Finally, I got the mood to continue this fic. LOL.
It’s the continuation of the previous chapter (Of course

), and this time is Mayuki special, and a bit of JuriMayu

I’m sorry to disappoint you and for the super late update

I hope you’ll continue to read this until the very end. But I guess there’s still a long way to an end. Please kindly wait for it.

Thank you for the replies, your replies are the best courage. I hope this one won’t disappoint you. Sorry if it’s lame, lame is my middle name

Then, douzo…
Jurio took another bus to head home. Not long after he sat down on one of the available seats, his phone rang. He read the screen, he got a mail. He swapped the screen and found that it was from Yuki.
-Tonight’s date went well. I hope yours, too. Good news, Mayuyu will teach me for the upcoming exam, just the two of us. How romantic! I’m sure I won’t lose from you this time! I’ll get a higher rank, remember that Jurio!-“Full of spirit as always, eh?” Jurio chuckled at his best friend’s mail. He typed something to reply the mail.
+Well, if you can get good mark in all subjects, I’ll grant your wishes. But remember, you’ll never beat me on anything.+Jurio imagined how annoying Yuki was when he received his mail. He smiled bitterly on his ownself.
-Yoshaaa!!! I'll keep your words!-Jurio laughed at his reply, short but it showed him the most.
“But you beat me on one thing that I cherish the most,” he let out a sigh.
“A-are you sure, Mayuyu?” Yuki asked uncertainly.
“Yes, Yuki-kun. Please do it, I’m perfectly sure about it,” Mayu looked at him and reassuring about the things they were going to do. “Don’t tell me you’ve never done it before?” Mayu asked.
“N-no, I have done it a few times, but-“
“Then show me,” Mayu smiled.
After a few minutes they started, Yuki started to tremble. All of his body felt all wet, he was sweating a lot. It was hard for him to breathe normally in this situation. Until the very last second…
“Mou! Math is the most irritating thing I have met! Why do I have to do these things! They are useless in reality!” Yuki yelled.
Mayu just laughed at his behavior, “You said that you have ever done it before.”
“I have done it, but everything is wrong. I can’t do math,” he whined.
“Here, let me help you,” Mayu started to explain what Yuki thought was hard.
Yuki was stunned at the girl beside him. He couldn’t believe that this smart-goddess is her girlfriend right now. He always thought that he wasn’t an interesting person and thought that no girls would date him. But here he was with his so-called girlfriend.
“…and you have to multiple this-“
“You know, Mayu, I’m still worried about you and Jurio.” Yuki started his words, cutting Mayu’s long explanation about math. “I… I don’t know if it’s just me or what, but I have a feeling that you don’t really love me.” He closed his eyes and smiled bitterly.
Mayu looked at him then let out a sigh. She shook h er head and continued the explanation,”After multiple this and this, you have to-“
“Mayu, listen to me,” Yuki grabbed her hand to catch her attention.
“No, you have to listen to me. We’re studying, Yuki-kun. You have to study, please don’t mind such a trivial things like that. Just mind about study for some times, will you?” Mayu said.
Yuki sighed, maybe he was just childish he thought. “Right,” Yuki looked at Mayu with his one thousand megawatt smile of his. “Let’s get back to study!”
Mayu felt relieved, she replied him with a smile and continued to teach him. A few hours of studying wasn’t a strange thing for Mayu. She loved study so much, that’s why she could get good marks on every subject.
"And there, finish! Mayuyu, please have a check," Yuki held the excercise book to Mayu.
Mayu checked on Yuki's work. Although he took a long time to did it also with the mistakes here and there, finally he did it perfectly. "That's great, you're getting smarter already," Mayu teased him.
"Is that so? I'm happy!" Yuki yelled happily.
"Yosha! I'll make you eat your words, Jurio," he said on his mind.
“Wait here, Mayuyu. I’ll get some refreshments for us,” Yuki stood up and went to the kitchen.
That was close for Mayu! She thought today would be just the two of them so her heart would be a bit easy without that certain someone’s presence. But Yuki himself brought up that issue. She let out a sigh and clutched onto her heart. She hate the fact that she still had those feelings for Jurio when Yuki was always be there for her and being the kind person he was. But it couldn’t be helped that Yuki couldn’t make her heart race, only Jurio could, and it made her frustrated.
Mayu breathed deeply and suggested her brain to stop thinking about other things, she had to be focused. Not long after, Yuki came back and met Mayu.
“Sorry for the long wait! Here, come and eat. My mom made it for us, or rather special for you,” Yuki laughed and put the refreshments on the table.
“Itadakimasu,” Mayu drank the water first then the cakes and cookies. Everything are sweet, Mayu prayed in her head to not get fat after eating those bunch of sweets.
“My mom is eager to meet you, Mayuyu,” Yuki said while munching the cookies.
“Is that so? But, since I’m coming here, I haven’t met her. Where is she?”
“She has been-“
Yuki’s word were cut by the sudden invasion of a loud mid-thirty woman, “Ara, is this Mayu-chan?” the adult woman suddenly hug the girl beside her son. “Are, what’s with this cute smile?”
“Mom!” Yuki yelled but was ignored by his mother.
The woman continued her assault and hugging the poor little girl tighter to her chest.
Oppai…” Mayu dreamily said in her head. “
So soft… So big… Aaah, oppai…” Mayu’s head spinning, whether it was because of the tight hug or her broken brain, she almost lost her consciousness.
“Mom, stop it, you choked her,” Yuki pulled his mother from his beloved girlfriend.
“Iyaada, Yuki-kun~ Mamarin just want to hug her~” his mom squaled.
“Look what you have done to her!” Yuki pointed at Mayu.
Yuki and her mother witnessed in front of their eyes, Mayu’s face was all red and she got a nosebleed.
“Kyaaa~ Mayu-chan, are you okay. Please forgive Mamarin, nee~” the adult woman went panicked.
“Mayuyu, hang on there!” Yuki yelled.
This woman is dangerous,” Mayu thought. “Y-yes, Kashiwagi-san, I’m okay, don’t worry,” Mayu sat up with her own left power.
“It’s not Kashiwagi-san, call me Mamarin, nee~” the adult woman winked at her.
“A-ah, y-yes, Mama…rin,” Mayu answered.
Yuki's mother turned to meet Yuki's eyes and talked sweetly, “Ano,Yuki-kun, we ran out of syrup, would you help Mamarin to buy it?” the so-called Mamarin then pulled something out from her bra, it was money. “Here,” she handed the money to Yuki.
He rolled his eyes and took the money, ”Huh, it’s annoying. Mayuyu, I’ll go out for a bit, take care of yourself okay,” Mayu nodded at Yuki’s words. “Mom, don’t even try to do anything weird to my girlfriend,” Yuki’s piercing looked didn’t move his mother’s wide smile.
“Of course~”
With that, Yuki left the house to buy the syrup. He knew it was just his mother’s motive to have a private time with her girlfriend. He hoped it wouldn’t be bad.
[Mayu POV]Ah, Yuki-kun had left. I was all alone with his mother. Mamarin, right? She was so much dangerous. She made me get a nosebleed by her hug. After a long time, I still have that oppai and oshiri fetish, it was bad!
“So, your name is Watanabe Mayu, right?” somehow the way of her speaking to me changed.
“Yes, Mamarin, I’m Watanabe Mayu,” I bowed my head to her. When I looked up, the image of her had changed. This time, I felt an aura of a really good mother from her unlike before. That was… I couldn’t say it!
“I see, Yuki-kun is a good boy, isn’t he?” she asked me without looking at me. She turned her gaze to me and smiling widely, her expression resembled to Yuki-kun so much, “Maybe this is his first time to have a girlfriend, not to mention that you’re really beautiful and kind too. But I’m really thankful that it’s you,”
I heard that and my heart tightened. Even her mother expecting much from me when I couldn’t love him with all my heart. Yuki-kun was kind and so was his mother, was I the antagonist here? Why do I had to be in a bind like this? I was afraid to hurt both of their feelings, when I knew I already did.
“I’ve never seen him so happy and full of spirit lately, I’m sure that it is because of you, Mayu-chan. Please stay by his side, okay?” Mamarin asked me. It sounded simple, yet very complicated to me.
“I’ll try my best,” was the only answer I could give to her. I was quite sure that she would get angry at me and cursed me to death if she knew what actually I felt toward her beloved son.
Yuki reached his house and got inside instantly. He dropped the syrup in the kitchen and proceeded to checked on Mayu and his mother. A vague laughter could be heard and it was getting clearer to Yuki’s ear and found that Mayu and his mother laughed together.
I’m happy if they get along well,” Yuki smiled behind the door. He walked in and his curious mind brought his head walking closer. “What are you two looking at?” Yuki smiled then looked at the two who laughed really hard.
“Look, Mayu-chan, this is Yuki-kun who lost his first front teeth. It’s so funny!” his mother yelled.
“Wh- NOOOOOO!!!” Yuki snatched the album and looked at the photo his mother had shown to Mayu. “MOM!!!”
“Look at this one, Mayu-chan. His naked photo with a diaper! Isn’t he cute?”
“NOOOO!!!” Yuki snatched the next album as well. “Mom, why are you so cruel?” Yuki cried. “You made me embarrass myself in front of Mayuyu…”
“You were cute, you know, as a baby,” Mayu teased him.
“Mou, Mayuyu,” he cried.
“Enough for today, remember what I have taught to you. The exam is in next 2 weeks. Please study well, okay?” Mayu told him.
“I understand, sensei!” Yuki said.
“I’ll be waiting for you with a bunch of sweets next time, Mayu-chan,” Mamarin said.
Mayu laughed, “Very well, Mamarin,”
“Are you sure to go home alone? I can send you home, you know,” Yuki asked.
“No, I’ll be fine, Yuki-kun. See you tomorrow,” Mayu waved her hand and left Kashiwagi’s house.
On the way home, Mayu kept on thinking about what Mamarin said to her. “
Stay by his side, eh? I wonder if I could,” Mayu clenched her fist. The favor she would never fulfill, she thought.
While walking down the road, Mayu realized that it was too quiet. She looked at her watch, it was just 8 p.m. She got a bad feeling about it. She should have said yes to Yuki’s offer to send her home. She felt someone’s walking behind her but when she turned around there wasn’t anyone. She inhaled deeply then continued to walk, the sound of someone’s step behind her could be heard once again. She was afraid, she quicken her pace and turned out that she was running.
But as the un-athletic girl she was, she lost her breathe and fell down. Now the sound of the step coming closer and she could see one of the things she thought would never happened to her.
“Nee, ojou-chan. Why running away? Look, your knee is bleeding. Let onii-san helped you,” the sound of a heavy voice made her mind went panicked.
“No! Go away! Don’t touch me!” Mayu yelled.
“Wow, you have a foul mouth don’t you, ojou-chan?” the guy now caught Mayu’s left arm and gripped on it tightly.
“Let me go! You hurt me!” Mayu tried to snatched the guy’s hand but to no avail, the gripped even getting stronger. “What do you want? Money? I’ll give you! Just let me go!” Mayu yelled.
“I’ll let you go if you help me and my buddy down here,” The guy pointed at his groin.
Mayu’s eyes grew wide,“Never!” She yelled at the guy. “Someone, help! Please, help me!” Mayu yelled and cried, begged the guy to let her go.
“Nobody can hear you, ojou-chan. Come-“
BRAKKKHis word was cut by a sudden action from behind him. The guy instantly fell down after got a hard blow on his head. Someone hit him with a surely hard wood.
“When a girl ask you to let her go, then let her go,” the cold but calm voice said.
It was dark, Mayu couldn’t comprehend who the guy was, but this voice sounded familiar. She didn’t move, she just stunned there like a stone. She couldn’t believe what had happened to her earlier.
“You’re okay… Mayuyu?” the figure came closer and finally Mayu could see who saved her earlier.
Without any thought, she launched her body to her hero. She cried hard and didn’t say any word, even actually she was aiming to thank him that he saved her, nothing but a loud cry from her mouth could be heard.
“It’s okay, I’ll send you home,” the boy caressed her back to calm her down.
“J-Jurio-kun…” Mayu tightened the hug while her tears kept on flowing. She was so thankful that Jurio saved her. Fortunately, Mayu was safe at that time.