Somehow I'm back for another frustrating lame story.
I was debating with myself if I should just make this a one shot story

But in the end, I decided to just finish it by chapters since again, I ran out of ideas on how to continue it. So I also need your suggestions

Please enjoy it and throw a pie directly at me if it is bad.
Same Ground Part 1It was raining back then. Just like tonight. I can still remember how you cried and begged me to stay. I end up hurting you. I made you hate me. I was a jerk. I decided to end everything before anything could have started. The others are right. Everything about me is black. I ended up hurting such a young and innocent soul because I’m a coward. I’m so afraid of falling in love again.
My friends are worried about me after my ex-girlfriend and I broke up. I never answered their calls, I never accepted their invitation to go out with them, and I never want to leave my house. That time, I don’t want to trust anyone, again.
Geki, looked what you’ve done to me.
Maybe it was my fault believing you that you’ll never leave me behind. Tell me, when you said that you love me, that you needed me, was it all lies? I devoted myself to be a good girl friend. I did all the things that I can possibly can for you to continue loving me. But I think it was not enough wasn’t it?
I tried to live in the darkness after Geki left me. Those 3 years that we’ve been together were put to waste. She was my first. My first love, first kiss and the very first one to own me. But in the end, she left me for that puppy-looking girl. I can still remember that moment when she dumped me.
“Yuki, I love you and you know that. But please forgive me. Don’t ever think that you didn’t do your best to be a good girl friend to me. It is just that, that, I fell in love with Jurina.” Those are the very words that turned my world upside down.
“Rena, why did you do this to me?” I can only cry as I pounce Geki’s chest.
She never uttered a word. She didn’t release me from her tight hug. She was also crying while accepting all of anger. Why Geki?
That was the last time I saw her. The last time I heard about her, she was already migrating to a different country with her new girl friend. I think she really forgotten me huh? While she’s being happy with her puppy, here I am, living miserably. If I’m not concern of my daily expenses, I would have quit my work as a Systems Engineer. But as they say, you should always be professional. But after that painful break up, I decided not to trust anyone ever again. I secluded myself from the others. If it isn’t related to work, then I’ll just lock myself in my house. That is how the rumors started. The rumors that said I have a black personality. I can no longer smile thanks to her. It never bothered me even if I catch my kouhais talking about me like. I just don’t care anymore. Not until she came and blew everything around me.
“I’m Watanabe Mayu. I’ll be in your care from now on. I’m please to meet you”.
I never thought that your simple introduction will be the start of something I didn’t expect to happen. Truth is, I was carried away by her pure aura. We accidentally met each other’s gaze and you smiled at me. Those eyes, they remind me of someone. Those eyes that are full of life, they remind me of;
“Geki” I muttered to myself.
I left that room before I can make a scene. God, why are doing this to me? Am I a bad person for you to punish me like this? Geki already left me and now, you send me this. After that, I’ve promised myself not to cross paths with you. It may bring trouble for both of us if it happens.
But fate won’t just seem to listen. Of all people I can be paired with, why is it has to be you? I tried to talk to my boss but then he told me that I am the only one he can rely on making sure that Watanabe’s talent won’t go to waste. He did told me her academic background. She has an IQ of 180 and graduated in Tokyo U with the highest marks.I can’t do anything but sigh and just surrendered to this fate.
“And this is how you perform the maintenance for the main servers. Make sure to create a back up first before doing this step.” She wrote down the step on the company issued journal as I continue.
“Do you have any questions?” I asked her.
“Hai, ano, Kashiwagi-senpai, do you have a boyfriend?” that question caught me off guard.
“Excuse me, Watanabe-san?” I asked back.
“I’m asking if you have a boyfriend?” she asked again.
“Watanabe-san I believe that your question is not related to what I’m teaching you right now. Please focus.” I told her. “But to end your curiosity, I don’t have a boyfriend but I did use to have a girl friend on whom I hate right now.” I continued.
“What a waste then.” She said and then she chuckled. Afterwards she asked a question related to the things I taught her a while ago.
Seriously, what’s wrong with this kid? Is she messing up with me?
“Kashiwagi-senpai~~ Let’s eat lunch together” Everyone looked on my direction and shock is all written on their faces.
I, myself is shock too. Can’t this girl feel it? My aura is saying “Don’t feel too familiar with me!”. I was about to say no to her but she grabbed my wrist and run to the back garden. Everything moved in slow motion as we run. What is this feeling? I feel so, comfortable.
We stopped and then sat on the bench just below a huge Gingko Tree. What is this kid thinking dragging me here? I never said yes to her offer. This is troublesome!
“The sky is so nice isn’t it senpai?” she asked.
“. . . . . “
“Oh well, itadakimasu!” she said before eating her bento. This is going to be bad for my health.
Since then, we always eat lunch together on that spot. Most of the time, she always talk about herself. Her memories from her childhood, how everyone knew she was a genius and she even told me how she lost her past relationship. Even though I felt annoyed on her stories, it would be impolite to tell her to stop isn’t it? So I just kept quiet and listen to her while eating my lunch.
There are sometimes that it rain and we cannot eat outside so we decided to just eat on the cafeteria. I can hear everyone gossiping while looking at us. But she didn’t seem to care. At least we have one thing in common.
“Senpai, why did you broke up with your girlfriend?” she suddenly asked me. This kid, is she really naïve or too insensitive? Why did she bring up the question?
“I believe that I have the right not to answer that question Watanabe-san” while I continue checking if the newly trimmed Ethernet cables are working.
“You called me with my last name again” she pouted.
“Just call me Mayuyu, senpai. We’ve been partners for four months now.” She said
“That would be so unprofessional Watanabe-san, what might the others think if I can you with that nickname.” I told her.
“Mou~~~ Then just call me with that nickname when we are together” she insisted.
I just sighed with annoyance. I guess there is no helping it.
I told her everything. From how Geki and I met, until that very day she left me. Mayuyu, just listened and didn’t interrupt. I no longer shed any tears; I think she can feel how lonely I am.
“I’m sorry to hear that. I guess I became a little insensitive.” She said. A little? I can’t believe her!
“It’s okay. I mean, there isn’t any sense for me to cry anymore.” She nodded and seems to agree on what I’ve just said.
“You are right. But I think the most important thing that you need to do is to forget her and try opening your heart to someone who really loves you.”
“. . . . “
She caught me off guard again. How should I response to what she have just said?
Suddenly, she stood up and looked at me with a serious face. This is my first time seeing her like that.
“Senpai, no, Yuki. Please go out with me!” she said.
This can’t be happening again.