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Author Topic: "The games of sins" Atsumina, OS, 26.01.17  (Read 33588 times)

Offline black_maa

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"The games of sins" Atsumina, OS, 26.01.17
« on: November 28, 2014, 12:19:55 PM »

My fantazy in words! In ATSUMINA world!
1.     Bad patient "Melting diamond"
2.    Drabble #1
3.    Treasure for me
4.    Money against treasure Full version here   (smut)
5.    Mess on the stage (different pairs)    
6.    Simply... Unbelievable
7.    Drabble #2 - Family things
8.    Hot friendship "A secret" Full version  Here  (smut)
9.    Let me Be
10.  The games of sins
1.    Painful mistake  -( Prologue ; -1 ; -2 ; -3 ; -4 ; -5 ; -6 ; -7 ) Finished
2.   Painful mistake: After story - (-1 ; -2 ; -3 ; -4 ; -5 ; -6 ; -7 ; -8 ) Finished
3.   Never give up – (-Epilogue ; -1 ) On hold
4.   The secret of my heart -( -1 ; -2 ; -3 ; -4 ; -5.1 ; -5.2; -6 ) On ==================================================================================================

Something just came in my mind and write short dialogue between Atsuko and Minami. :)  I am not sure, maybe someone already has written something like that, if yes.. my apologies..

   DRABBLE  #1 Atsumina
Minami: (Sitting on the couch and do some paper works)
 Atsuko: (Came out from kitchen and sit besides, put head to Minamis shoulder) Minami?
  M: Hm?
 A: Do you like me?
  M: Yes..
 A: Minami?
  M: Hm?
 A: Do you love me?
  M: Yes of course. (still doing paper works)
 A: Minami?
  M: Hm?
 A: How much do you love me?
  M: (looking to the Atsuko) More than everything you can imagine. (continue her work)
 A: Minami?
  M: Hm?
 A: How much you will do for me?
  M: I will do everything for you, even  if I need to sacrifice my life.
 A: Minami?
  M: Hm?
 A: Will you do something for me right now?
  M: Yes, of course. So what is it?
 A: I just cook something. Can you taste it?
  M: Yes, sure. (in her mind – Wait, Atsuko can’t cook.)
 A: (Stand up and go to the kitchen)
  M: (In low voice) I need to get away from here. (Start packing things)
 A: (Came out from kitchen with food in hands) Minami, where are you going?
  M: Amm..sorry, I.. just get a message, that I.. need to meet some client. (Try to get away)
 A: What, no. You first need to try it. (Going closer to Minami)
  M: Not now Acchan, I need to go, it’s very important.
 A: I won’t let you. (Stand in front of Minami and try to feed her)
  M: Atsuko, please no. (try to resist)
 A: Just taste it. ( try to get spoon in Minamis mouth) You said, that you will do everything for me.
  M: Yes, I did, but I didn’t meant to die like that.
 A: (Succcsefully get the spoon in Minamis mouth).
  M: (stop resisting) hmm.. taste is good. What is it Atsuko? ( start to eat more)
 A: Well, I am not sure, I bought it in shop and in front of pack was writing „For your Darling”
  M: Pfff.. *coughs.. *coughs.. What?
 A: Is it something wrong? (looking to the Minami with question mark in face)
  M: Atsuko, this food is for cats.
 A: Oh! Amm.. sorry? (take away from Minamis hand the food and walk away)
  M: I can’t believe it.
 A: (start walking in the house) Where are you kitty, kitty?  I have some food for you, came here! Kitty, kitty!
  M: (Facepalm)
« Last Edit: June 07, 2017, 02:13:12 PM by black_maa »
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

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Re: DIALOGUE between Atsumina
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2014, 03:55:34 PM »

 Poor takamina  :smhid :bow:

 Nice story author san  :twothumbs

 Hope you will update more  :bow:

Offline Haruko

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Re: DIALOGUE between Atsumina
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2014, 05:32:45 AM »
hahaha poor minami

Offline black_maa

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Never give up - Never let go (EPILOGUE)
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2014, 11:21:57 AM »
I just start new story. However, I said, there would be OS, but it's only on writing process and my imagination start thinking about this. At first there is Epilogue (I am not sure, I can call it like that). About pairing -you will know that from the beginning. If someone want to give some request about what include in this story, that I will try to do that, However, I can't promise 100%. Enjoy reading.


                                                                 NEVER GIVE UP -  NEVER LET GO 

If you can get a job here, or to be a business partner, on of the country top company, which even is known all a round the world, then you can say – „Impossible is possible and I have just won highest prize of all of them.”-
The name of it is „T.M. & M.A.”
. – the famous architecture company.
  „If you want get job here, you need to make sure to understand two rules.” Takahashi secretary Shinoda Mariko, try to explain things to the new girl.
 „O-Okay! I am listening.” New girl answer her, because she really want’s this job, it’s  a dream of hers.
  „So, first of all. From the beginning there weren’t rules like those before, but after some incident, we create them, what is only for safety.” .. „But before rules, you need to know, that our boss is married with girl, however, she also is a girl.”
  First rule - If you want get a job or be a business partner with her, never try to say some bad or indecent words about staff.
  „Because you don’t know, who is her wife. If someone will say something like that and you find out it’s hers wife, then you can forget about job here or to be a business partner. It will never happen. Never try to ask for other chance. In the end, you will go out with police help, on each side of you.”… „Do you understand?”
 „Yes, I understand. What is second rule?”
  „Second is the most important, if you care your life.”
 „W – what do you mean by that?”
 Second rule – Never. Ever. Try. To. Seduce. Takahashi. Minami.
  „Why here is rule like this?”
 „Well, because last girl, who try to do this.. where is hospital about three weeks and after that, she still needed a psychologist help.”
  „W-What? Why that? Is Takahashi so evil?”
 „Not her.. but her wife.” … „ That girl try to seduce Takahashi and her wife saw that. Poor girl. I think she even change the country.”
  „W-What her wife did to that girl?”
 „You don’t want to know. But I can say that – Takahashi wife look like an angel, but she can turn into devil in one second.” .. „ She will hunt you, until you beg for mercy, but still in the end you just want to kill yourself.”
  „Oh.. o-okay!” New girl was in shock, when she heard about Takahashi wife. She start to get scare about time, when she will to speak with her. „Okay, now or never, chance like this can be only one time in the life.” New girl went in Takahashi office. She first time felt so nervouse.
 „Hello, Mis Takahashi. My name is Ono Erena.
 „Oh.. Hello. Sit please.” She answered while looking at the new girl.
  Before they  start to speak about job chances in here, someone came in and approach Takahashi. That girl looks like an angel, that’s her.. she is Takahashi wife. The new girl start to get more nervous, until Takahashi wife look at the her. „Why she looking at me? I’m scered. I don’t want to die like that. Maybe after all it wasn’t good idea to come to here.” She were in panic in her mind.
 „Acchan, please go to sit on the couch.” Takahashi said to her wife.
  „Yes, sure, honey.” Before Acchan went to sit on the couch, she made a glance at the new girl. In Acchan eyes you can see a fire and ready to kill everyone, who only will look on wrong way at her beloved Takahashi or say something what she don’t like.
 „So, tell me about yourself and do you have some experience in other jobs?” Takahashi asked.
  „Well, about myself… „ While new girl talking, she felt, that Takahashi wife is looking at her. She get more scared. One wrong move or word and hers life is over.
„Thank you Ono Erena. My secretary will call you, about my decision.” New girl just bowed  to her and went out from office.
  „Acchan, can you please stop that, you doing it again?”
 „What did I do?” with innocent voice
  „Do you think, that I don’t know how you look at her. She was scared to death.”
 „It’s not my problem. I just don’t trust her.” She stand up from couch and went to her. She hugged Minami from behind, while she were still sitting in her chair. With seductive voice, Acchan talk.
  „Your soul and body belongs to me, Minami. No one can take you away from me. If someone try to seduce you.. I will just smash that person… Because I don’t like to share with my property, who is you.” She kissed Minamis right ear, while left hand was around her neck and the same time slowly trying to open hers beloved blouse.. but hers right hand already traveled to the smooth  skin, what was on Minamis stomach.
 „Acchan, we are in office.” Minami try to control her voice from not moaning.
  „I don’t care.” She answered with low voice, while kissing hers beloved neck, until she reach her target – soft and tasty lips, what just ask for kiss.. for passionate kissis.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 08:08:22 PM by black_maa »
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

Offline Mina

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Re: Never give up - Never let go (EPILOGUE)
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2014, 08:43:06 PM »
Acchan jealous is very cool, I loved the beginning  :twothumbs. Please continue!  :bow:

Offline phoenix0i

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Re: Never give up - Never let go (EPILOGUE)
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2014, 12:55:26 PM »
Acchan here is quite bold and daring.    :shocked:
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
Taeny, Atsumina and SayaMilky <3

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Re: Never give up - Never let go (EPILOGUE)
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2014, 04:53:36 PM »
Acchan is so scary~~

Offline black_maa

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Never give up - „CHASING DREAMS” Chapter 1
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2014, 08:45:28 AM »
Hello, everyone! Thank you, who leaves comments, or only push "Thanks" buttons and of course my silent readers. There is first chapter of this story, so, enjoy reading. And of course, sca~ry Acchan.  :roll:  I hope you like it.



„I am bo~ring!” lazy sleeping in couch, what is near from doors.
„Can’t help it.”
„What do you mean – can’t help it? You are my husband. So, do something!”
„Sorry, Atsuko, but I am busy. There soon will be new girl, for job interview. For you knowing, I am also wife and don’t forget we are in office. So, you better cover yourself and…. Acchan? Why you your blouse is open?”
„A~h.. coz it’s hot. And I want my husband on top of me.”
„I can’t believe it.. You are such a horny person.”
„I know and it’s your fault! When I look at you, especially when you writing some papers, you  turn me on.” Touching her stomach with fingernails.
„Khmm.. You are right. There really start to get hot.” 
„Do I turn you on, when I do this?” take higher her skirts, until can see a panties.
„Oh.. Damn you, Atsuko..” Stand up and start to walk to the same couch.
Bzz.. „Miss Takahashi? Just came new girl to the job interview.” Someone voice speaking thru the phone, what was turn on the speaker.
„Damn.. I knew, that something like this will happen. Atsuko, fix your clothes.” Go back to the table. Behind of table are windows. In front of them, are doors.
„Miss Takahashi, can I send her in?” 
„Yes, sure, send her in, Mariko.” Fixing herself.
„Things with you, lady, I will take care later. Now, be good wife.” Start to breath normal, again.
„I will waiting with pleasure.” Answer with seductive voice.
Doors open and come in new girl.
„Hello, Miss Takahashi.” Bowing in front of her.
„Hello there, Miss..?” try to remember her name
„…Tomomi Itano.” New girl answered
„Oh, nice to meet you. Sit, please.” Showing the place, what is in front of her.
„Thank you.” Didn’t see Acchan, who is behind of her, because she is still sitting on  the couch.
„So, tell me, what’s bring you here and why you like this kind of job?”
„Well, I studied about architecture very much. I am really good with it. Also I wan’to my knowledge make more better.”
„Oh.. I see.” While Tomomi telling about herself, Acchan trying to seduce Takamina. She slowly start to open again her blouse, what Takamina also can see.
„I really want to work here, because, it’s only place, were I can get them, and it will be very big experience for me. Also, I want to help to develop the this company, because it’s still growing.”
„I understand you.. Khmm…” Looking at Acchan, who  already touching her chest.
„Amm.. Takahashi. I am sorry to ask you, but are you all right?” Takamina look back at the new girl.
„What? No.. I mean yes. Everything is okay. Just little bit hot is here. Hehe..” Smiling awkwardly. Looking back at Atsuko, who slowly touching hers stomach and sometimes bit lower.
„So~, when you want to start to work?” Try to look at the new girl, but fail. Acchan start to expose her body more.
„ If I can, then already tomorrow?”
„Okay, then my secretary make phone call to you and she will explain other things.” After that, Acchan start to fast fix her cloths, like nothing has happen.
„Thank you very much, Takahashi.” Bowing her. When she turn around, she sees Acchan.
„Oh, I didn’t know, that there is someone else. My apologies, Miss!” Bowing to her
„Maeda Atsuko… Takahashi wife, and it’s okay.” Smile to her.
„Wife?” girl look surprised
„Oh! Sorry again. I will leave now.” Go out from cabinet
„Damn, Atsuko. I almost got heart attack, because of what you doing. You were in luck, that she didn’t see you.”
„Hehe…  By the way, I need to do something. So, see you later.”
„What? Where are you going? While ago, you try to make me crazy, but now, you just leave.” Looking with surprised eyes.
„So~rry, bye-bye.”  Come closer to Takamina, give quick kiss on the lips and leave.
„But.. aah..! Why she always doing this?” Talking with herself.
Knock knock… someone is knocking to the doors.
„Yes,  come in.”
„Hello, Takamina. I brought you some documents, what you need to sign.”
„Oh, hi, Mariko. Yes, thank you. By the way, do I have some upcoming meeting?”
„Only on next week. There will be different kind of people, who are from other companies, well, more like our competitors. There will be discussion about upcoming project, what cost, well, very much. This project may lifht up our prestige.”
„I see. Thats mean, we need to be ready and careful. After that, everything can happen. And I want to get that project. Also I agree with you, It’s our chance to show other, how good we are and our chance to get more larger projects.”
„Yes, that’s right, Takamina, but it will be hard.”
„Yes, it’s true.”.. „Oh, one more thing.”
„Hm? What is it?”
„Do you know, where Acchan went?”
„Amm.. sorry, but no.”
„Okay, Thank you. You may leave.”
„Thank you.” Leaves the cabinet
„Hmm.. where that women went again.? Oh, well.. I will see her latter, maybe. But still, I need to punish her, for what she did.”
After work in Minami and Atsuko house.

 Minami just came from work and looking for Atsuko.
„Acchan! Are you home? …Acchan?!”
„Hmm.. Yes, I am here!” Acchan answered from kitchen
„Hey, what are you doing?” Takamina came in kitchen and looking what Acchan is doing.
„Trying some new recept. I hope you like it.”
„Then we will see it.” Try to tease her. „. Oh, by the way, what you think about our new worker?”
„Hmm.. well, she looks all right..”
„Good to hear.”
„..But if, she try to seduce you, then.. well, I can’t promise anything.”
„Acchan, what do you mean with that.? I hope you don’t planning to do something to her.?”
„Maybe.” Smiling creepy
„Okay, okay, I won’t do anything.”
„I hope so and please promise me, too.”
„I pro~mise!” In her thoughts „But if she try to seduce you.. then be ready, new girl.. hehe..”
„Acchan, why you are smiling like that? You are planning for something.. Yes, you do. Acchan, don’t even try.. If I hear something, then you will be in big trouble.”
„Don’t worry.. I already promise, that I won’t do anything, because you will see it then.” In her mind „Because I will do it, when you won’t see it and you don’t even have a clue about that. Hehe..”
„Acchan, NO!”
„What?!  I didn’t do anything! At least, not now.”… „Okay, food is ready.”
„Oh, I am starving!” Start to eat.
„Takamina~ Are you not forgettting something?” Try to tease her.
„Amm.. No.” Continue to eat. Acchan pretend to be mad. She stand up and start to walk away. When she almost passes her, Takamina grab her by hand and pulled her in lap.
„If you mean this, then it’s not possible to forget.” At that moment Takamina give her wife very passionate kiss. After while they part away.
„Oh, Minami, you are so good kisser, that’s why,  I love you so~ much.” Acchan give her quick kiss on the lips „..and I won’t change that for anything.”
„Glad to hear. Also I love you very much, too. You are everything to me.” Acchan stand up from Takaminas lap and go out from kitchen.
„By the way, Minami.. Don’t eat too long, coz I am waiting you in our bedroom.. I bought new lingerie. So~, be~ rea~dy~.” She speak with seductive voice.
„Oh! This will be long night.” Speak with herself.
Next day. At work. In office.
„Takamina~! Why that new girl are dressed like that?” Looks angry
„What do you mean? She looks fine.” Continue her work. New girl wears short skirts and pink blouse, with few opened buttons from up.
„I don’t like it. I think she try to seduce you.” Pouts
„Acchan, stop it. It’s nothing like that. She just want to leave good impression to others.”
„I still don’t like it.”
„Acchan, please. There is no one, who can seduce me, except you.” Go to Acchan, who is sitting in couch. Sit besides and take her hand in her hands.. „.. and besides, you are only one in my heart.” Lean closer to Acchan face and give her quick kiss on lips.
„Mou, Takamina..” still pouts.
„So, don’t think about how she is dressed. Okay?” still sits besides her.
„Okay, but if I see or found out, that she try to seduce you, then…”
„Acchan, something like that will never happen, so don’t worry.”
„I hope you are right.” Try to smile.
„Everything will be alright… Besides, I need to continue my work., next week is very important meeting.” … „So, what are your plans today?” go back to her table
„Amm.. still not sure. Maybe walk around.”
„Okay, but be careful.”
„Oka~y.” Stands up and go out.
In Takaminas mind „I just don’t even want to know, what she can do, when she is jealuos. But still, I need to protect her. I don’t know why, but I have strange feeling inside and that feeling scares me.”
After few hours in office.
Hmm.. it’s look like Takahashi are into girls. Also she not even try to deny it, because her wife is here. Well, I can admit that her wife is pretty, however,  she doesn’t look like someone, who can compare with me, she looks too weak for me. HeHe… That’s my chance to get Takahashi, and all what she have. It’s only matter of time.. soon you fell in love with me, and your beloved wife, will be gone. HAHA.. All what I need to do is seduce you and I know the best way how to do it. In my garderobe are enough clothes, what can seduce everyone heart.
It’s my first day in this kind of work, and there start my chance to seduce you, especially, with those kind of clothes, what I wearing right now. But I  still need to think a way how to get in your cabinet and find perfect time, when there isn’t your wife. Hmm… maybe I should just go in and ask something about work. I think she will answer me with smile.
„Okay, there goes. First step, get permission to call her by her nickname, but more better would be, if by her name.”
At Takaminas cabinet
„Ah, those papers works are so exhausting.I think I need take some free time. Hmm.. I think I should call Acchan.” While Takamina looking for her phone, someone knocked to the doors.
„Yes, come in.” At that time Tomomi came in. „Oh, hi, Tomomi, how are you doing?”
„Hello, Takahashi.”
„Don’t be so formal, just call me Takamina.”
„Oh, thank you, Takamina.” ‘First step – done.hihi.’.
„So, whats brings you here.?”
„Amm.. I just want ask some question about my work, well, I mean, about what I need to do…”… „well, there are some point write, but can you explain me more.”. I leaned closer to her. I think the way, how we look like right now, well, from the other side, probably looks very awkward. When she try to explain things, I change my positions. In this position she can see, what is under my blouse. I even think, should I open few more buttons from the top.
„First you, Tomomi, should get know our programs, with what we are working , and..” Hi, hi.. I can see, that she doesn’t feel comfortable everytime when she look at me. Looks I am success with my plan. „…and if you..”. 
„MINAMI~~” Damn, it’s her wife. More louder she couldn’t come in and why right now? I were so close.
„Acchan.?” Takamina, you should pay attention to me, not HER.
„Minami~. I miss you~!” That women. Looks like she doesn’t have shame.
„Amm.. Tomomi.. If you have other questions about this, then you can ask to Shinoda-sama, she will help you.” Takamina no, I want you.
„Oh, okay, Thank you about this, too.”  Okay, I will go.. only this time.
When I start to go out, I need to passes that women. When I was almost near to her, she look at me.. It’s look like someone is jealous. Start worrying, Maeda, because your time in here comes to an end.
When Tomomi was near to Acchan, you can see a fire between them. In Acchan eyes you can see – jealousy, anger and little bit of pain.
When I came in Minami cabinet I saw that new girl. She was too close to my Minami. What she think she are and what the hell she is doing? Oh no~
My Minami no one take away from me. I won’t let someone like her just come in and try to seduce my lovely Minami. Don’t even try. I will fight for her. I don’t care how hard it will be, but I will do everything to keep Minami to me. In the  world can’t be more dangerous person like jealous wife.

Chapter 2 "Never give up - Dare to be", won't be so soon.. I won't be time to write, because on this upcoming holidays I will stay in other place, where I need to work..
Also, don't think all story I will write like that, that's meant, be prepare for anything.. :twisted:
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

Offline Sydney W

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Re: Dialogue + Story (Never give up - ) New update, Ch.1 [12.19.14]
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2014, 04:03:30 AM »
Next round would be Atsuko vs Tomomi. More drama to read up next.

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Re: Dialogue + Story (Never give up - ) New update, Ch.1 [12.19.14]
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2014, 04:52:40 AM »
I see more sparks are flying in the office huh?

Why didn't Mariko scare Tomomi like she did to Erena?

Ah... what's going to happen with Atsuko and Tomomi?

Can't wait to see some office fight

Thank you for the updates

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: Dialogue + Story (Never give up - ) New update, Ch.1 [12.19.14]
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2015, 11:16:40 PM »
update, please? :bow: :bow:

Offline black_maa

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Re: Dialogue + Story (Never give up - ) New update, Ch.1 [12.19.14]
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2015, 09:18:45 PM »
update, please? :bow: :bow:

Please, be patient.. Also I am sorry, but it's not even written, only plan points, what happens in each chapter.. Lately I am very busy.. but I will try to continue..  :kneelbow:
Thank you for reading!
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

Offline @gee

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Re: Dialogue + Story (Never give up - ) Ch.1 [12.19.14]
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2015, 12:19:13 AM »
Well then.... I'll wait for your updates author-San ^_^
*Senpai Please Notice Me (TakaYui x Atsumina Fic) (on going)

*Kuroishi Jealosy (One Shoot)

*Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story (on going)


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Re: Dialogue + Story (Never give up - ) Ch.1 [12.19.14]
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2015, 06:17:39 PM »
Love triangle. Interesting.  :)
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
Taeny, Atsumina and SayaMilky <3

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Re: Dialogue + Story (Never give up - ) Ch.1 [12.19.14]
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2015, 10:46:34 PM »
Ah rival has arrive

Let see how Acchan do

Update soon

Offline black_maa

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Story(Never give up - ) + NEW OS [10.02.15]
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2015, 09:43:43 PM »
Hi everyone. I know, that you waiting for me update continue of some stories, but this time it's only a short OS. While writing my reports for school, something came in my mind (because of my high level imagination). While relaxing from school things, I write this.. but don't worry, I will continue stories too.  :kneelbow: someday..
About pairing.. in my head it always will be Atsumina, but this time I didn't write no one name.. maybe someone of you can see there some other pair, but of course, it's depend from your imagination.  8)

Also, enjoy reading!  :)  and sorry about my bad english.!

                                                                        TREASURE FOR ME

One thing what I appreciate in this world is friendship. It’s more like treasure for me, what I keeping  in my heart and never let it out. The reason of this friendship is my friend, my only true friend. We know each other from  diapers time. We grow together. Playing together. Spent time together. Did bad things together. Were scolded together. Even cried together… laughed together. We were like twins, who know each other steps and just by look, we know what we want or what we meant. We even went in one school. No one could separate us… at least I thougth that. In high school she meet someone. It was one guy, who tried very long to go on a date with her… she agreed to him. We start to spend more less time together, because, she hadn’t time for me.. she went with him. Of course I miss spent time with her, but it was hers choice and I only accept it. She made phone calls to every night and told how was day with him. I was happy for her… I known this time would someday come. We are growing. We need someone with who spend together rest of our lives. Each of us known that. Also, we didn’t want to loss each other. But we have to accept it.
It was already university time. We still went in one place, but this time in different professions. She looks so good with her boyfriend and it was already 2 years to them. This time went so fast. She looks so happy. How I like when she smile. Until she have this smile, I will be happy for her and let her leave her life. But….
I was in my home.. watching some movie and then I got phone call.. from her. When I answer to her, only thing what I heard was… sobs. She was crying. She didn’t said anything, but I understand everything. I got my coat and went straight to her house, what take me about 10 minutes.. But I didn’t ended the phone call.. I still listened to.
I went in hers house. She was sitting on the floor with her phone in her hands… crying. I got closer to her.. bent on my knees and hug her. She hug me back and start to cry more louder.
After one hour she calmed down. She start to speak.
„Why?” It was only word from her.
„Because… he is jerk. He don’t know how to treat a girl. He wasn’t good for you.” I didn’t know what to say more. Inside I was crying too, but I had to be strong for her.
„Then why its hurt?” her had was still on my chest and her eyes were close.
„Because you…let him in.. in your heart.” She didn’t say anything.. just tried to make our hug more tighter.
„Than I will never ever let someone in.. in there. I promise. Because its hurt too much.” I didn’t say anything, just hold her in my arms.

It was already one week, but her beautiful smile didn’t appear again. She mean to  me too much and I miss that smile. I want to see it again and I have to do something.
Few years ago, we both were watching some movie, where some stranger was sending letters to some girl, who very rare were smiling. Those letters was sweet, kind and romantic. After some while, that girl was smiling very often. When movie ended, she told me, that she want to receive those kind of letters too. Because, that mean, that someone can see her and love her. I hope she don’t remember that movie, because, I will try to do it, but I will pretend, that it isn’t me.
Those letters, more like sentences was short –

„If flowers could speak, they would say how beautiful you are.”

I put them under her table in class where has her place. Usually under table you can put some books, or other things. After school I   went home alone, because she still have some lectures.
Before sleep time I got a phone call from her. She said about that letter and the sender was stranger. However she was confused about it, but never said, that she didn’t like it. That is why I have to continue to send them. I want that smile back.
I put second letter under her table, while everyone was out from class.

„Your smile can melt every heart, even hearts from ice.”

In those letters I write my thoughts about her. Things what I really meant for her. When she read second one, I was’t very far from her, but she didn’t see me. I think I saw little smile.

„Your eyes are like diamond, when you show us your beautiful smile.”

Little bit I start to feel, that she is back, but not yet. I still put more letters. One letter in two days. I want her to understand, that she isn’t alone in this world.

„When you pout, I want to hug you and never let go.”

While writing them, I felt strange feeling inside of me. My heart start to beat little bit faster everytime, when I think about her.

„Your laughs make to realize, how world can be bright with it.”

I think, I start to fall in love with her. Her smile is almost back. And this will be last letter what I put under her table. I have to stop them, before she caught me and I don’t want to lose her.

„I would give everything what I have, if I could see that precious smile of you.”

It was already week since I write last letter. I didn’t have time to talk with her, because she was busy with her school things. But she always sent me messages, only saying „Good night or good morning.”
I was watching TV when someone knocked to my doors. When I open them there was standing her.. my friend. I let her in, she went to sit on couch. While I sit besides of her, she start to speak.
„I felt in love in person, who wrote those letters. And this person is in my heart.”
„….What? But then you broke your promise, what you made to yourself.?”
„No, I didn’t.” She look at me with those beautiful eyes.
„But you said you are in love.” I was confused.
„This person was already in my heart before I made this promise to myself. I just didn’t see it.”
„Then who is this person?” Please, don’t say it’s that jerk…
„This person is someone, who know me the best. This person is someone, who know what I want. This is person, who love me the most.”
„I don’t understand what are you talking about?” she only looked in my eyes and didn’t answer to my question, but instead asked me.
„Why did you stop?”
„Stop?.. Stop what?”
„Stop writing.”
„Writing what?”
„Letters.” It can’t be, that she know
„I.. I don’t understand, what letters?” I have to pretend, that I don’t know.
„You are bad liar.” I felt, that my heart start to beat little bit faster.
„I..I..” she take my hand into her and squeeze it, while looking at them, then back at me.
„You are only one, who can make me smile again.” She put her hands now on my cheeks and gave me a kiss. However, we already before gave each other some kisses on lips or cheeks, but they were fast and just for fun. But this kiss was soft and gentle and little bit longer… Our eyes were close and I answered her. After separating our lips, our foreheads was still together. Our eyes were half open. She change her position and now she was sitting on my lap, with her legs open. Puting her hands around my neck, she try to get our bodies closer by hugging. I huged her back. Her head was on my shoulder.
„Since when did you realize it?” I asked her.
„Since first letter.” I heard hers laughs.
„Eh!?” I am that bad?!
„Because, I also remember that movie and my words after that. And only one, who know about this, it’s you.”
„Oh..” She again gave me gentle kiss on lips. My heart was beating like crazy.
„Only what I need in this world, is you.”
„A-are you sure?”
„More then ever.”
„I am happy to hear it. In those two years I miss our time together.” We were still hugging.
„I miss you two. And you are only one, who can handle with my stubborn attitude and only one, who know, what I want. Also you are only one, who are always by my side.”
„I could say the same.” At that moment she look at me and gave this precious smile of her, what I love more than everything in this world. She is my biggest treasure. Treasure, what I will never let go and never let someone to take her away for me. She is treasure, who want to be loved and want around hands, where she feels safe. She is treasure, what no one can buy.


Sorry.. I know it was short. But two days ago it was longer, but my 'great' computer lost first version and I had to write again. After that, I already forgot what I write back then. :doh:
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

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Re: Story(Never give up - ) + NEW OS [10.02.15]
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2015, 04:36:11 AM »
I remember when I do that to my ex *secret admirer* :v wkowko

Nice update black_maa-san love it^^

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Re: Story(Never give up - ) + NEW OS [10.02.15]
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2015, 07:03:57 AM »
Author San thank you for the one shot. It's short but sweet. This story remind me of my school time. >_<
Thank you so much...
*Senpai Please Notice Me (TakaYui x Atsumina Fic) (on going)

*Kuroishi Jealosy (One Shoot)

*Nogizaka Girls High School Club Love Story (on going)


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Re: Story(Never give up - ) + NEW OS [10.02.15]
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2015, 05:43:24 PM »
so cute!  :heart:

Offline black_maa

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Story(Never give up - ) + NEW OS, AtsuMina [15.02.15]
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2015, 09:36:20 PM »
Thank you everyone for comment and who read it last OS, but now.. I how something new... new OS.. But there is one BUT!
Also.. I really sorry about my bad english skills..  :kneelbow: And my mistakes I only found, when I update it in here.

                                                          MONEY AGAINST TREASURE

My family is in very bad situation. We are owe. Lately I and them spent too much money and I didn’t care anything. My parents didn’t say anything too. We just wanted to live real life, like those rich people. Until one day they came, those people who we were owed. They wanted back their money. But we didn’t have nothing what to give… they gave us a week. In one week we have to get twenty million dollars or they will make us saffer.. by slowly damaging our bodies. I don’t want that. I am scare.
When I look at my parents, they didn’t say anything. They just agree for anything what they said.
„Mom.. dad.. What will happen now.. with us?” I asked them. But they just looked at me and said something hurtful.
„You have to get this money. Do everything what you can. If necessary.. even sold your body.”
„Wha-what?” I couldn’t believe what they said. My body? Why? I am their daughter.
„I am sorry. But we have no choice.” They turn around and went away. I was standing there, like frozen. How could they?
In next day I was with my friends. I told them everything. But no one of my friends have such a money. It’s hopeless. They said, they try to think something, but I am not hoping for that. There is no time.
In next day I got a message to arrive in some kind of place. They can help me with money.. but I have to be ready to do anything what they want. Choice is mine. But this time.. I didn’t have it.
I went to this place. It was huge. There was standing expensive cars. Bodyguards. Video cameras. Maids. I ring to the door bell, after few second someone opened and let me in.
„Hello, I come to..”
„She is already waiting for you.” I couldn’t finish my sentence. How can they know, that I will come and.. She?. „Please, follow me.” I just went behind of her. We went in big room. Everything in there looks so expensive. Who is this person? There was some girls. Half…. Naked? What? I have strange feeling. My heart start to beat faster. Those girls start to move and now I see someone between them. It was a girl. She looks so young. She were looking at me with smile.
„H-hello. I am Meade Atsuko and..” I bowed to her.
„Hello there, young lady. Just call me Takamina. And I heard about what happens and about money.. well.. it’s a lot.”
„I know. C-can I borrow from you this.. money.? P-Please?” I look at her with teary eyes.
„Well.. you can.” I start to smile. I never thought I really can get so much money.
„W-what?” I don’t like this word
„What you can give to me?”
„I..I..” From this question I was afraid most of it.
„Hmm?” She looked at me with devilish grin.
„I.. don’t have nothing… But please.. I realy need this money.”
„I know.. but did you think I will give you money just like that!?” She start to laugh.
„Well.. I.. Gi-give you my bo-body.” My heart was racing. I want to run away.. but I can’t..
„HAHA.. Your body?! Why do I need your body, when I already have this.!” She grab one of girls...................
„I… P-please!” I felt tears in my eyes.
„You are my  only chance.”
„Hmm.. I would admit that you look very cute.” I felt a blush in my cheeks.
„T-thank you.”
„W-what?” Strip?. I can’t do that. There is some many people here. It’s so embarrassing.
„I said strip! I want to know, if you are that worth.” I slowly put my hands on my blouse and slowly start to unbutton it. I couldn’t look at her or somewhere else. I only look at the ground. My hands were trembling. My blouse slide from my shoulders to the ground. I was wearing red underwear.  Taking of my shoes, I also open and slide it down mine skirts. Standing there like frozen, I try to cover myself.
„I meant EVERYTHING!” I look at her.
„I-I can’t.”
„You can’t?! HA! Then how you can strip in front of you boyfriend or someone else, who had a chance to taste your body?”
„I.. never had a boyfriend or someone e-else.” I could feel, that my face is red.
„You don’t?” She looked suprised „Hmm.. that’s mean… you are..?” I only nod her with meaning yes. „Well.. nowaday it’s very rarely to meet such a pretty girl who is still.. .!” Her smile turn into more devilish. I could see, that something she have in her  mind. „Girls… help her to move those clouthe.”
„W-what? No. P-please.” Three girls came to me. Two of them grab each of my arm and holding away of my body. Third one went to behind of me and start to doing something to my bra. She open it. Also open the straps for easy to take it away. Then she leaned lower and slowly take off my panties. After that they let me go and went out. I try to cover myself again. My face was burning. Please, someone, help me. I don’t want to be here................

[SORRY!! In this OS have smut moments. You can read it only, if you have permission to do that. Sorry again!
Also, it isn't tottaly smut, but I just don't want to get in trouble, and post it in perv section.
But for others, who have this permissions: - [I hope it works] ]

When I woke up I was still naked, but she was covered me with blanket. Sitting opposite to me, she start to speak.

„Hi. You are wake. How you feel?” Its sounded so soft and with feeling. But I didn’t care. I did what she wanted and that’s all.
„Where is my clouthe and money?” Covering myself with blanket I changed my position in couch and now I was sitting.
„Your clothe are there and money…” She showed me bag with money „ here.”
„It doesn’t look like twenty million.” I looked at her with angry look.
„Yes, it doesn’t. There is fifteen.” She was smiling at me. I don’t like it.
„But there was a deal. I need my money!” I stand up from couch and put back my clothes.
„Hmm.. You think with only one time I will give you such a money? HaHa!” She was laughing.
„What? You want more? In your dreams!” I taking a bag and start to walk away, when she again start to speak.
„I will waiting for you. And I want to taste you, ......” Not even turning my look at her, I answered.
„Go to hell, I will never come back.” With that I walk away. However there wasn’t enough money, but at least more then half.           
I had still three days for getting those five million. In next day came again those men.
I gave them money what I had.
„There is fifteen. Other five will be leter.” I said to them.
„ still have one day. If there wasn’t rest of the money, we will take one of you with us.” With big grin they looked at me. Why I feel like.. it would be me. I need get that money. And soon..
„Don’t worry. You will get your money.” With angry look I answered to them. But inside I was scared.
„We hope so. However.. we wouldn’t mind to take some of you, with us..” With smile they went out from house. My parents didn’t said anything and again just walk away.
„Damn.. where the heck I will get that money? I don’t want to go back to there. Aah!!”
Time was going. But my chance for getting money more less. Ten hours. There is only ten hours left. I don’t have a choice..
Next thing what I remember was that.. I was standing in front at this big house doors. It was place, where I lost my treasure. I knocked to the doors. Some maid opened them and let me in. She was showing me a place where to go. This time it was bedroom.
„Please, madam. You can use a shower. Later our mistress will come.” I only nod to her and she went out. This bedroom looks so big. I went in bathroom, taken off my clothes and went in shower.
„I can do it… Atsuko, you can do it. It’s only chance to get your family free. Remember, you are doing it for your family.” I said to myself, while water was dripping to my naked body. After some while I went out. Put on some wrapper, because there was no need for put back my clothes, if they will be taken off sooner or later..........
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 09:48:00 PM by black_maa »
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

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