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Author Topic: RenshuChan's OS Collection (WMatsui, JuriAnnin, JuriMilky & others)  (Read 115401 times)

Offline embee5442

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Re: RenshuChan's Lame 8th Oneshot : High School Memory (WMatsui)
« Reply #60 on: April 10, 2014, 03:41:19 PM »
Why is this so CUUTE and FUNNY too??! :w00t:
Rena is soo COOOL saving Jurina stealthily like a ninja~ :ph43r:
A silent user. A silent reader. A silent writer. A silent killer. Meh, whatever.

My List of Stories:

:roll: Short Shots of Lame Plots :poof:
:new!: Wait for Me (hiatus) :skull:
:note: Beats of Love (collab fic with Zhen the Annoying Monkey) :guitar:

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Re: RenshuChan's Lame 8th Oneshot : High School Memory (WMatsui)
« Reply #61 on: April 11, 2014, 06:41:38 AM »
"I already graduated from high school. I’m still popular here in university, but I’m relieved that there’s no creepy girl who would confess to me and doing all crazy things to get me."

Little did Jurina realize how come the stalkers and admirers around her had disappeared one by must be due to the hard work of the president of student counsellor, in the name of justice and being protective and a saviour, with the hidden goal to keep the charming yet dense girl all to herself. hahaha.

Nice story!  :deco:
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline RenshuChan

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RenshuChan's Lame 9th Oneshot : The Police and The Thief
« Reply #62 on: May 13, 2014, 07:22:50 PM »
Nothing much, I don't have any good story to share. Still have many things to do in my study. But this story just popped out and viola...

This story is kinda nonsense but.... Judge it by yourself.  :doh:

Thanks for the previous reply, I don't have anything to give you as a present to commenting my fic, hahaha :rofl:

The Police and The Thief

"Look, my mother bought me a new bag, and it's the freaking Channel!" Itano Tomomi showed her newly bought Channel to her friends. She was a daughter of a politician, it was not strange for her to had such an expensive thing.
"Whoaa, it's surely expensive!" Kashiwagi Yuki blurted out. Her eyes were sparkling at the sight of the Channel.
"I can buy the more expensive one," Watanabe Mayu commented under her breath, but no one heard her.
The other girl in the other seat of that group kept silent while staring at the girls blabbering about the certain Channel bag Tomochin just bought.
"I wanna go home," she said as she stood up.
"Eh, why so fast ? It's still early," Tomochin said.
"Right, we can still talk about many things," Yukirin said.
"Nah, I'll pass, I'm a little bit sick, need some rest. Jaa," the girl walked out from the cozy club. Leaving her friends. They just watched her walked out to the door in such a careless manner as she bumped into another customer.
"Freaky," Tomochin spitted out.
"Let's go home Yukirin, I'm tired too," Mayu stood up and ready to go. Putting on her hoody and straighten her bangs.
"Okay then. Tomochin, Chiyu, we're heading home, Jaa," Yukirin then went home with Mayu.
Mayu then turned to Tomochin and mouthed something to her and smile. Something to warned Tomochin about something. The rat sometimes could be suspicious and creepy.
"What was that about?" Tomochin said and just neglected Mayu's words.
 :hip smile: :hip smile: :hip smile:
"Ma'am, there's a regular small fish just caught today," the police reported to his Captain.
"Who?" The captain said coldly. No wonder from a strict head police in Nagoya. She stopped writing and turned her gaze to the police.
"You can check her in the jail. I guess you won't be too surprise," the police said with a half joke.
"Her? Bring me there," the head police then stood up and put on her hat then led by her staff to the jail, to meet the culprit.
Once they reach the jail, the head police just face palmed. Never did she guess the culprit would be this person, again. Maybe it had been the third times the culprit got caught by the police.
"You again ? My God, you never learn how to stop taking people's goods, huh ?" The head police said in her most irritated voice.
"Hi!" The culprit greeted her. Like someone who met her friend, too normal.
"Don't act like nothing happen!" the Police in irritated voice yelled.
The head police then asked her staff to brought the culprit to the investigating room. Guess she had some things to be cleared by investigating this regular thief.
"What did you take this time?" The head police asked in a strict manner. No smile could be seen on her face. She just looked at the culprit with her sharp glare.
"Hey, no need to be so strict. Why don't we  drink some coffee and such things we can enjoy. You know, I'm very sick of this dim light room with this only lamp hanging in the air," the culprit acted like her friend. But, yeah, she was the head police's friend. Or maybe more.
"I'm a police here, don't act like we're friends here. Put that aside. If you feel sick of this room then don't thieve anything!" the officer said coldly. Tried to kept her anger in control but her high pitched voice maybe failed her anger management.
"It was just a bag," the culprit said lazily while laid her head on the table in front of her. She looked really careless about the fact that she was got caught because of her thievery case and soon to be lived in a freaking jail.
"It was the freaking Itano Tomomi's bag don't you realize ? It's like you are creating your own burial. " The head officer then said loudly. Her anger consumed every single cells in her body.
"You! Urgh, you'll get in a huge trouble for God's sake !" She yelled again.
"Urgh, you're too loud. I can hear perfectly even you are whispering," the culprit rubbed her ear as if it was really loud.
"Give back the freaking bag to her, she said that if you give it back to her, she won't make you live in the jail," the head officer sigh.
She then stood up and prepared to leave the room before the culprit called her.
"What?" The head police stopped in her track and answered her without turning back at her.
"You know, I never do this thing without any reason behind it," the culprit told the police.
"Then you should try another way to make people understand why you steal their goods, Rena" the police said. She then walked out of the room and called the victim and told her that she would get back her bag.
She was quite lucky because her victim prefer to win the bag back instead of brought the culprit live in a jail and forgave her. The case was closed.
"What do you have in the fridge, Jurina?" The long haired girl asked as she walked in Jurina's house or their house, literally.
They lived together since both of them finished their study in high school. They lived in the city in different reason. Jurina was joining the election to be a police. Her parents let her joined since it was her dream since she was really young. It was 6 years ago and now she was a head police.
Different than Jurina, Rena's reason  was quite complicated. Her father was a politician, just like Tomochin's father. And her mother already died by so called accident in Nagoya. Since her mother died, her father just focus on his work. Too focus to his work and forgot that he had a daughter to kept his eyes on. One day, she found out that her father was involved in an illegal business between politicians, corruption. Ever since that day, Rena never looked up to her father. She left the house with her best friend, Jurina, and lived in the city. Her father always offer her so much money but she never accepted any of it. She told her father that she wanted to earned money by her own efforts.
"You can just take it, no need to ask me. You never ask if you can take people's belongings by the way," Jurina trailed off. She said it without too much care since it was a fact.
"I told you I never steal without a reason! Stop bringing this topic, Jurina," Rena yelled at Jurina.

Rena was a bit irritated, or maybe much. Ever since the last case of Tomochin's bag, Jurina asked her to stop thieving. She was just too stubborn to keep her so called job.

"Oh, yeah, the thief just admit that she really steal things," Jurina rolled her eyes and laid down on the couch.
"Why are you so annoying today?!" Rena folded her arms and came to Jurina.
Jurina stood up and face the girl, "The last time has been the third time you steal and caught by police, maybe there were thousands  but we never caught you. What do you want ? Live the rest of your life in the jail ? You have reason you said, okay, but I never know what is this darn reason you always talk about. I don't know if you can be safe for the next time, Rena!" her breathe was messing up, her emotion really ate her mind. She never liked Rena's way.
Rena didn't say anything. Her face got red and all Jurina could see was Rena's tears flowing at her cheeks. Jurina felt guilty and reached Rena's face with her fingers. But Rena slapped her hand.
"Don't touch me! You don't know anything-"
Jurina cut her words and hugged Rena, "Then let me know, tell me, share it to me. We live for 5 years and you still keep a secret that I never know,"
"I'm sorry," that was all Rena could say.
"Tell me if you're in a trouble, let me help you. You know, we're ... we're friends," Jurina said to Rena.
"The word friends felt so hurt" Jurina thought.
 :hip smile: :hip smile: :hip smile:
A week after the quarrel, Rena brought Jurina to somewhere Jurina never been before. Rena wanted to tell Jurina about her secret, the reason behind everything.
"Rena Onee-chan ~" the loud and crowded kids sorrounding her. Some of them were hugging her body as she bent down to the kids.
"Hello, how are you guys ?" Rena greeted them.
"Good!" The kids answered in unison.
Soon, Rena was sorrounded by the kids. Jurina just watched them from afar. Looking at how Rena was really kind to the kids made Jurina's smile grew on her face. How she laughed together with the kids and listened to their noisy voices, Rena just amazed her that time.
"This thief," Jurina thought, let out a small chuckle and made Rena turned her head towards Jurina.
"Ah, guys, meet my friend, Jurina," Rena introduced Jurina to the kids.
"Konnichiwa, Jurina-nee-chan," said the kids. Those smiles were really innocent. As innocent as they never know that their onee-chan was a thief.
"Konnichiwa~ Come here and help me," Jurina kindly asked the kids to help her brought many things from Jurina's car.
And the kids help them. There were many things given to the kids. And, no, those weren't from Rena's money, nor Jurina. Those were from some  organization who wanted to donate the orphanage.
After moving things into the orphanage, they took a rest while some of the volunteers in the orphanage were cooking in the kitchen for all of them.
"So Rena, what about it?" Jurina asked Rena while they were sat on a bench near the orphanage.
"About what?"
"This, helping the orphanage without robbery? Isn't it good?" Jurina asked.
Rena was a little bit frowned, that was when Jurina realized that she shouldn't talk about it.
"Um, sorry. I mean-"
"Yeah, you're right. This way is much better. Helping the kids with a clean way. I like it," Rena turned to Jurina and smiled widely.
Jurina thought that Rena was really beautiful. That smile ...
Jurina's heart pounding fast for some seconds. She spaced out and not moving a bit.
"Jurina?" Rena called her.
"Ah, un, better right," Jurina broke their eye contact. She wiped her forehead from any possible sweat.
Silence. No one talk about anything. They let the silence lingered between them. Rena leaned her body on the bench. She closed her eyes. While Jurina just looking at her silently. Praising everything in Rena. Her pale skin, her brown hair, her cute face. Rena was truly a thief. She took Jurina's heart away.
"Daisuki da yo, Rena-chan," Jurina whisperly said and kissed Rena's cheek. "You're really tired, aren't you?" She reached Rena's sleeping face with her fingers.
"Huh, I wish you could hear me," she let out a long sigh and leaned her body as well to the bench. And slowly, she drifted away to the sleeping land.
Never did Jurina knew that Rena haven't fully sleep. A small smile showed on her face.

"Wakaru yo, Jurina,"


Okay, that's it. Thanks  :hip smile:

Offline embee5442

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Re: RenshuChan's Lame 9th Oneshot : The Police and The Thief
« Reply #63 on: May 14, 2014, 03:30:41 AM »
Thanks for the previous reply, I don't have anything to give you as a present to commenting my fic, hahaha :rofl:

Eeeeeh??? Then I won't comment next time :P Just kidding~
Rena as a thief... i can't even XD
Write more, RenshuChan I'll be waiting~ :thumbsup
A silent user. A silent reader. A silent writer. A silent killer. Meh, whatever.

My List of Stories:

:roll: Short Shots of Lame Plots :poof:
:new!: Wait for Me (hiatus) :skull:
:note: Beats of Love (collab fic with Zhen the Annoying Monkey) :guitar:

Offline Kirozoro

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O-O lol Rena is the thief

Wmatsui are so sweet!!!

Offline RenshuChan

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Do I still have some kind heart people to read my fics?
No? Oh... okay  :D

Soooo..... not much for an update, I just want to share this freshly-written one-shot.
So lately I'm liking a song, and the song makes me wanna write something...

So here's the thing, hope you enjoy  :jphip:

You Change Me When You Step Into My Horrible Life


I don’t understand why, I always end up being alone. Is it because I’m not interesting to be friend with or any other reason, I don’t know.

I end up being alone and I’m used to it. I’m used to being ignored by my classmates, teachers and even my parents. Being alone all the time change me into an anti-social person.

From being “used to” into “hate to”. Now I hate all my surroundings. I don’t care about anything. Because I think people also don’t care about me. People don’t care if I am even exist. Their lives will continue whether I live or I die.

To lessen the fact that I’m just a loner, I “befriend” with my music player. Listening to some musics is way much better than have to listen to people gossiping and mocking behind the other’s back. Human’s suck, right? Though I’m a human, I hate those type.

Musics keep me feel alive, at least. I can hear their love, anger, confusing and many other feelings they put into the 4-5 minutes length. I always find some songs that suits me very well. It always makes me smile by the lyrics. It’s about someone who used to be alone and then meets someone who changes his life. I wonder if I could really experience that thing...


As usual, I come to school every morning to study. Though at some subjects which I don’t have any interesting in, I’ll always save my self with my music player. Today’s that day, history subject. This subject is stupid. You have to recall all the past events, remembering the dates, months, years when the events happened. You have to learn about everything in the past. Isn’t past is the past? Why don’t we learn about now? Why not about future?

I put my earphone secretly, playing some instrumental music. These musics make me feel calm. The beauty of how every instrument match with another instrument amazed me. Maybe someday I could be a composer or song writer?

In the middle of my thoughts about the music, the teacher claps his hand to gain all students’ attention. There must be an anouncement. I don’t care about it. I just simply laid my head on the table, turning up the volume to the full blast until I can’t hear anything what he said. I only can see his mouth moving, mouthing something that I don’t catch anything.

He then points his finger on my face, I still don’t get any word he says to me. Maybe he tells me to give my full attention to him? I don’t know.

Next thing I see is a girl walking inside my classroom while smiling brightly. She stands in front of the class while the teacher writes her name on the chalkboard. Then I see he gestures the girl to introduce her self. She says something which surely her name and then she bows.

After the introduction she walks to my direction, wait... she really walks to my direction? She pulls out a chair and smile to me. She extends her hand and asks for a handshake with me. I grab her hand and doing the handshake. She chuckles and reaches to my ear. She pulls out my earphone.

“Watanabe Miyuki, yoroshiku nee...”

“H-hai, Yamoto Sayaka desu, yoroshiku...”

Her smile... I guess I finally find someone who comes into my life and will changes everything...


So the song I've been liking lately is NMB48's - Kimi to deatte, boku wa kawatta
Not sure gonna make the sequel of this story, just wait. MAYBE I'll make the sequel....
Until then.... Bye ~ :welcome

Offline sastio13

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thank god i found your os, RenshuChan!
i like all your os since "Just Arrived" until "You Change Me When You Step Into My Horrible Life" !

Just arrive, nice start with WMatsui :)

We Are Diffrent, you break up MaYuki but you make me laugh with the end, enjoy your time with Rena at anime expo mayu XD

May I?. a SayaMilky moment

Will You Realize My Feeling ? & Will You Regret Your Decision ?. yeay WMatsui! you shocked me with made rena became prostitute but but but theres Jurina! yeay! i wont regret my desicion to read your os :D

Another Story. JuriAnnin! annin annin annin my princess annin... :inlove: lil bit lame but i can hold my self to not puke (just kidding!) hohoho what a naughty mayu here....

By The Time I Saw You - Part 1 until Part 6 (END). Rena's first in love experience and it's love at first sight with jurina... there are Mariko, Churi, Airin.....and Mayu. what a girl you are mayu... hem smexy time... teehhee~

High School's memories. again, wth mayu... Rena you are (Jurina's) hero! lol with your whisper to churi XD

The Police and The Thief. i though, it's MaYuki but it's WMatsui! yeah stop that rena. i know you have your own reason but there's another better way. :)

You Change Me When You Step Into My Horrible Life. at first i though it will be Mayu and Yuki, but you surprise me with Sayanee and miruki... update more!

keep writing and dont forget to update more! i want more! gimme more! hehehe
arigatou gozaimashu RenshuChan :bow:
Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: 10th OS : You Change Me When You Step Into My Horrible Life
« Reply #67 on: October 04, 2014, 07:58:35 PM »
a flash reply you got there Sastio-kun. Thank you for reading  :thumbsup

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: 10th OS : You Change Me When You Step Into My Horrible Life
« Reply #68 on: October 04, 2014, 08:05:17 PM »
That was a nice OS~ Sorry for being a silent reader, Renshu-chan :heart: I love the Goosebump too~

(I cannot stop laughing at my profile pic btw XD)

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: 10th OS : You Change Me When You Step Into My Horrible Life
« Reply #69 on: October 04, 2014, 08:49:31 PM »
 :twothumbs thank you!!!  :heart:

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: 10th OS : You Change Me When You Step Into My Horrible Life
« Reply #70 on: October 27, 2014, 01:23:43 PM »
LOL... I'm currently writing a fic, but I postpone it for a while, kinda busy with mid-term test.
But this one suddenly appear.
Though it's quite weird and strange and nonsense, but that's me!
Hopefully you'll like it.
So the pairing is Jurina of course! and Milky. Don't ask me. I just love to mix-matching Jurina with everyone.  :lol:

So here's the thing! Enjoy!

Kokoro no Chalkboard

From    : Jurina
To    : Milky
Where the hell are you! It’s almost 9!
The class will start soon!
You better come faster!

I read the message from Jurina and it’s ended with interjection marks, she’s angry and I know she’s scary when she’s angry. The same as her sister, she and Rena-chan are unbelievably scary when they’re mad. Well, at least they won’t bite me or eat me when they’re angry. But they will scold me all day long if me don’t stop them.

Oh my god! I’m gonna be late! I’m still on the bus right now and it’s 15 minutes before the class start. I have to reply her message.

From   : Milky
To    : Jurina
I’m sorry >_<
I woke up late and now I’m still on the bus.
Please left one seat for me beside you.
I’ll try to reached on time.

I sigh, pressing the send button. No way, I'm sure I can't make it on time. Curse this traffic jam! Why in the world there would be a traffic jam? Something happen? What? A monster from other planet strike Japan? No way! I'm not living in a stupid Ultraman's Japan!

I hope Jurina will read my message and forgive me. Even if she oftenly angry at me, she’s actually very kind. I consider her angry as the way she shows me her care. She will never angry at me if I’m not making a mistake.

She once angry at me because I didn’t work on my task. But then the deadline came and I was begging for her help. She scolded me all day long while helping me finish the task.


”I told you to work on it earlier! Look at you now, whining like a kid when doing your task. Just do it!” she yelled at me. She was right, it was my own fault.

I turned my face from my task. I left it on the desk and walked to her who was sitting on my bed, reading her magic book which only she and God who knew what was written inside it. She never let me saw it, even just a single peek. Only the cover who was written 'Magic Book' and some equation symbols. Maybe it was about all subjects. You know, all smart people had secret. So had she.

I held her arm, “Jurina~ I’m sorry...” I apologized at her but she didn’t answer me. “Jurina~ please~” I clapped my hands in front of my face, begging a mercy from Jurina-sama.

“*Sigh* you're helpless Milky," she messaged her temples. And finally she forgave me and helped me working on the task.


I don't know if it's right or wrong. But I feel glad to have a smart best friend like Jurina. She's the top student. She never failed her exam. Perfect scores. Kind heart. Good looking. Sweet smi- Oh wait, I'm crossing the line far too much.

I mean she's great in all subjects and I'm just an average student, maybe below average in the class. Since high school until we're learning in college, it never changes. Am I being like a parasite hanging around the big tree? I was wondering if people thought so. But I'm really glad I have her. She helped me a lot, eventhough I have to pay her back.


"And that's how you finish this calculation. Simple isn't it? Your empty head just need to be filled Milky," she said to me while resting her back on the seat.

"Yeah yeah, Miss Smartass~" I rolled my eyes. She sometimes sounded cocky too. But nevermind, she was smart after all.

"I'm not a smartass, baka!" she voiced it a bit too loud and earned some 'shush' from people around. She said sorry and slapped my arm. I was giggling at her awkward smile to people.

"Don't forget we're still in the library, Miss smartass~" I mocked her.

"Told you, I'm not a smartass! I'm... I'm a smart, smart. Yeah, smart smart!" She yelled under her breath. Sounded impossible but that was how I heard.

We left the library. Lunch time. We headed to the canteen.

"You have to pay me," she said while we were walking side by side. I knew it, she would always say this after helping me.

"Sure, just don't ask something impossible like getting a signature of your favorite singer like the last time," I said to her.

She laughed,"I was just kidding, and you were just too stupid to say yes. Let me think first... Umm... I want a... Umm..." She pretended to think so hard and playing her finger on her chin.

"Just say it!" I said, losing my patience.

"Just buy me a lunch for today, I can't think of anything good for now," she shrugged her shoulder and walked ahead. Glad that she didn't ask me to do something stupid like stealing her sister's melon pan. That sounded like giving your soul to a demon. Well, Jurina might be smart and all serious when she was studying. But she could set up a bad prank for me if she wanted to.


Oh, shit! 5 more minutes? You're kidding me? Someone please tell me that my wristwatch is broken or ran out of battery! Oh no! Jurina would eat me for sure this time.

My phone vibrated.

From : Jurina
To : Milky
You're running out your time,
You have a tollerance to enter Furukawa-sensei's class no more than 10 minutes or you'll die.
You know how 'H' he could be.

This message from Jurina made my blood goes all cold. I felt like I'm freezing. Furukawa-sensei is just another nightmare in our class. Maybe I would rather have a strict lecturer than a pervert one.


"This is the equation," he wrote some weird characters on the chalkboard, the equations.

I didn't have any idea why do I do here? How could I ended up in a class of genius people? I was scratching my head, frustrated of this crazy, super long equation. Until Jurina nudged my arms and a death glare could be seen, she asked me to keep focus.

"How to remember this Sensei?" One of the girl who sat far in front of us asked.

"Oh, Takayanagi-chan," What? She called her with '-chan'? Eww gross! Another girls were giggling at it, even Jurina, but I'm not.

"It's simple. Look at this form," he began to circling the above formula. "Imagine this as the boy, and the bottom one is the girl. Then you'll have your formula, a boy on top of a girl," he smiled with his stupid wide grin on his face. That was totally nonsense! What the hell?


No! I don't want to be teased by that pervert if I come late. I took a look at my wristwatch, oh hell, it's already 9! 10 more minutes and I'll be eating by Jurina.

Glad that the traffic jam has stopped. And I guess it's still need 5 minutes to the bus stop near the college. If I run, I guess I will be on time. God please, don't let me die today. Don't let Jurina eat me today. Please slow down the time... I shut my eyes tightly. I hope He will hear my pray.

There! The bus stop! I reach the bus door so I could run fast then the door open. I make a tapping sound with my feet, can't be more patience than this, I have to run!

The bus stop now in front of the bus door which open really slowly. I dash through the bus door and run as fast as I can. I'm not that sporty to run really fast. But I try. I want to yell loudly if I can, I don't want to eat by Jurina! Please help me run faster, my feet! I climb the stairs that brought me to the second floor of the building and run again to the farthest class. I don't care if I bump into many students! I have to reach my class!

I see Jurina in front of the class. This is odd. Why is she in front of the class? Isn't the class starting about 10 minutes ago?

I stop running, supporting my body to keep from falling right now. I try to breathe. Jurina there just stand and reading her magic book again. When I can control my breathe to normal, Jurina turns to look at me. She put her magic book inside her bag and talk casually.

"Done?" She asks. I just nod my head even I don't understand what she says. "Wanna get inside?" She asks again and all I can answer is just a nod.

She hold my hand with hers. It is really warm, as always. Wait, shouldn't she angry at me for being late? Why is she even stand here waiting for me?

She opens the door and I'm sure my jaw is fall on the floor. I look at her in the most disbelieving way.

"Are you tricking me?" She laughed. I'm sure that she's playing a prank on me. I hit her arms continously. "You mean creature!"

"Ow ow ow, sorry, hahaha. I know it, you just too easy to be tricked," she sticks her tongue to me. "Now here's the thing, the class is canceled, Furukawa-sensei has something to do. I hope it's not peeking on someone's skirt," she says.

"I'm still mad at you," I turn my body so I'm not facing her. But then she tickles me. And it makes me almost cry as I laugh so hard and my stomach hurts. She stops her attack and leaves me breathlessly.

She leaves me and she walks to the chalkboard. Looking for something that I have no idea about. "What are you looking for?" I ask her.

"Ah, I got it," she smiles while showing me a chalk. She hides the chalk behind her back. "A-actually... I have something to tell you," she's stuttering. Oh wait? This is the first time! I wonder why?

"Okay, just speak," I say nonchalantly.

"But I can't, I'll just write it," she says then write something on the chalkboard.

I don't want to be your friend anymore, nor best friend

"Jurina? What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?" I shake her shoulder. No, this is not happening! Didn't she just laugh at me and tease me a while ago? Why now?

She looks at me with her flat expression. Her smile is dry. I feel like I hear my heart shattering into pieces.

I look at her again. I try to find a good reason. Oh well, "No, this is just your prank right? I know it. Okay, you win, you got me there Jurina~" I laugh and slap her shoulder playfully. But she just not moving.

She looks at the ground and mumbling,"No, I've never been this serious." She looks up and says "Let's not be friend anymore, Miyuki."

I know her, she's not calling my name if it's not serious.

I try to run but I find her hand gripping tightly on my arm. "Why do you stop me? Didn't you say you don't want to be my friend? Then so be it!" I yell without even looking at her.

She pulls me closer to the chalkboard again. I'm just crying and not caring about anything, until she calls my name again.

"Miyuki, look," she shows something she just write on the chalkboard. I see an 'arrow' which directing to a 'heart' above it. In the sides of 'arrow' I read 'Jurina' and 'Milky'.

"What does it mean?" I turn to look at her who smiles at me.

She chuckles,"I know you're stupid, but I don't know that you're really stupid and  don't know what the symbol means," she continues to write something after the previous sentence.

Let's move to the next stage, would you be my girlfriend?

I look at her in the most disbelieving way. Is this Jurina who write it? Did she just confess her feeling to me? Am I going crazy? Is this a dream? Don't wake me up!

"I know I'm just a coward. I can't say this to you. My tongue just tied into a messy bun everytime I want to say it. So, I thought asking for a help from the chalkboard can be used as well," she laughs awkwardly. "So, what do you say?" She asks.

This is my turn to speak? Wait I'm still stunning by her aura and this confession issue.


"Ah, oh, uhm *cough* Ano... Why do you have um... feeling for me?" I ask. Why am I asking that question?

She thinks,"I don't know, maybe because your stupidity? Easy to be teased? Making me busy with your antics," she says smilingly.

I roll my eyes,"You just want to tease me."

"But I never mind it. I'm happy when you ask me for a help, spending time together finishing your tasks, sleep over when it was too late for me to go home after helping you. I'm happy, to be near you, have a sight of your grumpy face and then smile after your tasks finish. Since high school, I never forget it. I write everything here," she shows her magic book.

"Wait! That's not about subjects, formulas, study? No?" My eyes widen. "But you're really serious when reading it," I snap at her.

"You just never see me laughing so hard reading it, every failing moments, funny, sad, happy, I write everything here," she says.

"Why do you never let me see it,"

"Because it's a secret all this time, but I'll let you see it later," Jurina says and put the magic book inside her bag.

The silence suddenly take its place. None of us talking. The sound of our breathes are the only thing I could here.

I decide to end the awkwardness, "Are you serious about that?" I glance at the chalkboard. She nods her head.

"I don't know what to say, but I know that I do feel the same as you. I'm happy to be so close to you. Even you teased me and prank me, I can't say anything about that," I laugh. Remember about all shameful and strange prank she did to me. "But I want to give it a try,"

"Give it a try?" She's kinda confuse.

"Try to let you a stage closer to me, try to let you make me happy. Can you?"

Jurina nods furiously,"Of course! I can, and I will, Miyuki," she jumps to hug me. I almost fall to the ground but I keep my composure and stand still.

Jurina losen the hug. We smile together. I don't know why but I feel happier than usual.

The next thing is, she kisses me. It feels funny to have a kiss with my best friend, oh no, my new 'girlfriend'. I feel her hand reaches my neck, she pulls me closer. I hug her on the waist as the sign of approval of her action this time. But suddenly she let go of me.

"Eh why?" I ask her.

"Oh, someone love the kiss," she laughed. "Want some more?" She wiggles her eyebrow.

"W-well..." There there, she grabs my lips with hers. Oh, what a beautiful first kiss. I smile and yell inside my heart.

I'm so in love!!!
:inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

LOL.... thank you for reading  :nervous

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Re: Ren's OS : #11 Kokoro no Chalkboard (JuriMilky)
« Reply #71 on: October 27, 2014, 02:44:50 PM »
Nice OS Ren-san
wohoo... sweet JuriMilky :deco:

lol that Furukawa-sensei formula.. :mon suspect:

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Re: Ren's OS : #11 Kokoro no Chalkboard (JuriMilky)
« Reply #72 on: October 27, 2014, 03:03:07 PM »
I'm guessing Furukawa-sensei is Airin and it has FuruYanagi XD Knowing Airin, something like this would've happened XD

"It's simple. Look at this form," he began to circling the above formula. "Imagine this as the boy, and the bottom one is the girl. Then you'll have your formula, a boy on top of a girl," he smiled with his stupid wide grin on his face. That was totally nonsense! What the hell?

I like Mirukii fanfics :heart:

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: Ren's OS : #11 Kokoro no Chalkboard (JuriMilky)
« Reply #73 on: November 14, 2014, 06:31:08 PM »
DAMN!!!! I don't know how to continue my fanfic!!!  :panic:
But here I am writing for a oneshot.
It's what I thought about lately.
Sorry if it's a mess...
BTW... it's a wMatsui angst oneshot  :nervous
Hope you enjoy   :thumbsup

Fool in Love : The Reunion

Urgh... My head hurts. I guess it’s because of the party. Well, I didn’t take too much alcohol, I simply just can’t stand too much alcohol. Glad that I could reach my home safe. Or  I should have said thanks to my collegue from the office for taking me home last night. Anyway, it was their party, they invited me and I joined since it was Friday night. I grab the drinking water near my bed and take a sip, some pills maybe can reduce the hangover as well.

I messaged my temples trying to reduce this floating feeling. For some times I feel like everything is dark when I try to stand up. I close my eyes and cursing for sipping that alcohol last night. I swear I would never drink anymore!

I walk to the bathroom with my hand leans on the wall supporting my body to not falls down and crashes the hard floor. Lucky me could reach the mirror and observe my face. It’s still in a good shape. Nose, mouth, eyes, teeth, everything’s complete. I wash my face and brush my teeth before take a warm bath in the morning.

Freshly step out from the bathroom, I feel all better. I dry up my hair with a towel and I spot a nicely wrapped envelope at my dressing table. I don’t remember getting a letter. Ah, there’s a small note as well.

Rena, a postman delivered it on the day you were in a meeting with the CEOs outside. I almost forget about it but don’t worry I haven’t read it. – Nisishi –

Oh, so I guess Nisishi put it here after taking me home last night. I read the letter, it’s an invitation to a reunion party from my former high school. Knowing where it comes from, my mind flashing back to the old days.


I was just a ghost. Not literally, but I was. I didn’t have any friend to talk to, or to hang out every after school. I was one of the bright student at school but I just loved to be all by myself. I was the number 1 at that time, that was how poeple call me. My favorite spot to study was at the library. Not much people there and it was quite there which really supported me to study well.

Anyway at my second year, the number 2 at school started to befriend with me. She was the bright student too. Tailing my name in every test we had. We didn’t know each other too well since we were in the different class. However because her name was always under my name I knew her name very well, Matsui Jurina.

The twin, poeple said. We both share the same family name, Matsui. She was really kind. I understand why people adored her. Bright student, kind-hearted, beautiful smile, that was what she was consisted of. We started to hang out together. It wasn’t like me and her hanging around the game station, we hang out to study together.

Because we met each other for the first time at the library, we decided to just met up every lunch break or sometimes after school to have a short time to study together. The frequency of us study together at the library escalated to the next level. We started to study at each other’s house, our parent’s house literally. Since then, our proximity got higher.

One fine Sunday, Jurina gave me a call and asked me to walk around. I agreed and proceeded to go to the place we had decided. Since I didn’t really like the crowd, I asked her to go to the park near my house. Quite and peaceful, two things I loved the most.

We talked about things like usual, the book we recently read, or any things that happened recently. Just like how we used to be. But suddenly Jurina changed into serious mode. She turned her head to me and talked.

“You know Rena, I never feel like this to anyone before,” She smiled. Somehow I knew what she meant but acting dumb and pretended to be fool.

“Like what?” I asked her.

“I feel this happy feeling when I’m around you, everything I could see is you, you’re special in my eyes,” she looked at me.

“Is this a confession?” I blinked. Well, it wasn’t so surprising, but it was the first time someone said their feeling towards me. “I’m sorry but, I’m just not used to this kind of thing,” I said honestly to her.

“It’s okay,” she smiled again then grabbed my hands and held it tight. “Rena, would you be my girlfriend?” there, the confession happened so fast.

“Jurina, I really appreaciate your feeling towards me, and I’m very happy to hear it from you. But let me tell you, I never date anyone before, I don’t know how to build a relationship, I don’t know what to do. Moreover, my parents never let me involved in any kind of love relationship. I’m afraid that I will just disappoint you in the end. I’m a total fool in love,” I said the honest thing about me. Just let her know.

Anyway, she didn’t step back. She even getting more fired up after hearing that. “It’s okay, everything would be okay as long as we united together, so your answer?” she asked again.

I didn’t know what to say, but I didn’t wanna made her sad by turning her down. So I nodded my head as she jumped in happy. It was funny to see her happy like a little kid. She sat back to the seat and held my hands again,”Thank you Rena, I really love you,” she said.

I hummed a small ‘me too’ to her. It felt like a dream. A never-got-into-relationship girl like me finally having someone to be called a girlfriend was really something I never thought of. And my anxiety started to roll like a snow ball in my mind.

I was just a fool in love. It was the very first time I got myself into a love relationship. I never felt all nervous when I walked hand in hand with her. It was just like all eyes are looking at me. It wasn’t like I dislike our relationship. It was just I felt like hurting her so much. I never answered her call, I was afraid if my parents found out about us and separated us. I was like being all salty and cold when I reply her messages while all her messages were sweet and just normal between two lovers. But I just couldn’t be myself anymore in front of her. Somehow, the friendship we build before crashed and changed into this ‘sour-love’ relationship. Whatever it meant, I just felt like that.

Until the day I decided to end the relationship. I was a shitty coward when it came to her. I texted her and tell all my anxiety to her. I told her that I just couldn’t be in this love relationship anymore with her. That I missed when we were being friends, nothing more, nothing less. And I thought that maybe the two of us were much better when we were friends.

In the result, she gave me a cold shoulder. For the first time, her name was above my name in the last test. I tried to congratulate her and offered a hand but she just looked at me with a cold stare and ignored my hand. I felt like the most horrible person. I knew it, just blame me, I was the one who did everything wrong.

Some times passed, that time was my last year in high school. The hardest thing I ever had was being in the same class with the one that once filled my heart with happiness, anxiety and fail in my life.

Slowly but surely we rebuilt the friendship we had once in our second year. Even it was totally different, unlike the friendship we used to have. She was busy with her circle of friends, and I was busy with my own self. At the last days in highschool she even mentioned my name in front of the class and said her gratitude to me who had filled her life in high school. She said she would never forget me. Yeah, she and her surprising act. Making me all red and got my self woo-ed by the whole class. Our relationship wasn’t a secret since both of us were quite acknowledged by the students even the teachers, that was shy they always teased us. I counted her act as one of those sweet-talk she had ever done to me.

We didn’t really communicate after our graduation. I continued my study in administration management while she continued to study about Japanese literature. We studied on the different major and that was why our distance kept on growing. But one day, I found myself facing her, asking for her help about my study. Because I knew she was good at that kind of thing, and we weren’t in that bad relationship anymore, thus I ended up calling her and had her beside me and did my task. And I did it quite good, everything was because of her help.

Once again, we met at one of the night when I accompanied her doing her task. She wasn’t good at English so I helped her a little. And we built our relationship back. I, who already grew up, finally thought that I could do a much better relationship with her. I started to be able to tell her that I love her. And in the end, we officially dating, again.

However, our relationship wasn’t running well. She became more busy with whatever she did. She didn’t text me frequently. We didn’t meet frequently. We met once maybe in 2 weeks or in a month. I didn’t protest at what she did. Maybe she was really busy that we couldn’t meet.

“I want us to meet seldomly, but once we meet we would have a deep miss feeling, so when we meet there will be a high quality time for both of us,” that was her answer when I asked her the reason of why she never reply my message or came to my house.

It was hard for me when I found that she took a two-shot with a girl I didn’t get the idea of who it was. Moreover, she made it as her profile picture on her social account. My heart was bleeding. I confronted her and texted her.

-What the hell, Jurina?! Who is that girl in your profile picture? What do you want? What do you mean by this?- That was the message I sent. But damn, she didn’t even reply it, or changed her profile picture. I could only cry my heart out.

After a long time, it was her birthday. I texted her if she was busy. She said that she was just arrived from outside of the town, joining an event and she said that she got sick. I told her that I would go to her house, and then I off to her house. Suddenly she said that she wanted to go outside while I was thinking it would have just in her house if she was sick. But she insisted to go out even just a little while. We ate at a small restaurant, eating a hot ramen that night then we went back to her house. I gave her a present, it wasn’t really good, but I just wanted to give her a scarf with a card full of wishes I had for her. After giving her the present I went back home. Wishing that she could get rest than risking her health to got even worse.

A few weeks later she asked me to go out. She brought me to a shoe store, I didn’t understand but just following her. It was like one of her friend asking for a help to bought a shoe. After that we went to her friend’s house.

“I’m Oshima Yuko,” she offered her hand.

“I’m Matsui Rena,” I said my name and shook the blonde girl’s hand. She smiled widely at me.

“I know you, Jurina told me many things about you,” she laughed. I was wondering what she told to her friend about me.

From Oshima-san’s house, we met some of her friends. I didn’t know why she brought me to her friends. I, who was the anti-social person, could only smiled and nodded in agreement while she and her friends talked about whatever things I never understood.

“Oh, so this is your girlfriend, Ju-chan,” one of her friends eyed me. I wasn’t feeling comfortable with their eyes. They were like didn’t believe that I was her girlfriend. Her friends were models in some magazine, from what I heard. But I didn’t know or careless of who they were. I only knew that one of them was the tallest, had a short-blonde hair and made people around laughed by her jokes. The other ones were the girls who didn’t give a damn about me. As if whether I was there or not, everything wouldn’t be matter as long as Jurina was there.

Finally she asked me to go home. Along the way she talked quite a lot. But this one was catching my attention and made me breatheless for some times. And it hurted me a lot. But she didn’t know. She was just too happy to tell it to me.

“I have another model friend named Nao-chan. Once when I visited her house her mother said to me that she liked me. She said she wouldn’t mind if I dated Nao-chan. That was so funny,” she laughed.

Funny she said. My heart tightened. It was one of the horrible things that happened to me. I couldn’t say anything. Right, she met a lot of people. It was normal for her if she could get another girl who was far better than me.

“Rena, how is our relationship? What do you want in our relationship? Should we end this relationship?” she asked.

The last question rang in my head like a sound of thunder. Right when I was ready to built a serious relationship with her she said it to me. My world had crushed into pieces. But her face was still calmed.

I panicked. What if she wanted to walked away from me? What if she already bored at me? Could it be that she was giving up on me? Was she serious about ended our relationship?

“Whatever you want, I will do it.” I was bad at words. I just talked about what I was thinking about. “I would be okay if you built another relationship with other girl if you’re bored at me, but in the end you have to know that we would always be together,” I blurted out. Just what the hell I was saying?! I became nuts?

“Okay then,” she said when we reached my house. “Please think about it,” she said then walked away.

Since then, she never replied my texts. I gave up and changed my number. Deleted her number, her social account, everything related to her. I was disasppointed at her but I never hate her even once. I didn’t care how many times she would hurt me, I would always love her no matter what. I was a fool in love. And the next thing I knew was, I didn’t know if there was still ‘something’ between us or not.


I roll my eyes. And look at the date, it’s next week. I check on my phone, marking the date so I will not forgetting the reunion date. I wonder if we will meet again, Jurina...

I look at myself in the mirror. All is set. Right after I put on my make up my phone ring. A call from my old friend.

I pick up the phone call,“Moshi moshi...”

“Rena-chan! Where are you? You forget that we have an appointment today? I’m already at the ramen shop!”

The voice is all too familiar. It’s Airin. My seatmate back in highschool. The rumour said that actually Airin had feeling towards me but because there was always Jurina, she didn’t have the courage to confess to me.

“Sorry Airin, I wake up late. I’m heading there now okay,” I talk while walking to the garage.

“Okay, don’t make me wait any longer!” she says then hang up the phone call. She never changes. Always grumpy about many things. I only late an hour, well blame the alcohol!


I walk inside the small restaurant. Fixing my glass and narrow my eyes to spot Airin. There she was with a girl who is one of our classmate as well. I wave at them and they wave back, it means that’s really them. I sat in front of them and make my order.

“You make me starving Rena-chan, just to wait for you,” Airin says act like she is irritating by this.

“I already said sorry, Airin. Please forgive me,” I beg.

A few moment later, our orders serves on the table. We eat and chat about things. Like any normal old friend, talking about our lives. From the conversation I know that Akane-san is taking a midwife major after finishing high school, and now she works on one of Japan’s best hospitals. While Airin already become a success mangaka.

“Nee, Rena-san. Jurina-san now has a new girlfriend, and I recently found out that she’s my co-worker,” Akane-san says nonchalantly.

I’m taken aback a little by her statement and stop eating for a while, but then continue to eat. “Oh, that sounds good,” I smile wryly at her.

Airin who notices the change jokingly pushing the topic aside,”Oh come on, let’s just talk about our lives, not others.” I look at Airin and smile at her as she nods knowingly.


So here comes the day. The reunion day. I looked at the clock, it’s almost 6 in the evening. I turn my gaze to my reflection in the mirror, inhaling a deep breathe to brush off the nervous feelings.

“Why am I feeling nervous?” I sigh when remember why. The thought of Jurina who already gets herself a new girlfriend makes me uncomfortable to come to the reunion. What if I meet her and her girlfriend? What should I do? What should I say? Should I just ignore her? Or should I approache her instead? I shrug off the thoughts as I walk to my car, driving alone to my old school building.

At the parking area I find that there are already a lot of people coming. It’s not from my year, but also from another year. So there would be a lot of poeple I probably doesn’t know. I walk to the entrance and meet Airin who wears a simple knee-length black dress.

“Don’t go far from me, or you’ll get lost,” she says. I walk behind her, to keep me away from getting lost in this crowd of people. Airin brought me to the foods and drinks stand. I take a glass of orange juice. I wouldn’t take the whine or vodka or I will die when driving back home later.

I sit on one of the table while Airin keep talking with other people. I gazed to every corner of the room, looking at the decoration, enjoying the music and also praising their best orange juice in my hand.

Not long after the event starts. I spot the teacher who now already become the school principal, Takahashi Minami-sensei, giving her forewords about this event.

“She never changes right? Still short and have a bad taste of clothing,” someone whispered in my ears.

I’m kinda startling and turned my gaze. “J-jurina?” My eyes widen in shock to see the last person I want to meet.

“Un, it’s been a long time, Rena,” she smiled her genuine smile. Her hair grow longer and she makes it kinda wavy. Different than her short hair. Okay, it was 10 years ago.

I don’t know what to do. I just smile at her and offer her a handshake. “Long time no see.”

“How are you?” she asks.

“I’m good, what about you?”

“Well, I’m alive,” she jokes. We laugh. The meet after 5 years? Well yeah...

“I heard from Akane-san that you already have a new girlfriend. So where is she?” Shoot. Why should I bring this topic out of many things I could have asked?

She smiles and nods her head,”She has a night shift so she can’t come.” Jurina take a sip of her drink. The same as me, orange juice. “How about you? Where’s your girlfriend, or boyfriend?” she asks me back.

I laugh. Actually if I could I would prefer cry, but my pride is just too high that I can’t let myself cry in front of her and moreover in front of a lot of people. “I never build any new relationship, I’m single until today,” I tell her. Her face is kinda shock. Then I look at the crowd again, averting my eyes from hers.

Well, just being honest. I just don’t know how to make a good relationship. There were some guys and girls asking me out, but then again I don’t know if the relationship between us had ended or not. I wish I could have a normal life but I can’t. The memories about Jurina keep haunting my nights. She comes to my dreams, and makes me even harder to simply forget her. If only I could say these things to you, Jurina...

“Well, Jurina, I guess I have to go. See you next time,” I wish there would be a next time.

“Alright, see you next time,” she says and waving her hand to me.

I leave the reunion party even before the main event started. My tears flowing on my cheeks. She has move on with her life. So I guess I have to do the same as well. I wish her happiness with her new girlfriend whoever it is. Blame me, everything is my fault. The fail of our relationship is my fault since the beginning. The young me who wasn’t ready for love and the teenage me who was ready but sadly she began to gave up on me. The only thing I know is that I love her with all my heart. I don’t know until when, but she will already take the bigger part of my heart away. I’m just a fool in love.


So that's it... Please leave some reply  :jphip:

Offline Sherin

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Re: Ren's OS : #12 Fool in Love : The Reunion (wMatsui)
« Reply #74 on: November 14, 2014, 11:26:17 PM »
You do realize people obviously gonna demand a sequel for this, right? XD

Everyday Juriken

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Re: Ren's OS : #12 Fool in Love : The Reunion (wMatsui)
« Reply #75 on: November 15, 2014, 09:09:01 AM »
My expression after read this --->  :ptam-hbk:  :on speedy: :fainted: :mon waterworks: :pen_cry:
Agree with Sherin-san, I want a sequel too! :pleeease:

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Re: Ren's OS : #12 Fool in Love : The Reunion (wMatsui)
« Reply #76 on: November 15, 2014, 05:00:11 PM »
Why it so sad

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: #12 Fool in Love : The Reunion (wMatsui)
« Reply #77 on: January 08, 2015, 06:50:58 PM »

Forever This Way

Just as always, I will wait for you here at the canteen because you have a lot of activities to do before going home. It's not your club activities, in fact you're just join the track and field club and today you're free. But still, you're involve in many things. One of it is running away from those creepy girls, the fans of yours.

"Sorry for being late," I know that it's your voice. I look up to find you, dress up in a baggy jeans, black jacket, a black glasses, a mask and a hat. Nobody knows, unless me, that it's you. Your long hair is hidden under that hat.

"It's okay," I stand up and grab my bag. "Let's go," then we're off to go home.

We run, literally, until a few yards away from school and will always turn right by the T-junction. This dark hidden place is our favorite place to hide and waiting until everyone from school, maybe, reach their homes.

We're panting, out of breathe.

"Ah, that was tiring," I say.

You lean your body against the wall of the hallway we're hiding in,"Sorry for always drag you into this, Rena-chan," you look at me with those pitiful eyes.

I can't help but laugh,"You're funny, Jurina. I'm already used to it since our first year."

Your chest keep turning upside down, you're tiring. I see your sweat rolling from your forehead. You're all wet, and I'm sure that thick jacket makes it even worse.

You smile at me, now look at me with those caring eyes. "I'm glad that it's our last year in high school. Those creepy girls wouldn't run for me everyday anymore. And we don't have to hide here anymore."

You're right. I just realize that we're in our last year. Somehow, I don't want that to happen. If that happen, it means no more time you will hold my hand tightly like your life depends on me while we're running together, no more time for just the two of us in this dark hallway chatting about things and-

"But, I'm gonna miss this. Somehow, I want it like this, forever," you smile again at me.

"Me too," I say.

Both of us leaning against the wall. From this dark place we could see the girls who use the same uniform as us passing by. You would close our mouth with your palm, not letting them to spot where we are.

"Jurina-sama is running away again this time,"

"Mou, I planed about to hug her and kiss her today,"

"That annoying Matsui must be the one who steal her from us,"

"Right! I can't forgive her!"

There, those random girls talking about you, and bad things about me. After their voices fade away, you pull back your palm from your mouth. I gasp for air, I guess I was holding back my breathe.

"Huh, the annoying one is you guys, not Rena-chan," you curse them under your breathe. I can hear it clearly and it makes me laugh. But when I'm about to laugh harder, you close my mouth again with your palm.

"I wonder where Jurina-sama right now, I made her cookies but she's gone way too fast,"

"Me too, I bought this super huge teddy bear for her yesterday, but she's just gone,"

"What a waste,"

I see you roll your eyes hearing those girls blabbering about you. I smile look at you copying them silently.

Again, their voices fade away. There are still some girls passing the way. Maybe it sounds stupid to hide here for hours. But there's a story behind it.

Back then, the earlier days>>>

"Let's go home," you said after changing to your uniform.

"Un," I nodded then I stood up from my chair.

It was a week after your popularity became knowledgable by the students. One by one, whisper by whisper, the story of someone who brought back the school's pride by winning the 1st place in running competition after like years our school joined just to feel the bitter to be defeated by the other school.

We went home like usual. Walking the usual path, passing the usual places. It was a calm evening, until we reached your home. There are a lot of girls from our school (we're studying in all-girls school, so yeah).

"What's this occasion?" You asked.

I thought you were just whispering it to me, but then those eyes looking at you like maniac and approached you, more like attacked you. Once we had surrounded by them, they started to pinching your cheeks, your arms, and some tried to kiss you.

I pulled you from those crazy people. But no, I failed, they pulled you harder and made me fell to the ground.

"Don't go near Jurina-sama, you unknown girl,"

"Jurina-sama deserves someone better,"

Where was this insults going on, I didn't know either.

After that I felt, for the very first time in my life, someone kicked my stomach. It was like really, really hurt. I clutched on my stomach. I couldn't breathe properly and it was too hard for me to stand up. I saw your worry face between them, you tried to reach my hand but for another times, stoped by them.


I opened my eyes when I flinched, a thousand needle were like barging into my stomach. And I felt something terrible in my arms, bruises.

"I don't believe those bunch of stupid people did this to you, Rena-chan. Oh please, for God's sake, wake up Rena-chan..." I heard your hopeless whisper. I tried to answer you but failed, I couldn't say a word, instead a cough.

"Oh my God, finally you're awake, thanks God." You hugged me really tight and a small winched from me made you let go of the hug.

"It's okay, you better rest." You kissed my forehead. The habbit of yours that I secretly like.

I didn't come to school the next day, and I heard from you that they kept on coming to your house. Since my house were quite close to your house, so it couldn't be helped that I would go home with you. That day they found you, or us literally. They catched on us and we ended up hiding together in the dark hallway near our school. That was the first time and your mom would give us a call and tell us if they already left your house.

Now everything is different...

Hearing that you will miss this 'run away' things makes me really happy. This feeling isn't one-sided after all. We will truly, really miss our way home after school. It's like we're in a club where the member is just the two of us, the hallway club or run away club.

We smile to each other still leaning our back on the hallway. It's finally dawn. I see your face glimmering under the dawn's shine.

You look at me right in my eyes, maybe right through my heart, with your calm eyes. I quickly wash away by your look, you make me calm as well. Finally you make your move. You trap me between your body and the wall. Your slender body cover me, everything I see is you, everything I smell is you. Slowly but surely, the gap between your face and mine getting closer.

"You know, Rena-chan. I will miss this moment so much after we graduate," you say half whispering.

"We still have time, 2 months is quite a long time, Jurina," I tell you. Right, our graduation will be held the next two months. I just try to make you calm. "We still can have this time for another two months."

I hear you let out a small chuckle. "I wanna make a lot of moments with you, Rena-chan," you look at me right in the eyes, again.

"We will."

You close the distance between us. You kiss me gently right in my forehead and go down. That's when our lips meet for I don't know how many times already. We're not lovers, but we've done things like kissing and clinging to each other when we sleep. There's no further action between us. We're more than best friend, but less than lovers. People call it friends with benefits, but we don't care about it at all. As long as there is 'you and me', we will be happy.

This, is the moment that I will miss the most...

You deepen the kiss by tilting your head and dive in further inside my mouth. I can feel the warmth radiating from your palm to my cheeks and behind my neck as my legs lose it's balance and force me to cling to you. I clutch on your uniform tightly, not gonna let my body fall down.

Your hands find their way under my shirt, and your kisses reach my neck, but that is when your phone suddenly rings. But you keep on your job.

"Jurina, your phone," I try to stop you but you don't stop.

You pull out from my neck and look at me,"That must be mom tell us those creepy girls have gone home," you continue on biting my neck, but your phone keep on ringing. You pull out your phone from your pocket and turn it off.

"Bad girl," I tease you.

You shrug your shoulder, put it back inside your pocket and look back at me. "Should we continue?"

"It's getting darker, we better go home," I tell you. You're sulking, protesting it but end up following me to go home. You put your right arm around my neck and start to share your day along our way home. What happen in the hallway will end there.

Graduation Day>>>

"Congratulation on your graduation, girls," our parents congratulate us. They gave us their warmest and tightest hug. They shed tears knowing that their little kids are one step closer to adulthood.

They wait for us in the car, leaving us with our friends and enjoy our last time as a highschool girl a bit longer.

As usual, people will have their eyes on you. Greeting you here and there, take a two-shoot picture with you, giving you their last presents. Right now your hand is already full with presents, chocolates and flowers.

"I thought today isn't valentine's day," I nudge your arm and make you laugh.

"You know that everyday is valentine's day for me since I get these everyday," you say confidently and show me those presents.

"Yeah, I know that Miss Popular~ Shall we go home?"

"Can we stop there for a moment?" You ask while wiggling your eyebrow.


You put all your things inside your parent's car. We tell our parents that we have something to do and they let us go.

"Just don't be too late, Jurina. You have to-"

"Yeah, yeah, reach home before 7. I got that, Daddy. Bye bye~" you pull my wrist and then we leave.

Of course I know where you will drag me, to the dark hallway, our favorite place. Today is different though, nobody catching on us, it's just us catching the certain place. As we reach the hallway, you pull me in for a kiss. I lost any words, instead of pulling back from the kiss, I deepen the kiss. I don't know why, but this kiss... You look desperate to kiss me as I notice your tears slowly roll down from the corner of your eyes.

"Wh-what happen, Jurina?" I look at you, you're crying silently, avoiding my gaze by looking at your feet.

"I... Tomorrow..."

"What? Tomorrow what?" I ask you, shaking your shoulder to find an answer. You're just being oblivious today. I don't get it at all. You're scaring me.

"I will... leave to England..." You say in a low voice, but in this hallway even a whisper could be heard clearly.

"Oh..." All I could say. I don't know what to respond that. It's tomorrow anyway, moreover I don't have the right to judge you or prevent you to not to go wherever you want.

"For years, I would be there to study," you continue. Eventhough your voice isn't cracking, your tears keep on flowing from your eyes, even your smile keep plastering on your lips. You're just amazing.

I tap your shoulder, signaling it would be okay for me. I pull you for a hug,"I understand, it's your dream, right? Nothing to worry about," right, nothing to worry about. I inhale deeply, memorizing the smell of your perfume and your body.

"I'm gonna miss you so, so bad," you sigh.

"I know that, me too."

We go home after that. I guess it would be hard for us, from now on.

The next day>>>

"Oh, I'm gonna miss you so much Jurina..." Your mom says and give you a hug, as well as your father.

"Give us a call everyday, okay?" Your father adds.

You nod your head, agreeing whatever your parents say. After that, you drag me to another place. Toilet.

Right after locking the door, you approach me and hug me really tight. "I don't feel like to leave now," you cry. How adorable.

I pull back from the hug and look at you, full of tears in your beautiful face. I brush away the tears from your face. "Don't cry, we'll meet again-"

"Years later," you cut me. "I can't stand it," you whine again.

"Just call me, I'll always answer your call."

You pull out your necklace from your neck,"Keep this, I want you to bring it with you everyday," you say then put it around my neck.

I don't have anything for you, but then I remember,"Then here," I put my bracelet on your wrist. "Bring it with you everywhere as well, just to know that I'm here waiting for you."

"I love you, Rena," this is the first time I hear you call my name in such a manner. And this is the very first time you say that you love me. I hope it's not a mere dream, if it is, then I wish I will never wake up.

"I love you too, Jurina."

You pin me against the wall and lean in for a deep kiss. The memories of us being catch by your fangirls, hiding in the dark hallway, waiting until your mom calls us until it's down and kissing in that dark place, all flashing through my head. How I'm gonna miss those times so bad. Unconsciously, my tears flow as well as yours.

I try to pull back because I can hear the call for your flight has announced. "Let me kiss you, just a bit longer," and thus, we continued for a moment until the announcer speaks for the second time.

"I guess, it's really the time," you say.

We head to the departure section. Along the way, I have a big question in my mind.

"Wait, are we... Um..." I'm not sure about it, but I have to ask you right away. "Are we dating, now?"

You laugh at my question,"Yes, we are officially dating now, Rena-chan," you say with a wide smile.

With that, I send you to leave...

4 years later>>>

"Good work, Matsui-san," another worker greets me after the day end.

Working in one of the well-known advertising company isn't easy. I have to deal with many things like deadline and photoshoot for the product. It's not like I'm the model for the photoshoot, I'm just a mere assistant of the manager and I have to follow his tight schedule.

However, the end of a day is the thing I always waiting for. To meet a shower and my fluffy bed are the best job in the world. I pass the same path I used back in highschool. And the memories are just too sweet and fun to remember. I hold the necklace in my neck. It has been 4 years since your departure to England. I sigh. I miss you just so bad.

Maybe I'm just spacing out way too much along the way back home, now I almost reach my house. I spot a figure in front of my house. A tall figure with those classy outift, looking at my house and just stand there. The two of this stranger hands are hide inside her thick jacket.

I approach that figure and tap her shoulder only to find an all-too-familiar girl that I miss a lot in front of me.

"Ah, Rena-chan!" That voice... "I miss you so much! I really miss you, Rena-chan..." The voice talk, mixing Japanese and English.


"Yes, tadaima~" so it's really you. That smile would never become someone else's smile, it's yours.

"Okaeri..." Finally, I meet you again...

<<< END >>>

Mata ato de nee  :jphip:

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Re: #13 Forever This Way (wMatsui)
« Reply #78 on: January 09, 2015, 06:34:48 AM »
What a lovely story!  :)
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline Zhen

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Re: #13 Forever This Way (wMatsui)
« Reply #79 on: January 09, 2015, 08:44:05 AM »
This is an awesome OS. :D good job! I'm quite surprise there isn't much comment. So commented! :D I love it. I hope there is more wmatsui one shot. :D thanks for the fic. [emoji51]

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