Haha she's the boss here !

Soooo, it's time for the chapter 8, guys!

Chapter 8: Friend or Ennemies? 2Hidden POV:Wow, I did not expect this either as tense there ... Anyway, I'm certainly not the first to be up here uninvited, as for example Jurina. Just thinking about it, it makes me laugh. I wanted so much to see their faces. After finishing our discussion with Rappappa, I decided to explore the area to see if there is not a restaurant in the area. Luckily I found one. It wrote there '' Asobina, Asobina '' on the sign daily menus. I go to see if there is anyone and ... No one ... like I excepting something. Weird ... Well the same time, it is a little 2 PM ... Oh? I see that the waitress finally shows. She wears tracksuits. She stares at me ... Like all people I met today.
Unknown : "I've ever seen you around here before ... Would you be a tenkousei?
Hidden : - That's right, my name is Hidden, and you?
Unknown : - You can call me Minami. What do you want to eat?
Hidden : - This is a very beautiful name and I would take the menu A, please.
Minami : - Thank you, your order will arrive in no time. As tenkousei, do you want to go up those stairs? The summit is the highest in Maji-jo!
Hidden : - On this subject, I don't know yet ... Apparently I caught the eye of a lot of Yankee ...
Minami : - I can see that ... You caught the eye of who, exactly?
Hidden : - Rappappa, Salt or Sakura people like that ...
Minami : - That strong people, eh?
Hidden : - Strong, you say? I would not say strong ... The only person that I consider to be powerful is one of my best friends and the Yankee of Maji-jo clearly does not have the level ... There is just Salt worthwhile, in my opinion.
Minami : - Not strong enough? Well, you're the first person to tell me that! I was myself a Yankee from Maji-jo. You're very interesting, tell me. Who is this best friend?
Hidden : - Hahaha, I take that as a compliment! And that friend's Center! A friend very dear to me, I helped her in quite a battle we will say. Just to think about her, it excites me!
Minami : - Center? Well, you amaze me more !! Rare are the tenkousei having such powerful connections !! She is considered a legend and the rival of Salt, you know! Ah, here's your food, good appetite!
Hidden : - I know, I know. She said it, she mainly said that if I did my butt kicked, she would kill me. And thank you !! "
As I swallowed my katsudon, Minami continued to stare at me, smiling at me. Seriously, it's starting to freak me out !!
Hidden : "Uhhh ... Minami-san? There's something wrong on my face?
Minami : - Ahh, no. I just thought I wish to still be a Yankee to face you!
Hidden : - You know, I never wanted to be a Yankee.
Minami : - So why you've become one?
Hidden : - It's a long story ... I don't really want to talk about it. All I can tell you is that I got tired then how to say ... I exploded? We say it like that.
Minami : - If you don't want to talk, so I don't force you.
Hidden : - Thanks for the meal, I would come again!!
Minami : - So see you later! "
After eating a good meal, I told myself to do a little walk was going to be okay. So I'm around to see what's up I came across a girl group. Don't tell me these are yankee ... It does never did finish? Ugh ... I see you coming by saying that I like this legend that is Maeda. But what you don't know is that I like to fight, when necessary. For me, Maeda is nothing. Just a girl who can't control her hormones ... And they speak of a born leader? My ass! Well, the Yankee fell well down ... When I think that Sakura turn up like Maeda ... In short, this group of girls came up to me and starts talking to me.
Girl 1 : "So it's you, the tenkousei Maji-jo?
Hidden : - Yeah, yeah that's me. You want to fight? Bring yourself, get it over!
Girl 2 : - You misunderstand, we're not here to fight!
Hidden : - Ah? Thank you ... But what you want from me, then?
Girl 3 : - Our leader wants to speak to you!
Girl 4 : - Follow us!
Hidden : - Uh ... Why not ... But I still have questions to ask you ...
Girl 1 : Don't worry! Our leader will answer all your questions! So, come with us! "
It is sudden but good. I have nothing to lose anyway and if she wants to hurt me, I get high! Okay so I am and arrive in a high school. There is nobody in the yard so I guess everyone is inside ... On the sign there says Gekioko-kokou. One enters high school, normal. All the girls have set me back and forth when I approach. I stink or what? Suddenly, the girls stop and ask me to enter the room. Well duh, I do that. After entering, I see that there is a girl sitting in the chair, she must be the leader. She is wearing a nurse uniform and a leather jacket. Next to her, there was another girl with a nurse uniform except that this time, it was pink. There were also three other girls.
Hidden : "I can know why you wanted me and where I am?
Girl 1 : - Let me introduce myself, I'm Antonio. The person next to me is called Coby. Then you K.Y, Zakoboss and Tsurishi. Welcome to Gekikoko.
Hidden : - Thanks to have presented yourself but what am I doing here?
Antonio : - All in good time. Lately, have you not noticed that all the Yankee that you meet fixed you?
Hidden : - Don't tell me ... I saw it this morning ...
Antonio : - You didn't ask why? Saw you as reaction, I think not.
Hidden : - Naaaa, I don't care actually.
Antonio : - Your power draws ... I want you to do something for me, climbs the stairs and fight the remaining queens.
Hidden : - Why would I do that? I know that schools are fighting each other but damn. In addition, there remain only two queens before Salt. Let Sakura ... the beat.
Antonio : - So you don't want to conquer the top?
Hidden : - What you have all with your top? That's freaking bullhit to me! They are weak, damn !! You will when you realize! Salt is the only worthwhile in there !! So why want me to fight against these weak when I could wait for Sakura is responsible for queens, then, I'll take care of Salt!
Antonio : - Exactly! You have understood everything ! Except that Sakura is not powerful enough ... So you're the perfect person for this job.
Hidden : - What? We have the same goal it seems.
Antonio : - Well ... Except Looks like I will not let you Salt, I want to shoot her down for good!
Hidden : - I'm afraid I can not afford to do that, Antonio. Salt ... IS MINE!! I will not let anyone else touch her, is that clear? The discussion is clause. It was a pleasure to meet you, Antonio.
Antonio : - Our paths will cross again ... You don't know in what way are you adventures ...
Hidden : - I know the way more than you think ... Welcome to my hell, Antonio. "
To be continued …