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Author Topic: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (23/23) - COMPLETED  (Read 72877 times)

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 18) Feb. 24th. (JuriMayuRenaYuki)
« Reply #120 on: February 24, 2015, 12:37:44 PM »
More conflicts.. More chapters..

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 18) Feb. 24th. (JuriMayuRenaYuki)
« Reply #121 on: February 24, 2015, 01:13:24 PM »
poor jurio don´t leave mayu alone!!! go with her!

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 18) Feb. 24th. (JuriMayuRenaYuki)
« Reply #122 on: February 24, 2015, 06:15:50 PM »
After a sweet moment,then come the conflicts?!! :cry: :cry: RENAAAA I NEVER FORGIVE YOUU :scolding: :scolding:
Sae come? Tsk,he wants break up JuriMayu relationship :frustrated:
Mayu,please trust Jurioooo :( :gyaaah:

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 18) Feb. 24th. (JuriMayuRenaYuki)
« Reply #123 on: February 24, 2015, 09:39:02 PM »
I hate when rena sama became antagonist

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 18) Feb. 24th. (JuriMayuRenaYuki)
« Reply #124 on: February 25, 2015, 01:45:20 AM »
wow... i miss 4 chapter MaYuki and JuRena broke up already.... :shocked:

Although I still mad at Jurio(yeah..I want him to suffer) :angry: but i feel poor for him... Mayu should trust him :(

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 18) Feb. 24th. (JuriMayuRenaYuki)
« Reply #125 on: February 25, 2015, 05:56:09 AM »
The antagonist in this fic is author-san :lol: btw where's wmatsui shippers who voted? Let's comment in this fic and spread wmatsui virussssss :cow:
Yeah Sae came. More conflict I like it XD

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 18) Feb. 24th. (JuriMayuRenaYuki)
« Reply #126 on: February 25, 2015, 10:10:45 AM »
They wont ?  :cry: promise me that i can take your words rensu-chan  :cry: Jurimayu is my love. *and about killing you  XD haha i'm not serious, renshu-senpai.................. i'm freaking really serious  :twisted: www

And... there ! there ! there !.. the troublemaker(sae) has come. he with his flashy-fishy thing... how cliche~  :nervous hahaha

and rena.. how should i say this ? ...i feel like.. admiring her ? ahaha  XD dont dissapoint me with your black-plan rena  :twisted:

and hey ! yuki didnnt even come out in this chapter !! what a coward !!  :yawn:  open your eyes yuki !! open your eyes !! if you really love mayu !! get her in a real fight !! not play a dirty trick in her back !! .. ck, are you call it yourself a man !?'re the rubbish one in here !!

Jurina  :cry: please.. please.. please.. always protect mayu and .. dont leave her~

Mayu :heart: nothing words for you.. you're my love  :heart:

*its not that i want them to be separated... but, if only they separated for real... could you make it into jurio's fault ? i feel like its gonna be mayu's fault when sae appear...   :oops:

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 18) Feb. 24th. (JuriMayuRenaYuki)
« Reply #127 on: February 27, 2015, 04:24:31 AM »
I love complication :lol: Thanks for replying and keep reading my lame story. Here’s the 19th chapter. I never write a fic this long, so it’s kinda surprise me as well XD :lol: I wonder how many chapter I would write, writing this makes me happy, I don’t know why but, yeah… :dunno:


Wmatsui fanfic: What will happen? You’ll see :D Sadly I really understand how Rena feel :lol:

Yhuiii: Oi oi oi! Don’t kill any character here >_< I love every character I wrote :lol:

Weird Panda: Yeay, more conflict, more chapter, mada mada nee XD

Minami-chan: Mayu was mean T_T

Gyuchan: Oh come on, just forgive my Rena-chan XD Let’s see what will he do and what’s his real intention, slowly, okay XD

Gek geki: You said that you loved it? XD

MYJR: Don’t angry at Jurio-kun. Isn’t he just sweet? Yes, Mayu should trust him.

Koyumichan~: Eeeh? Atashi? Tehe XD If you want to read wMatsui, just read my oneshots, there are tons of wMatsui because I can’t think of anything but wMatsui when I wrote an OS :lol: Here’s specially made for JuriMayu :P

Mayura48: I promise… No I can’t promise anything yet :D XD :lol: Rena’s black plan? Isn’t it Rena’s Gekikara plan? :dunno: Hey hey hey, don’t angry at Yuki-kun yet. Easy XD It’s not the end yet, many things would happen :lol:

I’m glad with many people’s response. I really, really love you guys :* Hahahaa…. And here’s the chapter, douzo…. :D


Jurio was still on the school ground when Mayu left him. He sighed at the fact that Mayu trusted Rena more than him, her own boyfriend. He touched his cheek where Mayu slapped him. It was still stinging in pain and made him felt like crying, but he didn't. He wouldn't let himself lose just because of this cheap trick that certain person played on. He had his pride like a crown on his head.

"I'm not involved in that incident, Jurio-kun," suddenly a familiar voice appeared from behind and stopped right beside him.

Jurio turned his head to see the culprit, "I don't have anyone in mind but you," Jurio coldly suspected Rena.

"Aw, that's so sweet," Rena touched his cheek and looked at him with a wide creepy smile plastered on her face.

Jurio snatched Rena's hand from his face and held her wrist,"Why are you doing this?" Jurio asked her.

"Do what? I told you I don't do anything," Rena chuckled. Rena looked at where Jurio held her, "Anyway, it hurts," Rena showed a painful expression which made Jurio quickly let go of his hand from hers.

"Let's go home. You can walk me home today, Mayu-chan doesn't need you anyway," Rena smiled at him.

"You..." Jurio really, really wanted to punch that angelic face in front of him, but no, he wasn’t a coward who hurt a girl.

Rena then walked away from him while humming a random song and left Jurio behind. "I really don't do anything you know," Rena whispered when she walked away, she chuckled evilly.


The next day, Jurio as usual came to Mayu's house to pick her up. He decided that he would do it anyway, whatever happened. It was already like his job since he did it everyday. When Mayu opened the door, she seemed a bit surprised by the sight of a tall figure stood there in front of her door with a calm smile.

"Oh," Mayu startled, she had no words in mind at that time.

Jurio came closer and gave her a morning kiss on her forehead like usual, "It's 'Good morning', isn't it?" He chuckled as he patted his girlfriend's head lovingly.

"Good morning," Mayu said but she didn't smile. She was still taken aback by Jurio's presence that morning.

Jurio grabbed her hand and held onto it tightly, "Let's go to school," he said warmly.

Mayu was all silent on their way to school. She was surprised to see Jurio in front of her house after she slapped him yesterday, moreover he acted like nothing happened and greeted her with his usual warm smile and calming eyes. She was actually felt horrible after slapped him, thus she ran away and asked him to leave her alone. But the fact that she was crying all night and regretted that her hand suddenly moved to slapped him harshly couldn’t be denied.

"I thought you wouldn't come," Mayu uttered her thought to Jurio.

Jurio pinched Mayu's cheek lovingly, "Baka, it's a must to pick you up, send you home and make sure you’re safe everyday," Jurio told her.

"Are you a bodyguard?" Mayu chuckled.

"You can say that, I'm a multi talent boyfriend for you," he smiled.

"Sorry about yesterday," Mayu looked down.

"No, it's okay. You're right, I was just so worked up over small things. If I were you, maybe I'd do the same if you suspect my friend to do something bad without any evidence," Jurio explained.

Mayu felt relieved, to know that Jurio forgave her and to know that Jurio was the best boyfriend she could ever wanted.

When they reached the locker, they opened it to change their shoes. Mayu was anxious about what her locker would be this time. She was expecting more rubbish or anything scary. She inserted the key and unlocked the locker.

"Fuh~" she let out a relieved sigh after seeing her locker was all fine, except that it wasn't tidy because she didn't fix it yesterday, it was glad that she didn't forget to lock it.

After changed their shoes they went to their class. They chatted as they were heading to their class when...


"Hey! Watch where you walk!" Jurio was angry at the girl.

"Ah, I'm sorry, it's my fault," a girl bent down to help Mayu who was fell to the ground after bumped to the girl.

"No, no, it's okay," Mayu said as she brushed off the dust on her skirt.

The girl then went away with her friends after helped Mayu. Jurio was still looking at the girl's direction with his suspicious eyes.

"Jurio-kun, let's go," Mayu called him. He just nodded and they continued to walk to their class.

"Hello, sweety," the familiar guy blocked the door with his body so Mayu and Jurio couldn't pass. They turned back and went in from the other door.

"Damn it, I forget that this class has two doors," he laughed.

When Mayu reached her seat, she sat down. Then the earlier flashy guy came to her seat and attacked Mayu with his most annoying way Mayu would ever think about.

"Good morning," he greeted Mayu.

"Morning," Mayu answered lazily. She pulled out a book from her bag and started to read.

"How are you?"


"Have you eat breakfast?"


“You sleep well last night?”


"Hey! What's with the short answer? Mou," the guy pouted as he protested Mayu's short and cold answer.

"Not in the mood,"

"Why?" He asked.

Mayu closed her book and put it down harshly on the table that made Sae startled, "Because it's you!" Mayu stood up and walked to Jurio who stood up against the window at the back corner of the classroom.

"Why? Why are you always reject my handsomeness and awesomeness?" Sae followed her.

"Don't force a girl, dude," Jurio stated as he pushed Sae away by his shoulder.

"I'm not talking to you, Jurio," Sae brushed his uniform where Jurio touched him.

Jurio pulled Sae by his collar and talked to him in a soft low tone, "Listen to me, your fans had done something to my girlfriend. They inserted so much rubbish inside her locker yesterday," Jurio told him.

Sae pushed him away, "Oh," He said in a plain look.

"What? 'Oh' you said?" Mayu shook her head and let out an annoying sigh. "I told you, you're just bringing me bad luck, back in Akihabara High and now here," Mayu explained.

"Uwaa, that's harsh," Sae said. He turned to face the whole class, "Hey, if anyone of you in this class hurt Mayu-chan, I won't forgive you!" Sae yelled so the whole class listened to him. He turned back to Jurio and Mayu with his cocky smile, "It's done. Easy."

"You shouldn't do that," Jurio told him.

"You're making it worse," Mayu said.

"Eh? Me? Why?" Sae asked as he was clueless about it.

"Your fans would only become more angry then they already do! You stupid!" Mayu whispered angrily to Sae.

"Listen, Miyakawa, don't be too close to my girlfriend, if something happen to her later, I'll come to you and crush you," Jurio said with his flat expression.

"Hey, you should add some emotion there like clenching your fist or something. It's just like you're reading a script," Sae told him. "And my name's Miyazawa!" He protested.

Jurio tapped his shoulder and nodded at Sae as the bell rang through the class and the first lesson was begun, they went back to their seats.

"Hey, what was that for?" He asked dumbfounded.


"Hm, this is not bad. Though Akihabara High has a green grass rooftop and some plants and trees... It's okay, I feel like my beautiful skin's burning," Miyazawa Sae talked to himself. He was wearing a black shade like a celebrity in a beach while he was sitting on a bench.

He went to the rooftop alone. He wasn't feeling like to lurking around the school that day. Actually, he thought about something.

"I just want to have a date with Mayu-chan, why it's so hard?" He sipped his orange juice from the can.

"She always ignores it since we were in Akihabara, I wonder why?" He took another sip.

"I can help you," a voice suddenly appeared and made Sae choked on his drink.

"*Cough* You surprised me!" He yelled and cleaned his mouth. He saw where the voice came from. "Wow..." He whispered.

"That's my bad," then the person sat beside Sae and crossed her legs. "I'm Matsui Rena," she introduced herself without looking at Sae.

"I know, you're the one who sit beside Mayu-chan. Wow, you're beautiful," Sae complimented her.

Rena just chuckled at the guy's compliment, "I can help you to have a date with Mayu-chan, or maybe become her boyfriend," she smiled at Sae.

"Impossible! Wait, really?" Sae's face lit up.

"Yes, if only you would help me as well," Rena said.


For a few days, Mayu's life somehow back to normal. Sae's fans hadn't done anything to her. Well, aside from bumped into someone everyday, nothing happened.

One day, Mayu went out alone to the groceries. It was after school, Jurio wasn't with her that day because he was sick and was absent that day. She went to the groceries to buy something so that she could cook dinner for Jurio.

Because it was still early, she thought it would be safe for her. She couldn't wait to see Jurio who might be laid down all day in his bed. She was a bit anxious too toward him, but she could only hope that Jurio would be okay.

"Are~ we meet again, ojou-chan," a scary heavy voice from a tall figure stopped her in her track.

"Wh-who are you?!" Mayu half yelling at the person.

"Eh? You've forgotten me after what your friend did to me?" The man walked closer step by step to Mayu.

"Are you-" Mayu's word was being cut in the middle.

"Yes, yes, yes. It's me," the man whom Mayu remembered as the one who tried to rape her some months ago trapped her in a hallway.

"No... No! Let me go, let me go, please..." Mayu's body was shaking, the image of that scary night came to her mind. "Jurio-kun, help me! Someone, please help me!" Her eyes went teary. She closed her eyes tightly as her heart beated fast. She was really afraid. Who would help her, Jurio was sick at his house.

"Oh, come on, it's a revenge," the man laughed evilly.

"Someone, please help me!!!" Mayu yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Stop right there!" Someone then suddenly appear.

"You!" Mayu was shocked by the guy appearance, "Miyazawa-san, please help me!" She yelled.

"Of course! Hiyaaa!!!" Sae appeared as her hero this time and beated the guy. After kicking and punching him, Sae helped Mayu to stand up and decided to send her home.

"Thank you," Mayu said.

"No, it's okay, I pass this way and hear someone yelled so I come to see, and it's you," Sae helped her tidy her uniform and gave her a handkerchief. "Here, wipe your tears," he gave it to the sobbing Mayu.

"Let's go," Sae said.

They walked together, side by side. Mayu wasn’t injured so she could walk on her two feet perfectly. Sae was there only accompanied her. When they were about to cross the street, suddenly a motorcycle appeared and almost hit Mayu. But Sae pulled her body at the good time, so she was safe.

"Oi! That's dangerous!" Sae yelled at the driver.

He turned to Mayu who was shutting her eyes tightly on Sae's chest, "Hey, are you okay?"

Mayu realized after hearing the different voice, "Un," she nodded. "It's not Jurio-kun..." She thought as she pushed Sae's body away from her.

Mayu realized that the junction was already near her apartment, "My apartment is near from here, I'll be alright now. Thank you for saving me today," Mayu said.

"Is that so? Okay then, be careful okay," Sae smiled at Mayu.

When Mayu was about to turned around, Sae called her once again. "Mayu-chan, give me your phone, I'll give you my number and email, in case if something happen later, though I hope nothing would happen later," Sae told Mayu.

Even she was hesitate a bit, but finally Mayu pulled out her phone and gave it to Sae, “Okay, here.”

After saving his mail and phone number on Mayu’s phone, Sae gave the phone back to Mayu, "Okay, it's done. Give me a call or mail me when you reach home safely," Sae said.

"Yes. Thanks a lot, Miyazawa-san," Mayu bowed her head.

"It's okay. Well, see you tomorrow," Sae waved at Mayu who walked ahead. He smiled, evilly.


[Mayu POV]

I closed my apartment door, locked it and made sure no one could open it easily.

It was a fearful afternoon! I never thought that the raper would take his revenge on me. Why? Even if it was already some months, he still remember me. Was he that eager to rape me?

I took a bath and changed my clothes quickly. I laid on my bed. The earlier event went accross my head once again.

"I really debt him my life," I closed my eyes. "Oh, right," I suddenly got up and took my phone from my bag then typed a message.

-Miyazawa-san, I reach home safely. Thank you so much. I don't know what will happen if you weren't there-

And... Sent.


Well, that was quick! I opened the mail and as expected, it was Miyazawa-san.

+I told you it's okay, Mayu-chan. Stop calling me Miyazawa, call me Sae. Nee ^^+

I didn't really feel like calling him 'Sae-kun' if I remembered about how flirty and flashy he was since the first time I knew him. He was the person I wanted to avoid the most. But...

-Okay then, Sae-kun. Thank you again. I want to take a rest.-

Maybe being a little kind to him wasn't a big sin. I took it as the way I showed my gratitude to him for saving my life and mostly my virginity from that creepy raper.


+Waa, I'm happy ^^! Oyasumi Mayu-chan~+

I closed my phone without replied him back and went to sleep because my eyes felt really heavy, I lost many energy just to cried and yelled for help earlier.



Someone was checking on a camera where everything this person saw was saved inside the camera. Very clear. This person would keep it and used it when the right time had come...

"How could you be too easy to be tricked? You should learn better, Watanabe Mayu..."

The person turned off the camera and continued sipping on the hot chocolate that evening alone.

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 19) Feb. 27th. (JuriMayuRenaYuki)
« Reply #128 on: February 27, 2015, 05:15:34 AM »
Yuki... where are u  :prayers:

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 19) Feb. 27th. (JuriMayuRenaYuki)
« Reply #129 on: February 27, 2015, 05:42:07 AM »
oh.. god ! i like this fic so much  :inlove: soooooo much !!  :twothumbs

Mayura48: I promise… No I can’t promise anything yet :D XD :lol: Rena’s black plan? Isn’t it Rena’s Gekikara plan? :dunno: Hey hey hey, don’t angry at Yuki-kun yet. Easy XD It’s not the end yet, many things would happen :lol:

yea,yea..yea, no promise, you act like a politicians now..  :smhid at least i still can watch jurimayu doing lovey-dovey together... than its okay  :twothumbs

Like what i thought !!.. mayu.. and sae  :cry: .... what a dirty trick, rena !!!

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 19) Feb. 27th. (JuriMayuRenaYuki)
« Reply #130 on: February 27, 2015, 03:57:53 PM »
Poor mayu,  I'm smelling something bad.

My heart beating fast. Why should I care, they should be get punished what they did to their friends yes they should.

Waiting for update fighting author San

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 19) Feb. 27th. (JuriMayuRenaYuki)
« Reply #131 on: February 27, 2015, 04:15:50 PM »
Rena sama...
Hate jurio for making my rena sama behave like that

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 19) Feb. 27th. (JuriMayuRenaYuki)
« Reply #132 on: February 27, 2015, 11:11:54 PM »
OMG!!!! During read this chapter,i feel angry with Rena!!! Ya,i hate you from beginning!!!  :mon pissed:
Mayu don't easy to be tricked by Sae. Just save ur life by yourself! :monk gboy:
Jurio,it's not your fault to not come to school,just safe Mayu from the devil (rena :twisted:)

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« Reply #133 on: March 21, 2015, 06:50:43 PM »

I have some things to tell you guys... :mon sweat:

First, I'm sorry if It takes a long time for me to update, the college has started at the early of March and I got tons of tasks to do almost everyday, so I couldn't update soon.

Second, I don't know when will I update this fic because the 20th chapter hasn't finished to write since I don't have enough time, I guess it'll take much time. I really want to continue to write more of this fic but I can't promise anything.

Third, I don't know why but I kinda lost my interest to write, so I can't promise that this fic will end soon or not, but eventually it will come to an end. But maybe sometimes (if I have times) I'll write some shots.

And for all these three things, I'm really sorry   :mon waterworks: :mon whimper:

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 19) // Announcement
« Reply #134 on: March 21, 2015, 07:20:07 PM »
Dont worry renshu san.. :ding:
do take ur live are hectic  :on study:
do continue the story...please dont lost ur interest
we..the reader will wait patiently for ur update  :on drink:

Until next time..gudluck with ur college days renshu san~
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 19) // Announcement
« Reply #135 on: March 28, 2015, 12:06:54 PM »
Goodluck for ur study renshu-sensei! :inlove: :twothumbs
But,if you have time.. Please continue this fic bcs i love this fic so much :( :(
I'll waiting....

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 19) // Announcement
« Reply #136 on: April 08, 2015, 10:22:21 PM »
Finally I get the chance to continue this, took me quite some time, I’m sorry ... :sweatdrop: :bow: :doh:
Thank you for reading, thank you for leaving replies. :twothumbs

@Yhuiii: Yuki is somewhere outside the world,  :on BDay:

@Mayura48: Thanks a lot. And yeah, maybe it’s a dirty trick  :ding:

@wmatsui fanfic: Am I smelly? Oh, they should get the punishment? This is life man  :onionwhip:

@Gek geki: Don’t hate any character please  :ptam-cry:

@Gyuchan: Don’t hate her, it’s love. Don’t worry, Mayu has her hero. And thank you, I will update it and finish it in the mean time  :bingo:

@Kuro_black29: Yeah, college is hectic, :depressed: moreover if the lecturer made it more hectic, thanks for your kind words  :dozing: :byebye:

Wuthout further ado, here’s chapter 20. Douzo!


Mayu fell asleep right after she finished mailing Sae. The scene of a few months ago happenned again to her with the same culprit. She felt really scared, but thanks to Sae who saved her from the scary raper. It was such a luck to had him there at the very right timing. Was it really by chance? But Mayu remembered about Jurio who saved her a few months before, Mayu was sure that it was a pure coincidence.

Mayu was in a deep sleep when suddenly a loud thud could be heard. Someone was banging her door and calling her name. Mayu's eyes twitching by the sudden sound. She woke up but she wasn't completely awake by then.

"Mayuyu, are you inside? Mayuyu!" The sound came again to Mayu's ear. She rubbed her eyes cutely while thinking about who would came over to her house at midnight.

"Mayuyu, please. It's me, Jurio. Open the door!" It was Jurio banging on Mayu's door at midnight. Hearing that it was Jurio, Mayu's eyes suddenly opened widely as if it would came out from her skull. She rushed to the door to find a fluster red Jurio smiling at her. Jurio launched his body to Mayu's instantly when the door opened.

"Mayuyu, glad that you're home. I'm worry about you," Jurio said while hugging Mayu.

"What are y- Eeh?! Jurio-kun?! Jurio-kun!" Mayu shocked to have Jurio lost his consciousness in her body. Seriously, Jurio was heavy. Even if he lost some weight due to the cold, he was still freaking heavy for Mayu to handle. Glad that the couch wasn't too far from where they stood, or else Mayu would gain muscles to brought Jurio's body with her.

After laid him down on the couch, Mayu went to take a pillow and a blanket for him. She covered Jurio's body with the warm blanket. Just by looking at his flustered face, Mayu knew that his fever hadn't gotten any better. Mayu put a cold towel on his forehead, she hoped that it would help to decrease his body heat.

"Why are you coming here if you're still not feeling well, Jurio-kun. Now you make me worry about you," Mayu talked to the sleeping Jurio while carressing his face lovingly. There was a troubled look written all over his face, maybe the heat made him had a bad dream. Mayu treated him well and after a few times his troubled look disappeared as he looked really calm in his sleep.

It was 3 a.m. and Mayu decided to sleep as well because she would have a class in the morning. She decided to take a light sleep and brought out a futon and sleep near Jurio.


"How was today?"

"It went well, as smooth as you say,"

"You're not too suspicious, are you?"

"Yup, no worries. What about you? Get a good catch?"

"It's perfect,"

They hang up the phone call and felt quite satisfy by the result. The plan and the result were in equal, so it meant they were success.


Mayu suddenly shot up from her sleeping position, "Oh shit!" She cursed under her breathe. It was half past 9, the class had started the last half past hour. There was no need to bother going to school anymore, she would be kicked out instantly if she ever dared to came in a super late time.

Mayu went to wash her face and came back to the living room where she found Jurio still sleeping soundly on the couch.

"I wonder if his fever has gone down," Mayu went closer to him. She didn't have a thermometer so she tried to think how to measure his temperature. An idea popped out in her mind. She knew the way she usually see from some anime and manga about how to measure someone's temperature without thermometer.

"I'll give it a try," Mayu swapped her bangs to the other side and leaned her forehead to Jurio's.

"How is this actually working?" Mayu asked to herself, she wondered while closing her eyes. She groaned to find how it worked.


Mayu's butt fell back to the hard floor, shocked by the sudden attack of her sleeping boyfriend, or not. He wasn’t sleeping all along. He already woke up but pretended to be sleeping when he heard Mayu was moving in her futon. But gladly, Mayu didn’t know it.

"Good morning," Jurio sat up while looking at Mayu.

"O-Oha... Aaa! You, you kissed me!"

"It's a morning kiss, like I usually do," Jurio said to her.

"You kissed me on forehead normally!" Mayu yelled at him.

"Eh? It's not on the lips?" Jurio's eyebrow twitching as he thought about his daily morning kiss.

Mayu smacked her own head, he just got a fever but he lost a memory about the morning kiss. Mayu asked about his condition and Jurio said that his body felt better than yesterday. So her lateness that day had paid back, Jurio was already health.

"You can take a bath if you want, there's a towel inside the bathroom, you can use it," Mayu suggested Jurio. And as her command, Jurio directly went to the bathroom and clean himself.

Mayu open the refrigerator and took the milk, she poured it into a glass and drank it to the last drop. She took an apple and ate it bite by bite in the kitchen. When she almost finished her apple, Jurio came to her sight wrapped by the towel from his waist to his knee, leaving his fabulous upper body uncovered.

"Aaa!" Mayu yelled shortly. "Wh-where's your clothes?!" Mayu asked as she covered her eyes from a no-no sight of Jurio.

"I'm sorry, I was about to wear back my clothes, but they smell bad. Are you by any chance has a male's outfit, Mayuyu?" Jurio asked Mayu. By then Mayu remembered that he was sweating a lot last night and maybe since morning he didn't change his clothes. Mayu sighed in defeat.

Still with her eyes closed with both of her palm, Mayu asked Jurio to follow her. Mayu stumbled in some places and even hit against the wall.

"It's okay Mayuyu, you can open your eyes. It's dangerous for you to walk with eyes closed," Jurio said in a worry tone.

Mayu turned to Jurio, "You!" She forgot to close her eyes so she closed her eyes again, "Aargh, you might be okay. But I am not okay at all!" Mayu told him while covering her eyes.

Mayu quickly ran to her room and invited Jurio to come as well. She opened the cupboard. Looking for something, a pair of clothes for Jurio of course.

Mayu was struggling to reach the clothes in the higher place, "Urgh, I can't reach it," Mayu muttered in a low tone, but clear enough for Jurio.

Jurio came closer and hovered behind Mayu's body to reach the clothes, "Is this one?" Jurio asked Mayu.

"Yes, that shirt. And the grey short over there," Mayu pointed the clothes she wanted to lend to Jurio.

Jurio finally get the white t-shirt and a short. Mayu turned back to see if the clothes were right. "Yes, you can wear it, I guess. Oh shit," Mayu quickly closed her eyes back with her palm.

"Just act normal, Mayuyu, it's not the first time you see my body though," Jurio declared.

"You stupid! Just quickly wear the clothes, I'm in the kitchen if you want to find me." Mayu then quickly rushed to the kitchen leaving Jurio to wear the clothes inside Mayu's room.

"He'd make me die if I open my eyes and see him..." Mayu's pervy thought came to her mind and she slapped her face to clear the thought, "Damn it, brain," Mayu groaned frustratingly.

Mayu waited in the kitchen. She took out some ingridients from the refrigerator, the left over. She was pondering for some minutes about what to cook. It wasn't like she was bad at kitchen, she could cook for herself, but she didn't know what if Jurio's favorite. And all this time, her foods were edible, but she didn't know if anyone would like it.

"What are you doing?"

"Whaa!" Mayu jumped, she didn't know that Jurio already finished. Though it was tight, the white shirt she bought from anime exhibition last year was fit enough for Jurio, a bit tight but, oh well. And the short, she didn't know why, but she thought she felt like to wear it so she bought one. Glad that it wasn't too small for him, or else...

"Um, I was just wondering what to cook," Mayu responded.

"What do you have? Just cook them," Jurio said as he walked to the kitchen. "Let's make a simple one,"

With that, Jurio decided that he was the one who would lead the kitchen. Jurio asked Mayu to cook the rice, while he was cutting such as the onion, garlic and some vegetables. He asked Mayu where was the salt and the other needs for cook.

Everything went smooth and amazing in Mayu’s eyes. The way Jurio wore the apron with his stylish hair flailing when he moved, to the way Jurio cut the ingridients like a professional chef. Moved again to the way Jurio cooked and tasted them. She never knew that someone like this really exists. As a girl, she felt defeated to see such a cool boy who could cook way much better than her, or even her mother.

That was quick enough for Mayu to have a complete set of foods in her kitchen. They ate the foods and Mayu compliment how great Jurio was in the kitchen.

"You probably could apply in a restaurant or something, these are quite fancy for me," Mayu said. Jurio just laughed it off.

"Anyway, why were you coming to my house last night? You weren't healthy, you caught a cold! You made me worry, Jurio-kun," Mayu asked about his reason coming all flustered to her house in midnight.

"You said that you would come to my house after school. I waited for you but you didn't come until midnight. I was worrying about you so I decided to check on you, but I'm glad to see you in perfect shape," Jurio explained.

Hearing Jurio's explanation, Mayu's heart sank. It was her fault at the very beginning. She forgot that she should had been going to Jurio's house instead of went home.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry Jurio-kun. I forgot to tell you. Actually, I was almost being raped by a raper from a few months ago. The one you beated that night when you saved me, you remember?"

Jurio tried hard to remember the one Mayu was talking about. But as stupid as he was, he couldn't remember anything, he didn't even remember if he really had ever saved Mayu from a raper. She laughed awkwardly at Mayu.

"Duh! That man almost raped me but Miyazawa-san helped me and sent me home,"

"WHAT?! A RAPE?!" Jurio stood up from the chair.

"That was late, hey," Mayu rolled her eyes.

Mayu explained that she quickly fell asleep not long after she reached home. She forgot to tell him.

"I'm sorry, okay. Please don't be mad," Mayu held Jurio's hand.

"It's okay. I'm glad that you're safe," Jurio smiled and patted Mayu's head. "I have to thank him later, that Miyakawa,"

"Miyazawa," Mayu corrected.


"MIYAZAWA," Mayu stressed the word clearly.

"Him, I'll thank him later when we're coming to school because we're skipping classes today," Jurio said.

"And whose fault that I wake up late this morning and couldn’t go to school?" Mayu glared at Jurio as Jurio just shrugged his shoulder.


The next day, Jurio and Mayu finally could go to school as usual. Jurio had been in his perfect health and Mayu didn’t have to wake up late because Jurio had left her house in the afternoon to rest. Like usual, Jurio would pick Mayu up at her apartment and they would go to school by foot. Right after reached the locker, they opened it to change their shoes.

“Kyaaa!!!” the sound of someone’s yell rang through the corridor and made almost everyone there had a heart attack. They asked to each other about what happened.

In Mayu’s locker, Jurio could see a dead rat laid there with its bloods were splashing everywhere in her locker. The horror view made everyone whispered to each other and made quite a loud morning in Sakae High School.

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 20) April 9th
« Reply #137 on: April 08, 2015, 11:40:19 PM »
Hahahahaha....J typical behaviour~
mayu and her not-so-healthy mind
Poor innocent rat  'may u rest in peace
J...protect many evil in the air~

Thanks for the update~
Waiting for next~
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline mayura48

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 20) April 9th
« Reply #138 on: April 09, 2015, 01:24:43 AM »

Mayu went to wash her face and came back to the living room where she found Jurio still sleeping soundly on the couch.

"I wonder if his fever has gone down," Mayu went closer to him. She didn't have a thermometer so she tried to think how to measure his temperature. An idea popped out in her mind. She knew the way she usually see from some anime and manga about how to measure someone's temperature without thermometer.

"I'll give it a try," Mayu swapped her bangs to the other side and leaned her forehead to Jurio's.

"How is this actually working?" Mayu asked to herself, she wondered while closing her eyes. She groaned to find how it worked.


Mayu's butt fell back to the hard floor, shocked by the sudden attack of her sleeping boyfriend, or not. He wasn’t sleeping all along. He already woke up but pretended to be sleeping when he heard Mayu was moving in her futon. But gladly, Mayu didn’t know it.

"Good morning," Jurio sat up while looking at Mayu.

"O-Oha... Aaa! You, you kissed me!"

"It's a morning kiss, like I usually do," Jurio said to her.

^This is Masterpiece..  XD

Didnt know what to say... you give me to much JuriMayu moment  :shocked *That should be bad for my heart  XD

Mayu.. mayu.. mayu~ where do you got those pervy mind ? yuko ? :lol:

and at the last part..  :angry: i want kick those bitch asses who put a prank to mayu !!! i mean.. for real !! give me that slut, renshu-chan !!  :angry: *soryy for my bad english  :P

late, but i want to say thanks to you, renshu-chan.. reading your fic makes me want to write again. i'm glad you're updating this  :) :heart: *because somehow in last past month, i didnt really have spirit to write my story  :P

Offline Raizel

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Re: Ren's Weird Fic : The Goosebump (Ch. 20) April 9th
« Reply #139 on: April 09, 2015, 02:23:43 AM »
Finally an update.. :fap
Wow Jurimayu..  :inlove:
Jurio.. You kiss Mayu on the lips.. Congrats..  :rofl:
Oh my.. that prank,  :banghead:  please Mayu be strong you got Jurio.. :cry:
Thanks for update,..  :twothumbs

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