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Author Topic: Dear My Saviour,Could We Meet Again?(Chapter 4)UPDATE!  (Read 29155 times)

Offline noah minami

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its short update.but its fine for me.....
just let acchan on-going surgery...
kai wanted to see kai that badly...
let her~

Offline Koyumichan~

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       3 years had left since the last time i’ve wait him in the park.Kai never came to there.I wait him on the same trotoar we first met,and the result was he wasn’t there.It made me down,I didn’t care about my life more over.But Yuu sensei helped me a lot on these hard years.He tried to persuade my parents too for allow me do an eyes surgery.The best and shack news was he did it!The eyes surgery will start next week and I could not wait.
      Time flies so fast,two days before the eyes surgery start I asked my parents why they aren’t allow me to do an eyes surgery 3 years ago.They said they were afraid to lost me if the eyes surgery fail.When I heard that I feel touched.Immedietely I hold their hands,say this surgery will succeed.Without I realized the time for eyes surgery to start already came.The last spirit I got was from Yuu sensei.He promised me,he will take me to an amusement park with one condition,I must make this surgery succeed.We keep our promises while tied our little finger.Mom,Dad,Yuu sensei...wait and prey for me,I could make this surgery succeed.
“Okay,we will remove the bandage now.Are you ready Maeda san?”
“Yes,doctor”This is the most nervous time of my life.The bandage covered my eyes will be remove.My heart beats so fast because I’m affraid if the surgery fail and I’ll still blind.The doctor remove it slowly until cottons left.After all of it removed,the doctor told me to open my eyes slowly.First it was blur but became clear.There were a  guy  and a man standing in my left and right side,the left one wears a white coat.He must be the doctor.And the right he my father?But the guy looks young,too young to be my father.Suddenly he laughs.His face was cute and handsome in the same time.
“Hey Acchan don’t look at me like that!You must be curious about who I am”
“Un...are you my dad?”
“Dad?” He laughs “Nope I am Oshima Yuu”
          I felt dumb,I’m forgot he has Yuu sensei’s voice.I smiled and hugged him like I wasn’t meet him for many years.He still laughs and accepted my hug.Actually I really miss him a lot.
He patted my head and smile.”You deserve it Acchan”
“I could do it because of you,Yuu sensei”
“Don’t praise me,I’m blushing now”I grinned to him because of his answer.
“Anyway Acchan,you could see me now.I am handsome right?”He smirks and posed like a model.
“Mou you aren’t!” His smile dissapeared “Hehe,just kidding.You are handsome tough”
              We laughed together like the time were ours.Somehow I felt my heart beat faster than normally.This is like I feel when the first time I met Kai.My feeling a back then to Kai,was it call love?Then if my feeling to Yuu sensei same as my feeling to Kai that means I do move on to Yuu sensei?
              I was take my words back from years ago as I said Kai was my saviour.Kai was not my saviour,Yuu sensei  is the real saviour of mine.He take care of me and gave me some spirit when I need someone to help and carry me.Kai just saved me twice.Yuu sensei,if he wasn’t here or not exist in the world maybe I will kill myself in the past because a deep disappointed to my parents.Yuu sensei has saved me many times.From now on,I will forget about Kai and my feeling about him like we never met.
=====1 week later======
Yuu sensei keep his promise and make it became true.After I discharged from hospital he take me to amusement park.We decided to have a picnic and playing there.
“Whaaa....sugoii nee”I amazed by the looks of amusement park like a child.It was so huge and have many playing machines such as roller coaster,big wheel,etc.(Yuu sensei who told me that machines have these names)My mother was glad I got my happiness back.
Because there were many playing machines,it’s hard to us to choosed which one we take first.We walked to look around and finally we choosed one of them.Well,I was the one who choosed it.That playing machines have a lot of people who wanted to play it,they queu long.It was a machine that take us to up and down with full speed the machine has.Yuu sensei and I queuing while talking to enjoy the queu.We talked about Yuu sensei’s age,work,living place,and his relationship like we newly meet.
Suddenly I want to pee.Yuu sensei said he will wait me here while queuing.I nod and then search for woman’s toilet.It’s far from the machines and I must queuing because there was lot of girls wanted to enter.I take 10 minutes to enter.After finishing it I run to the machines.I am afraid Yuu sensei already entered it.Because I’m not look closely in my front,I bumped on someone and both of us fall.My butt feels hurt.
“Are you okay?”The person I bumped on help me to get up.Somehow his hand who touched my hand bring back memories,like I was felt it before.We staring each other for minutes after he lifted his face to a girl who called his name.
Sorry because the last chapter was short :kneelbow:

Offline chemicalstar

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i like this story very much!  please keep continue!

Offline blakwhite

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yeaaa updaaateeee :3

i really enjoy this, finally acchan can have her eyes surgery :3

Offline Feat

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Wowwww. I'm getting excited on what might happen next.  :w00t:

Update soon, and thank you for this update.  :bow: :twothumbs

Offline cisda83

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Well... Atsuko can see Yuu and she was attracted to him

Now she also see Kai, what would she feel?

Can't wait to see her reaction

Thank you for the update

  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline AshuraX

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Weird AtsuYuu moment is weird.
I'm gonna go with the majority and say that this will end up being KaiAcchan

Offline jenzybenzy

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sigghh ... if it ends up being KaiAcchan, i dont know if i should keep reading but just for the AtsuYuu sake i will keep on reading 
« Last Edit: November 17, 2013, 02:29:40 AM by jenzybenzy »
A TakaYuu Here, An AtsuYuu there and A KojiYuu everywhere

ALL THESE HUGS ... i want one :cry:

Offline AshuraX

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^Same, man. AtsuYuu shipper hug~ *hugs*

Offline Koyumichan~

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@jenzybenzy-san and @AshuraX-san:Gomen if I disappointing you but still this fic will include Atsuyuu moment and I'll try my best to make it interesting so please keep reading :frustrated: :mon cry:
@chemicalstar-san:thank you so much :mon inluv:
@blackwhite-san:thank youuuu~ :gmon sing:
@Feat-san and @cisda83-san:I'll try to update as fast as I can  :glasses:

Offline atsukojiyuu_C

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I love atsuyuu, but knows this won't end with them together..
So what will yuu do? Just being alone in the end? (⌣́_⌣̀)
But I think will read this for atsuyuu moments~ thanks author-san :D

Offline Koyumichan~

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I love atsuyuu, but knows this won't end with them together..
So what will yuu do? Just being alone in the end? (⌣́_⌣̀)
But I think will read this for atsuyuu moments~ thanks author-san :D
:glasses: :glasses: no he will not alone in the end.Just keep reading and you'll know the answer

Offline blakwhite

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its nice :3
pls update soon XD

and i really hope u will not change the end pairing :>

Offline AshuraX

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Offline noah minami

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Its okay.we will be waiting here :cow:

Offline cisda83

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Update please...

Looking forward to see the next chapter

Thank you for the story up until now.

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline mgxx

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Re: Dear My Saviour,Could We Meet Again?(Chapter 3)ANNOUNCEMENT!
« Reply #36 on: February 04, 2014, 01:37:05 PM »
dear author-san could you update this story?? :bow: :lol:

Offline Koyumichan~

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Re: Dear My Saviour,Could We Meet Again?(Chapter 4)
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2014, 07:07:43 AM »
After long time no online and update finally now I'm baaaaccckkk! :onioncheer: First I want to apologize to minna-san that I couldn't update this story fast. Second because I was busy these months, this update is updated witout editing so...I'm sorry if it was many wrong grammars and my story is boring :kneelbow: Hope you like it! :byebye:


      The girl who called the person I bumped on run to us and bowed to me.

“Sorry,my boyfriend did not look carefully what is on his front.Please forgive him”She bowed depper than before for 90°.Her voice was familiar to me and she said his name was Kai.Were they the same Kai and Haruna from the past?

“Ah it’s okay”I said. She immedietely looked at me with happy face but then she looked at me suspiciously.

“Aren’t you....”

“Oh my god,I’m forgot Yuu sensei was wait for me in the machine game.I leave now,see ya!”I cutted her words and left them.It’s hard for me to left them actually,half of my body wanted to still there but I didn’t want to make Yuu sensei panick because I go so long and I decided to forget Kai.I hoped Yuu sensei still queuing and didn’t enter the machine game yet.After arrived in there I searching Yuu sensei,luckily he still queuing and he was in the front now.I approached him and poked his shoulder.He startled but then smile at me relief.

      We entered the machine now.My heart pounding because I was nervous and afraid.Suddenly I feel  my hand has been touched by Yuu sensei’s hand.He held my hand tight and smiling to me.And then....WUSSSSSSSSSS!The machine went up!I am screamed so loud,threw away my feeling to Kai with my voice.Yuu sensei screamed about something but I couldn’t hear what he say clearly.His hand which hold my hand pulled it up.I lifted my head to him,he looks at me sharply.Next thing I realized is Yuu sensei screaming my name and....I LOVE YOU!WOULD YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND??!!

      Did he serious????
      After we took some machine games we went to our home.I didn’t give my answer to Yuu sensei and because of that our time being awkward.He drives me home but didn’t say anything such as goodbye.I got out from his car and closed the door, waved to him and trying to smile.The window then went down.

“Listen,Acchan.About my confession....please answer it and think of it.I’ll give you some time”He said.

“I think I want to answer it now,can I?”


I took a deep breath while closed my eyes,threw it out,then opened my eyes and looked at Yuu sensei.

“Yuu sensei....I-“

“Could you please just call me Yuu?”He interrupted.

“Alright.Um...Yuu....I accept your feeling to me”I smiled awkwardly.He just freezed on his place,well....maybe he did not believe my answer.Yuu got out from his car and approached me.He stared at me,I just smiled at him shyly.His stare made me blushing tough.

He stared at me with surprised look on his face.”Did you serious Acchan?”

“Am I look lie to you?”

He hugged me tight and whispered thank you on my ear.
2 months later

             My relationship with Yuu going smooth.He was nice to me and treated me like a princess everyday.He never forgot to text me in the morning after I woke up and in the night before I sleep.I already forgot about Kai,I guess?I never thinking about him again.All on my mind is Yuu,Yuu,and Yuu.Seems I have moved on to him.And today is our 2 months date anniversary,Yuu told me to celebrate it in his mansion.I agreed because I’m always curious about his mansion looks,even though I frequently went there to take reading lesson 3 years ago.On my way to his mansion I visited a cake shop to buy a small cake for us.All of those cake are cute and looked delicious.I choosed a cake with simple white cream which covered the sponge of the cake and strawberries circling it.Afer I paid for the cake unfortunately I bumped on someone,it’s  a girl.She helped me to stood up and gave my cake which fell,luckily the cake was fine.

“ is your cake”I looked at her.She is....

“Ah!You are the girl I met in the amusement park before,your name is Acchan right?”She asked

I nodded at her while give her questioned look.“Unn...Why do you know my name?”

“Well we are known each other before we met in the amusement park.Do you remember about a girl named Kojima Haruna?It’s me!And the boy you’ve bumped on is Kai,the one who introduced me to you!You can see now?I am happy for you Acchan!”

So right,the girl and the boy I’ve met there is the same Kai and Haruna from the past.Why?Why in this time when my relationship with Yuu was going smooth?To be honest I still have feeling for Kai but just a little.She tilted her head to the right side to  looking my face which I lowered.

“You don’t remember?”

        How could I forget these cute tone and the strange feeling when Kai’s hand touch me?They are made me got dillema,they wrecked my life,messed it.I wanted to have a peaceful life,This feeling shouldn’t come!I liked Kai but he already has girlfriend,she made me jealous and started to make me hate her,but I mustn’t.She is nice and kind,why should I hate her?This question always came on my mind and I asked it with my own.This is so complicated,I couldn’t keep it!And then without I realized,I ran out from the cake shop,crying.Somehow I heard Haruna chased and called me but then stopped in the front door of the cake shop.

“Acchan!Why did you panting?”Yuu opened his mansion door to welcome me.His face shows a worried expression.

I took a deep breath to stop panting.”I ran from a cake shop to here”

“Why?Are you chased by bad guys?”

“No I am not.I just wanna arrived in here fast”I smiled to him,hid my lie from him.

        Yuu lead me to enter his mansion and after that closed the door.His mansion was simple but looks comfortable.There were a set of television,dark brown sofa with a small table in front of it,the wall painted with a cream color,and a shelf full of books near the sofa.Beside the shelf was a door to his  bedroom,a small kitchen,and a balcony.I walked to the balcony and amazed by the view I saw from there.Yuu followed me and hugged me from behind.We didn’t talk each other,just enjoyed the silence between us with a cool wind touched our skin.Suddenly he took me to his kitchen and decided to open the cake I bought.We ate it together.
After finishing it I whinned to him for looking his bedroom.He laughed at first because he said his bedroom not special and messy.But still he showed his bedroom.It was not messy like he say but the  desk which actually messy.There were some papers,books,and notebook.I sat on his bed and looked to a photo that was on the cabin beside the bed.On that photo there were Yuu with a man and woman.Yuu sat next to me,started to explain they were his parents.They passed out in an accident when go back to Japan from England.Suddenly tears fell from my eyes after hear that,Yuu always smile and looked happy.So,he hid a black past from it.He caressed my cheeks and said ‘It’s fine’.Yuu wiped my tears with his thumbs and then kissed me on the lips.It first kiss....

            I walked to home from Yuu’s mansion alone.He wanted to take me home before but I reject it with an excuse I wanted to know the path to my house clearly and to see the view of night like what.Yuu didn’t allow me first but I whinning to him that made him nod and warned me if I get lost I must call him.And now I walked while remembering the kiss with Yuu.I am blushed because of that,it makes my face burning.Suddenly a bunch of tough man standing in front of me,grinning.I acted like I wasn’t care about them and wanna passed but they blocking me.Because the bad feeling which suddenly came to my heart I turned around but found another tough man.They are cornered me,I started afraid.

“Hey pretty girl.Wanna play with us?”One of the tough man,the big,tall,and scared one spoke to me.I couldn’t answer him just shook my head.He walk towards me and touched my skin.I avoided it and looks like I made him mad.He grabbed my arm making me close to him.

“You reject us?That wasn’t good.We won’t hurt you”

“You are the one that were not good.A real man doesn’t scare and hurt a girl”

I saw a guy with blonde hair walking to us,the voice was from him.The man who grabbed my arm release his hand from mine and facing the blonde guy.

“Don’t act like you are the hero here,kid”He pushed the blonde guy’s left shoulder.

         With a fast action the blonde guy kicked the man’s stomach,making his unders immedietely ran and started to attack him.I just closed my eyes,afraid if the blonde guy  couldn’t beat them and end up get many bruises.This was a chance for me to run but...I can’t leave him alone.He saved me from them.Without I realized someone poke my shoulder,made me hesitate and scream.

“It’s fine,they were gone already”

I opened my eyes slowly and find only the blonde guy here,he was right they were gone already.His lips was bleeding.Quickly I gave him my handkerchief to clean the blood.

“Thank you for saving me”I bowed and wait him finish cleaning his wound.

He did not answer me just give back my handkerchief.”I leave now,take care of yourself”

       He was so cold!Even though he saved me I started to hate him.I continued walk to home but I saw a card near my shoes.I put it and read the name who was the owner of this card.This card is a student card,the blonde guy’s face had on the card.I shocked after read it,his name is...Takahashi Kai and suddenly I remember something.He was the boy I’ve bumped on in the amusement park 2 months ago.

Offline cisda83

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Re: Dear My Saviour,Could We Meet Again?(Chapter 4)UPDATE!
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2014, 10:54:49 AM »
So did Kai forget about Atsuko?

Why did Haruna chasing Atsuko?

AH... Atsuko and Yuu are together

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline noah minami

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Re: Dear My Saviour,Could We Meet Again?(Chapter 4)UPDATE!
« Reply #39 on: February 08, 2014, 03:24:04 AM »
Yeah an update. .. :cow:
Haruna was trying to same something to acchan....
I wanna know what gonna happen. .. :?
Waiting for next update  :otomerika:

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