Minami-chan: thank you for reading, I'll try my best to finish it

Sastio13 : right, I added too much spicy here, LOL. Thanks for reading.
Gyuchan: yeah, they're sisters

what happen to Yuki? IDK

Gek geki: yeah Yuki... I'm here too

Mayura48 : they didn't pop up suddenly, I already write a slight about Mayu's sister in the prologue :p sorry if it's not interesting anymore

Kairi65 : it's hard for the both of them

Koyumichan~: Sorry for the hurt kissing scene

I hope your questions answered at this chapter (∩_∩)
Minna, I'm sorry for the super late update. I'm really in a pinch with a dozen of tasks lately. Also... I kinda lost my courage in writing. Things happen...
But hey, I just need to read all your comments to write the continuation and find a courage to write again.
As always, I'm sorry if the story isn't interesting, with the wrong grammar, typos, bad English... Hope you like it... (∩_∩)
Yuki walked back to his house. He asked Mayu to tell Jurio and the others that he couldn’t come to the party. After the earlier event, he didn’t think he could face the others. He lost his mood to do anything. He closed the door and walked to his room. Even the greeting from his mom was ignored by him. He locked the door.
Why Mayu? Why? You never look at me the way I do...Yuki’s mind started to wandering around the past months they were being together. Maybe he was just too stupid believed in that goosebump thing, or he was stupid believed that Mayu loved him the way he did? It was cliche, but Yuki was head over heals to Mayu since the very first time they met accidentally that day. Mayu was sparkling in his eyes. Everything about Mayu, her raven black hair, her glistening eyes, her cute smile, you mention it and Yuki would nodded like crazy about it.
Maybe he sounded pathetic to feel jealous over his best friends who had their own girlfriend or simply popular among the girls. He didn’t need to be popular, he just wanted to have a girlfriend. To shared his story about the day he had been through, to walked together hand in hand to the amusement park, to shared the same shelter when it was rain.
Rain...?Suddenly it was rain hard, came along with the thunder which made his heart jump in surprise. He sighed. His mind focused back to Mayu, ignoring the hard rain like he ignored his mom. He pulled the blanket all over his body and fell asleep while thinking about Mayu.
“So you’re Jurio’s friend?” Milky asked while sat on the living room together with her little sister, Mayu, who just arrived at Jurio’s house. It was coincident, the Watanabe sister was Jurio’s friend without they even knew a tiny clue.
“Yeah, we’re in the same school and have a group friend, just like that,” Mayu shrugged her shoulder. She looked at her sister beside her and asked the same question about how she could befriend with Jurio.
“He was my ex’s cousin. We met a few times in my ex’s house and became quite close,” Milky trailed. “And don’t even ask about my ex,” she warned Mayu.
“I thought you live with your boyfriend,” Mayu snapped the question to her older sister.
“Ex,” Milky corrected.
“Yeah, whatever...” She was still curious about how could her sister ended up in her friend’s house. Suddenly her mind made an imaginary clicked sound and blurted out,”Don’t tell me your next target is...”
Milky laughed. She knew what her sister meant. “No way, Jurio isn’t my type,” she rolled her eyes.
“Where’s him by the way?” Mayu asked. Wondering why the owner of the house didn’t meet his guest.
“That kid, he prepared everything all afternoon and ended up tired. Now he’s sleeping in the tv room.” Right, he went back to continued his sleeping since the time was long enough for him to gain new energy. “Nee Mayu-chan, I have to go somewhere, if Jurio asked just tell him that I’m going to a friend’s house, okay?”
No need to heard a 'yes' from Mayu, Milky dashed to her room and way too quickly changed into another clothes and bid a goodbye to her sister.
“I still don’t know why you’re here,” Mayu said to herself.
Mayu POVMy sister and her antics. She never let me know anything unless I pastered her and nagging at her nonstop. I knew why she ran away, avoiding me, as simple as that. And I ended up alone at Jurio-kun’s place. Wait, did I say alone at Jurio-kun’s place? I mentally slapped my head.
I wondered if I had to woke him up. But nee-chan said that he was asleep after being tired. Oh well, I guess I would just wake him up!
I walked further inside his house. It was a simple house, but a tidy one. Unlike the house of a boy at all. You know, sometimes the boys were messy and all. Maybe he paid someone to tidy his house everyday? But nee-chan said he prepared everything alone! Could it be that he kept his house clean by his own self? I would be surprised if he did! I never knew about it. We just technically met at school, so yeah.
I reached the tv room. The tv showed the afternoon anime on one of the tv station. Jurio-kun and anime? I thought Airio-kun was the only otaku in the group. I saw him, he laid down on the couch. His long feet just didn’t fit the couch so his feet was slightly higher than his head laid on the edge of the couch. His face was covered with a pillow and his hands were folded above his chest. I could see he was wearing a button up shirt and some of the top buttons were slightly open and I could see- What the hell I was thinking! I should have woke him up!
“Hmm *nom nom nom* the bread taste good...” he mumbled in his sleep and munched on the pillow. I was about to laugh but I held it. I never thought that he was so funny. A highschooler boy, loved and adored by girls because of his coolness mumbling and munching his pillow while sleeping.
“Hey,” I touched his hand. “Hey wake up,” I called him softly. I heard him mumbled something I couldn’t catch this time. He moved on the couch but didn’t wake up. I shook his body and called him a bit louder. But still, he didn’t even open his eyelids. I cleared my throat and yelled at his ear. “HEY, WAKE UP!”
“DON’T TAKE MY BREAD AWAY...!!!” he yelled and sat up on the couch. I couldn’t hold my laugh even longer, I bursted out laughing. I held my stomach. It was just too funny. Maybe I was rude waking him up while he was enjoying his sleep. But I just had to wake him up. “Oh, you startled me!” he whined.
“I’m sorry, I tried to be softer but you didn’t wake up, I’m sorry,” I said to him.
“You said it twice,” he laughed too.
But suddenly my laugh stopped. I just realize that it was Jurio-kun. Suddenly my heart tightened. How could we laughing together like that? Wasn’t it always no-talking between us? I looked at my feet. Damn! I lost my words...
“This is the first time we talk, isn’t it?” Jurio said suddenly when he realized that Mayu didn’t laugh and fell silent. It made the girl looked up at him. He just smiled. “I wonder why?”
The girl chuckled. She, too, didn’t know why they never talk beside being under the same school all this long. “I don’t know either.” She shrugged her shoulder.
“Wait, did you see my friend earlier? A stupid-looking girl with her stupid smile? She said she would help me with the party,” the boy glanced around the room but didn’t find his friend.
“Oh, she left, she asked me to tell you that she was left to her friend’s house,” Mayu answered just like how her sister wanted.
“*Sigh* She tricked me again! She must be in the bar right now,” the boy whined again. “Anyway, I’m kinda sweaty and smelly, so I guess I should take a bath. Please wait here,” the boy stood up and walked away before stopped and turning around. “Oh, you can eat or drink anything on the table.” He said.
The girl just nodded and waited patiently in the tv room. She watch anything she could on the tv station, killing her time. She took a glass of water and sat there. It was still early. She glanced at her phone, not even 5 yet. She had to wait another 2 and a half hours before the other came. She played with her phone while waiting. Not long after the boy came out and sat again on the couch beside her.
"Where's Yuki?" He asked.
"Of all things you could've asked?" The girl chuckled irritatingly. Too irritated that made the boy felt strange.
"Why not? He's your boyfriend... and my best friend," he said.
Right, she forgot that Yuki was her boyfriend. Why? Did Jurio's presence make her forgot that Yuki wasn't with her and it was just normal for him to asked?
"He's not feeling well and said sorry to not joining us," of course that was a lie Yuki asked her to tell Jurio. If only she had more braveness to tell him the real things...
"It's weird, he's one of the fittest guy I've known. Maybe I have to give him a call,"
Right before Jurio pulled out his phone to call Yuki, Mayu grabbed his arm and stopped him. "No! Just don't, he um... he must be resting now, t-to get better, right? Hee..." Mayu smiled awkwardly. Jurio knew it. But he just didn't push her any further, privacy issue? Maybe.
"I'm happy," Jurio muttered while smiling to Mayu.
Mayu who didn't get what he meant blinked in confuse as she raised an eyebrow at him, "Happy? For what?" She asked.
"I'm happy now because my desperate best friend already have a kind and caring girlfriend like you, even it's kinda weird for me to know that all my best friend have their own girlfriends, it was always me and Yuki, but now we're on our own world," Jurio stated reminiscing the old times he passed with Yuki.
Mayu who noticed this turned to face him and looked piercingly at his eyes,"You sounded like a gay."
Mayu's statement suddenly made Jurio laughed. Of course he wasn't gay, was he? "How could you say that? Do I look like one?"
DING DONG"Ah! A guess. Wait here okay, I'll get the guess," Jurio ran all the way to the door, cursing whoever the guess was for disturbing their flowing conversation. Jurio shook his stupid thought about his best friend's girlfriend.
Jurio reached the door and opened it immediately. "Oh, it's you," he surprised at the presence of this person.
"You sounds not too happy with it," she joked.
"N-no, that's not it," he stuttered. "Anyway, Mayu is here," he continued and whispered to her.
She tensed up. Hearing that name recently made her slightly unhappy. Even she herself knew that she shouldn't be like that, weren't they friends? Maybe because this boy in front of her had an old story he shared with Mayu.
"Oh," she nodded "Can I come in?". After recieving an approval by the owner of the house she stepped inside his house, inhaled deeply to face her.
Why am I nervous all of a sudden? "You're wet," Jurio noticed the girl's coat was wet and her hair as well. Jurio helped the girl pulling off her wet coat.
"Yeah, it's raining hard, glad that I almost reached your house when the rain started to pour," she said radiating a smile.
"Is that so? I hope the rain would stop soon, the others haven't come yet," he said while helping Rena.
Behind the wall, Mayu saw them. She saw Jurio helping the girl. It was normal. Nothing wrong with everything.
Rena catched Mayu's little presence. She suddenly hugged Jurio and smiled. Mayu who witnessed the scene felt a sharp knife piercing right through her chest. She went back to the tv room.
"Let's be all out, shall we?" She whispered to Jurio which sent a goosebump to all part of his body.
Suddenly she become creepy...---
Jurio brought Rena to the tv room where Mayu had been waiting.
"Mayu, Rena is here," Jurio announced her presence to Mayu who looked up immediately with an awkward smile.
"Oh, welcome, Rena-chan," she said.
Rena smiled. She knew that Mayu saw that scene earlier. One point for Rena. "How long have you been here, Mayu-san?" Rena asked her while sitting on the couch beside her.
"About an hour, maybe," she answered.
Not long after, Jurio's phone rang and he excused himself to pick up the call. The two girls left there. The atmosphere desperately changed. It was cold all of a sudden. Maybe hot for Mayu since she took a glass of water and drank it up.
Rena had changed, she didn't saw Mayu as her friend anymore. She didn't even sure since when, but since Mayu being around them and told her story with Jurio, Rena suddenly felt that she had to be careful of Mayu's presence around Jurio. Rena wish to made Jurio just by herself? Maybe. And started from a fake relationship.
"S-so, how are you and J-Jurio-kun?" Mayu suddenly asked. Tried to break the cold iceberg between the two.
"We're good, Mayu-san. What about you and Yuki-kun, I don't see him. Where is he?" Rena asked as natural as she could.
"He couldn't come, he's not feeling well," Mayu answered.
"What a waste, he was the one who suggest this party," Rena said.
Right, if it wasn't Yuki who suggested the party, there wouldn't be any party at all.
"Nee, Mayu-san, are you feeling happy being with Yuki-kun?" There came the unexpected question from Rena. Mayu never thought of it. Now she was confused. What should she answer?
"Un, he's funny, I always smile when I'm around him," Mayu answered.
"So it means... You already moved on from Jurio-kun, right?" Rena asked again. Confirmed that her enemy wouldn't be too dangerous anymore.
Enemy? Rena slightly chuckled as her own thought. Now she saw Mayu as her enemy, not her friend anymore. It was because of Jurio, wasn't it?
Mayu didn't answer. There was a super long silence between them. Rena smiled, but somehow the smile looked intimidating to Mayu.
"Aaah, the rain is really hard! Glad that Yuji came to pick us up with his car..." Airio's voice whinning from the living room could be heard around the house. But the two girl didn't move an inch.
"Ara! Mayu-san and Rena-chan is here!" Churi yelled at the sight of the two girl sat by each other side.
The two girls stopped their staring contest and greeted Churi. "Hi, Churi..." Rena smiled and averted her gaze toward Churi. Leaving Mayu still intimidated by her earlier gaze and smiled awkwardly at the rest.