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Author Topic: Majisuka Gakuen A-lternate - chapter 5 (MaYuki) 13/02/2015  (Read 10740 times)

Offline qweakb

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Re: Majisuka Gakuen A-lternate (MaYuki)
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2015, 06:56:11 PM »
Mayu gain a new power whicb is Cyborg Mode. Does that mean now she have 2 powers or her power had upgraded to cyborg mode?

Please update soon XD
Mayu Cyborg Mode has been shown in the Prologue, when her hat was detached because of the bat girl.
In Episode 1, when Mayu fought Team Steak and she took off her glasses, it was her normal power.
Hope the explanation helps [emoji1]
I see... Haha...I thought mayu have another power. Never thought that it her glasses taking off XD
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

Offline JEEY

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Re: Majisuka Gakuen A-lternate (MaYuki)
« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2015, 03:58:26 PM »
Episode 4 - Purpose, Reason

"Hey, hey, after seeing Kuroyuki with my own eyes, I think we really have a chance to beat Rappapa," said Midoru as she cut a small piece of steak.

   Sekigan opened her eyes, "But we really can't underestimate the Four Heavenly Queens. Do you guys remember our fight with Joy?" She closed her eyes again, sleeping.

   "Aaa, I remember!" Naga shouted. "Joy threw a broom to Sakuru, then lifted up a chair, then---"

   "Mou, Naga stop it! I don't want to remember the fight with her anymore." Sakuru stopped eating the steak, her appetite was gone. "This time, I believe that Mayu and Yuki will defeat her."

   "Eh, really? If you ask me, I can't imagine how Joy will lose though," said Aka. "Her stamina is like unlimited and she always uses things to hit her opponents. She is a creative fighter."

   Meanwhile, Mayu and Yuki were chatting. They have been separated for more than one year since middle school, that's why Mayu has so many stuffs to talk to Yuki.

   "Mayu-chan, I've been wondering this for a while. I think it's time to ask you this," said Yuki. "Your reason to transfer to Majijo, it's not only because of me, right?"

   "Ano, yes," she answered. "I also think it's time to tell Yuki about this. Do you know that yankees in this school are famous because they also bring the yankee stuffs outside the school? They fight on the street, disturbing commoners(people who are not yankee). I mean, yes every person has the freedom to be what he/she wants to be. But it's not right if many people get harmed. That's why I want both of us to be the Teppen, and then---"

   "You mean all of us, right?" Aka and the rest of Team Steak appeared before them.

   Mayu smiled. "Then make rules for all the yankees in Majijo so that they will not disturb commoners anymore."


   "Sado-san, can I have fun with the transfer student today? Ahahahaha ..." Gekikara laughed while playing with her umbrella.

   "I also want to fight the Yuki girl. Sado, please allow me!" Narukami came to Sado and looked into her eyes.

   Sado stood up. "Slowly, slowly. I want Joy to handle them first. You have seen the fight between Yuki and Zombie, right? Do you think Joy can win?"

   Narukami sighed, she wanted to fight Yuki badly. "The Yuki girl is very fast, almost as fast as me. But with Joy's ridiculous stamina, she is very likely to win."

   "Hmm, but why I didn't sense her power in the purification? Well, whatever. Joy, you may go now!"

   "Ahem! Hello, hello," Joy entered the 2nd year's classroom. "You and you, follow me. We will play a very interesting game. Don't run away, okay?" She pointed her fingers at Mayu and Yuki.

   Sekigan was shocked, "What was that? She is very straight to ask for a battle that way."

   "Yuki, Mayu, you should be careful!" Aka warned them. "Joy has enormous stamina, and she always uses dangerous things to fight."

   They both nodded and ran to Joy. Joy directed them to an empty classroom. "Here, we can fight as wild as we want to," said Joy.

   "Ano, Joy-senpai. Sorry for being rude, but do you think you can win against both of us?" Mayu asked.

   "What? Hahaha. You are confident enough to say something like that, interesting. Now I kind of understand why Sado-sama is interested in you. But you will not take down Rappapa, your journey ends here!"

   Joy dashed to Mayu and they exchanged punches and kicks. Yuki moved to the side, watching the battle. It's 11:55 AM, 5 minutes to go. She hoped that Mayu could last until she transformed to Kuroyuki Mode.

   Mayu kicked Joy on the stomach to make a distance, then she took off her glasses, time to get serious. Joy lifted a chair and threw it to Mayu. Mayu tossed it to the other side, but Joy suddenly appeared in front of her and released a powerful punch to Mayu's chest. It hit her really hard until she was knocked back for about five meters.

   "How was it, transfer student?" said Joy. She grabbed a chair with her right hand. "You might have not heard this before because I just recently developed it, but now my punch is as strong as Sado-sama, ahaha."

   It's 12:00 AM. Kuroyuki dashed and appeared at Joy's back. She swung her hand to chopped Joy, the same as what she did to Zombie, but something went wrong. Joy knew that Kuroyuki was there and threw the chair to her face, she fell down.

   "I've heard it from Narukami, you appeared at Zombie's back and one-hit-KO her. Don't you think it would work against me, ahaha."

   Kuroyuki's face was badly injured, especially her nose. Joy kicked her numerous times without any mercy. "Hoi transfer student, where is your big mouth back then? Ahaha. Look, I'm beating up your precious friend, you see!"

   Mayu didn't want to do any reckless move, her chest was really hurt. If Joy hit her at the chest again, her sternum(chest bone) might break. But Yuki was in danger, she was coughing up blood out of her mouth and Joy kept on kicking. Mayu couldn't think of any other way, except ...

   "Yuki, I'm sorry ..." slowly Mayu grabbed her hat. Kuroyuki's eyes became bigger, she opened her hand wide and directed it to Mayu, trying to say "stop", but she couldn't talk.

   "I can't forgive you, Joy-senpai. I will save Yuki!" said Mayu as she threw her hat to the floor and entered Cyborg Mode.

Offline qweakb

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Re: Majisuka Gakuen A-lternate (MaYuki)
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2015, 06:24:05 PM »
Cyborg mode!! Wa... Joy is so strong... Poor yuki, coughing up blood out... Poor mayu...can't wait for the update.
Please updated soon [emoji144]
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

Offline JEEY

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Re: Majisuka Gakuen A-lternate (MaYuki)
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2015, 11:07:11 AM »
Episode 5 - The Origin (uncompleted)

Four years before ...

   Mayu and Yuki were in the same school. It's not a yankee school, but they always fought with the yankees from another school everyday. They were called The Alliance and they always wore mask when fought with another yankee to protect their identities. One day, Mayu and Yuki met two yankee girls who also wore mask. It was raining that day. While they were battling each other, a thunder struck four of them. Right at that time, Mayu and Yuki got their Cyborg and Kuroyuki Mode.


   "Yuki, I'm sorry ..." slowly Mayu grabbed her hat. Kuroyuki's eyes became bigger, she opened her hand wide and directed it to Mayu, trying to say "stop", but she couldn't talk.

   "I can't forgive you, Joy-senpai. I will save Yuki!" said Mayu as she threw her hat to the floor and entered Cyborg Mode.

   Mayu looked different from before. Her eyes filled with anger, she breathed faster, she's now Cyborg. Cyborg tightened her fist and dashed to Joy. She hit at Joy very fast until one of her punch landed at Joy's face. It didn't deal much damage, but Cyborg then grabbed Joy at the shoulders and did a headbutt to the nose. Joy fell down and Cyborg stomped at her over and over again. Joy was unconscious already, but Cyborg screamed and then stomped at Joy again, she's out of control.

   Kuroyuki switched back to Yuki, she then tried to move her body to take Mayu's hat. She was crying, she hate seeing Mayu became a monster like that. Yuki hugged Mayu from the back and attached the hat to her. "Mayu-chan, please stop!" Yuki was crying. "I don't want to see you like this, no ..."

   Mayu's back to normal. She felt someone was hugging her, it's Yuki. "Yuki, I-I'm sorry. I---"

   "It's okay, it's over already. I'm glad you're not injured because of the Cyborg." Yuki suddenly coughed up blood again. Mayu was shocked. She took her to the health center immediately.


Sorry for this uncompleted work  :err: :err: :fainted: :fainted:
I'll finish it once I'm in the mood :mon thumb: :mon thumb:

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Re: Majisuka Gakuen A-lternate (MaYuki)
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2015, 02:00:05 PM »
Aaaa,Akicha there!! :inlove: :inlove:
please update soon

Offline JEEY

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Re: Majisuka Gakuen A-lternate (MaYuki)
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2015, 03:15:35 PM »
Hi everyone, I'm sorry but I think I won't be continuing this fic for some reasons  :fainted: :fainted:
But I'm writing a new fic  :on lol: :on lol: it's on my siggy :D
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 03:21:07 PM by JEEY »

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Re: Majisuka Gakuen A-lternate (MaYuki) Updated, Announcement
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2015, 10:37:03 AM »
Please continue it!!! I enjoyed it very much  :farofflook: :hiakhiakhiak: :luvluv1: :kneelbow: :pleeease:

Offline JEEY

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Re: Majisuka Gakuen A-lternate (MaYuki) Updated, Announcement
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2017, 06:16:31 PM »
Hello all  :)
I'm so sorry for not continuing this fic  :banghead:
I'm making a new fic now. Please check it on my siggy :D

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