Thanks, guys. I really love AtsuYuu and I always for some reason space out like NyanNyan and fantasize bout those two fooling around~
Oh yeah, this story takes place after the elections next year, where Yuko is at the top again.
Now moving on,
Chapter 1 (Part II)
[Atsuko's POV]
"... She's late..."
And here I am, waiting for the girl's arrival. We have been hanging out a lot lately, even more than me and Minami but she was rarely late. It's been almost 50 minutes already.
Maybe she stood me up!, I thought to myself and chuckled a bit. I was wearing a white shirt with black jeans. I also wore a hat so that nobody recognizes me, and it worked. Nobody even came near me. It feels lonely but it's better than having about 50 people chasing after you all the time. I updated my blog while waiting for her but...
Random bystander :"Wow! It's Maeda Atsuko!!!" the man points in my direction
And there goes my free time. It's not like I'm not grateful that fans recognize me a lot but it's kind of annoying if they disturb me when I was busy with something else. I wondered if the members had it rough as well. While I was thinking that, people were swarming towards me asking for an autograph. Some even took a picture shouting "MY ANGEL!!!!!" and such.
Hahaha! I was praised~ I decided to just take care of things here while waiting for her.
Girl :"Sorry I was late! I missed the train!"
Boyfriend :"Don't worry bout it, baby. You're always in my heart"
Girl :"Oh you player~"
Boyfriend :"But you love that side of me" he smiles
*lovey dovey lovey dovey*
Atsuko :"..."
GET A ROOM!!! I yelled inside my mind while watching the pathetic couple flirting in front of me. I took care of all my fans and
She's STILL not here!. I'm pissed. Seriously pissed. I haven't been this pissed ever since the incident in Seibu Dome.
I took out my phone and dialed her number.
Boyfriend :"Hey! Isn't she that famous actress?!"
Girl :"She is! It's Maeda Atsuko" she says as the two of them gets closer to me
Girl :"Nee, nee, can I please have your autog-"
Atsuko :"Piss off. I'm in a bad mood right now" I gave them an intimidating look.
The two of them were most likely scared and decided to run away.
I still couldn't reach her phone. At first I was pissed then I got worried and called her a few more times. After the third failure, I saw the girl running towards me. It was the girl I was waiting for, Oshima Yuko.
Yuko :"Yo! Sorry, Acchan! I was-"
Atsuko :"..."
Yuko :"H- Hey, don't stare at me like that..."
Atsuko :"..."
Yuko :"I- I'm sorry! It's just that-"
Atsuko :"..."
Yuko :"O- Okay... I promise I won't be that late again..."
Atsuko :"..."
Yuko :"That death glare is REALLY painful, you know. Plus the silent treatment together is a Triple combo K.O!
Atsuko :"... Isn't it Double?"
Yuko :"Yay~! A response~!" she did a victory dance and it looked kind of silly.
Atsuko :"Fine, let's go. You owe me a cake"
Yuko :"Hai~ I'll be sure to remember that" she gave me a thumbs up
Atsuko :"And I meant a WHOLE cake." I walked off leaving her behind.
Yuko :"... She's still mad..." she followed behind me looking apologetic.
After talking about a lot of things from sumo wrestlers to Martian baseball players, we arrived at our first stop.
Yuko :"And here we are in a love hotel!!!"
Atsuko :"Oh, Yuko. You're such a player."
Yuko :"Now let's start our 'fun', Atsuko."
I already recorded what she said and sent it to NyanNyan.
Yuko :"Haha, it's rare for you to follow on with my joke." she looks a bit red. Maybe she's not used to joking around with me.
Atsuko :"Just felt like it." I closed my phone after sending the recording to NyanNyan and entered the butler cafe, our real destination.
Butlers :"Welcome to AKButler cafe, miladies."
It's actually a place for AKB members and staff to hang out and bring their friends. Since Yuko invited me, I can enter. The butlers in the cafe are actually some Kenkyusei that I don't recognize. My eyes look at the shortest girl with short hair and charming facials.
Atsuko :"Hey, that short girl looks cute"
Yuko :"Reminds you of Takamina~?"
Atsuko :"Nah, Takamina's not as cute as this girl"
Yuko :"'Dear Takahashi Minami, I am sorry to inform you that the Actress Maeda Atsuko has eyed a girl cosplaying as a butler. You have been dumped' and send" she was typing randomly on her phone while joking around
Atsuko :"What? She's been clinging to NyanNyan lately as well so it doesn't make a difference."
Yuko :"Wait! First time I heard that!" her eyes open wide while staring at me to give an explanation.
Atsuko :"... Pafu." I ignored her
Yuko :"Explain yourself Q10!!!!"
After joking around and teasing each other, we went to the arcade, watched a movie, and met with the other AKB members to go to the karaoke. There was Takamina, Mii-chan, Jurina, Rena, Sashi, Yui, Mariko and NyanNyan. I was clinging to Takamina almost all the time while Yuko was playing with her Oshiri sister and clinging to her pet cat. After that, we separated so Yuko and I went to a park. It was already night time so we could see most couples making out with each other but I'm used to it. Probably Yuko as well.
Yuko :"W- Whoa! Look at them go! Aren't they embarrassed?!" she says while closing her eyes with her hands and looking at the gap for some reason.
Or not. She was red to her ears.
Atsuko :"Just imagine, Shunkan Bunshun's next front page. 'AKB SCANDAL! AKB's top ace and Ex-Ace found in the park filled with couples making out.'"
Yuko :"Oi oi. You know just how bad it was with Sato Takeru's case."
Atsuko :"Who cares. It's what they think."
Yuko :"I know but it's still a shock to most of the members. Even Takamina didn't know what to do."
Atsuko :"Hey, wanna make out?"
Yuko :"EEEHHHH???!!!!" she was red all over and kept her distance from me
Atsuko :
(Whoa, I just LOVE her reactions) "Relax. I was joking obviously"
Yuko :"Haha... yeah, I see..." She looks disappointed... Maybe she wanted to joke around more.
Before I could crack a joke and teased her more, I saw two familiar figures by a bush near a tree. I went to that direction slowly. Realizing I was acting suspicious, Yuko also followed me from behind. Slowly, I reached the bush, I could hear them giggling. Now, I looked behind the bush, and then I saw them. Without any top on. And their panties under the bush.
Atsuko :"Ah."
Yuki :"Ah."
Yuko :"Ah."
Mayu :"Ah."
Thus... Silence fills the air...
Whoa... Never expected that...

thanks for reading~! And please comment on how I could improve this~ Your ideas are most welcome for this newbie~