Hey sorry for the late update! Been busy with school and applying to college and making an art portfolio and just so much work ugh
@Genkikid: Indeed the mouse is~ Lol Yuko dominates all!
@Ruka Kikuchi: That fight scene is in their past technically

Well and I just love them fighting together

Actually that line in Chapter 8 about 'fighting to discover something precious' that was a quote from the drama too~ Nezumi is cute, when she's not being a conniving little brat
@DarkHeart: LOL yes she does

Haha did that line hit you in the tickles? LOL well I randomly thought that the chapters were getting kinda too serious so ya squirrel demon

Hmm I think Yuko was probably the first to say it out loud. I think Nezumi probably knows it, but refuses to acknowledge it so it hits her pretty hard when Yuko says it straight to her face and she's forced to. That's kinda how I wrote an OS, with Nezumi using Center but in the end kinda realizes that Center is important to her.
@junchan: Yuko's not sad so you don't need to be either! LOL

Well you could try but I wouldn't recommend punching people, that may piss them off and they'll kill you

Nezumi and Mayu are tsundere through and through
@rindg: So you figured she'd show up? It's kinda a given if Center's there then Nezumi is too

Yuko's a pretty straightforward person, unlike Nezumi, and understanding too so Yuko would probably notice then confront Nezumi like that. At least that's how I see it

Part 10: RappapaThe next day, Yuko did exactly as she said she would. She started an all out battle royale between all the students of Majisuka Gakuen. No rules, just fight until one was left standing. They all thought it was a good idea - that it would give them the chance of getting into Rappapa. All they had to do was take out one of the queens and their entry into the club would be assured (they wouldn’t challenge Yuko though, they didn’t have a death wish). But Yuko would have none of that.
“Hey~! Cowards!! I wanna fight too!!!” Yuko shouted, sprinting full speed down the hallways littered with trash and graffiti (and currently with bodies too but she was careful not to trip and faceplant, that just wouldn’t do).
“Yuko-san!” Sado still called Yuko that during school, as a sign of respect she said, so Yuko had nothing else to retort to that. She and the other queens caught up to Yuko quickly, which was impressive due to the squirrel running rampant among the school. “Just leave it to us. You should go wait in the clubroom.”
Yuko scoffed, “Are you kidding me? And let you guys have all the fun? No way!”
But they all stood their ground.
“Yuko-san, we can handle them. It’d just be a waste of time anyways since they’re not even a match for me.” Shibuya stated, as cocky as usual and tugged on her pink leather gloves. “I can wipe the floor with them all by myself.”
Black nodded in silent agreement.
Sado smirked, swinging her kendama’s ball in a circular arc.
“Well...I’m not really much of a fighter but I’ll try~” Torigoya shrugged and tucked her feather that she usually played with safely in her pocket.
“Hehe~” Gekikara giggled. “Let’s have some fun~ Nee?”
Looking at each of them in turn, they all mimicked the same expression as Shibuya, serious and playful (except for maybe Black who was always just serious). They all seemed to be thinking the same exact thing even though each of them were all so different in personality. They were all confident in their fighting skills and despite not saying it the way Shibuya would, they were all looking forward to going all out. Seeing this, Yuko couldn’t help but stand down, and feel proud of them at the same time.
“Alright then. I’ll be waiting for you guys to come back.” She finally nodded. “And then I’ll take each of you on one by one for the title of President. Prepare yourselves~”
Their shocked faces were priceless, except for Sado who seemed to grin even more. Just leave it to the sadistic Vice to be happy about that. But Yuko grinned and hopped back to Rappapa’s clubroom like she said, sitting in her golden armchair and waited patiently for her queens return.
Not too long later, Sado was the first one to make it back, slightly out of breath and a single bruise decorating her cheek.
“Oooh looks like somebody got you good Sado~”
Sado dropped in her own seat next to Yuko’s. “Shut up.”
“So, how are the others doing? I don’t hear much fighting anymore.” Being confined in the room and only able to hear the ruckus but unable to join in made Yuko almost twitch. She was itching to fight, but she understood where her queens were coming from.
“I have no idea. We didn’t fight together.” Each of them separated as soon as Yuko left, following their own paths, searching for their own prey and relying on their own strengths. They fought together all the time, but this once, they all wanted to go out on their own and test themselves without any help – just like the yankees they were. Yuko had taught them well.
“Oh...They’ll be back soon I guess~ No point in looking for them.”
As soon as Yuko finished saying that, the door slammed open and Shibuya stepped in, hands tucked in her jacket pockets and Black followed, immediately settling on the long bench off to the side and opening her book.
“How’d it go?”
“Piece of cake.” Shibuya smirked.
Black rubbed her rosary between her fingers. “They won’t see a new tomorrow.”
Yuko nodded in approval, then took a peek at the doorway. “But where’s Torigoya?” She was a bit curious where the other two were, and Yuko would ask about Gekikara, but the latter was almost definitely still beating someone up. She hadn’t heard any creeping laughing in a while though...
“Calm down with all the questions Yuko-san. I’m sure they’re fine.” Sado tried to reassure her, but it drew someone else’s attention.
“Oi.” Shibuya called. “What’s that on your cheek, Sado~?”
“Shut up, Shibuya.” Sado didn’t want to hear her mocking tone but the latter just smirked and sat down by Black, inspecting her nails for any chips in the polish.
“It’s just funny, ‘cause none of them were able to land a single hit on me.” Shibuya emphasized the last part, smirking a bit.
“You little—”
“Tadaima...” Torigoya then wandered in slowly. Unlike the others who were either unscathed or had a few bruises, Torigoya was covered in them. Blood ran down the corner of her mouth and she had a few nasty bruises on her jaw, which Yuko then immediately went over to check.
“You okay?” Yuko touched her face, concerned about the weakest member of her family.
“I’m okay, Yuko–san...” Torigoya just sat down as well, a little dejected-looking and pouted. “I only managed to defeat a couple though...”
“At least she got a couple, a few scrapes are nothing to worry about.”
All heads turned towards the owner of the voice. No one expected Shibuya to say something like that, if anything, they expected her to reprimand the weak Torigoya for it. They weren’t quite sure where she was going with that statement...
“You’re not going to yell at her?” Sado asked. She felt the most incredulous at the moment.
Shibuya shrugged, “Why would I? She’s one of us, isn’t she? Torigoya would never drag down Rappapa’s name. Right?”
The last part was posed at Torigoya who nodded fervently.
“There ya go.” And she turned back to examining her nails with a bored face.
Perhaps, in the end, even though they were all so different and didn’t care about each other at first, eventually they did become a real family. They were yankees, they stuck together, they were Rappapa.
Silence filled the room for a few moments, the only sound being the ticking of the wall clock as each second passed. They were all relaxed and taking a break, not expecting what was about to come next.
“Well,” Yuko spoke up seeing as the others had nothing to say, “Shall we proceed then?”
She ran a hand through her bangs, eyes focused, the air suddenly became heavy and stifling. They all stiffened.
“Wait a minute Yuko-san...” Torigoya started panicking and hoping to shrink into her chair. The last thing she wanted to do was get into another fight. Black was pretending to be reading but in reality was tensed up and waiting for someone to make the first move. She really didn’t want to fight Yuko though, and the same seemed to go for the oddly quiet Shibuya. Neither of them spoke up but Torigoya on the other hand, was honestly scared. “You don’t really mean that...”
“Who wants to go first?”
“HAHAHAHA I’m just kidding!” Yuko burst out laughing and the atmosphere changed in a millisecond. “You really thought I would fight you guys? Nah~ Don’t feel like it.”
Sado sighed and shook her head with a chuckle. “I knew you weren’t serious.”
Yuko feigned surprise and gasped dramatically, a hand over her heart. “Sado...you knew?”
“...” Nothing but a deadpan expression.
“Then why didn’t you say anything?! You could’ve been my accomplice!” Yuko grabbed her by the shoulders and tried to shake her but it was a little hard with the height difference. She used to do that to a certain someone a lot, since that someone was even shorter than Yuko herself and made it easy. But now, well...she doesn’t have the chance to anymore.
“The hell should I help you in your freaking plans?” Sado pushed Yuko off effortlessly and she fell back into her seat with an oomph.
“Tch, damn sadist~” Yuko grumbled and ran her fingers through her bangs again before leaning back comfortably. “So, how was everyone’s day~?” She asked, suddenly starting a new topic. It was hard to keep up with her.
“Haven’t you been with us all day?” Shibuya retorted.
“Yeah but I thought I’d ask since none of you ever talk.” Yuko shrugged.
“We do talk~”
“If you say so, Torigoya.”
“We’re all too different to have anything in common, so you can’t really expect us to be ‘best friends’ or anything.”
“You’re such a buzzkill~”
“What did you say.” Sado glared at Yuko.
“You heard me.”
“Ah...” Yuko scratched her head, “Well whatever~ Alright so what
do we have in common?” She wondered.
“We all like to fight.”
“That’s true.” She nodded at Shibuya’s answer, though Shibuya didn’t seem too interested in the conversation.
“Fear and pain flies away to the skies, bringing death upon all.”
“I think another thing is that Black talks in riddles and no one understands what the hell she’s getting at.” Shibuya added.
“She was agreeing with you.” Translated Yuko, earning a look from both Shibuya and Sado that said ‘how the hell did you get that’.
“What’s for dinner?” Torigoya absentmindedly remarked, playing with her little feather. She never seemed to get tired of that thing.
“I don’t know.”
“I don’t think there’s any food at home.”
“Black! Buy some food after school.”
“Don’t make her do that all by herself.”
“Why not? She’s always been the one that goes and gets stuff.”
Sado rolled her eyes, “That doesn’t make it okay.”
“Fine~ We can all go with her.” Yuko relented. “There’s a lot to buy anyways so then you can carry the bags.”
“We should go out for ramen instead.”
“No!” They all shot Shibuya’s idea down.
She scoffed, “Why don’t I ever get to pick where we eat?”
“Because you’re taste deaf.”
“Ha? What did you say?” She glared at Sado. “Say it again.”
“The last time we went to that ramen place you recommended, the soup tasted like rotten water and none of us could take more than one bite.”
“I ate mine.”
“That doesn’t count.”
“Yeah? You wanna go?” Shibuya got up and so did Sado, the two locking gazes inches away from each other.
“I would kick your ass all the way to China.”
“I’d like to see you try.” Shibuya taunted, “I don’t even get why you’re the Vice Prez of Rappapa, you’re so weak.”
Someone laughing caught their attention and they both looked at the source, breaking their stares for a second. And it was none other than Yuko, laughing her ass off for no apparent reason.
“This is great! Fight fight fight! I wanna see who comes out on top!”
“You’re unsatisfied right? Why Sado’s got a higher position than you.” She directed at Shibuya. “Then challenge her for it! If you win then you can be the Vice~ And if you still want more then I’d be happy to fight you too~”
But Shibuya just smirked and turned back, realizing what Yuko just suggested and tugged on her gloves for the second time that day. “Nah. I think I’ll be good with Vice.”
“Oh?” Sado raised an eyebrow. “Not confident enough to aim higher? Well it doesn’t matter anyway, I’ll put you back in your place.”
“You know full well why I won’t fight Yuko, but if you wanna go there then I could ask you the same.” Shibuya collided foreheads with Sado. “I told you before that I would kick
your ass anytime.”
Sado smirked as well, and reached back, slamming the kendama in her hand upright on the shelf. “Then let’s get started.”
Meanwhile, Torigoya leaned over to whisper in Black’s ear. “Should we stop them?”
“The full moon only reveals itself once a month, illuminating the darkness before retreating once again.”
Then Torigoya leaned back and nodded. “So we should just treat it as entertainment until they’re done. Okay~”
Sado and Shibuya went into the room next door that was connected to the clubroom, the rest of Rappapa following to watch. A brass French horn sat on a stand, shined upon by a spotlight on one side and shelves lining the other three. A piece of the floor seemed to cut out of the middle and replaced with a large white tile decorated with Majijo’s signature graffiti. All in all, there was a lot of space and perfect to hold taimans like this one.
“Come at me whenever you’re ready~” Sado teased. They circled each other, treading lightly and testing the waters.
“Just shut up already, Sado.”
She chuckled, “Rude as ever aren’t you. Why don’t we make a bet? Loser has to be the underling of the winner.”
“Sounds great to me. If I win then you’re gonna kiss my sneakers.”
“And if I win then you have to call me ‘Sado-san’ and listen to whatever I say as Vice President.”
“It’s on.”
Shibuya, being the hotheaded one, threw the first punch which Sado dodged with ease, replying with her own hit to Shibuya’s side that pushed the latter away with the momentum, the two of them once again keeping their distance.
“Didn’t even hurt.” Shibuya smirked.
But they didn’t stop for long. Sado aimed a roundhouse kick at Shibuya’s head, which she then blocked and tried to land a punch instead but was also dodged. Quickly sprinting closer, Shibuya landed a front kick on Sado’s thigh and she grunted, limping a little as Shibuya put her fists back up.
“Done already?”
“Just shut up and fight me.”
Shibuya clicked her tongue and jumped back in, but she had grown cocky after landing the first few hits. Big mistake.
Sado caught her next kick between her right arm and side, locking it in place. No matter how she pulled or shook, Sado wouldn’t let go so she had to punch her off.
But at that moment, Sado swung Shibuya’s leg to the side with as much force as she could and the punch was thrown off last minute, Shibuya’s back exposed at the same time. Sado took advantage of Shibuya’s lack of balance and delivered a punch to her jaw with a sickening thwack.
“Ugh...” Shibuya, having already been falling at the time due to her leg being thrown out from under her, dropped straight to the floor heavily and blinked, trying to clear the black spots from her eyes and a little dazed.
Sado got on top and lifted her by the collar, a trail of blood trickling from the corner of Shibuya’s mouth. “Don’t take me lightly.”
She punched her in the face again and Shibuya fell back, her head hitting the ground for the second time and the dull thud resounding throughout the room. But she was still glaring at Sado and Sado didn’t like that.
*THWACK*She punched Shibuya again, and again, each hit knocking her face to the side and more blood being coughed up out of her mouth but she kept turning it back defiantly. Right when Sado was about to finish it, Shibuya suddenly grabbed her arm, her other hand gripping Sado’s uniform and roughly rolled her off to the side. Before Sado could even attempt to get up, a body landed on top of her stomach and their positions were reversed.
“You were saying?” Shibuya chose to pound her stomach first and Sado groaned, tasting blood. Then Shibuya started landing blows on her face.
*THWACK* In reflex, Sado grabbed Shibuya’s sleeves and restricted her movements, making it hard to punch effectively.
“Damn it let go!”
As Shibuya struggled to free her arms, Sado used her newfound handholds to pull herself up quickly, effectively dragging Shibuya down at the same time. Both heads collided with a dull thud and a stunned Shibuya fell to her side, though Sado wasn’t faring much better as she laid there on her back trying to catch her breath. Headbutts dealt a lot of damage to both parties.
Though unfortunately for Shibuya, Sado recovered a bit faster. She dragged herself to her feet, staggering a bit and wiping the blood off her cheek as it had been ripped open from one of Shibuya’s punches earlier.
“Hey...get up...” Sado took unsteady steps toward the fallen Shibuya, bent over from the throbbing pain in her stomach. “I said...” She swallowed thickly. “Get up.”
Shibuya wasn’t knocked out, but she wasn’t moving much either. Just lying on her side and panting heavily, a cough every once in a while. Mustering her strength, Sado lifted a leg and kicked Shibuya, making her roll onto her back, eyes closed and still breathing unevenly.
Sado squatted down and lifted her by the collar again. “Are you done already?”
*THWACK*Sado punched her on the cheek, whipping Shibuya’s head to the side. “Hey...I asked you a question.”
Her sadistic side was starting to show itself. She wanted Shibuya to know who was the stronger one, who was dominant. And that last punch was the deciding blow.
Letting Shibuya slide back to the floor slowly, Sado stood, though still a bit unsteady, and flashed Yuko a victory sign, her smile a bit bloody. It was ridiculous of her to do something like that, but perhaps Yuko had rubbed off on her even more than she thought.
Yuko, who had been leaning against the wall watching the entire thing, grinned and came over. She wrapped Sado’s arm around her own shoulder for support, Black doing the same for Shibuya. “C’mon, let’s go to the infirmary.”
On the way there, the five of them came across a disturbing yet familiar scene. There were three bodies lying on the ground, strewn across the hallway, half unconscious and as bloody as you could get. Rappapa exchanged knowing glances, there was no doubt who caused this.
“Gekikara!” Yuko shouted as they rounded the corner. The edge of a dark green jacket and skirt were just visible at the staircase halfway down the hallway.
“Hahaha...” Gekikara stepped out into view. Her hand was by her mouth, biting her nails as she grinned innocently yet maniacally. Both of her arms were covered entirely in dried blood some of it splattered on her face and clothes. “Nee...Okotteru~?”
“...Hey Black.”
“Yes, Yuko-san.”
“Mind taking care of her for me? My hands are a bit full with this baby.”
With her free hand, Sado pinched her on the side and Yuko yelped.
Black nodded, leaving Shibuya to Torigoya’s care (who struggled with the weight) and walked up slowly to Gekikara, careful not to alarm her.
“Nee...” Gekikara got a little excited seeing someone else to play with. “Nee~ Nee~!” She insisted, bouncing in impatience. But before she could kick off and launch herself at Black, the latter used her inhuman speed to reach her first. Black cupped Gekikara’s face with her hands, forcing Gekikara to look her in the eyes.
“Look at me.”
Gekikara froze.
“I’m not mad...Okay?”
“...You’re never mad.” Gekikara pouted a little, looking down. That’s when Black released her cheeks and turned around to nod at Yuko, letting her know that Gekikara was okay now. Yuko nodded back.
Black was the perfect person to take care of Gekikara. She never fought her, never irritated her, and her speed could even rival her because it allowed Black to get close before Gekikara even had the chance to strike. And most important of all, Black never got mad. Even Yuko had gotten angry at Gekikara once, when she almost sent some girls to intensive care, but she had calmed herself down, taking deep breaths while Black took care of Gekikara. When Gekikara saw someone scared or mad at her, it got her blood pumping and she loved violence ( which was a terrible combo), but Black always managed to calm her down. She was almost like a constant that reassured the violent and unpredictable Gekikara.
As Yuko walked by, still supporting part of Sado’s weight, she noticed the last figure sprawled on the stairs. She wore a leather jacket just like the other three but completely dyed in red and looked to be the worst out of all of them. Black checked and it seemed she would be okay, no fatal injuries even with all that blood, but it surprised all of them when she started moving. They were sure the girl was unconscious so it was a shock when she suddenly shifted and said, “I’m not done yet...”
“Is she awake?”
“I...I’m serious...” She coughed then muttered, “I’m not done for...not yet...” From their perspective, the girl looked pretty done. Her jacket may have been black but it was shining a dark red and it looked like she had a nosebleed that bled half the blood out of her body plus one of her eyes was almost swollen completely shut.
However, hearing those words, Yuko smirked a little. Leaning over, she tapped the girl’s face with her hand in a light slap, and a few moments later she began stirring.
“What is your name?”
“...Ani...me...” Her eyes were still unfocused (or eye) and her head lolled back and forth, unable to keep it up.
“Well then, how ‘bout you join Rappapa?”
“...” There was no response for a few seconds, but then she seemed to realize what Yuko just said and finally focused on her. “!?”
Yuko’s smirk grew wider into a grin. “We need some guards for the clubroom. Too many people keep trying to sneak in and I want your team to take care of them, so how about it? Want to join us?”
So Yuko stood back up, “Black and Geki, help these guys to the infirmary.”
“Thank you, Yuko-senpai.” Anime tried to prop herself up but almost fell back again when Black grabbed her arm, lending her strength to pull the girl up.
“Just Yuko is good enough.”
Back in the clubroom, Yuko and Sado were alone and sat in silence. The other members of Rappapa, the queens and including the new members, were all still getting patched up in the infirmary. The leather jacket wearers had sustained far worse injuries than Shibuya or Sado, so it took them a while, not to mention the lines of other yankees waiting for treatment. Yuko really didn’t think of the consequences of an all school battle royale.
The aftermath was crazy, the amount of bodies that needed to be taken for treatment, and the lack of personnel to take them there or to treat them. So Yuko ordered Shibuya, Black, Gekikara, and Torigoya to help. Their jobs were to find the injured and carry them back to the infirmary, and since Yuko gave the order, they wouldn’t refuse.
There were a few that were worried Gekikara would go crazy beating people again, but Yuko knew she wouldn’t do that.
“Geki’ll be fine~” She brushed it off. “Right, Geki? No more violence today.”
Gekikara nodded in understanding with that grin still plastered on her face. “Okay~”
Even if she didn’t look it, Gekikara meant what she said and would never disobey Yuko. The other queens vouched for her as well, and Black volunteered to look after her just to be safe. Just the fact that Black spoke up on her own accord was enough to shock Anime and them into withdrawing their protests. No one argued with Black.
So now Yuko was back in Rappapa’s room, sitting in her usual throne while Sado stood by the window, playing with her black and silver kendama.
Yuko was the first to break the silence.
“Sado...” She suddenly grew so serious. Her expression was dark, and it seemed her thoughts were as well. “You’re the Vice President. No one can take that from you now.”
“Yuko-san...” Sado faced Yuko, the ball of her kendama missing the pole and falling limply to her side. She knew Yuko had something to talk about with her, that’s why she didn’t tell Sado to help the others. And she knew it had to be something serious for the two of them to talk in private like this.
“Hey don’t look at me like that.” Yuko scolded when she turned to look at her, Sado was looking at her like it was the end of the world. “I hate when you’re weak-minded. Make your decisions, and follow through with them. Don’t hesitate, Sado.”
“If for some reason,” Yuko cut her off quickly, but then sighed. “If for some reason...I’m not around...you’ll be in charge. I’m counting on you.”
Sado could only bite her lip and nod, holding her tears in because she didn’t want Yuko to see her cry. Sado would be strong until the end, when the time to cry finally comes.
But until then...
“Until then, I’m still going to follow you, Yuko-san. You’re the President of Rappapa and that won’t ever change, not to us. So don’t go shirking your duty already.”
Yuko chuckled, “Of course not. I still plan on having tons of fun while I’m here, so you better be ready for it~”
And she got another nod, more definite this time and Yuko smiled for so many reasons. She was happy, grateful, and most of all she loved her family so why shouldn’t she smile? She always smiled before because perhaps if she pretended to be happy, then it might come true. Yuko could at least fool herself into thinking so. But now she didn’t have to pretend anymore and that’s why she smiled.
And she’d keep smiling, right until the bitter end.