My post #31,000 is dedicated to Rika, Yossi & all their fans!

Daigong's EPIC report pretty much covered everything so I'm just gonna babble a little bit about the concert. Alright so first of all I was dead tired and hungover before the concert started. I felt like shit while waiting for the concert to start but..... the moment the girls finally came on stage I felt recharged again. Seriously, seeing Rika live cured my hangover. That's how awesome she is. Anyways I have seen Rika live before but this time was so much more amazing. We were pretty close to the stage and even more importantly I was surrounded by my HiP Family. I gotta admit that seeing Rika & Yossi only a few meters away was almost like a religious experience. I've been a Rika-fan since 2002 so seeing her up close felt frickin' unreal. It has been four weeks since the concert and I still haven't quite realized what happened. I guess I kinda feel like a hockey player after winning the Stanley Cup lol. So, seeing Rika & Yossi only a few meters away was awesome but actually getting to communicate with them was EPIC. Rika and Yossi actually know us now. Can't get any better than that! I don't think Rika will ever forget shirenu doing "happy~" or "the Barry White of Finland" lol... So yeah, once the concert started I felt super genki again. I was jumping up and down and at one point my legs were so tired I had to take a little break. The crowd was pretty damn energetic and everybody was partying like crazy. GJ FINNISH FANS! Both daigong and I screamed our lungs out and I didn't hold back although I knew I was gonna go on stage to ask a question. Luckily my voice was still alright when the concert ended but when I went back to work two days later my voice was all fucked up. My voice is so loud that it was probably a positive thing that I temporarily lost my voice

I was gonna write this report like weeks ago but then I got drunk and forgot. So naturally I don't remember the setlist that well so I'm just gonna babble about random things that I still remember. Here we go! Mr. Monkey has the silliest dance ever but at least it ain't the first H!P related song with a silly dance choreography. I totally fell in love with Romantic ni Violence, Sadistic Dance & Lady Madonna. I did like them before the concert but I've been playing those three songs nonstop after the concert. Romantic ni Violence has never been my favorite H&A song but somehow it hit me hard during the concert. Lady Madonna is another song that was never a top favorite but! It's one of the most awesome live songs and the dance choreography is SEXXXY. You gotta experience it! Sadistic Dance is another awesome HIGH TENSION song and it got the crowd bouncing up & down. THIS IS MY BIKE. The most popular songs were KMKM & The Peace: they got the crowd going fucking bananas! That's what I love about H&A songs. Pretty much all of them are super energetic and perfect for live performances. Of course it would have been even more awesome if they had performed with a live band but fuck it. Rika & Yossi still rocked like there's no tomorrow! Speaking of Yossi, the concert definitely made me like her more. That girl has crazy rock star swagga! Crazy charismatic and she got them killer rock star moves. GJ Yossi! Rika & Yossi both got really different styles so them Hangry & Angry profiles ain't bullshit. Yossi's style is hardcore and masculine while Rika's gothloli style is more cute. Even their dance moves are slightly different. Like Rika totally owned Lady Madonna and her performance reminded me of burlesque shows. So cute, so sexy! Rika's dance moves were cute & smooth while Yossi got mad power behind every hip thurst. And man, they both got like endless energy! At one point I ran out of stamina but the girls just kept rockin'. I'm never gonna eat greasy ass junk food before a Hangry&Angry concert again.
The MCs were pretty awesome: both Rika & Yossi were mad pro and even their English messages were cute. Both girls are amazing performers and they know how to get the crowd excited. I gotta admit that I'm pretty damn impressed how hard they rocked considering that they come from an idol background. Small venue rock concerts are so much more intimate compared to Hello! Project concerts. When I saw v-u-den live three years ago, there was almost like an invisible wall between the girls and the audience. There was barely any interaction between v-u-den and the fans. The Hangry & Angry concert was so much more awesome cuz the girls were actually interacting with the fans during and after the concert. They totally bonded with the fans

Aight that's about it. Daigong, shirenu etc. covered the whole HiP meeting so thoroughly that I have absolutely nothing to say. But! I do have a few shout outs:
daigong: Sweet, sweet malebonding! Homie, you are THE craziest, most awesome dude I have ever met. I still can't believe we finally met after all these years. Shit was fucking EPIC. MAD PROPS for reppin' Da HiP like crazy!
shirenu: Awww! You were so cute <3 And you weren't shy at all, except when we were all wasted an' shit
Stryfe: My fellow kebab lover! We definitely gotta meet again. Drink more booze. Eat more kebab. Talk more shit. Fuck yeah!
NAzu: The coolest kpop fan I have ever met! But! You still gotta make those 10,000 posts
U.S.S. John E. Badass: Mad props for showing up! I'm still amazed how you stayed all classy an' shit even when you were wasted as fuck
twissie: It was nice meeting you and I'm happy that you're posting again. We didn't get to bond that much but I'm sure we'll meet again! Oh btw, the photos you took are awesome
Kimuuu: My homegirl! You are HiP as fuck! Sorry for tricking you into eating salmiakki, I bet your tastebuds still haven't recovered
Fushigidane: Oh man, if daigong is the craziest dude I have ever met then you must be the craziest girl. So weird, so energetic, so awesome!
Kio_ : We didn't really talk that much but thanks for hanging out with us!
Linna2040: We only met briefly but it was still cool meeting you
Hitomi Heaven Girls: Mad props for supporting H&A!
Mika, Mae, Golem, Hawaiichan, Tomokun, Tomochan, Sumiko & Sumiko's mom: HIGH TENSION! 本当にありがとうございました!梨華ちゃん最高!