Hellooooo minna-san, do you miss me???

so sorry I'm 'missing' for quiet long time

here is chapter 4~ I hope you like it!

as usual sorry for grammar errors and typos. The last, sorry I can't reply your comments for now because I'm in hurry now

I need to study for tomorrow's exam. Wish me luck! And thanks for your comments!

Chapter 4: The Truth
Takamina POV
5 minutes had elapsed but where is she? She asked me to meet her here, but she herself is nowhere to be seen. Surprisingly school gates look more crowded than usual. There is someone who is surrounded by girls. Shouts and cheers from them deafening me. I sighed and then look for something that can be used to plug my ears. Someone tapped me on the shoulder from behind in the middle of the search. I do not think that someone is Acchan. She smiled before starting the conversation. It seems it has become a habit of her.
"What are you doing here, Minimi?"
Ehhh?! She called me what??? Without feeling guilty, she just smiled even wider. Just now she makes my heart flutter suddenly because she called me by my first name only. Now she called me by any other name...what's wrong with her...
"Why are you silent? Are the commotion of the girls were too loud to the point that you do not hear me?" She pouted.
"You called me Minimi...-___-"
"Eh am I wrong calling you that?" She giggled while covering her mouth. I did not answer the question because I'm sure she just wanted to tease me. I put on a flat face while she was still giggling. My attention is diverted from Acchan to girls who had gathered around a person, they slowly away as a girl walking towards them. Is not the girl who mobbed Matsui Jurina, the super popular junior? And the girl who walked up to her...oh! I remember the news that brought by Sashi.
FLASHBACK"Takamina-san! Today is truly horrendous day!" Sashi broke down the door of the student council room. I glared at her because of her behavior. She finally laughed bland and closed the door very carefully.
I folded my arms. "What news Sashi?"
"One of students of our force named Matsui Rena...you know she's like what isn't?" I roll my eyes as a sign of annoyance. "I know all the students in this school."
"Nah, she was in the cafeteria...she kissed our junior who is very very popular, Matsui Jurina! Instantly cafeteria stormy and crowded. I was so hard to get out of there." After Sashi said that, my eyes widened. What? The girl who had a princess image and neat personality as Matsui Rena do such a thing? What was the motive behind her action?
END OF FLASHBACK"Mou Minami! You're ignoring me..."
I snapped back to reality when Acchan whinning to me. "I'm sorry I'm sorry. I was thinking about some things. I'm here waiting for someone. It was late afternoon you'd better go home before sunset."
Now Acchan pouts. "So you were rid of me? Are you waiting for your boyfriend or girlfriend?" She snorted and then turned around to leave without waiting for an answer. Before that she looked briefly. Somehow her aura changed.....
"I can look after myself. No matter how late I get home."
"Acchan wait! Hey!" She did not stop when I call. Looks like she's really upset...I felt guilty for ignoring although I do not mean to do so. What should I do if I meet Acchan later? Oh! I remember someone said if our friends angry or upset, give her something as a token of apology. Objects that will be given should stuff she likes. Yossha! Then I'll ask for help from Mayu to spy on her later. Fufufufu...
My mind instantly shattered by the sound from across. Matsui pairing seemed to be arguing. It looks interesting, I have to listen to their conversation. Slowly I approached them and took a considerable distance to be heard.
Jurina POV
"Jurina, I want to take you somewhere." A voice came from outside the crowd. These girls blocking my view that is looking for the source of the voice. Without much effort, the girls away by themselves, showing a figure that I recognize. My girlfriend who is also senior to me, Rena. She crossed her arms as she approached me.
"Hm...seems like I can not go now," I stuck my hand in my neck. "Gomen Rena, I'm waiting for someone.."
Rena was silent and looked at me. I feel she's been cranky because of my rejection. She is difficult to understand by me. When she confessed her love she literally straightforward and does not know fear. A few hours ago she was like hiding something and acted awkward because I'm a little mad at her. Now she's changed again. I've used to be the boss in a relationship (Boss means I dominate in the relationship)
but my relationship together with Rena, I do not know who is the boss. Well, she had twice acting like a boss and I only once. Sigh, I had to stay still to know what her goal is.
Rena walked up to me and she stopped in front of me REALLY close! Our noses almost touching. She stared into my eyes. "Waiting for someone who will confess love to you hm?"
"Aaa...etto not," I swallowed hard. "I'm waiting...my friend. Yes my friend."
I smiled with forced. Friend? I do not even know that rat! But what can I do, Rena will be suspicious if I just say "girl". When Rena will open her mouth again, I saw her from afar. That Mayu and someone who I had never seen before. Finally, the goddess Fortuna on my side! But it turns out they are not up to me, instead up to the president of the student council, not far from where I was standing. I did not realize she was there...
Then Mayu together with Takamina-san and an unknown person was walking towards me. After we're close enough, Mayu directly holding my wrist. "Come on, we've run out of time." Before Mayu could pull me, Rena stop and let go of my hand from Mayu. "Jurina and I will go somewhere," Rena is now changing her tone, her eyes were slightly bulging. "You can go at any time but not now."
Mayu sighed and pulled out her smartphone. "Well I'm not in the mood to quarrel. Give me your email or something that could be contacted."
"This is my email address." I do not want to make Rena wait because she looks...scary. After giving my email address, unexpectedly Rena pulled me into my car! She sat in the driver's seat and I could not do anything because she immediately started the engine and drove onto the highway.
We were both silent for a journey to a place I do not know where. Today is quite tiring day so unknowingly my eyes feel very heavy like overwritten by five tons of stone, and I immediately drifted to the fantastic world of dreamland.
Yuko POV
On the way to Mayu's house
I never know Shiriri-chan could drive a car. Gosh she was underage! Was evident on her face no worries or fears of police which at times could stop her car. Thanks to the hard work she could buy this elegant car...I'm very proud of her. I regret I had to move out of town because of my father's work, causing us apart. Thankfully we can meet again.
I smiled while groping a necklace I worn. This necklace was a gift from my parents, there is a diamond on the pendant, and the whole necklace is made of silver. This necklace sometimes makes me deja vu. Until now I still look for the truth of this necklace, a necklace which passed down from generation to generation...
Oh I forgot to say. Behind me there was someone who was short...pfftt she looks very cute. Well I know my height only slightly higher than her but she still shorter. Seen from the windshield, she was silent as she twisted the ring she wore on her ring finger. Was she engaged already? She looks thinking of something and after a few minutes looking at her silently, she smiled a little (?). I wonder why she is smiling alone? Well let her be.
Finally we got Mayu's home that looks like palace. God this kid really worked hard at a young age. We entered the palace and sat in the living room. There is a butler with a pretty face approached her. The butler looked cute~ he also had a pretty good butt. I grinned.
The butler was gone after Mayu whispered something to him. Mayu cleared her throat. "Can you stop grinning and out of your LaLa-land, Yuko?"
I burst out laughing. "Well, we have a call oshiri sisters not without reason Mayu-chan~" I grinned again. "That butler had a nice butt, you're smart to choose men Mayu-chan!"
"She is a girl."
Instantly me and the midget girl stared with eyes grow big. I also make a wide O shape of mouth. "Maji?!" Me and the midget girl asked in unison. Mayu just rolled her eyes and sighed.
Not long after, the butler who actually is a girl came with a set of cup complete with a luxurious and sparkling teapot. Drinks has come~! She puts everything carefully and then bent on us all. Mayu stopped her. "They don't believe that you're a girl. Introduce yourself." I facepalmed. Mayu said it with a straight face as if she did not have a zest for life. Tsk tsk tsk.
"Hai Ojou-sama. My name is Ikoma Rina, I am 100% female, miss." He bent with butler style again.
"Hey if you are female, why wear butler outfit instead maid?"
"I'm more comfortable with butler outfit, Miss." Mayu added. "Besides, she is also a tomboy and a beautiful girl's face and handsome at the same time according to me is very rare. So I allow her."
Hm...why Mayu a bit awkward? Looks like she is hiding something. I see Ikoma also smiled awkwardly. Strange. I rubbed my imaginary beard but did not say anything more. Let the time to answer what exactly they hide.
"Yuko-chan, let me introduce, she is the president of the student council. Need correction, she soon will be "ex-president". She is your underclassmen. Takamina-san, introduce my childhood friend who recently moved to our school."
I held out my hand. "Oshima Yuko desu!"
"Takahashi Minami. Call me Takamina."
"What? Takamidget? o(*゚▽゚*)o "
"Hey! It's Takamina! ( ̄Д ̄)ノ "
Mayu had smiled at me for the sight. It was not long because Mayu take her smartphone and typing. Not long after she was finished and invited us to drink. She herself just crossed her arms on her chest and tapped her shoe to the floor as a sign of patience began to run out. I sip my tea while not stop glancing. Why is she in a hurry?
Meanwhile on the other side
Jurina POV
Rays of the afternoon sun hit my sleeping face. My dream was....thrilling enough, weird, creepy at the same time. I opened my eyes slowly, apparently we've arrived at a strange place but it feels familiar to me. Rena was not in the car. Looks like she was out first and leave me here. I open my seat belt and get out of the car. Around me there are only trees and plants as well as the road is not paved. Under large shady tree, someone is sitting underneath it, looking far into the houses under a small hill. Yes, we were there on the hill. I did not expect Rena brought me here.
I walked very slowly intending to startle her. Unfortunately it did not work because Rena immediately turned around with....a sad look? I sat beside her, staring at her deeply. "Hey why brought me here?"
"This place..." She stopped and looked far into the houses again. I followed what she did. The wind blows some fallen leaves and our hairs. This is almost the same moment occurred when we were both on the school roof when Rena confessed love.
"Full of memories"
Rena face to me. "Do you feel anything?"
"Well...yes. This tree was familiar..." Rena shift my view of the tree by her hand that holds my hand. "What is wrong? Why do you look sad?"
Rena lowered her head and wept silently. I was surprised because she's suddenly like this. Panic threatened me, I hastily wiped her cheeks. "Why are you crying? Tell me, what is my fault?"
No answer came out of the tiny lips. She sobbed and this time covered her face with her hands. Somehow I feel out of breath seeing her in this condition. I removed her hand away slowly, wiping her tears with my thumb. Not a word appears, that there was only the sound of sobs begin to subside. I stared at her, waiting for her to stop crying. I decided to break this silence.
"To be honest...I do not like to see you crying like that..." I looked away. Heartburn overflowed into my cheek. This is strange.
Silence again.
"Do not cry again okay?" Ringing phone makes me distracted for a second time. There is an e-mail message received and turns it was from Mayu. She asked that I must come now because it was getting late and she did not have much time. Huh that rat just acts busy! Whereas I do not want to leave Rena for now.
"Rena, I have to go now. Let me send you ho-"
"No need," she smiled sadly. "My house is close from here, go."
I did not comment further. Before getting into the car, I saw Rena once again to make sure she was okay. My mind is still wondering what on earth until she cried, why the tree looks familiar, and what is the meaning of my dream which Rena was in it...I rode with a feeling of chaos.
Normal POV
Jurina had arrived in Mayu's house and assembled with two other people. Instantly situation becomes quiet and heavy, no one spoke. Either they feel scared by the cold gaze of Mayu or the situation supress them. Mayu cleared her throat, making it these three person startled.
"I do not know where to start. Let me arrange the words for a few minutes. You do not need to be so strained. While I prepare, you can do a relaxing activity."
Takamina stroking her chest and sighed with relief. Yuko clenched her fist and said "yes!" without sound. Jurina immediately playing with her smartphone. Each began to dissolve in the created comfort but Yuko's stomach growling aloud when things are really quiet. The only sound audible is the tick of clock. The entire attention on her now. She scratched her head.
"Mayu-chan~ ehe may I ask for food?" Mayu nodded and without wasting time Yuko step on her foot directly into the kitchen. There she met with Ikoma who was washing the dishes. "Hey Ikoma-chan, can you make food for me?"
Ikoma smiled afterwards wiping her wet hands, folding up her sleeves, and began to take ingredients from the fridge. Mayu's house is very quiet, Ikoma did not speak just the sound of the ingredient fried sounds, from the living room is also no sound. Yuko is not the type of person who likes such silence so she opens her mouth but do not know what she wants to talk about. Apparently Ikoma realized that Yuko difficulty finding topics. She smiled broadly.
"Want to know one of the secrets of Mayu-san?"
Yuko's eyes sparkled. "Of course!"
Ikoma turn down the fire in the stove and went to Yuko. She looked around before whispering. "You have to promise not to tell anyone okay?" Yuko thrusted her pinkie. "If I break I'm not going to pass the exam." Yuko grinned.
"Alright," they relate to each other little finger.
"Actually, Mayu-san is otaku." Yuko squinted. "I already know. I expect Mayu's secret not Mayu's fact."
"Hey I'm not finished yet. In addition to the manga and anime lovers, Mayu-san likes danso. She sometimes spend a long time in her room to try men clothes. One of the reasons why I wear butler outfits is because she asked...rather ordered me to wear it. She said I was very nice for danso and she envy it. I do not understand why she ordered me that in fact hm...can be said I'm her rival in danso, to perform danso. Strange right?"
"According to me she was envy in positive terms. Not envy but actually admire you hahahaha."
"Yuko-chan have you finish eating?!" Mayu shouted from the living room, startling them both.
"Hurry up and eat Yuko-san! I forgot that Mayu-san had surveillance equipment everywhere. I'm dead >_<" Ikoma thrust plate of food that has been cooked.
"Calm down Ikoma-chan~ As long as I'm here Shiriri-chan can't lay a finger on you (・ω・) "
Yuko immediately devoured her food quickly and soon her plate clean with no residue. She returned to the living room after thanking Ikoma. Everyone is waiting, the clock showed it was night time. Yuko sat next to Mayu that clutching a carved small wooden box. Mayu hinted Takamina and Jurina to get close. She opened the box containing a silver bracelet and an earring made by silver as well.
"I'm going to start from the main."
Mayu give the bracelet to Jurina while she wears the earring. Yuko and Takamina looked at each other, confused about all of Mayu's actions. The wooden box was put on the table in the living room. Mayu cleared her throat afterwards. "Yuko-chan, remove the necklace you're wearing. Takamina-san show the ring you're wearing."
They did what Mayu asked with questions revolve in their minds. Mayu looked at the four things a while. "Those Necklace, earrings, rings, and bracelets are the strength and our shield. We as hunters, strength and protection are the two main things that necessary—"
"Wait a minute. What do you mean by 'we as hunters'?" Takamina interrupting. Her eyebrows furrowed and her expression shocked.
"Yes. We foursome is a blood-sucking creature hunter, if you know what I mean. Yuko-chan," Mayu looked at her and nod in reply by Yuko. "You are our leader. From the beginning until now we serve you. This century, without you know, and it is common knowledge, vampires and humans compete with each other to become the ruler. Humans have intelligence and technology but vampires have supernatural powers. Therefore, the competition between the two sides have not reached the end point. However, lately many rulers were from vampire, the less human. We are commanded to exterminate them. Yuko-chan's family is the greatest hunter family and has led many hunters from hundreds of years ago. My family is the head's right hand. Takamina-san's family is a strategy advisor. While Jurina's family is a provider of weapons."
The three were shocked to know this truth. Not crossed their minds when Mayu lying or joking in view of the expression on her face now. "I know a lot of questions you guys want to ask. As I promised, Yuko-chan, Takamina-san, Jurina, I will answer your questions this afternoon. Listen carefully..."
To Be Continue...