Hi guys!!
I am a new writer so my fanfics may not be that good but I hope you enjoy them!!!!
Here's my first one. I know it's alittle early but its a YuiParu Halloween OS.

“Trick or Treat!!!” yelled two little girls in cute little costumes. The man at the door gave them a bar of chocolate, and they ran off happily, holding hands.
Behind the man, was a mysterious, dark girl, “If I ever see them again, I will hurt one them for sure, so annoying!” she thought to herself.
“Yuki, what’s wrong?” The man asked her.
“Nothing” she replied with a smile, then they walked back into the house.
Ever since then, the two girls always trick or treat in the same area every Halloween, and the special day came.
*yawn* the girl wakes up.
“Oh snap! its already 11 Am???” Paruru sighs, “I’m late!!!” she realized and got up to get ready to go trick or treating.
“Mouuuu, where’s Paruru?” Yui thought to herself as she waited for Paruru.
“I’m sorry I’m late!” Paruru yells as she ran towards Yui.
“It’s ok, but stop being late all the time!” Yui sighed “Let’s go.” she said then took Paruru’s hand.
A few hours later, they are still trick or treating, having fun and then they went to the Man’s house.
They knocked on the door. “Trick or treat!” they yelled.
This time it was different, a tall, dark girl walked out. She noticed the girls.
“Hehe, you guys came again, huh?” she whispered to herself, as they took the candy from the bowl.
The two girls run off, holding hands, like they did years ago.
The girl holding the bowl of candy smirked and put down the bowl.
“Well, time to do some work”. She said to herself as she slammed the door behind her.
“Paru-chan!! Do you want to go to the park?” Yui asked.
“Ok!!!” Paruru smiled, revealing her cute smiles and dimples.
They found a bench and they chose to sit down there. They talked about the past years trick or treating and all the memories they had made together.
“Heh, talking, laughing, having a good time… They’re soooo annoying.” Yuki smirked as she glared at the couple.
“Paru, wait here. I’ll be right back.” Yui said as she stood up.
“Where are you going?” Paruru asked.
“I’ll be back, I have a surprise for you.” she smiled then walked away.
Soon, Yui was out of sight.
“Now’s my chance” Yuki thought then ran over to Paruru then grabbed her!
Before Paruru got a chance to scream, Yuki covered her mouth and forced her away from the park.
Yui came back just in time to see what happened.
“PARURU!!!” she yelled.
“Damn, whoever did this… I will kill them!”
Yuki, Happy that she succeeded in ruining their Halloween, took her hood off, revealing her face.
“YOU!!!” Paruru yelled as she saw Yuki’s Face.
“Shut up!” ordered Yuki.
“Why would you do this to me?”
“You two are sooo annoying, coming here every year, holding hands, laughing. I hate it, and I hate both of you! That’s why I wanted to ruin your special little day!”
Yuki laughed , “Now I succeeded in doing that!!”
“Doitsu mo koitsu mo, uso bakkari yade!” a voice was heard.
“That sounds familiar.” Paruru thought to herself.
Suddenly, A girl in a red suit and Helmet appears.
“Dare mo shinjirarenai, kono jidai dakara! Gishin anki senshi, HONMAYAN!”
“Honmayan, Help me!!! This girl kidnapped me!” Paruru yelled.
“That’s a lie. You guys are setting me up huh?”
“No!! We’re not!! Save me!! Use your Honmayan Thuderbolt!!”
“Huh? I don’t have any Thunderbolt attack. I can’t do it. Stop trying to embarrass me.”
“Just try, Please!!!” Paruru begged
“Hai Hai… Honmayan Thunderbolt!!!”
*zzz zzzzz* It hits Yuki and she is shocked then fell to the ground.
“Honmayan! Thunderbolts actually came out!!”
-click- “What’s this???”
“Why did you press it?” Paruru asked.
“I didn’t press it!!!”
“Hurry, you have to go, if you don’t you’ll die!!!”
“You’re lying to me!! I want to stay here and stay with” *ZZZZ* Honmayan gets shocked then falls to the ground.
Haha, I hope you guys like it... I'm nervous it sucks or something!! LOL!