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Author Topic: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 21 [13/5/16]  (Read 43785 times)

Offline rindg

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Re: All I Want Is You - Yuko/Mariko BackStory [EXTRA] 7/1/16
« Reply #40 on: January 10, 2016, 07:48:43 PM »
I think this is the first story I read with Yuko x Mariko ship.  :on ksweat:

At first I thought "No way! Those two wouldn't look good together!" But then now that I actually think about it...
Yuko and Mariko-sama actually get quite along in real life.  :mon geek:

All of your stories have fun variations to each other, it's really nice.  :mon innocent:

Thanks for the update!  :mon bye:
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline calista_castro

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@yocelin17, sure things, keep on reading and I'm happy to give KojiYuu for your entertainment ;)
@rindg, I also remember Yuko and Mariko good relationship from the start. I don't know about their communication now... but they did have their ups and downs while being apart of akb48, so I wanted to use it for this fanfic too.Thanks you for reading and dropping a comment, I guess comments is the best motivation for writing  :hee:
@arawche079, you're insightful then. I thought maybe I manage to drop so hints so I'm glad it reached you too!  :thumbup :peace:
@jhom_09, we all get lazy some times, its okay  :bingo: I'm happy to now that you're reading the fic  :glasses:

I'm posting this earlier than I planned but everyone is late my I had time for proofreading and dropping it in here.  :dozing: After this, I'll see you next week! Once again, thanks for everyone who's reading this!

Chapter 12

Haruna caught Atsuko’s arm looking and shorter girl a little bit dangerously “what do you think you’re doing?”

Yuko sigh unsure about the situation, though she already received a slap a second ago, it seemed like she mentally prepared herself for the next one, even closed her eyes. That’s why without a doubt Yuko was surprised that Atsuko’s hand didn’t come in contact with her face.

Yuko opened her eyes only now noticing the scene that unfolded in front of her. Atsuko squinted her eyes annoyed “so you’re… Yuko’s future wife or something?”

“Yes, our marriage is after a week. If you’re from Yuuchan’s friends side you should come”.

“Yuuchan?” Atsuko scolded and snickered at the same time, kind of forcefully taking her own hand away from Haruna “Well, I count as Yuuchan’s…” (the cute nickname was said sarcastically) “friend…or friend of friends… or friend of her ex…I wonder how should I call myself? But sure… the wedding and celebration sounds fun…”, she stepped back looking around “pretty sure you’ll have a huge celebration”, adding knowing that this place belongs to the person Yuko is going to marry and Kojima’s had a lot of money. Like an empire.

Yuko put a hand on her own cheek that still sting “can we talk about this later?”, asking Atsuko calmly, or at least trying to look calm.

Atsuko faked a small smile “how about you give me a call?”, and looked Haruna up and down one last time before turning and walking away.

“Wow…you have so great friends”, Haruna commented annoyed, making sure that Atsuko walked into the elevator and then turning to look at Yuko.

“I would have handled it… she has her reasons…”

“How about you tell me about it inside?”, Haruna suggested while pointing her own hand into the direction of her office.

“How about no?” Yuko was about to turn and go but just at that same moment Haruna stepped in that same direction, blocking her way “couple of minutes”.

“I have a lot of work”, Yuko commented avoiding the conversation and walked around Haruna heading to the elevator.

Haruna sigh not wanting to do this but realizing that there is actually no other way “Fine. Oshima Yuko. As your boss I insist you come into my office. We need to have a conversation”.

Yuko stopped in her tracks and sigh while whispering to herself “you got to be kidding me”, not expecting that Haruna might use this as her trump.

Yuko stamped as little spoiled children do and turn around coming back “of course, Miss.Kojima”

“We could be together…”

“Eh?” Jurina asked absent-minded when she got back home to help out Milky with her things. “We will live together, I don’t get your point”, she added at the same time a bit distracted by the texts she got.

“No… I mean like couple… we literally know everything about each other and still tolerate one another… we have long history and… oh… you’re not even listening to me”, Milky laughed to herself noticing that Jurina is too engrossed in answering a text.

For that same reason she decided to continue “then we can go to some inhabitant island, or travel around the world… wait… we could recreate Robinson Cruise… you know like that book… stay on a island, find some servant and call him Friday…I’m not sure… I think that was his name and…”

Jurina looked up hearing only the last part so asking a bit confused “what’s happening on Friday?”

Milky shook her head with a loud laugh but she had no reason to explain Jurina what kind of conversation she had just a minute ago “oh… nothing… but you’re really in trouble”, still laughing she suddenly remembered something and asked more carefully “by the way… maybe Rena has messaged you or something?”

Jurina raised her eyebrows questioning “no?why? should she have? Actually… she accidentally bumped into Yukirin there… not sure how accidental that was but…”, Jurina opened Rena’s twitter showing the recent photo of those two. “I’m still not sure why Rena didn’t even suggest me going with her… I mean I assume she stopped loving me… why else… or who knows…”

“Maybe because of Yukirin…”, Milky ended Jurina sentence considering this herself. “Well… that’s not really impossible”.

“Yeah exactly… but it doesn’t matter”, Matsui tried to push bad thoughts aside and instead took a photo of Milky “I will share this one, with you moving in!”, and she smiled playfully knowing how Milky will react.

“Wait…show it to me first!”, older girl ran after Jurina trying to peek at her own picture, wanting to make sure that she looks good in it. Obviously, wanting to continue and tease her friend, Jurina ran away and these two continued on playing this way.

“She’s Marichan’s friend. They are really close and she doesn’t really know that this whole marriage deal is fake because she wasn’t there when your father forced my friends signing that contract. So the reaction… well I expected this… even worse…”

Haruna raised her eyebrows with the expression that said ‘you got to be kidding me’ (actually, the same reaction that Yuko gave her before walking into Kojima’s office) “worse than coming to your job and slapping you on the face? How about normal human conversation where you ask reasons and…”

“Maybe…there are just things which you can’t reason with… none of this makes sense for the people that don’t know the situation… Even I don’t know what to say about it … people surrounding me will think that I cheated on Mariko with you behind their backs… I mean… Marichan… well I know she’s trying to say that we only pretended to be together for that year… and that I was actually with you… she was just helping to keep a secret but I doubt that a lot of people will be convinced by this explanation so…”

“So there is no need for you to explain anything to them… its your life so… free will and all that…”

Yuko shrugged her shoulders answering quite passively “it happened how it happened… I can’t change it… I can’t do anything about it… but I can deal with consequences and accept whatever reaction people decide to throw my way. People are quick with assumptions so there is no doubt that most of them will judge this sort of decision… I guess your fans too…”

“My fans?”

“You’re quite popular with media, right? They wouldn’t try catching you in such situations if you weren’t… there might even be a fan club of Kojima Haruna… and I will have even more haters against me”.

For the first time during this whole conversation Haruna laughed “that’s absurd”, never considering it as possibility. “Most likely they want to find some dirt… people are jealous when you’re one of the owners of a wealthy company… they hope to show how messed up my family is”.

“Isn’t it?” Yuko asked while sighing but without irony this time. Just pure curiosity.

“I guess…we’re… or there won’t be a need of fake marriage… welcome to my… dysfunctional family”, Haruna shrugged her shoulders announcing it simply but looking at Yuko’s face more attentively this time. She enjoy that short moment when without thinking her future wife also smirked.

“So… no more normal boring life for me?”


Unconsciously Yuko bit her lower lip, probably realizing that it was the first conversation they had after the police station incident. So she added a bit uncomfortably now “I think I should head back to work”.

Without thinking about it Haruna grabbed Yuko’s hand (gently this time) stopping her while she still could and asking with some uncertainty “wait… mmm… I…still need to say something…”

Doubtful and uncertain Yuko stopped not fighting the pull “oh…okay…?”

“I’m sorry… about my reaction and…how I acted that evening… it was out of line and… I shouldn’t said those words to you… I’m really sorry about that part…”



“Nothing else?” Yuko wondered while squinting her eyes slightly.

“I… I’m apologizing for all the words I said through the evening… as well as in the police station… I should just kept quiet in both cases…”


“What else?” Haruna asked a bit annoyed this time, having no idea what else she had done that might have annoyed Yuko this much.

“Is that all you want to apologize about? Only your words?” Yuko tried giving certain hints and even raised her eyebrows hoping that maybe Haruna will eventually get a clue and she won’t have to voice it out loud.

It seemed to work when Haruna slowly let go of her hand and asked carefully “and about my actions?”

“Well that’s the part that I…”

“I’m not apologizing for it. I meant to do that”.


“Yes I crossed a line… I shouldn’t have said any of the things that I did… but I meant that kiss… I wanted to kiss you… I like you… maybe I should have controlled myself better but… I’m not apologizing for that. Especially because you answered my kiss so I don’t think it was that bad”.

“Are you… seriously?” Yuko couldn’t form words now lost in thought and just mouth agape.

Haruna kept on staring at her with some wonder, not knowing that exactly she’s expecting, so Yuko just shook her head sighing “Oh…okay so I guess its normal to just walking up to someone and kissing them without their consent… very normal situation…”

“Why is that so…”, Haruna sigh a bit annoyed while amending some of her own hair and being a bit more expressing than she needed to be “what’s so wrong about it? I have just told you that I like you… but I’m guessing the events of that evening are more important than my words…”

Yuko managed to roll her eyes and shook her head at the same time turning around and ready to leave Haruna’s office without coming to conclusion and ruining any progress that they made.

Haruna wondered what made her react in this sort of way, giving out to the anger and forgetting considering consequences, but she did reach out for Yuko again, not only turning the girl around but kissing her on the lips like that evening before.

At first, Yuko didn’t plan on kissing Haruna back at all. She even fought a little bit and she would have stayed in control if Haruna hadn’t bitten on her lower lip.

The second when Yuko was truly shocked Haruna even managed to sneak in tongue into her mouth for more passionate kiss. After this, even Yuko was a lost case. Getting lost in passionate moment seemed too easy. It simply helped forgetting about the rest of the world. And for that short time… the rest of the world really didn’t exist anymore.

Haruna even held hands on Yuko’s waist to keep shorter girl in tact and enjoying the dominant role that had to end sooner or later. Unfortunately, realization of her actions somehow got back to Haruna and she slowly pulled back looking down instead of at Yuko “am… that’s probably one thing I should really work on…”, she didn’t dare to look up and Yuko was still silent just panting heavily.

Haruna coughed noticing that despite her lips left Yuko’s… her hands work on their own and stayed on Oshima’s waist “I guess…I understand what you want me to apologize about…”, she rambled again, a bit uncertain and the fact that the girl in front her hasn’t uttered a word made the situation more awkward.

After some time, having no other choice Haruna mustered her courage and looked up. It didn’t look like Yuko planned on moving from her position. Instead she kept on staring at Haruna’s lips. The same thing that shorter girl must have been doing during all the time Haruna talked before.

Feeling quite self aware higher girl tried to say one more thing “are you…angry?” unsure how to interpret Yuko’s actions and silence.

It took some time but Yuko shook her head shortly without answering but looked up to stare back at her.

Without thinking Haruna started leaning ahead for the second time and stopped herself just the last second leaning back “I’m sorry I don’t know what I’m doing” taking a deep breath.

A breath that she indeed needed because after her retreat Yuko was the one who leaned in capturing her future wife lips instead.

It was time for Haruna to be surprised but she reacted faster than Yuko before. Once again they found themselves in situation with a passionate kiss.

“I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.”

Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline shanju

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Damnn, you should write a little longer author san because i felt like waiting for decade >,<
Hmmm so, they cant stop their kisses and can not resist each other lips,
I want the next chap pliss

Offline sasshirie

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i dont know what to say, so let me expres my emotions like this:

 :farofflook: :hehehe: :luvluv1: :luvluv2: :shifty: :on woohoo: :on ksweat: :on slopkiss: :on drink:

Offline rindg

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Ohehehehheh  :hehehe:

I've been waiting for this, for this scene to happen once again!  :on woohoo:

I almost died waiting for it ha-ha. Heh, passionate kiss my butt, its lustful now Yuko. :luvluv1: :on lol: :shy2: :shy1: :luvluv2:

And Milky wants to get together with Jurina? How interesting
.. :hehehe:

Thanks for the update!  :mon bye:
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline Korisu29

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many things happened and made me have to take a break ... hihi
heeehhh ... I have not commented on the extras Yuko x Mariko and you've updated chapter 12 ... you fast!!!!!
(sometimes I wondered how many times in a day do you write fic, because I saw a lot of you fic over here ... that's good!!)
their kiss just ... aaaahhh~ i like it!!!
thanks for your update ... waiting for the next chap~

Offline arawche079

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Yuko is winning the bet.... That kojiyuu kiss yeah!!!!

Oh Haruna confessed and Yuko I'm not sure about it though...

Mariko seems to still have feelings for Yuko well both of them....

I hope longer update next time...

Ah jurina and Milky... Puffs...

I always like milky in this fic....

Thanks for update...

Offline RenshuChan

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Is Milky starting to like Jurinaaaa?????
make them together, author-san!!!!

continue!!!  XD

Offline allinone

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Nice chap... Thx for update author-san..

Offline calista_castro

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@rindg, well Milky is joking around...kind of... but you never know really  :lol: yeah, I have been waiting for that scene to happen too (even though I am the writer) hehe  XD
@allinone, thanks for the comment  :roll:
@RenshuChan, I can make any sort of confirmations but I'm not writing it off (I mean there is possibility of JuriMilky though), and their friendship is really strong as you can see!
@shanju, yeah I write and post how I can and when I can  :D but I'm happy to know that you're waiting for next updates  :oops:
@sasshirie, your emotions is on point!
@arawche079, I like Milky in this fanfic too, well the friendship of these three. I haven't thought about it yet... how these girls will decide who is the winner of the three... Yuko's marriage after all is fake... for now... who knows what happens next but still... ehh... when I can make it longer, I will... I think this chapter is pretty much the same length as the previous one. If I make it longer I might end up posting only once a month or two times in best case scenario... so for now I'm settling for weekly posts  :roll:
@Korisu29, how many times? One (but not every day), sometimes only one day per week. Depends on schedule  :doh: oh but yeah, I'm quite fast, basically because I started writing earlier and not that long ago decided that I'm going to post it in here as well, so I had some resources  :kekeke: though I guess I don't post it as often as before, because not that much of it is left. And I'm also a quick writer as the stories plays in my head whenever and I just need to find time and write them down  XD

Chapter 13

It could have stopped at any second, especially if either of them would have considered the situation they got themselves into but of course where lust and passion play a part, you can’t really control or stop yourself.

That is why Haruna and Yuko kissed way longer then either of them would have planned or intended. Not that Yuko wanted to have this sort of interaction in the first place… shorter girl still had no idea why this is happening and why she’s reacting in this sort of way.

Haruna knew about her attraction to Yuko from the very start, why else she would have grabbed the girl the way she did. Obviously, remembering her words and embarrassment earlier she didn’t expect Yuko to participate in it. Haruna wouldn’t have been surprised if Yuko had slapped her right that moment, she even waited for it…

Who knows how much longer the two girls would have continued their activity, Yuko even sat at the corner of Haruna’s table. It somehow happened without even realizing that it was somewhat an easier way (because of height difference) to continue on with passionate kisses.

They were so absorbed in their own world that Mocchi’s cough was unheard, and only when Asuka decided that there is no other way but to break a vase… the two girls finally separated looking back with slight shook, embarrassment and surprise.

Asuka looked at the two with unreadable expression though smirked slightly“I tried calling couple of times but… Haruna your father is coming down for the talk… I’m not sure if you would have actually liked if he had found you in such position”. Asuka raised her eyebrows suggestively eyeing the two for the third time since she walked inside.

Earlier Yuko crossed her legs around Haruna’s waist and they ended up in quite compromising position.

Now the girls darted away from each other as fast as they can manage. Yuko whispered something under her breath that she really has to go. While Haruna didn’t try stopping her, still a bit out of balance herself.

It was a good thing that Asuka decided to remind her “Your father is going to be here in a couple of minutes. Maybe you should try composing yourself?”

Takamina raised up her head after hearing the loud bang of a door already guessing that someone came back in a bad mood. Sometimes she tried guessing which one of those two it might be. Takamina was used to Atsuko reacting this way if something important happened, but Sayanee was similar in that manner. She usually walked in without commenting, never raising her voice, but instead making other loud sounds and letting others know that they should stay away from her.

Hearing footsteps closing in the girl realized that this time its not Sayanee. Atsuko walked inside with one more loud sigh “I shouldn’t have done it”.

“What?” Takamina jumped out of the bed already curios, noticing the guilt written all over her girlfriend’s face.

“I… well you will probably hear about it one way or another but I slapped…”

“Yuko?” it was time for Takamina to sigh but she guessed right. “You really shouldn’t have done it… no matter the situation”.

“I know. I have just said that I shouldn’t have done it… I don’t have magic powers to go back in time and change it so…”

“So…maybe you should apologize for using force instead of words next time you see Yuko?” Takamina reasoned hugging her girlfriend when sat down on the bed.

Atsuko sulked in but didn’t turn away from Takamina’s touch. Instead she leaned closer putting head on her shoulder. “Yeah…probably…”


“I will…somehow… I will try, okay?”

Takamina nod shortly, knowing that Atsuko should have felt it because of their position. Also, realizing that its the best that her girlfriend can promise at the moment. She was still angry about everything what happened with Mariko…about the sudden news of a wedding… even Takamina didn’t know what to make out of it but she decided to wait and figure it out instead of taking action into her own hands.

Atsuko was more reckless this way. But it was good that at least she had where to come back and discuss these things. After all, Takamina never judged.

Milky throw herself on the table wide eyes “wait? Should I leave? Wouldn’t that be strange if your almost girlfriend found you with another sexy girl at your apartment?”

Jurina laughed shortly. Obviously only Milky would have thought of adding ‘sexy’ to the definition. “First all, I have already told Annin that you’re going to move in, so there’s no secret. Second of that, was Rena ever worried that you’re around? Third, you already know Annin… you met her back at school even if…”

“Even if I barely remember her… I know… I saw her couple of times… either way… I have no doubts that she’s better than…” Milky stopped herself not wanting to mention Rena’s name in this context. For some reason Jurina still didn’t blame older Matsui for anything and instead tried to move on without looking back.

Milky sometimes cursed under her breath hardly understanding how Rena can stay as a saint and how can her stupid best friend be this forgiving. “Still… If I was your girlfriend and I came into your apartment and found myself there… I would be worried… because… I mean…”, Milky looked herself up and down.

Jurina laughed for the second time “You’re adorable. Can we have this discussion next time? You know what this evening is… I’m not even sure if I should have invited Annin…”

“Its your moving on step. Proving that you’re not planning to look back at the past. If you want that girl to be a part of your future… obviously she needs to come. Also… what’s wrong with her?”, Milky asked squinted her eyes slightly “you’re both single. Why she’s not jumping your bones yet?”

After Jurina’s questioning raise on an eyebrow Milky added annoyed “You know what I mean”.

“I have a lot of baggage… three years of relationship… I haven’t been single for long… so she’s probably just insecure…”

For about 10 seconds Milky just stared back at Jurina without blinking.

Staring to feel a bit uncomfortable after about 5 seconds, Jurina couldn’t wait longer or Milky would have end up in this unmoving stance for a minute or even longer. “What?”

“You know we need one more roommate. If that person ends up being Annin I will kill you. I don’t want to live with another couple again. Atsumina’s love and happiness is annoying enough”.

Matsui shook her head a bit surprised “You know… I wouldn’t have guessed that you will end up saying me this…it has nothing to do with the conversation”.

“I was trying to be nice actually… my first thought was — you two are idiots because you’re obviously living once and you’re wasting time. But is it my place to judge? No its not. So I kept it to myself”.

“You have just told me all of that”, Jurina faced palmed herself but Milky didn’t look apologetic at all.

Maybe this weird conversation would have continued and even got out of hand if not a door bell. Knowing how’s coming Jurina rushed to the door while Milky announced that she needs to use bathroom and ran to that direction.

Kuramochi Asuka stopped in front of Yuko’s table “so?”

“So?” feigning ignorance Yuko asked quite simply, trying to forget the fact that Mocchi had witnessed her full blown make out with Haruna not so long ago.

“I thought that was only a contract deal…” Asuka started with a hint of sarcasm.

“We are… it just… got out of hand? I think…”

“Oh… so you don’t really care Haruna? I mean… you’re only attracted to her? Well that’s one thing that you can’t deny because I saw you two kissing in that bar as well…”

“Am…yeah… just an attraction”.

“I see… good… then it won’t get awkward between us…” Mocchi continued while time after time looking at Yuko from the corner of her eye.

“Awkward? Why would it get awkward?”

“You had one night stand with Haruna. I had one night stand with Haruna. Well… I had it some time ago… so you know how they say… its like bridge under water now but…”

“You did?” Yuko leaned in forward wide eyes without hiding surprise and more things that Yuko couldn’t fathom herself.

Mocchi stared back trying to imitate Yuko’s expression but all of a sudden started laughing. “No. But you should have seen your face when you thought that I meant it”.

Asuka turn around and went back to her table, while Yuko shook her head slightly annoyed “its not kindergarten. Also, its not like I cared”.

“Keep telling yourself that”, Asuka added still laughing.

Yuko kept on staring at Mocchi as if she just betrayed her.

Asuka somehow controlled her laughter “I should have taken a picture. If you have seen your expression you would laugh as hard as I do… this made my day”.

“Mocchi!”, Yuko whispered through greeted teeth, sighing with relief that she managed to control her laughter just at the time when Haruna’s father left his daughter office.

As usual they nod their heads showing respect while he walked pass them, and after the elevator doors closed Asuka started laughing again.

Jurina and Annin hugged after meeting at last and chatted shortly until Miyuki showed up from bathroom.

Jurina rolled her eyes at the sight of her friend. She knew how playful Milky can get and who else if not her might end up thinking of this type of greeting. Miyuki walked out off bathroom in a robe as if she took a shower just a minute ago. “Oh…hello!” saying enthusiastically.

Jurina shook her head shortly while commenting “this is Watanabe Miyuki. Everyone… literally everyone calls her Milky… and I have warned you”, she added while showing Milky a tongue.

Milky crossed arms and squinted her eyes a little bit offended “you told her what?”

“That you’re a show off and I wouldn’t be surprised if you decided to greet Annin this way… You just proved how well I know you. Now go get changed…we are leaving in five minutes…”

Milky sigh defeated “and I went to so much trouble for nothing… five minutes? You got to be…”

“It take you less than two minutes to get out of those clothes… I’m pretty sure you can be quick while dressing up too”, Jurina joked but already smirking mysteriously, noticing that her victory annoyed Milky.

Takamina heard a loud bang of a door for the second time during an hour, instantly asking herself “What is wrong with people today?”.

Because Atsuko was taking shower wanting to calm herself and relax, Takamina decided to go and find out what is troubling Sayanee.

She found the girl while she looked for a cup in one of the cabins, somehow not finding it so smashing it louder then necessary every single time.

Minami sat down by the table waiting until Sayanee will put all her force and blame on the things that of course had nothing to do with her annoyance, and after she noticed that her roommate relaxed a little bit, Takamina finally asked “bad day at job?”

Sayanee stopped for few seconds and finally turn around “what’s wrong with Milky?”

“Am… eh?”

“I mean her moving out all of a sudden. I saw photos that Jurina posted. If she’s going the same road like the first time… should I leave for the second time? I can’t go around changing my life whenever Milky decides that she can’t handle it anymore”.

“What do you…?”

“Drinking… I mean her drinking… she obviously has issues. No one addresses it. It seems like most of the time I’m the cause of it. Weren't her situation better while I was away? Can’t that girl handle rejection like normal people without going to such extremes?”

“Wait…maybe this time is different…and I haven’t noticed her getting worse or anything…”

“Its always the same. The same circle in repeat. I’m pretty sure we’re just waiting for another repetition like the last time… she’s already acting differently… so how far is she going this time until I decide to travel around the world again? I’m tired of this…”

Finally Sayanee calmed down coming and sitting by the table in front of Takamina. Repeating in a whisper this time “I’m really tired of it”.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline rindg

  • No Oshima Yuko without Kojima Haruna~~~ :3
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I see Sayanee really cares so much about Milky, I somehow feel bad for the both of them now.

Yuko still doesn't know what she's feeling?  Lemme tell you what it is Oshima-san, It's called LOVE
Be like Kojima-san and realize what you feel already! xD

I agree with Takamina, Acchan you shouldn't have slapped her, but I probably would've felt the same lol

Thanks for the update!
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline RenshuChan

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I'm not against JuriMilky you know, :lol:
in fact I love how you made Mipky the third wheel between JuriAnnin,
and it's fun to read.
I'm hoping for a great move from JuriAnnin though,
I'm still waiting for the beat part  :roll:

Offline junchan48

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Yuko, are you stupid or just stupid?-,- You love Haruna. That's all.
Mocchi, you should recording that kissing moment and share it to meeeeeee XD

Glad to know Atsuko feel guilty about her slap thing to Yuko. And Minami, you're such a good girlfriend~

Jurinaaaaaa~ I love WMatsui. So much. But for now, I'll let you go with Annin. Go get her, kiddo!

SayaMirukii, they have the most complicated problem in this fic. Mirukii's bad habit and Sayanee's worriness, I know they still love each other. Please give them a beautiful ending, author-san.

Thanks for this fic. I always wait for the update, eventhough this is the first time I give my comment~
Sorry for being a silent reader and thanks again for this fic^o^
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline arawche079

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Next week again...


Yuko.... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Atsuko........ :banghead:  :banghead:

Sayanee... :banghead:

Offline Korisu29

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aww, their kiss moment ...  :heart: :heart: :heart:
i really like Haruna character in this fic ...  :mon fu:
thanks for your update ...  :mon trannie:
waiting for the next chap ...  :mon XD:

Offline calista_castro

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  • See you in September! :)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, Sayamilky, JuriAnnin, Atsumina) Chapter 14. Part 1
« Reply #55 on: January 24, 2016, 01:22:57 PM »
@Korisu29, well yeah, I thought it was a time for that kiss moment to happen. Also, considering that Asuka saw it... the talks about it can continue for some time... I mean... I know that if I saw my friend kissing someone in this kind of situation I would continue joking about it for some time afterwards  :kekeke:
@arawche079, I know...  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
@rindg, obviously Acchan didn't think about what she's doing before... actually doing it. Happens to the best of us... so her position in this case is understandable as well (also Haruna got a chance to protect her future wifey so there's a plus). Sayanee and Milky's history is a bit... I will write their backstory at some point and reveal more about it... but yeah...its not pleasant. Thanks for reading!
@RenshuChan,  :hee: haha, when you mentioned it... yeah, Milky is like a third wheel with those two for a moment. Every fanfic needs some humour too, after all  :)
@junchan48, don't need to apologize, I'm always happy when silent readers shows up  :shy1: well you commented about all pairings, kind of... so yeah... Takamina is understanding and its not like it was uncalled for...Acchan doesn't know about the marriage deal... so she reacted on instinct without thinking about. That's why she regretted it afterwards. Sayamilky...well... its indeed complicated. But... it was never written that Sayanee loved Milky... it was one side love which makes it kind of worse... I have mentioned before... but there will be SayaMilky back story as it was with Yuko/ I guess more things about their past will be revealed there.  Whoopsy... give Yuko time to figure everything out  :bingo: thanks for the comment!

Chapter 14. Part 1

Sayanee pouted a bit annoyed “Do I really have to?”

Takamina shrugged her shoulders shortly “well, we’re going there to show support. One way or the other… Yuko’s still a very dear friend. Even with everything that happened lately. Most likely, everyone will be there because its both Jurina’s and Yuko’s performance, so you know”.

Sayanee rolled her eyes “if you’re implying that I should have a conversation with Milky while I’m there… I doubt it would do any good for either of us. I have tried a couple of times about these issues before, but she only comes up with excuses or goes to hide in Jurina’s house for couple of days with hope that I’ll leave her in peace until she gets back. Now she can hide in there for the rest of her life if that’s what she wants”.

“You won’t have to talk with her if you don’t want to. Let’s just go and relax a little bit… both you and Atsuko really need it…eh…but maybe you should change clothes… I doubt people would feel very comfortable with policewoman walking around…you know all that underage drinking”.

It was time for Sayanee to roll her eyes for the second time but she didn’t need much convincing “fine. But if this sucks… I will remind you this evening next time and you can’t held it against me… you know the fact that I would rather stay at home”.

Takamina nod her head for a couple of times “yeah yeah… I know! Go go! Acchan is almost done with her shower!”

Asuka walked inside Haruna’s office with a short raise of her eyebrows implying curiosity “yeah?”

Haruna looked up from her papers surprised. Not that she should have been, when just a minute ago, she invited Asuka inside through the work phone “is there something you got to tell me?”

“Sorry I broke your vase?”, Asuka shrugged shortly, unsure what else Haruna might expect from her.

For a couple of seconds this girl wondered about it as well. Only now remembering all the details of an incident and shook her head “no…never mind… am…”

“So, is that all and I can go? I hope you remember that you let me leave a little bit earlier today?”

It didn’t seem to cross Haruna’s mind but she nod her head shortly. “Eh…Is Yuko still…around?”

“Why? You want to have a talk with her…or you want to avoid her?”. It looked like Asuka went straight to the important questions without a small talk. The reason might have been the fact that she had to leave earlier and didn’t have time to beat around the bush.

“I’m…not…sure…”, Haruna answered more quietly than she initially intended “what I mean is…”

“Okay…I won’t torture you. Yuko already left…I think around twenty minutes ago… you also agreed to let her out sooner today… after all, its kind of important day for her best friend. Turning a new page or something like that… as if singing in a bar can change your life… but probably it has some meaning to both of them…”

“Singing in a…tonight?”

Asuka squinted her eyes and waited for few moments until Haruna raised her eyes instead of staring at her desk “Yes. You know…the guitar…voices…life performance… Would you like to go there and listen?”, Asuka even put her hand in front of herself adding “oh…just don’t start panicking. If you don’t want to…you don’t even have to show herself… there are always a lot of people so you can just stand in the corner…”

After some more convincing Haruna still looked doubtful and only when Asuka sighed tired and commented “I kind of have to leave in five minutes so…”, Haruna stood up too “I woudn’t mind some live music and a drink…I guess I can take a short break”.

Asuka clapped her hands happily “at last! Oh wait… what did you talk with your father about?”

“I will tell you on our way…” Haruna commented now in rush, though she kept on wasting time while trying to make a decision before.

Other girls were already in that mentioned bar. It was an opportunity for Yuko to meet Annin and of course she used it now chatting with the girl, while asking the usual questions about her life, what she thinks about this place, what kind of music she likes and so on.

In the meantime Jurina went to greet Mariko hugging her shortly “Hey! I didn’t expect you to show up! Aren’t you leaving tonight?”

Mariko nod her head “yeah… actually this is just a short stop…I wanted to wish you luck…you know I wouldn’t miss it… even if I couldn’t be here… also Milky already promised me that she’s going to film your performance…so I will get to see it one way or another…”

Jurina pouted while looking back at buying drinks Milky “eh…that’s such a false promise. She always films our performances… she just wanted to get on your good side and pretend to be useful”, younger Matsui shook her head but smiled at the same time “but I’m thankful for you showing up… Yuko is already here too… if you have time…”

“We will have our talk… I wanted to wish you luck first, because I know this is somehow symbolic for you… expressing how you felt or feel about the situation and maybe moving on…”

Jurina instantly agreed with Mariko’s words, apparently everyone knew the reason why Jurina liked singing and writing songs “yeah… after it… I wish for a quick change… I think for some time I was already going in that direction…but this is a confirmation”.

“That’s the girl?” Mariko questioned noticing Annin chatting with Yuko, probably feeling a little bit uncomfortable about Yuko’s honesty when she started asking more straight forward questions or telling about hers, Milky’s and Jurina’s past.

Jurina also looked back now catching Annin’s gaze and smiling apologetically at her “yes and I really like her…so I hope I won’t mess it up…”

“You better not! I like this one way better than…you know!” all of a sudden Milky showed up with her comment while hugging Jurina from the side. Younger Matsui just rolled her eyes bitting down the comment that she probably wanted to express.

“You moved in, in Jurina’s apartment?”

“Yes. Its just the first day though… but let me tell you its… AWESOME”


The words were said by both girls at the same time, obviously Milky choosing a positive look on it, while Jurina showing the other side of the coin and her worries.

“Were you always like an old married couple? I thought that’s Atsuko and Minami position…”

Jurina’s face expressed an opinion ‘please stop talking about it’ and she instantly changed the topic “those two are coming?”

“Certainly. Especially after Acchan’s…”, Mariko stopped herself squinting her eyes slightly “you don’t really need to know everything. But yes, they will be here to support you… though I don’t have so much time left”, Mariko added while checking on her watch.

“If you want to have a chat with Yuko…you should rush too… we’re starting after a couple of songs…and she needs to take her guitar and…”

Jurina didn’t get to finish because Mariko just nod her head with agreement, hugged Jurina for the second time wishing younger girl luck and walked in the direction of her ex.

Yuko and Mariko were standing outside of the bar because of the noisy atmosphere inside. Some people were already singing and not all of them were very good singers.

“How long will you be gone?”, Yuko asked feeling a bit uncomfortable, considering that most likely she will never feel completely comfortable around Marichan because of their past.

Mariko shrugged her shoulders, not having a straight answer to that “the whole trip…might last around a year… maybe shorter, maybe longer… that’s the best option I have…so I had to grab it…not even knowing how long it might last”.

“I understand but…”, Yuko stopped her speech when Mariko touched her cheek gently.

“Sorry about Acchan… she already told me about it… I know she’s feeling uneasy now… I’m certain that Takamina and Atsuko will show up tonight so if you could forgive her…”

“I’m not angry… I get it… they don’t know about the situation… I would be pretty pissed if that involved my friends too…”, Yuko smiled shortly, though it didn’t symbolize happiness, instead the smile gave out sadness. At the same time she gently took Mariko’s hand away from her cheek, though not letting go of her hand at that instant. “I guess…I’m more thankful…that you’re…sort of understanding… not judging me and all that…”

“I can’t make decisions for you… I know you’re not doing this..stupidly…we talked about it earlier…surprisingly… I think that girl actually likes you… by the way she looked at you while you were in custody…”

Yuko gave Mariko the same smile like earlier, trying to show a happier side, but not managing to do that, at the same time younger girl squeezed Mariko’s hand “Its weird… let’s not talk about it… can I ask a favor?”

After giving confirmation Yuko asked “Could you call…or write a message…time after time… about how are you doing? Even if that’s job related, boring things that I would probably try to block out of my mind if you told about me in real life situation…”

Yuko didn’t get to finish her sentence, as she probably would have continued rambling about the same stuff, because Mariko leaned in kissing her on the lips shortly, while pulling back she smiled shortly “of course, and good luck on your marriage. Who knows…maybe we will manage to find our happiness”.

A bit speechless, but finally letting go of Mariko’s hand, Yuko also nod her head “yeah…maybe…”



Yuko were sitting in front of Haruna’s father, in his office. This was the conversation they had that time when Yuko agreed with his terms and sign the contract agreeing to marry Haruna for six months. The atmosphere in this office could have been expressed like anything but comfortable and the tension only intensified while time passed.

Yuko had met Haruna’s father one time before while interviewing for this job, but before she actually knew that this man is the father of her one night stand adventure…

Imagine interviewing for a job while knowing that the person you’re talking with is the father of someone you had slept with, Yuko was lucky enough not knowing about it back then or she wouldn’t have come or probably escaped in the middle of their conversation.

Haruna’s father already explained most of the things, and the contract was put in front of Yuko’s eyes. He also revealed the truth — knowing about their night — even showing Yuko the same photos that Haruna at a present time had in her office, and the ones that are going to show up in a magazine.

“I think you understand my reasons for suggesting it. My family doesn’t need a scandal… if everyone believes that Haruna is with someone she loves…there will be some talking about the fact that it was held a secret… but people will soon forget about it… I know pretty much everything about you, Oshima Yuko… I know that you’re single… so this kind of scandal wouldn’t have much importance for your daily life… maybe some journalist will follow you around for some time… but they would stop eventually… that’s why I have something… you might really want as well… you already said no… but hear me out…”

Yuko squinted her eyes uncertain if she wants to keep on listening about it. The idea sounded absurd from the first second she heard about it… marrying someone without love, with just an agreement…in exchange for something you want? For Yuko this was the worst things that could happen… especially when she actually considered marriage, wanting to spend the rest of her life with someone she loves…

Obviously, the contract stated, and even implied that its only for six months and either you want it or not, it ends at that time. Still… wouldn’t being a divorcée ruin her chances of true happiness even more?

“I have understood that there is no way you will agree if we talk only about you. I have already suggested all that money and bookstore… you won’t have to worry about it and get your dream come true… I’m still including this in the agreement but…let me sweeten the deal… your ex…Shinoda Mariko… always wanted to be a model, right? She gave up some of her dreams trying to help you out, she was never successful and at this age… no agency will look at her seriously… maybe if she’s lucky enough someone on the low class will…”

“What are you implying?”

“All she needs is a little push. If you get in good agency… a lot of doors opens up for you… I can get her in the best agency, I know. She would instantly get some work… I have seen some of your friend’s photos… she’s good. All she needs is getting noticed. With time… more job would come her way… and will continue coming without even me getting involved… Without an initial push though… this dream of hers…won’t become a reality. How about… I will make both of your dreams come true?”

A/N: I'm splitting this chapter into two parts, because before writing the second one... I'm going to present JuriAnnin(+WMatsui Backstory) so the song would make sense...and as well as Jurina mentioned... this is like turning new page, but before doing that... you need to remember your past. So yeah... thanks for reading and see you next time!  :)

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline yocelin17

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So yuko accept the proposal also for Mariko's sake, she wants Mariko fulfiling her dream.
But is Yuko start to fall in love in Haruna or not?

I wait for your next update
Usually a silent reader.

Sorry for my broken english, english is not my first language.

Kami-oshi: Kashiwagi Yuki

Offline rindg

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Yuko... what about Haruna?

Finally for some WMatsui backstory, I've been wondering about those two.

Um, Mariko-sama kissed Yuko on the lips? Well it was short but... Yuko and Haruna are like, you know. And if the press caught that moment of the two kissing, oh geez, it's gonna get crazy. And they were outside too right?

Waiting for the next chapter! :D
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline arawche079

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Yuko... what about Haruna?

Finally for some WMatsui backstory, I've been wondering about those two.

Um, Mariko-sama kissed Yuko on the lips? Well it was short but... Yuko and Haruna are like, you know. And if the press caught that moment of the two kissing, oh geez, it's gonna get crazy. And they were outside too right?

Waiting for the next chapter! :D

Yes I've been thinking about this too...that they might get caught up by media and Haruna kissing...

Thought its just a peck she might think that Yuko is still inlove with Mariko.

If that will happen her reaction is what I'm going to wait...
Assuming again...

Nice chap.... 2weeks.....:(
Thanks for update...

Offline Darathon

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Ooh I'm so conflicted. Yuko and Mariko or kojiyuu? Either way, please update soon so I can figure out the result  :inlove: :inlove:
Great fanfic!!!
Atsumina and Wmatsui for life.
Takamina Oshi!!!

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