JPHiP Forum

General => Entertainment => Television => Topic started by: Re-Sublimity on August 17, 2006, 10:01:06 PM

Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on August 17, 2006, 10:01:06 PM
Anyone watch? If so..

Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: ~Dan~ on August 17, 2006, 10:05:26 PM
You're a bit late aren't you?  There's only 1 day left.

Aisleyne to win!
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Ericks on August 17, 2006, 10:12:15 PM
haha, a thread when there is only 1 day left. I don't care who wins as long as it's NOT Aisleyne.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on August 17, 2006, 10:17:38 PM
Is this about the UK one? XD  Because BB7 (All Stars) is airing in North America right now.. only half way done. :P

If it is about BB: All Stars, I'm a huge fan. XD
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Ericks on August 17, 2006, 10:22:52 PM
I guess it would have helped if the thread starter stated which BB7 they meant then. I assume it would be the US one or another country considering there is only 1 day left in the UK one.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on August 17, 2006, 11:01:09 PM
lol sorry, the NA one - didn't actually know there was one elsewhere.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on August 17, 2006, 11:07:08 PM
lol.  Who are you vying for in the show?

I'm a big Janelle fan from Season Six, but it isn't looking so good for her with her lame ass alliances. XD  If Janelle isn't going to make it, I'm going to try and back Danielle who at least is acting like she is TRYING to win.  If James isn't soon... geez.. they whole house is dumb.  He's playing just like he did with Season Six.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Ericks on August 17, 2006, 11:14:57 PM
Didn't know? It first started in the Netherlands and it has been made in about 40 countries now I think.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on August 17, 2006, 11:23:00 PM
Quote from: Ericks
Didn't know? It first started in the Netherlands and it has been made in about 40 countries now I think.

Sorry - Didn't know that.

I want Janelle or Howie to win. Howie's not doing good AT ALL this season, with his lame ass insults at Will but I still support him ^^; James T_T Wish he would have stuck with season 6 and not backstab them. I'm so glad Janelle caught on to him, but upset that she didn't call him out publicly about it and put him up on the block. But I HATE Marcellas so much so I hope he gets evicted. Also hope that it's Marcellas to get evicted cause then maybe Janelle wouldn't trust Chilltown so much.

It's great how Will suggested putting up James on the block when they were in the HoH room xD
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on August 17, 2006, 11:26:59 PM
Will is such a bastard. XD  I actually am starting to like Will, but Boogie drives me nuts. XD XD

Marcellas I didn't mind much because he was Janelle's biggest fangirl... fanboy.  But now he just lies to her face and says mean things in the diary room about her. -_-

Janelle REALLY should have told S6 why she didn't nominate Chill Town (the fact that they don't have the best track record in competitions is true), but she isn't the one that screwed over S6.  Everyone in the house wanted S6 out before she ever went after the floaters. XD  It was damn James running off to his Danielle so fast.

Poor Kaysar.. what a birthday it was for him.  Coming out, hearing that James was betraying them, then the Julie Chen-bot reading out those nasty quotes he said about Janelle. XD  Kaysar got voted out three times already though, and this season he didn't really do anything.. I don't want him back in the house. :p
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on August 18, 2006, 12:02:36 AM
Marcellas I didn't mind much because he was Janelle's biggest fangirl... fanboy.  But now he just lies to her face and says mean things in the diary room about her. -_-

Lol, that's why I want him out  - that and cause he voted out Kaysar T_T

I like James, just wish he would betray LoD (Legion Of Doom) in the end and somehow help out S6 (not gonna happen - wishful thinking)

Yeah that's gotta suck for Kaysar. He really shoulda done something instead of trying to get the floaters, and went after Chilltown.

Overall, I'm REALLY enjoying this season, and gonna look forward to it cause MOST the people I didn't want to see on the show are gone already (Allison/Nikomis/Diane) and after Marcellas+Danielle leave, I'll be glad.

Any idea on what the phrase for the coup detate is? I thought it was "Do Not Assume" or "Expect the Unexpected" as soon as Julie said a phrase used in the BB house. Funniest thing ever was when Janelle told Howie to tell the rest of the houseguests "Spool of Lies" and everyone's like WTF BULLSHIT. Ah, Howie is just great. Also funny during the food competition when they fucked up on one of the days, Howie was like YEAH!! and Will told him he was a dumbass and that meant they got slop.

great stuff.

off topic: also noticed your from Edmonton - Me too ^^;
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on August 18, 2006, 12:12:03 AM
More Edmonton residents?  Always awesome! XD  Site of the first JPH!P World Tour. :p

Actually, after Sunday's episode of BB I was surfing around and might have come across some spoilers.. so I know what the phrase is, but it's probably better to wait for the show to hear it yourself. XD  

Howie is such a bad liar.  The spool of lies thing was so bad. XD  Danielle repeatedly asking "Howie, are you lying to me?" and he got caught in the lie.  "Because... a sheep............. like.... a rug... blanket.. and yarn.. like the needle..." XD!!

It was worse than James trying to throw the veto competitions! XD  The time he was on the block as a pawn and he didn't even try to make it seem like he wanted to win the veto was horrible. XD  What are you thinking, man??

My biggest WTF moment this season was when Janelle talked to Kaysar saying that she thought James was just on the block as a pawn and he was working with Danielle and Kaysar was all "No no no.  James wouldn't do that." XD  Thanks Kaysar.. Janelle was on the right track and you totally threw her off. lol

I'm enjoying the season a lot, myself.  I'm tempted to go pick up the couple earlier seasons that actually got put out on boxed set now.  Just to see what the houseguests were like back then.  I'm happy with a lot of the houseguests that have already left the house, but I was actually liking Jase a bit more this season than my total hatred in S5.  I would have loved to see him stay a couple more weeks.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: tiamato-kun on August 18, 2006, 12:58:28 AM
in concerns to the UK version of big brother, Glyn to Win!
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on August 18, 2006, 04:03:00 AM


Janelle.. so close and yet so far with her "sow what you reap" T_T
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on August 18, 2006, 06:01:18 AM
I have no clue what she was thinking when she gave that answer. XD  Poor confused girl.  But I love her.

My god.. during the HOH, I was just freaking out.  I just kept going "Come on, Howie!!  Come On!"  But it's Howie.. what are you going to do.  When I did find out the results of the HOH I wasn't sure which way it would go, and I got a phone call and missed the last three minutes at first.. so I had to wait for it to air again on this side of the country.. blah.  But now, I just saw the results of those last three minutes, and I am so excited and happy about how this turned out.  

This week will be very interesting.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on August 18, 2006, 06:39:10 AM
I feel bad for Howie cause they keep making fun of him =(
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on August 18, 2006, 08:30:36 AM
His handlebar moustache on tonight's episode probably isn't going to help, though. XD
Title: W00T GEORGIE!
Post by: vinbon_89 on August 18, 2006, 08:50:57 AM
So Georgie FINALLY gets HOH! And PERFECT timing too! With everyone (excluding George and Howie of course) going after Janelle, it's the perfect opportunity for Janelle and Howie to make new alliances (c'mon... GET ERIKA!)

GOD I HATE DANIELLE! Nothing would make me HAPPIER to see her lose the battle to Janelle. Honestly... if it wasn't for the Legion of Doom, Danielle wouldn't be there right now hah... And the nerve of Danielle's mom-- bragging about her daughter winning the PoV when she did NOTHING but stand there and get it handed to her, bugs the hell out of me.

 ((Ahhh.. why is Janelle so awesome?! lol. Forgive me, I :heart: her. XD ))
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on August 18, 2006, 08:57:28 AM
Quote from: vinbon_89
So Georgie FINALLY gets HOH! And PERFECT timing too! With everyone (excluding George and Howie of course) going after Janelle, it's the perfect opportunity for Janelle and Howie to make new alliances (c'mon... GET ERIKA!)

GOD I HATE DANIELLE! Nothing would make me HAPPIER to see her lose the battle to Janelle. Honestly... if it wasn't for the Legion of Doom, Danielle wouldn't be there right now hah... And the nerve of Danielle's mom-- bragging about her daughter winning the PoV when she did NOTHING but stand there and get it handed to her, bugs the hell out of me.

 ((Ahhh.. why is Janelle so awesome?! lol. Forgive me, I :heart: her. XD ))

TOTALLY AGREE! Thing I'm worried bout is that Mike uses the coup detat and puts up Janelle and Howie at the same time T_T =(

I was like on the edge of my seat when it was Danielle and George for the tie breaker.. 360 minutes (or was it seconds) ROFL
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: vinbon_89 on August 18, 2006, 09:10:20 AM
Quote from: Re-Sublimity
TOTALLY AGREE! Thing I'm worried bout is that Mike uses the coup detat and puts up Janelle and Howie at the same time T_T =(

I was like on the edge of my seat when it was Danielle and George for the tie breaker.. 360 minutes (or was it seconds) ROFL

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that about Mike~ I'm extremely worried about Boogie using the Coup d'etat against Janelle... If he's going to use it, then it just MIGHT be this time around.  If I were him, I wouldn't want to worry about Janelle getting HoH for the 2nd eviction-- (cuz we all know Janelle is so dangerous... ;) :heart: ). Just HOPEFULLY that's how it'll work out!! :o Janelle getting HoH for the 4th time would be hilarious!!
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on August 18, 2006, 09:22:30 AM
Janelle getting HOH for the fourth time in seven weeks would be absolutely stunning.  I wouldn't be surprised either.  I just hope Mike doesn't use the Coup d'etat and send Janelle packing.

I forgot to touch on the final question in the HOH Competition.  They had no hot water for what.. 5 days?  360 minutes is only 6 hours. XD  What were Danielle and George thinking??
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: vinbon_89 on August 18, 2006, 09:28:24 AM
Quote from: Chatin
I forgot to touch on the final question in the HOH Competition.  They had no hot water for what.. 5 days?  360 minutes is only 6 hours. XD  What were Danielle and George thinking??

I was SOO CONFUSED about that too! When George revealed his answer I was SURE Danielle had won... but then I guess Danielle was dumber than he was. Lol... come to think of it, I dunno WHY i was expecting so much more from her. XD
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on August 18, 2006, 10:17:58 AM
Howie needs to win something o_o.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on August 18, 2006, 10:57:50 AM
Quote from: Re-Sublimity
Howie needs to win something o_o.

His form has.. gone downhil a bit since Season 6.  Do we have any chance at seeing Howie win a knowledge based competition? :sweatdrop:

I just hope that in the situation that Janelle be put on the block (with Howie off) that Howie could win a POV then to ensure the safety of both. XD
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Tuffty on August 18, 2006, 02:20:44 PM
When I think about who should win UK BB7, it's all a case of choosing who I dislike the least. Aiselyne's always moaning about something, Glyn's a moron, Richard's gay interpretations in everything is getting old, Pete's annoying, Jennie's the most undeserving housemate ever and Nikki, oh God, don't even get me started on the whiny, selfish, arrogant, over-prounciating child. So I would want either Aiselyne or Glyn to win. I don't really get why people hate Ash though. She cries a lot, sure, but she's not the worst housemate in existence.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: ~Dan~ on August 19, 2006, 04:06:33 AM
(UK BB7)

Dammit I wanted Aisleyne to win.  Still, 3rd is pretty good.  Wasn't Nikki's "interview" embarrassing, lol.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Danyu on August 19, 2006, 04:24:37 AM
Quote from: ~Dan~
(UK BB7)

Dammit I wanted Aisleyne to win.  Still, 3rd is pretty good.  Wasn't Nikki's "interview" embarrassing, lol.

Hah, totally.  Still pissed of Pete won it, ANYONE but Pete and I would have been happy.

His best bits were just some tourret outbursts...great.  Shoulda been Aisleyne.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Tuffty on August 19, 2006, 06:27:27 PM
Quote from: ~Dan~
Wasn't Nikki's "interview" embarrassing, lol.

I could not watch it. Nikki must have been anticipating that she would win and was shocked to have come out at that stage so she didn't know what to do. The boos certainly didn't help her esteem. Thank God I don't have to hear any more about her. Grace was more likeable ffs.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on August 20, 2006, 01:37:09 AM
NA BB7: Is there a veto this week since it's double eviction?
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on August 20, 2006, 02:44:58 AM
Quote from: Re-Sublimity
NA BB7: Is there a veto this week since it's double eviction?

There isn't for the first eviction. Not sure about the second.  I sure hope so, though. XD

I've been spoiling myself again.  I can't wait for the next BB episode to air. :o
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on August 20, 2006, 03:22:40 AM
Tomorrow =(
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on August 21, 2006, 04:06:36 AM
Ah shit, Boogie in power.. I really wish Will had told Mike about him offering to go up on the block or if George had said that's why he's putting Will up T_T

Howie - I wish he really had better comebacks sometimes. Also wish he gave Boogie a right hook or someshit @@.

Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on August 23, 2006, 08:15:04 AM
Quote from: Re-Sublimity


:D :D:D:D:D
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on August 26, 2006, 03:26:22 AM
Obviously from my saying there was no veto for the first of the two evictions this past week.. I was out of my mind. XD  I knew Howie was leaving at that point, but I forgot he wasn't one of the original nominees until I watched Sunday's episode.

Tuesday's episode was great to see, as well.  Janelle roughing James up (read: kicking his ass) was quality television.

Yesterday's show had me worried though... that Janelle might try and keep James in the house.  Thankfully she didn't do the wrong thing this time, because James is gone, and I am very happy.

I can't comment on their answers for the HoH competition, because while I was watching, I was trying to remember which came first and I wasn't sure, myself. If I was in the game, living it.. I probably wouldn't have been so lost, but watching... I was just thinking how bad I would do in that comp.  :sweatdrop:  Erika as HoH will be.. interesting, I guess.  I'm worried about Janelle.  Erika still thinks she's part of Chill Town, so CT probably isn't anywheres on her radar.

Now, I just spent earlier today watching all of this weeks' editions of House Calls.  I don't know if the rest of you bother to watch House Calls, but I'm a bit of a fan.  Yesterday's House Calls episode was especially fun to watch.  They had the Stats Stud call into the show.. some nerd who has been keeping track of all sorts of things in the big brother house since Season Two, and has probabilities for everything.  Did you know that if you are HoH, you have a 45% chance of going on the block the next week?

Most interesting was that he was a total jackass, but that just adds to the fun.

Oh, yes.. and DOUBLE EVICTION next thursday.  That is kind of scary.. let's see if Janelle came make it through it.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: vinbon_89 on August 26, 2006, 08:43:06 AM
Quote from: Chatin

I don't know if the rest of you bother to watch House Calls, but I'm a bit of a fan.

Yah... i definitly don't watch House Calls. XD

Anyway! Erika being the HoH is NOT a good thing! See... Erika is too busy making out with Mike to nominate him-- In turn, she wouldn't want to ruin her chances with Mike (lol), so she wouldn't nominate Will.  She's in an "alliance" with Chicken George... so that leaves 2 people to put up on the block.  Janelle and Danielle.  However, Janelle has the numbers going for her. (woot! :D )  Thank God that she's in an alliance with Will, Boogie AND Chicken George.  Yahoo! I think Danielle is going out the door this week! Nothing makes me happier!!

EDIT: My bad, I totally forgot 2 people were walking out the door this week... does that mean whoever's up on the block is automatically evicted!?!?  PLEASE LORD! If Janelle is up for eviction LET HER WIN THE POWER OF VETO!!!
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on August 26, 2006, 09:15:48 AM
Quote from: vinbon_89
Anyway! Erika being the HoH is NOT a good thing! See... Erika is too busy making out with Mike to nominate him-- In turn, she wouldn't want to ruin her chances with Mike (lol), so she wouldn't nominate Will.  She's in an "alliance" with Chicken George... so that leaves 2 people to put up on the block.  Janelle and Danielle.

I'm not sure about Erika putting up Danielle.  I still don't feel like her "alliance" with Chicken George means much.  Also, I think her nominations will depend mostly on what Boogie tells her to do.  Since in the past Chill Town has expressed their decision to pit Janelle and Danielle against each other, I'd figure they'd urge Erika to take out Chicken George and then get rid of Erika the following week.

At least that is probably what Will wants to do.  Boogie I'm not so sure of.  Several people have always expressed their interest in taking Erika to the end because they all felt they could win against Erika.

This week will definately be interesting.

On the topic of House Calls, I highly recommend it.  It's entertaining..  you get to hear what other fans are thinking.. and when a house guest is evicted, you get to hear more of their thoughts than just the couple minutes Julie gives them as they walk out the door.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on August 26, 2006, 09:51:03 AM
Yeah, I'm thinking Erika is gonna nominate Chicken George and Janelle, and she'll tell Chicken George that he is the pawn.

I don't think either Will OR Boogie can beat Erika in the end since she hasn't done anything to rub anyone the wrong way.

I felt sad for Janelle when she was crying =( Thinking that she'll be put up on the block, she HAS TO WIN THE VETO!!

btw: What time is house calls on in Edmonton time Chatin?
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on August 26, 2006, 10:34:04 AM
Quote from: Re-Sublimity
btw: What time is house calls on in Edmonton time Chatin?
Last season I think I caught it at 1:30 PM or something like that, but I can't remember for sure.  This season I've been watching them from the archives. XD

EDIT:And here is my prediction for the rest of the week.

Erika nominates Janelle and Chicken George.
Janelle wins POV, uses it on herself.
Erika replaces Janelle's nomination by putting Danielle on the block.
Chilltown tells Janelle they are taking out Danielle, and tells Erika they are taking out Chicken George.
Will and Boogie vote for Chicken George and Janelle votes for Danielle.  Chicken George is evicted.
Janelle wins HOH.

I want to predict that she'd go on to nominate Chill Town, Will would be saved from the chopping block, and Janelle would be manipulated into putting Erika on, and then sending her out of the house.  However, it's a little early considering we don't know who is leaving this week. :p
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on August 29, 2006, 01:42:56 AM
So I was spoiling myself as I have been for the past week and a bit now, and I realized my predictions were flawed because I forgot to take the double eviction into consideration.  At this point, I won't bother changing my prediction.. I just have no clue how the second houseguest will be evicted.

Tomorrow's episode will be amazing.

And as for yesterday's episode.. I was right on the money with Janelle and Chicken George being nominated. XD  The Flowers, Birds, and Bees Food/Luxury Competition was crazy as hell too.  I'd love to compete in BB some day. :sweatdrop:
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on August 30, 2006, 03:19:55 AM
Janelle is a goddess <3

Tonight's episode was GREAT, Danielle has gone crazy. Wonder what she'd be like in the sequester? house.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: vinbon_89 on August 30, 2006, 10:32:27 PM
Eeeee!! I'm so happy!!! :D Go Janelle, Go Janelle! Damn she's so good! :heart:

Chill Town is SOOoooooo EVIL! I can't believe how they are able to manipulate everyone~ XD Danielle is yet another victim...

I feel bad for Erika... Boogie is taking the showmance way too far. (maybe?) When she finds out that he's just been playing her... oh, she's going to be mad! Or sad..? Seeing that she's such an 'emotional' player. I would kill someone if they did that to me.

Go Janelle! :heart:
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: vinbon_89 on September 01, 2006, 07:05:48 AM
Janelle *cry*--- if only you would have put up Chill Town... they would have been SPLIT UP TONIGHT!! That was the dumbest move she could've made. Of COURSE Will had to have the last word before the nominations. How is Will so persuasive?! I don't understand...

Erika winning the next HoH is the best case scenario. Because regardless of who wins the HoH, Janelle is going up on the block.  Erika would put up Will beside her... i'm hoping to God Janelle wins PoV-- Will and Boogie are both up for eviction, and one of them is sent packing. I think that if Janelle or Erika is in the final 2 with a Chilltown member, the girl will win.  But if things go extremely wrong, Chilltown can be the final two... who wants to see them win? ; ;

C'mon girls... take those boys out! XD
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on September 01, 2006, 11:05:22 AM
That's a pretty good plan actually vinbon, I was thinking more Boogie win it, put Erika/Janelle up, then Janelle wins pov or doesn't and Will would most likely boot Erika.

But if Erika won.. T_T
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on September 01, 2006, 04:43:21 PM
I was a  little upset with Janelle after last night's episode.  It was the perfect time to ensure that someone from Chilltown was sent packing, but no.. let's send Chicken George out the door instead. :sweatdrop:

I agree that Erika winning HOH is probably the best situation, but even then.. is Janelle's winning streak over?  This week decides a lot.  It'll be interesting to see what happens.

Was anyone else confused when the houseguests were saying they thought there were more than two weeks left?  The finale is on Sept. 13th, I'm pretty sure.  What have they been telling the guests? :P  Unless of course this is a big twist for the audience.. dun dun DUNNNN.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on September 06, 2006, 03:01:06 AM
I'm not going to say anything more about tonight's episode yet (I'll wait until everyone has gotten a chance to watch it), but this was definately THE episode to watch this season.

From start to finish, it was just.. wow.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on September 06, 2006, 04:01:46 AM
Holy shit T.T

Just saw it, and I gotta agree~ can't wait to discuss after everyone's seen it =P
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on September 06, 2006, 06:02:57 AM
So, by this point the show has also aired on the West Coast, so if these are STILL spoilers to someone, it's your own fault for coming in here after a show has aired. :P

First off.. the conversation between Janelle and Erika outside.  My god.. the two of them with their "Did they tell you that you were a member of Chill Town?" "Yes!  Did they tell you?" "OMG YES!"... that was just amazing television to watch.  Seeing the two of them finally figure it out, and Will squirming with the realization of how screwed he was.. just wow.  This was up there with Kaysar telling Maggie that her partner's fate was sealed when Maggie still thought she was the only one to enter the house with a secret partner in Season Six.  Just amazing.

Next, Janelle voting out Will.  I wanted her to, but I HONESTLY did not expect it.  I thought Erika was gone for sure, because Janelle just hadn't been in the right headspace with Will around her all the time.  Her little speech of making no more mistakes was amazing to watch too (however, she obviously didn't mean it, as I will touch upon later).

A quick couple comments on the Sequester House bit.. the part where George snuck into the kitchen just as someone had said something demeaning about him was great.  Even better was to see that Howie is still being a total ass.  Good to know that my new hatred of him has a reason.  Poor George when Howie was just nailing into him with the insults.  It was funny when "Busto" April was getting thrashed, but George doesn't deserve it.  I like you, man.  You're real cool.

Back to the house for the first round of the HOH competition... right from the beginning, I knew that Janelle didn't understand the rules.  She seems to have troubles with Julie Chen's instructions alot.. she is late giving answers in HOH competitions.. she forgets to turn off her light, or erase her board.  She leaves us waiting as she writes down her answer "We need an answer, Janelle."  

Boogie looked completely lost after Will walking out the door.  He realized how screwed he was, because Will was running the whole show.  He was ready to cry.  His bit in the HOH competition was him trying to act cool, like he was in control.  This move was definately a "Wow, this is exciting" moment, but it really got watered down by the quick shot of Janelle (not realizing the rules needed BOTH hands on the key at all times) taking one hand off her key.  

Coming back from commercials, Boogie's move in the competition obviously wasn't anticipated as Julie Chen was now forced to trip over cue cards as the teleprompter wasn't prepared for this situation.  Things went more downhill as Janelle took her hand off the key for a second time (still unaware that BOTH hands must be on the key) and the competition was ended before the volcano even began to do anything (wow.. all that money down the drain!! XD).

"I didn't take my hands off the key!"  That's right, Janelle.. you didn't take both off.. but unfortunately (not emphasized in the rules, however), one hand off means you were out.

I would have liked to see how far Janelle would have gone in that competition, as well as what the volcano was going to do, but I guess we won't know this time.  Considering that Boogie is just going to quit the next round as well, they might as well just skip on to Janelle versus Erika for the final round and the final HOH.

If Erika wins HOH, will she take Janelle or Boogie?  At this point, especially considering her message (about how Chill Town was found out) to Will.. I think Erika will take Janelle and kick out Boogie.  It just depends if Boogie can work any magic on her without the puppet master telling him what to do.

Damn.. I wish it was Thursday already.

EDIT: I find it a bit ironic that the three people discussing the US Big Brother are all from Alberta, Canada. XD
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: vinbon_89 on September 07, 2006, 03:49:22 AM
What can i say!? Janelle is a Goddess! Mwahhh! :heart: I was so proud of her when she finally let Willie go. It brings tears to my eyes. :') I had so many doubts in my mind that Janelle would be kicked out earlier in the game... especially when:

1.) James started going after her.
2.) When the rivalry between Danielle and Janelle started.
3.) When the Legion of Doom started dominating.
4.) When Janelle was alone in the house.
5.) When Janelle didn't put up Will or Boogie up in the double eviction week.
6.) ...there were way more but i can't remember right now XD

And to think she's STILL in the game is exciting! Janelle has a great chance at winning this game~ I've been rooting for her since the beginning of BB6. :D Hopefully this time she'll go all the way!!

Stupid Mike is an idiot... why the heck would he give up the HoH competition... why not just PLAY the FREAKING GAME!! Damn poor sport... gar that makes me so mad. :evil: There's no way the girls would take him to the Final Two, the girls now know how they've been played, so it's time for them to take revenge.  If Erika somehow gets HoH, and brings Boogie to the Finals, I will be extremely shocked...

Bleh.... I have faith in Janelle. She can win this whole thing. I can feel it. GO JANELLE!! :heart:
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: MurasakiNeko on September 07, 2006, 08:34:23 AM
I used to be captivated by the series, i would work out during the show, the people kind of inspired me to get some muscles...

But recently, the series got repetitive and boring, i occasionally see a few eps when i skim to them while chanel surfing, but when i do, i'll end up doing something else... (internet!)

Oh, and the brittish version is soo much better! i saw it when i was visiting my brother, and the people selected are fun to watch. especially that one guy, whats his name... Peter? the guy with Tourettes Syndrome. Great guy.
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Re-Sublimity on September 08, 2006, 03:00:51 AM

Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Chatin on September 08, 2006, 03:11:52 AM
Damn.  Well I know who America will be voting for. :P
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: Pepto Bismol on September 08, 2006, 03:30:44 AM
We all are ( or most of us ) like All-Stars one way or another
Title: Big Brother 7
Post by: vinbon_89 on September 08, 2006, 07:58:51 AM
Oh the Horror!! How could this happen!? :evil: Dammit... Why.. WHY, CRUEL WORLD!!! I want to cry. ; ;
EDIT: Well, We all know that Janelle is going to get the $25000... that makes it a little bit satisfying... If she won the 2nd HoH part that would've been the best thing EVAR... !!