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Author Topic: THE ROYAL VAMPIRES - chapter 8 (WMatsui, Mayuki, Atsumina) 30/04/2016  (Read 20209 times)

Offline wmatsui fanfic.

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Its suck a long time to see you again here. It's very quite update on jphjp lately. Really sad. But im happy today as i saw ur fic again^^
 Yuki was stabbed by who i wonder???

Sorry about that but I  promise to update next chapter fast. Yuki didn't get Stabbed but she felt if someone stab her because of Rena words it hurt like if someone stab with silver digger

Offline cisda83

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Ah... I like Atsumina pairing so much...

Thank you for the update

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline key17

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i'm glad that you continue this fic! :D
i need more!!

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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more yukirena please..

Offline blackcold

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Haha i'm here xD
Like i said i'm going to read it again from chap1
Blame my stupid brain
I'm really waiting for your updatee
And don't forget to have fun too

Offline wmatsui fanfic.

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Re: THE ROYAL VAMPIRES (Wmatsui,Mayuki Atsumina) Chapter7: what should i do?
« Reply #45 on: December 21, 2015, 12:55:09 AM »
hello guys i'm back, miss you all, how have you guys been?? so im here with new chapter hope you guys enjoy and send me feedback, sadly this time no pic , but don't worry i will put some next time.

p/s if anyone have some idea for atsumina don't shy to give me some since i got stuck/

Chapter 7 What should I do?

Flashback when Micchan got kidnapped

I groaned as I felt the familiar pain in my head, I open my eyes and found myself in the dark room, gently squeezing my eyes I sat up and yawn.

“You awake??” Said the voice startling me, I tilted my head aside and blinked my eyes trying to remember what happen.

I was roaming around the mountain and then being tackled by gray wolf!! OMG, I got kidnapped again!!

“Don’t worry we won’t hurt you!!” Said the voice again, I heard chair moving voice, then a girl appear out of the dark place and sit beside me, she had long hair, she wore the black jacket with red T-shirt and black pant.

Geez, what with my life I got kidnapped again!! Why this happening to me!!  I sighed loudly, the girl smirk, she placed her hand on my shoulder.

“I know how you feel, but you have to understand my situation, I have to do this because I had no other choice,” She said softly.

Wow, can’t believe it, I’m hearing this again. Okay, Micchan calm down, taking a deep breath I asked. “Why you kidnap me??” Please don’t tell me I’m your hiding queen or something, I’m already tired of all these shit.

“Because of your Mate!!” She took her hand away from my shoulder and looked away with sad eyes.

I raised my brow in questioning. “My alpha used to be future Alpha of ‘white moon’ pack, but since Mariko is stronger than her she become Alpha, I want Mariko to vanish from our life, for this you will help me to get our pack back.”

“But you can’t change the fact if she is stronger and better than your Alpha’s.” She nodded

“I know that but, my Alpha is the real Alpha of ‘white moon’ pack together we create the pack and raise it where it is today, but Mariko take it away from us, she must pay.” I stared at her green eyes. What if I help her? She can get back to her family and friends, she will be happy to be home again with their loved, I don’t know the truth, but I can feel pain In her eyes, she wants her family back, she want her to pack back, so why wouldn’t I help her, free her and myself from annoying Alpha?

“I will help you!!” I said. She shocked.

“She also took important things from me and force me to be her mate, I wanted to live as a normal human.” She stared at my eyes deeply searching for any kind of lie, when she found none she smiled at me.

“Do you have plan??” She asked. I shake my head. “But I can create one.”


At the evening the door open again, the same girl comes inside while holding the tray full of food. She put the tray front me and smiled. “I bet you are hungry since you didn’t eat anything.” I smiled back to her and nodded.

“Enjoy the meal.” Saying this, she stormed out the room. I looked at my food and start eating it whole thinking for perfect plan how to get I of Mariko.

Okay first of all she is my mate, she can do anything for me, I mean anything, I kinda feel loved and safe around her, but that doesn’t make sense she takes my mother away from me, she were the only thing I had after my father death, she had been through a lot, but she never dump me and always took care of me, she never show any sign of pain that she had been going through, before o could repay to her that annoying Alpha takes her away from me, now how I’m supposed to tell her how much I love her.

The anger start rising inside me, I want to suffer her, in the same way, she did to me, I want to show her how pain feels.

As I was drowning into my thought the door open again, the come inside, her eyes widened in shock. “Are you okay?? You look so angry!!”

“I have a plan, I will take Mariko on the date far away from her pack, there up I guys can attack her easily without being noticed by anyone.”

she smirks and nod her head." okay, I will find a way to get you out from here." she patted my head and walk outside leaving me again in the dark room.

Ami pov

I walked toward alpha room knocking on the door light, I heard her yell'enter'. I put my right hand on my chest and take a deep breath.

I open the door and enter the room. she was combing her hair, she glanced at me then back to the mirror. "what you did this time??" she asked not taking her eyes of the mirror.

"“I……k-kidnapped Mariko Mate!!" i shuttered.

"Y-You did what!!" she looked at me with her glowing eyes. "do you think is that weak to use someone weak to win against them??"

"No alpha!"I kneeled on one knee. "You were always strong in my eyes."

"then why you did that??" she growled.

"because I wanted to go back home! I miss them! I miss my parents and you can't win against Mariko that easily". Alpha growled at me, she shifted into her black wolf and jumped out of the window to the mountain.

I smiled in victory and walked back to the prison where I put Mariko mate. I open the door and enter the cell, she stared at me worriedly I give her weak smile. "The plan work, but!!"


"I have to injury you, don't want them to doubt us" she nod her head.

"I understand, you can beat me, I can control the pain," she smiled. I nodded and stepped closer to her, without giving her chance to look at me I punched and kicked her, she screamed in pain but managed to control herself.

I felt bad for her, she had don nothing wrong, but she had been through a lot without any reason.
after the while as she calm down and the pain star to vanish i give her glass of water and leave her in the cell,


"I'm taking her back to the pack" Alpha said as she hold Mariko mate in bride style.

"But Alpha she can hurt you!!" I said worriedly.

"Since I bring her, she won't hurt me, besides she has to take care of her injury mate thanks to you." she glared at me and leave the pack house.

"Your time is finished Mariko!!"

Micchan pov

As I felt Mariko hold me and took me back to her house, she laid me on the bed gently and looked around probably finding some injuries, I flinched as she growled, I open my eyes and start acting like I had nightmare and start crying like baby, she hugged me and start comforting me with her sweet words, I kinda felt warm in her embrace. I never felt that kind of feeling before, I fall sleep while hearing her sweet words and warm hand stroking my hair.

Next morning I woke up with sunlight hitting my face, I squeeze my eyes and looked around the room. oh right I'm in Mariko room, from now I have to start acting that I love her and take her on the date and then I will hand her to them, I grinned. finally, I will be free.

suddenly I heard footsteps coming closer to the room, I jump off the bed and run to the bathroom, taking the shower and brushing my teeth, I come out and found Mariko sitting on love chair waiting for me.

As she notices me she looked at me, her lips frowned into the huge smile, she walked toward me, I stared at her lovely eyes that were full with love, I found myself drowning into her those lovely eyes.

Without noticing, I leaned toward her and capture her lips into mine, her eyes widened in shock probably not expecting this from me. I wrap my arm around her neck while kissing her passionately,

we broke when our lung pleaded for air, she smiled and kissed my forehead. "The breakfast is ready."

I nodded, we walked downstair to eat our breakfast.


Today I will take her to the date, I told Sae I'm going out to look some nice place for the date she gives me permission and sit beside sleeping lady, I wonder who is she, I ignored them and walk outside far away from the pack, my smile grew as I found Ami sitting on the rock while watching river.

"I think this is nice place for the date." she flinched at my voice and looked at me she nodded in agreement

"I'm going to bring her here, wait for me with other warriors."

"be careful!!"

"I will."

I went back to the pack and found Mariko standing near the window, I approached her and hugged her back, as our body connect i felt  butterfly flying in my stomach, as always I ignore my feeling toward her and asked her out, as she agreed I felt guilt, don't know why I'm feeling guilt toward her, she is the monster who only think about herself, I should be happy, today I will be free from her.

As she finished dressing she come out of the pack house door, she looks beautiful no matter what she wear, I give her forced smile, she give me weak smile in reply, I locked my elbow with hers and start walking far away of the pack, the closer we get the faster my heart bump, my hand start to get sweaty.

 I keep asking myself do I really want this? I know Mariko took my mother away from me, but there is also another way too, why this one?? she can get hurt or may die, who will responsible of it, she didn't kill my mother then why should I kill her??

before I can decide anything we reached the place, I glanced at Mariko and smiled nervously. "we are here."

"Why you did this??" she asked me, I looked at her confusedly.

"I can smell them!!" how can I forget about that?
"Why??" she whispered. I start to step back, fearing she will attack me, but she stayed in her spot staring at me with hurtful eyes.

why I did that??

"I don't know!!" saying this I run away as fast as I can far away from her, back to my city, back to my home.

the tears start to storm out of my eyes like eyes, I clenched my chest and screamed loudly making the birds fly away with my scream.

the farther I get the stronger the pain I feel in my heart, my legs won't get tired, my tears don't stop, I keep running until the darkness engulfed me.


I wish you should never have saved me at that day!

sometimes the truth isn't what we feel or hear it, in this world people 95% people believe what they see and hear from other people and start judging without knowing the truth, that's why human never succussed in their life.

No one got time to hear the truth they are too busy judging other in a lie.
Rena always admired me and loved me with her everything, I was her angel who falls from the sky to save her and bring happiness to her, then why would her angle will try to hurt her and destroy her life. sadly she is busy in the thought of tearing my heart out of my chest, the last thing I wanted is to die by her hand.

The princess run toward little girl with her inhuman speed, she jumped up and catch her before she can hit the ground and leave this world, princess embraces the little girl with her strong arm and land on the ground safely, she placed little girl on the ground gently and brush her hair away of her forehead.
The little girl opened her eyes and stared at her angle, the tears flow off her eyes as she hugged her angle and cried like there is no tomorrow.
 princess shuttered into pieces, she tightened her hug and let the girl wet her clothes with her salt tears.

"i.....want to leave this world!!" the little girl sobbed.

"Don't say like this, I will get mad and won't going to make your favorite spicy food." the princess held the little girl and went to her castle.

"Everyone hates me!!"

"People always forget the moon while counting stars." the princess open her room door and take the girl to the bathroom to wash her face.

"I-I can do by myself." The girl blushed

"Are you sure?" The princess put the  little girl down on the ground.

"I'm not kid Yuki-neesan." The little girl smiled and went toward the sink and splash the water on her face.

"You will be always strong little Rena for me." the princess smiled and dry little girl face with the towel.

"Why I saved you? because i wanted to! I wanted to show you beautiful, that's why I saved you, but now I feel like I shouldn't  have saved you."


"Preparing for the war?" I giggled and landed safely front of Jurina who were running all over the city.

she glared at me." Go away you bloodsucker before I pierce silver dagger into your heart."

I shake my head while laughing." You still didn't get it, honey? I'm not the normal vampire that you see walking around, it will take you years to fight with someone like me, besides you just born I'm hundred years older than you." I touched her warm face with my cold thumb and caress her lips. she looked at me with her shocked expression.

"I was human too once, but some annoying vampire makes me like this."
she looked deeply into my dark blue eyes, I slowly leaned toward her until our nose touched. I looked at her waiting for her to push me when she didn't I kissed her lips, they were soft and sweet, we broke the kiss and stared each other for a while.

"Good luck!!" saying this I open my wing and flew away in the dark sky leaving poor hunter dumbfounded she probably trying to figure out what just happen.

Offline Blackdawn

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Re: THE ROYAL VAMPIRES (Wmatsui,Mayuki Atsumina) Chapter7: what should i do?
« Reply #46 on: December 21, 2015, 01:27:17 AM »

"Preparing for the war?" I giggled and landed safely front of Jurina who were running all over the city.

she glared at me." Go away you bloodsucker before I pierce silver dagger into your heart."

I shake my head while laughing." You still didn't get it, honey? I'm not the normal vampire that you see walking around, it will take you years to fight with someone like me, besides you just born I'm hundred years older than you." I touched her warm face with my cold thumb and caress her lips. she looked at me with her shocked expression.

"I was human too once, but some annoying vampire makes me like this."
she looked deeply into my dark blue eyes, I slowly leaned toward her until our nose touched. I looked at her waiting for her to push me when she didn't I kissed her lips, they were soft and sweet, we broke the kiss and stared each other for a while.


Offline mirurunky

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Re: THE ROYAL VAMPIRES (Wmatsui,Mayuki Atsumina) Chapter7: what should i do?
« Reply #47 on: December 21, 2015, 06:27:43 AM »
Wmatsui did kissed yeah  :cow: :cow: :cow:

Offline key17

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Re: THE ROYAL VAMPIRES (Wmatsui,Mayuki Atsumina) Chapter7: what should i do?
« Reply #48 on: December 23, 2015, 09:33:30 AM »
ohh! micchan! why you do that?! you can just ask mariko-sama!!
oh i love wmatsui! and that kiss!
thanks for updating!

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline ttwm123

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updaye please~
i want to know more about rena, yuki, jurina, & mayu relationship going to be

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wmatsui or yukirena? :?
waaaahhhh :panic:
update, please~ author-san

Offline Janix123

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Yeay and update!! BANZAI!!  :onioncheer: :onioncheer:
Miichan... WHY???  :cry: :cry:
That WMATSUI kiss though. Kyaaaaaa!!!!! :inlove: :inlove:
Please more WMATSUI moments. :bow: :bow: Hehehehehe  :lol: :lol:
Thx for the update and looking forward for more updates.

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Re: THE ROYAL VAMPIRES (Wmatsui,Mayuki Atsumina) Chapter8: VAMPIRE HISTORY
« Reply #52 on: April 30, 2016, 01:13:39 PM »
Hello everyone  :cry: I'm so sorry for updating fast  :( Well i'm having block writer on this fic don't know why is that, but i'm trying my best to write as much i can, i know this chapter not gonna be good as other but plz don't hate my fic I'm doing my best .

Before posting the chapter I apologize for mistakes. hope you enjoy.


At the dinner time everyone sitting at the dining table enjoying their dinner, vampire king glanced his daughter who was poking on her leftover food.

"What are you gonna do with Rena?" He asked.

"Hmm..." Yuki raised her head and looked at her father.

"Since the war is about to broke down, I don't think this is the good place for her to stay, the hunters probably will kill her."

"How about you let your brother take her safe place tomorrow since you are going back to your coffin?" her mother asked.

"Mom, I'm not leaving you guys, I will stay with you until the end." Yuki urged.

"Yuki, stop being stubborn, we can't lose you, you will be the last Royal vampire on the Earth." her father said while her mother nodded in agreement.


"No buts. You are leaving and that's it, as about Rena we will send her to the safe place away from Vampires territory." Saying this her father left the dinner table to train himself for the war.

"Is everything ready?" Yuki mother asked her son as she saw Yuki going toward her room.

"Yes mother, don't worry I get everything ready, I will take Rena to the underground and inject her dragon blood, it will take one year to turn into Dragon vampire while ten years to wake up, I will let one of Yuki’s friends with her to take care of her," his son explained the plan to her mother.

"Rena will be last dragon vampire on the Earth and protect my daughter when she wakes up, poor hunters they have no idea what coming to them." Yuki mother smirked.


"Are you okay??" Rena asked lying on the king side bed beside Yuki, whose arm crossed and eyes closed.

staring at her queen when Rena got no answer, she reached her hand and caressed Yuki cold cheeks with her warm fingers.

Yuki sighed open her eyes and looked straight into Rena's eyes. "Rena!!" she whispered.

"Yes, my queen?"

"I'm sorry to say that but, you have to leave this place tomorrow.”

"Why?? Did I do something wrong?" Rena's eyes become teary at the thought of separating from her guardian angel.

"You didn't, Just this place not gonna be safe for you?" Yuki kissed Rena forehead. "I will pack your things at morning." Saying this she pulls the blanket on her and moved her back toward Rena.

“Didn’t you say that you will protect me from everyone, then why you letting me go?”Yuki stayed silent not wanting to give her details.

“Its is because I saw you killing the guard?”Yuki shakes her head.

"Yuki!!" Rena whispered. "I don't want to go!!" The tears start to flow of Rena's cheeks. "Yuki, I don't care who you are or what you’ve done in the past, I don't care who you kill and how you kill them because I know you will never hurt good person!! Yuki please don’t do this to me, I don't want to go!!" Rena pleaded.Yuki hand clenched the bed sheet.

Rena hugged Yuki from behind and hide her face into her neck and start crying.

"I don't want to go!!" Rena sobbed. “I can’t go far away from you!” Rena continues crying and begging until her eyes got tired from crying and the darkness engulfed her.

Next morning Rena wake up and found Yuki packing her things, she stared at the queen silently.

"Everything is ready, you are leaving an hour later, hurry gets up and get ready," Yuki said as she finished packing.

"Are you coming with me?" Rena asked. ignoring her Yuki walk out the room.

The maids loaded Rena belongs on the horse carriage. after getting ready and eating breakfast, she walked out, she found Yuki standing front the carriage door waiting for her.

taking step slowly she approached her. Yuki forced smiled at Rena. "Forgive me, for letting you go alone." Yuki hugged her and rubbed her back.
Rena gently pushed away and sat in the carriage.

"Rena!!" Yuki holds her hand but she snatched her hand away. "Thanks for everything till today, I apologize for being the burden on you."

"Rena, I'm sorry." Yuki apologized.

"Yuki, are you ready?" Her mother asked. giving a final look at Rena, Yuki beckoned from the carriage, soon the horse winced and walked away going farther into the forest.

"Let's go!" Yuki mother said grabbing her daughter hand leading her toward the dead river.

"Rena!!" Yuki whispered her name as she being dragged by her mother. "Forgive me, for letting you go, I know how much you wanted me to stop you, but I can’t leave you here, not when the war is about to start, I know how much you love me,I know how hard it gonna be for you to live alone, but it’s for your best. " She felt her mother stopped walking and let her hand go.

"Drink this." her mother handed the herb to her as she opened the coffin door. Glancing at her mother Yuki took the herb and gulp it in one shot. "Rena, I can't promise you if I can meet you again, but if we meet again I promise to never let you go," she said in her mind as her vision start to become blurry, she closed her and smiled while walking to the coffin letting the darkness engulf her.

"I curse you not to awake till you drink pure human blood." Her mother smirked.

End of flashback

Micchan blinks her eyes open and groans, she was awakening to darkness, her tone body was sore, she tries to get up but yelped as the pain shot all over her body, rubbing her eyes she looked around finding herself inside dark room again. ‘What happens?’ she thoughts. ‘How in the world I end up here?’ Carefully supporting herself by the wall she stands up and searched for the door when she found it she knocked on it hoping someone can hear and open the door, but sadly she hears nothing, she knocked again, this time, little hard, she keeps knocking until her knock turns into a bang. “OPEN THE DOOR!!” She yelled.

“OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!” She keeps kicking,yelling and punching the door, until her energy left out she fall on the ground, running her hand over her hairs she pulled them in anger and screamed loudly.

Sayaka tries to open one of her eyes, but she immediately shut them as the bright light hit her eyes making her go blind, a sharp pain run through her head causing her take sharp breath before calming herself and adjusting her eyes to the light, she open them, it didn’t take her much time to realize that she is in the werewolf territory, she tries to get up again but failed as the pain shot all over her body, lying back on the warm bed she sighed heavily.

Suddenly she hears door opening sound, she glanced toward the person who just come in. “Finally, you are awake,” Yui said putting her white coat on. “How are you feeling?” She asked checking her patient.

“Like shit!!” Sayaka replied in hoarse voice. Yui pour water in the class and give to Sayaka who thanked her with a smile and gulp the water down her sore throat.

“What is your name? Mine is Yui.” Yui asked taking the empty glass from Sayaka hand.

“I’m Sayaka. How long have I been sleeping?”

“One week, one of my friends found you fainted in the forest and bring you here,” Yui replied making some herb.

“Can I meet her?”

“Yes, I will tell her you are awake when she comes back.” Smiling Yui handed herb to Sayaka.

“After drinking this you will feel better and strong.” Sayaka thanked and drink the herb.

Suddenly the door flung open and Sae comes in holding Alpha. “Yui help us!!”

“Lie her on the bed,” Yui said.

Sae laid Mariko on the bed as Yui bring a collection of medicines. “What happened?”

“Ami attacked us,” Sae replied .

“Minami!!” Mariko whispered.

“I send warriors after her, we will find her,” Sae replied as she walked to Sayaka and smiled at her taking Sayaka’s breath away.

“And who might you be?”

“S-Saya…” Sayaka stuttered, unable to speak.

“Saya? Nice to meet you.”

“It’s Sayaka, Sae,” Yui corrected.

“Ah. Sayaka. That’s such a pretty name! I'm glad that you wake up, I saw you fainted in the forest so bring you here, it's dangerous for beauty like you walk in the forest, there are many kinds of creepy creatures.”

Sayaka scoffed. “They don’t scare me.”

“Hoo~ you’re a brave one.” Sae sit closer to her. “Well since I'm here together we can fight with them.” she smiled.

Yui rolled her eyes while cleaning Mariko injury. ‘Why is she always a playboy?’

“I don’t need a man’s protection,” Sayaka said firmly, making Sae chuckle.

“Sorry. I’m a girl.”

“Male or female, still, I can fight my own battles.”

“Everybody have their limits, I want to be that person who is there for you when you need someone.” Sae took Sayaka hand and kissed her knuckles causing her to blush.

“Done.” Yui said wrapping bandage on Mariko arm.”You will heal 30 minutes later.”

“Thanks.” Mariko thanked putting a new shirt on. Suddenly Kimoto Kanon stormed in panting.

“Rogues got Micchan before I can get there,” Kanon said.

“What!!” Mariko eyes glowed red in anger.

“Alpha calm down, we will get her back,” Sae said.

“We have to go now before they hurt her.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to go like this.” Sayaka blunted. “Going there without a plan is same as jumping in the fire.”

Everyone stared at her confusedly. “My name Akimoto Sayaka I’m former captain of A class hunters.”

“Where not you go capture by Witch?” Sae eyes widened.

“Yes, I manage to  escape one week ago, I was going back to the human world to help them,” Sayaka explained,

“I’m glad you are fine,” Mariko smiled shaking Sayaka hand.

“Thanks.”Sayaka shook back.

“So what’s your plan?” Sae asked.

“We will attack in the morning when everyone is sleeping and bring Micchan back,” Sayaka explained. “Do you know their place?” She asked to kimoto who nodded in reply. “ I followed them when they were taking Micchan with them.”

“Good, let’s get ready,” Mariko ordered.


Don't forget to feedback.

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Re: THE ROYAL VAMPIRES (Wmatsui,Mayuki Atsumina) Chapter8: VAMPIRE HISTORY
« Reply #53 on: April 30, 2016, 02:52:30 PM »
I like it... but i'm confuse... maybe i should reread again :D

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline Janix123

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Re: THE ROYAL VAMPIRES (Wmatsui,Mayuki Atsumina) Chapter8: VAMPIRE HISTORY
« Reply #54 on: April 30, 2016, 03:32:11 PM »
THANKS FOR THE UPDATE!!  :mon inluv:
Gosh!! I like it and it's fine even with the mistakes.
And I own't hate this fic EVER!!
Well I'll wait for the next update. Thx for the update!!  :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

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Re: THE ROYAL VAMPIRES (Wmatsui,Mayuki Atsumina) Chapter8: VAMPIRE HISTORY
« Reply #55 on: April 30, 2016, 04:11:11 PM »
I like it... but i'm confuse... maybe i should reread again :D

you can ask me anything you want if you are confuse

Offline ttwm123

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Re: THE ROYAL VAMPIRES (Wmatsui,Mayuki Atsumina) Chapter8: VAMPIRE HISTORY
« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2016, 04:26:15 PM »
so the brother & mother is behind all this, huh?
want to know what happen to them, though
thanks for the update :)

Offline faanpal

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So.. Was Yui the white wolf who's running around with Salt before? I really hope so! :heart:
And.. It's so sad to see YukiRena. They got misunderstanding around them.. :cry:
Anyway, salute for your hardwork. I'll look forward for the next. :twothumbs:
Jaa... 48 is about skinship

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I fond of YukiRena here.. Is it so wrong of me for hoping them to be together?? :dunno:

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