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Author Topic: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 21 [13/5/16]  (Read 45487 times)

Offline sasshirie

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JURIANNIN cuteness  :tama-apeshit:
Kojipa diary  :tama-lotsaluv:
update soon!

Offline rindg

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Ahh Sayamilky backstory explains a lot...

Jurina seems to like Annin more than Rena eh?  Not that I mind it lol.

Kojiharu diary and wedding.  So theyre married,  congratulations lol.

Thanks for the update!
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

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The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline arawche079

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finally an update...more  kojiyuu please!!!!!!

--banghead- -banghead-

Offline RenshuChan

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Offline jhom_09

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wahhhh  i'm so late to put my comment here  :err:

well Author-san i like the Haruna Diary, she really love Yuko so much, i love it  :ding:

and the wedding is finish? they officially married couple? where is the honeymoon part? hahaha joke  :hiakhiakhiak:

i will wait for your next update  :farofflook:

and yes i'm like that too, i listen with one song the whole day if i like that song, i really love listen with lot of sad song and in the end sad, hahaha joke

thank you for your update  :kneelbow:

Offline calista_castro

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@jhom_09, there is just something about those sad songs, I guess... makes us think, stop for a minute, lister for 10 times in a row and so on... haha, honestly sad songs usually inspire me to write  :) and yeah, the wedding has happened! yeyeyeyey  :w00t:
@RenshuChan, there will be some in this chapter  :thumbsup
@arawche079, it took me forever to write this next chapter... sorry  :banghead:
@sasshirie, sorry for the wait!
@rindg, yeah the 'wedding bells' happened already... now it is time to concentrate on what happens 'after the wedding', thanks for the comment... I guess Jurina is opening her heart for Annin which is a good thing, everyone deserves to be happy/find their happiness  :oops:

Chapter 17

Yuko couldn’t comprehend what surprised her more. The fact that she did actually just got married to… well quite a stranger, instead of someone she dreamed to be with from childhood, the fact that she didn’t mind it, or the fact that she started missing Haruna went she left for her work trip.

The situation even worsened, ending in more confusion, when Haruna had no other choice but to make her trip longer and promised to be back in two weeks. Maybe, one week would have been enough to keep Yuko’s sanity and stop the questions but now… she couldn’t understand herself anymore.

The first thing Yuko had to do after all ‘official marriage’ thing was move into Haruna’s apartment. She was accompanied by Jurina and Milky, since her two best friends were too curious to pass an opportunity to check the rich person’s home. Yuko felt weird though… since Haruna wasn’t there and she was invading her privacy.

Yes, before leaving Haruna assured that Yuko needs to be comfortable since it is going to be her home from now on and she needs to find places for her things, wardrobe and other personal belongings. The worst part of it all was probably THE BIGGEST picture on a wall with a short kiss that they had to share during their ’10 minutes’ marriage ceremony.

It felt the same like ‘getting married in Vegas’, everything was in a rush, but still they had a personal photographer who captured their everyone move. Ironically, it was Haruna’s father idea to take this photo and present it for the world to see in their home.

To see herself in a short but sweet kiss with Haruna, whenever she came to the living run (which happened every day, since Yuko had to come there after waking up), was some sort of torture. Especially, when Yuko was still uncertain what is going to happen between the two from now on.

Milky (HER OWN FRIEND) wasn’t helping either. Instead, she took as many photos as their photographer and teased Yuko whenever she got a chance, showing all the different angles and leaving comments like:

“you two look great, am I right?”;

”aww…look at that shy smile of yours…I think it is been awhile since I saw it”;

”oh…I have captured the kiss moment! I’m living every fangirls dream!”;

”this one is my personal favorite! Haruna is hugging you like her life depends on in… so close yet so far… I mean it in an ironic way… since you know… she’s away now… but in this photo you were so close… were you even able to breathe?”

Milky wasn’t better to Jurina either. Since Jurina showed up with Annin; Milky took her time and stole few photos of the guests of the wedding as well. Ironically, the only guests that actually got some pictures were those two. 

They looked cute and shy in those photos, so Milky come up with phrases like:

“You could have at least held her hand”;

”oh you should have hugged her from behind”;

”or at least smile and look at each other lovingly… haven’t you learn anything from Yuko? Look how great those two look at camera. Does it look like that trying hard? No, they are not. But it is just chemistry, undeniable chemistry!”

Both Yuko and Jurina couldn’t actually escape Milky, so getting tortured like this at least ‘once a day’ didn’t help for either of their cases. It sometimes intensifies and ruined all Jurina’s and Milky’s chances of finding a roommate.

The girls searched for all week, every day… having at least two candidates per day… but most of the girls ran away petrified after witnessing two best friend bickering (that they would get to see for every single day). No one really wanted to come between the two… and in the end Jurina decided to take some extra work, in that way they wouldn’t even need to search for a roommate.

Matsui used her chance finding a vacant place in Annin’s dance studio, but of course after that she had to hear even more sarcastic Milky’s comments:

“aww, if you wanted to do this from the start you should have, why put me through this week with those weird girls leaving one after the other?”;

”so you will spend even more time from now on? How about making it official since…you’re not a nun. I know this since I caught you once with Rena… worst experience of my life, but you were definitely enjoying yourself”.

Despite this sort of teasing, Jurina and Yuko knew that is it harmless and that’s just how Milky gets sometimes. Especially, when she tries to avoid the reality or hide the hurt. So the two girls never retaliated and let Milky continue, pretending to be more annoyed that they were.

Yuko smiled after getting a new message from Haruna and already started wondering about an answer, at the same time when Asuka stepped out of the elevator and noticed the small smile on her dork co-workers face “our boss is interrupting your work again?”

“Duh? Oh…it is just…”

“Oh come on… you don’t need to hide it from me. Also… I’m kind of glad that you feel more free with communicating between each other right now. I thought these few weeks will make you more distant from one another than… you already were sometimes… well with you keeping your distance and Haruna… wondering if she should overstep it or not”

Yuko squinted her eyes slightly confused about the comment but didn’t have a chance to actually think about it (or fully grasp the meaning behind it), when Asuka spoke up again.

“I do remember that the first week, you only sometimes messaged each other, or she called few times but it lasted like 3–5 minutes… asking random things about each others day… is it because of that interview you will have to give to press right after Haruna gets back? Once again…as a reminder, I’m only talking about the first week…”

Unsure how to react Yuko just nod her head. She learned with time that whenever she didn’t know how to answer Asuka, or can’t actually understand what the other girl wants from her, she needs to nod or shake her head, and Mocchi gets straight to the point.

“What I mean is… that I’m happy you two are getting along…and despite this distance you’re actually getting closer. Don’t try to lie… I had to practically drag you out of the toiler the other day, when you still kept on talking with Haruna for… an hour… maybe longer… do you keep it up after going back home too?”

Yuko shrugged her shoulders this time “I mean… sometimes… well we do wish each other goodnight… so we usually talk for a bit…”

“For a bit means… that you talk before you fall asleep?”


“So it happened?” Mocchi raised her eyes suggestively and laughed quite content with the information she somehow managed to get from Yuko.

Knowing that she’s already busted, Yuko just sighed defeated “once. It happened once… and it wasn’t me who has fallen asleep… it was Haruna and she even started snoring so…”, unconsciously Yuko smiled at the memory but forced herself to shook her head since Mocchi still kept on smirking teasingly.

“Please just don’t… I hear enough from my friend Milky…”

“Teasing machine?”

“Something like that… none of the things I do goes unnoticed so… since I’ll be probably hearing the same stuff and need to make excuses to go into the other room so I could make a short phone-call to my…well… wife… I wish to be at piece at least for now”.

Mocchi laughed, but after all, she nod her head without fighting, only adding one last comment before walking away “Don’t forget to text Haruna back. She must be anxious by now… without getting your answer for five minutes”.

Yuko rolled her eyes at another silly remarked. She squinted her eyes staring at Mocchi at least for a minute and trying to prove a point.

“I’m serious…”

As if one queue, after yet another comment, Yuko got a new message from Haruna and looked down, feeling embarrassed that people seemed to notice more than she does.

Truthfully, Mochi was right, and even Yuko knew it.

The first week between Haruna and Yuko was quite formal… they asked about each other day, shared some memories or better moments, agreed to talk the other day and ended their conversations. It never lasted longer than 5 minutes, since Haruna was really busy with work and Yuko didn’t really know what to say to her ‘wife’.

Of course… as Yuko mentioned, they did send ‘good night’ messages to each other, though not because they had to, simply because they wanted to.

After a call from Haruna on Saturday night that she will have to prolong her trip for one more week and she feels sorry about not doing things the way she said she will. They started talking longer. It wasn’t planned and it wasn’t intentional. But whenever something funny happened between her two friends, Yuko took a photo and send it too Haruna.

They also discussed that whole ‘big photo on the wall’ situation, that might be really awkward, and in a form of messages Yuko started whining how it is annoying her.

Whenever getting a chance, Haruna took photos of her food and send them to simply annoyed Yuko, knowing that her ‘wife’ really likes food and she must be really jealous about the delicacies Haruna gets.

One evening, Yuko was so full of impressions (since it was also the day when Jurina announced that she started dating Annin) that she couldn’t help herself and told Haruna everything about it.

“I don’t know if it was actually planned… the first thing… well you’re aware of a fact that Milky and Jurina are like cat and dog…and they scared all the potential roommates away… after this Jurina decided to find some extra job and surprisingly ended in Annin’s dance studio.

Obviously, Annin was more than excited to spend more time with my best friend… though I think they spend all their evenings together, because Jurina went to her studio after finishing up work, and Annin waited for her. Those two pretended to be taking things slow but couldn’t have enough of one another with spending more and more time together…

So with this opportunity, now Jurina spends there half a day… well firstly, doing the things she needs to do in the morning and then, going straight there. Of course, it is not like they’re together every time. Depends on the clients, of music and dance style… Annin also has her off days… though Milky commented that on those days Jurina always visits her with an excuse to tell how well the classes went…

So yesterday… Annin out of the blue suggested a sleepover. Well… a simple sleepover… not the pervert stuff… muahaha… not that Jurina would have minded… though if you believe everything that Milky says… Jurina had a phone call when those two were together and Milky said that Jurina looked like a caught deer… wide eyed… unable to form words… so obviously she was imagining pervert stuff.

Luckily, Annin was kind enough to explain to Jurina that she would like to watch some movies, talk a bit more.. since she has already been in Jurina’s home for a bit… and it might be time to visit hers… Actually Annin was even kind enough to invite Milky to join in… well Milky doesn’t know about since…of course Jurina didn’t told her about it.

No one, who’s clever enough, would tell such things to Milky… since she would have joined… I’m 100% sure of it… just to annoy Juri and get in between… so yeah… Jurina went to Annin’s home for that simple girls night out… they talked a lot… watched some romantic comedy… Jurina doesn’t even remember the title of it… so imagine how much they actually watched of it…

Though… Jurina swears that they haven’t actually done anything… she’s playing innocent with us… so they talked, drank tea or coffee, talk again…and all of a sudden Annin asked what they are now… yes! My friend couldn’t even ask such an important question! Though I do remember they agreed take it slow…

With that in mind…Annin said something between the lines ‘that she’s okay right now…quite a lot of time pass and by the way Jurina behaves… she believes that she’s not just Jurina’s rebound girl…

Jurina says that she sealed the moment with a kiss and they got together, agreed on dating. Obviously, I believe that for at least 5 minutes Jurina murmured something, stuttered and tried to find the right words…but I can’t really know since I couldn’t witness the scene myself… wait… are you snoring?”

Yes, Haruna probably fall asleep in the middle of Yuko’s story, but it was the first evening that Yuko felt absolutely comfortable with the other girl. She liked talking, there was no denying it… but whenever she get together with Haruna…somehow they seemed to lack with conversation (except the very first evening they met, when Yuko lied about her real name and they ended up not only talking but doing other stuff too).

After that evening, though, it appeared that they opened a new door, a door without holding back and telling each other every detail of their days. Haruna even joked one evening that some random girl hit on her at the bar while she waited for clients. While Yuko laughed it off but felt a pang of jealousy.

The truth was… the two weeks went both fast and agonizing slowly… the fast part — they spend most of their times either messaging or talking on the phone, the slow part — there was no end to waiting.

It was a Saturday evening once again, and Yuko (together with Milky, Jurina and Annin), spend their evening in Atsuko’s and Takamina’s home. Sayaka was away because of her job, which was a good thing since Milky was there too.

It was still way too awkward between the two and after the conversation outside the bar, they ignored each other. Milky even heard that Sayaka started dating some co-worker of hers, but surprisingly it didn’t hurt as much as before…

So while spending quite a lovely evening at friends’ home and laughing around, Yuko felt quite nervous with thoughts that Haruna might call her and tell that she might not be able to get back home again… Haruna even had to reassure Yuko with her messages that she’s indeed coming back tomorrow morning.

So a bit more calm after the reassurance Yuko enjoyed the rest of the evening with her friends, hearing how Milky complained that she’s the only single one around the table and that she obviously lost the bet, or hearing for a second time the shorter and shyer version of how Annin and Jurina got together.

Jurina looked even happier when she get confirmation from Takamina and Atsuko that they’re indeed supporting the couple and they believe it is a good fit. Though most likely she enjoyed this moment since she definitely won against Milky and smirked mischievously. 

By the end of the evening Jurina remember about her phone left in the kitchen and decided to leave the girls and walked out to check on it. She didn’t actually left since she could see them clearly while standing behind the table, or even hear pretty much every word they said, but still there was some sort of distance between Jurina and them.

Taking her phone into her own hands Matsui got honestly surprised after noticing a new message…even more surprised when that message came from Rena.

Rena: Hey. Sorry I kept on bothering you lately. This is the last message that I’m going to send you since… obviously I shouldn’t. Or that’s what your bodyguard friend thinks. Even when I called I didn’t actually get an answer… so I need to know. How are you doing? You do know that despite of everything I still care, right? So I would be truly thankful if you could let me now at least that… Bye”.

Matsui reread the message for at least five times before realizing what might have been happening and raised her head to look back at the table, where quite happily Milky joked around with others, this time even laughing with Annin, after some joke she just cracked.

Honestly, Jurina had no idea what to think or how to feel… normally, you should be in rage after founding such things… but seeing her happy friends… 

having Annin… and knowing what kind of reaction Rena’s messages might have caused from her…

Jurina just couldn’t get angry. 

She will obviously has to talk with Milky about it, the younger girl was sure of that…but for some unknown reason she smiled shortly, deciding that she will message Rena later, and once again leaving her phone, Jurina went back into the living room, where the laugher and chatter didn’t seem to end or quiet down for the rest of the evening.

Next morning Yuko couldn’t help but feel nervous… anticipating the return of Haruna and not knowing what she must say to the other girl… obviously, all kinds of panicky thoughts creped into her mind. That maybe they are more comparable when Haruna is away… maybe it will all change…

Also, Yuko wasn’t really sure what she wants yet… she couldn’t deny the attraction for Haruna and with this constant communication it definitely went past that… but isn’t it too soon?

Yuko shook her head a bit annoyed by all the annoying thoughts and decided to concentrate on them later, since at the moment she had more important meeting to attend… and by mentioning meeting…

She obviously had ‘the surprise picking Haruna from the airport’ in mind.

A/N: sorry for the long wait... argh... I haven't even noticed that it has been a month  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Jessye

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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 17 [29/3/16]
« Reply #86 on: March 29, 2016, 10:34:13 PM »
Welcome back ~

This story is so sweet and cute.

Thank you for capturing Yuko & Nyan's relationship in this way. It is quite rare and the good part is I found it surprisingly super cute and somehow match with their nature-character.

Offline arawche079

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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 17 [29/3/16]
« Reply #87 on: March 31, 2016, 02:01:09 PM »
I' m wsiting author-san update so0 n :yossi: :banghead: :banghead:

Offline rindg

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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 17 [29/3/16]
« Reply #88 on: April 02, 2016, 04:48:09 AM »
Milky is so mischievous lol, I'm liking this character of hers.

Jurina finally finds out about Rena's messages huh, but she's less furious than I expected her to be.
I expected her to explode at Milky and like, spit on her face or something, guess that's not happening haha.


That's it for today lol, sorry for replying so late. I was recently just in a vacation, spring break~ Though it's time for spring break here in Canada, it's still cold and snowing. Hah, I'm worried about Summer.

Well anyways, enough talk about myself. THANKS FOR THE UPDATE!
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
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Offline calista_castro

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All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 18 [7/4/16]
« Reply #89 on: April 07, 2016, 02:19:47 PM »
@arawche079, this is the update  :peace: :peace: :peace:
@rindg, I also had my Spring break (though it is not that popular in our country, so it just some random week for a bit of relaxation from all the work... eh... nothing special in the end I guess). Oh but I'm jealous of your vacation and you like in Canada? That's awesome (jealous even more)  :shocked :lol: haha... about the comment, yeah I wouldn't mind seeing that KISSING PICTURE on the wall myself... and the girls will get to see it every day (well Yuko saw it for two weeks so muahaha... who knows what was on her mind all that time)  :) oh and well you will read about Jurina's (and Milky's reaction) in this chapter actually... but I think you and Milky think the same way on this  :lol: thanks for the comment!
@Jessye, I'm happy that you enjoy it  :roll: and thanks for the comment, it is always appreciated!  :oops:

Chapter 18

The same morning when Yuko was heading to the airport to meet Haruna, Jurina sat on the corner silently drinking her tea and waiting for her best friend to wake up.

It take some time, since some days it was almost impossible to wake Milky up. Though it probably started when she moved in to live with Matsui, feeling more comfortable than in her previous home where she usually sneaked out earlier just to avoid Sayanee and awkwardness that always lingered between two girls.

“Good morning”, Milky finally announced with a sleepy voice and cute smile on her face, closing up on younger girl and looking around.

As if reading her mind Jurina commented “it is on the corner… maybe a bit cold by now”.

Milky nod and went taking her own cup of tea while joining her friend “mmm… you mentioned you wanted to talk about something… sorry for being emotional yesterday”.

Jurina snickered “you weren’t emotional… you were drunk… I think at some point in the evening you tried to kiss Annin and find out of if the two of us are compatible… as if you could know… you haven’t actually kissed me before” Jurina joked while showing her tongue in a mocking manner.

“If I was that drunk… I would have probably kissed you afterwards to make sure”, Milky rolled her eyes, but after few seconds confessed a bit embarrassed “I don’t really remember much… sorry…”

Jurina tried to pretend that she’s serious or angry, but just laughed loudly unable to act for long “no problem…”, getting serious only after few more sips of her warm tea “there is something else that I do want to discuss though…”

As if on queue Milky raised her eyes showing genuine curiosity.

Yuko decided not to tell Haruna about her little surprised and instead kept on messaging her ‘wifey’ pretending that she’s just bored and has nothing to do.

Yuko: Morning :) So you’re coming back later today, right? :)

Haruna: Yes… a little bit later though… so don’t wait out for me. :)

Yuko: I wasn’t planning to… though… you know that since I don’t need to go to work today, I will just probably eat a lot or watch TV :)

Haruna: so you plan on staying at home all day? :)

Yuko: Not sure… does it matter? ;)

Haruna: just curious. :)

Yuko: oh by the way… you’re in a plain right now, right? :)

Haruna: as if you could actually see me… you know everything, don’t you? Yes, heading back home. How about you… what are you doing at this exact moment and what is your plan for the next…hour? :)

Yuko: I will go back to sleep, I’m in the bed :)

Haruna: :) good, rest :) Text me when you wake up :)

Yuko: I will!

They ended her little chat and Yuko still kept on grinning, happy that Haruna had no idea about her plans. Little did she knew… that Haruna actually had plans on her own…

Meanwhile the two girls were messaging each other none stop, Haruna was sitting in a taxi (similar to Yuko’s) and headed back home. Just like the other girl, she wanted to surprise Yuko and decided to lie a little bit.

Haruna got back home pretty much at the same time when Yuko reached the airport, and walked inside heading to the bedroom, guessing that she should find her ‘wifey’ sleeping, only come up a stop after noticing that the place is empty.

Haruna squeezed her eyes a bit confused, not knowing if she should be angry, and not understanding why Yuko would lie to her. So instead of going to absurd conclusions, she decided to message the girl once again, reasoning that she probably wake up not long ago and maybe ran to the mall.

Haruna: Hey, what are you doing now? :)

Yuko: What do you mean? :)

Haruna sat down on the bed a bit annoyed.

Haruna: Still in bed? :)

Yuko: Yeah… sorry… too lazy to wake up… argh… maybe I’ll just stay here for the rest of the day… lazy SUNDAY! Whoohooo!!!

Haruna: In my bed?

Yuko: well…I think it is… well kind of ours, right? ;)

Yuko: well in your home…our home for now :)

Yuko: how about you, still in the plain? :)

Yuko: Nyan-Nyan?

Yuko: :)

Yuko: okay… you probably can’t use your phone right now… message me when you land, okay? :) see you soon!

Haruna was unsure what to think. Obviously, she had no idea that at the exact same moment Yuko was sitting on a chair and looking around excitedly. Yuko even hummed some melodies quietly, checking her phone time after time, or the gates were Haruna should show up soon.

Younger Matsui considered her words for a couple of minutes, but not wanting to drag it longer than necessary, she spoke up in a rush manner “I know about messages from Rena. She texted me yesterday and her message… wait… I will read it to you… It told me more than I needed to know”.

Jurina instantly took her phone out of her pocket and read that message from Rena out loud: “Hey. Sorry I kept on bothering you lately. This is the last message that I’m going to send you since… obviously I shouldn’t. Or that’s what your bodyguard friend thinks. Even when I called I didn’t actually get an answer… so I need to know. How are you doing? You do know that despite of everything I still care, right? So I would be truly thankful if you could let me now at least that… Bye”.

After finishing her concentration on the message Jurina looked up at shocked Milky “so?”

“Ah…” Milky put her cup on the table and asked a bit confused “how are you… not chocking me to death right now?”, she raised her eyebrows surprised, expecting Jurina to beat the shit out of her.

Jurina sign “Because I… want to know why first…”

“Since when do you want to know WHY first?” Milky once again asked with disbelief. Somehow it felt unreal for the older girl. In fear she waited until Jurina will show her true face…or wait… maybe there were poison in this tea that she drank just a couple of seconds ago?

“I didn’t put poison in tea. Don’t be an idiot… I think I understand your reasons for… doing what you did… so… for some unknown reason I’m not angry”. Jurina spoke up as if reading shocked girl’s mind “and I can’t read your mind, so don’t start panicking for no reason”.

Milky sigh looking down at the table “sorry… I know I shouldn’t have do it just… do you remember in the past… Rena hurt you all the time and then she just write you something similar to that… while fooling your heart again… you always forgave her even though you cried all night before… and it is just… she messaged at the very start when you saw Annin so… I think you would have fallen in her trap once again and I was too scared to risk it…so…”

“So you tried to protect me? In your own twisted, weird and very wrong sort of way?”

“Well…mmm… yes… and I was afraid to tell you because…”

“Because I might poison your tea?”, Jurina smiled unexpectedly, quite relaxed and leaned forward in a joking manner.

Suddenly Milky’s eyes got wide “SO YOU DID POISON ME?”

Jurina stopped the teasing and just laugh out loud “You’re an idiot. Of course not. I love you, why would I poison you? But… you’re cleaning our home for two months”, she added while hugging Milky shortly “don’t even think of complaining or I’ll actually get angry”.

Milky opened her mouth to protest at first, but after Jurina’s words just sigh like some little child agreeing to deal with punishment from her mother.


Haruna sat down in one place for quite some time, until finally sighing disappointed, coming to conclusion that she’s not going to act like a fool. Haruna even started imagining that maybe Yuko lied to her all the time. Though she, herself, was always honest about her whereabouts.

Haruna: why are you lying to me?

Yuko: what do you mean?

Haruna: you’re telling me that you’re in our home… lying in our bed… and sleeping, right? That’s what you’re doing right now… RIGHT?

Yuko: yes :) I mean… I’m not actually sleeping since I’m messaging you back :) why are you asking me that? :)

While Yuko get confused about Haruna’s weird behavior, the girl was getting angrier by a second.

Haruna: why are you lying to me?

Yuko: I’m not lying…

Haruna: I know that you’re lying. I know what you’re doing.

Yuko looked around confused. She didn’t see Haruna… but maybe she’s standing somewhere and looking at her. Is it some sort of way of teasing, or she’s just joking around? Maybe Yuko is just not that good at pretending?

Yuko: Why are you saying that?

Haruna sign. It was probably pointless to keep on going at that, but she decided to be honest.

Haruna: I’m at my apartment. I don’t see you anywhere. I don’t understand why are you lying to me Yuko. I really don’t. But that’s one thing I asked for you. At least be honest with me… gosh… did you lie all the time while I was away? I can’t believe I was such… an idiot. Just… whatever. We will see each other when we see each other… have a good day and don’t forget our interview tomorrow  where we will have to pretend that we’re VERY happy together. I guess there is no point in practicing, right? You’re probably good at faking smiles.

Yuko reread Haruna’s message for at least three times with disbelief. Wait? What?

At first Yuko started writing a message but deciding that it might take way too long time to explain everything so she decided to call Haruna instead.

Unfortunately, for smaller girl, instead of Haruna’s voice, she heard phone operator telling her that the phone is turn off or out of reach.

Yuko also sigh with disbelief and decided to write a short message, though who knows when Haruna will actually see it if she’s acting so childish.

Yuko: I’m at the airport, you idiot.

Yuko shook her head and stood up, stomping out of this huge building furious. She couldn’t believe of her foolishness of wanting to surprise Haruna, and why was it so hard for Haruna to tell her that she came back home earlier? At this point she was probably as angry as Haruna “Fine. Two can play this game”.

The girl also turn off her phone and while sitting inside of taxi told Matsui’s address. It is not like she wanted to see Haruna… though she came all that way to the airport…

Yuko cursed Haruna for at least 100 times in her head. Later on, also starting to curse herself, for caring about any of this in the first place.

She had no idea though, that at the same time Haruna lay down in their bed and cried silently while putting her phone aside cursing Yuko with that same intensity.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline fath107

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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 18 [7/4/16]
« Reply #90 on: April 07, 2016, 05:20:37 PM »
Noooooooo!!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Damn! Please don't cried haruna! Yuko was going to surprise you!!  :cry: :banghead: argh! Noooo!!

Haha~ ha~ instead of being mad, jurina throwing some punishment to milky  :D i like it~

Wait... what about sayamilky and... rena?  :?

Great update author-san! XD it just... i want more juriannin moment ( ̄▽ ̄)  hehe~

Update soon :) by the way~ thank you for your update! ((●゚ν゚)
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 18 [7/4/16]
« Reply #91 on: April 07, 2016, 05:45:05 PM »
Wonder why you can make jurimilky is so cuteee here. Anyway I'm looking forward for Juriannin to show up :grin:

Offline shanju

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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 18 [7/4/16]
« Reply #92 on: April 08, 2016, 02:38:22 AM »
How you can make story so interesting like this?
I want more!
I like everything you did to them, and please update soon

Offline arawche079

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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 18 [7/4/16]
« Reply #93 on: April 09, 2016, 03:33:56 PM »
Waiting for a week was hard for me but it become harde waiting  for idk...but thanks for updating...

First married waiting for next chap.

Offline calista_castro

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All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 19 [5/5/16]
« Reply #94 on: May 05, 2016, 05:57:19 PM »
@arawcne079, yeah sorry... the updates are not as often as before... life gets in a way I guess... I'm still posting as soon as I finally manage to write a chapter though. Sorry for the wait.
@shanju, I don't know how... It just happens, maybe?  :) thanks for the compliment and encouragement, I guess  :)
@Weird Panda, I guess JuriMilky is my weakness for this fic? I'm not sure... it is somehow really easy to write scenes with those two (I don't have an explanation for it). Since there won't be too much JuriAnnin in this chapters I'm thinking of writing an extra of that little date and how they got together.
@fath107, to answer your questions: Rena is away in Korea with fulfilling her dreams, while Sayanee enjoying the fact that Milky stopped following her around and 'ruining' her chances at relationships. It was mentioned during the dinner that Sayanee is on a date(dating), so yeah... SayaMilky got too complicated in this one, since you can't force someone to love you back and it was just one sided love from Milky  :(

Chapter 19

[Four days after the interview]

Yuko was sitting in Milky’s and Jurina’s kitchen while drinking tea and having a conversation with two of her best friends. It wasn’t uncommon, but considering that she had a wife now (even though they sign a contract which indicated that), still friends expected the two of them to show up together.

“So…” Milky cough a bit uncomfortably, unsure if it is the right time to ask the question. Considering, that this time it was Milky who had this problem, it proved that Yuko’s friends really thought that the current situation was somewhat unpleasant and dangerous for the married pair. “How are you two know? We know that you fought… a bit… with the airport incident… and you kept on cursing Haruna when you showed up in our apartment that same day…so…” one more cough while giving herself time to think “what is the current mood?status?”

“Mood: angry and tired. Status: fighting”, Yuko shrugged her shoulders commenting and not hiding her disappointment. “Haruna is unreasonable. If I knew that things will be like that…I wouldn’t have…”

“You wouldn’t have married her?” Jurina plopped on a chair next to Yuko and questioned raising her eyebrows. “It is not a real marriage so does it even matter? I read the article! Your interview is pretty good! You’re the new married sweethearts, everyone is jealous… oh you remember that girl from high school… I can’t remember her name… I think it is starts with S… well I’m not sure.. but she even asked if I’m still friends with you and if I could take a photo or get your autograph…like you suddenly became some famous person or something”.

Jurina laughed out loud at such thoughts, but she didn’t lie. The things that she talked about actually happened. Haruna and Yuko got a lot of attention from the press. To say that they were like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt would be an understatement, but in Japan… they were close to definition of it… few weeks in a wedding. Haruna’s father even wondered what will happened next while the marriage continues.

Yuko sigh one more time “I wish I could just say here… you know… that I wouldn’t be forced to come back to that same home… argh… it is just so annoying… she hadn’t even apologized”.

“How could she apologize if you keep avoiding her?”

“Jurina. We even work together. There is no way for me to avoid her. Literally. I’m stuck. I’ll have to suffer like that for four more months… I think I’ll wonder in the end if any of this was worth it…”. Yuko shook her head slightly adding “whatever… There is nothing I can do either way…”

“You can tell us how the interview went…and about your conversation after it. It is helpful speaking up”, Milky suggested. The girl was surprisingly supportive and careful with her approach on the matter. It took some time but finally Jurina and Yuko acknowledged it. Pretty much at the same time turning to look at the girl.

“What have you done?”, they asked in unison, just showing how dangerous some things coming from Milky might be.


“You’re surprisingly supportive”, Yuko commented.

“And… you aren’t making fun of Yuko’s situation”, Jurina added squinting her eyes suspect-fully.

“You’re not rushing with giving away questions”, older girl added again.

“And just listen to everything barely commenting”, Jurina concluded.

Milky raised her eyes in the air shortly “Hey! Can’t I just be friendly and care about stuff without you two attacking me?”, she pouted surprised. Something was definitely off and both Jurina and Yuko knew it. After the comment Milky got quiet again and looked down sheepishly. She looked sad and that was the only reason why Matsui and Oshima decided to forget this topic and attack (for now).

“Fine. I’ll tell you about my exciting time with Haruna during the interview”, Yuko gave up, remembering the story and sharing as many details as possible.


Yuko and Haruna met after not seeing each other for that one ‘angry’ day and two weeks. It was actually the first time when both girls faced each other after saying ‘I do’.

Ironically, it was also the time when they didn’t want to say anything to each other. The only thing that Haruna asked when Yuko showed up as “Do you know the answers?”

Instead of answering her like normal people do, Yuko just nod her head and sat on the sofa waiting for the interviewer to appear. The journalist came quite fast after Yuko (probably older girl counted the minutes and exact time so she wouldn’t have to spend too much time awkwardly).

Obviously, when the journalist appeared Yuko and Haruna became the best actresses of their generation, suddenly hugging each other and pretending that they can’t live without each other, smiling widely, peaking and blushing while looking down. The act was phenomenal (obviously, there might have been a bit more than act, but neither would have confessed to it), not in a current situation.

The interview went quite well. At first they answered simple questions about each other, finally taking about the distance when Haruna had to go away for two weeks because of job. They had agreed in the past that Yuko will answer to this questions, so she spoke up:

“Obviously we missed each other a lot. I mean… I can only speak from my side, but how can you not miss your wife when you don’t even get a chance to spend your wedding night together? We’re lucky to be together again. Oh…and of course we kept in touch all the time, it is easy with technologies these days. Messages, calls… I felt like we were getting even closer during that time”, Yuko added honestly. Unfortunately, Haruna missed it since everything that Yuko said sounded ‘honestly’ to journalist’s ears and younger girl assumed that Yuko prepared really well for this interview.

Haruna added to make even bigger affect “Yes… it is an amazing feeling to know that you can trust another person… and it doesn’t even matter how far away you two are from each other. You just have to keep in touch and believe that everything works out. Honestly is key”, she added bitterly, but obviously the journalist didn’t notice it. Only Yuko did, smirking angrily.

“Couldn’t agree more”.

Not noticing the tension the journalist questioned “oh…and have you thought about honeymoon? You hadn’t got a chance to travel yet, right?”

This was yet another answer that they agreed on and knew about beforehand. It was Haruna’s time to answer “We’re not quite sure yet, but most probably we will go in a month. For two weeks. It is our best guess… since job is a priority for the time being, but obviously we wouldn’t miss it and try to spend together as much time as possible”.

Journalist left a note in her book and nod her head in agreement “yes, everyone is actually excited to know about your honeymoon. I hope you’ll inform me at the time when it happens or maybe I’ll be lucky enough to get an interview afterwards?”

Both girls nod their heads not knowing what else to say on the matter.The interview continued and ended after another half an hour and Yuko got tired of smiling all the time. It was really exhausting to keep the ‘fake’ smile plastered on your face. When the women walked away, Haruna decided to turn on her phone (forgetting to do it from the day before), while Yuko unexpectedly got a call from Haruna’s father.

“The interview went really well. I just got a call. You did great job… paparazzi and other journalist will now follow you around, that’s for sure… so showed up together from work, go to work together… you know the deal and the agreement… make them believe you”. Yuko didn’t need a reminder of that, she knew that either way.

Pretty much at the same time when Yuko had this conversation, Haruna FINALLY read the message from Yuko from the other day.

Yuko: I’m at the airport, you idiot.

Haruna squinted her eyes a bit surprised, well the fact that she didn’t expect that was evident on her face. Yuko ended the call “yes, sir… of course… we will inform you… yes… goodbye” and finally looked up at Haruna, who stared at her at that moment.


“Mhm… did you come to an airport?”

Yuko rolled her eyes at the question. She was still annoyed after everything that happened the day before. “I planned to surprise you, but then decided that it is too much off a bother and just hang around”. Yuko wasn’t sure herself why she decided to lie instead of telling the truth but maybe her pride get in a way.

“Oh…”, Haruna also didn’t know why she just shrug her shoulders pretending not to care “I see. Well… this fake is exhausting isn’t it?”

“It is good that we don’t need to pretend when we are alone”, Yuko added with a short fake smile. “I’ll take the guest room…”

[Present Time]

“That is pretty much it”, Yuko commented with a short sigh. “She’s just… she doesn’t even care. We haven’t talked actually… only short phrases between each other… but whatever… so what I can go on like that… as if I care…”, Yuko lay her head on the table ‘obviously caring’, but since she knew her friends way to well, she decided to change the subject “oh… Juri…have you called or messaged back to Rena? Milky already told me that… you knew…”

“I have been thinking about it… but I don’t know what to say…”, Jurina confessed shortly, she wanted to conclude but noticed Milky looking distantly ahead of herself and couldn’t take it any longer. “What is the matter with you? You have been quite weird these couple of days”.

Yuko also remembered her previous curiosity and turn to look at Milky with interest and care. It was one of her best friend’s after all. And it was evident that Milky was far from okay.

Mocchi agreed to join Haruna with the shopping since the girl wasn’t that good at it. Having the money and other people taking care of that stuff, Haruna wasn’t that used to it, she tried to be independent, but a little bit help from the side always helped out.

“I didn’t know that you two weren’t even talking… well yeah… Yuko was sulking around the office… but she’s unpredictable and she didn’t tell me anything”.

Haruna took few unnecessary things and added them to her chart “yeah… well, it is good that you didn’t expect anything. We need to be good at pretending”.

Mocchi thought for a moment but then decided to speak her mind “Mmm… is that really pretending? Yuko looked excited when receiving your messages… and I have noticed that you two chatted a lot… her phone never shut up and she was sitting near her table smiling like an idiot… I mean come on… people don’t do that just for pretending”.

Haruna shrugged her shoulders, looking at everything pessimistically at this point. Four days of silence while living in the same home was unbearable. “Who knows maybe she had messaged someone else…”

“Well… I had never checked her phone, but she wasn’t messaging everyone when you got back so… why would those messages disappear if it wasn’t you that she texted? Just a guess…”

Haruna opened her mouth and then shut it. She was still unsure whether Yuko actually mean it and went to the airport or she just decided to annoy and revenge her. She might have been sitting in some cafe while drinking coffee during a date and messaged her misleading things. Jealousy and uncertainty clouded Haruna’s better judgment.


The girl looked up confused after hearing her name being called. Coincidentally Atsuko and Minami were shopping in this same mall and decided to greet the girl. For Atsuko it was a bit awkward (especially remembering the scene where she hit Yuko in front of Haruna some time ago), but since Takamina insisted, she just couldn’t say no to her girlfriend.

The four girls came back to face with each other, greeting with some small talk. Since neither Atsuko nor Minami heard anything from Yuko in these past couple of days, Takamina decided to question curiously “oh by the way… did you like Yuko’s surprise?”


“You know…I hope that midget didn’t embarrass you in front of all those people”, Minami added, though evidently, she was ‘midget’ herself.

“What do you mean?”

“The airport… her surprise… Yuko was quite excited since you now… you two were getting closer during that time you were away… she didn’t let go of her phone to the point when we get annoyed during the dinner that she doesn’t pay attention to us”.

Haruna opened and than closed her mouth. Unsure what to say and still trying to comprehend the current situation. Eventually, she did came to the ‘right’ conclusion this time, pushing those negative thoughts from before away.

Well, crap.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline tigers parade

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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 19 [5/5/16]
« Reply #95 on: May 05, 2016, 10:23:16 PM »
Omg thanks for the update!

I love your fanfic and I can't wait for the next update. Keep up the good work :thumbup

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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 19 [5/5/16]
« Reply #96 on: May 06, 2016, 05:13:21 AM »
OMG! What's next?

Offline arawche079

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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 19 [5/5/16]
« Reply #97 on: May 06, 2016, 05:34:41 AM »
Finally an update!!!!!!

Yes Kojiyuu moments please....

Thanks author-san

Offline calista_castro

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All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 20 [8/5/16]
« Reply #98 on: May 08, 2016, 11:32:15 AM »
@awarche079, I have some things planned, don't worry, also the honeymoon is still going to happen (sooner or later)  :thumbup :peace:
@tigers parade, thank you,I'm happy to hear that! I'm actually liking your center-Nezumi story hehe  :thumbsup
@Haruko, this happens!  :lol:

A/N: short update (but at least I'm updating, right?)  :roll:

Chapter 20

Finally, Haruna got a chance to realize her mistake. Mocchi noticed that her ‘boss’ and friend suddenly got quiet after the conversation with Atsuko and Minami and decided to give her some time to think things through.

“Gosh…I’m an idiot”, Haruna commented while hiding her face in her hands, after the girls walked outside. Mocchi couldn’t help but snicker when she noticed the gesture “Tell me about it”.

Haruna squinted her eyes annoyed, but at the end of the day, she knew that the only one who she can be angry at is — herself. Well, probably also Yuko who is just as stupid as she is.

“I don’t know how to even talk with Yuko… express my thoughts, I mean… maybe it is how things needs to be… us distant from each other and breaking up in the end? That might be a sign from the universe”.

“Well… know you’re definitely being foolish. The fact is, maybe Yuko is just as hopeless romantic as you are. You both wanted to surprise each other, what is so horrible about it?”

“How about the fact that we weren’t talking for four days? I mean yeah… sometimes I asked her in the morning when she’ll be ready and go to work, since my father requested that we go there together… that’s pretty much it.”

“Can I suggest something crazy? Well… that’s what normal-reasonable people would do, but I’m aware of the fact that you might just panic when you hear my thoughts”.

“Shoot…” Haruna sigh defeated “I doubt it could actually get worse…”

“Okay so my idea… first of all, apologize Yuko, that’s not unreasonable and is something that you should definitely do, since you doubted her, blamed her, turn off your phone and took part in ignoring each other. Second thing… is more complicated. My advice — tell Yuko how you’re feeling and what is on your mind. It is not like you have anything to lose… either you voice your feelings out or not, you’ll have to divorce this girl in the end, so how about you at least not ignore the opportunity and don’t feel regret that you haven’t tried anything while having the time. We can’t read Yuko’s mind so… yeah… who knows what is on her mind, but she did text you a lot and she does care… so doesn’t she deserve the truth?”

Haruna stopped in her tracks just staring at Mocchi without commenting until this girl finished.

At first Asuka hasn’t noticed that Haruna in a state of surprise and walked back to her noticing that Haruna is still standing in one place “what? I haven’t said anything crazy”.

“I know. You were actually write… I mean… since when are you so clever and why don’t you take it as a business?”

“As a business?”

“Giving advice to stupid people about confessing their feelings…?”

Both girls laughed at the thought, if such profession actually existed, without a doubt Asuka could make money out of it. Finally, Haruna had no other choice, but nod her head and agree with everything she just heard out loud “I can’t really fight against your logic… it is a bit more difficult when Yuko is standing right in front of you… but you’re right… we’re not even together… I mean… actually together… what do I have to lose?”

Asuka also suggested Haruna practice a bit if she’s that nervous and it was something that Haruna actually did for the rest of the day while waiting for Yuko to get back. She was surprised though when Yuko spoke up first. Let’s remember the fact that those two were intentionally avoiding each other for quite some time.

“Can we talk?”

“Ahem… yeah… I was about to suggest that”, Haruna whispered, but loud enough to hear, and waiting until Yuko came closer and stopped leaving some distance between them. Both figuratively and literally.

“I know that you bumped into Atsuko and Minami today… Takamina messaged me… if that’s what you wanted to talk about…”, Yuko commented quite simply, sharing a short smile, but it wasn’t very real. Instead the smile looked forced.

“Oh…”, Haruna lost all her courage for a moment “but well… no… that’s not exactly it…”

“I have been thinking a lot about all of this… this situation, I mean… it is so awkward… truly… like how can we fake a marriage when there is nothing? I mean… one night stand that happened long time ago and it didn’t involve feelings… it involved us being drunk enough, looking for adventure, acting recklessly…. it is actually the thing that got us into this situation. Logically thinking, I could have just switched my job at some point… I wasn’t in a very good situation at a time, but I could have done that eventually… and we wouldn’t even need to interact after it…”

The speech sounded as if it was planned and Yuko probably had no idea how much those words actually hurt Haruna, especially when Asuka convinced her to be brave enough for once.

“What is the… main point of this speech?”, Haruna asked carefully, preparing for the worst and throwing all her hope to a trash can.

“Mmm…I think that… for this to work… we haven’t tried it, but most relationships start from friendship. How about if we try to be friends at first?”

“At first?”

“I mean… I would be lying if I said that I didn’t enjoy the time when we talked about everything, either with calls or messages… friendship is a good start… it is reasonable since we don’t know what the future holds… but who knows…”, Yuko got quiet for a moment, probably quite confused with her own thoughts. No matter how many times you practice the speech, some unwanted trues always come to the surface. “I would… like to… think… that… there could be… more… with time”, she added carefully, unsure why all of a sudden, her heart is beating so fast.

Everything sounded reasonable enough to Haruna. Scary, yes… everything was scary, but Yuko words give her some hope too… if this can work out… she could confess her feelings too… maybe she could use this time to figure everything out too.

“I think… that’s a good idea. Let’s start from friendship”, Haruna eventually commented back to Yuko and even smiled. Truthfully, not only with her mouth but with her eyes too. “Let’s start from the start… forgetting this awkward incident…”

“That’s not a bad idea”, Yuko agreed with a nod of her head and laughter.

It sounded like the best idea at the moment. New beginning for the two.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline arawche079

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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 20 [8/5/16]
« Reply #99 on: May 09, 2016, 04:10:43 PM »
fast update..

still waiting for kojiyuu!!!!

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