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Author Topic: Suicchin's little stories #7-I'll make you mine, again [AtsuMina][12-21-12]  (Read 35843 times)

Offline Suicchin

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #3-Your hair looks better loose [11-17-12]
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2012, 08:11:42 PM »
Another one shoot. Hope you like it!

Your hair looks better loose

"I'm so nervous about the photo-shoot" I thought when I was on the make-up room. "And why with her? That's rare...She looks better with NyanNyan. Even with Atsuko. It's being years since the last time we were paired for a job..." I mentally sighed and closed my eyes.

-Takahashi-san. It's time - "Already?" I opened my eyes and smiled at the secretary.

-I'll be there in a minute- The make-up girl finished her job. I was a natural make-up, not to thick, just to hide little imperfections on my tired face. My new general-manager job was making me look older. So many responsibilities!

I went to the room where the photo-shoot was going to take place and there she was. I held my breath. She was stunning, with her brown curly hair down, a blue cardigan,white shirt,a short skirt that showed her beautiful legs and that bright smile that made my heart jump every time I saw it."Thought it is never for me" I though.

Suddenly, she turned her hear to where I was and waved her hand cheerfully. I replied with a forced smile that made hers flatters a little, then the director shouted we were going to start.


In the middle of the photo-soot we had a little break, but we decided to stay on the room, while the staff was still there working and changing the place of some things for another round of photos.

-You look cuter with you hair down like this,you know? - She said our of nowhere, taking a lock of my hair between her fingers and making me blush.

-Really? You think so? - I looked at the floor, playing with the hem of my skirt. "Ah, my heart is beating so fast. Why do I feel like this?"

-Well, actually...- she started, rubbing the back of her neck. I raised my head, looking intently into her brown orbs. "It's the fist time I notice how beautiful her eyes really are". I shock my head. "What am I thinking?"

-Yeah? - I encouraged her to continue. "Ah, is that a blush?" I wondered when she looked at the side, blushing and smiling shyly.

-No,it's nothing- she shook her head and I stared at her,tilting my head. Was she biting her lips? I unconsciously licked mine."So tempting"

-Please,tell me. -I beg in a low voice. She snapped her head. Something in her eyes change. They were sparkling, but at the same time looked darker. "What is this feeling? It's as if she has a magnet...Ugh, I can't stop looking at her lips... What if she notices?" I continued looking at her.  She was getting fidget,I noticed.

-Um...ah! -she exclaimed and took a red beret from a nearby chair.- Here, you should use this. .- she put the accessory on my head, and a sudden tension appeared. When her hand touch my head, we stayed stiff, looking at each others eyes. Her peaceful expression,that little smile. "Since when she looks so mature and... handsome?"-You are even more cuter now.-was her only comment, and we stayed like that until a flash took out from our enchantment.

-That was a good shoot! - the photographer said, smiling at his camera. We couldn't become more red. An awkward tension flew between us, and we stayed quite the rest of the photo-shoot, trying to act calm and natural.


"Oh my God, finally!" I went out of the studio as fast as I could. Luckily, my fellow was retained by some staff that said were her wotas."That was so awkward... But...No,stop it Takamina, she just see you as a friend, nothing more. She is publicly in love with NyanNyan... well,not 'publicly' like an official couple, but it's obvious she likes her a lot...Mariko would kill me if she finds out I was thinking that about 'her' Nyaro*sighs* I'm so pathetic..."

-Who is pathetic? - a voice sounded behind me. A very familiar voice. I turned around only to find her gorgeous face looking curiously at me.

-I think...I was thinking aloud? Ahahah -I laugh nervously, rubbing my cheek.

-Cute...- She said in a murmur, but I listened it, blushing furiously.- I-I mean...You are not pathetic... -she stuttered, making me relax a bit and giggle.- You can't be as pathetic as I can! - retorted, making a cool pose. - I laughed out loud at her silliness and she just took out her tongue,in a mocking way.

But then again, pervs thoughts came to my mind, including her mouth and her tongue. I became as red as the beret she lend my previously and couldn't look at her any more,hiding my face under my locks.

Her smile faded and took a step forward.- I'm sorry, Takamina...- a sad smile appeared on her lips making my heart ached.I didn't like her gloomy expression at all.

-Why are you apolmnpgh- - I couldn't finished my sentence as a pair of lips crashed onto mines. My mind went totally blank. But as soon as the kiss started, it finished. My brain wasn't working properly any more and my muscles were totally stiff. I couldn't move at all.

She was as shocked as me when she took a step back, catching her breath. She saw that I wasn't replying back and took it as a rejection. She was at the verge of tears, I saw it in her eyes. She turned around and was about to run away,but I wasn't willing to let her go that easily.

I shoved her to the nearest wall, pushing my body over hers,kissing her roughly and intensely. She was taken aback, but soon started replying with the same passion, the same want. I felt her arms sneak around my waist, as my hands caressed her cheek and neck. I didn't want to stop kissing her,but my lungs started protesting at the lack of oxygen.

I reluctantly let go of her luscious lips and gasp for air, while resting my forehead to hers.

-W-What the hell are you doing? J-just k-k-kissing me like that...a-and then running away? - I said between gasps, trying to catch my breath.- You...stupid...perverted...squirrel...- with every word I said, her smile became wider.- A-and stop with that smug smile of yours... It makes me want to kiss you again...-I blushed really hard again, snuggling into her neck.

She started laughing heartily, hugging me tightly. -Then kiss me...all the times you want...

That night, Oshima Yuko didn't go back to the flat she shared with Atsuko.

I should stop writing so many TakaYuu for my own sake, but actually I can't T___T Even when a lot of ideas come to my mind for other pairs and other fics, the only fics I can write properly are TakaYuu... *cries* I'm sorry. I promise I'll try writing an AtsuMina or more popular ships fics...

If you want to know what happened at Minami's place that night, maybe I'll do a part 2 on the perv-fics section. but just if you want
♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

Offline yukofan

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Takayuu <3

Awww, I really like your takayuu fic..

Haha..takamina's perv mind XD

I want the perv fic..hehehe..

visit my tumblr :

Offline chibi-midgetlove

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OMG! A Takayuu thread <3 Thank you so much! Now I'm going to read <3

あなたに出会えて本当によっかたよ、幸せです☆彡 」

“All the luggage, Takamina has been carrying alone, I’ve decided to carry it together with her.”- Oshima Yuko

Offline chibi-nyao-chan

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Waaah they are so cute  :k-inlove: I don't even know which is the cuter !
I love more and more Takayuu because it's an different type of relashonship than Atsumina's
(Even if I still an Atsumina's fan!)
But I really like your Takayuu fanfic !!

Please write mooore  :luvuluvu:
(and I want the Part 2 too  :k-wink:)

Offline lovemariharu

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I think..
You should just continue with what you're good at..
Don't have to force yourself writing fics for more popular pairings..

Um.. It's like giving us differences.. ^^,
you know.. We also need some differences..
Looking at more popular pairings every time is kinda annoying as well..
Well, not really annoying, but we know that they actually have another pairing they can go with XD

So.. the conclusion is..
I'll support you writing fics other than more popular pairings! :D :D
Though that doesn't mean I won't support you if you write fics for more popular pairings XD

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Minami have pervert thought hahahaaa....
Eventhough small pervert thinking, I like your fic
Thank you for the story ^^

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You should write what you want to write. Forcing yourself to write what you  don't want to is just going to make the outcome worse. Although I never can complain about someone writing Atsumina fics, you as the author are entitled to write whatever you want. Though admittedly, not including Acchan in the fic encourages me to read it more since I can't bear seeing both of them in a same story and not getting together. So as long as Acchan isn't in the picture, I welcome all the new changes. But after all, it's your fic, your writing, don't force yourself, let your imagination runs wildly.

Offline Suicchin

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #4 -One-shot [KojiYuu][11-21-12]
« Reply #27 on: November 22, 2012, 03:18:01 AM »
Thanks for your support guys! I really appreciate all your king words ^^
Here's a KojiYuu oneshot, hope you like it!

If you have any request of a drabble or one-shot you want to ask, feel free to say it! I'll do my best to fulfill your wish. :thumbsup

"Such a beautiful peaceful face" I'm mumbled, watching at the girl that was sleeping on my couch."So different from the one awake"

Last night, I was trying to sleep when someone knocked at the door. It surprised me to find it was a taxi driver, with certain squirrel sleeping in his arms. He had an apologetic look, but he explained me that the girl gave him my address, and suddenly felt asleep at the back of his car.

"Such a moron" I thought then, taking the girl in my arms bridal style and thanking the taxi driver, giving him a big tip for the troubles.

And here she was, snoring slightly with one of her favourites t-shirts on, one that was mine so it's a little big for her,with a cat in the middle. It looked dreadfully cute on her...

It reminded me just one year ago, when we still were together. As a couple I mean. She'd always come to my house, put that t-shirt on and we just cuddled in bed, without talking, just looking at each other... Okay,well, sometimes Yuuchan was in perv mode and started touching my body. But either way, I enjoyed being with her.

I sighed and leaned my head over my crossed arms on the couch, watching her sleep. She mumbled something but I couldn't quite understand her,so I just continue in my own world.

You probably are curious about why we weren't together any more right? Well, it's simple. We didn't have much time to spend together by then. She was working on two dramas and I was at the top of my modelling career, moreover we still had AKB practices and stages to do. So,yeah, we couldn't see each other much, and when we could, we were just too exhausted to do anything but sleep.

Although at first was painful, we continue being good friends. Or as Marichan called it:'FRIENDZONED'. Whatever, I was content with being just that. However,as the time passed by, I started feeling lonely. Marichan started dating Miichan, Acchan and Takamina where together since always, and the list can continue. I always felt so lonely when we went out altogether and they become all lovey-dovey with each other. And there's me...and Yuko...on an awkward situation. So,yeah, it was becoming painful.

I bit my lip when she moan something I didn't get, pouting her lips in my direction. Those oh so luscious lips of hers. It's becoming quite difficult to contain myself these past days. I want to kiss her really bad...

"She's asleep right? And she didn't even wake up when the taxi driver brought her here... If I just incline myself a little I could totally kiss her...Ugh...stupid insecurities..."  I closed my eyes tightly, thinking. When I re-opened them,I was stunned with the picture in front of me. Yuko was lying on her back, in a very VERY sexy pose with both her hands at either sides of her head and the T-shirt up, revealing her tone abs still with the pout on her face.

-I can't... - I groaned and finally kissed her very gently, so she wouldn't wake up. Oh, what a wonderful sensation, feeling her soft lips onto mines. Thought, once I started, I couldn't help but want more. I pressed my lips more forcefully,licking her upper lips. She unconsciously parted them, letting my tongue inside her mouth.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I'm doing this to her in this vulnerable stance. Yuuchan surely made me a perv..." As the other girl replied my kiss without knowing, my hands started roaming over her small but strong body. However, my back started hurting with the force position I was in, so I climbed over the coach, with my legs and arms at the sides of my -ex-girlfriend,holding my weight.

My hand sneaked under the shirt, revealing more skin. How much I missed the skinship... I caressed her smooth abs going up until my hand reached her bra. A sudden moan escaped her mouth as I started kissing her neck.

-Nn...W-what...? w-where I....A-ahhnn...- I felt her struggle under me. She tried to push me, but I caught her hands and separated myself, so that she could see me. -N-nyanNyan!? Mnn...- I shut her up kissing her passionately. She was confused and had her eyes open in shock. Not so long after, she closed them and corresponded my kiss, letting her tongue dance with mine.

I moaned between kisses and pressed my body to her. She shivered under me and I released her arms, so that she could touch me too.

-Yuuchan...- I pleaded, starting shoving kisses along her jawline, then to her ear making her moan aloud again- I want you...I need you so much...- my voice said huskily in her ear. She arched her body to me, entangling her fingers to my hair to keep me attached to her.

-Nh...H-Haruna...I am not dreaming then... I want you too...I wanted you for so long...- her reply made me smile and I started biting and nipping her neck, leaving marks here and there. Her hands didn't stay quiet. I could feel her shaky hands caressing my naked tight, without taking my shorts until they become annoying.-Stupid...clothes...-she mumbled, fighting with zip.

-Yuu-chan you are so clumsy- I laughed, making her pout. I kiss her lips, to make that sad face gone, and she smiled that cute dimple one that I love so much. I kissed her cheeks making her blush,and got up, sitting on her stomach. She just stay there, watching me with darkened eyes.

Slowly, I undressed myself under her expectant gaze.- You are drooling,Yuuchan... - I quirked my eyebrow with a teasing smile. She nodded,still looking at me. I lifted her t-shirt and she helped me to take it out. Now we were both in our underwear. How much time has passed since we were this intimate with each other? I can't remembered, but I'd wanted to stay like that forever.

-Yuu-chan... -I murmured, leaning over her. When my skin brushed against hers I felt electricity all over me.

-Yeah Nyan nyan? -she stroked my cheek carefully, brushing a stroke of hair from my face.

-I... I don't like when Yuu-chan touches other girls...- I looked down, drawing imaginary circles on her skin with my finger.- So... I want Yuu-chan to be only mine again...-I locked my eyes to hers.

-Are you saying you... - her face started to lit up giving way to a bright smile.- Really? - I nodded silently, blushing furiously at my sudden confession. I heard a soft sob. When I looked at her again, she was crying, but I could see they were tears of happiness. Then she kiss me, but the love in that kiss almost made me melt in her arms. It was gentle and slow. When we broke the kiss, I pouted at her and she took the opportunity to push my body and got on top of me. is a yes then? -I asked in my tsundere mode now under her, that dimple smile still plastered on her face.

-Un...-she said cutely,making me hug her.-I love you Nyan-Nyan...

-I love you too,Yuuchan... -she leaned in to kiss me again.

Since that day on, she didn't leave my apartment ever again....

Ehehehehe~ You thought it was a smut right? Well, not yet. But there will be probably a part 2 on the perv section, just as the TakaYuu one.

Hope you like it!
♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

Offline Haruko

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #4 -One-shot [KojiYuu][11-21-12]
« Reply #28 on: November 22, 2012, 04:50:55 AM »
OMG!! thanx!! a kojiyuu one.. i love this because haruna is the one who looking for the yuuchan`s touch... OMG!! my mind is gonna be wild... yeah!! part 2 perv section pleaaaaaaaaase!!

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #4 -One-shot [KojiYuu][11-21-12]
« Reply #29 on: November 22, 2012, 05:58:45 AM »
OHGOSH!!! Kojiyuu!! I havent read kojiyuu fics for how many days, and now im very very happy because you write one!!!
Thank you so muchhh!! More kojiyuu please xD  :)

Silent reader for now

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #4 -One-shot [KojiYuu][11-21-12]
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2012, 06:52:00 AM »
OHGOSH!!! Kojiyuu!! I havent read kojiyuu fics for how many days, and now im very very happy because you write one!!!
Thank you so muchhh!! More kojiyuu please xD  :)

Agree!!i miss reading kojiyuu fic,so for that,thank so much for the update!
My god!im so xcited to ur nxt update!hahaha

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #4 -One-shot [KojiYuu][11-21-12]
« Reply #31 on: November 22, 2012, 09:45:05 AM »
That was a really cute fic <3
Can I please request Takayuu~~~~ :)
PS. You can call me Carla but what can I call you?? :wub:

あなたに出会えて本当によっかたよ、幸せです☆彡 」

“All the luggage, Takamina has been carrying alone, I’ve decided to carry it together with her.”- Oshima Yuko

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #4 -One-shot [KojiYuu][11-21-12]
« Reply #32 on: November 22, 2012, 10:06:20 AM »
Interesting for ship takayuu...
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Offline Suicchin

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #4 -One-shot [KojiYuu][11-21-12]
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2012, 03:08:01 AM »
Thank you guys! I'm really glad you like my stories. That was my first KojiYuu fic actually, so I'm really happy it went well :D

Next fic is going to be an Atsumina! Requested by @O r i g a m i -san
Then a Takayuu for @XxTakaminiluverXx.

If I can I'll try to update the 2nd parts of both perv stories for next week ^^

Look forward to them!
♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #4 -One-shot [KojiYuu][11-21-12]
« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2012, 05:56:08 AM »
ahh~ such bliss ~~~
woke up early in the moring and saw someone posted a KojiYuu's story XD
what a romantic Fic XD
even after they parted, for once, Yuko wasn't the one who was suffering XD
I'm glad that you put them back together <3

thank you for writing this wonderfull story:x
♥ I do what I like and I like what I do ♥ Oshima Yuko ♥

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Re: Suicchin's little stories 5# Sado/Torigoya short OS [11-26-12]
« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2012, 06:37:34 AM »
Another Majisuka OS. I have this fic written a long time ago,but it was in Spanish, and tonight I'm not so lazy so I translated it. Hope you like it though is very short.

Soon, an Atsumina one!

5# - I'd die if something bad happens to you [Sado/ Torigoya]

It was the last chance. The last chance to beat Maeda without having to interfere.

It was a sacrifice she was willing to take in order to save the already damaged name of the strongest group on MajiJo, the Rappappa.

The words she said to the girl still rang in her head, the ones she said to her before bringing her to this part of the school

-Torigoya, you are the only one left- Sado stopped in front of her fellow, Kojima haruna, better known as Torigoya.

-Gekikara was beaten, right? Then it's impossible for me. -she replied, playing with a bird feather.- Plus,I'm not the strongest of the Four Heavenly Queens. You know that,Sado.- she tilted her head cutely a little hesitant,knowing beforehand what was awaiting. If Sado and she were the only ones left, then...

-Yeah. It's your current condition...- the taller one walked to where the naive girl was sitting and leaned forward until she was at her height, trapping Torigoya. In a low and bossy tone,the vice-president pronounced the words the fourth queen feared the most.- Are you scared? Torigoya?

The other girl opened her eyes, surprise, and shocked her head furiously refusing the idea, but Sado's hand held her by the hair and said the last words - You've got no choice.

-Does Yuuko-san... - Torigoya knew Yuuko didn't know Sado's last resort, but she didn't lost anything by asking.

-I haven't told her...- the intense glare Sado send the poor girl made her stay still, without saying a word.A gently hand came and caressed the afraid queen.-I know it's painful, but think of the Rappappa. - It were her last words.

And there they were. The only sound that could be hear were hens noises and Torigoya's desperate screams, asking for her help.

-Sado! Sado, help me! Sado, please, help me! Sado! - her voice, usually of a innocent and air headed tone, showed an almost hysterical desperation. She move the door with the hope that the padlock, put there by Sado itself, was going to give away and let her go away from that horrible creatures that frightened her so much.

A smile of self-sufficiency formed on Sado's lips when the vice-president heard that call. She enjoyed giving other people pain, no wonder why her nickname, but this time something was bothering her, something didn't let her enjoy the situation as much as she'd have liked.

Suddenly, silence. Neither the animals, nor the shook fences,nor the shouts. Nothing. Every sign of satisfaction disappeared from her face.

-"What's happening?"- she thought, peeling quickly from the wall she was supported.

-Torigoya? Torigoya!?- her calls were rising its volume as her concern increased.

-"What have I done? What if I hurt her doing this?"- her brain was working a mile a minute, trying to find explanations to what was happening.- "If Yuuko-san finds out I tried to free her without her permission and something bad happens to her, she's going to eat me alive... No...If something bad happens because of my fault... I..."

She opened the hen house as fast as she could. There was nothing, absolutely nothing inside.

-Torigoya?-she asked again, searching on every corner as if her life depends on it. And perhaps, it was.

A feather. Several feathers started falling around her, as if someone has plucked a chicken.

-Okaeri....- a very familiar voice resounded at her back, feeling the girl's breath right on her neck. A shiver ran through her spine when she heard her laughter. It was a bad sign. It shouted 'DANGER'.

Now she realised that releasing the psychic and uncontrollable side of Torigoya wasn't a very good idea.

It was a desperate measure to find a quick solution. But despite knowing she would have to face the consequences of her acts from now on, the tightness in her chest she felt minutes ago disappeared and she smiled with tightened lips.

-This is the end for Maeda...- her smile widened, but it wasn't because the possibility of winning to her opponent for once and for all, but for another reason. A reason that involved certain hen-girl.
♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

Offline Suicchin

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #7-I'll make you mine, again[AtsuMina][12-21-12]
« Reply #36 on: December 22, 2012, 03:31:52 AM »
Wow, it's being so long since I update something x3

First of all, you can find a TakaYuu Christmas OS on the index. It was written for @Miayaka and her special Christmas fanfic post, so you can find the link on the first post here.

Second, this time I'm going with a request from @O r i g a m i.I hope you all enjoy it, !
 Any comment or criticism are welcome,too :D

#7 - I'll make you mine, again [AtsuMina]

-Please, Minami! Could you at least listen to what I have to say? - I said, trying to make my small girlfriend stop walking ahead of me. She was angry, no, more than that. Furious. And why? Because she saw does stupid photoshoped photos with Takeru and me, apparently 'kissing' in a restaurant.

-Minami...- I pleaded, holding firmly her wrist. She tried to shrug me, but she couldn't because I was stronger. – Please, listen to me.

-What? What do you want me to understand? It's okay, Atsuko...- she looked at the floor, with her face wet because of the tears that were flowing on her cheeks. My heart shrugged, watching her. - I understand... I knew it. I always did.

-W-What are you talking a-about Minami...P-please...- I took her hand between mine and caressed the back of it with my thumb.

-You know it too. We can't be together. It's okay if you had the courage to go on. B-be happy, Atsuko - she let go my hand and walked away, leaving me on the deserted street. It started to rain.

When I reached home, I was all wet, but it didn't matter to me. All I could think was about Minami's hurt expression when she left me.

I couldn't stop crying since then, falling asleep between sobs and soft whimpers. My eyes were always puffy and red, and the big black circles under my eyes showed how less sleep I had each day. I didn't tell Yuko about what happened that night, but I know she knew it. Everybody knew. My personal friends, and AKB members too. Mariko, Miichan and Haruna were taking care of Minami. They said she was faking her smiles and that they could hear her crying sometimes, when she was alone inside the dress room.

-So, what are you going to do about it? - Yuko asked, taking a sip of her tea. We had a day off from work and decided to invite the other girls too. Maybe together we could figure out something.

-Well, I'm totally sure I'm not letting her go. But I didn't do anything with Take-kun. He's just a good friend. She knows that, and it hurts a lot that she didn't believe me... - I answered, playing with my napkin. It was true. It was the first time Minami didn't believe in my world. We were together for almost one year, since I decided I was going to graduate.

When I remember, her confession was so cute and emotional. She said she didn't say it sooner because she thought we were going to be together forever in AKB. But when she saw I was going to start living my adult life far from the group, she told me she loved me and didn't want to let me go.

-I must say, those photos were really well done. I almost believe it myself. And I'm not Minami - everyone giggled a little at Mariko's comment.- I'm not saying it was okay for her to suspect you, but it must be hard for her to see those things... -

-Yeah, I know okay? But...- I sighed- But I miss her...It's being almost a week since I don't see her, or know anything about her aside from what you can tell me... I can't stand when she doesn't reply my messages nor attend my calls... - I could feel the tears stinging my eyes. But I didn't want to cry any more. It was time of doing something. 
A look of determination appeared on my face and everybody knew I was getting serious. - Okay. I have a plan to make Minami forgive me. Would you help me?

-Of course wifu! Count with me! - Miichan punched the air enthusiastic. Mariko just grinned at me.

-Count with us too, Acchan! - Haruna and Yuko said.

-Thank you all guys. I'm going to treat you to dinner if this works. Okay, this is the plan...


Today was the day. We had everything planned.

"You are going to be mine again, Minami." I though as I prepared myself in one of the backstage rooms.

-Miichan and Mariko where going to be outside of it, so that others members wouldn't interrupt.

-Yuko and Haruna where the ones who were going to bring Minami here, using the excuse they had to discuss something with their General Manager.

I sighed as I made myself comfortable on the couch that was here. Now I just had to wait for the show to finish. Nervousness began growing inside of me. What if something went wrong? What if Minami is still so mad at me that it get all worst? What if she doesn't love me any more?...Okay, no, that's impossible right? We are talking about Minami here. She can't not love me any more, can she?

-Stop Atsuko...Stop and breathe... You know her better than anyone else. She isn’t the kind of person that can hate for more than…5 minutes, right? – I checked everything again just to be sure, and stayed waiting for my girlfriend.

1 hour passed. I was starting to get impatient. I couldn’t stop walking to one side of the room to the other. Then my phone rang. It was a text from Yuko:’ We r on our way there. Luck!’

Suddenly, all the fears I was trying to keep under control exploded, and I started to panic.

-Oh my God…Oh my God they’re coming…What was the plan again? Okay…okay keep calm… You are Maeda Atsuko! You sang in front of million people before, and acted for many dramas! This should be easier… Ugh, who am I kidding? I want Minami back so bad…

*click* “Oh no, the door!” Quickly, I turned the lights off and wait in silence for the girls to enter. I could hear their voices, and Minami’s laugh made my heart speed up. That beautiful smile appeared in my mind and I couldn’t help but smile too.

-So, what do you guys want to talk about? – It was her voice.

-Oh, you are not going to talk to us. Actually… - Yuko said in a mischievous tone. I saw NyanNyan’s face from where I was hiding and she was trying to hold a laugh.

-What do you mean? – Minami’s head tilted in a confused way. She was giving me her back, so didn’t notice when I came out.

-You’ll find out soon. – Both of them smiled and winked at her. She did her fail face, not understanding a thing, and the girls left.

-What with those two... – she mumbled, when she stiffened in my arms when I hugged her from behind.- W-who’s there? –she stuttered.

-It hasn’t been so long since the last time I hugged you and you can’t recognize me? Minami baka…- I said right to her ear, feeling how she trembled.

-Atsuko? W-what are you… - she took a deep breath, evidently affected by our proximity- What are you doing here? – She tried to shake me off her, unsuccessfully.

-What do YOU think I’m doing here? Isn’t it obvious? – I made her turn around, so that I could see her. She had a serious face, but she wasn’t angry. It was more as sadness. My heart started to ache. – Minami, please… Let’s talk…

She sighed and looked at the floor.- Okay…- “BINGO!” I thought as a little smile appeared in my face. She looked at me and blushed. So cute!

-Minami… I miss you so much… - I took her hands between mine and fortunately she didn’t resist me.

-I…I miss you too…- she admitted, biting her lower lip. My smile grew wider. – But… - I tilted my head, still watching her. – But that picture… it really hurt me, Atsuko… and it wasn’t the first time it happen… - her eyes started watering and her lips trembled in nervousness and anguish.

-Minami… Minami look at me – I said in a commanding tone, while I cupped her face, so that she couldn’t move. - I love you… I love you and only you. Takeru-kun is just a friend… - I looked directly to her eyes, to make sure she understands for once and for all that I was hers… and of course she was mine.

She bit her lip again, but now her eyes darted to my lips and then to my eyes again. We were getting closer and closer without noticing it, until I felt her hands tugging at my shirt. Suddenly, the room was getting hotter and hotter as I inhaled her sweet scent.

-Also…- I added as I punched her slightly on her chest. - What with all that pictures with NyanNyan and Yuko? People started shipping them with you so much! I’m getting jealous here you know? – I pouted, but my attempt to lighten the tense atmosphere worked and she started laughing.

-Hey, don’t pout like that. You know they’re just friends and that they date each other for years now! – she hugged my waist to get me closer again.

-And Takeru-kun is my friend, too. See? – I put my arms around her neck while smiling.

-Okay, okay. You win, you have a point…

-You are too fail to win against me, Takamina. – I wrinkled my nose, smiling teasingly. She sighed but smiled, knowing it was useless to continue this lost battle. – Say… I still have a surprise for you, General Manager… - I started playing with the hem of her costume, pushing her backwards until she was sitting on the couch.

-A-Atsuko? W-w-w-wh-what are you… - she stop talking, gasped and maybe started drooling a bit, when I stripped of my clothes until I was just wearing sexy red lingerie.

-This was the plan B if the talk didn’t work… But…since we are here and the other girls are watching the door to give us some privacy for an hour…- I walked in a sexy way and sat on her tights, leaning over her to whisper huskily in her ear- We could just use the spare time for some ‘reconciliation’, don’t you think?

-Dear lord…


-That Takamina surely has luck… - Miichan said, with her arms crossed in a bored way.

-What do you mean? I’m not good company? – Mariko replied, raising her eyebrow and approaching her in a menacing way.

-No! no no no, I-I didn’t mean that Mari-chan… I…Uh… - Miichan shut her mouth when the taller girl cornered her to the nearer wall and leaned over her, her faces inches away from each other.

-I understand… -she said in a low tone with a serious expression, approaching her even more, their lips brushing with each word.- It’s a pity then. I was planning to use some lingerie I brought recently tonight, but I can see you aren’t interested in me as much as you like your ‘wife’. – She stand up straight and started walking away.- Have fun waiting for them to finish alone, babe – she waved at her with a troll face, while Miichan slid down the wall until she was sitting on the floor, almost in tears.

- You are so mean Mari-chan!!! – she shouted in a childish way.

-And you are so M to go out with me! – was the only replied she got.


I don't know what I'm going to write next, so if any has an idea, just pm me x3
♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

Offline Tanchan

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #7-I'll make you mine, again [AtsuMina][12-21-12]
« Reply #37 on: December 22, 2012, 04:16:52 AM »
Acchan even had plan B prepared, there's no way Takamina could escape this :lol:

Offline Haruko

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Re: Suicchin's little stories #7-I'll make you mine, again [AtsuMina][12-21-12]
« Reply #38 on: December 22, 2012, 08:19:06 AM »
Acchan even had plan B prepared, there's no way Takamina could escape this :lol:

Jejej yeah plan B sound good :B

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