cisda, I'm guessing their friendship will become normal or something? Dunno

Let's see for ourselves~
Kochiki, muahahaha! I shall entertain thou with my innocent fanfics! But still, I can do it, I think. Innocent is my middle name~ (Not really, but you get the point)
kenjoy, so we meet again, Ken-chan~ Dunno bout the pairings Atsuko probably won't have a future with either TKMN or Yuko. And yeah, I want JuJu as my little sister too~~~~
I've been neglecting this... Wonder why... So here's a new random chapter~ I bring you, KAWAII PUPPY JUJU AND SWEET ANGEL ACCHAN!!!
[3rd lesson] Jurina, Atsu-nee and making friends!"Atsuko, how about you send Jurina to school?" Minami asked a sudden question as she and her friends were eating on the rooftop, since the cafeteria was full.
"Oh, that's a good idea. You can ask Mee-tan to help ya set it up. She's a principal of a middle school, right?" Yuko agreed with Minami and looked at Atsuko.
Atsuko glared at the two who didn't know what she was feeling. She actually thought of that before but didn't want to risk it. She knows just how much Jurina was terrified of unknown people. If she was suddenly sent to an unknown surrounding with unknown people around her, she would probably freak out. Besides, it has been 2 months since they've been living with each other. Their bonds are tighter, and Atsuko learned many new things about Jurina, such as that she was turning 13 that year. Finishing her bento which she prepared while Jurina was sleeping, she laid down on the floor, looking at the sky.
"At least drink some water, Atsuko..." Minami advised and handed Atsuko her container.
The girl reluctantly accepted it and drank from it while Yuko was smirking evilly.
"Heh. I was the one that drank it last. Indirect kiss~" Yuko stated teasingly and Atsuko rolled her eyes.
Minami dranked it next and grinned at Yuko with a 'Beat that, squirrel' kinda look. Yuko decided to ignore it for now and talked about the matter at hand.
"Acchan, if you just kept her sheltered and trapped in your apartment, who knows what might happen when she grows up." Yuko advised the girl trying to sleep lazily.
"Easy. I'll keep her with me even if I get married one day." Atsuko answered seriously and Yuko sighed.
"That's impossible, Atsuko. And you know it." Minami added.
She really did know. Atsuko knew herself that it's impossible for her to get married AND that Jurina would stay with her for long. She knew that Jurina would leave her some day once she found out about her past. Jurina has a family to go to, so she was sure that Jurina would leave her then. The question was how long. How much time do they have together? It hurts her to think of the question but she knows she might have to face the day Jurina leaves her. If she doesn't go back to her family, then Jurina would probably get married one day and live with her husband. Atsuko might try to stop the wedding but in the end, she would undoubtedly give her blessing since she loves the girl too much.
But... She also wants Jurina to spread her wings. Learn new things that she wouldn't teach. Meet new people, Live a happy life, find her loved one. She wants Jurina to live the way she wants. Even if she has to use meaner methods, she would have to accept it. She would find a way to make Jurina stand on her two feet.
"... I miss her..." thinking about life, Atsuko heaved a sigh. Whenever she reminisced the past, a face would always pop up, with memories that she wouldn't want to forget.
Minami and Yuko both had a wry smile on them. They knew the person Atsuko spoke of. Their heart became torn, knowing the girl was thinking of someone she loved dearly. They know that Atsuko have been friends with them and that they are irreplaceable to each other, but for some reason, part of Atsuko's heart was already occupied by a certain person. There was no way that they could ever take that place... because... that person... has been long gone from the world.
A heavy feeling has occupied their it's way in their chest as the wind blew gently, making Atsuko's hair sway beautifully, like a painting of magnificence, elegance, and sadness... They realized the tear in Atsuko's eyes. She was indeed recalling the person whom she missed. Just the thought of her smile, her warmth, and her touch made Atsuko tear up unexpectedly. Minami and Yuko watched in disappointment as Atsuko wiped her tears away with the back of her hand.
"S- Sorry..." Atsuko apologized, and smiled her unsightly smile, making they hearts sank into the abyss known as despair, realizing that smile was caused by none other than Atsuko's loved one.
"No need." Minami got up and walked towards the door "I... need to go to the bathroom..." she bid and left.
Atsuko knew just how much her friends cared for her well being, she knew they hated it when she thinks of 'that person', but she could do nothing. It was all in her head. She apologized many times to them. She didn't know how many times she had hurt them, but she ended up apologizing every time. With a sigh, Yuko plopped to the ground, lying next to the girl as they looked at the sky. It hurts her to think of Atsuko's savior and friend, but she had given her complete trust in Atsuko. They would be no more than friends, but for some reason, she had felt Atsuko's eyes falling for the girl almost every time. When Atsuko has a specific sadness in her eyes, she knows what the girl was thinking about, she was thinking about 'that person'. Yet she could do nothing but smile, smile at her friend, and her crush. She had suspected that Atsuko had already figured out their feelings for them, but she chased her nonetheless. She believes in the future. Either Minami or her could be happy with Atsuko. She believed in that. No... To be precise, she WANTED to believe in that, yet Atsuko in all honesty, showed no signs of further affection...
Because her heart, was already broken by a person who loved her even more.
"Atsu-nee~!!!" Jurina ran towards the door as soon as she saw the figure entered.
"Umph!" Atsuko fell to the ground once Jurina glomped on her.
"Ahahahahaha~!" Jurina laughed innocently and covered her face between her older sister's breasts.
Atsuko instinctively smiled at the girl. She didn't know why but seeing the energetic Jurina just being herself and jumping around would always make her happy. At first when she had found Jurina, Jurina was gloomy, and suspected Atsuko. She remembered the second day they lived together.
Atsuko managed to get back early and entered her apartment. She politely entered and saw no sight of Jurina anywhere. She then searched the rooms and when she entered the room, she saw something which frightened her to the bones, her own room. The curtains covered the windows, showing a dark room. The room was cold, it was hot outside but why was the room cold? Her entire body shivered not because of the cold room, no, it wasn't actually the temperature nor the darkness, it was the sight in front of her. The sight of a figure sitting on her bed, leaning itself to the wall, with the hair covering her face. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were crooked. The girl glared at the one who arrived in the room. Her eyes looking at the enemy in front of her. She recognized her as nothing more than a threat. Her instincts told her that the girl was going to do something nasty to her. She didn't want it to happen. So she glared at the girl. Atsuko gulped, thinking the situation was turning far scarier than what she imagined. She didn't know before. She never realized that the one she took in, could kill her in any moment.----------
"So want some riceballs?" Atsuko asked as she patted the girl's head.
Jurina nodded vigorously, wanting Atsuko's cooking more than anything.
Atsuko didn't need words. She had already learned to deduct Jurina's actions and reactions. It wasn't that hard to find out what she was thinking. It was the same when she took the girl in. Just looking at her eyes could give her an idea of what Jurina really wants. Though she has grown a bit since the times. Jurina grew not just physically, but also mentally.
The girl was far merrier, happy and more energetic than how she was. She wasn't the scary Jurina that Atsuko was afraid of, she had become Atsuko's little sister. She would protect her from all harm, from all the danger. She never doubted the girl for a second. Jurina was the same. She had put her complete trust in the older girl. She wanted to be pampered by her and she also wanted Atsuko by her side. She loved hear dearly, and she would never want to make the older girl sad.
Once Atsuko has finished making riceballs, she puts them on a plate and served it to Jurina. Jurina happily ate it no problem, complimenting her on the delicious foods she always makes. Atsuko gave a goofy grin to that comment and ruffled the girl's hair, embarrassed of the compliment. Once Jurina was finished eating, Atsuko decided to open up the subject.
"Jurina... Do you want to go to school?" she asked the question which lingered in her mind.
Jurina tilted her head to the side, looking at Atsuko curiously.
"'School' is a place where you learn and make friends." Atsuko explained.
Jurina then thought for a second and then her eyes sparkled brightly.
Jurina nodded vigorously at the question.
Atsuko heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that Jurina wasn't too mad about it. She then took care of the paperwork and whatnot, more like she made a call to someone who knows of what to do.
"Oooooh!" Jurina's jaw dropped as she looked at the building in front of her.
"Hm? What is it?" Atsuko asked, not knowing why Jurina was like that.
"School! Big!" Jurina said with broken japanese, jumping up and down as she pointed at the school, still stunned by how big 'school' was. Though in all honesty, she was comparing it with the 2-storey apartment that they lived in.
"Now, now... It was smaller than mine..." Atsuko calmed her down, but after a few thoughts, "Okay, this is bigger than mine." she was reminded of how she went to a commoner's school, different than how she managed to go to a rich kid's university.
"This school is pretty small, huh?" Minami asked, as she and Yuko tagged along to send Jurina to school since they still have time left for their second lecture.
"Yeah, I wonder if there's other buildings for the school?" Yuko asked, teasing Atsuko who was trying her best to smile.
They entered the school area with the other kids watching them. Jurina was feeling restless. She always feel that way whenever she tries new things. And she would always run around the area to know what's in there. They entered the school and walked through the hallway, the students' eyes still on them.
"So where's the Principal's office?" Minami asked.
"Who knows. It's not like I was in this school. Ask Acchan." Yuko glanced at the younger girl.
"I wasn't in this school either. Though it would've been awesome if I was." Atsuko commented.
"Ooh! Let me ask someone!" Jurina ran ahead and stopped a girl.
"Hello~ Can you tell me where the Principal's office is~?" Jurina asked and the girl tilted her head.
"Principal's office? Don't wanna!" the girl answered with a never-changing expression.
"Whoa, she was turned down." Atsuko joked as she saw Jurina with a surprised expression.
"On her first day of school." Minami added.
"Even before she went to her class." Yuko also added.
Jurina was about to cry, that was until Atsuko patted her her head.
"There there~" she calmed Jurina down and looked at the other girl. "Hey, little girl~ What's your name~?" she asked playfully.
"... Mayu... Watanabe Mayu." the girl answered, still with her cyborg face.
"Ne, Mayu-chan, can you tell us where the Principal's office is?" Minami asked the girl.
"Don't wanna!" Mayu rejected right away and then she looked at Yuko.
As if there was a spark of interest, their eyes met and they could feel the sudden connection between them. As if they met by destiny, the two made a sign with their hands shaped like a butt.
"Oshiri~" they said in unison.
"Oshiriko." Yuko offered her hand.
"Shiriri." Mayu shook the older girl's hand.
And thus they nodded, knowing that they have met their pair.
"What the hell just happened?" Minami asked, dumbfounded.
"Probably something ecchi." Atsuko answered confidently.
"Gu..." Jurina was frustrated with herself because the girl turned her down way too easily.
Then, Mayu led the way to the Principal's office thanks to Yuko's persuasion and they entered and was greeted by Atsuko, Yuko and Minami's long time acquaintance.
"Yo, baba."
"Long time no see, baba."
"Did you grow older, baba?"
"Oh, shut up, will you?" Ohori said and greeted the others and then she looked at Jurina. "Oh, so are you the new student?" Ohori smiled which crept out the other three.
"Umu!" Jurina nodded. "Jurina desu!" she introduced herself.
"Nice to meet you, Jurina~" Ohori greeted her and then looked at Atsuko. "I never knew you had such an energetic sister."
"It's complicated." Atsuko said.
"Should I put in 'Maeda Jurina' for now?" Ohori asked.
Ohori already knew the situation not because Atsuko said it, but she deducted it. That's one of the things Atsuko hated the most. How smart the older woman was. Atsuko nodded and lets her do as she please.
"Etto, so we have a new student with us today." Ohori signaled Jurina to introduce herself in front of the class.
"Err, my name is Jurina. Nice to meet you..." Jurina kept glancing over the corner of the classroom.
Then claps could be heard. Not the clapping of her classmates, but...
"Woot, nice to meet you, Jurina-chan~"
"Go, Jurina~"
"Urg..." Jurina was embarrassed for the three, Yuko, Atsuko and Minami respectively.
Ohori sighed as she looked at the childish trio who wanted to attend the class as well for the time being, at least until they have to go to their lessons. Jurina gave a wry smile but then her eyes fell onto a girl.
"Ah!" she half-shouted and pointed at the girl. "You're that cyborg girl!"
"Yeah, so we're in the same class..." Mayu said and looked away, "How annoying."
Jurina thought of something and hugged the girl she just met.
"W- What are you doing?!" Mayu blushed lightly as she was hugged by the taller girl.
"Whoa! Her expression changed!" Jurina widely grinned as she lets go of the girl.
"And what of it?!" Mayu, still red to her ears, glared at Jurina.
"Oooh! Let's be friends, Mayuyu!" Jurina offered her hand to Mayu.
"REJECTED! And what's with that nickname?!" Mayu stuck her tongue out.
"Ya~ Mayuyu's so cute~" Jurina cuddled the girl in her arms.
"L- Let go of me, y- you idiot!"
Seeing the scene in front of her, Atsuko chuckled and stood up. "Huh? You don't want to stay around for a while? We've still got some time." Yuko asked her and Atsuko shook her head. "I think she'll be fine." Atsuko said as she looked at her sister playing around with her new friend, smiling warmly at them. Minami and Yuko also smiled, looking at how happy Jurina was. They thought that it was going to turn into something far worse, but they realized that Jurina had changed. She was no longer the girl who was always afraid. They knew it, she had made a new friend. A friend which she could rely on. With that, Atsuko patted the two girls' heads and left with the others, trusting the new friend which Jurina has met.
[End of 3rd lesson] Kinda heavy in the beginning. Now I wonder who 'that person' is... O.O