@kuro_black29: Ah, Kuro-san. Thank's for the comment. I'm waiting for your fic too~

@saeyu: Yeah, I wonder too.. it's too early to conlude it. Maybe what you've just said will happen later. Maybe no

So stay tune :v
@Minami-chan: Ehm.. How I say it.. it's a JuriAnnin or Wmatsui? That's still a mystery lol. But in this chapter, you'll see JuriAnnin.
Is It Bad Enough?Chapter 2Jun's POV
"Yes, Matsui-san?"
"My stomach is hurt.. Can I go to the infirmary?"
"Jun, do you want me to accompany you?" Said girl 1. "Jun don't want being accompanied by a low life girl like you. Let me accompany you, Jun" Now girl 2 is speaking. "Don't go with her! Just choose me" Girl 3. And the other girls start joining the fight.
I sighed. "I don't need anyone to accompany me. So can I go to infirmary now, sensei? It's getting worst" I pointed at my stomach.
"Well, although your face doesn't showing any of pain, I can't let you collapsed here if your words is true. So yes, you can go now"
"Thank you" I left that class in a blink of eye.
- At infirmary -
Now I just laying on the infirmary bed. My stomach is hurt? Hahah! That's just an alibi to skip a class. Oh by the way I forgot to tell my father that I will go home with a bus. So I called him.
What took him answered my call so long? A meeting? He's the boss, he can pause the meeting anytime he want. Time is money? Well I never find any problem with time, because money is always coming to me without caring one or two seconds passed by. "Hello, Jun? What's happen?"
"Father, I need your permission to go home with a bus"
"Do you have a friend to accompany you?"
"Mm.. Not yet"
"You can't go home with a bus if there's no one with you"
"Father, I'm a boy.. Geez.. Okay, okay. I get it. Bye"
"Bye, Jun. Do not forget to help your little sister if she needs something"
"Yeah, I will give her anything she need. Don't worry" I ended the call.
"Hoaam~ nyem nyem.." I think, it's better to sleep here for a while. So, I move my body to a comfortable position. No need to take a long time, I sleep in a minute.
'U-ugh.. my nose is so itchy..'
'But, why my hand cannot reach for it? Errgh..' I open my eyes slowly. I was silent for a moment.
I can't move my body! I keep strugglling and found my self being tied by many sticking plaster. Then I heard a loud of laugh.
"You're so ridiculous in that position, Jun!" He continued his laugh.
"Quit it Yuria! You idiot!"
"Geez, don't take it so serious will you?" Said Kanon as she start to take this annoying crap sticking plaster off from my body.
"I'm not in my mood, Kanon."
"Oh! Why don't you come with us to make your mood back?" Said Yuria, with his forget-about-what-she-have-done-before face.
"Going where?"
"Game center." Kanon said with her sparkling eyes. Yes. I love game center.
- At game center -
"Woohoo~! Home run! I told you!" I yelled, but I kinda regret it because more girls attracted with me, geez. Curse my good-looking face. "SHIT! How the heck this could be happen??" Yuria whining on the floor because he can't win over me. "Face the reality, Yuria~" I said with my victory's smile. Oh, shit. Those girls now starting become more fanatic seing my gorgeus smile.
"Let's go home, Kanon. I'm so tired" I'm pulling Kanon to the exit door.
"Oh, winning from that baka Yuria can make you tired?"
"Yeah, because he want me to make him lose again and again. That's makes me forgot about time, and you're right, Yuria. My mood is coming back. Thanks for taking me here" I laugh so hard in front of his face. "What's make you laugh that hard?" He laughed hard too, for no reason.
"Your idiot face. HAHAHA!"
"Stop it, Jun. You looks like a drunk man now" Said Kanon weirdly.
We turn turned our head at the same time to see who's the one that called her name. "Azuma Rion-san? What's happen?"
"Ya.. Yaba-"
"Yabai?!" Yuria cut Azuma's sentence with his idiot face. "No. Yabakune! They just appear in front of us in the middle of the road all of sudden. They're bring many boys!"
"But, you can escape from them, right?" I want to make her calm. "Nakanishi-san! He's trying to hold yabakune while I escape from them"
Holy fuck.
- At Yabakune's basecamp -
A boy with scary face kick another boy on his stomach. "Why don't you just do what we ask? Call your friends, little brat! Call that Jun!" The other boy never reply the scary boys that surrounding him. He just ignored them and keep trying to push his body up from the floor. His face is already covered by blood. But there's no hint of pain in his eyes.
Nakanishi's POV
Like I want to let out my voice for you..
Normal POV
The boy, seems like he's the leader, grab Nakanishi's collarbone and bring him up. "You want me to kill you and let your dead-body in the trash being founded by people, or call your friends! NOW!"
"Hey, what's your problem with my friend, asshole?"
The yabakune's leader turned his head to the source of the voice.
"Oh, you're finally came here, Jun" His smirking annoying Jun.
Jun's POV
"Put him down, I will serve you the game." I said. That ugly boy just threw Nishishi heartlessly to the floor. That son of a bitch. "I will make you suffer, Jun" We glaring each other, no one from us want to lose. "Like you can" I threw him my smirk.
Holy.. Shit.
"...n!" Ah, Yuria's voice..
I'm trying so hard to open my eyes. And I found myself on Nishishi's back. He's piggyback me. I want to reply, but I can't. I can't moving my mouth. "He's awake!"
"Jun! Please stay to hear my voice. Hang on. Just for a little bit. We're gonna reach your house"
"I don't know, Kanon.." Finally, I'm able to open my mouth. "I'm so tired.. Let me sleep for a while.." I continued my words. "HELL NO! You don't have my permission to sleep!" Yuria yelling at me with his teary eyes, he's still running with Nishishi and Kanon to.. I think this is a way to my house.
"Since when you became that brave towards me, Baka Yuria?"
"Huh?" There, his idiot face is show up.
"It's dark, means already night. Why I can't sleep?" I sighed. "Okay, I'm not going to sleep. But, just let me rest. You keep yelling my name. IT'S SO ANNOYING"
"O-okay, Jun. But, promise me, that you won't left us."
"Of course. I'm not gonna die just because of this, Baka Yuria!" I chuckled. O-ow, my stomach is hurt. After a long enough journey, finally, we reached my house. "Jun-sama!" One of my guard approach us. And then he hurriedly help Nishishi taking my damaged body into my house.
"Call the doctor!" Said my guard to the maid and then he put my body on the couch. My butler provide first aid to my bloody head. He now cleaning my head with alcohol. "It's hurt!" I'm yelling in pain. "Sorry, but I need to do this before you get infected, Jun-sama" My butler said it without his hand leaving my injured head. While my friends just watching me from his back. Not taking too much time, my personal doctor is arrived, and quickly taking care all of my damaged body.
- 20 minutes later -
"I'm done, Jun. What your parents gonna say after seing their only son like this. You're not changing, Jun. Still as brave as before." He ruffled my hair.
"Please take a rest. Your wounds need to recover as soon as possible, and your left leg bone is crashed. So don't moving too much, okay?"
"I'm sorry and roger, doct!" I replied him.
"Do not forget to drink your medicine!" He left after saying that. Fyuh.. Too much restrictions.
"Want me to take you to your bedroom, Jun-sama?" Said my maid. "Um yeah, wait a minute"
"Jun, why were you so idiot? Why do you come alone to Yabakune's basecamp? You're in tired condition, and you fighting them all alone? it's good that Azuma could bring police before you lose your life there."
"Sorry, Kanon. I couldn't control my anger back then" I give her a reply.
Before Kanon could scolding me more, someone's talking "It's time to go home. Let him take some rest" now the one who rarely speaking finally spoke. "You're right, Nishishi. See you after you fully get recover. Come on, Yuria" He said as he pulling Yuria's arm. And then, they left my house.
I sighed. "Where is Annin? It's already 10pm" I asked my maid. "She said she want to playing piano in a perfect way at her show. So she's still practicing at her course"
What?! That girl. "Take me to my room!"
"Yes, Ojou-sama" Said my maid as she put my body to the wheel chair and bring me to my room. Thank's to my mother because she make an elevator here. So bringing me on my wheel chair to the 3rd floor is a piece of cake for my maid.
- Inside my room -
"I put your drink on the table beside your bed. Do you need something else?" "No. Thank you" I said in my laying position on my bed. "Then, I'll take my leave now. Have some rest, Jun-sama" she closed the door.
My phone is ringing, and I'm too lazy too see who's calling. So I just hang it up and say "Jun's here, who is it~?"
"Your Mother." I already expect this. Wait. First, I need to prepare my mental, before my Mother start to scolding me. "Y-yes, Mother? What makes you calling me at this late night?" I'm trying to sound normal.
"Don't playing dumb on me, Jun. Your butler already told everything to me"
"S-sorry, Mother.."
"Oh my love, Jun.. you make me so worried. I will forgive you 'again' this time. But make sure that an accident like this won't be happen again. I'm still have some business meetings in Shanghai. I will go home as soon as possible"
"Mother! You don't need to come here, seriously! I can take care of my self, Mom"
"I'm not taking any complain. Now, go to sleep. Make sure you're doing what your doctor said. I don't want you not attending your school for a long time, okay?"
"Okay, bye Mom"
"Bye. I love you Jun"
"Love you too" I end my call.
Now, I'll take my rest. I'm really tired. That Yabakune's boys. I will take my revenge! Well, after I get recovered.. hehe. I closed my eyes and fell asleep so quick.
'U-ugh.. so thirsty..' I opened my eyes, grab a glass of water on the table in my right side, and drink it. After that, I put my empty glass back on my table and ready to sleep again. Until I feel something heavy on my right arms.
Holy sweet.
There's Annin inside my room! She's sitting on a chair beside my bed and sleeping with her head on the top of her hand that placed on my bed, while her another hand's holding one of my hand. My lips curved into a wide smile now. I reach out my hand in a slow motion and stroke her hair softly. "I love you" I whispered that words near her face.
"I love you too.."
Eeeek?! I'm completely finished now. Argh!! Thanks to my frank mouth.
"Y-you're not sleeping?"
She open her eyes slowly. And pull her head up to face me with her beauty face. "Almost. You're awaken me by your unexpected move, Aniki"
"How embrassing.." I wrapping the back side of my neck with my palm.
"You're so stubborn. Look at you now. Your body is totally damaged. It's really hurt me seing you like this" Oh, I just noticed her red teary eyes. Shit. I make her crying all night long.
"I forget how many times I've said this words to different peoples at the same night. I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm so stubborn. You know me very well but.." I grip her hand.
"It's hurt me too seing you crying for a brat like me."
She chuckled. "Why not? You're the most important person in my life. When our mother and father not here, when I'm get some trouble, when I feel lonely," She put her index finger on my nose.
"This brat is always here by my side" Just by hearing that, I obviously can collapsed right now. My hand slowly grab hers that still pointing at my nose and kiss her finger. "Am I deserve to have such a caring little sister like you?"
"Yes. You're the right person who deserved it" She caressed my full of bruises face. My hand's still grabbing her hand that caressing my cheek. Her touch is full of tenderness. "So, you just got here?" I bringing some topic.
"No. I'm arrived in about three hours ago"
"Why don't you just practicing here? In our house"
"Don't you remember? Two days ago, when I'm still studying at my school, you're playing with your friends near my piano.."
"I'm jumping from sofa and accidently landed on your piano, caused it... destroyed. I just remember that, thank's for reminding"
- Morning -
"Say aah.." As a spoon moving in the air gesturing like a plane want to landing inside my mouth. "Aum~ omnomnom.." I chewing food with a smile plastered on my face. Yes, that's because Annin's feeding me right now. "So are you happy?" She asked me, still busy with my food on her hand.
"Of course! How can I won't be happy, you even not going to school just for taking care of me. I know you never absent from your school before" My smile grew wider. She chuckled because of my funny face. I mean, my stupid face.
"You really understand me. I need you, Annin"
"Yes. I know it" She cleaning some mushroom's sauce on the corner of my mouth. "I know you need me. You even need me to wipe your own mouth. That's why I'm here, because you looks like a big baby. I cannot let those maid to touch you like this"
"Oh, so my sister is jealous~" I tease her. "No. Stop it or you will eat this food with your own broken hands" She's angry. I'm so scared "Sorry". Suddenly, someone opened the door of my room.
"Oh my God.. Honey, this must be really hurt" she caressing my broken leg.
"Not that hurt. Calm down, will you, Mom? I'm okay. Well, although it looks like is not really 'okay' in physical, but I swear it's not hurt at all, trust me"
"No. I'm your Mother. I know it more than you. It's not okay at all. Annin, is this spoiled kid already eat, drink his medicine, and changing his bandage?"
"Mom, he just woke up. Now, I'm feeding him. It's okay, I will taking care of this baby"
"Annin, you have an important show tomorro-"
"Now, you must be so tired after long journey from Shanghai, right? Just take some rest, Mom. Leave this spoiled kid to me" Annin lead my Mother to door. "My sweetie Annin, I'm going home because I want to taking care my injured son. But, you're right. I'm a bit tired, so I will sleep for a while. Just don't force your self too much. If you feeling tired, just leave it to those maid. When you want to go practicing, just wake me up, kay?"
"Okay, Mom" My mother kiss Annin's cheek. "Love you, my sweetie. Jun, don't be too spoiled with Annin!" She get out from my room. "I can't promise, Mom!" I laughing hard. "Ow.. Shit!"
"W-what's happen, Aniki?!" Annin fastly approach me with her worried face. "My stomach.. is hurt.. Ouch.." I grip and pushed my stomach with fingers. "Don't make it become worst" Annin said as she shove away my hand from my stomach.
Her hand tracing my tummy and start to rubbing it softly. She make a circle move on my tummy. I can feel my neck's hair standing. "Better?" She keep focusing her eyes in my stomach that still being caressed by her hand. I keep remaind in silent. "Aniki?" Now she look in to my eyes. "....Great" I'm being lost in her mesmerizing eyes. "O-oh" She replied me and take away her hand from my stomach.
"What's now?" She put her worried looks again. I grab her hand and lead them to my stomach. "Keep doing it. If you left my stomach, that just make it hurt again" I lied~
"How about your food?"
"I'm full."
"F-fine then" Now she start to wrapping her hand around my stomach again. Oh, Annin.. I'm feeling comfortable only with your little touch. Of course those maids cannot do it as good as you, Annin! No need to be jealous with them! After that, I drink my medicine. And I still won't let Annin taking away her hand from my stomach. "Aniki, let me change your bandage. It's becomes dirty because of your own sweats"
I give her my scared face. "A-are you sure you can do that? It's really hurt.." I still remember the pain when my butler flushing alcohol on my head. "I'm sure. Trust me" Now, she opened my bandage carefully. I'm not that brave enough to see all of this anymore, so I just shut my eyes while Annin busy 'playing' with my head.
"Done. How is it? Is that hurt?" Eh? What the.. What's going on? "I don't feel anything. Is it mean that I'm starting to get numb? You've got to be kidding me.." I wanted to cry. "I never thought my brother that it was so stupid. Of course you don't feel anything. It's my skill, I'm good at treating people"
"I'm not that stupid! Well, you're right. I think you've success treating my broken heart too~" I winked at her, oh crap, I just forgot that she doesn't like me flirting with her. "I-I just kidding, Annin. Don't leave me" I give her my pleading eyes. She smiled "Of course. I won't leave you"
- Tomorrow -
Annin's POV
I heard a lot of applause echoed in this hall. Yes, I made success of this show. If you ask me how's my feeling, the answer is absolutely 'happy'. Well, I'm not really that happy because I still couldn't find Jun among these sea of people. I accidently saw someone with bandage sitting on VIP seat. My eyes isn't wrong, that's Jun. I'm very grateful because he watched my show. But on the other hand I felt slightly worry because his body still not recovering yet.
After giving my audience some bows, I turn around and take my leave to the backstage. "Great, Anna! You make them never let their eyes off from your perfect performance!" My teacher praise me. "Thank you very much. It's because your efforts too" I bowed at him.
"Okay, now you can changing your clothes and take a rest, Anna."
- At my changing room -
After changing my clothes, I just reading my books here. Huft.. I'm so tired. Today I sleep at 2am because taking care my Jun. He's really spoiled. Whenever I want to do my homework, reply some messages about student council's probs or just because I make a little move, he's got angry. He won't let go of me and keep forcing me to sit beside him. Well, I'm okay with that. I even feel happy, because he still need me although we have a bunch of maids and butlers in our house.
Suddenly, someone knock at the door. "Come in. I didn't lock the door". When the door is opened that suprised me because I see my Mother standing in front of the door, with smiling Jun on his wheel chair. He looks so cool wearing a white shirt inside her brown jacket with an ordinary jeans. He loosing his two upper buttons shirt, showing his bare collarbone. Sexy.
H-huh? What am I thinking about?
"Annin? Are you spacing out?" Jun said as my Mother pushing his wheel chair to my direction. "Ah, N-no. Pft. H-how can I spacing out.."
"Annin, I really proud of you. Your father will be happy if I told him about this. I'm sorry because he cannot attend your show, honey"
"It's okay, Mom. That's not really a big deal for me. So, you're enjoying my performance?"
"A lot. I-" suddenly my Mother's phone rang, and she quickly take a look at her screen phone to see who's calling for her. "Oh, this is our company's client. Sorry, Annin, please take care Jun for a momment."
As our Mother had left us alone, we just keep silence for a long time. So I try to break the silent "How's my perform-"
"Awesome." He cut my question with his fast answer.
"Your skill or even your serious face, your smooth hair, your dancing finger, all the part of your body when you playing that piano it's really makes me stunning!"
"That much?" I giggled because his face really have a simillarity with a kid who got a new balloon. "Yes! Not only Mom and Dad, I'm really proud to have a sister like you too"
"Yes, my princess?"
"Why don't you just resting at home? You're not recovering yet, how if.." I stopped my words when I see him stood up from his wheel chair with one foot. "What are you doing?"
I don't know, I think your voice just make me hypnotized." He put his idiot face again.
"Sit down, I'm not finished yet."
He did what I said like a puppy who listened to his master's command. "But, Annin. You'll move in about a month again, right? I want to spend more my time with you before you move to your new academy.." His puppy eyes is showed up. I smiled to him and hold his hand. "You don't need to spend your time for me. I'm the one who will spend my time for you. So all you need to do is just sit here, on your wheel chair until you get recover."
Jun's POV
My Gosh! I feel my chest being thightened when she smiles, saying that unbelievable words, and hold my hand at the same time! Seriously?! Is this what people called love? I'm in love with my sister? I'm so frustated causing my face became so ugly in confused. Suddenly someone opened the door. "Sorry, Iriyama-san, you are needed to attend our last meeting. We'll wait you in Hall-C." Said a crew. "Okay, I'll be there in five minutes" Annin responded his order. "Sorry for interrupting your time" He closed the door.
'YES. You really interrupting our momment' I thought.
"Aniki, do you want me to take you to your car?"
"No. I'll just wait you here"
"Oh. Well, don't go anywhere until I'm back, okay?"
"Yes, my princess" I give her my salute. She let out a soft chukled because of my silly action and left the room.
- One month later -
Oh shit! Oh shit! I shouldn't playing at game center with that baka Yuria! I'm gonna be late to see Annin take off. Now I'm on the back seat of my car. "Can you running this car in full speed?!"
"I'm sorry, Jun-sama. But the traffic jam make me unable to increased the speed"
"Idiot! Find another way to reach the airport as fast as possible!"
"Yes, my Lord!" My butler searching for another way to the airport in GPS and has found it in a blink of eye, then give the rute to my driver. He turning the car to the left and drive my car in a small path. I felt relieved when we could see the end of this path. But that happy feeling is all faded because it's also stucked, same with earlier road before.
I cannot bear this anymore, so I get out from my car and open my baggage to take my fold bicycle. After unfolded it, I hurriedly ride my bicycle through all of this shit traffic jam. "Ojou-sama! Your leg!" The hell with my unrecovered leg. In my head is just filled with Annin now.
I pedalling my bike with a high speed on the trotoar. All of pedistrians curse me because they're almost got bumped with my bike. "Sorry! I'm sorry! Sorry, Madam!" I just give a quick apologize to them without stopping my bike. There! The Airport! I just keep my bike running through the entrance barrier, make it break in to two pieces. What a cheap thing.. It's easily get broken.
"Hey, kiddo! Stop your bike! Take the ticket first! What the heck!" The security try to catch me. I just keep pedaling my bike and throw it as I arrived at the entrance door and run in to the building. Now I'm searching for F-4 gate. Meteor garden? Ah, I mean F-5. Well, honestly I'm not sure where's the gate. Teehee. WTF? There's no time for joking! I keep searching and searching. Bingo! That's it! I saw Annin in her expensive-look coat. "Annin!"
I run approching her "W-wait a minute!" I bent down, still trying to catch oxygen. She lovely caressing my back. "I thought you won't come here. Why are you sweating this much, Aniki?" She took out her dove-coloured handkerchief and wiping all the sweats on my face. I don't wanna her become angry if she knows that I'm pedaling my bike to came here.
"T-the air conditioner in my car is broken" Yeah. That's a nice lie.
"Where's Mom?" I asked her, try to change the topic. "She's already take off in a minute ago" I grab her hands. "Um.. By the way, Annin. I want to tell you that.." It's the time for me to confessed her! But when I'm about to tell her my feelings, someone grab my arms.
"I get you"
Shit! This security really don't know the situation. "Tch.. Wait a minute will you?! I have some business here!" I yelled right in front of his face.
"I don't care. Now, just follow me to the office now" He keep pulling my arms harder because I still could standing straight on my place, he's weak anyway. "Not only your ugly face, but also your little brain have succeed makes me annoyed! You don't know with whom you're talking?"
"I will tell you later *yaomingface* now just leave me and my sister alone! I'm not going anywhere! I promise!!"
He scratched his chin "You promise?"
"YES!!!" I run out of my patience.
"Okay, hurry up" He finally left us. I let out a BIG sighed. "Annin, may I continue?" She just nodded in respond. "All this time, I always wanted to tell you that.." "I am sorry, Iriyama-"
"WHAT'S NOW?!" One had left, the other's coming. I feel like smacking him now. "Iriyama Anna-san, it's the time." Annin give me a warm smile and turned her head to the security. "Could you give us a little more time?" He checked his watch "Okay, two minutes. The plane will be take-off soon" and he went away five meters behind us.
"So, what do you want to-" I quickly cut her sentence with my lips on hers. Oh. My. God. So this is the taste of her lips. I really want to tell you guys how it feels, it just.. I bet you can't imagine how amazing it is! In about 5 seconds I pulled it away from her soft-pinkish lips.
"I love you..
Will you be mine?"
I don't care anymore if she slap me at this public area. To my surprise, I didn't get any slap but she give me a slight kiss on my lips instead. "Yes. I'm yours now." By hearing that, I collapsed.
Just kidding. I could feel blood rushing inside my body with a flash speed from head to the toe. "Haha.." a creepy laugh escaped from my mouth. "Aniki?" She's get worried from my weird act. I just ignore it and pulled her body to my embrace and hold it so tight. "Ugh.. A-aniki, I can't.. breath.." Even though I couldn't see her face, I can feel that she's smiling right now.
"Ahem! Time's over"
I released Annin's body, turned my head to face that security and give him a death glare "Fuck you."
"Okay I will go now, Aniki. Take care" Annin planting a kiss on my cheek and entering the gate. "Annin!"
"Yes?" She turned her head and answered me in a far distant. "Don't you ever forget to me when you got there!" She laughed a little, still not put away her alegance "Yes, I won't ever forget you." She smiled and turned her back to me, then walking away untill I cannot see her figure anymore.
"Ojou-sama! Please use this wheel chair. I won't let you walking again this time or your leg is gonna get hurt" My butler approached me with my wheel chair. "No. I looks like a sick person if I sit there. No way"
"Hey kiddo! Where's your promise?! You lie!" This security approach me and when he want to grab my shoulder, my butler blocked it away. "Stay away from Ojou-sama." His give him a glare. "O-ojou.. Sama?!" He shocked with my tittle. "My God. Why the heck Annin must go with a public plane? I hate this!" I said with my annoyed face. "Sorry, there's a thecnical problem with your family's private jet. And there's no time to buy or booking another private jet, Jun-sama" He give me an explanation that actually I don't really care and just walk away.
"All of you just can ruining my mood! Finish my problem with that security in five minutes, I will wait you in the car. Don't you force me to sit on this wheel chair again."
"Yes, my Lord."
I left him there to settle my problem with that security. But when I've walked quite a far from them.. "Ou-ouch! Gosh!!" Now I just noticed the pain due to hard pedaling before. It's really impossible for me to continue my walk. I regrets refuse to sit on that wheel chair.