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Author Topic: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 21 [13/5/16]  (Read 44356 times)

Offline rindg

  • No Oshima Yuko without Kojima Haruna~~~ :3
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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 20 [8/5/16]
« Reply #100 on: May 12, 2016, 03:31:06 AM »
Lol, they restarted.  :kekeke:

If only life was just a game, so you could try again from a save point and do it all over again. Trying not to retrace the past mistakes.  :cool1:

And that's what they're doing right now. Wait actually, I wouldn't say that Yuko or Haruna ever became friends.  :mon pissed:

They had a one night stand, they became co-workers, then they got married. No friendship in that right? Or maybe they didn't want to become friends? (Lol, this is just me in my dream land)  :mon lovelaff:

This chapter really got me thinking about how tough it must be for the two, and the friends who are supporting them. It's pretty powerful.  :mon innocent:

Update soon!  :mon thumb:
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline calista_castro

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All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 21 [13/5/16]
« Reply #101 on: May 13, 2016, 05:04:13 PM »
@rindg, indeed they did! (I kind of hope so too with the restarting thing in real life! That would be sooooo awesome! I don't even want to start on this! Muahaha... and yeah you really have a point here... Yuko and Haruna weren't friends before... they were/are a lot of things (even married), but not friends... so maybe it is actually a chance for the two. Thanks for the long comment, encourages me to write more  :on woohoo: :on drink:
@arawche079, sorry, this chapter concentrates on other things... but thanks for the comment! Hope you'll still enjoy  :)

Chapter 21

Jurina had her doubts at first, whether she should call Rena or message her instead. Writing was easier, it was a way out, not hearing the voice and remembering the person. Despite everything, you can’t forget your first love, that’s not an easy thing. Yes, Jurina was moving on and falling for Annin, she was loud about it, telling her friends and even telling Annin, but it didn’t change the fact that Rena was a part of her past. BIG PART. That couldn’t be forgotten that easily.

After having her doubts for a couple of days, Jurina finally come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is just have a call, talk it out and leave it at it is. She can’t avoid it forever and Rena did call her once before too. Though obviously, it ended badly when Miyuki was the one who pick up the phone and told her to stay away.

Jurina was still a bit surprised (and even embarrassed), because of her overprotective best friend, but she can’t keep thinking about or make excuses for herself. So right after Yuko went back home (to have a talk with Haruna about trying to be friends before everything), and Milky went to the mall for some shopping, Jurina picked up the phone and sat on a chair near her desk.

She waited for at least 20 seconds until someone on the other side pick up, but the voice sounded unfamiliar to Matsui. “Hello?”

“Hello”, she answered awkwardly. “Mmm… this is Matsui Rena phone, right?”, Jurina asked gingerly.

Who knows, maybe Rena changed her number in these couple of days while Jurina wondered whether she should call her or not.

“Yes… sorry… she’s actually just ran outside, but she should be back soon. I think. I wasn’t sure if I should pick up, but somehow your name…you know… the one written on this phone screen, sounded familiar… you’re Jurina, right? Sorry for the strange and direct question, but are you Rena’s ex?”

Jurina cough feeling a bit awkward. She didn’t expect to have this kind of conversation with a stranger.

“Mmm…yes… I am…”

“You can wait… she should be back soon, actually…”, the girl said suddenly, probably realizing that this kind of conversation is awkward for the younger girl. “I’m Yukirin by the way… Rena’s roommate and…”


That ‘and’ and quiet afterwards did speak wonders.

Jurina also realized that it was the name she had heard in the past… someone that Rena was closer before they dated… wait… then Jurina also recalled seeing some photos of the two on Rena’s instagram. They looked close. Really close. Like — her and Annin close.

“If you’re Rena’s girlfriend you can just tell me. I don’t mind it, really”. Jurina wasn’t unsure where this was coming from. It should have hurt… she would have instantly dropped the call and cried in the pillow if something like this happened few months ago. Jurina realized that she’s indeed moving on and even acting mature about it. Milky would have laugh at it and definitely drop a comment about something like this if she hear Jurina at the moment.

Yukirin sigh a bit guiltily “sorry…I wasn’t sure if I could voice it out… it should be really weird… I mean… it is… even for me… I’m really sorry if I gave myself away… Maybe… you would like to call Rena back later? You can have a talk then… she’s still not here… and… it is probably REALLY awkward…”

Jurina laugh a bit after hearing the girl so fluster.

“Don’t worry about it. But maybe you could do me a favor and instead tell Rena that I’m really okay. She messaged me about a week ago asking how I am doing. She doesn’t have to worry I’m thankful that she still does, but… I’m surprisingly good. I wouldn’t laugh while talking with her current girlfriend if I weren’t”, younger Matsui joked trying to ease the tension.

“Oh…okay… I can tell her… you sure you don’t want to wait?”

“Nah… I think talking with Rena might be more awkward than talking to you… just tell her what I told you and… yeah… that’s it. Thanks in advance?”, Jurina asked in the end, deciding that it is the perfect timing for ending the conversation. Luckily Yukirin had the same opinion and the girls said their farewells.

Jurina realized that it did hurt knowing the fact that Rena is already dating someone else, but that is what she’s doing too. They’re moving on. That was the plan, after all, so right after it, she decided to make on more phone call, this time, way closer to home.

“Hey, Annin!”, she said excitedly when the girl answered.

Annin laughed, just as excited as Jurina, to hear her girlfriend’s voice. “Hey to you too. I have missed you and… actually I have been just thinking about you”.

“Oh really?”, Jurina smirked after hearing the latter. “It is good that I can read your mind and called you first. How about dinner tonight?”

“Who’s going to cook?”, Annin joked at the same time curious what Jurina has in mind.

“You want to come to my home? I can try to chase Milky away for the evening. We wouldn’t have to go to some restaurant and waste the money. I’ll cook. But I wouldn’t mind if you bough wine”.

“That’s a deal”, Annin laughed shortly and agreed instantly. She realized recently, that it doesn’t really matter, there is no way she could every say no to Jurina.

While preparing for the dinner Jurina recalled the evening when she and Annin got together. It was the same story that Yuko told to Haruna through the phone, but it was the original version, not the one that Milky created for the fun of it and Yuko told to others wanting to tease younger girl.

The first part of the story was true though. Jurina did panic a lot when Annin invited her to watch a movie at her home. All the time they always met either in a dance studio or walked around the city. Sometimes in the park, other times at the bar, or a restaurant. Annin has been to Jurina’s home a couple of times, but not for long and Milky was always around whenever that happened.

It was the first time they were going to spend time just the two of them and in such close space. So, yeah… Jurina panicked a lot (reason for Milky’s taunting till this day), and went to Annin’s home more nervous than ever.

She relaxed a bit when they started watching a movie and for a couple of hours they enjoyed the time without thinking much about what might happen. When the movie ended though, some sort of nervous came back to Jurina and when Annin finally spoke up, she felt like fainting.

“Can I ask you something? I’m never someone who makes the first move but…”

Jurina nod hear head impatiently, finally daring to look at the girl sitting in front of her.

“Do you like me? Like… you know… really like me… not just spending time together as friends and all that…”

“Of course! I even told you that! Haven’t I?”

“Well yes, but… it doesn’t make this easier… wait no… that came of wrong”.

Jurina panicked a bit since Annin’s words sounded a lot like a break up, and let’s face it, they weren’t even dating. Yes, one kiss happened, the stolen one, but that’s about it. Matsui was usually playful, jumping around the topic, flirting and complimenting Annin whenever she got a chance. Jurina especially loved the moment when Annin blushed after her words, but this was new situation, unfamiliar territory.

“What I want to ask is… Jurina…” oh no, the name… Jurina couldn’t panic more than she already did. Yes… someone will dump her before even starting to date. That’s truly embarrassing.

“Oh the hell with it…”, Annin suddenly whispered impatiently and pushed herself closer to younger girl capturing her lips.

It didn’t take Jurina long to answer the kiss (as surprised and confused she was at that moment), her lips moved on their own. Air became necessity after some time and they pulled away slowly. At this point Jurina wasn’t sure anymore if Annin is actually ‘dumping’ her.

“Are you sure I’m not just a rebound?”

“Is that…” Jurina was still a bit breathless after the kiss. Who could have though that Annin could kiss — THAT GOOD. “what you’re worrying about? I have told you… you’re not… I wouldn’t have showed you my special place if you were just that. Do I need to pinky promise or something?”, Matsui finally joked a bit, getting back to her usual self, when she realized that Annin isn’t going anywhere and that the girl was just as insecure as she is.

“Then… how about we try? This dating thing…how about…?”

“You want to be my girlfriend?”

“Well, I’m getting there…trying to explain you that…”

“No no…I mean… this is a question. Would you like to be my girlfriend?”, Jurina smiled sheepishly, guessing that she will get the positive answer, because of the genuine smile that instantly appeared on Annin’s face. Even her face light up.


The agreement was sealed with yet another kiss.

At the same time in a mall, Milky was searching for something to eat when she received a text message from younger Matsui.

Jurina: “Could you go somewhere tonight? Go out, visit our friends? Come back late? I invited Annin to dinner at my place. Romantic dinner. So you know, just for the two of us”.

Milky sigh shortly after reading the message and decided to answer right away, knowing that Jurina is waiting impatiently and younger girl might end up calling her and asking what’s the problem and where she disappeared if Milky waits for too long.

Milky: “Sure. But you’re bribing me so I wouldn’t appear in the middle of your romantic dinner. Leave some food, I know you’ll be cooking and considering that is for your ‘baby’, you will try harder. I want to eat too. Text me when I can get back. Or tell me not to get back if it gets freaky. Muahaha.”

Jurina: “Very funny. I’ll message you when Annin leaves and even I don’t call her ‘Baby’. So stop! Fine… *annoying rolling my eyes* I’ll leave you something to eat.”

Milky laughed to herself and ended their short ‘messaging conversation’, with her last text: “Good girl”. After that heading to the counter, ready to pay for the stuff she just bought.

After walking outside the shop, Milky though to herself slightly. She had to decide where to go next and it appeared to be a bit more difficult than she expected.

Going to Atsuko and Minami meant that she might end up running into Sayanee and that was the last thing that the girl wanted, not now, not never if that was even possible. Especially, because Sayaenee went everywhere with her new girlfriend. Milky wasn’t sure what was the name of that girl, but she was pretty sure that it was ‘Reina’.

Also, seeing Atsuko and Minami over each other, still just as passionate as the first time the two met, no. It was the last thing that Milky needed now. If she saw Jurina or Yuko groping someone in front of her, she can survive it and even laugh at the situation, but Atsumina couple was at a different scale for Milky.

Coming back home and locking herself in the room was also not an option either, because Jurina would just get annoyed at her and despite all the taunting, she was happy to see her friend dating someone new, not Rena — whom Milky never liked in the first place.

Going to a bar was an option. Getting drunk and forgetting her troubles… it was the easiest way out. It was something that was usually the first option in Milky’s mind, the fact that it seemed like the last option today, surprised this girl a little bit. Sayanee’s words still repeated in her mind: that she’s always drinking… that is not healthy… that the only one she’s hurting in the end is herself.

Somehow, literally, the fact that she thought about Sayanee’s words at this point, was the reason why Milky chose it this option among all the others.

Also, she didn’t want to interrupt Yuko and Haruna. The two girls were probably having the conversation about that friendship thing at the moment.

It surprised Yuko and Jurina, when it was Milky that suggested it. Milky looked at the situation seriously: from the moment they met — Yuko and Haruna weren’t friends. They had one night stand. Then Haruna was Yuko’s boss, and in a way they became co-workers. After that, the surprise from Haruna’s father came, Yuko sigh the papers and all of a sudden they got engaged. Now they were married couple, but how much they actually knew about the other apart from undeniable attraction? Thinking everything through Yuko realized that it is the only chance they actually got…

She confessed to her friends that she likes Haruna, but she’s a bit scared and unsure… Yuko agreed that what Milky is suggesting might actually work out, if Haruna is interested in Yuko too. So despite her own mental state, Milky became the hero of the hour.

Only when Yuko left and Jurina questioned what is happening with her, Milky started feeling like s*hit again. She came up with an excuse that she needs to buy some stuff and escape the conversation with Jurina. Apparently, she escaped it successfully since younger Matsui already had the plans for the evening.

So all of this influence Milky’s last decision. Getting to the bar. Drinking. Forgetting everything for yet another evening.

While — Haruna and Yuko shared their conversation, Jurina and Annin had their romantic dinner, Atsuko and Minami cuddled watching a romantic movie on TV, Asuka rested after a long day hoping that Haruna managed to resolve everything with Yuko, Sayanee worked a night ship — Milky got wasted and danced the night away.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline calista_castro

  • ecchi
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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 21 [13/5/16]
« Reply #102 on: May 25, 2016, 12:31:34 PM »
Important Note: The story will continue in SEPTEMBER. I Autumn. I'll be traveling and working for almost three months during the Summer so I won't get a chance to write... unfortunately... I those who still read this will continue waiting and supporting the story. I would really appreciate it. As well as likes/comments since as you might know it is like motivation for the writer and readers' opinion matters. (There will be few more posts from me before the summer in other threads, I'm not disappearing instantly yet... I have about a week since June hehe...). But either way, this is goodbye for the time being! Hope you all will have a great summer!

I feel like I'm leaving the same note in different places, but yeah, I guess it is kind of important.  :)

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

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