I am so late!!! PART 2/2Matsui Jun checked the last time inside his pocket. Feeling the cold metal between his fingers he sighed and then got out of the car. He was so damn late and he hated it. However, he had a good excuse, not that it made him less anxious about his soon to be bride's reaction. He greeted the guests and hurried towards Airin and Churi, Rena's two close friends.
"Hey girls, where is my wife?" He asked, looking somewhat apologetically at the two.
"She is not your wife yet~" Airin sang out and chuckled. "She is very worried and in a state of fainting soon."
"Eeh...." Jun felt even worse and clutched on the metal piece inside his pocket even harder. "Where is she?"
"In the preparation room." Churi said and pushed him towards the chapel entrance. "Go and do what you have to do. You have five minutes or the priest will start without you."
~~~meanwhile, in the shower~~~
Atsuko watched her hubby taking a shower and admired the manly figure of the woman. Seeing Minami like this, all apologetic and yet so cool at the same time, made Acchan only sigh and then reach for a clean towel. She passed it to the midget and then watched her drying herself.
"So...what happened?" Atsuko asked, slight irritation could be heard in her voice but it was more out of care and worry than anger or frustration.
"Um...Mariko-sama simply decided to overwork me...and then my car got stuck in the mud.... I am sorry...." Takahashi hung her head low, feeling really bad for failing as always and unable to do things right.
"You baka..... It's fine, accidents can happen to anyone... The most important thing is you are okay and not hurt anywhere... I was so worried..." Atsuko breathed out her words; one could tell she was about to cry due to anxiety and stress that she felt in these few hours.
"Atsuko...." Minami hugged her wife and held her really close. "I am sorry for making you worry...and Rena-chan too..."
"Un... We should get going...you need to change... The priest is not happy, because the schedule is a mess thanks to Jun and you being late." Acchan pulled back and sighed. "I hope he gets here in time..."
"He will, don't worry." Takahashi tiptoed and kissed her wife on the lips. "Everything's gonna be fine."
~~~in the preparation room~~~
"Rena-chan..." Jun said while walking into the room and gulped, seeing the tensed shoulders of his wife to be and the stare through the window in a worried expression.
The raven haired girl turned to her love and squealed, her eyes tearing up immediately. She ran towards Jun and latched herself onto him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder while the man held her tightly in his safe arms.
"Baka... I am here, so stop crying..." He said gently and held her face with his palms. He kissed away the tears from Rena's face and then kissed the tip of her nose. "Your make up is ruined, silly... But don't worry, you're still cute~"
"Jun, you idiot!!! Making me worried like this...." Rena punched him lightly in the shoulder and then sighed. Going to the vanity table she fixed her make up and then turned to him. "Shall we go? Parents will join us soon."
"Yes, my princess, we can go~"
~~~later that night, AtsuMina bedroom~~~
Minami's finger lazily traveled down her wife's sexy thigh as they were lying in the bed after a hot session, their bodies tangled and closer to each other than ever. She was finally relaxed and content that things turned out well in the end.
"I still am amazed by Jun's present... That wedding ring with a rare diamond that could only be found once in a few years if one is lucky... No wonder he was late, with the diamond being so valuable the security must have been very tight." Acchan said, resting her head on Minami's chest, not that there was that much to rest on.
"Un... Rena said she'll be scared to carry it on her finger all the time but Jun reassured her he will buy another ring to wear on casual occasions. He is a thoughtful young man, I am happy he is the one our daughter has married to." Minami said. "On the other hand... I think tonight I was topped too many times... Isn't it your turn to be the one under me~?"
"Eeeeehh...." For some reason Acchan blushed, just thinking about a possessive and in control midget made her into a jelly immediately. "Un...."
"Mhm~? Submisive Atsuko is a rare sight~" Minami teased and then got on top of her wife. "Let me enjoy this night so much that the newlyweds could only dream of reaching such a level in the bedroom~ Ever, because you make me a better person, at everything~"
"Um....why are you so cool all of the sudden, Minami...." Acchan blushed and pulled Minami in closer. "Eat me then~"
"With pleasure, my Atsuko~"
@korin48, cisda83: haha, it was all revealed in this update, even thought it is a really lame one... Hopefully my next AtsuMina is way better...
@Yuseichaaan48: heyo hubby~~~ Of course you are my sexy man~~~ Nyahaha, your commentaries always make my day~~~

and no, you cannot control yourself, you baka hubby

epic cape..... um....

anyways, thank you for commenting~~~ chu~~~