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Author Topic: Calista's OS Corner - Almost (SayaMilky) <Last Story> COMPLETE  (Read 78236 times)

Offline calista_castro

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[SIDE] Drabble Stories - How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (KojiYuu) #8
« Reply #160 on: May 15, 2016, 10:09:35 PM »

How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate
My Roommate From Hell, Literally [Sequel]

#8 [Confessions. Part 2]

“WAIT!”, there it goes again, our next conversation starting with Yuko shouting at me.

I’m not sure if I want to stop this time since she said that none of it matter and it was all lies. I would be lying to myself and to others if I said that well… it didn’t hurt to hear those words… I think while waiting for Yuko to get back home after work, I honestly had my hopes up. I really did… it hurts a little bit thinking about everything… who am I kidding… it hurts a lot.

Maybe I just need some time to hide… There is no way I’m moving away, it is my home…I’m happy in this place…with Yuko by my side… eh… even in my thought I’m happy, because of her mare existence. Am I a fool?

I decided to keep on walking, but I don’t want to just disappear or sound rude/unfriendly, so I still whisper under my breath. Yuko has a good hearing. I know she will understand what I’m saying. “I’m going for a short walk… let’s talk about it a bit… a little bit…later… please”.

But before I can put one more step forward I feel a pull by my hand. I’m turn around and now facing my crush. Honestly, I’m not expecting anything, I’m confused instead… close to tears…

Next thing surprised me though. After a second or so I feel Yuko plunging her tongue into my mouth and yeah, this is definitely not the kind of kiss you see in movies. It is deep, includes tongue, nips and licks. Even bite… okay she just bit my lip…!

“Yu…” I’m breathless.

By the way Yuko smiles… I can guess that she read the list. I think I’m seeing tears glistening in her eyes too. “… no… this idiot…”, she pointed at herself but still kept on of her hands on my face. “Is in love with you. I l…love…you”.

And here she goes away, with that dimple smile of hers. It is my weakness, after all. Unconsciously I smile too… I feel my cheeks wet which means that I started crying at the same time… happy tears… gosh, how I dreamed of hearing this out loud.

“Your horrible roommate is in love with you too. I love you.” We both laugh at our silliness. Atsuko…Takamina… Mariko… our friends were right… we’re really two idiots. Two idiots in love.

A/N: Only one part left.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2016, 09:17:52 AM by calista_castro »

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Haruko

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YEAS! FINALLY A KISS!! love it! thank you for this

Offline calista_castro

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How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate
My Roommate From Hell, Literally [Sequel]

#9 [100%]

At first it is the honeymoon stage. We can’t hide our happiness from anyone… it is so evident that Mariko, Atsuko and Minami congratulate us at first but then start avoiding us. They come up with excuses, but then one day Mariko told us annoyingly:

“I don’t remember Atsumina couple making out in front of you… you’re like teenagers in love… so please… we will just wait until you start acting normal”.

Luckily, eventually we learn to control our urges around other people and left all of this for the bathroom (if you know what I mean). Yes… we’re together… in all kind of ways.

It was a bit awkward for the few weeks, since we were once again foolish not asking the other to date and waiting for the other to speak up. Yuko couldn’t handle any longer and suggested me to be her girlfriend and we have been together for almost six months now.

Don’t worry, our friends aren’t avoiding us anymore. We spend a lot of time together… we have game nights too, almost every Friday, and even Mariko found herself a girlfriend. The girl’s name is Micchan and well… let’s just say she’s just as foolish about Mariko, as Yuko and I are obsessed about each other.

With all this time, living together like eternal roommates and girlfriends, I can say I’m truly happy. We do fight though… I know Yuko hides another notebook somewhere (probably found a good hiding place now), where she continues cursing at me. But it is different when you’re actually in a relationship.

I had my doubts before… about that 100%. Honestly, I’m not sure why is that so important for me… either way… I’m there… 100% into a relationship. Happy 70% of 100%. I could go on with statistics (of course I separate that 30% to times when we fight and ignore each other). But it is normal to all relationships and yeah…

We’re like dumb and dumber (it is Atsumina couple reference for us): Roommate From Hell and Roommate Who Fell For Her Idiot Roommate.

Aren’t we perfect for each other?


Thanks for reading!  :byebye:

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline calista_castro

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Searching for Happiness (WMatsui) #5 - "Farewell"
« Reply #163 on: May 19, 2016, 10:39:36 AM »

Searching for Happiness #5 - "Farewell"

Liking that song
Liking that road, that’s not it, that’s not it,
I like the song we listened to together
Roads we used to walk together, it’s true

From the beginning, this ugly appearance,
I should’ve showed you my shabby self first

Tell me first
Not ambiguously but a bit more clearer,
Like a fool, I
Words that said to be well, words that said thank you

What do I do? I don’t know anything.

Both Jurina and Rena kept talking for the rest of the night, about everything… or let’s face it… almost anything. Younger Matsui thought about confessing for a couple of times, but never dared to open her mouth.

Firstly, Jurina convinced herself that it was pointless at this point. Rena is going to leave, she’s not going to change her mind, it doesn’t even matter what Jurina says.

This place was just a short stop for older girl, like a vacation. She came here way earlier than Jurina, and she decided that it is time to face the real world again. Jurina favored her strenght, she even felt jealous of Rena’s braveness. In a lot of ways they were similar… they wanted to escape and leave everything behind, but they both knew it can’t last forever.

Jurina wanted it to last forever though, that’s where they opinions interfere. After a lot of conversations with Jurina, it made Rena realize that life is not that simple, that everyone has bumps along the way, the important thing is how people react to things thrown at them. She also knew that her profession, was something Rena liked doing… despite all the haters, or lack of privacy, it was something that made Matsui happy.

Rena was ready to find her way back, while Jurina was still lost and unsure.

Just like mentioned before, there were certain moments when Jurina was close to confessing, but stopped herself. First of all, the fear of rejection, she just couldn’t handle getting her heart broken. Secondly, she knew that she’s losing Rena either way, but at least now Rena kept on dreamingly mentioning that they could meet again. Maybe re-meet each other.

It sounded weird, but at the same time it gave Jurina false hope. Maybe they could meet new versions of each other, not broken anymore… they help the other with some fixing, but maybe it is time for them to stand on their own. For that, they need to leave past behind, even the past that involved them spending time together.

Without any reason,
Are people who walk alone like me?

Today, I won’t be embraced
I’ll turn back after seeing your face

Tell me first
Not ambiguously but a bit more clearer,
Like a fool, I
Words that said to be well, words that said thank you

Today, somehow to me
You look very unfamiliar
Please, so you can know me
Make it so you’ll understand

Despite all that fake hope that Jurina gave herself, even though Rena’s eyes shouted honesty and sincerity, it still broke younger girl a little bit when next day Rena left. They hugged for the longest of time and after it, Rena sat in a taxi, waved for the last time and drove away. Standing in one place for longer than 10 minutes and staring at the car that soon disappeared behind the mountains, Jurina sigh silently and turn around. That was the only thing that she could do. Turn around… nothing would change ever if she’s stared into space.

Nothing could change the fact that Rena left this place first… the fact that Rena left it because she wanted to find happiness on her own.

That’s right, truthfully, I
Watched you today, without you knowing

One day Churi called Jurina early in the morning with excitement.

Matsui made a promise to Rena to keep on ‘fighting’ whatever demons she had. Even though there was no Rena around to check on her, Jurina kept on with the promise.

She tried to occupy her mind with positive thoughts. She kept on thinking about the future, dreaming about the happiness. Everyone just wants happy in the end. Jurina convinced herself that at some point she might find this thing too. And its not like she was unhappy… who was she kidding, Jurina kept on enjoying this place even after Rena left.

Going back to the point when Akane or Churi (as the nickname that everyone called the girl), appeared and asked Jurina to join her excitedly, they both sat in front of TV watching the latest news. That’s when Jurina understood why Churi seemed so happy that morning. It didn’t take long for Rena’s face to appear on the screen.

Jurina’s heart flutter at that face and smile. She saw the genuine smile, the same one Rena shared once in a while, when the girl excitedly told everyone about her upcoming movie.

Though Rena didn’t know that Jurina saw her, since they barely had time for the ‘news’ channel in the mountains, it still made Jurina happy for a moment. Just seeing Rena made Jurina’s heart flutter and unconscionably she shared that same genuine smile too. Sometimes other people happiness… is our happiness too.

Isn’t it?

Words that said to be well
Words that said thank you
What do I do, I don’t know anything

Now I can withstand,
But the last farewell is really disappointing

Four months passed quickly. Rena left. Jurina stayed. The last words from older girl still kept playing in younger Matsui mind:

“Be brave enough to face the real world again. You can’t hide forever. When you do… who knows… maybe we will get a chance to see each other again”.

It did felt like the last farewell. Neither Rena, nor Jurina knew how long it might take for Jurina to be brave enough, to get back home. They didn’t even know if that might get a chance to see each other. It was all just words. Words for support.

But finally Jurina felt ready.

Ready to get back.

Ready to fight for her own happiness.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline sasshirie

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Re: Searching for Happiness (WMatsui) #5 - "Farewell"
« Reply #164 on: May 19, 2016, 11:29:59 AM »
i love this songs and I love WMATSUI! thanks!

Offline junchan48

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Re: Searching for Happiness (WMatsui) #5 - "Farewell"
« Reply #165 on: May 20, 2016, 06:10:03 AM »

Thanks for the update, Calista-san~
Gonna wait the next one^o^/
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline calista_castro

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Searching for Happiness (WMatsui) #6 - "Gemini" [LAST]
« Reply #166 on: May 20, 2016, 11:30:58 AM »

Searching for Happiness #6 - "Gemini"

What words should I say?
What thoughts are you immersed in like that?
You and I remain here
Full of anticipation, your whispers
Like a dream we’ve drawn together, you and I
Will we be able to love?
Come to me baby
Come come to me baby
Us of the glorious past days

Oh remember, we liked
We cried and also laughed
So we can go back to that time in the beginning (You)
We were always together, we became alike
I can’t even imagine fogetting you,
We were one, me and you
You you you, yeah, oh yeah

That is just it — Rena left and I stayed for quite some time really. I had my doubts at first… whether I should keep on going, wonders if this hotel away from civilization is really for me.

Actually, doubts is something that keeps on following us wherever we go: either it is about feelings/love, job choice, friendships… come on, sometimes we even have doubts if there is any point of waking up in the morning.

Only the constant responsibilities reminds us about it and get us going. So it is understandable that I had a short breakdown when Rena left. Honestly, she became a part of my daily routine, like a friend you get to see every day and it is weird when you don’t have that chance anymore.

One more thing that I have to notice is how familiar we become after so much time spend together. We shared the same views about the important stuff, same opinions about small and insignificant daily routine questions, same dreams about the future and finding something that will keep us going for the rest of our life and gives us strength.

It was not only that but also the thing where we started doing things in the same way. And yes, I mean small things: like the way you pick up tea, how many sugar you put in your coffee, when it is the time for a short break and so on.

It was our co-worker Churi who even noticed that we started laughing in the same manner, or how we kept telling and retelling her same jokes that we shared between us.

Maybe all of this, and because we sort of became like one, was the reason why I managed to keep on fighting even when Rena left. Why I didn’t feel empty when I saw her face in TV while talking about her new upcoming movie. Why I realized that at some point I’ll manage to face the world again, just like before, but this time — more prepared. More positive. More… hopeful.

Our eyes that always looked at the same place,
It keeps becoming disjointed
Even though you’re nearby, I can’t see your heart
Like how the moon quickly blooms when the sun sets,
I hope you’ll return to me as if nothing happened,
The painful now will disappear afar like a dream

Come to me baby
Come come to me baby
Come to me like a shooting star

And I did… I finally got back home. I reconnected with some of my friends, after all this time, I get a better understanding which of them cared and missed me, and which forgot about me altogether.

I reconnected with my family, realizing that I need to show emotion too. I can’t expect them doing anything for me, it can’t be one sided, and all this time…I was at fault too.

Is it weird to say that I feel that Rena was still the reason that kept me going. At the very start, when I haven’t met the girl, only saw her in music videos and movies, I already felt the connection…I saw her hidden sadness.

Now… whenever I got a chance to see her in my computer screen or on TV, I saw her smiling eyes, I noticed honesty, I noticed how she changed during this time and became a fighter… just like me.

When in the past, I looked at her sad eyes — I felt depressed and broken. When I looked at her now and saw happiness — I couldn’t help but answer that smile too. Only now I realized that older Matsui was always a part of my life, whether she wanted this or not.

Also, I have realized that she will always stay in my life. It doesn’t matter if I don’t get to meet her again. She has already won a place in my heart for the eternity and beyond.

Like the beginning, me and you
You you you, yeah, oh yeah

In the sky, like a star with anticipation,
Kiss me
Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me
If it’s not each other,
This light will disappear, yeah yeah

Warmth that remembers even small atmospheres
When you disappear,
The season is cold, my breathing becomes faint
Warm heart, small gestures (My only)
Before your breathing becomes faint,
(It becomes faint) Turn your footsteps (You)
Your star light that passes by me once
Two meaningless stars, if it’s not one
Forever, me and you
You you you, yeah, oh yeah
Baby, ooh, yeah
Should be me and you

Life can play trick on us humans. It has been a year since the last time I saw Rena, in person, and I learn to live without her in my life. I accepted the reality that we won’t meet again and honestly, I was fine by that.

I never expected to meet Rena accidentally, in the middle of the street with some paparazzi probably hiding in the bushes, since they did follow every older Matsui move.



She smiled so brightly while looking at me. Brighter than in the mountains, even brighter when I saw her on TV and she told the world about exciting news from her life and career.

She even surprised me with a hug. Strong grip around me and a short laughter.

“I thought I’ll never see you again! Why didn’t we exchange numbers or something?”, she asked reasonably, still smiling when she pulled away, just so she could look straight into my eyes.

I haven’t thought about this before… maybe I thought that Rena wouldn’t want to see me again ‘in the real world’, I’m not sure why we haven’t kept in touch. We could have written emails to each other, we could have talked on the phone before either of us falls asleep. We could have reached out to each other whenever we felt like it.

“You’re not escaping me this time”, she took my hand while walking slowly to a cafe near by. I haven’t been here before, but from the moment after walking inside, I knew that I’ll want to come again and again.

“I will give you my phone number, email, fact, Instagram, twitter, Tumblr, LINE, what else there is?” she asked excitedly after we finally found the place to sit and talk.

I couldn’t help it, but smile back. It was the same Rena that I met in the mountains, just happier one, more excited one. I forgot all the times when I avoided the girl, because of my stupid feelings that got in the way, and just listened to her. Gosh, I could listen to Rena for the rest of my life, just sitting in silence without saying the word.

She could tell me about how slow turtles are and I would still find it fascinating. That’s why I agreed to meet her whenever she wants to see me again and promised to keep in touch.

That is also why I kept up with the promises and started seeing Rena whenever she was free from her schedule, usually in this small cafe that I learn to love.

That is probably the reason why… few months later… when Rena stopped her stories and smiled waiting for my reaction, I accidentally blurt out without giving a second thought about my words:

“I like you”.

Rena’s answer surprised me though. I haven’t imagined her saying it back (not even in my dreams). “I like you too. Actually… I started liking you back in the mountains, but… maybe it wasn’t the right time”.

We became similar like that. Like ‘Gemini’… holding our feelings inside since we felt that the timing wasn’t right, and expressing it to each other only now, when we managed to get better without relying on other people.

We found our happiness and when we succeeded with that… we also managed to find a way into each others heart.



Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline calista_castro

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Calista's OS Corner - Almost (SayaMilky)
« Reply #167 on: May 22, 2016, 01:02:42 PM »
#47 - Almost (SayaMilky)


That is the word… dangerous word if you ask me.

I almost loved you once. Yes, Milky, I was so close to it. I could practically hear my heartbeat, feel sweat all over my face whenever the atmosphere turn too ‘hot’ to handle. I don’t even mean it in a pervy way, just a smile — it was all it took at that point for me to wonder and search for reason.

I almost gave up for those feelings, despite us being in the same group, performing everyday, spending time together usually in the open for the rest of the world to see.

I almost confessed that I’m developing something too. You told me once that you like me, that it might be more than just a random crush and it might be difficult for you to move on, but instead of saying that I have these kind of doubts too, I shut my mouth. If I voice it, everything would have come out and I couldn’t take it back.

I almost lose my cool.

Almost risk it all.

Time changes people though, so it did the same for us too, especially when you had no other choice but to join other team. I almost told you once, Milky, that I miss you. Miss training and spending every day with you.

Everyone including me were shocked to hear that you’re going to graduate. That you will join that long line before us. Everyone was leaving… that’s how we felt, but everyone was too scared to address the issue of losing people closest to them.

I almost asked you to stay. Change your mind. Smile more. Return to my side.

I almost did.

But we both know…

That almost is never enough.

Other stories can be found here:

Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)

« Last Edit: May 22, 2016, 04:37:04 PM by calista_castro »

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

JPHiP Radio (15/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Chemistry - Now or Never (Chemistry meets m-flo)