"So what do you say?" The boy asked about his offering to the girl in front of him.
She inhaled, deep breathing while closing her eyes. She looked straight to the boy's eyes and nodded,"I'll try," The little answer made the boy sighed in relieve.
He smiled,"Let's do this..."
Today as well, we had a lunch together. This time we gathered at the canteen. The usual people, the usual activity. I never bored at it. Because I could always see the person I had a memory with. Even he didn't glance at me when I did, he answered with a nod when I asked him, even so, I didn't mind.
But the condition had changed. I dated his friend. His best friend. I didn't know if it was right or not. But it was him who wanted me to do this, right? After all, I was just obeying his wish. I didn't realize that he had been really affecting me about this matter.
"Guys, I have a big news!" Yuki-kun distracted our attention. I knew, it must be that. I looked at Jurio-kun. His eyes took a trail to Yuki-kun's direction. He was sipping his drink from the bottle.
"What is it?" I heard the others asked him.
Yuki-kun grabbed my hand under the table. He looked at me and I just smiled at him. Nodding, agreeing his next action.
Yuki-kun looked at my eyes, it was so intense. Then he turned his gaze toward the others and said,"I... am dating Mayuyu now."
The others cheering us, or it was just Yuki-kun. I saw them clapping and yelling our name. And then I saw Jurio-kun's smile.
"And it's all thanks to Jurio. You are really a great friend. Thank you buddy," Yuki-kun said. Yeah. Yuki-kun told me that Jurio-kun was the one who cheered for him. Supporting and encouraging him to confessed to me. He did that, for his best friend.
With the joy and happiness, I spotted something odd. Rena-chan was sitting beside Jurio-kun. And they looked in a good term as they chatted at the end of the seat, smiling and commenting about me and Yuki-kun.
I nudged Churi beside me, gaining her attention. "Nee, did I miss something here? What happened with Rena-chan and Jurio-kun?"
"Hm?" Churi turned to see Rena. She, too, was shocking at the sight. Being the riot she was, she blurted out asking the person directly. "Eeeeh??? Rena-chan? Aren't you too close to Jurio-kun today?" I facepalmed. Churi...
Rena-chan turned all red, she was facing the ground and stuttering. "A-ano... We um... We-"
"We're dating," Jurio-kun continued Rena-chan's words. I saw their jaws dropped to the floor. "Just kidding, hehee" he laughed and made the other's soul went back to their respective bodies.
"Mou, that's not funny!" Paru said.
"Rena already forgive me, and she decided to be friend with me. Right, Rena?" Jurio-kun averting his gaze to Rena-chan. Why? Why was it hurt? Wasn't it good if Jurio-kun and Rena-chan getting friendly?
"Woohoo... Then when the time comes, we all will hang out in couple, 4 couples! Jurio, just ask her out already!" Airio-kun yelled out. Everybody laughed at his statement.
Rena looked up and whinning,"We're not even a couple!"
"Not yet~" Churi teased her and gained more laugh by the others.
Were we gonna be couples group instead of friends group? Would it be okay?
Some times later we went back to our class, hand in hand with our own couples, except Jurio-kun and Rena-chan. They weren't hand in hand but they looked much closer. The old Rena who always saw Jurio as the worst human in the school suddenly changed. If I re-think about it, it happened since the day we went on shopping.
What was really happening?
We arrived at our class, curse me who didn't notice it because I was too busy staring the two people in front of me.
"I'll see you later after school," Yuki-kun kissed my cheek. Even it was Yuki-kun, my official boyfriend, I didn't feel anything. Why was it so plain?
He waved at me and walked away. When I was following his direction that was when I saw Jurio-kun smiled and waved to Rena-chan.
After the boys disappear, Churi immediately pulled Rena-chan's hand inside the class and forced her to sit. "Explanation!" She said with those piercing eyes like a hawk.
"Wh-what explanation? I don't think I understand what you're talking about," Rena laughed nervously. Obviously there was something between her and Jurio-kun.
"Rena-chan, since that day on the shopping center your attitude toward Jurio-kun have changed. I wonder what cause it..." Paru uttered her curiousity.
Rena-chan looked red. Then, it must had been something happened between them.
"Are you guys perhaps... Dating?" Churi randomly said.
Rena-chan looked up and denied it. She flailed her hands in front of her face. "T-that's impossible!" She yelled.
"Easy there, you don't have to yell," Churi let out a small chuckle.
Rena-chan looked at me with a pair of sad eye. Why? Of course I wasn't dreaming. So I asked her, "What's wrong?" But she just shooked her head and we were back to study since the teacher came. I was still couldn't get what she meant by those eyes.
The girl in her thick coat was checking her looks on the mirror. Checking the lipstick and how her face looked. Tried to sizing how wide her smile would be. How should she did a greetings. She was all nervous, all heavy and loud sighs came after some little try.
"Haaah, what should I do?!" She shutted her eyes tightly. She was normal, as normal as another teenager while waiting for the night out with a guy.
"Why am I feeling so nervous?" She sighed. Frustrating by her own choice.
The bell rang. After a few moments, her mother came to her room.
"Come down, Rena-chan, there's a handsome guy waiting for you," her mom teased her. Her heartbeat went crazy. All her blood rushed to her face making her face redden. With a light tap from her mom, Rena climbed down the stair and there was the guy stood and smiling at her.
"Jurio-kun, please don't come home too late, okay? You have to send my daughter at least at 10 p.m." Mrs. Matsui told him.
"Yes," Jurio peeking at his palm. "Yes, Matsui-san."
The night seemed crowd, of course, it was weekend after all. The two of them walked side by side. Rena almost everytime, tried to hide her exploding feeling. Being so close with this guy made her body felt light, she would had flown if it was possible.
They stopped at a coffee shop and decided to just warming up their bodies with a glass of hot coffee. Jurio opened the glass door to Rena and sat right beside the window. Looking at people passing by was always interesting.
Rena felt that the atmosphere getting weird and she decided to talk first, uttering her biggest curiousity. "So, Jurio-kun, why are we actually doing this?"
Jurio almost choked on his coffee,"Too bold," he hissed. "Do you want to stop? It's okay, I told you that I never force you to do it," Jurio said.
Hearing what Jurio said made Rena panic,"N-no! Th-that's not what I mean!" She aimed. "I mean, why me? Why do we have to..." Rena paused at her next sentence, "pretend that we're close?"
The question hitted Jurio, bull's eye. Rena was curious. Jurio asked her to look closer to each other in front of the group. Pretending. Why did they need to pretending?
Jurio took a sip of the coffee,"I don't know either," he said.
Rena felt stupid, why did she agree at it in the first place. Jurio didn't explain everything clearly yet Rena just agreed at his offer. What is it that make her agree almost directly? Was it because of his determination. He looked so convincing about the offer.
"And, if we just have to pretend in front of them, why are you bringing me here?" Right, their friends weren't there. Why doing this when they were not around?
"I just want to know you more, Rena," Jurio smiled. As expected from the most famous boy in their school, his words sounded simple yet strangely could affecting someone.
Rena strightened her body, her body tensed up. With her finger hanging at the cup, she tried to made her heartbeat back to normal from the slight attack. She stared at the fluids inside the cup, tracing her finger at the edge of it,"Wh-what do you want to know?"
Jurio chuckled, he was surprised that the girl had this side as well. He always thought that the girl was different. As she was easily angry at him, being furious, mad and yelled at him. But the sight was different, it was the timid and shy Rena. "Tell me everything," he said looking at the girl.
The conversation went well, Rena told him about many things even it was him who asked and she answered everything. Just like any interview you would experience when you were about entering a company. The interviewer got many informations, and it turned around. "Don't you want to know about me too?"
The girl who was taking a sip of her coffee almost spit it out.
"You're so funny," he laughed. "Come on, ask me," he said almost sounded like a challenge.
The girl greeted her teeth. She gripped her own shirt under the table and couraging herself to ask him. She gazed at his eyes, locking it for a long moment and tried to read him. "Do you love Mayu-chan?"
He closed his eyes, chuckling. "I don't know why your questions are bold," he joked.
"Please answer me,"
Looking at her pleading eyes made Jurio's laugh stopped suddenly. His face soften. "Will you trust me if I say no?" The girl shook her head. "Well, you get the answer," he said.
The girl stood up. "Let's go home, it's late."
The way back home was totally quiet. Jurio knew, it must because of his answer. He felt guilty but in other side, he didn't want to lie to her. He felt horrible enough to dragged this girl into his own trouble.
It was fast. They already reached the girl's house. She thanked the boy and wanted to get inside when Jurio's hand stopped her by her wrist. "I'm sorry," he uttered.
She shook her head. "No, it's okay. Even if you just want me to be her substitute. And I know the thing between us will ended like how it was began, false," Rena didn't know why, but she was really hurt inside. She knew that for her, it was different.
Jurio knew what it meant. He knew that the girl started to have feelings for him. "Then teach me how to make it real," Jurio's hand swiftly pulled her neck so that their gap getting closer. He kissed the girl by her lips. Feeling her hands were about to push him, he catched her hands and deepened the kiss until the girl stop struggling. He heard the girl sniffing so he stopped his assault. Cupping the girl's face and kissed her forehead.
With the tears rolling down her cheeks, she said the most selfish thing to the boy,"Say that you love me... Please..." She gripped Jurio's arms tightly. But she didn't dare to look at his face. Still facing the ground, she cried more.
Jurio lift her face, cupping the both of her cheeks and whispered,"I love you." He smiled at the girl.
She hugged the taller boy and spoke with her hoarse voice,"Thank you, even it's just in your lips, thank you,"
Ah, chapter 6... Sorry for delaying it, sorry for making it weird, sorry for making it short, sorry for making it not interesting, sorry for mistakes and everything. Hope you enjoy and please keep leaving reply.
The kiss scene is here again, you like it? I hope so.
Thanks for reading, thanks for just looking at it