotions. Yuko just stayed still and looked at the broken Atsuko in front of her.

The younger girl was surprised to find Yuko there. She opened her eyes a little stunned, but then she lowered her face, like she was ashamed of something. She passed by Yuko and stop just to murmured something on the shorter girl's ear. Yuko's eyes started burning because of the upcoming tears.

The door closed again in her face. she couldn't move, she didn't know if it was because of the tiredness of her muscles,or because the words that keep echoing inside her head. Everything started spinning and she had to hold the door frame to stand still.
A hand squeezed her shoulder. She turned around and find her old captain, Sayaka, smiling knowingly at her.

-Go. Don't back off now. You were never a coward before Yuko. Don't start now. She needs you. She needs someone that'd stand with her and keep her up, now more than ever. At first, you'll feel like you are a second option, a replacement.- Yuko listened to her wise words, although she knew Sayaka wasn't talking to her alone, she was talking to herself too. She notice it when her fellow team K member, gazed to her left, where Sae and Yuki where talking really closed to each other, laughing at some stupid joke from Sae. - But then, you'll understand it. You understand that people can't be replaced in their heart, but you can occupy another part of it, a different place. Go and take the place that you want in her heart,Yuko. Let her know you are there for her, that you'll wait and help her recover.

With that last words, Sayaka left her alone and went to where the SaeYuki couple was talking. They greeted her with huge smiles and continue chatting. Yuko smiled slightly and let out a sigh. She straightened herself and faced the door. She opened it slowly, the sound of sobbing was the only noise inside. She swallowed the sudden lump in her throat and entered, only to be welcome by the shaking back of certain midget.

-Minami....- Yuko whispered, walking to where her beloved friend was. The girl reacted to the voice and tried to calm herself. It was obvious for Yuko that she was trying really hard to stop her sobbing, tought the tears kept on flowing on ther beautiful features.

-Ah, Yuu-chan! What a s-surprise - Minami tried to smile, but instead, a painful grimaced came out. Yuko couldn't take it any more. She knelt down in front of her. -W-what the matt... - suddenly, Takamina was pulled into a rough and strong hug.

-It's okay... I know how you are feeling... Feel free to cry on my shoulder whenever you need it. You are not alone... - Yuko started stroking the younger girl's hair. Takamina couldn't hold it any more. She returned the hug and snuggle onto Yuko's shoulder, crying harder as she has ever seeing her.- Let it all out...

-I-I d-do-don't know what to...*sobs* any more Yuuko...*more sobs* I feel...s-so lost... - Takamina said between whimpers, cries and sobs, holding Yuko so tight that the girl could feel her nails trespassing her clothes. But she didn't care at all about that, she just wanted Minami to feel safer. Safer with her, and not just with the now ex-AKB face.

-You don't have to try doing everything on your own... -  she took strange and parted from the hugs, cupping the crying face of her friend and started wiping her tears with her thumbs. She smile showing her cute dimples, trying to cheer her up- I'm a captain now! So I'm gonna help you deal with all the things that I can... Trust me...

Takamina, for the first time, saw a glint in Yuko's eyes that made her heart beat faster. Something in the way she looked at her make her feel in ease, supported. Maybe...loved? She shocked her head, taking those thoughts out of her mind, and a genuine smile appeared on her face.

Yuko blushed slightly at Minami's cute expression, and coughed a little, getting up and offered her hand to the midget GM. - Come on. Everyone is waiting for us. They're waiting for the new General Manager to said some words.- she stuck her tongue out, mocking the other girl.

-Mou, Yuko, stop with the teasing! You know I'm not that happy about this new shuffle thing... - Yuko laughed at her. She felt Minami taking her hand tightly, and the two shared a laugh. The funny moment somehow dissipated the tension og the room a bit. But suddenly, Yuko remembered the words Atsuko said to her before. She became a little more serious and looked at the ground.

"Please take care of her. She's all yours now. Don't leave her behind like I did..."

-Ne, Takamina... - Yuko called, and the other girl looked at her, tilting her head in a cute way. That made Yuko smile a bit,but then her expression became more serious. - Let walk to the future together... For AKB's sake...and for our own... Shall we?

Minami held her tears again and nodded. She started walking to the door, still holding Yuko's hand, but when the taller girl didn't move, she had to stop and looked at her.- Nani, Yuko?

-Ah...yeah! Just one last thing... Don't ever dare to leave me behind, General Manager- She smile brightly at her, althought her eyes showed doubts, fears and uncertainty. Takamina understood all of them, took their intertwined hands to her chest, and nodded.

♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #2 - Don't leave me behind[TakaYuu] [11-13-12]
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2012, 09:51:03 PM »

 :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline Llyloo

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #2 - Don't leave me behind[TakaYuu] [11-13-12]
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2012, 10:08:46 PM »
Ow...  It's just... Ow...  :cry:  :wub: you make me cry.

But I really love, TakaYuu are so cute. Thanks !

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #2 - Don't leave me behind[TakaYuu] [11-13-12]
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2012, 11:43:55 PM »
 :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

So sweet yuko!!

I really like this fic!

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #2 - Don't leave me behind[TakaYuu] [11-13-12]
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2012, 04:18:18 AM »
Wmidget is adorable :wub:. Team Chibis, like how they called themselves XD. Takayuu are close these days, the more I look at them, the more they look like twins XD. But this is really great and touching as well. May be Acchan did entrust Takamina to Yuko, who knows?

Offline Suicchin

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #2 - Don't leave me behind[TakaYuu] [11-13-12]
« Reply #15 on: November 14, 2012, 05:53:12 AM »
Thank you all guys! I'm quite inspired recently for short fics.
I'll try to update my current ON GOING fic first,thought. It's being like two weeks nothing came to my mind for that fic and I don't want to delay the update anymore x__x

♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #2 - Don't leave me behind[TakaYuu] [11-13-12]
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2012, 01:04:48 PM »
Oh, takayuu..I love the fic..
I wasn;r big fan of takayuu..but, recently there are many takayuu moment. I can't help falling in love with this pairing..

visit my tumblr :

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #2 Set of Drabbles [11-16-12]
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2012, 10:19:19 PM »
Another set of short drabbles

Majisuka #2 CenNezu

-Hm - the taller girl doesn't react.
-CENTER... -a certain mouse is starting to get impatient.
-Yeah? - watching someone down from the roof where they usually are.
-Could you please tell me what are you looking 'oh so intently' at? - Nezumi walks to where she is.
-Otabe... -she simply says.
-OTABE? -Nezumi starts twitching.
-She looks cute when she is playing with her rubik's cube...
-So...cute you say...

It took a month and a lot of persuasion for Center to get Nezumi inside their house again, and another two until she could touch her again.

AtsuMina #1

-Yeah Acchan?~
-Say my name Minami~
-But I always call you by your name.
-Acchan is not my name. -she pouts.
-C'mon, everybody calls you Acchan. Don't pout like that - "She's so cute...Ugh, calm down, Takamina"
-But you are not everybody to me, Bakamina! - she pinches Minami's cheeks, making her blush.
-B-but it's embarrassing! A-and stop doing that,it's annoying. - she holds Atsuko's hands.
-Mou! Okay!So you think I'm annoying? Then bye, I'll go ask Miichan instead...Hm - she frowns and start walking away.
-"Eh!? No way  I let that happen" - she holds Atsuko wrist and hugs her from the back.- Don't go, Atsuko... I'm sorry...
Atsuko turns around, blushing furiously and Takamina takes the chance to kiss her.
-You are really a baka,Minami. - she hugs Minami by the neck.
-Yeah, but you love me like this - both of them laugh and kiss again.

AtsuMina #2

-Minami,you know, I loved you since the first day I saw you... *blushes*
*silence in reply*
-Ne, Minami, do you love me too? *looks at the floor with reddened face*
*still silence*
-BAKAMINA! *shouts with tears in her eyes*
*Minami takes off her headphones*
-eh, nani? Atsuko? Where are you going?
*Atsuko stomps out of the rooms, crying*
-Eh? why was she crying? Did I do something wrong?  *fail expression*
♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

Offline Haruko

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #2 Set of Drabbles [11-16-12]
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2012, 01:47:13 AM »
jajjaaja minami you are so clueless!! poor atsuko..

Offline kahem

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #2 Set of Drabbles [11-16-12]
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2012, 03:18:42 PM »
I love drabbles lol
good  job it's really funny ^^

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