Hello minna-san I'm back! I'm having my final test but I want to update this fanfic every a week so, I try my best to find free time

I have no time to edit, I'm sorry for grammar errors and typos

I present you the first chapter of UNEXPECTED. Douzo! Thanks to River1721 who helped me with the image

and you who commented. Once again sorry I can't reply but please tell me what you think about this

Chapter 1: Meeting Time
A girl was standing in front of a shiny wooden desk in a silent room. She faced a man who was staring at her intensely. There was another person in the room standing next to the girl. Heavy air surrounded them. Nobody dared to talk even they wanted to. The girl took a glance to the person, examined her face. Calm was what plastered on the person's face like everything will be okay but the girl was opposite. Since that day she couldn't stop thinking of herself, of her faults, of her work, and many more. Even though she never failed on her work and never made fault because she always meticulous, she blamed herself. After all, her smart brain created a conclusion that the man has something up his sleeve. Her mind could still remember clearly those words the man said to her weren't just words, there was trust in those. At first she doubted her ears when the man declared she was removed from her current position. Her questions that time were 'how come?' And 'why?'.
She snapped back to reality as the man cleared his throat. "I would like to introduce you to our new president of the student council. Takahashi, she is Maeda Atsuko. Maeda-san, she is Takahashi Minami."
Takahashi Minami offered her hand at the same time encouraged herself to look at the new president's eyes, Maeda Atsuko. She didn't know why from the beginning she believed the new president's face was familiar but she couldn't remember where or when they met. No need long time for the new president to response her hand. She smiled genuinely. "I'm Maeda Atsuko from class 2-D. Just call me Acchan. "
"Takahashi Minami like the headmaster told from class 2-A. Just call me Takamina." They shook hands for seconds after that turned their attention to the headmaster.
"She might be short, but her brain is something that should be praised Maeda-san." The headmaster chuckled while Takamina sighed. He turned to serious in a blink of eye as he looked at their eyes in serious gaze. "I hope you two can work together. Takahashi, I order you to teach Maeda-san about the president's task and how to do her work. Any question so far?"
Takamina once again took a glance to Acchan. She found out the girl glared to the headmaster but her glare wasn't too obvious yet she was sure the new president glared. Puzzled of her action she starts to think again. Bad for her, the headmaster disturbed her thinking time by allowed them to leave. Takamina was the last who come out. She closed the door and when she lifted her face, Acchan was standing in front of her with the same genuine smile she showed a while ago. At this moment, Takamina wiped away her puzzled mind. She took one step ahead to close the distance between them.
"Do you need something?" Takamina asked.
"Hm...Nope. I just want to tell you that it was nice to meet you." Acchan's smile suddenly disappeared, change to smirk. "I can't wait for what will happen to us in the near future. See you around, Takamini~" as she said that, she walked away.
Takamina froze on her standing place. She was mad at the 'Takamini' name Acchan mentioned but she couldn't mad. Strangely her mind was blank. Much to her surprise, the new president sent chill down her spine.
"WHAT??!! I'm...I'm the heiress of the family who owned this castle?!" She shouted out loud make the man who was actually her personal butler jerked as he surprised.
"Yes ojou-sama. Please calm down..."
"Y-you..called me what?!" She shouted louder with wide eyes.
"Ojou-sama...your parents will tell you the truth. They are on the way to come home, please to kill the time, you take a bath and change your clothes. If you need something, just call the maids or butlers through the telephone on the cabinet beside your bed. I was demanded to to tell a message for you which is something will coming soon and you must be ready for it. Now I need to go, we meet again after you finish ojou-sama." He bowed and then got out of the room, leaving the girl who was jaw dropped.
The girl stunned on her bed. She looked around her bedroom and admired the luxury again before stepped herself in to the bathroom. Inside she let out a long 'woah' at the same time walked around the room. There were a large bathtub which fit for three adult people, an elegant glass shower, an expensive closet, and more luxury things. Because her 'fake' family was poor aback that caused her to do part-time job, things around her now literally make her drool. It was rare for her to see money in a big amount. Now everything changed 180°. When she realized her mouth was watering, she immediately wiped her saliva on the corner of her mouth and started to undressed herself. She grinned when her brain couldn't choose between bathtub or shower which she finds it lame.
However because she dislikes to wasting time, she chose shower instead bathtub so she won't take much time. After a few minutes, she got out with her body wrapped by the soft towel and then went to the cupboard. She opened it and caused her to astonished. The cupboard has changing room inside, has many kind of clothes, shoes, and accessories. It was like the scene she watched in princess story. The various clothes gave her hard time to pick one and wear. Mostly the clothes are girly. She raised an eyebrow since her style wasn't girly nor tomboyish, we could say in the middle. Her time was disturbed by a soft knock on the door. Her personal butler alarmed her to be quick because her parents already arrived.
Because of that, she picked random a plain peach dress and a pair of flat shoes. She went downstairs to meet her real parents in the family room. Her heartbeat increased due to nervousness. No need to take long time, she arrived in front of the door of the family room where two butlers standing there. They bowed to the girl after that opened the door. It seems the girl used of the luxury now because she didn't impressed anymore instead she was quiet. Two figures of old man and woman sitting on the sofa smiled at her. The woman approached her and embraced her tight for some minutes. The girl couldn't complain because she understand her mother missed her so much after years didn't meet. Out of sudden her mind had a blur memory of her parents, their faces...she recognized them.
Her father gestured both of them to sit. Finally they sit, the man opened a conversation. "My daughter, we are able to see you in our home sweet home now. I am very thankful for this given chance." He paused for a while, smiled at the girl who smiled back. "We thank our servants who became your parents so much. They raised you well when we were solving problems. Last time we met you were still 5 years old."
"We sent you to new school my dear, the Akiba Academy. Each generation of our family attend school there. I hope you like the school, your father and I already registered for you. You go to school start from tomorrow okay?" Her mother spoke. The girl nodded.
Strangely their expressions changed to serious. Her father continued. "Beware of your schoolmates, looks can manipulate you my dear. Promise me you won't fall on their trick so easily."
===The Next Day===
"Attention class! We have a new classmate. Please come in."
The students who were noisy became noisy again after the teacher told them so. Curiosity haunted their minds about the new student. Is the student a girl? Or a boy? Male students expected a girl to be the new students while female students expected a boy to be the new student. Fortunately their curiosity answered by the new student appeared. Half were disappointed and half were excited.
"Konnichiwa minna-san! My name is Oshima Yuko! Please be nice to me." She showed her smile to her new classmates which replied by gasped of amazement by them. They started whispering about the comeback of the daughter of the Oshima family.
"Be quiet class! Let's see where you can sit...oh! There is empty desk beside Kojima-san. Please sit there."
Before Yuko could step, the girl named Kojima-san raised her hand, made her retreat from her action. "Sensei, I don't want to sit with her, with anybody. You know very well my reason." She wore her expressionless face but Yuko could sense something from this girl. Something which hard to describe. Eyes met eyes, Yuko knew this girl got her interest in such a quick time.
Wow this girl...is hot. Look at those boobs and her curves...perfect! Being sent to this prestigious school and meet this flawless girl, how lucky I am. Yuko grinned but stopped because for the second time their eyes met. That Kojima-san suddenly stood up from her chair and walked to Yuko.
"If you are persistent I won't take any responsibility of what will happen to you later. Remember that." As she finished, she get out of the class.
A pair of soft cold lips on hers she felt strange sensation inside her body. The person who is kissing her right now pulled back after a few seconds. She was speechless. For the entire of her life never be someone initiated a kiss to her. Her surroundings were speechless too, either shock or angry because their idol in school kissed by a foreigner. Well not a foreigner actually since the person wears the school uniform. The girl dragged out of the circle by the foreigner student to the rooftop. On the way, she was still speechless, just follow where the foreigner student going. When they arrived the girl panted and based on her knees. Strangely the foreigner student didn't feel tired at all. Both were in dead silence afterward. She couldn't hold this kind of situation anymore so she opened the conversation first. "What are we doing here?"
The foreigner gave her a cold stare which make the girl looked away. She wondered what is her fault, the one who should gives cold stare is supposed to be her but that foreigner...is weird. Her waiting paid off as the foreigner speaks to her. "....I love you.."
"Huh?" The girl mentally face palmed. "If you want to confess, you shouldn't did like you did a while ago you know. You will be in danger, my fans are scary if it comes to bully."
"Please be my girlfriend."
The girl once again speechless of the boldness the foreigner showed. That person didn't even hesitate. She scratched her un-itchy head. "What if I say no?"
"I won't believe that."
The wind blowed hard to their direction, messed some strand of their hairs. The girl stared at the foreigner. She has fair skin, raven hair, thin body, Japanese oriental face, and...her eyes...what is wrong with her eyes? Before the girl could find the answer, out of sudden the foreigner pinned her on the wall. Their faces were just few centimeters apart. Those eyes...now she could see it clearly. She blinked her eyes for few times. Did she imagining? Was it illusion?
"You are the one I'm searching for from a long time ago." The foreigner stated. "Let me introduce myself. I'm Matsui Rena from class 2-C. I know you are confused why I did that to you. I did it so these girls grow distant from you and I distract you from them."
The girl wanted to ask but was cut off. "So, what's your answer? Will you be my girlfriend or not?"
The girl thinking for a while. Her senpai was true she could take advantage if they dating so these girls won't disrupt her life anymore. Moreover her senpai looks pretty enough to be her girlfriend. She smirked knowing despite this weird girl has innocent face she was somehow aggressive. Without thinking twice she nodded. "Can I ask something Rena?"
"Ask away."
"Your eyes...what happened to them?"
Rena released her grip from her girlfriend's wrists. "Well, you will discover soon Jurina."
This time was the latter's turn to smirk. Once again Jurina blinked her eyes for few times because of the rare sight she saw. Half of herself told her it was a wrong decision to accept her confession but the other half told her it was right so she won't annoyed again by her wild fans. She knows she just fell on Rena's trap though she couldn't back away. She swallowed hard as Rena hold her hand, took her out of the rooftop. Rena's hand...was she sick?
Watanabe Mayu tried hard to stifle her anger as the teacher declared that her rival, Kashiwagi Yuki, can sit on the empty desk in front of Mayu's desk. She ignored those talks about her rival and just stared at her deeply. As for Yuki, she only took a glance at Mayu and then sit. The lesson continued but Mayu couldn't focus. She was afraid of her rival but didn't want to admit it. World knew very well how Mayu really hates defeat. Time flies fast when she heard the bell rang for break time. A group of guys went to Yuki's desk, asked her some questions and flirted her when some girls who staying in class gossiping about her and Mayu. The guys' noisy voices pissed Mayu so she decided to go somewhere. A voice which called her name stopped her. She didn't need to turn around to see who is calling her name because the voice was her rival's. Rolled her eyes as annoyance, she faced her rival.
"Can we talk for just both of us?" Yuki asked.
Whispers started to spread around the class. Mayu made a click sound of mouth. "I want to eat my lunch."
"I promise it wouldn't long."
More click sound of mouth from Mayu. "I refuse."
Yuki grasped her hand which caused Mayu to let out her protest. They arrived in the back of the school within a minute. Mayu immediately break free from Yuki and stared at her angrily. "What do you want huh?! Can you stop coming into my life?!"
"I just want to make sure you won't reveal my secret to anyone." Yuki crossed her arms.
"Tch, the same thing I want to warn you. Want to declare a war again huh, Kashiwagi? No problem for me because I already found them in this school." Mayu's lips formed a smirk, the cocky one.
Yuki followed what Mayu did. "Well well, I already found them too in this school." Her face changed to expressionless, dark aura was around her body. "I will never forgive you Watanabe Mayu."
"Like I will to you too."
Their faces turned to expressionless while staring at each other's eyes coldly. The girl who owned cold nickname was giving her coldest stare. After few minutes she turned around and walked away, her stomach grumbling for food. On the other hand Yuki kept staring at Mayu's back while busy with her thoughts. Many ways came upon her mind to beat her rival but she knows her rival was not weak. Many people would think her rival weak based on her appearance though inside she was really different. As Mayu no longer exist there, Yuki took her phone out of her blazer pocket, dialing a number.
"Hello. Yes I know you already know what happened but still you ordered me to report what is going on." Yuki sighed. "So, what now?" She heard carefully all the answer. "Hm...okay as you wish. Wait for it." Once more Yuki smirked.
To Be Continued...
A/N: next chapter will reveal the answer of your questions and curiosity! Please wait okay~ wish me luck for my final test hehehehe