Hello minna-san! I'm so sorry for this long update

I just finished midterms last week. So the days before I was preoccupied by the tasks and the new materials. I hope you still remember this fanfic ( for you who commented, this fanfic definitely marked so there is a chance you remember hehehe ) in this chapter I let you conclude who actually was Haruna, Acchan, Yuki, and Rena

If you are confused please give me a comment okay? sorry for grammatical errors and typos, hope you like it!

ps, thanks to you guys who say good luck for my test I said in the previous chapter. I get great result because of you guys, JoeYee, Yhuiii and ChibiRine-san! thank you very much~

Also, I'm very happy reading your comments *shed a tear with smile*
REPLIES:@JoeYee: thank you so much for the spirit!

yeah hehe Yuko is their leader :p once again thanks~

@wmatsui fanfic: wah I'm happy!(≧∇≦)they didn't know because nobody tell them except Mayu. You can find more answer about it after reading this chapter!

Thank you~
@Yhuiii: yep it is

based on your emoji I think you like the genre?

you're welcome and thanks for the spirit~

@cisda83: hunters and vampires

the answers of your questions will revealed soon!

keep reading okay~ Thank you~
@arawche079: Thank you, I'm happy you think this is cool!!!

here's the update~
@NightSky: Yeay! You know the genre already

here's the update~ Thank you~
@ChibiRine: awww thank you! But let me apologize because I can't update this fic daily

you know student

okay I'm back so where's my bear hug?

hm~ you have great intuition! About Nyannyan you'll find the answer in this chapter

yatta, you like Yuko's role in this fic

@Ruka Kikuchi: I'm so happyyyyyy

ohohoho you have great intuition too~ but you'll figure soon

thank you~
@junrena: maji de, I'm so happy you like it :wub thank you~

Chapter 5: The Facts That Have not Been Revealed
A week later at school
Normal POV
For four hunters, they look to perform usual activities but in themselves, they are wary and worried. Today Mayu came as usual and whispers began. Though she did not do anything, as usual. Yuko...she began to be known in other classes. Her friendly and easy-going attitude made many people happy to hang out with her. Maybe nobody noticed but Yuko actually kind of sad. She should not be close to Haruna after knowing her position and duties. She thinks it looks like the conversation with Haruna last week had become the first and the last. No need to painstakingly extract information for the 'mission' of her because she already knew the truth from Mayu.
One more day before the inauguration of the new president of the student council. Takamina was able to accept and release positions with sincerity. Among other hunters, she was the only one who underwent the most normal day like the previous days. Although already know the reality, her principle, as long as the enemy has not been proven to evil or wrong she will not take action. Then the last, Jurina, began to turn into a serious starting from today.
Yuko will has phsyical Education after the second hour of lesson. It seemed she was not powered to participate in the sport so she decided to permit. Moreover, sports material today is free big ball game. When the time has come marked by the ringing of the bell that rings loud, Yuko directly go to the auditorium and sat in the stands. "Ah Yuko-chan does not join today?" One of her friends named Mai—Got the same surname but not blood related, Oshima Mai—asked loudly from the field. Yuko facepalmed, she attracted the attention of students. Smiling Yuko nodded and replied that she did not feel well while a little bit screaming.
Not long after, came the PE teacher. Yuko idly watched her friends started playing basketball. Eventually boredom approached her. If only there was someone who could talk to...
"Hi Yuko! You also permit?"
Someone startled her to the point that she almost fell. She stroked her chest and when turned to people who talk to her...
That Kojima Haruna, the one she wants to get away from poked her shoulder. There was an awkward silence as their eyes met. Yuko lips involuntarily uttered a word broke the silence, rather stuttered. "Ny-Nyan nyan?"
"He? Nyan nyan?" Haruna tilted her head to the side a bit, her index finger on her lips. She is in her confused pose now.
The silence between them burst again. Yuko's eyes widened and her mouth was open as well. Again involuntarily, Yuko spoke but this time under her breath. She said, "This is the first time I saw a vampire who smiled like a cat..."
"Actually, I can hear you clearly, Yuko - chan ( ^ ω ^ ) "
"Is it True?" Yuko scratched her cheek that does not itch. "Yes, I permit this time because I was not powered today...what about you? "
"I was always permit if the material is free play sports."
Haruna's expression became morose after saying so. Yuko realized the change and it made her curious but Yuko did not want to seem too curious and put in one's oar. So, here they were, sitting together in the auditorium with silence. The reflected sound ball, shoes squeaking, student shouts and whistles filled the room but they feel lonely.
"By the way, is Nyan nyan a nickname for me ? ( =゚ ω ゚)ノ" This time Haruna break the silence.
"Eh ? Σ (゚ Д ゚) when was I say Nyan nyan?"
Haruna's expression after hearing the question from Yuko is like this → ( ' · _ · ` ) . "Just now you said, Yuko - chan."
"Ohhh yeah I remember," Yuko's wide smile showed her typical squirrel teeth "That name suits you but if you do not like I won't force you~"
They chatted happily thereafter. Happiness on the faces of two people who actually are enemies. They laughed and joked together like the time and place are theirs. Even Yuko said to herself that she did not seem to be able to avoid Haruna. Unfortunately it did not happen a long since something happened. Something that causes other change.
"Ah damn..."
Instantly the game stopped. The girls who play basketball distracted by the sound of something hard enough to be heard. Haruna without saying anything moved from the seat and walked away. Yuko who saw Haruna dismissed, grasping her wrist. " Nyan nyan, why did you even go? At least help me cleaning this bl—"
"Let me go!" Haruna violently removed her hand from Yuko's grip while turning her body. Her eyes bulged and...discolored. After successfully escape, she went very quickly. Student who accidentally threw the ball and hit Yuko ran to her.
With a worried face, she saw a bloody nose Yuko. "I'm so sorry! I did not mean to do it. Let me take you to the infirmary." Yuko could vaguely hear the other students booed Haruna because she went away instead of helping.
Arriving in the infirmary, Yuko's nose treated well. She also recommended to lie down and rest. During lying, her mind can not be separated from what just happened. Haruna's reaction made her sad. Haruna looked like the first time they met, cold and unfriendly, it was like she had two opposite personalities. Yuko thought which side is the true? Haruna's recent side made her feel she did not deserve to be her friend. Actually, from the beginning they are not supposed to be friends because they are enemies but Yuko has this feeling which every time she spent with Haruna she will feel very happy. Conversely, if they didn't meet, Yuko will missed her. What kind of feeling it is?
Yuko clutched her chest tight with her eyes closed, she hoped to forget this incident and sleep. 'I am the leader of hunters group. I must insist to myself and forget Haruna. No matter how.' She thought. She did not realize when she closed her eyes, someone watched from infirmary window with a sad face.
"I'm sorry Yuko-chan. If only I could change fate, I'll change it for you..."
After school
Normal POV
"Tomorrow is inauguration, are you ready to bear the duties and obligations as president, Acchan?" Takamina sat on the student council president's desk while shaking her legs back and forth, while Acchan leaning next to a large window near the table. "Yes, of course. I'm trying to remember all the advice and lessons that you gave. Ne, pray for me. Hopefully I can carry out this responsibility okay?" Acchan smiled a little.
Outside can be seen that the big grey clouds covered the sky. Vaguely also can be heard rumbling in the distance, strong winds, and the sound of leaves rustling. Student council room was getting dark but did not make the two girls moved to turn on the lights. The quite large room was really quiet. Other student council members had gone home after know the weather is cloudy. Actually Takamina had been warned to stay away from Acchan but Takamina does not budge.
"Mou Minami don't be silent. Say something~ I do not like this quiet atmosphere..."
Takamina rubbed her chin, thinking what topic should be talking about. During this week she had received a lot of information like Acchan favorite foods, hobbies, favorite subject, and many more. No more thing that can be asked. Even Takamina had exchanged phone numbers and e-mail without need Mayu's help. There is one thing that came to mind but she hesitated to ask.
Acchan crossed her arms over her chest. "Why you don't say anything Minami? Are you okay?"
The sound of raindrops sounded louder and more. In an instant it rains the earth heavily interspersed with thunder. Somehow the rain was like giving courage to ask her question that she still doubt to ask it. She sure Aachan was a good person, thereby increasing her courage. "....may I ask you something?"
"Ask away." Acchan smiled and nodded.
Takamina stood up and approached Acchan. Her expression was serious. Acchan's smile disappeared replaced by a puzzled expression. "You..." Takamina started. "...are not a vampire, are you?"
The sound of thunder boomed after Takamina asked, pushed back the silence between them. There was actually a covert intention behind this question. That was she wanted to make sure of Mayu's words, the fact that she said at her home last week. Until now Acchan always nice to her so Mayu's words doubted her. Additionally Takamina is smart at reading a person's character from his/her movements or his/her eyes. Acchan did not look malicious in her view all this time.
"Takamina-san, do you remember your childhood?" Mayu's question was hitting me. Never before had anyone ask my childhood. "Why...do you want to know?"
"Do not reverse the question. You just have to answer "yes" or "no" Takamina-san."
I swallowed hard and tried to remember what was requested by Mayu. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I try to remember, it will not succeed. My grandparents said that I lost my memory since 10-year-old. They did not say why. They also did not tell the cause of death of my parents. They just told me that my parents died shortly after I lost memory. Every time I asked why they did not tell me the real cause, they always argue that there will be time.
I was struck by the presence of a hand on my shoulder. It is Mayu's hand. Expressionless face that never erased from her face staring at me now. I knew she was waiting for my answer. "I..." I put my hand on my forehead. "I do not remember..."
I could see Mayu nodded slightly. She looked down a few seconds before looked back at me. "So, are you ready to hear another reality?"
Part of me was still not ready but others have a strong desire to know. I ended up with a confident nod.
"Your parents died in a car accident on the way to Yuko-chan's house to attend a meeting between the top hunters family, namely Oshima, Watanabe, Takahashi, and Matsui. You were allowed to participate as well because you were whining to follow. Fortunately, you could be saved from the accident but ended with the loss of your memory. The accident was intentional by one of our enemies, she wanted to kill the entire Takahashi descent...and...she is attending the same school with us." Mayu paused, she made sure from her eyes if I was ready to hear the rest. I nodded again.
"The girl did revenge on your parents over what is done by your great-grandfather to him. And she is....."
I held my breath after hearing one's name mentioned by Mayu. Eyes widened and heart beat rapidly.
FLASHBACK ENDAcchan laughed. "What are you talking about Minami? Where did you get the imagination like that?" She walked toward the only door in the room, still laughing. Takamina's gaze following her movements. Arriving at the front door, Acchan turned and smiled. "You've got the answer?"
"....I'm not sure because you answered without yes or no." Acchan back and this time she turned toward the door. Sound of 'click' can be heard even though Takamina could barely hear it caused by rain and thunder sounds. Acchan turned a little but her face covered by her hair shadow. Only a smirk that could be seen.
"I'm not a vampire," Acchan turned fully to Takamina but her smile and her smirk disappeared. Even her expression turned cold now.
"I'm human," she walked over to Takamina. Stop when they distance were a bit far. "....But it used to be in my previous life, I think?"
The lightning boomed back, its light illuminates the room in an instant. The light showed something in Takamina's widened eyes
"This is the right time." Acchan said with a tone that is changing and self completely different.
Mayu POV
I rubbed my forehead while lying in bed. I had a dizziness now. If this is the situation I would not be able to concentrate on homework so I decided to go out for some fresh air, all to refresh the mind of the day's events that made me think about it a lot. Moon shaped round perfectly displayed in the night sky. The street was quiet, only the sound of rustling leaves and the cicadas accompany my without-destination trip. I'm not surprised by this quiet atmosphere because it was already 10pm. I got goose bumps when the cold wind hit my body which is already far from home. After a few minutes I decided to turn left to rest on the bridge of the river. Apparently I've been preceded by someone.
She was hit by the moonlight. She sat on the edge of the bridge and looked up at the sky. My ears caught the faint sound coming out of her mouth. My body runs by itself closer to the person, hiding behind a tree of medium size at the end of the bridge. What's she doing here??? I tried to listen carefully and put my ear well.
".... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ... .... .... .... .... .... "
Sentence that I heard...is it only imagination? Instantly my body stiff, my eyes wide open, my hands clenched, sweat began to wet my t-shirt despite the cold wind constantly blows. My stomach twisted and rocked like that made me feel nauseous. Dizziness that strikes my head instead of being lost even more sick. Memory that I eagerly wanted to forget, wanted to erase from my brain came back. I feel myself passing the time. I went back to the time when I was a kid. All that I see now was erased and then only myself in the place I lived for 6 years.
FLASHBACKI am lonely ...
Isn't there someone who can accompany me?Only together with moon I accompanied. The moon and the sky had become my friends from the past, they know all my secrets and all my feelings when I told them. Sometimes I feel sad if a dark cloud covered them. Fortunately tonight moon appeared along with thousands of stars that sparkled like jewels. So much that my eyes lit up. I leaned on the balcony of the room, hoping there is shooting star. In the news today is not preached there will be shooting star but that does not mean there is no possibility that this evening there will be a shooting star right?
Because I'm positive, my prayer is granted by God! I saw a line of light that moves from the top fell sideways down quickly. Immediately I closed my eyes and prayed. I want a friend who can accompany me, there by my side in joy and sorrow, and our friendship last forever.
When I opened my eyes there was nothing, just the moon and the stars still look the same. Of course, where possible a direct request was granted after opening my eyes. It is impossible. I just have to wait, that's all. Night was getting late so I decided to go back to the room and sleep. I turned around and...gee so surprising! I jumped because of the presence of a person. The girl seemed a teenager, has long and wavy hair, white skin and beautiful eyes. I was too scared to speak and move so I just stood petrified with wide eyes. That girl seemed to understand that I was shocked so she started the conversation first.
Very short...I was afraid to talk moreover no smile on her face at all. Though she is beautiful, very unfortunate...she stepped forward one step. Now we were only approximately 10 cm. I blinked a few times before she spoke again. "I'm your friend. God sent me immediately after you finish praying because you're a special child."
"I'm...special?" She nodded. "If so..what's your name? Where do you live? How old are you? How did you get here?"
She chuckled then looked up to the stars and moon. "You ask a lot, huh? My name is Yuki. Age 18 years old. About where I live and how I could be here, it's not important. Let's not talk about it."
"Um...okay. If it turns out you're a bad person you will regret had stepped your foot here Yuki-san. You did not even tell your family name." She's smiling now. I admit she was beautiful.
"I'm not Mayu-chan~"
"Yes, all right. According to me you do not look 18 years old. What do you deceive me?"
"You are indeed asking a lot ne..." She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm really 18 years old. Rather than wasting time with this kind of chatter how about we play a game? Let's have fun."
Since then, every night Yuki came into my room, accompanied me, play with me, or sometimes we looked at the moon and stars and then dissolved in a comfortable silence. I do not care about her origin. Yuki has become an important figure of friends that I wanted. My parents did not know this. I did not tell them because I hate them. They are always busy with work, saying that it was all they did for me, but what's the point of it all if they were never with me? My request is simple, I just want them there and spend time together with me as parents naturally. Besides, I never had a chance to tell them because they are very rarely at home.
2 months passed quickly. Yuki and I became close in a short period. Although she is 12 years older than me that was not a problem. It's funny, it was like I had a sister. The cause of my loneliness was also because I am an only child. If only I had a brother or sister, I'm not going to complain about loneliness. Maybe my parents do not want to be bothered with the presence of many children...well let's put it aside. One day my parents came home from Italy. Considerable business affairs to attend. My father brought various items and food from there. Surprisingly, they hugged me very tightly even allow me to sleep with them. My personal maid said they would stay for a few days. It was rare. I didn't meet Yuki that night.
The next day, I went through the usual activities. The difference was I look more cheerful. At school I only had a few close friends, they are very happy to see me happy. After school I followed the tutorial. I want time to pass quickly so I can return home. Again, my request was granted. Time really passed quickly.
I came home from tutoring can not wait to see Yuki. Strangely my driver did not pick even though I've called him many times so I decided to go home by bus. This is the first time I ride public transportation. Tense but fun. When I arrived at the fence I'm confused...where are the usual security guards? Oh it's night already they must be eating dinner. I opened the gate and closed it and walked to the main door of my house. From here I saw the door was already open so I ran because I wanted to quickly get in my room. It just when I got to the door I stopped.
What happened???
Why do they all look like that???
Can you see me???
Can you hear me scream???
I grabbed my own hair, kneeling on the cold porcelain floor. The tears did not stop flowing from my eyes. My lips did not stop stutter. I think I want to die alone. The same fate as them. Father, mother, maids, butlers, and other workers in this house all died horribly. There are several parts of their body detached from their bodies, blood splattered everywhere, bodies lying pale and stiff, faces with eyes still wide open...
I could not see all of this.
My cries not subside even louder.
My legs seemed to turn into jelly, I could not stand up and went to my parents.Eventually I could not go on this way I thought. My inner-self supported me to get up. First and slowly I looked up and what I see? A sentence that is tearing my heart. My inner wrenching. The sentence reads:
YOU WILL WILL GET KILLED THE LAST, MOST HURT, AND MOST CRUEL. WAIT FOR ME. IF YOU CAN BEAT ME YOU DON'T HAVE TO DIE, WATANABE MAYU.Not the content of the sentence that made me very hurt but knowing the writer who do all this. My hands touched the words that is written with the blood on the wall. Under Watanabe Mayu words there is a piece of paper taped with a nail contains a sentence. That's where I found the writer's name and a description.
I cried again after reading it. Not counted how long I cried, how much I shed tears and repeating events until dawn comes. I really want to die but....I still have my revenge to do to the writer.
FLASHBACK END"What are you doing here?"
I gasped because of her unexpected presence. Damn, brain...you remember it again, your memories with traitor childhood friend. I turned around and put a face without expression. My hands still clenched but she does not realize it. "Yuki...I should the one who asked that. Fast as always huh?"
All of a sudden the wind is very strong which makes my hair blocking my vision. Dimly, I could still see Yuki but when I blink I felt a pain on my back. The wind has stopped blowing and after my hair fell back, I can see clearly what is happening.
My back hit a tree.
Yuki gripped my wrist as she put it on the trunk.
Yuki's face very close even I could feel her breath blowing.
She shot piercing gaze into my eyes.
"I want to take my promised compensation after I won our game, Mayu. That 'it'."
I struggled to loose my hands from her grip. "Wait! Before that I want to ask you. What you said, is it true?"
Yuki just looked at me. This heart beat faster and faster as time goes by. She thrust her face until our noses almost touching. Anyway...I was not able to put a poker face because of this action. I bit my bottom lip and looked down. Anyone help me! Instead of stopping, she just continued to thrust her face slowly. This is bad!
"What will you do now?" I glanced at her a little bit and could see she smiled crookedly. With a very fast movement and unpredictable, Yuki attacked my neck. I gasped because of the sudden attack. Pain radiating from the neck to the meat. The dizziness I felt get worse. I felt my energy absorbed. The world was spinning, my views began to blur. Blurred by tears gathered in my eyelids.
Less than five minutes Yuki sucked my blood. She went as fast as her feet took her away, like lightning. I looked at the moon with a blank face. My tears flowed a drop, then two drops...not because of the pain but I still don't believe Yuki did that to me. My balance started to disappear but before I fall someone catches me and sustain me. I slowly looked up to see the face of my savior who have sustained me.
Turns out it was Ikoma.
"Mayu-san are you alright?!"
I did not answer but asked. "Why...did you get here?"
"I-I followed you because I was worried, Mayu-san."
Everything went black. I hate myself. Just in front of Yuki I look weak. Only Yuki who can make me weak. I didn't know what happen after this.
In a secluded mansion
10 pm
"How dare you?! Stop there!"
*CLICK* BRAAKKK! *CLICK* *CLICK*In front of a door in the room, someone was panting and sweating, she relies on her knees, trying to stabilize her breath and looked down. The person looked up when a flash of light caught her attention. In front of her stood a figure that is opening the window so that light can enter the room. Slowly the person stood with her legs back and straightened her clothes. An object inserted in her back pocket achieved by her hand. Her legs forwarded one step..two steps..and continuously until the person in front of her is near. It was at the exact point where the heart is.
"You've changed."
All seemed to stop unless their hearts are still beating. There is no movement between them, all silent and petrified. These are two magic words, aren't these? The speaker was the only one who can destroy this spell is not it? She turned around and people behind her returned to standby. A gun that shone in the moonlight pointed at her. Eyebrows are almost fused, gritted teeth, frowned lips, all plastered on the gun holder's face. The speaker wasn't afraid at all. Her legs took her closer to the gun holder. "You're not the one the same as you used to be. Do you still remember your promise?"
A slap landed on the beautiful face of the questioner. "You traitor! I can not believe I'm dating a killer like you! You have killed many people, right?!"
"Jurina..." The person who got slapped holds her redden cheek. "In the past, you said you love me. But now you slap me? Your promise is bullshit! Whereas I've been patient waiting for you.."
"I know you're confused. It seems Mayu forgot to tell you. Actually, I know that time she overheard us and I know she said she would give an answer to your question. Yes, Jun was yourself in the past. He promised to reborn into the world—"
The locked room door was smashed. The culprit showed herself after a few seconds. The figure was not Jurina expect will be here. The woman was not show surprised or angry expression. Just a plain face. She walked over but it makes Jurina back a few steps.
The woman was stopped right beside Rena. "We have uninvited guest don't we? Hey you have killed some guards. Don't you know the consequence due to come here alone? Reckless as usual huh, Jurina?"
"You...why are you here?"
To be continued
A/N: so~ minna-san do you get what the 'it' Yuki and Mayu talked about?

also if you know who was the mysterious person in Yuko's part, you're great!

I put some clues here for the next chapter hehehe, please tell me what you think~ see you soon!